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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Biden Funding Anti-Israel NGO's to the Tune of $1 Million


The Biden administration is distributing close to $1 million to organizations to investigate claims of human rights abuses in Israel, Judea and Samaria and Gaza.

Sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon said that the State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) project will serve to delegitimize Israel.

The DRL is offering $987,654 to NGOs to "strengthen accountability and human rights in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza.”

The grant notice posted on the State Department website calls for groups who would focus on “maintaining civil rights documentation to support justice and accountability.”

The groups who receive the funding will be tasked with investigating alleged abuses inside Israel, Judea and Samaria and Gaza, and to document these allegations.

This would include the “documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land, and property rights” while also “[understanding and accessing] the forums and processes available to take meaningful action in pursuing truth, accountability, and memorialization; and/or provide psychosocial support to survivors of atrocities.”

Supporters of Israel in Congress were furious when they found out about the program, with accusations that the Biden administration is aiding the BDS movement.

Senator Ted Cruz called the funding “disgraceful.”

"The Biden administration wants to use American taxpayer money to subsidize the international NGO campaign to demonize and isolate Israel, which then serves as a basis for antisemitic efforts to boycott and wage economic warfare against Israeli Jews. Congress did not appropriate funds for this purpose and has repeatedly condemned such campaigns,” he told the Free Beacon.

Cruz called on the State Department to immediately cancel the program and investigate how it came about.

Bennett Reads DIN Tells Zelensky to Surrender!


Bennett must be reading DIN that suggested that Zelensky surrender to Putin. This plan would prevent bloodshed, and the Uman'ities will be able to return to Uman under the Russian flag. Putin will then have the time to march into Poland, Hungary and Romania. 

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday spoke to Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, telling him in a phone call that he suggests Zelenskyy surrender, so as to end the war with Russia.

The news initially broke on Friday, and Bennett's office denied the report.

In the phone call, Bennett recommended that Zelenskyy accept the offer presented by Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the war. That offer included a long and harsh list of compromises on the part of Ukraine, a senior official in the Ukrainian government told Israel's Walla! news site.

Zelenskyy did not take Bennett's suggestion.

Police called on Julia Haart the Rebbeitzen from "My Unorthodox Life"

 Things just keep getting messier.

“My Unorthodox Life” star Julia Haart’s ex-husband Silvio Scaglia filed a report with the cops accusing her of alleged “unauthorized” use of a $132,000 Bentley, reports Us Weekly.

Page Six has confirmed that the cops were contacted, but reps for Haart tell us, “Silvio does not own the car. The cops are not looking for Julia. The car is not stolen … Also, the cops have since demurred on the whole thing. It’s a civil matter.”

Her reps added, “The cops initially engaged. Identified the whole thing as part of an acrimonious divorce and walked away. The car remains in place.”

According to Us Weekly, police showed up to take the car into custody on Friday, showing up to Haart’s parking garage with a tow truck, but did not wind up taking it.

The pricey car has been just one source of contention since Haart was fired as CEO of Elite World Group at the beginning of February. She filed for divorce just hours later.

Last month, Page Six exclusively reported that Scaglia — who purchased fashion and talent agency Elite World Group in 2011 and named Haart co-owner and CEO in 2019 — had accused her of keeping the Bentley two-tone red black Mulsanne without permission.

SW Vestry Cars – an LLC company tied to Elite’s holding company, Freedom Holding – allegedly sent a note to Haart on Feb. 21, asking for the immediate return of the luxury car, a source told us.

Scaglia guaranteed the lease with Manhattan Motor Cars, according to documents obtained by Page Six, which reveal the deal was done through SW Vestry Cars.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Va"yikra Parshas Zachor


The Pathetic Voting Record of Ukraine vis a vis Israel in the UN


Ukraine is begging the State of Israel for help against the Russians, after all Zelensky is a Jew, and a Jew always helps out another Jew even if helping Ukraine against Putin would be suicide.

So let's take a peek and look at Ukraine's voting record since Zelensky got elected as President of Ukraine in 2019.

According to the UN Watch website, there were 17 UN resolutions against Israel in 2020 and 2021.

Take a seat before you read the following:

Ukraine voted against Israel 13 times and abstained 4 times,  not once did the Jewish President of Ukraine vote with Israel, not once!

To add insult to injury, there were only 7 UN resolutions against all other countries.
 Two of the 7 were sponsored by Ukraine, and Israel voted with Ukraine both times. Reciprocity? Never!  

A message to Israel... stick with Putin, he is at your border in Syria ... stay away from the Ukrainian Jew who married a Catholic shiksa in a Church! 
I have my doubts whether to trust Putin but I'm certain that we shouldn't trust a Ukrainian! 
Zelensky is not your friend 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

No אב הרחמים liars this week


Every Shabbos before Mussaf, while someone is still holding the Sefer Torah, the "No-Talking in Shul" Liars recite a special prayer called אב הרחמים, "Merciful Father"." This tefillah was re-instituted  about 376 years ago when a Ukrainian by the name of Bogdan Chelmelnitsky ym"s murdered tens of thousands of innocent Jews in cold blood. Until then the Av Harachamim was recited only once a year the Shabbos before Shevuois.

The tefillah is a prayer addressed to Hashem begging Him to  take revenge on the Goyim.
וינקום לעינינו נקמת דם עבדיו השפוך 

Even though this massacre happened 376 years ago, the Rabbis made sure that this prayer be recited while the Sefer Torah was still out of the Ark, and to recite it forever, every single Shabbos except for a few exceptions. so that we never forget what those barbarians did to us and that we never trust Ukrainians ever again! 
Reform and Conservative Shuls have removed this prayer because they reason that the ones responsible are no longer alive, so why should they ask Hashem to take revenge on their "innocent" descendants? But Frum Jews should know better and should know that nothing has changed! Frum Jews should know that the descendants of these murderers are no different than their ancestors, and given the chance they would wipe out their Jewish neighbors in a flash! 
 The Ukrainian pogroms didn't end with Chelminitzky but continued with impunity for years after.
In 1768 Ukrainians committed mass murder on their neighbors living in Uman, thousands were murdered in the worst barbaric ways. In1821, in 1859, 1871, 1881 and 1905, Ukrainians murdered entire families but not before raping their wives and daughters in front of their loved ones!

Rav Nachman of Breslov lived close to 100 years after Chelmelitzky's  pogrom and he wrote that at least 30,000 Jews were murdered in Uman by their Ukrainians neighbors from when Chelmelnitsky's Pogrom ended and his own lifetime! 
Over 140,000 Jews were murdered by Ukrainians from the time of the passing of Rav Nachman to the present year 2022. 
Ukrainians were so barbaric in the slaughter of their Jewish neighbors during WW2, that even the Nazis couldn't bear to look at the greasily sadistic way they murdered Jewish mothers and their children. 

There are Jews still alive who witnessed these atrocities. There is a Jew living in Yerushalyim by the name of R' Duvid Guttman who was a survivor of a Ukrainian Pogrom and he gave a Kiddush when he found out that Putin invaded Ukraine, he couldn't believe that he would see revenge in his lifetime. There are Ukrainian murderers still alive today walking around safe and sound.

Frum Jews understand that nothing has changed, and when the printers of the Siddur print new editions of siddurim they include the  Av Harachamim prayer asking Hashem that He should take revenge of these goyim in our own lifetime!

Finally, our prayers are answered and  Hashem  sends us a shaliach, a guy like Putin to do the job of revenge and what do the Jews do? 
They feel sorry for the poor Ukrainians, and curse Hashem's shaliach!
They stand in shul mouthing the words of Av Harachamam, shushing the talkers, and lying with a straight face  that they want Hashem to take revenge! 


Jews ran to pour money into the cursed Ukraine, and created a tourist industry on the backs of their slaughtered families! Making a shrine of a city in Ukraine where tens of thousands of FRUM Jews get together and leave their wives and children to pray at a kever on the holiest day of the year! 
Chabad has opened Chabad houses all over this blood thirsty country. 
Not too far from Ukraine, an American Chassidishe Rebbe who built his "Kiryas Yoel Uganda" in America, built a huge shul in the town of Sziget a city that deported practically all of its Jews to the gas chambers, Few survived,; one survivor is a famous Jew, Eli Weisel a"h, read his book on the deportations of Sziget and cry. Just this week that rebbe sent plane loads of food to this shul in Sziget. Instead of finding ways to get Jews to go to Israel this "anti-Zionist Iran Deal Lover" is encouraging the Ukrainian Jewish refugees to remain in Sziget! 

Even the Litvishe who never made visiting kevarim a minhag, jumped on board to revitalize Radin the town where the Chafetz Chayim lived . The Chafetz Chayim himself wanted out of Radin and made actual plans to make Aliyah, but they quickly learned that these projects are huge money making machines!
Lakewood opened a kollel in Germany of all places a couple of years ago with huge fanfare, they took young Avreicim and shipped them to Germany and made speeches that this is the biggest revenge on Hitler ym"s! 
Who comes up with these twisted cockamamie talking points?  
A kollel in Germany is not revenge, its fodder to the next generation of Nazis. 
Revenge is Putin going into these countries and turning them into parking lots.
Revenge is the creation of the State of Israel in our lifetime!

For the frum Tourist Agencies, Ukraine is a vital part of the business, since most of the Jewish dead are buried in this cursed land with the majority of the dead, murdered!
Chabad rabbis encouraged Jews to remain, because they want to remain in power, what good is it a rabbi without his shul!?

They are also liars as they shukel and shukel while mouthing the Av Harachamin prayer which in their hearts they do not believe in. I give credit to the Reform Rabbis, at least they ripped out this prayer from their prayer books because they believe that it doesn't apply in the here and now!
But the hypocrits shushing the "talkers" keep parroting words that they don't believe in. 

Zelenskyy... Step aside, surrender! Let Hashem's Shaliach, Putin, do his Job! Putin must then march into  Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Germany! 
And Yes we have a Cheshben with Russia too, but first wipe these countries off the map!

Ironically, this Shabbos is Parshas Zachor! The Parsha which is all about "remembering," the Parsha that discusses the Positive Mitzvah of destroying Amaleik! 
When was the war with Amaleik?
 It was over 3,500 years before Chelminetzky's pogroms, and yet it is incumbent on every single Jewish male to remember to wipe out Amaleik. Even the women who are exempt from this Mitzvah, run with their snoods askew and  torn"pundulas" to hear the words of revenge!
The "nice" Ukrainians are descendants of these amaleikim!

Jews all over the world including the Reform will be celebrating Purim! Do you realize that not one Jew was killed in Shushan? Not One! Yet, Chazal saw fit to celebrate and commemorate a time when the goyim  just wanted to annihilate all Jews, but did not succeed! 
מי הוא זה ואיזה הוא? Who was the one who made this plan to murder all Jews? The descendant of amalike! And who are the descendants of Haman? The "nice" Ukrainians!

According to the Shulchan Aruch, we will not be reciting the Av Harachamim this Shabbos.
At least this Shabbos there won't be any "Av Harachamam" Liars!

Please note: That I sincerely hope and pray that all Jews get out of Ukraine and all of Europe safely!

Saudis, Emiratis, Refuse Biden’s Phone Calls


The White House tried unsuccessfully to arrange calls between President Biden and the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as the US was attempting to forge international support for Ukraine and tame the surge in oil prices, Middle East and US officials told the Washington Post on Tuesday.

The refusal of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman and UAE Crown Prince Muhammad bin Zayed to take Biden’s call happened in recent weeks, when officials in these countries have increasingly criticized US policy in the Persian Gulf. Biden eventually spoke with the 86-year-old King Salman, bin Salman’s father, and their conversation dealt with the long-standing partnership between their two countries. The Emirati Foreign Ministry said that the conversation between Biden and the country’s regent was postponed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Full Interview of Monster Walder's Victim (In Hebrew).... Heart breaking! Walder's Wife asked her to keep it quiet and deny it ..Mrs Walder Knew this all along!

Some English on the 28 Mark 

One of the victims of Chaim Walder who testified to police against him in 2008 has gone public on Israeli television and described her experience.

In an appallingly candid and jarring interview, Romi Schwartz, now a woman of 40, described how as a young woman of 17, distantly related to Walder by marriage, she was referred to him and subsequently repeatedly abused by him.

Romi was the only one of Walder’s victims to complain against him in the police. It took a few years for her to gather courage and complain against Walder, who was already a celebrity figure in the chareidi community. However despite testimonies which supported her version of events, police closed the case due to lack of evidence. Walder’s family later contacted her and paid her to sign a non-disclosure agreement which would prevent her from telling anyone, both private individuals or media of any complaints she might have had against Walder.

Bracha Walder tried to renew the agreement recently when stories began to emerge about her husband’s errant behavior. However Schwartz elected not to remain silent any longer and was apparently one of the women who referred to the Beis Din of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and told her story. In 2015 she had even contacted Channel 13’s Anat Goren but elected not to publicize her story, possibly after signing the non-disclosure agreement. On Tuesday her story was finally made public on Channel 13.

Schwartz had been referred to Walder after herself being a victim of abuse from her father (her parents divorced when she was a child) and having difficulties after a hurried marriage at age 17. Walder’s wife was a cousin of her husband, who thought that Chaim could provide therapy for her. However Walder instead developed a relationship with her, constantly trying to model himself as her protector, and constantly flattering her but at the same time exploiting her weakness and lack of self-worth to abuse her.

Walder continued the abuse and exploitation for an extended period, despite Schwartz being a married woman and mother of a child. Schwartz, who came from a hasidic background, said that at the time she did not understand that she had been raped and only later, in 2008, complained to police together with her former husband Yermi who also upheld her testimony. (He later divorced and recanted his testimony on her behalf). Schwartz later remarried but now lives a secular lifestyle with her five children- two from Yermi and three from her current husband Yuval.

Walder denied a relationship with Schwartz in the police interrogation, but still gave intimate details about her and could not explain why she knew about his office or had met him in a hotel and instead claimed that “she is angry with our family”. Despite the obvious warning signs, police closed the case without making any further investigation of her complaints.

Schwartz received a letter from Walder’s lawyers prior to the Channel 13 revelation. The lawyers said they will sue her to return 500,000 NIS, the sum she was paid to remain silent “forever”.

In New York ..Hate Crimes Against Jews Up 409%


The NYPD Hate Crimes Statistics Summary for February 2022, representing February 1 – February 27 for calendar years 2022 and 2021, show a rise of 409% in hate crime against Jewish New Yorkers. In real terms, the rise is from 11 cases of antisemitic crime in 2021 to 56 in 2022.

Most of the antisemitic attacks targeted Orthodox Jews who are easily identified because of their traditional attire.

The next two groups victimized by hate crimes are Asians (+125%) and Blacks (+100), however, their real numbers are dwarfed in comparison: from 4 in 2021 to 9 in 2022, and from 8 in 2021 to 16 in 2022 respectively.

There were only 3 hate crimes against Muslims in the same period.

For the month of February 2022, New York City saw a 58.7% increase in overall index crime compared to February 2021 (9,138 v. 5,759). Every major index crime category saw an increase for the month of February 2022. Robbery increased by 56% (1,276 v. 818), grand larceny increased by 79.2% (3,762 v. 2.099), and grand larceny auto increased by 104.7% (1,083 v. 529). Citywide shooting incidents decreased by 1.3% (76 v. 77) in February 2022 compared to the same period last year.

Ukrainians Back to Their Old Habits of Looting and Beating Jews


Statue of Bogdan Chmielnicki in Ukraine

UPDATE!! Chabad is denying this story. Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm the Chabad Shliach is putting pressure on Jewish Media to squash the story..I just received an email to take down this story telling me that the this is "Fake News" I don't believe the Chabad Rabbis! I believe that the story is 100% true. I have spoken to Jews that arrived just last week from Ukraine and they say that the Ukrainians are looting all the Jewish homes. Chabad instead of telling Jews to leave and make Aliyah, has always encouraged Jews to live in that filthy earth soaked with Jewish blood! And now they are shamelessly covering for the children of murderers. They are flooding Jewish media with lies glorifying these Ukrainian antisemites. Shame on them!
Chabad Rabbi in Ukraine were warned weeks before the invasion to leave but they chose to remain, some even accused Israel of causing panic when they evacuated their staff and their families!
Jews! Get the hell out of Europe, do not listen to Chabad rabbis, tell them to close up all Chabad houses and come home. Tell them we don't need your shabbos candles, we don't need your matzos. 

Hundreds of Jewish families in Ukraine were forced to flee their homes not due to the Russian invasion, but because of Ukrainians looting their properties and physically attacking them, Hebrew-language news site 0404 reported Sunday.

The Lev Layeled NGO told 0404 that Jews in the town of Zhytomyr were threatened, harassed, and physically beaten by locals looking to take advantage of the chaos caused by the fighting between Ukraine and Russia.

The Jewish outreach organization Chabad and Lev Layeled manage an orphanage and children’s homes in Zhytomyr and its outskirts.

“On Thursday, the Ukrainians who worked at the orphanage began looting and beating the local Jews,” Lev Layeled said in a statement.

“The Ukrainian authorities called Chabad and told them they needed to [flee] urgently in order to save their lives.”

The organizations scrambled to organize evacuation buses for the children in their care. They were successfully taken to Romania, and then flown to Israel.

But due to the presence of the Chabad institutions in the town, Jews from surrounding communities continued to pour into Zhytomyr seeking refuge.

“The situation deteriorated even further, as hundreds of Jewish families found themselves harassed and beaten by Ukrainians there,” the organization said.

“We got a call at 6 a.m. this morning, asking again for help as more and more families are coming forward to leave everything behind and save their lives — not only because of the bombing, but because of the locals turning against them.”

While Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly invoked the Holocaust in order to urge Israel and Western countries to support Ukraine’s military resistance, the Eastern European nation has a long history of antisemitic violence.

During World War II, local Ukrainians aided the Nazis in slaughtering hundreds of thousands of their Jewish neighbors, and perpetrated multiple pogroms against Jewish communities.

Fleeing Chevron, Palestinian Arab siblings look to convert to Judaism and Join the IDF


Born to the same father but different mothers, Saddam and Sadden Awoudeh were never close growing up.

The two half-siblings, both raised as Muslims in the Palestinian Authority-controlled section of the city of Hebron, were born twelve years apart, and saw little of each other growing up.

Over the last year, however, the two have been brought together – in part by their shared plans to convert to Judaism.

Saddam, 30, and Sadeen Awoudeh, 18, spoke with Kan 11, in a special segment aired Monday evening.

 Sadeen recalled how she escaped from her family’s plans to force her into an arranged marriage, finding refuge in Israel.

A Prophecy of Trump Comes True


Charles Entenmann, who helped franchise Long Island family bakery, dead at 92


Charles Entenmann, who propelled his family’s New York bakery into a national brand, died in Florida last month at the age of 92.

Entenmann, his brothers and mother expanded the Bay Shore business across the region and eventually the country, following the 1951 death of his father William Entenmann, a German immigrant who opened the bakery in Brooklyn in 1898, according to its website.

His family sold its cakes-and-cookies enterprise for $233 million in 1978, which is more than a billion dollars in today’s money, Newsday reported. Entenmann’s still operates under new ownership, but closed their Bay Shore plant in 2014, the article said.

Entenmann, a Korean War veteran, was a supporter and advocate for the Great South Bay YMCA, and funded research to improve water quality and habitats in the bay, which separates his hometown from Fire Island, according to his obituary.

“He never wanted the accolades, the publicity; and when he gave, he gave with all his heart and with complete faith and trust in you,” Anne Brigis, a longtime YMCA executive, told the paper.

“He treated everybody with respect. It didn’t matter if you were a janitor at the bakery or a custodian at the Y or senior leadership.”

In retirement, Entenmann spearheaded energy and medical advances at his research lab and healthcare company, and along with his brothers Robert and William established the Entenmann Family Cardiac Center at Bay Shore’s Southside Hospital.

“He was an extremely generous man,” his son Charles Edward Entenmann said. “He was just a really intelligent guy … He had a fantastic sense of humor and was always playing jokes on people and having fun. He did it right.”

The elder Entenmann, who concentrated on the engineering and technical aspects of the bakery enterprise, didn’t share his family’s sweet tooth, his son reportedly revealed.

“I’m going to tell you something that’s been pretty much a secret, most of my life anyway,” his son told Newsday. “He didn’t eat Entenmann’s cake … He just wasn’t a dessert guy.”

Charles Edward Entenmann died outside Miami on Feb. 24. He had lived in Florida for decades but was buried on Long Island.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Song of Chaggigah


Trump Keeps Being Proven Right:As Texas County Finds 10K Uncounted Ballots From Primary Day


About 10,000 mail ballots were tabulated but not counted in Texas’ most populous county on the day of last week’s election, officials said, adding to the delay in determining some winners in the nation’s first primary of the 2022 midterms.

Election officials in Harris County, home to Houston, said late Saturday that an “oversight” led to 10,000 ballots not being counted. Those votes — 6,000 Democratic and 4,000 Republican — will be added to the final tallies Tuesday.

“While the votes were scanned into our tabulation computer, they were not transferred and counted as a part of the unofficial final results as they should have been,” the Harris County Elections Office said in a statement.

The AP will tabulate the additional votes from Harris County and update its vote count.

The March 1 primary was the first statewide election that took place in Texas under new, tighter voting laws. Thousands of mail ballots were rejected statewide for not having the new, required identification.

Harsh accusations against Zivia Rotenberg, a revered educator in Bais Yaakov


Rebbetzin Tzivia Rotenberg 

This was translated from Hebrew by one of the victims

Rebbitzen Rotenberg comes a very esteemed respected family from the Lithuanian-ultra-Orthodox elite, the niece of the late Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and has been considered an authoritative and revered educator for decades. 

She is currently a high school principal at the Beit Yaakov Maalot girls' seminary in Jerusalem  Despite the complaints, Rotenberg continues to conduct seminars and make connections with R.'s students. "It drains my soul. She must not have any more contact with girls "

Rotenberg responds:" These are allegations of ignorance, baseless and baseless "

At the age of 13 and a half, preoccupied with questions about life and religious belief, as is the custom of many teenagers, M. (full name withheld) came to the home of her teacher at the time, Zivia Rotenberg.

What happened to her there with someone she considered a revered educator - M.,who is  now 39, will never forget.

"I showed up almost once a week, for a few months, at Zvia's house in the Ezrat Torah neighborhood of Jerusalem. The official purpose of the meetings, which lasted about an hour to two hours and was always initiated, was to strengthen my view, because I had questions about faith. at school.

Monday, March 7, 2022

In Leu of the latest Archaeological dig in Beit Shemesh R' Moshe Bransdorfer Paskens: Bet Shemesh Ramat "Dalet" Neighborhood Must Celebrate 15th Adar As Well


Two things before you continue reading:
#1 G-d forbid that R' Brandsdorfer should give credit to the archaeologists, in fact he is saying that "he is not relying on the archaeologists."  With all due respect, that wall was uncovered at least 3 years ago, and R' Brandsdorfer had no psak then , though he was asked countless times to rule on this, it was only when the archaeologists said that it was Yarmut, the city that Yehoshua conquered and had a wall, that he issued this psak. He says that he would have paskened like this anyway, even if this city wasn't 100% Yarmut, but if that is in fact true why did he only pasken after the official Archaeologists statement?

#2 Since R' Brandsdorfer gave his psak practically all the rabbanim of Beit Shemesh came on board ...
except of course .... Chabad!  They did give a reason, I haven't reviewed it yet. The psak is below 

A new psak by Rabbi Moshe Bransdorfer states that members of the new Ramah Daled neighborhood in the city must celebrate Purim for 2 days.

A number of rabbis in the neighborhood asked Rabbi Bransdorfer, who heads the rabbinical court of Heichal Horaah to rule on the issue, which has become relevant because the new neighborhood is adjacent to an ancient wall believed by archaeologists to be Tel Yarmut. The city of Yarmut is one of the cities mentioned in Yehoshua as having been in the Bet Shemesh region. All such cities, and those adjacent to them celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar if they had a wall in Yehoshua’s time.

Rabbi Bransdorfer said that he is not relying on the archaeologists that this is indeed Yarmut but the halacha as determined by the Levush and the Beis Yosef is that wherever an ancient city is discovered with a wall it is possible that it is from Yehoshua’s time and therefore Purim should be celebrated on both days, especially in an area where it is known that there were many towns in the time of Yehoshua.

Rabbi Bransdorfer said that he had measured the distance from the last house in the neighborhood to the ancient wall and it is less than 90 amos, meaning that it is considered adjacent.

Even if the city is now abandoned, the Chazon Ish and the Gra rule in accordance with Ritva that any city adjacent to it must still celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar. Those who rule in accordance with the Mishna Berura and Birkei Yosef could say that the rule of adjacent cities only applies when it is occupied by Jews but the Chazon Ish proved that the Birkei Yosef would also have accepted the Ritva’s ruling.

Thus the Birkei Yosef is based on an error and the Mishna Berura only quotes him in Biur Halacha which is not a clearcut ruling. Therefore we should be stringent in accordance with the Chazon Ish’s ruling.

In conclusion, Rabbi Bransdorfer states that the residents of Ramah Daled should celebrate on both days and make the bracha on the first day but have a seudah and say al hanisim on both days. They must read on the 14th with a minyan (as it may not be the correct time) but ten women are also considered a minyan for this purpose.

Chabad Psak Below against 2 day Purim in Beit Shemesh!

The Prophecy of I will "gather all you from all the four corners of the World" Being Fulfilled in Real Time


Biden Sold the Jews Living in Israel Down the River and will immediately Implement the Iran/Satmar Deal!


For decades, senior Israeli defense officials beat a path to the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council with briefcases full of documents providing conclusive proof that Iran's nuclear program is a military program and that its purpose is to transform the Islamic Republic of Iran into a nuclear-armed state. 

The officers arrived in Washington convinced that the smoking gun they were providing the Americans would compel Washington to abandon its long-held delusion that there is a "grand bargain" to be had with the fanatical Islamist theocracy whose leaders believe that Iran's rise will herald an era of unmitigated Shiite global domination.

All of the Israeli officers made their best cases to their American counterparts. Most believed the Americans were open to the information they provided, and left Washington convinced that the Americans finally recognized the danger and would act to block Iran from achieving its nefarious goal. On at least one occasion, their efforts were rewarded.

Women Protesting One of the Largest Bais Yaakov in Israel ...They are Protesting the Molestation That Goes On There