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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Hamas backtracks and Releases the Second Batch of Hostages


Thirteen Israelis and four foreigners were released from Hamas captivity Saturday evening.

The first hostages to be released were identified by members of their kibbutz, Kibbutz Be'eri, who were watching the live coverage from their hotel near the Dead Sea.

Sharon Avigdori, 52 years old, is a drama therapist who works with people on the autism spectrum.
She employs endless sensitivity and compassion to reach children on the autism spectrum, working patiently within their world to nurture each child's potential.

Additionally, Sharon mentors therapists and counsels parents of children on the spectrum.

Sharon loves people and animals, and anyone who knows her immediately falls in love with her because it’s impossible to miss her enormous heart.

Sharon was kidnapped with her daughter Noam from Kibbutz Be'eri. Additionally, seven more members of her family were kidnapped and 3 were murdered.

Noam Avigdori, 12 years old, about to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah. She is a cheerful girl who is always surrounded by many friends.

Noam is a member of the Scouts youth movement, a good friend to all, and very funny.

Because of her love for dogs, she would occasionally work as a dog walker for the dogs in the building.

Noam is described as a ray of light for their family, friends, and anyone who meets her and her radiant smile. Bursting with energy and charisma, always caring for others and volunteers whenever possible.

Noam was kidnapped along with her mother Sharon from Kibbutz Be'eri while visiting Sharon’s brother. In addition, 7 more members of her family were kidnapped and 3 were murdered.

Alma Or, 13 years old, is a very pretty girl, a good friend, and a funny kid. She was kidnapped from her home in Kibbutz Be'eri along with her older brother Noam and their father Dror.

Their mother Yonat was murdered. Their older brother Yaheli survived the inferno, as he was at his post in northern Israel where he is doing a year of national service.

Noam Or, 17 years old, kidnapped from hishome in Kibbutz Be'eri along with his little sister Alma and their father Dror.

Their mother Yonat was murdered and their older brother Yaheli survived the inferno as he was at his post in northern Israel where he is doing a year of national service.

Emily Hand, 9 years old, from Kibbutz Be'eri, celebrated her birthday last night, Friday, November 24th.

Emily's mother, Liat, passed away from cancer when Emily was only two and a half years old. Despite all the pain, Emily's small family rallied to raise her and be by her side with lots of love, providing security and giving her everything a child her age only needs and wants.

On Saturday, October 7th, Emily was sleeping at her best friend's house when terrorists broke in. Contact with her was lost by the afternoon. After a few days, the family received notice that Emily's body was found but as days passed, the IDF informed the family there was evidence indicating Emily was among the hostages in Gaza. Since then, the family waits for the moment they can hug her again.

Hila Rotem, 13 years old, is a friendly girl with a good heart who could never harm anyone else. She loves making TikTok videos, eating sushi, and riding her skateboard.

She signed up for a gel polish course and excitedly awaited the start of classes, but her kidnapping abruptly ended that.

In the days before Black Saturday, she vacationed in Korea and Thailand for her uncle's wedding.

Hila managed to escape from her home in Kibbutz Be'eri from which her mother Ra'aya was kidnapped. She succeeded in hiding in the bushes, where she was then found and kidnapped.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Rav Y B Schreiber: "“There’s no need to express gratitude to soldiers fighting in Gaza any more than to those Cleaning the Streets.”

I recently came across a notice in the Hebrew Yeted which piqued my curiosity and what I found out will disturb you and make you lose all respect for Roshei Yeshiva!

This was the notice:
Translation:The quote of my words regarding the war, as publicized in the media, distorted their meaning. And there was certainly, forfend, no intention of hurt.
Yisrael Bunim Schreiber

 R' Yisrael Bunim Schreiber, Rosh Yeshiva of Nesiv HaTorah in Yerushalayim and Av Bais Din and a Rav in Ashdod, placed the above notice apologizing for a statement he made and he states that "his words were taken out of context and he didn't mean to hurt anyone.
I was searching all over to find out what he said and if indeed he was quoted out of context. I actually watched the entire video which has since been deleted but I did get the entire drasha in a PDF file and it is pasted below! Nothing was taken out of context! In fact the context was so extreme as to make me question his sanity!

When asked by a student if he (the student) should express "hakoras hatoiv" gratitude for the IDF, the Rosh Yeshiva answered with arrogance 
"“There’s no need to express gratitude to soldiers fighting in Gaza any more than to Street Cleaners.”

Notice, he didn't compare them to EMTs who indeed put their lives on the line, he didn't even compare them to Police who put their lives in danger to protect citizens, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
He also didn't compare them to a cashier in a supermarket, 
He compared them to garbage collectors! 
His motive was to humiliate them, humiliate and shame our heroes those  on the front lines not knowing if they will ever come home

Truth be told I really do appreciate garbage collectors as they perform a necessary service, but they are not putting their lives in danger. 
He continued barking:

“The soldiers who draft are nebuchs. I don’t think anyone drafts willingly… if there was no obligatory draft, nobody would join, other than perhaps a few crazy mizrochniks (kipah seruga) …. They do it because they have to do it…. 

Why is there any need to have appreciation any more than with a plumber? …If a doctor heals you for free, then you should certainly thank him. But if he charges money? Then very nice, that’s his job! And if he’s forced to heal you, you don’t thank him.”

“ ‘Our relationship to the injured?’ Who says that there needs to be a relationship? What’s your connection to them? Why do you need to have a relationship with them?”

“A ‘community tragedy’ is not if 1200 people were killed… A community tragedy is one that affects everyone.”

“ The Meron tragedy? Lehavdil! Lehavdil! You feel connected because they were your friends, they were your family, they were your people.”

“Acknowledgment of good? For the entity called ‘The State of Israel,’ regarding which it is superfluous to talk about our opinion, there is no ‘acknowledgement’ and no ‘good.’”

Get it? 

A soldier who goes out and puts his life in danger to protect this Rosh Yeshivas fat derriere is no better than a garbage collector but those who were murdered in Meron by other Jews are to be respected? 

Those killed in Meron, yes, of course, a very tragic event, but to compare the IDF who were murdered only because they were Jews to people who were killed in a stampede who were warned for years that this was a disaster waiting to happen, is very sick and perverted.

This drasha was filmed by Kol Ha'Loshon; they then ran like poisoned rats to take it down, but not before hundreds saw it and  were totally shocked and an uproar erupted! Venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg wrote a letter to various Knesset members, noting that the State of Israel gave 6,554,767 shekels to Schreiber’s yeshiva over the past three years. He demanded that the state cease funding for the yeshiva and for Schreiber’s associated institutions.

So far not one "gadol" condemned R' Schreiber's sick perverted statement 

"Garbage Collector"

See transcript of his sick drasha below

Notice: All comments supporting this despicable lunatic will be deleted!
במקום חילול השם אין חולקין כבוד לרב

Watch out! Antisemitism is soaring in US medicine


Antisemitism is now a full-blown crisis on the college campus, but it doesn’t end there: Similar hatred is increasingly widespread in the medical profession, where it’s even more dangerous.

Doctors, nurses and medical students who are supposed to heal are instead promoting hate — a fact that should terrify Jewish patients and anyone else who expects equal and excellent medical care.

In a new report, we’ve documented many of the antisemitic outbursts that have characterized much of medicine since Oct. 7.

Many doctors and medical students have torn down posters of kidnapped Israelis.

That includes a professor of medicine at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania.

Medical professionals have also tried to justify the murder of Jews.

One nurse publicly claimed that allegations of sexual violence committed by Hamas must be propaganda, since “ain’t no Muslim Palestinian resistant fighter touching your women.”

While some medical professionals have been fired for blatant antisemitism, including several in New York City, countless others haven’t, raising the specter of Jew-hatred running riot in hospitals and doctor’s offices.

In Queens a teacher has to hide as hundreds of 'radicalized' students riot because she was at a the pro-Israel rally

Hundreds of “radicalized” kids rampaged through the halls of a Queens high school this week for nearly two hours after they discovered a teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally — forcing the terrified educator to hide in a locked office as the teen mob tried to push its way into her classroom, The Post has learned.

The mayhem at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica unfolded shortly after 11 a.m. Monday in what students called a pre-planned protest over the teacher’s Facebook profile photo showing her at a pro-Israel rally on Queens Oct. 9 holding a poster saying, “I stand with Israel.”

“The teacher was seen holding a sign of Israel, like supporting it,” a senior told The Post this week.

“A bunch of kids decided to make a group chat, expose her, talk about it, and then talk about starting a riot.”

Hundreds of kids flooded into hallways and ran amok, chanting, jumping, shouting, and waving Palestinian flags or banners.

Hamas Starting to play games with Israel and delays release of second group of hostages >>> Israel giving them 5 Hours to release or else!!


On Saturday night, an additional 13 hostages are expected to be released from Hamas captivity - but their release may be delayed.

Update: Israel just announced that if Hamas plays any games and doesn't release the rest within 5 hours the cease-fire will be over! 

Hamas' military arm has now claimed that it decided to delay the release of the second group of hostages, until Israel "meets the terms of the agreement to allow humanitarian aid trucks into northern Gaza."

All aid enters Gaza through Rafah Crossing in the south, and from there can be brought to northern Gaza.

If the hostages are released, they are expected - like those released Friday night - to be brought to Rafah Crossing, and from there brought to Israel. Thirty-nine terrorists, who were already transferred to the Ofer Prison, are also expected to be released Saturday night.

Meanwhile, on Friday, the IDF and Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) said, "Today, 200 trucks with humanitarian aid entered Gaza via the Rafah Crossing and were delivered to international aid organizations working in the southern Gaza Strip."

"The video shows the convoy of trucks following a security inspection. The continued flow of humanitarian aid was approved by the government of Israel as part of the framework for the release of the hostages agreed with the United States and mediated by Qatar and Egypt."

Freed hostages runs towards his father


Ohad Munder, 9, who was held hostage with his mother and grandmother, runs towards his father in emotional reunion at Schneider Children's Medical Center.

First View of Hostages in Red Cross Vehicles ... "Innocent" Gazans Throw Stones on the Vans ..


 Innocent Gazans threw stones and cursed the hostages as the vans were moving!

Most of the hostages who have been freed are: Margalit Moses, 77, and Adina Moshe, 72, from Kibbutz Nir Oz.

Danielle Aloni, 44, and her daughter, Emilia, 5. Danielle was featured in a recent video published by Hamas as part of its campaign of psychological terrorism against Israel.

Ruth Munder, 78, her daughter Keren, 54, and Keren’s son, Ohad, who celebrated his ninth birthday in captivity last month.

Also freed was Hannah Katzir, 77, who recently appeared in a propaganda video released by the Islamic Jihad. The terrorist group just days ago falsely claimed that Katzir had died in captivity.

Yaffa Adar, 85, who was seen being driven in her mobility scooter from Kibbutz Nir Oz to Gaza.

Doron Katz Asher, 34, and, her daughters Raz, 4, and Aviv, 2. The family’s father, Yoni Asher, had become one of the faces of the campaign to release the hostages.

Hannah Perry, 79, from Kibbutz NIrim.

The IDF's operation to receive the hostages, codenamed "Heaven's Doors", began at 4:00 p.m. (Israel time).

Shortly before 7:00 p.m., the IDF confirmed that the hostages are in Israeli territory.

“IDF Special Forces and ISA Forces are currently with the released hostages. The released hostages underwent an initial medical assessment inside Israeli territory. They will continue to be accompanied by IDF soldiers as they make their way to Israeli hospitals, where they will be reunited with their families,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.

“The Israel Defense Forces salutes and embraces the released hostages upon their return home. The IDF, together with the entire Israeli security establishment, will continue operating until all the hostages are returned home,” it added.

“The IDF Spokesperson reiterates the importance of demonstrating patience and sensitivity during this time out of respect for the released hostages and their families,” the statement concluded.

The hostages were released from the Khan Yunis Hospital, where they were held for a short time and were then handed over to the Red Cross, which then transferred them to Egypt via the Rafah Crossing.

As of 5:00 p.m., Israeli officials confirmed that the 13 hostages are in Egypt and will be making their way to Israel soon.

The President of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, later said that the organization that 13 Israeli hostages, as well as 11 Thai hostages who were freed as part of a different deal arranged by the Thai government, are making their way to the Rafah crossing.

The hostages reportedly underwent initial eye tests after being held for in the dark for a long time.

As part of the hostage deal, Israel freed 39 Palestinian Arab prisoners two hours after the Israelis were freed.

On Saturday, a second batch of hostages is scheduled to be released, and the same thing is to occur on Sunday and Monday.

Satmar Hate against Jews Continues: Canceled Lipa, and Forced Beri Weber To Apologize For Showing Support For Israel


Singer Lipa Schmeltzer revealed that a major singing engagement scheduled for Thursday night was abruptly canceled due to publicized videos of him entertaining wounded IDF soldiers.

The event, titled “An Evening with the Bas Ayin,” and hosted by a prominent Kiryas Yoel businessman, was slated to take place in Monsey, marking the Yahrtzeit of the famous tzadik.

Lipa took to social media, posting a video of himself at the kever of the Divrei Yoel of Satmar, in which he shared the news with his followers. He mentioned that the businessman had faced pressure from his mosad to revoke Lipa’s gig.

“The mosad said they have nothing against me, only the fact that I just sang in Israel for the wounded,” he said.

He also called upon his fellow Jewish singers not to compromise their principles for financial gain.

This development comes on the heels of singer Beri Weber issuing an apology for leading the Hallel prayer at the vasikin minyan in front of the White House, just prior to the March for Israel rally held last Tuesday. Beri said that he had not been contracted for the rally itself but had been engaged by a private individual from Teaneck who aimed to promote the concept of davening k’vasikin.

As always, when the mob comes for people, it comes at them for the dumbest and most ridiculous things, and in the most shameful way possible that is guaranteed to make a massive chilul hashem.

Yoni Asher Reunites With His Wife, 2 Small Children


Yoni Asher, whose wife and two young daughters were abducted to Gaza, joyously reunited with his family on Friday.

Asher’s wife, 34, and children, 2.5 and 4, were visiting her mother that Shabbos on Kibbutz Nir Oz. At 10:30 a.m., she messaged her husband, who was at their home in central Israel, that terrorists had entered her mother’s home. That was the last he heard from her. Asher later traced her phone to Khan Younis and then saw a video on social media showing his wife and children in Gaza.

His mother-in-law was abducted along with them but she was murdered along the way in front of her daughter and granddaughters.

Asher, whose wife and children have German citizenship, yelled out Shema Yisrael after speaking about the abduction at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Video Player


 24 hostages after seven weeks of captivity in the Gaza Strip,  including 13 Israeli citizens, some of whom are dual citizens, in addition to 10 Thai citizens and a Filipino citizen.

The hostages, women and children, were undergoing medical checks before they were to be transferred to Israel. They are to be taken to Israeli hospitals and reunited with their families.

An elite unit of the IDF and a force of the Shin Bet are now accompanying the abductees returning to Israel, remaining with them them until they reach their families in the hospitals.

The 13 freed Israelis are all from Kibbutz Nir Oz. They are:
Aviv Katz, 2
Raz Katz, 4
Emilia Aloni, 5
Ohad Mundar, 9
Doron Katz, 34
Danielle Aloni, 44
Keren Mundar, 54
Adina Moshe, 72
Hanna Katzir, 77
Ruth Mundar, 78
Margalit Mozes, 78
Channa Peri, 79
Yaffa Adar, 85

“We will continue to work together with the bodies of the security system for the return of all the abductees,” the IDF said.

Friday, November 24, 2023

IDF Awaits Hostages ... Helicopters Ready to Transport


Rabbanim in Bnei Brak Being Asked Why the Promise of the Chazon Ish is not working


Residents of Bnei Brak have been running to shelters all last week, as missiles are raining down like cats and dogs! Thank G-d for the Iron Dome!

So finally someone asked a rav "so what's with the Chazon Ish promise?" 

So he answered "true missiles are attacking Bnei-Brak, but it's not the "shiur Chazon Ish" 

Chabad Mitzvah Tank Reaches Gaza


Bnei Brak Yeshivishe "Shitik Drek" Papers over Photos of Hostages!

זו תורה וזו שכרה 

Police are looking for him so if you recognize this "tinofes" report him 

Zera Shimshon Parshas Va"yeitzei


The Entire Hostage Situation Explained by Israeli IDF Spokesperson ...Very Clear and Concise


Ramat Beit Shemesh Family Sitting Shiva Heartbreaking and Ishay Ribo Shows Up to give Chizuk



Fleeing Arabs in Gaza Curse Hamas!


Watch IDF Destroy Tunnels Erev Ceasefire


What Happened to the Feminists??