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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Eida Ha'Chareidis Orders Editors of "Peshutoi Shel Mikra" to Reprint to accommodate Their Censorship


I am a big fan of this beautiful commentary of the Torah and Rashi. I find it far superior than the Artscroll Translation of  The Chumash and Rashi. Of course Peshutoi Shel Mikra is in Loshon Ha'Koidesh.

The set had an "haskama" of the Rachmestrivka Rebbe of Yerushlayim, had the haskama R' Dovid Cohen the Chevroiner Rosh Yeshiva, had the haskama of the Tolner Rebbe, the haskama R' Azriel Auerbach,and it had the haskama of the ida Ha'chardies itself.

So what happened? 

Some shmeggegie didn't like one of the commentaries, probably because it have had too much love for Eretz Yisrael and approached the Eida and asked them to rescind their haskama.

The Eida called the editor, Harav Zalman Leib Gottleib in for a meeting and told him to recall the sets. R' Zalman Leib tried to reason with them and told them that this would be an impossible task since thousands of these sets were already sold. The Eida  acquiesced and they agreed that all future editions will have the "damaging material" left out and a new more "Chareidie political correct" commentary inserted in its place. They also agreed not to reveal which commentary was the problem.

So I'm waiting with bated breath to get the new set and compare the commentaries. 
Stay tuned!

Iran Revolutionary Guard Member Is Shot Dead In Tehran


 A senior member of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard was killed outside his home in Tehran on Sunday by unidentified gunmen on a motorbike, state TV reported, giving only scant details about the attack.

The two assailants shot Col. Hassan Sayad Khodayari five times in his car in the heart of the capital, state media said.

Reports identified Khodayari only as a “defender of the shrine,” a reference to Iranians who fight against the extremist Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq within the Guard’s elite Quds force that oversees operations abroad.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

Security forces were pursuing the suspected assailants, state TV reported, without offering further details or giving a motive for the killing.

NY commencement speaker calls for global intifada, murder of Israel-supporters


I hope that a pop-pop [pf gunfire] is the last noise that some Zionists hear in their lifetime,” Nerdeen Kiswani said.

By World Israel News Staff

An anti-Israel activist whose commencement speech at City University of New York sparked controversy said during her remarks that she is the victim of a Zionist conspiracy to silence her.

Nerdeen Kiswani was selected as the commencement speaker at the graduation ceremony for CUNY’s School of Law, a choice that drew backlash from Jewish groups concerned about her history of anti-Israel statements and past comments calling for the murder of Zionists.

Kiswani, the founder of pro-Palestine advocacy group Within Our Lifetime, has repeatedly called for the state of Israel to be destroyed, and recently liked an Instagram post praising the Palestinian terrorists who brutally murdered three Israelis with an axe in Elad.

Rather than acknowledging her critics’ concern over her membership in a group that calls for a “globalized intifada” and that her demonization of Israel has created an environment on campus that is not safe for Jewish students, Kiswani complained that she was being silenced for political reasons.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reported that during Kiswani’s speech, which was focused on the Palestinian cause rather than the students, university, or field of law, she asserted that she was “facing a campaign of Zionist harassment by well-funded organizations with ties to the Israeli government and military on the basis of my Palestinian identity and organizing.”

Kiswani also took time during her speech to slam CUNY for an organized trip to Israel, which she said was “an affront to everyone fighting for liberation” at the school.

In July 2021, Kiswani advocated for the murder of people who support Israel. “I hope that a pop-pop [pf gunfire] is the last noise that some Zionists hear in their lifetime,” she said.

“It’s one thing to have a political person who you don’t agree with,” a CUNY student told JTA. “But she calls for the actual murder of Jews. It’s really setting a precedent that CUNY is OK with having people in their school who are out to hurt us.”

Are All the Babies Born Now in the Wrong Bodies?

Toimcha Shabbos?????


"Google Translate" Now Messing With the Holy Shabbat


Hillary Clinton’s sordid legacy of lies Unfolding in the Courts


Proving that what’s old is new again, here is how the late William Safire began his New York Times column of Jan. 8, 1996: 

“Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation — is a congenital liar. 

“Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.” 

Safire detailed a series of situations where Hillary Clinton was caught in obvious lies, and there is a straight line to the Hillary Clinton whose shadow hangs over the Michael Sussmann trial in Washington. Once again, Clinton is being exposed as “compelled to mislead” and ensnaring “her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.” 

And to think she almost got away with stealing the presidency. 

It is in keeping with her history that she is portrayed as the off-stage chief conniver at a trial that is, like her, something of a throwback. Coming six years after the 2016 presidential campaign, the Sussmann trial inevitably carries an air of anti-climax. 

After all, we have known since the Robert Mueller report in 2019 that the charge that Donald Trump colluded with Russia was fake news. And we have known for almost as long that Clinton’s campaign secretly funded the smear merchants at Fusion GPS who hired Christopher Steele who fabricated a “dossier” that was long on lies and gossip and short on facts. 

How Woke Destroyed the Career of A Brilliant Jewish Cancer Biologist

David Sabatini 
Kristin Knouse 

 A renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology biologist who was axed after having a consensual fling with a much younger colleague, said the mushrooming scandal forced him on the unemployment line.

David Sabatini, 54, whose research involved unraveling how tumors develop, resigned from MIT last month and has been surviving on employment after fellow scientist Kristin Knouse claimed he “groomed” and “coerced” her into a sexual relationship, according to a report and court papers.

A longtime friend and dean at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine tried to offer him a job, but after an uproar, the school announced on May 3 that it would not hire him despite the fact that colleagues described him in a recent article as one of the world’s greatest scientists — a “genius” in line for the Nobel Prize.

“What wormhole did my life take, to … protests and being called a sexual predator? What quirk in the universe allowed this to happen?” said Sabatini, who has denied wrongdoing and noted Knouse did not work in his lab or report to him.

In an October lawsuit against MIT, Sabatini said that his relationship with Knouse, who is 21 years his junior, was consensual — and told a reporter he was shocked to find himself the subject of protests at NYU when the school explored the possibility of hiring him.

Sabatini has contended he and Knouse began their fling during a 2018 conference, while he was in the midst of a divorce. By 2020, he thought the affair had cooled, though he claims Knouse wanted to continue. By October 2020, she complained she’d been harassed, and in a later lawsuit alleged Sabitini oversaw a “sexualized” environment in his lab.

Since his departure from MIT, he has been despondent, he said. He stopped eating and sleeping, dropped 35 pounds in three months, “cried a lot and his hair was falling out,” according to the article on Bari Weiss’ “Common Sense” SubStack column.

It’s not just Sabatini dealing with the fallout.

After the Grossman School of Medicine announced it would not hire him, the National Institutes of Health decided to audit $500 million in grant money overseen by the dean who first considered bringing him aboard, Common Sense reported.

Dafna Bar-Sagi, a vice dean for science and chief scientific officer at the med school, called Sabatini “one of the greatest scientists of our century,” and oversaw an investigation of the allegations against him “at the risk of depriving society of the benefit of having someone like this continuing their career and making really meaningful discoveries that can affect human health for generations,” she told the outlet.

NIH said it received anonymous complaints about Bar-Sagi and recently sent NYU a letter raising concerns about her ability to provide “a safe environment for trainees,” Common Sense reported.

“If there was anything untoward about this man’s behavior, we would not have touched him with a 10-foot pole,” Ken Langone, the chair of the board for NYU Langone Medical Center, told Common Sense, calling the work to vet Sabatini “exhaustive.”

Outside lawyers consulted by NYU, who reviewed a report into the allegations done by MIT, found Sabatini was not given due process, the university told Common Sense

“If people are close minded to the idea that there can be a consensual relationship between two adults, I’m afraid we can’t make any traction,” said NYU Medical School Dean Robert Grossman.

The NIH did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Knouse did not respond to an email seeking comment.

Gerrer Chassidim Beat the Hell out R' Shaul's Followers in a "pogrom" Friday Night in Yerushalayim, Bet Shemesh, Ashdod



This is Torah?
These are the heilige people who are too busy learning Torah to fight in the Israeli army to protect Jews, but who have plenty of time to viciously attack other Jews ?
These are people who fight Jews during sefirah which is a time of mourning due to hatred between Torah scholars? Oy to such a Torah and to such Torah scholars!!!!!

In one of the worst demonstrations of the tensions and split within the Gur chasidic sect, violent clashes occurred on Friday night between the two rival factions, forcing police to intervene to maintain public order. The clashes broke out after a loudspeaker was used to criticize the Gerer Rebbe when he visited a cemetery in Tel Aviv Friday. The loudspeaker incident incensed his chasidim, who had also received a pamphlet in recent days criticizing the Rebbe’s behavior towards Rav Shaul’s faction.

At the height of the tensions, armed police were brought into the shul of Rabbi Shaul Alter to accompany him to his home due to the threats against him. Police used mounted police and water cannon to try and restore public order after chasidim damaged cars, threw objects and attacked one another. Eyewitnesses said that the riots were “the worst Jerusalem has seen in years.” Two policemen were injured and taken to hospital for treatment.

Members of  Rav Shaul’s community said that hundreds of members of the mainstream Gur chasidim attacked them on Friday night, causing significant damage to the Beis Midrash and even forcing Rav Shaul Alter to remain barricaded in the building until police came to escort him home.

The violence and clashes continued after Shabbos and spread to other Gur venues. In Ashdod cars were damaged, tires slashed and a Gur shul affiliated with Rav Shaul also suffered damage. A Mezuza was even removed from one of the yeshivas of Rav Shaul’s chasidim.

Police worked to restore order on Bar Ilan and Yirmiyahu streets where members of both factions continued to clash Saturday night. Armed guards continued to be present outside the home of Rabbi Shaul on Elkana street.

Hundreds of chareidim who are not affiliated with Gur protested the desecration of Shabbos and the attacks on Rav Shaul’s chasidim. The demonstrators blocked buses and prevented mainstream chasidim from returning home.


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Bribery charge against Netanyahu Falling Apart


“It’s incredible,” Benjamin Netanyahu said upon exiting Jerusalem’s district court earlier this week, with a grin plastered across his face. Soon after, he confidently declared in a Facebook post that “Case 4000 is dead.”

Analysts agree that the shaky testimony of a key witness may have punched a serious hole in the prosecution’s case in the corruption trial against the former prime minister, but cautioned that it may not be as significant as Netanyahu proclaimed.

“I wouldn’t say it’s falling apart, but the prosecution definitely lost points,” said Walla news legal reporter Yael Freidson, who has been covering the trial. “There was a big hole punched in ‘What did Bibi do?,’ she said, using Netanyahu’s nickname. “It doesn’t look good” for the prosecution.

Cops hunt for NYC synagogue firebug


A woman ignited a book and piece of cloth and hurled it through the gate of a Gramercy Park synagogue, according to police, who released video footage of the alleged firebug.

The disturbing incident — which is being investigated as a hate crime — happened at 1:30 a.m. Thursday at the Brotherhood Synagogue on Gramercy Park South, near 3rd Avenue, cops said.

There was no serious damage to the building, police said.

The NYPD late Friday night released a 16-second video clip seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspect, who ran off.

The clip shows the woman — wearing glasses, dressed in black, carrying a green shopping bag and sporting a white baseball cap — walking.

Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s confidential Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the CrimeStoppers website at https://crimestoppers.nypdonline.org/ or on Twitter @NYPDTips.

Jewish woman charged with painting swastikas on Boro-Park bus stop


A Jewish woman was charged with spray painting two swastikas on a bus stop in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, NY after she boasted in a Facebook post that “maybe the antisemites have a point.”

Farnoush Hakakian, 45, was arrested on Wednesday. She was charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime in connection with an incident on May 5 in which she allegedly spray painted a white swastika over an ad by a Jewish advocacy group calling for an end to antisemitism and also drew a swastika inside the bus stop, the New York Daily News reported.

A video allegedly showed the suspect during daylight hours spray painting swastikas on the sign at a Brooklyn bus stop, drawing one swastika over the sign with white spray paint and another above it. She then sat down at the bus stop to wait for a bus.

The act was committed in front of multiple witnesses.

The sign by the JewBelong organization was part of a recent antisemitism awareness campaign. It said: “We’re just 75 years since the gas chambers... So no, a billboard calling out Jew hate isn’t an overreaction. #EndJewHate.”

“This type of hate followed by the deafening silence from supposedly good people should be abhorrent to anyone who stands for justice. You don’t have to be a historian to know that to be quiet about hate doesn’t stop the haters,” JewBelong co-founder Stacy Stewart told the Daily News at the time of the incident.

When she was apprehended, Hakakian told police: “I am Jewish. This is my art, this is how I express myself. I don’t agree with Judaism and how the Jewish people are.”

A law enforcement source told the news outlet that she told police she had drawn the swastikas.

The day after she allegedly committed the vandalism, Hakakian wrote on Facebook: “Instead of condemning the antisemites, did it ever occur to you maybe we are doing many wrong things and we need to change????? Did it ever occur to you maybe the antisemites have a point? A good one?”

On Thursday, Hakakian posted on Facebook that she was converting to Buddhism.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Bechukoisah


Close to 30,000 Jews Have Gone to the Har Habyit to Daven ...Kol Ha'Kovod


Hamas Now Wants Bnei-Brak and Meah Shearim Too


Watch How Syrians Take Care of their "Terrorists"


Audit Finds Half of President Biden’s Twitter Followers are Fake Bots


President Joe Biden has an impressive 22.2 million followers on Twitter; but apparently half of them are bots. According to an audit tool from software company SparkToro, “49.3 percent of account’s following the official @POTUS Twitter account are ‘fake followers” reports Newsweek.

SparkToro defines “fake” as “accounts that are unreachable and will not see the account’s tweets (either because they’re spam, bots, propaganda, etc. or because they’re no longer active on Twitter.”

Analysis was conducted based on factors such as location issues, default profile images and new users. The information is of particular importance as Elon Musk has expressed his concern at the overwhelming number of fake accounts on the giant platform. Specifically, he claimed 20 percent of Twitter accounts were “fake/spam accounts” and that the figure is “4 times what Twitter claims” or even higher.

“Musk said early on Tuesday that his $44-billion deal to purchase the social media company could not go ahead until issues with fake accounts were resolved and appeared to criticize Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal” adds Newsweek.

The accusation put the acquisition in jeopardy, with the two men exchanging a series of tweets about the fake accounts issue on Monday.

The back-and-forth comes after Musk tweeted Friday that the deal to buy Twitter was placed on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts represent less than 5% of users.

“My offer was based on Twitter’s SEC filings being accurate,” Musk wrote. “Yesterday, Twitter’s CEO publicly refused to show proof of <5%. This deal cannot move forward until he does.”

“We suspend over half a million spam accounts every day, usually before any of you even see them on Twitter. We also lock millions of accounts each week that we suspect may be spam, if they can’t pass human verification challenges (captchas, phone verification, etc),” Agrawal wrote.

Men Can Get Pregnant and have Abortions


FBI Dirty Tricks Exposed in Clinton Lawyer Trial


Who needs to spend millions on television commercials or Facebook ads if you’ve got friends in the FBI who can pull off a political dirty trick for you?

Just look how cozy Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann and FBI general counsel James A. Baker are in text messages revealed in Thursday’s testimony at Sussmann’s trial.

Can you meet tomorrow, Sussmann asks the high-ranking government official. “OK, I will find a time,” Baker answers. Does he need help getting into the building? No, Sussmann answers, I have a badge to get into the Federal Bureau of Investigation. How convenient.

It was during this meeting that Sussmann peddled the false story that Donald Trump was secretly communicating with a Russian bank.

Sussmann obviously is guilty of the crime of which special counsel John Durham accuses him, lying to the FBI, despite his claims otherwise. He specifically says to Baker that he’s not coming in “on behalf of any client or company” when he was working for ­Clinton.

But are we really to believe Baker didn’t know that Sussmann — a well-known Democratic lawyer who can drop by the FBI at the drop of a hat — was a ­biased tipster? Worse, when Baker passes Sussmann’s story to FBI agents, he doesn’t tell them where it’s coming from, allowing the lawyer anonymity even as an investigation finds his tale is garbage.

Durham is pursuing a narrow indictment, but what he’s exposing is far larger. An unethical Clinton campaign, a biased government bureaucracy, and an insouciant class of Beltway insiders who figured they could get away with anything.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Balagan at Meron as Hundreds of Chareidim destroy safety infrastructure at Meron... They Learned Nothing! Time to Close it Down on Lag Be'Omer


Irresponsible selfish behavior. Anybody who hides behind the curtain of being religious and saying they’re doing this for the good of Judaism and for Gd ..
is a complete fraud. It’s a miracle that another tragedy didn’t happen. 
Close it down for Lag Be'omer now! 
R' Shimon Ben Yochai doesn't want another Jew to die because of a celebration honoring him!
They are already blaming the police! What Chutzpah!
Watch the video, this is NOT people trying to get OUT, these are people pushing their way IN, pushing and shoving each other. 
45 Jewish souls dead murdered by other Jews, and no one cares! 

Hundreds of haredi extremists broke into the Tomb of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai on Mount Meron, breaking down the partitions between the men's and women's sections, threw fences to the ground, and endangered the lives of the people inside the compound.

Police rescued the women and children from the tomb and are working to bring the riot under control.

In light of the violent riot, it has been decided to halt the bussing of people to the site to mark the Lag B'Omer holiday. The celebrations have been halted following the deliberate destruction of safety infrastructure at the site, rendering it impossible to fulfill the safety guidelines required to hold the evens.

A memorial event for the 45 people who perished in the disaster on Mount Meron last year was scheduled for tonight. The organizers of the Meron celebrations will examine whether the memorial can still be held after consulting with professionals and officials on the issue.

The incident is especially unfortunate as Lag B’Omer almost passed without any ugly incidents despite the long waiting periods, lines, and the intense heat.

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