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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Extremists in Ramat Beit Shemesh "daled" Testing New Mayor Implementing Segregation in Restaurants Etc

Chaim Yehuda Rubinstein Leader of Extremists 

Translation follows the Hebrew! 
 פרסום ראשון. הרב חיים יהודה רובינשטיין, מנהיג הקיצונים ברחוב ריש לקיש בבית שמש, החל לזמן אליו בעלי חנויות באזור *ודורש מהם להחמיר את הכללים בחנויות, כמו שעות פתיחה, מתחם ישיבה ולבוש המוכרות.* וזאת, שעות לאחר ניצחון המועמד החרדי לראשות העיר.

במקביל, רובינשטיין מפעיל לחץ על מערכות הכשרות ודורש מהם להתיישר עם התנאים שלו, ולהסיר את הכשרות מחנויות מסוימות, במידה ולא ייענו לדרישותיו.

רק אתמול, בעיצומו של יום הבחירות, *רובינשטיין דרש מראש העיר שמוליק גרינברג, שיתלווה אליו לקלפי על מנת שיוכל לדון איתו על פרטי ההסכם עם מפלגת 'דרך',* בראשות מוטי לייטנר. למערכת *'חדשות העיר'* נודע כי פניותיו לא נענו, וזאת לאחר שרובינשטיין גרם לאיבוד המנדט הרביעי של סיעת 'כח' בעקבות תסיסה בקהילות הצעירות על הזמנתו לאירוע חנוכת הבית של מטה 'כח'.

למערכת *'חדשות העיר'* נודע כי רובינשטיין מנהל כבר כמה שנים מאבק אישי נגד לייטנר, פעיל שכונתי שאחראי על מספר יוזמות לצעירים ברמת בית שמש, *וכעת הוא לחוץ בעיקר מהסעיף שמעניק ללייטנר את האחריות על השיטור העירוני, וזאת נוכח עבירות הבנייה בבית המדרש שלו ובדירתו ברחוב ריש לקיש.*

בתקופת בלוך, משטרת בית שמש עצרה גורמים מטעם רובינשטיין שאיימו על בעלי חנויות. *האם גם עכשיו, לאחר המהפך בעירייה, המשטרה בראשות אלון ויינשטיין תמשיך לפעול בעוצמה ותשים את ידה על רובינשטיין?* ימים יגידו.

 Hours after the Grinberg's Election as Mayor , the leader of the extremists summoned store owners and declared war on the 'Derach' party* 

" Rabbi" Chaim Yehuda Rubinstein, the leader of the extremists on Rish Lakish Street in Beit Shemesh Daled, began summoning shop owners in the area and demanding that they tighten the rules in the shops, such as opening hours, seating areas, and the clothing of the saleswomen. This is only hours after the victory of the ultra-orthodox candidate for mayor.

In addition, Rubinstein put pressure on the Hechsheirim agencies and will have his own, threatening to remove the hechsheirim from certain stores, if they do not meet his conditions 

Just yesterday, in the midst of election day, Rubinstein demanded that Mayor Shmulik Greenberg accompany him to the polls so that he could discuss with him the details of the agreement with the Derech party, led by Motti Leitner.

 His requests were nso not met,  after Rubinstein caused the 'Koiach' faction to lose its fourth mandate due to unrest in the young communities over his invitation to the Chanukas Habayis event of the 'Koiach' headquarters.

The "News of the City" system has learned that for several years Rubinstein has been actively fighting against Leitner, a neighbor who is responsible for a number of initiatives (Kiruv) for young people in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Rubinstein has it in for Leitner as Leitner reported Rubuinstein's building violations at his Beit Midrash and his apartment on Rish Lakish Street.*

During the Bloch era, the Beit Shemesh police arrested officials backing Rubinstein who threatened shop owners. 

*Will the new administration, with the new police director Alon Weinstein continue to act firmly control Rubinstein?* Time will tell.

India announces steps to implement a citizenship law that excludes Muslims

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government on Monday announced rules to implement a 2019 citizenship law that excludes Muslims, weeks before the Hindu nationalist leader seeks a third term in office.

The Citizenship Amendment Act provides a fast track to naturalization for Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Christians who fled to Hindu-majority India from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan before Dec. 31, 2014. The law excludes Muslims, who are a majority in all three nations.

The law was approved by Indian Parliament in 2019, but Modi’s government had held off with its implementation after deadly protests broke out in the capital, New Delhi, and elsewhere. Scores were killed during days of clashes.

The nationwide protests in 2019 drew people of all faiths who said the law undermines India’s foundation as a secular nation. Muslims were particularly worried that the government could use the law, combined with a proposed national register of citizens, to marginalize them.

Monday, March 11, 2024

In Yiddish! Nitra Rav Beit Shemesh Debunks the "Three Oaths" Laughs at the Assertion that "the State is Holding Up Moshiach"

 Rav Amrom Gross Shlita ... 

Satmar Rebbe R' Aharon Meets With "treifineh" OU Rabonim Concerning Kashrus Of Mezuzos On The Market


Do they know something we don't? American Billionaires Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Mark Zuckerberg, Jamie Dimon and Walmart's Walton family sell a staggering $11 BILLION in stock -


American billionaires are selling stocks by the boatload - sparking fears of an impending financial disaster.

Jeff Bezos - the third-richest man behind Louis Vuitton's Bernard Arnaut and Elon Musk - unloaded $8.5billion in Amazon shares this month alone.

Mark Zuckerberg - the fourth-richest - sold about 1.4 million Meta shares worth roughly $638million.

Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JPMorgan, shilled $150 million this past week, in his first cash-out since taking the reins at the bank nearly two decades ago.

Within days, Apollo Global Management's Leon Black also enacted his first-ever sale, shedding $172.8million in his equity firm after 34 years. Walmart's Walton family sold $1.5billion in a week, bringing its total sale proceeds to $2.3billion since December.

The series of transactions were all made within weeks of each other, and have already sparked conversation amongst onlookers.

Experts this week theorized the sales could be the result of the looming election, and as the S&P 500 index - a decent measure of the larger economy - remains at an all-time high.

'If you're reading the tea leaves and looking at what may happen with our politics in the next year or so, things are pretty good right now - the markets are up,' finance firm consultant Alan Johnson told Fortune late last month.

The staffer at Manhattan-based Johnson Associates went on to suggest the sales could be the result of potentially volatile fall, to coincide with the upcoming general election.

'With our politics and everything else going on geopolitically, maybe it won't be as good a year from now or two years from now,' he conceded.

The expert then pointed to the S&P 500's recent, impressive performance, and how it has risen more than 27 percent in the past year.

This development added billions to the portfolios of the figures responsible for the recent sales within a year, Johnson reminded - adding that these execs are currently 'more in the money' than expected.

Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence" that the Trump administration pushed for 10,000 National Guard members to be on the streets

The Jan. 6 congressional committee allegedly falsely claimed it did not have evidence showing former President Donald Trump’s administration requested National Guard assistance, according to a report detailing a "hidden transcript" that was recently released. 

"The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative. Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along: President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down," Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk said in a statement on Friday. 

Loudermilk released a transcript of former White House deputy chief of staff Anthony Ornato’s interview with the congressional committee investigating Jan. 6 on Friday, following the Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, also a Fox News contributor, reporting, "Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence" that the Trump administration pushed for 10,000 National Guard members to be on the streets. 

Ornato’s interview was conducted in January 2022, and attended by Cheney, among other members on the committee. In addition to serving as deputy chief of staff under Trump, Ornato served in the Secret Service for decades. 

The committee, which included seven Democrats and two now-former Republican Congress members, Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, concluded that it found "no evidence" that the Trump administration called for 10,000 National Guard members to Washington, D.C., to protect the Capitol. 

Nancy Mace Tells Off Clueless George Stephanopoulos in heated exchange over Trump support: ‘Trying to shame me'


Shmuel Greenberg defeats Aliza Bloch in Beit Shemesh ... Will Chaos and Corruption Return?


DIN: While Abutbul was Mayor, there was widespread corruption and he allowed extremists to control the streets. For the last 5 years Dr. Aliza Bloch, from the Dati Leumi Camp, was able to at least dampen the extreme violence of the Aarilich and the other extremists. She was a very decent woman who tried pacifying all residents from all different types. The Chareidim who wanted "achdus" united to defeat any smidgen of decency left in politics and with the help of the gedoilim they defeated the voice of reason. This was not "achudus' but "pirud." 
 I fear for Beit Shemesh, and even though Grinberg is basically a nice guy he is beholden to the Chareidim who only care how much money they will get for their moisdis!  

Beit Shemesh mayoral candidate Shmuel Greenberg on Sunday defeated incumbent Mayor Aliza Bloch in the runoff of the municipal elections.

Greenberg received the support of all the haredi parties in the city after he advanced to the runoff against Bloch.

At a victory event on Sunday night, Greenberg told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News, "I thank God, we won, Beit Shemesh won, as of tomorrow morning there will be a new day here. We will act in unity with all sectors and bring unity and action in the city. There will be a wall-to-wall coalition with all factions, those who are haredi and those who are not."

The chairman of Degel Hatorah, MK Moshe Gafni, arrived at Greenberg's house after the announcement of the results to congratulate him on his election as mayor.

In the first round, the Shas Party supported Deputy Minister of Agriculture Moshe Abutbul, who failed to advance to the runoff and then endorsed Greenberg.

Greenberg served as the deputy mayor of Beit Shemesh on behalf of Degel Hatorah. He is a graduate of the Mandel Institute, has a master's degree in public policy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a bachelor's degree in law from Ono Academic College.

Iranian Lady with sick child Screams at "Iraninan Kollel Guy" Because he filmed her not wearing her Hijab ..


Mazal Tov .. 87 Year-old RY R' Zvi Kushelevsky and his Wife in her 50's Gives Birth to a Baby Boy ...

 87-year-old, Rabbi Zvi Kushelevsky and his wife in her 50s have given birth to a baby boy. 

Rabbi Kushelevsky  leads Yeshivat Heichal HaTorah in Jerusalem. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

This is Israel


These are the Brave women of the IDF


Listen to UK MP Andrew Percy's Powerful and Sobering speech


Watch How Teitelbaum Family Gets Ready for Peeeeerim


Don't Mess With Black Jewish Cops


One Single Man Denouncing Hamas Arrested While the person who assaulted him and the women screaming supporting HAMAS TERRORISTS Go FREE .


Hamas activists parade through Teaneck


Netanyahu Sets Biden Straight


Top microchip makers are postponing US expansion and instead expanding in "dangerous" Israel and even Russia because American grants come with so many 'equity' caveats


Top microchip makers are postponing their expansion into the U.S. and setting up shop in Israel and Russia due to equity caveats that are required for them to receive grants from the U.S. government.

The Biden administration promised earlier this year that they would be handing out $39 billion in grants to encourage semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S.

Shortly after the announcement however, Intel announced they would be holding off on their Columbus factory, while Samsung also delayed their facility in Texas

Despite the billions in subsidies, two experts believe the tech companies' decision to back out of building manufacturing facilities in the U.S. stems from the diversity, equity and inclusion policy.

In an opinion piece for The Hill, CEO of Strive Asset Management Matt Cole and head of research at the company, Chris Nicholson, say the subsidies are so 'loaded with DEI that it can't move.'

FDNY commissioner is branded a 'fascist pit bull' for threatening to 'hunt down' firefighters who booed AG Letitia James and chanted 'Trump' during speech


Pit Bull 

FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh has been branded a 'fascist pit bull' after announcing plans to seek out the unruly firefighters who booed New York Attorney-General Letitia James as she gave a speech earlier this week.

James was speaking at a New York Fire Department promotion ceremony on Thursday when the jeers began before she even took the stage. 

The firefighters shouted Donald Trump's name as James appealed for calm from those gathered at the Christian Cultural Center's Brooklyn Campus.

But it appears those behind the chanting may not get away with it if Fire Department chiefs have anything to do with it.

FDNY Chief of Department John Hodgens sent an email to department leaders warning of an impending investigation by the Bureau of Investigation and Trials (BITS) into the booing and 'Trump' chants directed at James. 

Hodgens has urged those involved to come forward voluntarily to avoid being pursued by the department which is currently reviewing video footage of the entire ceremony.

'BITS is investigating this, so they will figure out who the members are,' Hodges wrote to FDNY chiefs on Saturday.