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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Parents indicted for raping their daughter for 13 years


Demonstrators gather in Tel Aviv on Sunday in support of a 16-year-old victim of a gang rape in Eilat

An indictment was filed to the District Court in Haifa against a 61-and-62-year-old couple from the north for serious sexual offenses of rape, indecent acts and acts of sodomy that they committed against their daughter for over six years. The defendants have five children, including the 36-year-old complainant, according to Israeli media.

According to the indictment, her father ruled over the family with "a continuous atmosphere of terror" and was physically and verbally violent towards his children, while he and his wife even used to use drugs at home.

The indictment also revealed that starting from the day the complainant celebrated her 17th birthday in 2003 until 2016, her father raped her, and performed sodomy and indecent acts.

It was also reported that in some of the cases, which occurred when the complainant was already an adult, her mother also committed similar offenses against her.

HILL-ARIOUS HYPOCRISY... Reporter Calls out Press Secretary who said that the 2016 election was stolen


He will never grow up to be a "rebbe" he refuses to share his "shrayim"


Will they ever learn?.. Chareidim continue dancing dangerously at weddings even-though 2 Chasanim are still in Rehab after severe injuries


Why would Amber Adler a Frum Single Mother Challenge the great Frum Republican Inna Vernikov For City Council Next Year??


How crazy is this? 
Why fix something that isn't broke?

Inna Vernikov, a frum lady has been doing a great job for the community, even though the Chareidim backed the loser Saperstein, who ran as a democrat. 

For once Inna proved the "ASS'kanim capos" wrong, and showed that one can run as a republican in New York  and win without any of the "ass'kanim capos" and without any of the moisdois' endorsements.  

Amber, claims that she got death threats, I don't believe this for one second, she wants you to have sympathy for her, she never won an election and if she cannot take the heat, she should stay out of the kitchen.

 A single mother who is a civic leader in Brooklyn’s Orthodox community announced her campaign last week for New York City Council in 2023.

Amber Adler, 38, will run as a Democrat for the City Council’s 48th District, which encompasses Brighton Beach, Midwood, Manhattan Beach and parts of Coney Island.

“The community is suffering,” Adler told the New York Jewish Week, referring to issues of poverty, crime and cleanliness. “Across the community, it’s all I hear when I’m out. A downpour of complaints, people begging for help.”

In an interview, Adler said she is running on a campaign of “safety, unity and prosperity,” while making the case that the incumbent, Republican Inna Vernikov, has been “divisive” since she was elected in December 2021.

Should they both end up in the general election next year, it would pit two Jewish women against each other in an Orthodox district of Brooklyn that leaned toward Donald Trump in 2016 and where Orthodox women are discouraged from taking on public leadership roles.

Adler is acutely aware of this fact, saying that she faced harassment and death threats when she ran for City Council last year. “Other people who weren’t Orthodox, they didn’t have the same attacks that I did,” Adler said. “While it would be two women running, I do think that in comparison I will most likely get the brunt of the excessive harassment and dangerous behaviors.” Vernikov, 38, is Jewish, but not Orthodox.


Lapid tells Biden to shove it where the sun doesn't shine


First Biden and "the self-hating Jew" Blinken pressure Israel to say that they "may have shot the Jew hating Al Jazira Reporter" to pacify the Abbas, and then the next day after Israel caves and makes that obviously false statement, Biden wants to review the IDF "opeb fire rules." What sheer chutzpa!

Well that was over the top to even Lapid, the leftist Biden tuchis lekker, and he basically told Biden to go back to the basement and take a nap!

Israel rejected the urging of the Biden administration to review its open fire rules in the wake of the Israeli report that Abu-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh may have accidentally been killed by IDF fire.

Speaking at a graduation ceremony for naval officers on Wednesday, Prime Minister Yair Lapid said: “I hear the calls to prosecute IDF soldiers following the death of Shireen Abu Akleh. I hear the calls to change our rules of engagement. The IDF never intentionally shoots at innocent people. We are deeply committed to freedom of the press and to some of the most stringent rules of engagement in the world.”

Israel rejected the urging of the Biden administration to review its open fire rules in the wake of the Israeli report that Abu-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh may have accidentally been killed by IDF fire.

Ben & Jerry Continue with their self-hate


In true fulfillment of שקר אין לו רגליים, Ben & Jerry’s announced on Tuesday that it is planning on amending its legal bid to stop its parent company Unilever from allowing Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to be sold in Yehuda and Shomron after the judge dismissed their initial claims as “speculative.”

Ben & Jerry’s had claimed that Ben & Jerry’s Israel could produce new ice cream with the “exact opposite stance” of products sold outside Yehudah and Shomron, which could confuse customers. “Instead of Peace Pops, you could make ‘Tank Pops,’ their lawyer said.

However, the judge failed to be convinced of the urgency of the matter and rejected their request for an injunction of sales in Israel during the course of the companies’ legal battle.

In a letter submitted to the federal court in Manhattan on Tuesday night, Ben & Jerry’s stated that it will file an amended complaint by September 27th, Reuters reported.

Unilever has agreed to the request and will respond to the new complaint by November 1.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

IDF to Use Armed Drones in Quelling Arab Uprising in Judea & Samaria


In response to the escalation of Arab violence in Judea and Samaria, the commander of the IDF’s Judea and Samaria Division and the commander of the Menashe Brigade recently underwent training to operate an air force assault command center that monitors, and controls armed drones, Kan 11 News reported Tuesday night. Following the training, they will be able to supervise the operation of attack drones in cases of operational need. The operation will be run under the division commander.

Angels walking among us


Dodi Tobin a"h
by Rabbi Hagai Lundin
I met Dr. Dodi Tobin zt"l several years ago. Someone with an American accent called and asked me about the book, "Orot haTeshuva" [Lights of Repentance]. She explained to me that she organizes Torah classes as part of the Beit Shemesh Women's Seminary "Matan", and in recent years she is interested in the teachings of Rav Kook. Our study relationship continued in classes and questions.

About a year and a half ago, she asked to meet for an urgent consultation. We met at Machon Meir in Jerusalem, where she told me - with amazing composure - that she had been diagnosed with cancer (she was 55 years old). She had one chilling question: "How do I make the best use of the time remaining to me?" She added that she had spoken to someone who suggested that she focus on praying to "abolish the decree".

Maimonides Hospital May be Close to Collapse


Boro Park’s Maimonides Medical Center may need to be “saved” even sooner than expected.

In addition to its allegedly subpar conditions and poor record of treatment, the hospital appears to be on the verge of financial collapse, according to the NY Post.

Financial filings show that the iconic yet beleaguered hospital lost a whopping $145 million last year and defaulted on some debt.

As a result, the facility may not be financially sustainable. At the end of 2021, the hospital had just $148 million in cash on hand, which may only be enough to last another year

The 52-page report, dated Aug. 26 was prepared by renowned accounting firm Price Waterhouse Cooper highlights just how precarious Maimonides’s position is currently.

The news comes as the hospital’s management is engaged in a bitter feud with high-profile businessmen and askanim over the hospital’s future, amid a plethora of complaints over poor care, dilapidated conditions, faulty a/c systems, and excessive executive compensation.

The hospital’s CEO Kenneth Gibbs’ yearly salary nearly doubled from $1.8 million to $3.2 million in 2020 — even though the hospital posted a $16 million loss that year.

In July, five state lawmakers signed a letter calling for hearings into the hospital’s operations.

Then in August, state Senator Simcha Felder labeled the “Save Maimonides” campaign a “not kosher…smear campaign.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Teacher suspended from school & jailed for using wrong pronoun


A teacher in Ireland has been suspended from work and then jailed for contempt of court after he refused to use the correct pronouns to address a transgender student.

Enoch Burke was arrested on Monday for violating a court order barring him from teaching at Wilson’s Hospital School in Westmeath, or even being present there, the news site RTE.ie reported.

Judge Michael Quinn found Burke guilty of violating an order made by the High Court last week and sent him to Mountjoy Prison, where he will remain until he either purges his contempt, or until further order from the court.

The teacher remained defiant in the face of jail time, telling the judge that “it is insanity” that he will be led out of the courtroom and taken to prison for refusing to give up his Christian beliefs.

DIN on "Daas Torah"


If I ever hear the word "Daas Torah" again, I'll scream.

 I grew up amongst very frum Holocaust survivors, these survivors built from scratch Moisdois Ha'Torah, yet I never heard the word "Daas Torah" until just maybe 20 years ago. 

Who came up with this? 

The fate of a generation of Jewish children is at stake in yeshiva debate


by Michael Steinhardt

In a surprisingly caustic Wall Street Journal op-ed last year, Dovid Margolin, a senior editor at the Hasidic magazine Chabad.org, warned of a major new threat to his community’s vast network of schools, known as yeshivas. “New York’s yeshivas face a challenge with echoes of ancient persecution,” he wrote, comparing it to the shuttering of Jewish cheder schools in the Soviet Union a century ago.

He wasn’t alone in sounding the alarm. “This war on Orthodox Jews’ religious educational underpinnings,” wrote Eli Steinberg in the Daily Wire, “is as much an existential threat as the madmen who storm their grocery stores with guns and rush their homes with machetes.”

Margolin and Steinberg aren’t talking about violence or state-sponsored persecution, however. The looming horror they describe is nothing more than a set of proposals the state Board of Regents is considering to help these schools provide children a basic education.

Upwards of 65,000 Hasidic children statewide do not receive the education they deserve. Most of them are boys attending yeshivas whose language of instruction is Yiddish: Children are not even taught to read and write in English. Similar neglect is found in math, science and other key subjects.

The lack of a basic secular education contributes to a cycle of poverty that prevails across the Hasidic community — one that will only get worse as its population grows.

Such schools are not simply neglectful: They fail to meet New York’s legal requirements for education.

I'm afraid to walk to shul in NYC


Cindy Grosz

I get some interesting requests. Several weeks ago, I received a phone call from a friend’s acquaintance who lives on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, a neighborhood of many liberal successful Jews, many religious. The conversation was very cordial, brief and to the point. Can I help this family find a rental outside of Manhattan for the end of September and through the Jewish holidays concluding when Simchat Torah ends. And, if so, if I find that rental, they have friends who are looking too.

Jews in Manhattan are afraid to walk on streets to shul, eat in Sukkahs and wear yarmulkes as they watch fellow Jews get beaten up, robbed and mobbed simply because they are Jewish. Rosh Hashanah is a festive time, not a time to hide.

A Jewish woman in her 40s was choked on a New York City subway station in early August according to a report by the New York Post.

The article claimed that a man approached the woman, put his hands around her neck and choked her while making antisemitic remarks.

China Must Have Released another Virus as they Lock Down 65 Million,

 China has locked down 65 million of its citizens under tough COVID-19 restrictions and is discouraging domestic travel during upcoming national holidays.

Across the country, 33 cities including seven provincial capitals are under full or partial lockdown covering more than 65 million people, according to a tally published late Sunday by the Chinese business magazine Caixin.

It said that outbreaks have been reported in 103 cities, the highest since the early days of the pandemic in early 2020.

Despite a relatively low number of infections, authorities have adhered to a “zero-COVID” policy requiring lockdowns, quarantines and the confining of people suspected of being in close contact with any confirmed case.

Dumb Israelis Cave Into Biden Pressure and lie that it was a ‘High Possibility’ Soldier Killed Reporter


Any "youkel" watching and listening to the video that the Arab murderers themselves showed on Social media can clearly see that the Arabs themselves killed the "klavta" reporter. 

The Biden cowards put pressure on the Israelis to take the blame probably in exchange for some shekels. 

The Israeli army said Monday there was a “high possibility” that a soldier killed a well-known Al Jazeera journalist in May, as it announced the results of its investigation into the killing. But it said the shooting was accidental and no one would be punished

Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in May while covering Israeli military raids in the occupied West Bank. The Palestinians blamed Israel for the killing. Israel initially said she may have been killed by militant fire, but later said a soldier may have hit her by mistake during an exchange of fire.

Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American journalist, had covered the West Bank for the satellite channel for two decades and was known across the Arab world.

In a briefing to reporters, a senior military official said the military could not conclusively determine where the fire emanated from, saying there may have been Palestinian gunmen in the same area as the Israeli soldier. But he said the soldier shot the journalist “with very high likelihood” and did so by mistake. The official did not explain why witness accounts and videos showed limited militant activity in the area, as well as no gunfire in the vicinity until the barrage that struck Abu Akleh and wounded another reporter.

“He misidentified her,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity under military briefing guidelines. “His reports in real time…absolutely point to a misidentification.”

The results of the probe, announced nearly four months after the killing, largely align with those of several independent investigations completed much earlier.

Judge Throws a Wrench into the FBI Investigation Against Trump and Grants Trump Bid For Special Master In Document Search


A federal judge on Monday granted a request by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review documents seized by the FBI during a search of his Florida home last month.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon came despite the objections of the Justice Department, which said an outside legal expert was not necessary in part because officials had already completed their review of potentially privileged documents. The judge had previously signaled her inclination to approve a special master, asking a department lawyer during arguments this month, “What is the harm?”

The appointment will slow the pace of the department’s investigation into the presence of top-secret information at Mar-a-Lago,.

Owner of Kosher Chinese Restaurant in NJ Caught on Video Buying Non-Kosher Meat


The OK Kashrus agency has pulled its certification from Manalapan Kosher Chinese, located on Route 9 in Manalapan Township, NJ.

The saga began after the owner of the restaurant was videotaped at a store purchasing cases of non-kosher chicken and meat.

The video was sent to OK Kosher, who certified the restaurant until now, and an investigation began.

Once the allegations surfaced, Elon Kornblum from the facebook group Great Kosher Restaurant Foodies announced that the restaurant had told the OK that the non-kosher items were purchased for another store, however they have “consequently or incidentally” decided to close their store for good.

Later, the OK released a statement announcing they were officially removing their kosher certification from the restaurant, and confirmed that the restaurant is shutting down.

In addition, the OK is instructing anyone who may have purchased anything from the restaurant within the last 6 months to Kasher any personal utensils that may have come in contact with the food.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Lady attacked by a fox in New York

Arabs Kill a Journalist and the world is silent including the media


The father of an Arab Israeli crime reporter who was shot dead said Monday that his son had been under threat for a while and had taken the matter to police.

Journalist Nadal Ijbaria was found critically wounded in his car in the northern Arab city of Umm al-Fahm on Sunday and died shortly afterward in the hospital.

His father Muhammad Ijbaria told Channel 12 that “the writing was on the wall.”

“My son complained. Why is it that we still haven’t heard of any arrests?” he said, expressing frustration at the progress of police’s investigation into the killing.