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Friday, June 3, 2022

Iranian Colonels' Now Falling Off the Roofs


Col. Ali Esmailzadeh, one of the commanders of the 840th Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards and a close associate of Colonel Hassan Sayad Khodaei, died on Monday after falling from the roof of his house in the Karaj World View area, Iran International, a Saudi-sponsored Persian language television station headquartered in London and targeting Iranian viewers, reported on Thursday.

The Holocaust Photo that Offended Facebook

 Julius Ciss is the executive director of Jews for Judaism, Canada. When he posted the this picture of his daughter outside Auschwitz holding the Israeli flag in 2015, he was shocked to discover that Facebook considered it to be ‘insensitive’. What could be insensitive about such a picture?

Ciss has given us permission to repost what he wrote on Facebook, presenting Facebook’s response to the picture:

Last week I posted the following regarding how Facebook had tagged the attached photo as “insensitive”:

“It seems that someone complained to Facebook about this previously posted photo of my daughter at Auschwitz Concentration Camp. When I posted it, I stated:

“My daughter, Miriam Ciss, was in Auschwitz Concentration Camp today. My mother Helena and Aunt Dolly survived Auschwitz Birkenau. This is just one of the amazing photos she took. Shabbat Shalom and Happy Passover.

“What I didn’t say was that aside from my parents and aunt, the Nazis murdered both my father’s and mother’s entire families.

“Well, today I received the following notice from Facebook: ‘Your photo wasn’t removed because it doesn’t violate our community standards, but it has been marked as insensitive because it could offend or upset people.’

“What do you think?”

This above posting went viral and in seven days, from April 9 – 15, 2015:
Reached 1,886,456 people,
Was Liked by 69,751 individuals,
Commented on 26,211 times,
Shared by 19,816 persons.

I guess enough friends complained because Facebook has now issued the following apology, just in time for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day):

“It has come to our attention that a piece of your content was mistakenly flagged by one of our reps. This was a mistake and we’ve reversed the action taken. We apologize for our error.” – Eleanor, Community Operations, Facebook

I thank Facebook for acknowledging this mistake.

As I searched for an applicable quote to close off this posting in honour of Yom HaShoah, I realized that a very appropriate quote would be the following excerpt from my daughter Miriam’s diary of her recent trip to the death camps of Poland:

“Today was kind of a gap day… The fill in day… And yet, it was one of the saddest days of my trip to Poland…

“Today, we visited a mass grave. Yes, on this program, we’ve been to many and I never cried at any of them. Not as much as I cried here. You see, this mass grave is different… This mass grave holds 700 children. Yes, you heard me… Children.

“Alone, frightened and clinging to whatever family they had with them, if they even had any left to cling to… Nazis shot them… The children… And for what? Because they couldn’t produce… They were useless to the Reich and so, they were shot… Murdered…

Obama’s ‘Personal’ Vendetta and Hate Against the Jew Netanyahu Drove Anti-Israel UN Campaign

 During their terms in office, it was no secret that there was friction between former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ex-U.S. President Barack Obama. While the U.S. remained Israel’s top ally during this period, concessions were requested from the Jewish state vis-a-vis Iran and the Palestinians that many Israelis deemed an existential threat.

A new book by former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon sheds light on his tenure at the United Nations, where he served as Permanent Representative until 2020.

In The Lion’s Den: Israel And The World also delves into the Netanyahu-Obama dynamic, examining the source of alleged animosity on the part of the American president toward his Israeli counterpart.

Obama’s hostility reached a crescendo immediately before the end of his term with the passage of UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which demanded that Israel stop building Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria and portions of its capital, Jerusalem. The resolution passed based on the U.S.’ abstention from voting, an unprecedented step that represented a diplomatic betrayal of the Jewish state of the highest order.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Rabbi Uri Zohar Passes Away at 86

Rabbi Uri Zohar, one of Israel's most famous performers and later, one of the world's most prominent figures to become religious, has passed away at the age of 86.

Rabbi Zohar was born in Tel Aviv in 1935 to parents who were recent immigrants from Poland. He studied philosophy in Hebrew University and then began a hugely successful career in the performing arts, gaining renown as an actor, comedian, screenwriter and film director, alongside fellow artists such as Arik Einstein, Shalom Hanoch, and Jonathan Geffen.

In the late 1970s, Rabbi Zohar became religious, joining the haredi community over time; his transformation was watched with shock, admiration, and sometimes horror by the Israeli public. He later chronicled this period of his life in a book he titled, "My friends, we were robbed!" referring to the Jewish heritage so many secular Israelis are ignorant of.

Around a year before he became religious, Zohar won the Israel Prize, but refused to accept it.

In the video below, Rabbi Zohar was interviewed by Sivan Rahav Meir:


On Thursday morning, Rabbi Zohar suffered a heart attack and passed away.

May his memory be for a blessing 

Ger Doing Massive PR as Cover for their Pogroms on their fellow Gerer Chassidim

The Ger Pogromists are busy promoting their "Shas Bechina" on all Frum blogs such as Yeshivah World and Vosisneis etc. 

Gedoilim and other Rebbes such as the Stoliner and Viznitzer Rebbes called out the Gerer Terrorists and condemned them! 

The Pogrom Askanim quickly hired "PR Askanim" to cover for their brutality and chillul shabbos, and flooded the frum media with this event that occured two months ago!  

Shlomo Ha'melech described events like this as נזם זהב באף חזיר 

All the learning cannot erase the pasuk in the Torah 

?רשע למה תכה רעך 

Footage of Ger Bechina on all of Shas which took place at Pais Arena, Yerushalayim, Adar II 5782 / March 2022

Reporter Doesn't Challenge Arab Meshinginar that says that Israel Steals organs from Dead Palestinians and gives it to Ziontists


General Mills Caves into Anti-Semites And Divests Its Israeli Dough Operation


General Mills announced Tuesday it would be fully divesting from a business venture in Israel that had operated in an East Jerusalem settlement, in a move pro-Palestinian activists celebrated as the result of their campaign against the food conglomerate.

The Minnesota-based company has operated a Pillsbury frozen-food factory in the Atarot Industrial Zone since 2002, in a joint venture with Israeli investment group Bodan Holdings. In a statement, the company said it would sell its majority stake in the venture back to Bodan as part of a larger international investment strategy.

General Mills’ statement did not mention politics and noted that the company had previously moved to sell off its European dough business, as well. The company did not return multiple requests for comment from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The company has been a target of pro-Palestinian activists since it was included in a 2020 United Nations database of companies doing business in Israeli settlements.

American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker-affiliated activist organization that has been pushing the company to end its Israel operations via a campaign called “No Dough For The Occupation,” took credit for the divestment in a statement.

“General Mills’ divestment shows that public pressure works even on the largest of corporations,” Noam Perry, a member of the group’s Economic Activism team, said in the statement.

The divestment carried echoes of another food producer’s Israel-related move: last year’s decision by ice-cream manufacturer Ben & Jerry’s to stop selling ice cream in “Occupied Palestinian Territory.” In that case, the decision was explicitly political, coming on the heels of Israel’s deadly conflict with Hamas.

And the blowback was swift, with Jewish groups and several state governments lining up to not only boycott Ben & Jerry’s products but also divest from its parent company, the British multinational conglomerate Unilever — in many cases citing anti-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions laws to do so.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Nadvorna "einikel" Arrested for tax fraud

I have two questions:

א) Why are these rebbeshe children always called "einiklach?" Are they orphans? Don't they have "Fathers?"

ב) I thought these guys don't work, where do these guys get this kind of money?

Shmuel Shmelke Rosenbaum, a scion of the Nadvorna chasidic dynasty, was arrested at the beginning of May after he failed to report bank accounts abroad holding a sum of 6.3 million NIS in an attempt to evade income taxes.

During an international operation by the Israeli tax authorities, Rosenbaum’s accounts were revealed and he was arrested. Rosenbaum was released on bail at the beginning of the month but the court rejected his request to prevent the publication of his name.

Rosenbaum’s lawyer had claimed that publication of his name could “cause damage to his family members, two of who serve as Admorim in a chasidic group and this could severely damage their communities.” However the court did not accede to the lawyer’s request.

In the wake of information exchanges between Israel and foreign countries under the CRS (Common Reporting Standard), the authorities received information about an account in Switzerland with significant sums as well as possible financial income from activities within the account. An investigation was initiated and many documents were confiscated from Rosenbaum demonstrating that he had large unreported sums in the account.

The Tax Authority’s operation uncovered many other foreign accounts with a total of over 85 million NIS in undeclared assets. The Tax Authority said it would continue to use CRS to locate undeclared assets abroad and bring tax evaders to justice. 

Fearless Flatbush City Councilwoman Inna Vernikov Pulls $50,000 Funding From Cuny Law School


New City Councilwoman Inna Vernikov is set to pull $50,000 in funding for the CUNY Law School over the faculty's support of a Boycott, Sanction and Divestment (BDS) movement resolution, New York Post reported on Friday.

Funding pulled over BDS

"I have pulled funding from the program and redirected it to Legal Services NYC,” Vernikov, who is a Ukrainian-born Jew, told The NY Post. “It seems as if antisemitism is the only politically acceptable form of racism which exists. We must stop handing out free passes to antisemites like candy.”

The institution has been embroiled in multiple scandals connected to anti-Israel sentiment, including having a BDS leader give the 2022 graduating class's commencement speech.

The faculty adopted a BDS resolution on May 11 that had been originally introduced and passed by the student government in December. The resolution officially endorses BDS, and calls on the institution to divest from Israel, end-all Israeli student exchanges, and cut ties with any groups that "repress Palestinian organizing."

The self-described "anti-Zionist" CUNY Law Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) celebrated the faculty's decision "recognizing that the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom, justice and equality needs our support and calls for us all to fight against the institutional complicity that funds and supports their genocide."

“During a time when antisemitic hate crimes are up by 300%, it is incumbent upon our academic institutions to do everything in their power to protect their Jewish and pro-Israel students, not pass resolutions which directly place them in harm’s way.”

New City Councilwoman Inna Vernikov, to New York Post

Gazans Want the Jews Back


Members of the Palestinian security forces loyal to Hamas terror organization during a graduation ceremony in Gaza, Feb 21, 2022.

By Baruch Yedid, TPS

A series of recent events in the Gaza Strip have rekindled protests against Hamas’ rule, but for now, protests are limited to the social networks.

A new tax, at 16%, which has already been dubbed the “Hamas tax,” is provoking much anger in the Gaza Strip.

The tax was imposed on a variety of goods coming from the Palestinian Authority (PA), including mineral water, chips, and soft drinks, and is intended to be a response to taxes levied by the PA on goods coming from the Gaza Strip.

Only in Israel ..Bus Driver Sings Yerushalayim Shel Zehav with Passengers


Woman who is sexually attracted to planes wants to marry toy Boeing


46 Shot, 10 DEAD During Memorial Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago...ZERO MEDIA COVERAGE


John Durham lost because he treated the FBI as a dupe — rather than a Clinton collaborator


What was the role of the FBI? In the Russiagate probe, in which Special Counsel John Durham has been tasked with getting to the bottom of the Trump-Russia “collusion” farce, that is the key question. If you don’t get the bureau’s role right, you’re apt to get the most consequential things wrong.

Durham has banked his investigation on the premise that the FBI was a victim — an innocent dupe manipulated by the wily Clinton campaign. On Tuesday, this misplaced faith led to the acquittal of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann.

The irony abounds. A Washington, DC, jury found Sussmann found not guilty of making a false statement to the bureau even though Durham’s team convincingly proved the falsity of the statement he made — namely, that in purveying derogatory information about Donald Trump, Sussmann was not representing any client, when in fact he was representing the Hillary Clinton campaign. Moreover, although the acquittal will encourage Democrats and their legacy media allies in seeking to discredit Durham’s probe, the law enforcement shenanigans uncovered by the trial illustrate that the probe is essential.

Nevertheless, the probe will come to naught, and accountability will remain a pipedream, unless Durham gets the FBI’s role right.

Nancy Pelosi's husband killed his older brother in 1957 car crash


Nancy Pelosi’s husband killed his older brother when he flipped his sports car in California — 65 years before he was arrested over the weekend and charged with drunk driving, newspaper clippings show.

Paul Pelosi was 16 when he crashed his car near San Mateo in the early hours of Feb. 22, 1957, the Daily Mail reported, citing a local news report from the time.

His brother, David Pelosi, 19, was likely strangled by a neck brace he had been wearing due to a previous neck fracture, according to the San Francisco Examiner report.

Paul, who suffered a broken collarbone in the wreck, called for help after breaking free from his car, the report said.

Highway Patrolman Thomas Ganley told the local outlet at the time that Paul said his older brother had urged him to slow down in the moments before the crash.

This is a bad stretch — better slow down,” David is said to have told his brother.

Paul told authorities he tried to shift gears and slow down, but lost control of his vehicle.

“The car veered across the road, bounced back from a small embankment, climbed 20 feet up another, spun around and somersaulted simultaneously and ended upside down on the shoulder with both youths underneath,” the local report said.

Paul’s older brother was pronounced dead after he arrived at Mills Memorial Hospital in San Mateo.

The brothers had been out on a “joyride” at the time after Paul had picked up David from a girlfriend’s house, according to the report.

The patrolman said he planned to cite Paul for misdemeanor manslaughter, but the case never made it to court and the then-teen was exonerated by a coroner’s jury.

Details of the fatal wreck emerged in the wake of Paul’s arrest following his alleged drunken crash in Napa Valley on Saturday night.

Paul, now 82, was driving home alone from a dinner party when he crashed, his lawyer told Fox News.

His lawyer said Paul had stopped at an intersection before turning onto State Route 29 when his 2021 Porsche “was hit on the back fender by a Jeep.”

Paul — who has been married to the House speaker since 1963 — was charged with one count of driving under the influence and another for driving with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08 or higher. Both charges are misdemeanors.

He was released on $5,000 bail.

Paul’s spokesman didn’t immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment. When asked about the fatal crash, Pelosi’s office referred The Post to Paul’s spokesman.

The Lying Clinton Campaign Lawyer Acquitted .... Hillary Jurors ignored evidence to acquit ex-Clinton lawyer of lying to the shameful FBI


The Obama appointed judge stacked the deck against the prosecution allowing Jurors who donated to Clinton to be on the Jury. The Judge also allowed someone whose daughter played with Sussman's daughter on the Jury! Despite strong evidence that Sussman was a liar, he was acquitted! 

A lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign was acquitted Tuesday of lying to the FBI when he pushed information meant to cast suspicions on Donald Trump and Russia in the run-up to the 2016 election.

The jury in the case of Michael Sussmann deliberated on Friday afternoon and Tuesday morning before reaching its verdict.

The case was the first courtroom test of special counsel John Durham since his appointment three years ago to search for government misconduct during the investigation into potential ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign. The verdict represents a setback for Durham’s work, especially since Trump supporters had looked to the probe to expose what they contend was sweeping wrongdoing by the FBI.

The trial focused on whether Sussmann, a cybersecurity attorney and former federal prosecutor, concealed from the FBI that he was representing Clinton’s campaign when he presented computer data that he said showed a possible secret backchannel between Russia-based Alfa Bank and Trump’s business company, the Trump Organization. The FBI investigated but quickly determined that there was no suspicious contact.

The bureau’s then-general counsel and the government’s star witness, James Baker, testified that he was “100% confident” that Sussmann had told him that he was not representing any client during the meeting. Prosecutors say he was actually acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and another client, and that he hid that information so as to make it seem more credible and to boost the chances of getting the FBI to investigate.

Lawyers for Sussmann deny that he lied, saying that it was impossible to know with certainty what he told Baker since they were the only participants in the meeting and neither of them took notes.

They argued that if Sussmann said he wasn’t acting on the Clinton campaign’s behalf that that was technically accurate since he didn’t ask the FBI to take any particular action. And they said that even if he did make a false statement, it was ultimately irrelevant since the FBI was already investigating Russia and the Trump campaign and would have looked into the Alfa Bank data no matter the source.

First Shul In 3,000 Erected On Har Hazeisim

The Donors The Ginzbergs 

 Just three days before the celebration of Yom Yerushalayim, the first shul to be erected on Har Hazeisim in 3,000 years was dedicated by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginsberg in memory of their daughter Sarala, a”h, who passed away six years ago at the tender age of 17.

When Rabbi Ginzberg began his search to dedicate a shul in the memory of his beloved daughter who is buried in the family plot on Har Hazeisim, he didn’t have to look too far. Through a chance meeting with Josh Wander, one of the most knowledgeable people in the history and location of graves on Har Hazeisim, Rabbi Ginzberg learned of a community of 200 families that live at the foot of the mountain – one that Josh now calls home.

As Josh showed the Ginzbergs around his community of Maalei Zeisim, they were shocked to see a thriving, bustling community with hundreds of children living in spacious apartments in a completely protected, walled complex.

Noticing a large, empty hole in the ground in middle of the community, Rabbi Ginzberg asked Josh what it was intended for. Josh explained that it was a parcel of land that had been purchased years earlier by Irving Moskowitz z”l, who intended to build a shul on it. Unfortunately, the project had never gotten off the ground and the parcel remained undeveloped for over a decade.

Hearing that, Rabbi Ginzberg realized the incredible Hashgacha Pratis that had sent him there and immediately sprang into action build a shul – Ohel Sarah – in the memory of his daughter on the empty land parcel.

Following five years of meetings, transatlantic trips, and countless sleepless nights, the community last Wednesday held a beautiful Chanukas Habayis for Ohel Sarah, providing the community a real shul to daven in for the first time in twenty years – a welcome change from the underground parking where minyanim were held until now.

At the Chanukas Habayis, one of the Rabbanim noted that Ohel Sarah is the first Shul on Har Hazeisim in 3,000 years, and as the Medrash says that Moshiach will ascend Har Habayis by passing through Har Hazeisim, Ohel Sarah could very well be the very first shul to be visited by him.

For Rabbi and Rebbetzin Ginzberg, the promise they made to their daughter Sarala a”h close to 6 years ago has now been fulfilled.