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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Why Now? An Analysis of What's Going on in Israel & Gaza? by an Arab Leader

by  Mudar Adnan Zahran, he is the secretary General of the Jordan Opposition Coalition and a Palestinian Arab leader.

Israel recently killed a military leader of the Iran-backed Islamic Jihad terror group in Gaza. Tayseer al-Jabari, who was killed by an Israeli airstrike on 5 August, was the key military commander for the said group and has been considered the group’s leader since 2019. The killing was the first step in what Israel named Operation Breaking Dawn to target Islamic Jihad operations and installations in Gaza.

The Secret Diary Of The Holocaust (WW2 Documentary)


Surviving the Holocaust - Uncovering secret hideouts


As Israel Eliminates the Entire "Palestinian Islamic Jihad" in Gaza .. Hamas Decides to so far Stay Out of War .. But for how long?


The latest confrontation between Israel and Gaza’s terrorists does not have its origins in the Hamas-run Strip.

To some extent, it began in Jenin on Monday night, when the IDF arrested the West Bank leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group, Bassem Saadi, 61. Repeatedly jailed by Israel over the years, Saadi had been establishing “a significant military force for the organization in [the northern West Bank] in general and in Jenin in particular” in recent months, according to the Shin Bet security service.

To a still wider extent, however, it can be traced to Iran, which has reportedly funneled tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to PIJ in recent years to finance its recruiting and its weaponry in both Gaza and the West Bank.

For more than three days in the wake of Saadi’s arrest, facing what Israeli officials said Friday were “concrete” threats that PIJ was bent on avenging his capture by targeting Israeli civilians and soldiers near the Gaza border, Israel imposed a semi-lockdown on its residents near the Strip, bolstered its troop deployments, and warned Islamic Jihad via Egyptian mediators to stand down.

When Giving is Receiving

IDF releases video of killing of Islamic Jihad leader Khaled Mansour


Arabs Killing their own as 40 rockets they launched against Israel land in Gaza





Thursday, August 4, 2022

DIN Hires Famous Shadchan to the Staff


Meet Biden's Speechwriter


Chief Rabbi of Gaza Offers Andy Levin the "Rosh Ha'Kahal" Job in Temple Ahavat Al-Quds Located in the Gaza Tunnels


Crazed Chareidim Saying "Tikkun Chatzos" as a "Light Rail" Protest

 Question: Don't answer until you give it some thought.. "Is this what Hashem really wants?" 

Or is Hashem saying:" These Crazies are stopping progress in my beautiful city" 

Biden Robbing the Lower- Middle Class as 80% of new IRS revenue will come from small businesses earning under $200K


Small business owners may soon be in for a lengthy and expensive battle with the IRS, tax experts warn.

A key provision in the Inflation Reduction Act — which throws an extra $80 billion to the IRS to improve the agency’s collection of under-reported income — will end up targeting small business owners to pay for the legislation, according to nonpartisan watchdog the Joint Committee on Taxation.

The group estimates that between 78% and 90% of the estimated additional $200 billion the IRS will collect will come from small businesses making less than $200,000 annually.

Just 4% to 9% would come from businesses making north of $500,000 a year — meaning the legislation is in sharp contrast to President Biden’s longstanding claim that he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000.

“The IRS will have to target small and medium businesses because they won’t fight back,” Joe Hinchman, executive vice president at National Taxpayers Union Foundation, told The Post. “We’ve seen this play out before … the IRS says ‘We’re going after the rich’ but when you’re trying to raise that much money, the rich can only get you so far.”

In fact, going after the lower and middle class can actually be more lucrative for IRS auditors than trying to get more money from the wealthy. “The rich have their lawyers and fight it — that’s why the poor are easier to go after,” Hinchman adds. 

Accordingly, tax experts warn that the IRS’s audits will be far more painful and costly for small business owners — even for those who think they’re filing their taxes correctly.

“Most small business aren’t doing anything wrong,” Daniel Bunn, executive vice president at the Tax Foundation, told The Post. “We don’t make the tax code simple and the complicated tax code makes it difficult for small business owners to comply with all the requirements.”

Even if small business owners get everything right, they may still be faced with a headache since part of the IRS expansion will involve sending out more notices and letters to businesses, Bunn adds. For individual contractors or small businesses, an IRS letter that they owe more money or made an error on their taxes can put them underwater.

“Anytime you get a IRS letter, it could take months or years to get it settled — we’re talking many thousands of dollars to address,” Bunn added. “Large companies have constant reviews and lawyers going through everything … small business doesn’t have the resources to fight back in the way.”

The White House has dismissed claims the bill will hurt lower- and middle-income Americans, instead noting the JCT estimate doesn’t take into account how much the bill will offset costs for average Americans like prescription drugs.

But tax experts aren’t so sanguine about the reality of giving the IRS more resources.

“The approach here is to double the IRS workforce, take the leash off, and see how much they can collect,” Hinchman adds. “I think they’ll collect it but it will be quite painful.”

Yuh-Line Niou the ‘fake progressive' & Pro-Palestinian Running for Congress Stabs her Fellow Chinese Constituents in the Back


Chinatown restaurant and home-aid workers gathered outside Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou’s office Wednesday, chanting “Yuh-Line Niou, Shame On You!” and calling on the woke Democrat to drop her bid in the crowded 10th Congressional District race

The immigrant workers say Niou (D-Lower Manhattan), who has billed herself as a champion of the working class, is a “fake progressive” who sides with exploitative “sweatshop bosses” over community members.

“I am standing out against Yuh-Line for selling out workers, for having the gall to then run for Congress,” Vincent Cao, a former employee at the now-shuttered eatery Joy Luck Palace, said at the rally. 

“Wage theft is rampant today because people like Yuh-Line Niou look the other way.”

Cao and his colleagues were awarded $1 million in back pay from a lawsuit they won in 2019 against Joy Luck Palace after the Chinatown restaurant shuttered. The workers say they still haven’t been paid by their bosses. And they think that Niou’s close relationship with Patrick Mock, their old boss, and the three other co-owners, disqualifies her from the race.

“Niou actually presented a ‘Community Hero’ award to my sweatshop boss, the boss that owes me years of wages,” Cao alleged.

The rally Wednesday in Chinatown outside the pol’s office was attended by around 100 people and was organized by the Youth Against Sweatshops and Chinese Staff & Workers Association. The two local groups are demanding the Niou withdraw her bid for Congress and get workers the money they are owed. The groups say despite being their representative in Albany, Niou has done nothing to help them since taking office.

“She sold out the community,” organizer Sarah Ahn told The Post. “We are urging people not to vote for her, not to be fooled by a fake progressive.”

Ahn alleged that so-called “sweatshop bosses” in Chinatown are able to exploit workers because they have the approval and ear of Niou, who has been endorsed by the left-wing Working Families Party.

“Its such a deep hypocrisy,” the activist said. “We know a lot of politicians are hypocritical, but it’s really destructive to have the new face of progressivism do this.”

Pro-Israel Republican Congresswoman Killed In A Car Crash In Indiana


 Republican U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski of Indiana was killed Wednesday in car accident, her office says.

“Jackie’s husband, was just informed by the Elkhart County Sheriff’s office that Jackie was killed in a car accident this afternoon. She has returned home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. We will have no further comment at this time,” her office said in a statement.

The Elkhart County Sheriff’s Office said they were called to the scene of a two-vehicle crash shortly after noon. Police said a car traveled left of the center lane and collided head-on with an SUV Walorski was riding in, killing Walorski, 58, and two others in the vehicle.

A 55-year-old woman driving the other car was also killed in the crash, police said.

Walorski, who served on the House Ways and Means Committee, was first elected to represent Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District in 2012. She previously served three terms in the state’s legislature.

Walorski, was born in South Bend and lived near Elkhart, Indiana. She and her husband were previously missionaries in Romania, where they established a foundation that provided food and medical supplies to impoverished children. She worked as a television news reporter in South Bend before her turn to politics.

In 2019, Walorski voted to stand with Israel as a key ally of the United States and to oppose the radical Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement that seeks to delegitimize the world’s only Jewish state.

“Israel is one of America’s closest friends, and we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our vital ally in the face of threats to delegitimize and even destroy the world’s only Jewish state,” Wallorski said at that time.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Satmar Rebbes Running Scared as Lee Zeldin is Closing in on their "Girlfriend" Gov Hochul and may Win!


Both feuding Satmar Rebbes have their eyes on the same lady, it seems, Governor Hochul! We are not certain what Hochul the "shiksa" promised the rebbes, but we can only guess... wink wink! They enthusiastically endorsed her even though she is a clone of Cuomo, who turned out to be a disaster for the Heimishe communities during Covid . This Cuomo came up which he thought was a brilliant idea to place severe Covid patients into nursing homes that killed off most of the elderly residents to the tune of approx. 20,000.

For months, Republicans have been telling anybody who would listen that this is the year they will end their power outage in Albany. They cite violent crime and inflation, an apparent lack of enthusiasm for Gov. Hochul and a national fury over the failures of the Biden administration. 

Despite those advantages, there’s been little evidence so far that the GOP could free New York from the Dem stranglehold. A Tuesday poll begins to change that. 

Hochul leads Republican Lee Zeldin by just 14 points, 53-39, in the Siena College survey. While 14 points is hardly a cliffhanger, it compares very favorably to 2014. At this stage of that race, incumbent Andrew Cuomo led GOP nominee Rob Astorino by 32 points in a race Cuomo won by 14. 

Moreover, Zeldin, who has represented a Long Island district in Congress since 2015, effectively begins with the 40% high-water mark of any GOP gubernatorial candidate in the last four elections. (George Pataki was the last Republican governor, winning his third term in 2002). 

So closing a 14-point gap with more than three months until Election Day is certainly doable, especially given the political environment and Hochul’s uneven performance. 

Zeldin, in a phone interview, sees many greenshoots in the new survey and says his internal poll has him even closer. 

Who Knew? Nadler Says that he impeached Bush twice!


Longshot challenger Suraj Patel came out swinging in the Democratic primary debate for the race to represent Manhattan’s Upper West and Upper East sides, saying it’s time to retire septuagenarian Reps. Jerrold Nadler and Carolyn Maloney.

The call for new blood from the 38-year-old came right after Nadler stumbled badly through his own opening statement.

“It’s 2022. It’s time to turn the page on 1992,” Patel, 38, said in a swipe at Nadler, 75, and Maloney, 76, during his introductory statement in the debate co-sponsored by NY1 and WNYC.

Nadler’s delivery was halting during his initial presentation, and he misspoke and often seemed unable to come up with the right words.

And then Nadler, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, uttered a real whopper, proclaiming, “I’ve impeached Bush twice.”

He was referring to his oversight of the politically divisive impeachments of former President Donald Trump, who he confused with either the 41st or 43rd presidents.

Nadler’s bumbling seemed to prove Patel’s point.

Yeshivas Kol Torah Expels Tens Of Students – Because They Have A Driving License


In a dramatic move at the end of the summer “zman”(yeshiva term), the venerable Kol Torah yeshiva in Jerusalem has expelled tens of bochurim, including some of its star students. The sudden decision is based on an old directive issued by Rabbi Elazar Menachem Shach in 1994, prohibiting all yeshiva students from obtaining a driver’s license. The directive came in the wake of a number of serious road accidents involving yeshiva students.

During that period, the Vaad Hayeshivos went as far as saying that yeshiva students who had licenses would not receive military deferments. Most of the yeshivas accepted the directive and forbade students from obtaining a license. In most yeshivos the directive has remained in place but usually is not enforced. For example, there is no enforcement in Ponovezh on this issue and in many yeshivos students are allowed to obtain a license while in their fifth year in yeshiva (age 21-22).

In the Kol Torah yeshiva there was no official policy against driving licenses until recent years, when it was decided to change and prohibit obtaining a license. A student from the yeshiva related to Kikar Hashabat that “until a few years ago, nobody checked who had a license, but now they have decided to be more stringent and boys from younger shiurim about whom the yeshiva was informed that they have a license were expelled from the yeshiva. Older students were also expelled if the yeshiva had a reason to remove them and they also had a driver’s license.”

However the current action is far more extreme, according to the student: “They threw out ten exceptional students, all from fifth year and above, over the age of 21. They are not from the weaker students, they are the best students in sixth year and one of them is even a chavrusa of one of the rosh yeshivos, another is connected to the adminstration, this is truly a drama.”

The student added that in the past some students had been expelled for this reason “and then committed to all kinds of things and came back after a few days” but in this case an entire group has been thrown out. He explained that “the rosh yeshiva said that he can’t do anything about it because he needs to create a deterrent for the younger boys so that they won’t obtain a license, so he expelled the older boys even though they are among the best students in the yeshiva.”

The bachurim who were expelled said that they did not intend to go elsewhere, since at their age -sixth year- it would be difficult for them to acclimatize in another place and they are already involved in shidduchim. They said that they would be without a place to learn in the Elul zman.

Michigan Dumps Self-Hating Jew Andy Levin Who was Backed by the Squad & JStreet


Michigan Congresswoman Haley Stevens on Tuesday defeated Congressman Andy Levin in the Democratic primary. Stevens’ victory was a resounding 59.4% to 40.6%.

Levin ran in 2018 to succeed his father, Congressman Sander Levin, in Michigan’s 9th district. He defeated Republican businesswoman Candius Stearns in the general election with 59.6% of the votes. He then ran for a second term in 2020 and defeated Republican Charles Langworthy with 57.8% of the vote.

But redistricting in Michigan has forced two democrats, Levin and Haley Stevens, from Michigan’s 11th district, to compete against each other for the same seat (Michigan’s 11th), and Levin was being massively outspent by Stevens.

Bringing your kids to "Dazzle" in Monsey May Get Them More than Ice Cream