Message from Chaggai Luber whose son Jonathan was killed in Gaza to the parents of the hostages who called for intensifying the struggle against the Government (the message can also be seen on Facebook here.) Chaggai is the founder of the religious theater company Aspaklaria.Response:
Nobody will burn my country.
We are tired o f the threats of extremists.
Yes, even if these extremists have relatives in Gaza.
You will not burn the country.
That's out of the question.
And if I have to fight you, I will fight.
Millions of people look at you in disbelief, disapproval, shock,
And only out of respect to you, they are silent.
I will not be silent.
My son was killed in Gaza.
He went to protect and free your children, and was killed
Left everything, left behind a pregnant wife and a nine-month-old child, and was killed
He won't come back again. Not in any deal.
And so I am allowed to tell you:
You must not break up the country.
You must not go wild.
You are not allowed to block roads.
You must not confront the police.
You must not call for people to refuse to serve.
You are not allowed to shake police cars.
You must not try to break into the Prime Minister's house.
The fact that your children are captives in Gaza,
It hurts, it's unfortunate, it tears us all to pieces inside,
This will make me send again the three sons I have left, to fight, and to risk their lives for them.
But this does not give you any special rights:
You have no right to 'take your gloves off'.
You have no right to curse the elected officials.
You have no right to scream “shame”.
You have no right to violate public order.
You have no right to block Ben Gurion Airport.
You have no right to declare a strike in the economy.
You have no such right.
Restrain yourselves - Do you hear?