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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Nakba in Gaza, this Time Arabs Fleeing Hamas


Thousands of north-Gaza residents are fleeing south to escape the Israeli assault on Gaza City, as instructed by the IDF. According to the IDF Spokesperson’s office, while in the past, the humanitarian corridors came under attack from Hamas who were shooting their civilians to force them to stay and serve as human shields, on Tuesday, IDF tanks are protecting the procession, taking out the Hamas threats.





TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2023 National Mall, Washington, DC: 1:00pm – 3:00pm. Gates open 10:00am.






LISTEN TO Candace Owens TALK About Neturei Karta and Antisemitism


Candace Owens, a black conservative with a history of sympathizing with antisemites, has done it again. Owens made multiple offensive comments and implied age-old antisemitic tropes.

At best, she displayed her sheer ignorance about basic Judaism, and at worst, she expressed heavily anti-Jewish sentiments, falsely claiming that Neturei Karta represent mainstream Charedim, Israel forces Muslims to live in ghettos, and Jews themselves are responsible for antisemitism. (VIDEOS BELOW)

Owens, who works for Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, interviewed Jewish comedian and musician Ami Kozak. The topic, according to Owens’ own podcast description, was ‘the Israel / Palestine conflict and whether or not antisemitism is being weaponized in order to silence critics and bully people into compliance’.

As one Twitter user, who posted the videos, described: ‘Owens shows profound ignorance when speaking on the Neturei Karta. Comparing Jews against Israel to herself as a black woman on the right. She then asks Kozak if Jewish people are to blame when it comes to the uptick in antisemitism.’

Owens invoked Neturei Karta as an example that ‘Charedim’ are opposed to Israel as a Jewish state, and that the right to Israel is political but not Biblical.

Kozak replied by comparing NK to token white leftists at a BLM rally, who are used as pawns to claim that BLM represents the belief of mainstream whites.

Fetterman Plasters His Senate Office Walls With Hamas Hostage Posters


Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) on Tuesday shared a video of his office being plastered with missing posters for each of the 200-plus hostages that were kidnapped by Hamas in Israel on Oct. 7. and said They will stay up until every single person is safely returned home.

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House Votes to Censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib Over Her Israel-Hamas Rhetoric in a Stunning Rebuke


The House voted late Tuesday to censure Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan — the only Palestinian American in Congress — an extraordinary rebuke of her rhetoric about the Israel-Hamas war.

The 234-188 tally came after enough Democrats joined with Republicans to censure Tlaib, a punishment one step below expulsion from the House. The three-term congresswoman has long been a target of criticism for her views on the decades-long conflict in the Middle East.

The debate on the censure resolution on Tuesday afternoon was emotional and intense. Republican Rep. Rich McCormick of Georgia pushed the measure in response to what he called Tlaib’s promotion of antisemitic rhetoric. He said she has “levied unbelievable falsehoods about our greatest ally, Israel, and the attack on October 7.”

With other Democrats standing by her side, Tlaib defended her stance, saying she “will not be silenced and I will not let you distort my words.” She added that her criticism of the Jewish state has always been directed toward its government and its leadership under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“It is important to separate people and government,” she said. “The idea that criticizing the government of Israel is antisemitic sets a very dangerous precedent. And it’s been used to silence diverse voices speaking up for human rights across our nation.”

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Most Moving Memorial Ceremony At The Kotel


‘MSNBC’ host Ali Velshi’s rabid, reckless anti-Israel rant


On April 30, MSNBC host Ali Velshi delivered a lengthy rant against the Jewish state that was as dishonest as it was rabid. The monologue was riddled with false statements and exaggerations that betray Velshi’s willingness to twist the facts to fit his preferred narrative.

During the segment, Velshi claimed: “The map of the Palestinian Authority, sometimes described as Swiss cheese, has been carved up by Israel over the past century.”

The P.A. did not exist until 1994, a mere 28 years ago, so the reference to the “past century” is erroneous. Furthermore, the P.A. was created under the Oslo Accords, a mutual agreement between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization. It is under these same agreements that the current map of the P.A.’s various levels of autonomy (Areas A, B and C) was agreed to via negotiations. To claim that Israel “carved up” the territory controlled by the P.A. is false.




The October 7th massacres in southwestern Israel carried many somber lessons – one of which was that vulnerable communities need rigorous preparation and defense strategies in place for potential terrorist attacks.

In response, 20 ultra-Orthodox communities throughout the country have started a program called Mishmar Ha’Am – The People’s Guard, to ensure protection and defense in case of sudden attacks.

This joint project of the Hareidi Institute of Public Affairs and Achim L’Oref enlists the aid of Hashomer Hachadash – a volunteer group helping to defend farms and ranches – in the training of volunteers in defense techniques with and without weapons and to assist with procuring weapons licenses for guards and trained participants.

According to program director and head of Defense Forces Patrol, Roni Ayalon Hirsch, ultra-Orthodox communities have up until now been seen as less protected and therefore, as vulnerable targets for terrorists.

In communities like Beitar Illit, there are as many as 2,000 citizens who have gun licenses but require training on how to properly use their weapons.

The program is leveraging the experience of ultra-Orthodox Israelis who have served in the armed forces and who have assisted police in the past to train volunteers in defense and to inform the public on how to react during terrorist attacks.

Uri Arbis, who set up and manages a security group in Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood, told Ynet: “The vast majority want to volunteer, even those who cannot draw a weapon. We want to be independent, so that even if the police don’t come, as happened in the south, we won’t be like sheep to the slaughter. All the rabbis in the neighborhood are very supportive.”

Mishmar Ha’Am has already received an enthusiastic response and has set up centers in Jerusalem’s Har Nof and Ramat Shlomo neighborhoods, the towns of Givat Zeev, Beit Shemesh, and Rekhashim; along with ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods in Haifa and other cities.

It is also noteworthy that the Rebbe of the Hasidic dynasty of Viznitz has requested the establishment of the program in his Bnei Brak community.



NYC teacher indoctrinates preschoolers to hate Israel


A New York City pre-school teacher is instructing parents how to inculcate their young children with hatred of Israel and support Palestinian terrorism, The New York Post reported Saturday.

Siriana Abboud, who teaches in PS59 in midtown Manhattan, is also the founder of the online Allusio Academy, where she provides curricula, workshops and consultations on how to indoctrinate four-year-olds with the Palestinian canard that Israelis are outsiders who have stolen the Arabs’ land and are engaging in genocide.

“These teach-ins are a safe space for you and your child to learn about the Palestinian struggle for freedom,” she writes on her sign-up sheet.

Hamas had originally planned massacre for Passover


Hamas’ October 7th surprise invasion of Israel that set off the ongoing war with the terrorist organization was originally slated to take place on the first night of Passover, Maariv reported Sunday evening.

Journalist Ben Caspit wrote that it was Iran, which arms and finances the group that holds the Gaza Strip in its steel grip, that ordered the six-month delay.

The intelligence information was provided, he wrote, by Hamas terrorists taken prisoner after taking part in the murder of 1,400 Israeli civilians and soldiers on the holiday of Simchat Torah, that fell out on what Israelis are now calling the “black Sabbath.” Another 250 were taken as hostages back to the Gaza Strip.

Iran chose this secondary date specifically because it fell one day after the 50th Georgian anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War, October 6, 1973, the terrorists told their interrogators, according to the report.

That attack, like this one, came as a complete shock to Israel, because although government leaders of the time had received warnings that Egypt and Syria were planning to strike that day, they did almost nothing to prepare for it.

Caspit added that it was uncertain as yet how reliable the revelation is.

Bedouin Family Offers $1 M. For Info On Terrorists Who Tortured & Murdered Son


A family from the Bedouin town of Tel Sheva, near Be’er Sheva, is offering a million-dollar reward to anyone who provides information about the terrorists who murdered their family member, Kan journalist Assaf Pozailov posted on Twitter on Monday.

Osama Abu Asa was tortured by Hamas terrorists before they murdered him in his car in Rahat during the assault on Israel on October 7th. The entire scene was caught on the car’s camera.

His uncle said: “We have a blood feud with the terrorists, and as is done among Bedouins, this account will be settled, no matter how long it takes.”

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A Shmira member was pepper-sprayed on Shabbos afternoon in Flatbush, near the intersection of Avenue N & East 22nd Street.

The volunteer was sprayed directly in his eyes, after asking a female why she was ripping down posters of hostages kidnapped by Hamas. The individual pointed a knife at the Shmira volunteer, and yelled “Allah Akbar, I will cut all you Jews up”.

The member requested backup and the suspect was quickly apprehended by additional members. NYPD officers responded and placed the female under arrest.

The suspect’s family came down as she was being arrested and began making anti-Semitic remarks toward bystanders.

The volunteer was transported to the hospital for treatment by Hatzalah.



An elderly Jewish man was killed in Westlake Village, in the greater Los Angeles area, on Monday, after an anti-Israel protestor struck him in the head with a megaphone, the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles said in a statement.

“Our hearts are with the family of the victim,” the Federation said. “While we wait for more information from our law enforcement partners, we remind you that this is the fourth major antisemitic crime committed in Los Angeles this year alone.”

“Violence against our people has no place in civilized society,” it added. “We demand safety. We will not tolerate violence against our community. We will do everything in our power to prevent it.”

Photos and videos on social media, which blurred the face of the victim, appeared to show a man bleeding from his head lying on the ground.

Israeli media referred to the victim as “an older Jewish man” and the alleged attacker as a “young pro-Palestinian protester.”

“The injured man fell to the ground bleeding and was rushed to the hospital. His death was confirmed to have been caused due to a brain hemorrhage,” per reports. “Israelis who were present at the scene described it as ‘a terrifying sight’ and expressed shock that such an incident took place in their neighborhood.”

Police have reportedly seized the alleged attacker’s phone, on which the attack was filmed.

The LAPD referred JNS to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, which it said is handling the investigation. The sheriff’s office did not immediately respond to a JNS query.

Monday, November 6, 2023

How Prvt. Ori Megidish was rescued from Hamas captivity ...


New details were revealed this evening (Monday) by political commentator Amit Segal of the rescue of PVT. Ori Megidish last week after she had been kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

According to the report, the ground incursions into Gaza to combat the Hamas terrorist organization made it easier to camouflage the force that was sent to rescue Megidish.

Megidish was held in the Al-Shati refugee camp, not far from the Shifa hospital where the Hamas terrorist organization has made its headquarters.

She was rescued from a residential apartment and not from a tunnel. During the rescue operation, two terrorists were eliminated.

Megidish, a 19-year-old woman who served as an observer, was freed from Hamas captivity last week.

Samdar, Megidish's aunt, said following the rescue of her niece: "Thank you to the creator of the world, thank you to our soldiers, thank you that she is healthy and whole, thank you very much to all the people of Israel, we are very excited."

IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said that since her rescue, Megidish "has provided intelligence that we will be able to use in the future for future operations."