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Friday, June 10, 2022

"Cry'in" Schumer Threatened Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh two weeks before a gunman decided Shumer was right and went to kill the Justice


Watch Hamas brutally evicting Bedouins in Gaza and seizing the land


Men riding a bus save a girl's life as they watched her being hit outside on road


Brooklyn Man Dead after being sucker punched ..No Guns were used after all they are illegal


Cheerios blamed for tummy troubles in latest cereal fear

 Another breakfast staple is being blamed for causing upset stomachs — leading to plenty of belly-aching.

Cheerios cereal could be making consumers vomit and giving them diarrhea, according to a growing number of complaints funneling into iwaspoisoned.com, a platform that tracks food-borne illnesses. 

The new reports involving Cheerios come on the heels of a massive outbreak involving Lucky Charms, which has allegedly sickened more than 8,000 consumers over the past year, according to the website and sparked an investigation by the Food and Drug Administration.

Both cereals are made by General Mills. 

Israelis laughing after Iran claims Mossad agent named "Passed Gas" killed by drone


While Iranian media is known for making outlandish claims, Israelis were doubled over with laughter at the latest news out of Iranian state media that a Mossad commander apparently named “Asa Flots” (which translates to “made a fart” in English) had been assassinated by a drone strike in Erbil, Iraq.

An investigation by the Jerusalem Post found that the smelly story seemed to have spread through the media beginning with a tweet from the IntelSky Twitter account which mostly comments on air traffic tracking.

“(Ilak Ron) Asa Flots, commander of the Mossad assassination unit, assassinated [sic] during an attack with kamikaze drone in Erbil, northern Iraq,” IntelSky said in a now deleted tweet.

The Iranian Mehr News Agency then picked up the gassy story and ran with it without apparently fact checking the agent’s name by any Hebrew speakers.

Israeli social media users immediately began joking about the comical claim, explaining that the name “Asa Flots” translates in English into “made a fart,” leading to plenty of sulfuric jokes about Iran’s dubious claims that Agent “made a fart” was part of an alleged Mossad contingent in Iraq.

“We would like to give our heartfelt condolences to the family of Asa Flotz. Like a waft in the wind, you were gone too soon. We toot our horns in your honour. Let's all remember his him by saying ‘smell you later,’” wrote the spoof Mossad Assassination Commander Asa Flotz account.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

I thank you Hashem for giving me the Opportunity to live in the land you gave us


Next in line to Gerer Rebbe ..R' Avraham Mordchai" Allegedly Molested Gerer Boys and Ger paid 300,000 Shekel to keep them quiet


שני חסידי גור מעידים: בן האדמו"ר תקף אותנו מינית; בחסידות טייחו את המקרים

החסידים אמרו ל"הארץ" כי אברהם מרדכי אלתר פגע בהם במשרדו בישיבת "נר ישראל", וכי בכירים במוסד הורו להם לא לספר על כך לאיש ■ האדמו"ר גילה על התלונות שנים לאחר שהוגשו, ולא דיווח עליהן לרשויות. הוא ובנו מכחישים את הטענות ■ החסידות שילמה 300 אלף שקל כדי למנוע את פרסום הסיפור ■ הממונה על הצניעות בגור: "הוא צדיק ולא פגע באף אחד. מי שאומר את זה משקר"

במשך שנים מנסה ש', חסיד גור, לשכוח את מה שקרה בחדרו של אברהם מרדכי אלתר, בנו של האדמו"ר. גם לאחר שנישא והפך לאב לא סיפר על כך לאיש. "לא מדברים על דברים כאלה בגור", הוא אומר, "זה לא נמצא בשיח. הבושות הכי גדולות אצלנו הן דברים כאלה. אף אחד לא מספר ולא מדבר".

ש' וחבר נוסף בחסידות מעידים בסדרת שיחות עם "הארץ" כי אלתר הבן תקף אותם מינית לפני כשני עשורים בבניין ישיבת "נר ישראל" של החסידות בירושלים. שורה של מקורות מציירת תמונה של טיוח המקרים, שאירעו במשך שנים והיו ידועים לבכיר אחד לפחות בחסידות החזקה והמשפיעה בישראל.

האדמו"ר עצמו, הרב יעקב אריה אלתר, קיבל מידע על התקיפות שיוחסו לבנו רק לאחר שנים. אלתר, מהחשובים שבמנהיגים בחברה החרדית, הורה להוציא את הבן מהישיבה, אך לא דיווח על כך לרשויות ולא הציע סיוע למתלוננים. כשחשש שהדברים יפורסמו, שילמה החסידות מאות אלפי שקלים כדי למנוע זאת. האדמו"ר ובנו מכחישים את הטענות, וסירבו להגיב מעבר לכך.

המתלוננים ששוחחו עם "הארץ" עשו זאת בחשש גדול מפני המחיר שבחשיפה אפשרית, לדבריהם תוך שהם מסכנים את עצמם. "אם השם שלי ייצא, זה יסכן אותי באופן אישי", אמר אחד מהם. השני הוסיף: "אני לא יכול לסכן את עצמי ואת משפחתי. יש לי סיוטים רק מהמחשבה שאולי השם שלי יתגלה".

Exclusive: DIN infiltrates Hamas Meeting Discussing a slogan on "How to Frighten Israelis "


Arabs beating the hell out of each other in Shechem


The Tzaddik that refuses to check for bugs while eating cherries


Your Wife's Cheescake is not Kosher if she has a smartphone!


Loose Translation:

In Honor of the Holiday of Shevuois

Fresh Cheese Cake, danishes, kreplach

Received from a neighbor, friend or Mechutanisah

The following is the Daas Torah from

Harav the Genius R' Yitzchol Aluzer Maskowith Shlita

The head of the SHOTZ Bais Din

There is a very serious side of Kashrus, that one should not eat food that a lady cooked, that owns a smartphone, There are  Rabbis that are involved in this matter and will explain this.

The Sefer "Pri Toar" who was a huge poisik states unequivocally that "one is prohibited from eating any foods that were cooked by a lady a lady that does not possess "fear of G-d" and a lady that owns a smartphone has no fear of G-D. And this a very serious question

Israel-Hater Imani Oakley Crushed In Democratic Primary


Remember New Jersey congressional hopeful Imani Oakley, an Israeli hater who last year got duped by Rabbi Linda Goldstein, a parody Twitter account imitating a ‘Woke’ rabbi in Gaza?

Things have gone from bad to worse for her, after she got only 11% of the vote in her Democratic Primary.

Bonus humiliation: she lost to Rep. Donald Payne Jr., an Israel supporter who managed to get a whopping 83% of the vote, despite an embarrassing Zoom mishap last year.

The New Jersey Globe projects that Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-Newark) has won the Democratic primary in the 10th congressional district, defeating challenger Imani Oakley. As of 10:53 p.m., Payne had 83% of the vote to Oakley’s 11%, with minor candidate Akil Khalfani in third at 5%.


Payne, the son and successor of former Rep. Donald Payne Sr. (D-Newark), skated by for years as an under-the-radar representative with no real opposition from either party. But after an embarrassing incident last summer in which he attended a Zoom congressional hearing in his underwear, the congressman changed course.

 No word yet on whether her public display of dumbassery lost her votes.

At least she has ‘Rabbi Linda’s’ support!


The Batteries of Electric Cars are Charged With 95% Coal ... How Embarrassing


State, city ordered to finish investigation of Tzelemer yeshiva


City and state education agencies have been ordered to finish an investigation into whether a Brooklyn yeshiva is providing students with a sound, basic education.

A New York Supreme Court judge has ruled the departments abdicated their responsibility to investigate whether the school — Yeshiva Mesivta Arugath Habosem — offers an education that is “substantially equivalent” to the public school system, court documents show.

“The court’s ruling should send a clear message to the NYC DOE that it is their responsibility to conclude their investigations into non-compliant yeshivas in a timely fashion,” said Naftuli Moster, executive director of Young Advocates For Fair Education, a pro-secular education in yeshivas group, on Wednesday.

The case concerns Beatrice Weber, a mom of 10 who left her ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, but under a family court order had to send her child to a Brooklyn yeshiva — her ex-husband’s school of choice.

Mrs Weber

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Beit Shemesh hopes to quadruple population with new housing, commercial plans


Beit Shemesh could soon transform into a city of 500,000 residents, according to official building plans shared in local Hebrew-language media. If the blueprint is followed through, Beit Shemesh –which today does not even make the list of the top ten largest cities in Israel — would become one of the country’s largest urban areas.

Currently, somewhere between 124,000 and 140,000 people call Beit Shemesh home. It is one of the few places that Jerusalemites move out to when they leave the capital. The city is also a good base for employment either in Jerusalem or across the center of the country, although a key element of the proposed plan is to develop employment opportunities within Beit Shemesh.

The Jerusalem District Planning and Building Commission is pushing forward with plans to establish a large commercial and residential area in the north of the city, covering 2,276 dunams (562 acres). It will be comprised of 4,700 housing units, including 960 small apartments, 600 hotel rooms, office space, and access points to an integrated transport network which will be delivered by relocating the existing public transport hub.

This is in addition to another proposed residential neighborhood to the south of Ramat Beit Shemesh with another 4,600 apartments, including 940 small apartments and 300 apartments for special housing, as well as commercial space and public buildings in an area covering around 1,350 dunams (333 acres). It is promised that 221 dunams (55 acres) will be reserved for open areas, with 95 dunams (23 acres) of that total designated as a national park.

This project pushes further than Beit Shemesh’s original master plan, which set a target of 360,000 residents for the city in the coming years. The master plan focused more on urban renewal programs across Beit Shemesh’s older neighborhoods, using the national rebuild program Pinui v’Binui, and the framework to add additional stories to existing buildings (Tama 38) to increase the quality and density of the city center, as well as improving public spaces.

Plans are predicated on transport improvements along the road network to meet the travel needs of a significantly larger population. Minimum widths have been set for streets and development has been zoned in order to preserve views across the city, creating a denser living environment in the ridge area with more limited development in the valleys.

Earlier this year, the government committed to supporting the renewal and expansion of Beit Shemesh’s infrastructure, pledging over NIS 500 million ($160 million) for transport improvements, public buildings, and services to residents

For some time, Beit Shemesh has been among the fastest-growing population centers in the country. In less than 20 years, the number of inhabitants has nearly doubled. Almost half the city, 46%, is made up of children under the age of 14.

Aliza Bloch, who has been mayor of Beit Shemesh since 2018, has repeatedly declared that her focus will be on building up the city’s infrastructure and the quality of life that it can offer to its residents, both ultra-Orthodox and secular.

Last year, Beit Shemesh saw some of the highest house price increases in the country, after Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Who Died In the Satmar Monsey Mikva?


Nadler may lose his seat to "one tough yente" Carolyn Maloney


Two of New York’s longest-serving members of Congress have turned from allies to rivals after a court redrew the state’s congressional maps, scrambling the favorable landscape Democrats hoped to set for themselves this election year.

U.S. Rep. Jerry Nadler, a major figure in former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment, and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a champion of 9/11 rescue and recovery workers, are now running against each other in a Democratic primary to represent a reconfigured district in Manhattan.

The intra-party battle is not the result Democrats envisioned for the once-a-decade redistricting in a state where they control the governor’s mansion and the Legislature.

Nadler, 74, and Maloney, 76, each were first elected to Congress 30 years ago and have risen to chair the powerful House Judiciary and Oversight committees, respectively.

R' Shmuel Katzenelbogen 30 Killed by car while on a scooter

 The frum community in Petach Tikvah was plunged into mourning on Monday evening upon hearing the news of the petirah of Reb Shmuel Katzenelbogen, z’l, at the age of 30.

The niftar was seriously injured last Tuesday while riding an electric scooter after being hit by a car. The accident reportedly occurred when a dog began chasing him and he tried to escape but ended up in the car’s path instead.

He suffered a severe head injury in the accident and has been sedated and ventilated since then. On Monday, his condition deteriorated and he was niftar, leaving behind a wife and three small children, his parents, and siblings.

Sadly, another fatality involving an electric scooter occurred in Petach Tikvah on Monday evening, when a 13-year-old boy riding an electric scooter was killed after he was hit by a car.

The police are carrying out an investigation of the circumstances of the accident. Initial reports indicate that the boy was hit by a car after he crossed a street at a red light.

Shortly before the accident, a man was injured by a car while riding an electric scooter in Be’er Sheva.

A tzedaka fund has been launched for anyone interested in assisting the niftar’s family.

THREE DOZEN Lakewood-Area Jews Win Their Primaries in Massive Win for Frum Community


Justin Flancbaum

Nearly three dozen frum Jews emerged victorious Tuesday night, following campaigns for various races in Lakewood, Jackson, and Toms River for a broad array of positions.

Most notably, hundreds of frum Jackson residents turned out to support their selected candidates for positions on the Ocean County Republican Committee – an extremely powerful local group in the county – and in the process ousting numerous incumbents, some of whom were accused of actively engaging in attempts to stifle Jewish growth in Ocean County.

The frum candidates – some of them incumbents – who won their primaries on Tuesday night include:

  • Aryeh Skorski
  • Uriel Davoudi
  • Michael Stern
  • Eliyohu Klein
  • Aryeh Greenspan
  • Shaindel Friedman
  • Boruch Berger
  • Shmuel Kaluszyner
  • Shmuel Ellenbogen
  • Baruch Kaluszyner
  • Baruch Birnbaum
  • Avraham Flohr
  • Miriam Gross
  • Yitzchok Weiss
  • David Wolin
  • Ilya Sokolin
  • Avraham Dov Auerbach
  • Michael Goode
  • Meir Tesser
  • Tzvi Bruckenstein
  • Albert Akerman
  • Mordechai Gross
  • Justin Flancbaum
  • Kerianne Flancbaum
  • Mordechai Burnstein
  • Hadassah Burnstein
  • Tzvi Herman
  • Moshe Suissa
  • Yedidyah Danziger
  • Yakov Saposh
  • Shimson Heller
  • Rafael Englard