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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Wisconsin attorney who spat at BLM protester rejects probation deal: ‘Rather go to jail’


A white Wisconsin lawyer who spat at a black teen during a Black Lives Matter protest rejected a sweetheart deal to walk free from court — saying she’d “rather go to jail right now.”

Stephanie Rapkin, 67, was told at her sentencing Tuesday that her 60-day sentence would be stayed if she agreed to a year of probation with 100 hours of community service.

“It’s not viable,” she said, interrupting Milwaukee County Judge Laura Crivello as she offered the deal as credit for her “working to rebuild your faith and your trust in the community.”

“Your Honor, I am outright refusing the probation,” said Rapkin, who’d initially been charged with a hate crime for spitting at the then-17-year-old teen protest leader.

“I’d rather go to jail right now and take care of it.”

Rapkin’s attorney, Anthony Cotton — who’d initially asked her to be sentenced to time served in the case — was left noting to the judge that his client had the right to reject her offer.

“She does,” the judge acknowledged. “Then at this point in time, the 60 days that I imposed in stay will be starting today.”

“Thanks To You, I Stopped Attending Anti-Chareidi Protests”


A Chareidi tzedaka organization recently received a surprising message from a man who said he will no longer attend anti-Chareidi protests due to the assistance his needy relative in Tel Aviv received from the organization.

“My name is S.,” the message, sent to Chasdei Yosef, a well-known tzedaka organization in Jerusalem, began. “In recent months, I participated several times in protests against the Chareidi sector, including in Bnei Brak. On Thursday, I visited a relative whose financial situation has deteriorated in recent years. While I was there, I saw gift vouchers for Shavuot. He told me that he appealed to several organizations but the only one that helped him was yours.”

“I asked him if he knows you personally and he said no. I realized that you assist people without ‘checking their tzitziot’ and without asking about their political opinions. I was astounded. I realized that the hatred against you is not necessarily justified and it’s forbidden to generalize. It suddenly dawned on me that all the stories about the chessed of the Chareidim are true. I still have differences of opinion with you but not everything is black and white and hating others is a terrible thing. I regret it and promise not to go to protests against you anymore and I would be happy to meet you personally and hear your opinions on the current issues.”

“We were very happy to receive the moving message,” a source at Chasdei Yosef said. “It’s a bonus for helping a Jew in need.”

Woody Allen Saves His Jewish Friend With Heimlich Maneuver While Eating Pork At Dinner


87 year old Woody Allen stepped into a different kind of starring role this week: the good Samaritan who saves someone with the Heimlich maneuver.

The embattled Jewish Oscar winner helped his friend, Andrew Stein, a former Manhattan borough president, when Stein choked on a piece of pork at the Caravaggio restaurant on the Upper East Side last Tuesday, the New York Post reported.

“I am embarrassed to say it, but Woody actually saved my life,” said Stein, who is Jewish. “I normally order fish, but this time I went for the pork.”

Allen, Stein and Allen’s wife Soon-Yi Previn were joined at the dinner by the prominent lawyer and political analyst Alan Dershowitz.

“It really was like a scene from one of his movies,” Stein told the Post, which noted that the diminutive Allen leapt to the rescue with “surprising strength and vigor,” according to witnesses.

The longtime power player Stein, who was also president of the New York City Council from 1986-1994, shortened his name from Finkelstein when he entered politics. His father, Jerry Finkelstein, was the publisher of the New York Law Journal and his brother, Jimmy Finkelstein, is also a media mogul, having founded The Messenger after partially owning The Hollywood Reporter and The Hill. Stein, a Democrat, left politics in the mid-1990s.

Stein failed to pay over $1 million in income tax in 2008, leading to a sentencing of 500 hours of community service.

In a recent op-ed co-authored with Dershowitz titled “Why Biden might be the Dems’ last pro-Israel president,” Stein wrote that he will now be voting Republican because of the Democratic Party’s stance on Israel. (Dershowitz wrote that he “is planning to remain a Democrat and vote for Biden while seeking to marginalize the radical anti-Israel elements in that party.”)

As the Post reported, Allen has saved another person with the Heimlich maneuver at an Upper East Side Italian restaurant: In 1992, he sprang to the rescue of Jean Doumanian, a former “Saturday Night Live” producer, at Primola on 2nd Avenue.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Alan Dershowitz: I will represent Rabbi Leo Dee against CNN pro bono


Professor Alan Dershowitz has announced that he will be representing Rabbi Leo Dee, whose daughters and wife were killed in a shooting attack in the Jordan valley, at no charge in a lawsuit against CNN.

In an interview with I24NEWS, Professor Dershowitz denounced the apology given by CNN anchor Christine Amanpour after she stated during a broadcast that Lucy Dee and her daughters Rina and Maia had been killed in "a shootout".

"This was not a slip of the tongue," Professor Dershowitz claimed. "It comes as a part of a pattern that CNN and Amanpour have created over more than a decade."

"Amanpour constantly creates a false equivalence between terrorists who murder people in cold blood and the innocent victims, like the victims in this case," says Professor Dershowitz. "An organization called Camera, which documents these things, has documented a long pattern by CNN and by Amanpour of constantly siding against Israel and trying to create a moral equivalence between innocent victims of terrorism and actual terrorists."

"Let's see what Amanpour has to say - not in a scripted apology, but under my cross-examination and that of other lawyers," Professor Dershowitz challenged.

RARE PHOTOS: IDF Soldiers At The Kosel After Liberation Of Jerusalem


In honor of Yom Yerushalayim last week, the IDF Archives at the Defense Ministry published rare photos of the battles to liberate Jerusalem during the Six-Day War, 56 years ago.

In 1967, Israel was attacked by its neighbors, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, and miraculously overpowered all three powerful countries in just six days.

On June 7, after fierce battles with Jordanian soldiers, Israeli paratroopers liberated the Old City of Jerusalem and gained control of Har HaBayis and the Kosel. The war ended on June 10, after Israel conquered the Golan Heights.

IDF soldiers in the Muslim Quarter.

Gafni Gets into the Mud With Pop Star Noa Kirel


I have to laugh, Gafni who represents Torah in the Knesset as an MK, must have taken some of his precious time from learning the daf to watch the Eurovision contest where the Israeli pop star Noa Kirel came in third. He couldn't help but notice that Noa was wearing a skimpy outfit during her performance, and couldn't resist taking a swipe at her, mentioning her outfit publicly while addressing the Knesset. He said in his important speech during a debate on the budget that he would "donate some clothes" to Noa.

But Noa who was educated in the Israeli public schools, and served in the IDF, didn't take Gafni's bait, answered him with class and derech eretz, matching any Bais Yaakov student, 

“I really think that each person has a right to express his opinion, and this is his opinion, and I respect it. Everyone can think what he wants and this is his, it’s totally fine,” she told Channel 12 News.

Israeli pop star Noa Kirel said on Tuesday that she was not disappointed or upset about remarks made the previous day by Knesset member Moshe Gafni.

Speaking during a parliamentary debate on the budget, the United Torah Judaism party leader and finance committee chairman said that he would “donate some clothes” to the 22-year-old performer.

He was apparently referring to the skimpy outfits Kirel wears during her performances, which included a third-place finish for her song “Unicorn” at the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool on May 13.

“I really think that each person has a right to express his opinion, and this is his opinion, and I respect it. Everyone can think what he wants and this is his, it’s totally fine,” she told Channel 12 News.

“Most opinions are ones of pride and love, and there are also these opinions, and it’s totally fine, he has a right to express his opinion,” she continued.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Chassidishe Guy Says He "Is Happy that Soldiers are Getting Killed"


The guy in the video is not from the Neturei Karta!

 Just something to think about, how low they have sunk!

Iyar 28 is the date Rabbi Kook arrived in the Land of Israel. Jerusalem was liberated 63 years later on that very date.


The first of the three dates engraved on Rav Kook’s tombstone in the Mount of Olives cemetery is the 28th of Iyyar, 5664 (1904). This was a deeply significant date in Rav Kook’s life: it marked the day he was privileged to ascend to the Land of Israel.

On the 28th of Iyyar — the same date on which, 63 years later, Jerusalem would be reunited, the day we celebrated this past Friday with prayer, song and the flag march through the Old City — a ship docked at the port of Jaffa, bearing Rav Kook and his family.

The New Rabbi of Jaffa

Jaffa’s previous rabbi had passed away two years prior. Rabbi Yoel Moshe Solomon (1838-1912), a pioneering figure in Jerusalem and one of the founders of Petach Tikva, was among the first to suggest that Rav Kook, then rabbi of Bausk, be offered the position. Solomon brought the proposal to Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teumim (commonly referred to as ‘Aderet'), the chief rabbi of Jerusalem and Rabbi Kook’s father-in-law.

That very day, the Aderet sent an urgent message to his son-in-law advising him to accept the position of rabbi of Jaffa and its surrounding communities. Rabbi Kook was delighted with the suggestion, but wanted to know what Rabbi Shmuel Salant, the previous chief rabbi of Jerusalem and its elder statesman, thought about the proposal. The Aderet reported that when he queried Rabbi Salant, the scholar happily responded, “If only!”

The Aderet later noted with irony, “In truth, my son-in-law should have been appointed the rabbi of the holy city of Jerusalem, and I should have been the rabbi of the small town of Jaffa.” Fifteen years later, Rav Kook in fact did become the chief rabbi of Jerusalem.

Toronto: Neturei Karta Help Palestinian Arabs burn Israeli flag


The UJA Federation of Greater Toronto on Monday held its annual Walk with Israel, with the goal of demonstrating the Jewish community's support for Israel and to raise donations to aid projects for the advancement of needy populations in Israel.

Thousands of Jews and supporters of Israel marched through the streets of Toronto towards the Jewish Community Center, waving Israeli flags and singing Israeli songs.

On the other side of the Jewish Community Center, dozens of Muslims, Palestinian Arabs, left-wing activists and representatives of Neturei Karta demonstrated against the State of Israel and the Jewish community which supports Israel.

The demonstrators expressed open support for Hamas, for launching of rockets at Israel and for Jihad and called for an intifada, the annihilation of Israel and the return of the "Zionists" to the places from which they came to "Palestine".

Towards the end of the march for Israel, the Neturei Karta assisted pro-Palestinian Arab protesters in burning Israeli flags. The participants of the Walk for Israel stood on the other side and sang Israel’s national anthem, “Hatikvah”.

Neturei Karta is a radical, anti-Israel group whose activists regularly take part in anti-Israeli demonstrations around the world, including those identified as pro-Iranian or supporters of armed Palestinian Arab resistance against Israel.

Neturei Karta’s support for the government of Iran and for terrorist groups has led to its ostracization by the wider haredi community.

No need to delete: WhatsApp introduces message editing


WhatsApp on Monday announced that has granted users one of its most awaited features - the ability to edit messages, Reuters reported.

"For the moments when you make a mistake or simply change your mind, you can now edit your sent messages on WhatsApp," the Meta Platforms Inc-owned messaging app said in a blog post.

With the feature rolling out globally in the coming weeks, senders will be able to modify their messages within 15 minutes of hitting send.

The function can be accessed by long-pressing the message and choosing "edit" in the drop-down menu. The modified message will carry the label "edited" and will not show edit history.

Frum Jews Express Dismay as Sefaria Launches ‘Gender-Friendly’ Translation

The Sefaria platform, whose vast online sefarim library and translation are used by members of the frum community, has added a new translation which appears to be heretical.

In response, some orthodox Jews say they are going to delete the app from their phones, and have expressed their disappointment that this valuable resource is not aligned with Torah values.

Sefaria announced a new “gender-sensitive” edition of one of its translations of Nach.

The institution tweeted: “The Revised JPS (RJPS) edition aims to present a more linguistically and historically accurate translation that reflects advances in scholarship and changes in the English language, while staying true to the original Hebrew.

The translation, from the Jewish Publication Society (JPS), pledges “greater gender inclusivity” in talking about people, and “greater gender sensitivity” in talking about G-d.

One Twitter user observed that the translation changes the meaning of the words from the original Hebrew.

Yochonon Donn, Editor at Mishpacha and Yated, tweeted, “Sefaria is a tremendous resource for the olam hatorah. Messing around with sefarim hakedoshim to conform to western ideas of equality is an unacceptable breach. If this is true, I can’t see people learning from an unholy source.”

Some Twitter users declared that they would be deleting the Sefaria app in response to the new translation.

Although there are no confirmed report of Rabbis officially banning Sefaria, such a move would certainly be plausible, as supporting a platform that endorses false interpretations of Torah, no matter how valuable, would appear to contradict Torah values , and possibly be against Halacha.

Shabbos Goy Mit a Yiddisher Kop!


CNN Half-Assed Apology to R’ Leo Dee for Falsely Reporting Family Members Killed in ‘Shootout’


The "machseifah" continues with her sick report calling it a "shooting" instead of a "terror attack"

CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour has apologized to Rabbi Leo Dee, for referring to the terror attack that killed his wife and two daughters (HY”D) as a “shoot-out”.

Amanpour announced the apology for the fake-news report on air Monday, claiming that she “misspoke.”

The announcement came one day after Rabbi Dee declared that he was considering a $1.3 billion lawsuit against CNN over the egregious and false comments. Apparently, Amanpour emailed an apology to Rabbi Dee several days earlier, but did not announce it on-air until Monday.

In her on-air apology, Amanpour said: “On April 10, I referred to the murders of an Israeli family: Lucy, Maia and Rina Dee, the wife and daughters of Rabbi Leo Dee. I misspoke and said they were killed in a ‘shootout’ instead of a shooting. I have written to Rabbi Leo Dee to apologize and make sure that he knows that we apologize for any further pain that may have caused him.”

During a May 21 event at The Carlebach Shul in New York titled, “Antisemitism: Is There No Solution?”, Rabbi Dee said on a video call that he was considering the lawsuit after Amanpour wrote a private apology to him via email.

Displaying the email exchange, Rabbi Dee said that he responded to her apology by demanding that she apologize publicly but she never replied. He added that he would reconsider the lawsuit should Amanpour publicly apologize, and added the caveat that the network would also need to provide more balanced coverage of Israel.

Following the initial comments, a tweet by ‘Honest Reporting’ quoted Rabbi Dee as saying: “This is the perfect example of ‘terror journalism’ where you have moral equivalence between the terrorist and victim.”

He added, “This type of journalism perpetuates the conflict in the Middle East. The real cycle of violence is a comment like this followed by a terrorist atrocity and then more of the same. I demand an immediate apology.”

IN 2020, Amanpour apologized for comments equating the events of Kristallnacht with President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Watch Moving Video Of Kavod HaTorah In IDF


The reports in recent days of rampant incitement against Chareidim and religion could convey an impression as if those are the feelings of the majority of Israelis.

But in reality, there are millions of Israelis [including the millions who voted for the current government] who have warm feelings toward religion, even if not fully religious themselves.

In a heartwarming display of kavod ha’Torah, IDF soldiers sang for Chief Rabbi HaRav Yosef Yitzchak, as seen in a video posted by Kikar H’Shabbat reporter Yishai Cohen.

Video Player

Monday, May 22, 2023

Calif. man killed while helping ducks cross road — moments after being cheered by onlookers


A California father died after being struck by a car Thursday night while helping a family of ducks cross a busy road, witnesses said.

The horrifying crash took place at Stanford Ranch Road and Park Drive in the city of Rocklin, about 22 miles from Sacramento, just after 8 p.m.

William Wimsatt, a 12-year-old boy who witnessed the kindhearted stranger’s actions, told KCRA 3 the man had stepped out of his car to help the ducks avoid traffic.

“He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice,” William said.

The young boy took photos of the man, who has not been identified, with his cellphone as he and the ducks crossed in front of his mother’s car.

“He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car,” the boy recounted.

After the ducks made it safely to the other side of the road, William said, onlookers in their cars applauded the good Samaritan’s actions.

“My mom rolled down the window and said, ‘Good job, good job,’ and I said, ‘Good job’ to him too.”

Sunday, May 21, 2023

When You Don't Listen to the Rabbi When He Tells You to Check Your Nuts


Radical Islamist Appointed to School Board Human Relations and Diversity Committees: promotes hatred of Jews, and the destruction of Israel

Watch her use clips of Neturei Karta in her videos

Trinidad-born Naima Khan-Ghany, along with her signature hijab and glasses, wears a big smile on her face. But her friendly and grandmotherly appearance is deceiving, as she promotes vile antisemitism and the destruction of Israel and is involved with those tied to violence and bigotry, targeting Jews, gays and others. It is of major concern, because she has been appointed and recently reappointed to positions within the Broward County School Board that ironically deal with “diversity” and “human relations.” Will Khan-Ghany’s controversial exploits disallow her from further serving in such positions? Does the School Board embrace her radical activities?

Khan-Ghany is a public school teacher and adviser to local high school and middle school chapters of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), a youth group founded by operatives from the Muslim Brotherhood in 1963. She has sat on the Broward County School Board Diversity Committee, since January 2016. She is also the Chair of the School Board’s Human Relations Committee. She was recently reappointed to both by newly elected School Board member Jeff Holness, who is no stranger to Islamist gatherings. Previously, she was appointed by Holness’ predecessor Rosalind Osgood, who vacated her seat to run for Florida State Senate.

According to the website for Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), “The primary responsibility of the Diversity Committee is to make recommendations to promote diversity through the Superintendent, to the School Board, while maintaining a unitary school system.” And “The Human Relations Committee… makes recommendations to the Superintendent and the School Board on matters that foster mutual respect and understanding among people within BCPS. The committee further supports the work of the District as it pertains to policies related to diversity, educational/vocational equity, nondiscrimination, inclusion and character education.”

It would seem that the activities Khan-Ghany has been associating herself with fall in direct opposition to the missions of both the Diversity and Human Relations Committees and are huge conflicts of interest.

Ben-Gvir accompanied by Chassidim visit the Har Habyit in honor of Rosh Chodash Sivan


National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Har Habayit  on Sunday morning in honor of the beginning of the Jewish month of Sivan under heavy police security.

During the visit, Minister Ben-Gvir stated: "I am happy to visit the Temple Mount, the most important place to the people of Israel. I must say that the police are doing an amazing job and, again, prove who the boss is in Jerusalem. All of Hamas' threats won't help, we are in charge of Jerusalem and of all of the land of Israel."

Noa Kirel mentions the Holocaust - Poland Doesn't Like It One Bit


Noa Kirel, who represented Israel in this year's Eurovision contest, received 12 points from Poland during the final competition.

Afterwards, Kirel was quoted as saying that from her perspective, "Receiving 12 points from Poland after nearly the entire Kirel family was murdered in the Holocaust - that is a victory."

Kirel's statements raised a storm, with the popular paper Do Rzeczy commenting, "The Israeli artist recalled the Holocaust, and blamed the Poles for the murder of Jews."

Polish MP Anna Maria Żukowska tweeted, "Does this statement reflect the level of education about the Holocaust in Israel? Do young people in Israel think that the Holocaust was caused by Poland, over which a young Israeli citizen can achieve a moral victory after many years, or what?"

Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński tweeted, "“The fact that many people in Israel consider Poland to be an accomplice to German crimes - and not their victim - is often the result not so much of bad will as lack of knowledge and incomplete education."

Jabłoński also added that he intends to invite Kirel for an official visit to his country.

The Holocaust was perpetrated by Germany, which conquered Poland early in WWII and built many of its concentration camps on Polish soil. On the other hand, while 3 million non-Jewish Poles were murdered by the Nazis and there were some who helped Jews by hiding them, Poland was extremely antisemitic and many Poles helped the Nazis find Jews,and looted their abandoned homes. 

The 1941 massacre of at least 340 of Jedwabne's Jews was carried out by Poles and the Kielce pogrom in 1946 against Jewish refugees who returned there after the war during which 42 Jews were killed was carried out by Polish soldiers, police officers, and civilians. Poland has long wrestled with the question of its complicity in the Holocaust.