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Monday, November 6, 2023

Hisachdis Haganavim Issue Fatwa Against Ami, Mishpacha and Bina Magazines


They only want you to read Der Goy and Der Blatt'eh news straight from either Al Jazzirah or Hamas!

As much as Ami's Frankfurter was "chanfining" Satmar, it didn't work, it's like appeasing Hamas! 

Not all Muslims are Terrorists but ALL TERROISTS ARE MUSLIMS



Asito Kanko's Fantastic 3 minute speech in the EU Parliment

Unbelievable: US Made Israel promise not to distribute M16s to Judea and Samaria security squads


The Biden administration agreed to allow Israel to purchase thousands of M16 rifles from US companies - on condition that the weapons would not be distributed to community security squads in Judea and Samaria, journalist Barak Ravid reported on Axios.

Israel's government requested to urgently purchase thousands of weapons following the October 7 massacre of 1,400 Israelis. However, according to four US and Israeli officials familiar with the matter, the US agreed to the sale only on condition that the weapons not be used in Judea and Samaria, due to the US concerns that such a move would increase tensions in the area.

Axios quoted a source as naming Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) as one of the lawmakers who raised concerns about the potential diversion of arms to Judea and Samaria, and who asked that any sales not be used to fuel "extremist violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank."

The US does not usually place such conditions on weapons sales to Israel, Ravid noted.

Ravid added that the US State Department could only comment that "diplomatic consultations took place to address potential concerns on this deal."

"We received assurances from the Israelis that these rifles will only go to Israeli national police-controlled units," Jessica Lewis, the assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs, told Axios.

Last month, Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan signed a deal with the IWI to purchase hundreds of "Arad" assault rifles, a modified M4 used by the elite units of the IDF.

Dozens of Hamas rockets found inside mosque

 During combat operations in the Gaza Strip, IDF forces located and uncovered additional evidence of Hamas' use of civilian sites for terrorist purposes and especially for launching rockets at the State of Israel.

During activity by a team of soldiers of the 460th Brigade to locate terrorist infrastructure and clear the area, rocket launch pits found by the soldiers in a mosque were destroyed.

In addition, during several activities in the past day, the soldiers found over 50 rockets ready to be launched into Israel from inside a youth movement compound in Northern Gaza.

Earlier, it was announced that overnight, an IAF fighter jet, directed by ISA and IDF intelligence, killed the Commander of Hamas’ Deir al-Balah Battalion in the Central Camps Brigade, Wael Asefa. Asefa, together with other commanders of the Central Camps Brigade, was responsible for sending Hamas “Nukhba” terrorists into Israeli territory during the barbaric massacre on October 7th. Following the massacre, he planned additional terrorist attacks.

Wael Asefa was imprisoned between 1992-1998 for his involvement in terrorist attacks against Israeli communities and has been involved in the incitement and promotion of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers for decades.

IDF Soldiers Singing Ve'he She'amda La'voiseinu


Soldier in elite IDF unit, who fought in Kfar Aza on October 7, asks to expedite conversion process " I want to die as a Jew."


Journalist Kobi Nachshoni on Monday morning reported in Yediot Aharonot that a soldier in an elite IDF unit turned to the military rabbinic court for conversion, asking to expedite the process which he began over ten months ago.

After fighting with his unit in Kfar Aza on October 7, the soldier and his unit were sent to northern Israel, where he turned to the rabbinic military court for conversion.

Standing in front of the court, the soldier explained, in a voice choked with tears, why he desired to expedite the process. "I really wanted to come here today and complete the conversion, because I know that I may die in battle - and if that happens, G-d forbid, I want to die as a Jew," he explained. "This is why it is important to me not to wait.

At the end of the discussion, he said, "Everything that happened in the battles came out of me at that moment. This is the first time I allowed myself to let out everything that I had bottled up inside of me since the beginning of the war. Because of everything I saw there, I understood that I need to do everything in order to complete the conversion process as quickly as possible."

On the day he appeared before the rabbinical court, the conversion process was completed.

If anyone says that Gazans are "Innocent Civilians" Show them this video ... Watch as thousands "civilians" cheer them on


Hamas Murdering Palestinian Men Women and Children Fleeing from Gaza and Telling BBC & CNN that they were bombed by Israel



Muslim Son explains to his father What real "genocide" Is ... Worth Reading



Arab Vendor in heavily dense Jewish neighborhood Tears down Hostage Posters and laughs


Hysterical: Watch Lady Give the Middle Finger To Satmar Guys Protesting Israel at the Marathon

 I call them Satmar, because as I pointed out many times the Neturei Karta is a branch of Satmar, having been educated in Satmar Moisdois and they consider R' Yoel Teitelbaum z'l the founder of Satmar Chassidus as their rebbe. And even though the Samar guys say that the Rebbe threw them out, that is a blatant lie, their children continued learning in Satmar and they continued davening in Satmar shuls. Its like Iran saying that they don't agree with Hamas. They are both ideologically on the same page except they use NK to do their dirty work! 

Obama'crap Compares Hamas to Israeli Government While Surprisingly Bernie Sanders Says that Hamas "Must be eliminated"


Watch: Israeli satirical show Mocks the Woke Stupid College Students and Mocks BBC Coverage

 Israeli satirical television show “Eretz Nehederet” took on the issue of campus antisemitism in the US in a sketch which aired on Sunday.

The sketch, titled “Welcome to Columbia Untisemity”, features two students from Columbia University who praise Hamas and claim that Israel is lying about its citizens being kidnapped in Gaza because the hostages in the photos, taken before they were taken hostage, are smiling.

They also chant “From the river to the sea! Palestine will be free!” and claim that the phrase is true because it rhymes.

In its previous episode, “Eretz Nehederet” took on the BBC and its anti-Israel bias in the coverage of the war, running a sketch of a BBC newscast, in which the anchor and reporter accuse Israel of bombing a Gaza hospital, then ultimately express disappointment that the hospital was hit by a Hamas rocket and that Hamas admitted it.

Why Is Lakewood Vaad Pushing Avi Schnall When he Voted for the "assisted suicide" law?

From Yudel's Blog


First Time Made Public: an audio of a crucial conversation between Rabbi Heshie Hirth Z"L and Rabbi , on the very day Assisted Suicide passed the NJ State Legislature by one vote (in each House).

Important Excerpts:

Rabbi Hirth: (beginning of audio: ) 

1. Rabbi Hirth spoke with Avi Schnall about the Assisted Suicide bill.

2. Avi Schnall predicted an "overwhelming" passage for Assisted Suicide. (This clearly discouraged Rabbi Hirth from taking further action that would have almost certainly stopped Calabrese from voting Yes that day.)

3. Schnall did not even alert him (Rabbi Hirth) to call Assemblyman [Clinton] Calabrese, the relatively new Assemblyman representing Passaic. 

4. In fact, around the midpoint of the audio, Rabbi Hirth acknowledged that he doesn't even know the name of the new Passaic Assemblyman - despite having spoken to (the great savant) Schnall.
If this audio is posted, it is important to avoid  unnecessarily posting any part thereof that reflects poorly on Rabbi Hirth Z"L.  Of course, the parts of the audio that show the grave dereliction of Avi Schnall must be publicized at this point in time, to avoid the tzibbur putting him into public office, where he's liable to make his previous Career Chillul HaShem track record pale in comparison with his future career.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Mark Levin Rightly Calls Out CNN Anchors as Self Hating Jews,, CNN Does not like this one bit and Gets White House To Join in Condemning the Truth


Fox News Radio host Mark Levin stirred up fierce reactions to his show this week when he rightly criticized CNN's Jewish anchors.

Levin spent a segment on his program, the Mark Levin Showclaiming that the network is “filled with a lot of self-hating Jews.” True! 

He then went on to zero in on Wolf Blitzer, claiming that his parents “weren’t victims in one way or another, of the Holocaust,” and Jake Tapper, who he referred to as “a propagandist for the enemy.”

CNN made a statement Thursday to correct the record. Additionally, the network called for Levin's "dangerous, offensive" comments to be "universally denounced."

"Wolf is the child of Holocaust survivors and all four of his grandparents were murdered during the Holocaust, a fact that Wolf has personally reported on through a special documentary, trips to Auschwitz, written reflections, and decades of public speaking on Holocaust education and awareness," CNN said. "Mark Levin’s comments about Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper were wildly uninformed, inappropriate and shameful."

Deputy White House press secretary Andrew Bates went on to issue a condemnation on behalf of the Biden administration on Friday.

“Not only is Fox News aligning with those who fan the flames of hate — Fox is paying their salaries,” the statement read. “Sadly, this is not the first time in recent months that a Fox News host made sickening remarks about the Holocaust. What’s more, it isn’t even the first time this week that a Fox host chose to abuse their platform and spread hate.”

Bates also called out Fox host Jesse Watters for "saying he’s ‘done’ with Arab Americans and Muslims.” This was the second time that Bates made a statement regarding Watters, as he issued a statement shortly after the comments were made Wednesday. The next day, Watters did not appear on The Five due to an event in California.

Levin repeated his comments in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, when he called Bates a "proven liar." Included in the post was a link to an article that quoted Bates as denying President Joe Biden ever met any Burisma executives, which was later disproved.

We Had Tunnels First


The IDF is battling Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Much of the challenge is that Hamas is underground in extensive tunnel networks.

Long before there was a State of Israel for Hamas to wish to destroy, we too dug tunnel networks: not as terrorists targeting civilians, but to hide from marauding Roman armies during the Bar Kochba revolt (132-135 CE).

The area of Israel that I’m blessed to call home, the Judean lowlands (read about there in The Healthy Jew’s Guide for Journeying in Israel), contains hundreds of these labyrinths.

Many are well known. Tourists from all over the world love to crawl through their shafts, and are awed whenever a sharp turn and then a drop open up into a large cavern carved into the soft limestone. Others tunnels, usually in places less accessible by car, are known only to dedicated hikers of Natural Israel.

One of the casualties of this tragic war is that Israel’s hikers have lost their natural habitat to the threat of Hamas rockets that aren’t worth an Iron Dome interception because they’re heading toward “open areas.”

So these days most Jews think only about the tunnels of Gaza, leaving our own tunnels for happier times. I get that.

But here at The Healthy Jew, if only for a few moments each week, we exchange the images of pain and fear with pictures of purpose and hope. Moshe’s (Moses) failed spies cried that Israel is a “land that eats its inhabitants”; we’re joining the response of Yehoshua (Joshua) and Calev (Caleb): “the land is very, very good!”

So I’d like to show you one beautiful cistern and tunnel that I discovered on a hike with a good friend, the renowned tour guide Nesanel Eisenman. (Of course, this was before October 7.)

We had spent the morning roaming the hills of Givat Gad, a huge, deserted reserve on the southern edge of the Judean lowlands, right before where the green grasses and shrubs abruptly turn into the Negev’s desert brown. It’s a beautiful, quiet area, crammed with ancient sites and thriving wildlife. I hope to tell you more about it another day.

As we were heading back, we noticed an unusual large ruin to our left. After jumping over rocks and bushes to reach it, we found an opening to a large underground water cistern attached to one of Bar Kochba’s lesser-known tunnels.

The Amud Anan social hiking app told us this is the Zeita ruin, and the Palestine Exploration Fund map, meticulously crafted by British surveyors in the 1870’s - and now superimposed onto the Amad Anan database - confirmed that the site has been known, at least to a lucky few, for centuries.

We clambered inside the cave and its tunnels. Here’s some pictures and videos. The first one, especially, is really worth a watch. I hope it will make you smile.

Satmar Newspaper "DER GOY" Says That "Israel Refusing to America's Request for a Cease Fire is a "Chutzpah!


I do not cease to be amazed at the utter hate that the Rumanian Gypsies that call themselves "Satmar" whose name is derived from a miserable antisemitic town in Romania that was totally obliterated by the Nazis, still have.

If Israel would cave in to the antisemitic Jew hating US State Department to have a pause in the fighting in Gaza, they could lose the chance to be victorious in this battle to annihilate Hamas once and for all. 

But Satmar just like that Bobover blithering Fool who openly said that Jews "should not pray that the IDF be victorious in this war" want the IDF to be defeated even at the cost of Jewish lives so that their sick and perverted anti-Zionist agenda remain intact! 

Readers need to call the offices of Der Goy and protest and tell them 

"Lo Zu Ha'derech"

Der Goy

 191 Rodney Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211 

718-797-3900 - 718-797-1985

Rabbinical College Bobover Yeshiva Bnei Zion

1577 48th St
Brooklyn, NY 11219
(718) 438-2018

People Ready to Sign "Free Palestine" petition back out when they read conditions


It’s time for Biden to play hardball with Hamas: Unless hostages are freed, no cease-fire



Here’s an idea.

Any cease-fire in Gaza, even a brief one, must require Hamas to release the hostages it is holding. 

The virtues of the trade-off are obvious, which is why the idea has been widely embraced, including by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

But there are two key holdouts — Hamas and Joe Biden.

The terrorists’ objections are predictable, Biden’s are political. 

Instead of demanding the release of the 240 hostages, thought to include at least 10 American citizens, Biden is pushing Israel to declare a “humanitarian pause” without any reciprocity.

His aim, he says, is to help innocent Gazan civilians get more food, water, fuel and medical treatment. 

He doesn’t say it, but he also aims to get critics off his back, especially the anti-Israel caucus in his own party. 

Aim higher, Mr. President.

Aim to get the hostages out, because anything less is a “gift to Hamas.” 

Calculated mistake