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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Buses of Migrants Bound for NY Are Being Dropped off at NJ Train Stations Evading New York Regulations

A New Jersey mayor says buses of migrants bound for New York City have been stopping at the train station in his town and others in an apparent effort to evade an executive order by New York’s mayor trying to regulate how and when migrants can be dropped off in the city.

Secaucus Mayor Michael Gonnelli said Sunday that Secaucus police and town officials had been told by Hudson County officials about the arrival of buses at the train station in Secaucus Junction beginning Saturday. He said four buses were believed to have arrived and dropped off migrants who then took trains into New York City.

The Chasid Who Established Kiryat Malachi’s Local Guard

 At first glance Assaf Peleg presented an unusual sight to residents of Kiryat Malachi. On the one hand he is dressed as a chasid, with a streimel and kapota on Shabbos, but at the same time he carries an M-16, a pistol and a telephone and gives orders to members of the local guard.

When residents learned of Peleg’s military background, they began to understand his unique position and capabilities. Assaf was a member of the crack Duvdevan commando unit, one of the toughest special operation IDF units. Peleg served as a squad commander in the unit before becoming a Baal Teshuva.

Protest Shut Down Belt Pkwy and Airtrain, CreateTravel Mayhem

Pro-Hamas protesters targeted the three major airports in the New York City-area on one of the busiest travel days of the year. 

 The hateful anti-Israel protesters yelled inflammatory chants, snarled traffic, and caused chaos as they descended upon JFK Airport on Monday. 

 The NYPD warned passengers to arrive early for any flights on New Year’s Day. 

 “If anyone is flying out of JFK Airport today, please plan to travel to the airport ahead of time. There are planned protests today and will cause delays. We don’t want anyone to miss their flights!,” NYPD Chief of Transportation Chief Philip Rivera posted on X. 

 According to the NY Post, the Belt Parkway was temporarily blocked off by police near Exit 20 to control the “Flood JFK For Gaza” protest, planned by Within Our Lifetime.

 “NYPD, KKK, IDF you’re all the same,” protesters inside an SUV screeched through a megaphone, according to video posted to X. Other footage posted to social media showed more than a dozen cars waving Palestinian flags and honking horns on the gridlocked parkway. A box truck displayed images of Israeli troops with Palestinian children, claiming “Israel has waged a war on the children in Palestine.” 

Later, some of the vehicles involved headed to LaGuardia Airport. LaGuardia’s X account also told passengers to allow extra time due to police activity. The AirTrain also had to be shut down for more than three hours. 

 Social media users voiced their outrage at the protesters clogging up traffic. “Bring bulldozers… clear the road!!!!,” Rick Gavin wrote on X. “Break out the water cannons. Enough of this…” another user said. X user James Gilmour said that the NYPD should “arrest all of them.” “Absolutely disgusting behavior. Arrest all of them. Scum of society,” Gilmour said. Another X user wrote: “Consequence, please & thx. All for protests, but not when it disrupts innocent lives.”

Monday, January 1, 2024

DIN: A Question to those Roshei Yeshiva that compare IDF Soldiers who are "Moiser Nefesh" to Garbage Collectors


זבולון לחוף ישכן  ..  יששכר חמר גרם

"Zevulin shall dwell at the shore of the sea"

"Yissachar is a large-boned donkey"

These words appeared in last week's parsha, when Yaakov on his deathbed blessed his children.

Commentaries are struggling with why Yaakov when addressing Yissacher & Zevulin mentions the younger Zevulin first.

The Rashbam postulates that since Zevulin engaged in trade using ships to trade abroad, it was Zevulin who provided sustenance for shevet Yissachar , allowing the latter to be engaged in the study of Torah, so he, Zevulin is mentioned first for he made it possible for Yissacher to go unscathed and devote himself to Torah. 

Yaakov saw fit to place a son of his who was involved in business, (not involved in putting his life on the line but involved in business,) on a higher pedestal than the one learning Torah because the businessman allowed the Torah Learner to dedicate himself to Torah, yet 3,500 years later a leading Roshei Yeshiva not only doesn't he acknowledge the sacrifice of an IDF soldier, who is protecting those learning, but compares him to a "garbage collector" 

And why did this bully ridicule the IDF soldiers?  

Because this coward is afraid that his talmidim respecting these heroes would come to admire them and maybe they would "chas ve'sholom" want to join. This frightens him! My message to him is, "if you are so worried that your talmidim would want to join them, then you have not instilled the proper love of the Torah in their souls. Someone who loves Torah so much that he makes it his "umnosoh" would never want to leave learning. You must be a very bad mechanich and a poor communicator. Leave your job in Yeshivah and become a garbage collector. 

? זו תורה וזו שכרה

Israeli MKs send letter to Biden demanding US 'share material', explain claims against settlers ..."this is a blood-libel"

Twenty-three Israeli MKs wrote to US President Joe Biden on Sunday, demanding an explanation of his administration's recent statements accusing settlers of violent acts against Palestinian residents in the West Bank.

"First and foremost, We would like to express our gratitude, on behalf of the People of Israel, for your staunch support of the State of Israel and for your unflinching stance in these difficult times," they wrote in the letter. 

They continued: 

"As members of Israel's Knesset and the Knesset Caucus to Combat Antisemitism and Delegitimization, we, like you, denounce violence against innocent civilians. We are turning to you today regarding a number of statements you made recently pertaining to a 'phenomenon' you have called upon our government to address, namely violence perpetrated by Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria against Palestinian Arabs.

The Kanievski Family Raking in a Fortune From the Late R' Chaim ... Now Sold His "rashash" Siddur for $2 Million


I have to laugh, the Litvishe fakers always yell that those working for an honest living are "baalei-batim' and are looked down upon by the oilam ha'Yeshivah.

Turns out that the "thumb twisters" are having the last laugh with a fantastic scheme to make money out of nothing!
For years they were taking money from everyone who wanted to see R' Chaim z"l, no one has a clue where that money went.

Everything in the house of R' Chaim z"l is for sale to the highest bidder, the lust for money in this family is one of the largest found in the Lithuanian world, in the past they claimed that the name 'Kanievsky' was a symbol of modesty, remember the articles they did on television about what the house looked like and the old kitchen is old-fashioned, so now we learn the truth because under the floors of the neglected house, they kept many millions

It wasn't too long ago that they were selling R' Chaim Kanievski's pants on ebay for mucho dollars, until the secular press mocked and ridiculed the sale, and they had to withdraw the pants, I wonder who is wearing them now?

Just recently R' Chaim's Children were fighting over the millions of $$$$$ generated from selling his handwritten Torahlech. Last week they sold his Shtreimal for $1.8 million

The Litvishe Velt sees nothing wrong with mocking those "jerks" and "jlubs" who wake up vasikin, run home to get a bite and shlep their lunch that their wives packed in a brown paper bag, come home after a full day of work, try to play with their children for a couple of minutes then run off to a shiur. These guys are looked down upon and called "baalei-batim." but they fail to see the irony of  the oilim ha'Torah selling their venerated  Roshei Yeshiva's underwear !

Give me a break! 

It Didn't Take Long for the Demon'Rats To Attack the Black Jew Running for Santos's Seat

DIN: To disguise their real concern, which is that they are frightened that this Jewish former IDF Soldier may actually win against the Demon'Rat Tom Suozzi they came up with some lame excuse, that Mazi Pilip failed to vote in key elections. But Tom Suozzi voted with President Biden and with Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the left-wing “squad” 90%” of the time, resulting in “an open border” and “staggering inflation.” Suozzi also raised taxes by millions of dollars when he was Nassau County executive.

The Republican candidate vying for lying ex-Rep.George Santos’ vacated New York seat failed to vote for years in key elections — including for the congressional office she’s running for, voting records reveal.

GOP hopeful and mom of seven Mazi Pilip, 44, first registered to vote Nov. 6, 2012, as a Democrat, according to her voting profile with the Nassau County Board of Elections obtained by The Post.

But the Great Neck resident — still a registered Democrat and currently a Nassau County legislator — didn’t actually pull a lever until four years later, skipping three years of elections.

She failed to vote in the 2013 election for Nassau County executive, the 2014 midterm congressional elections and the race for governor, and the 2015 vote for Nassau County legislature.

Pilip — an Ethiopian native and former Israeli soldier facing off against Democratic ex-Rep. Tom Suozzi in the Feb. 13 special election for the vacant Santos seat in the 3rd District covering parts of Nassau and eastern Queens — did vote in the 2016 presidential election.

But she did not then vote in the 2017 Nassau elections, 2018 race for governor and Congress and 2019 county elections, according to her records.

The congressional hopeful did not vote again until 2020 — a presidential election year. 

She voted in the 2021 elections — when she first ran and won a seat serving in the Nassau County legislature — the 2022 race for governor and Congress and in 2023, when she won re-election.

According to voting records, after registering as a Democrat in 2012, Pilip registered as a “blank” — not affiliated with any party — April 29, 2015.

She re-registered as a Democrat on May 5, 2015 — six days later — and has remained so.

The Suozzi campaign Democrats pounced.

“Mazi Pilip barely bothers to vote, she won’t debate Tom on TV, she won’t say who she voted for president or where she stands on most of the issues, and she offers nothing but nonsensical talking points dictated to her by party bosses,” said Suozzi senior campaign adviser Kim Devlin.

“The more we learn about her – the more troubling it is. We’ve seen this kind of candidate before in George Santos — the voters in Nassau and Queens won’t be fooled again,” Devlin said.

Nassau County Democratic leader Jay Jacobs added, “If you’re going to ask people to vote for you, you should have been someone who voted for their representatives when you had the chance.”

Pilip, in a statement released by her campaign, said she regretted “having missed voting in some elections” but said constituents should be more concerned about Suozzi’s voting record when he previously served in Congress and when he was Nassau County executive.

“Voting in elections is a privilege that every voter should exercise. As a former IDF [Israel Defense Forces] soldier who fought for freedom and the mother of seven children, Mazi Pilip is committed to teaching her children and all young people the importance of having their voices heard in elections,” a campaign spokesman said.

Her camp added that Suozzi’s voting record in Congress was “deeply troubling” — claiming he always voted with President Biden and with Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the left-wing “squad” 90%” of the time, resulting in “an open border” and “staggering inflation.” It claimed Suozzi raised taxes by millions of dollars when he was Nassau County executive, too.

“We are confident that when voters look at the voting records of Mazi Pilip in the Legislature compared to Tom Suozzi’s dangerous and extreme voting record in Congress, they will support Mazi Pilip for Congress,” Pilip’s campaign said.

The race is being closely monitored by both parties, which see it as a potential bellwether for which party wins in the House later in 2024.

The seat that Pilip and Suozzo are competing for was vacated when Santos, 35, became the sixth House member in history to be expelled.

He faced allegations of campaign finance violations and the surfacing of egregious lies about his personal and professional history.


Biden’s 2023 failures will only get worse in 2024

By Post Editorial Board

It’s New Year’s Day, time to take stock of 2023 and consider what lies ahead for 2024 — and for President Biden, his grim past presages a harsh future in a reelection battle for the ages. 

Biden took office with expectations high: He was the man who would return us to politics as usual after the disruptions of the Trump years.

He would oversee a period of healing and reconciliation and get the country back on the right track. 

How’d that work out, Joe?

From his first days in the Oval Office, he pursued an agenda 100% driven by the most radical elements within his party. 

On the border, the economy and foreign policy, he followed cues from online activists and insurgent hard-left electeds like AOC and Rashida Tlaib.

He imposed policies that have done this country grave harm and continues to mock and disparage anyone who dares to point out that this doddering emperor has no clothes. 

The past year revealed, in all their full and ugly panoply, the consequences of Biden’s ignorant, arrogant philosophy (if you can call it that). 

Consider the migrant crisis, which he and the open-borders enthusiasts in his Cabinet manufactured. 

The past year was an utter catastrophe, as illegal migrants — including scores of names on the terror watchlist — streamed into the country.

The official tally for fiscal 2023 is 2.47 million encounters at the southern border (with at least 1.7 million “gotaways,” migrants seen but not apprehended, since 2021).

That doesn’t even begin to take into account those never spotted by CBP — or the 483,404 who have streamed in since the end of fiscal 2023. 

The strain from these unprecedented influxes is overwhelming tiny towns at the border, trapping Americans in Mexico and straining the fiscal health of cities as far away as New York to the breaking point. 

Yet Biden remains utterly indifferent, only offering bogus “action” like last week’s pointless Blinken-Mayorkas “mission to Mexico” that simply puffed the ego of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador while doing nothing to slow the illegal tide.

Then there’s the centerpiece of Biden’s re-election campaign, “Bidenomics.” 

The president and his flunkeys in the press insist that Biden’s economic stewardship has somehow been good for average Americans, that it is building the economy “from the middle out and the bottom up.”

No: Prices are up 17.4% since Joe took office.

When you isolate key expenses, the picture’s even worse. Food is up 20.3%; rent is up 18.6%; electricity is up 24.3%. 

Hezbollah may attempt to invade from Jordan


The IDF is fundamentally changing its operational preparedness on the Jordanian border in light of an uptick in weapons smuggling from the kingdom and the fear of Iranian-backed terror attacks that may occur along it during 2024, Israel Hayom reported on Monday.

According to the report, the scenario of reference for which the IDF Central Command is preparing is an attempt by Hezbollah, or other pro-Iranian militias, to infiltrate the Jordanian border into nearby Israeli communities.

Israel's eastern border with Jordan is 309 KM (192 miles) long, and it is Israel's longest border with any of her neighbors.

In the past two years, there has been a dramatic spike in arms smuggling from Jordan into Judea and Samaria, and the IDF estimates that Iran is behind the parcels. Over 1,000 weapons of different varieties were caught along the border.

Among other things, the smugglers bring in air-soft M16 assault rifles, which have their parts switched out in Israel to allow them to fire actual bullets.

In one instance, an Iranian-made claymore mine was caught. The IDF knows that only some of the smuggling attempts are caught. This is one of the explanations for the rise in terror attacks and the availability of weapons in Judea and Samaria in the past two years.

The IDF has already doubled the scope of its forces along the border, and its 2024 work plan is even more extensive. The IDF is expected to ask the cabinet to build a barrier along the border as there is between Israel and Egypt.

In addition, watch posts will be erected, security will be increased, and additional means will be installed to contend with smuggling and foil possible terror attacks.

In recent weeks, Israeli inhabitants of the Jordan Valley have been reporting frequent sounds of gunfire from the area of the border. In light of the residents' complaints and as a lesson from the Hamas attack, the community security squads were reinforced with the goal of stopping a possible invasion.

Unbelievable FOOTAGE: New Video Shows Hamas Terrorists Roaming Freely In Israel On Oct. 7


Israel Channel 12 news aired previously unseen footage from the Hamas attack on October 7, showcasing the extent of the terror group’s infiltration into southern Israel.

The footage, which was captured by Hamas members, depicted terrorists moving freely for several hours in the region, including incursions into Kibbutz Sufa and other nearby communities.

The video material was obtained by Israeli authorities from the body cameras of the gunmen. This footage provides a rare and direct insight into the actions and movements of the Hamas members during their incursion into Israeli territory.

Video Player

Satmar's "girlfriend" Hochul Stabs them in the back, though they endorsed her and Kicked Lee Zeldin to the curb

I'm personally for continued development because the Jewish community is growing B"H and needs housing. Having said that, this news item would be too funny for words if it wasn't so tragic.  They endorsed the shiksa because she promised them $$$$$ and permits for development, and threw Lee Zeldin "the Jew" under the bus.  Satmar has a habit of always reminding the Zionists that "we are still in galut" but they refuse to apply this rule to themselves. I am confident that they haven't learned anything from this episode and will continue to endorse candidates that stand against Torah Values as long as those candidates promise them "Benjamins, " and as we all witnessed, they don't even have to deliver!  

A pair of laws signed into effect by Governor Kathy Hochul last week will tighten up the process by which villages can be created, with the proposed Sullivan County village of Ateres the only exemption to the new legislation.

The new laws will raise the 500 person population requirement to 1,500, will require multiple studies to be done to measure potential impact on the area and will create a state commission to decide if a referendum is allowed to proceed. Proponents of the laws had said the existing laws were archaic and needed to be updated.

According to The Journal News (bit.ly/3S31BpS), multiple efforts had been made previously in Albany to raise the population threshold over the years. While the bills that Hochul signed call for a population of at least 2,000 to create a new village, she stipulated that the bills will be amended during the upcoming legislative session to a 1500 person minimum.

The new laws will not apply to any petitions that had been already scheduled for a referendum on December 22nd, an exemption that will allow a referendum on Ateres’ petition to proceed as scheduled on January 18th. A Ateres encompasses an area that is approximately one and a half square miles, whose mostly Viznitzer residents are looking for a government that will be more responsive to their unique needs.

The legislation is anything but good news for the proposed Village of Seven Springs, located in the Orange County town of Monroe. The Journal News (https://bit.ly/3tDB9tM) reported that the Seven Springs proposal was rejected in September by local officials on technical details, with attorneys for the proposed village saying that they intended to appeal that decision in state Supreme Court.

Senator James Skoufis, sponsor of one of the two laws signed into effect by Hochul, said that it would put the brakes on “reckless development.” He noted that new villages require sanitation, highway maintenance and public safety services, a reality that requires a much larger population base than 500 people that could translate to as few as 60 to 70 homes.

“The Seven Springs fiasco, which would have proven an impossible lift for local taxpayers, all so a couple of wealthy developers could make a buck, has come to an end,” said Skoufis.

Seven Springs had only 597 inhabitants when its petition was filed, while Ateres had 834. The only other village in the formation process is Edgemont, located in Westchester, but its population meets the new state-mandated minimums.

In a nod to those who had categorized the 500 person population requirement as archaic, Hochul agreed that the time had come to modernize the state’s village incorporation procedures.

“We want our villages and surrounding towns to thrive,” said the governor.


Arab Blogger: ‘Suddenly We Discovered Gaza Wasn’t Besieged’


 In a series of posts on Twitter, Arab blogger and social media influencer Hoda Jannat wrote how she discovered the lies being spread by Hamas about Gaza.

1.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people… has 36 hospitals,” Jannat wrote.
“There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.

2.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel.
Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.

3.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone, and $120 million a month from UNRWA, and $50 million a month from the European Union, and 30 million dollars a month from America.
There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with one million dollars.

4.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged, and all goods were entering it, as were foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were traveling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and Fafo is the biggest example.

5.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries…and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.

6.Suddenly…we discovered that our minds were besieged by a programmed lie…by the (Muslim) Brotherhood media.”

7. Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually think, but children of terrorists with machine guns and suicide belts who underwent special training by Hamas.

8. Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals, and mosques in Gaza are organized terror headquarters and ammunition warehouses with Hamas’ underground tunnels.

9. Suddenly we discovered that in Gaza there is an underground “metro” of Hamas that stretches for 500 km, which Israel can only envy.

10. Suddenly we discovered that the supposedly doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists.

11. Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are kept in children’s rooms in Gaza homes.

12. Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book “Mein Kampf” were very popular in Gaza, and its translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza, or a portrait of the author.

13. Suddenly we discovered that Gazans live a life of luxury, with multi-story mansions with swimming pools and premium German cars.

14. Suddenly we discovered that there is no Israeli siege on Gaza because it still borders its Muslim sister Egypt.

15. Suddenly we discovered that most of the “citizens” in Gaza support Hamas and other terrorist groups, elected Hamas in democratic elections, and celebrated the massacre on October 7th.

16. Suddenly we discovered that what is called journalists in Gaza who work for Western media like CNN, AP, Reuters, and others turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.

17. Suddenly we discovered that what is called ‘peace activists’ and ‘workers of international human rights organizations’ of the UN, the Red Cross, and WHO, turned out to be terrorists and corrupt people of Hamas.

18. Suddenly we discovered that each of the leaders of Hamas is a billionaire and richer than President Trump, with a net worth of 4-5 billion dollars each.

Jannat also posted a video of a Gazan deli full of meat before the current war and wrote that “There are Arab people in Arab countries who eat meat once a year, like the Algerian people.”

Jannat’s exposure of Hamas caused outrage on social media as some called her a “traitor” and a “Zionist dog”. In some cases, they even called for her death.

However, others claimed that Janat’s words are “true” and that Hamas cynically used the UN and various international bodies over the years in order to clash with Israel.

How are we going to deal with the "Yamach She'mom'nickis?"


by Emailim Batorah 

הלכה ולא למעשה*


How to deal ע"פ דין תורה with the Neturei Karta רשעים
who march together & support the Palestinian רשעים?

Throughout our long history in גלות, there were Yidden (Frum) who were מוסרים (informers)

They profiteered by handing over other Yidden & their property to the Goyishe authorities.

These informers were considered the most despicable Yidden in
כלל ישראל.

Even though capital punishment was abolished shortly before the Churban, the one exception where they continued with capital punishment to this day (when possible & necessary) is for a מוסר.

There were numerous times when they killed a מוסר or managed to have him killed by others.

According to the Rambam, it seems, that it would be appropriate to
hire hitmen to beat, blow the brains out & break every single bone
of these despicable Frum רשעים who openly support רוצחים who
brutally murdered thousands of Yidden.

These despicable Frum רשעים is אסור לרחם עליהם. They have no רחמנות & keep pouring salt on the open wounds of כלל ישראל who are mourning the daily killings  ר"ל of אחינו בני ישראל.
These רשעים qualify as the Rambam's מיצר & מצער לציבור

רמב"ם חובל ומזיק ח:י"א
עשה המוסר אשר זמם ומסר. יראה לי שאסור להרגו אלא אם כן הוחזק למסור הרי זה יענש שמא ימסור אחרים. ומעשים בכל זמן בערי המערב לענוש המוסרים שהוחזקו למסור ממון בני אדם ולמסור המוסרים ביד העובדי כוכבים לענשם ולהכותם ולאסרם כפי רשעם. וכן כל המיצר לציבור ומצערן מותר למסרו ביד העובדי כוכבים להכותו ולאסרו ולקנסו.     

*This Halacha discussion is only for those actively participating & supporting the Palestinians 
& not for those who just have FARKRUMTE Hashkofos

IDF officer fluent in Arabic confronts Hamas Fighters says to them: “Hamas brought trouble upon you. You thought we wouldn’t reach you.”


Sinwar's Hiding Place in the Tunnels Equipped With Elevator Found and Destroyed


Dennis Ross Warns Biden’s Growing Pressure on Israel Will Backfire


Dennis Ross, who served as Director of Policy Planning under President George H. W. Bush, special Middle East coordinator under President Bill Clinton, and special adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, last week warned in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that while President “Biden’s strong response to the trauma of Oct. 7 has given him a great deal of credit with the Israeli public,” however, “threatening to withhold US aid unless Israel changes its policies would only have the effect of making the Israelis feel they must go it alone.”

“The reality is that US aid to Israel has never been a blank check,” writes Ross, and Washington has frequently used military assistance to push Israel to take risks for the sake of peace, or to help deter America’s enemies in the region. But “Israel is a democracy, its policy choices are often shaped and determined by public opinion, and history shows that if Israeli voters think the US is making unreasonable demands, it will reject them, regardless of the costs.”

US aid to Israel “is not simply a favor to Israel—it serves American geopolitical interests while also channeling much of the aid back to the US defense industry,” Ross points out, and acknowledges that “Israel has developed and shared critical new military technologies, whether ‘active armor’ to protect tanks, or the Arrow and Iron Dome anti-missile defense systems.”

After being ridiculed for purchasing Twitter Elon Musk Reclaims Title of the "World's Richest Person"


Bulldozers: A key weapon in the Gaza war



On October 7, Hamas terrorists attacked dozens of points along the border with Gaza. They broke through the security fence and massacred people in Israeli communities. It took days of fighting to secure the border area again on Israel’s side of the fence. When the fighting was mostly done and Israeli communities retaken, the damage had to be repaired, and Israel had to consider its next steps in the Hamas-run enclave [in Gaza].

Into the breach came key units from the Combat Engineering Corps. In the first month of the war, the engineers helped repair and reinforce the breaches in the security fence. When the ground operation in Gaza began, they were pressed into action to help neutralize explosive devices and create access routes for forces to enter the Gaza Strip.

One IDF statement in early November noted that “during ground operations in the Gaza Strip, combat engineering troops created access routes, cleared the area of explosive devices, and neutralized terror infrastructure and terrorist cells found in the area. Furthermore, combat engineering and infantry soldiers located and struck military compounds used for planning and executing terror activities.”

Today, some of the engineering forces and their vehicles have been brought back from the tough battles in Gaza. I drove down to the Erez Crossing to meet with members of the unit.

So Who is the one who said that the "Youth is Wasted on the Young?"