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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

5 Killed as Bus with Bnei Akiva youths overturns after colliding with car


At least five people were killed and several others were injured in a serious traffic accident in northern Israel Wednesday afternoon.

The incident occurred when a bus with members of the Bnei Akiva youth group collided with a private vehicle on Route 89, causing the bus to overturn. The injured are in moderate and serious condition. Large numbers of police, United Hatzalah, and Magen David Adom personnel have been dispatched to the scene.

Ziv Medical Center in Safed received 20 injured patients from the accident, two in serious condition, one in moderate condition and 17 in light condition. One seriously injured man arrived at Rambam Hospital in Haifa. 27 children and adolescents were evacuated to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, 26 of them in light condition and one in moderate condition.

The bus that overturned in the accident belongs to the Bnei Akiva movement and was transporting campers back home from a Sukkot trip. The injured campers were evacuated to Ziv Hospital in Safed and the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya. The movement's leaders are on the ground and on their way to the hospitals.

Among the passengers on the bus were 17 children from the locality of Mevo Dotan in northern Samaria. The children were on their way back from a Bnei Akiva Sukkot trip with other children from Harish.

Due to the nature of the incident, United Hatzalah's Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit has been dispatched to respond to the incident and provide emotional and psychological support in addition to emergency medical services (EMS) that are active at the scene.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT and chapter Head of the Ma'alot region Oshri Eliyahu reported from the scene: "The incident involves a bus that is flipped over on its side as well as a large van and a private car. Thus far our volunteers have treated upwards of 20 people injured who are conscious. There are other injured who are unconscious as well as those who are still trapped that we haven't been able to reach yet. Firefighters are currently working to extricate them from the wreckage."

Eliyahu added: "Sadly, four people from the private vehicle involved in the crash were pronounced dead at the scene. These include a 35-year-old woman, a boy aged 15, another aged 12, and a 5-year-old girl. Our volunteers who are part of the Emergency Room Relief Project have gathered and are assisting with the reception and triage of patients in Ziv Hospital, The Galilee Medical center in Nahariya, and Rambam Hospital in Haifa."

MDA paramedic Kold Issa stated: "this was a very serious accident. We arrived with many MDA teams including mobile intensive care units, ambulances, Medi-cycles and an MDA helicopter. 

A bus was turned on its side across the road and the commercial van which had been severely damaged at the back was on the shoulder of the road with approximately 5 unresponsive victims trapped inside. While extrication efforts were under way, we were forced to declare 4 of the patients deceased and the driver was severely injured and evacuated in a helicopter while undergoing medical treatment. The bus driver was extricated while unresponsive and with severe multisystem injuries and after medical examination, we pronounced him deceased as well. 2 of the passengers from the bus, who were severely wounded were lying on the road with severe injuries to their limbs and tens of additional victims were walking around the scene. We provided them with medical treatment at the scene, the 2 severely injured victims were evacuated by helicopter to the hospital and the lightly injured victims were evacuated in MDA ambulances and mobile intensive care units to hospitals in Safed and Nahariya."

1 out of 10 Uman visitors test positive for COVID


Among the 30,000 Israelis who traveled to Uman in Ukraine to worship at the grave of Rabbi Nahman of Breslev over the High Holidays, some 3,440 have already tested positive upon their return to Israel, health authorities reported Sunday evening.

Of the positive cases among the Uman pilgrims, 25% were hospitalized and 19 were listed in serious conditions. Four of the Uman visitors have already died, with two of the deaths confirmed to be from COVID and the two other fatalities under investigation. A whopping 81% of the Uman visitors who contracted COVID were unvaccinated, and 91% are under age 50.

"This is a 10% positive rate, which is very high. The confirmed carriers cooperated only partly with the contact tracing, but I hope that they protected themselves and their family members," a senior healthcare official said.

New York Times Blames "rabbis" for overwhelming Vote Funding the Iron Dome


In purporting to “report” — not editorialize— about why AOC changed her vote from “no” to “present” on the iron dome funding, The New York Times congressional correspondent Catie Edmondson “reported” the following:

“[Progressives] have been caught between their principles and the still powerful pro-Israel voices in their party, such as influential lobbyists and rabbis.”



Biden lied, they died. 

That’s no longer just an accusation. It’s now a fact, with Tuesday’s Senate testimony shredding President Biden’s nonsensical fictions about Afghanistan and confirming that he alone made the fateful decisions that created the chaotic and deadly withdrawal. 

We now know for certain what was suspected all along — that the president rejected the advice of his top military aides about how to reduce the troop numbers while keeping the Taliban in check. He also falsely claimed to the public that al Qaeda was no longer in Afghanistan and declared the withdrawal a ringing success.

Reluctantly, but clearly, his commanders begged to differ. One by one, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and head of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said they advised the president either to keep 2,500 troops in Kabul or supported the proposal. 

All three also said al Qaeda remains in Afghanistan and, as Milley put, is still at war with us. And none dared call the conclusion a success. 

“The war is lost,” Milley said. “The enemy is in control in Kabul.”

Rabbi Dr Moshe Dovid Tendler 95 passes away over Yom Tov


Rabbi Moshe Tendler passed away during the Shmini Atzeret festival Tuesday at the age of 95. He was proceeded in death by his wife, Shifra, who passed away in 2007.

A noted bioethicist, Rabbi Tendler was a prominent halachic decisor on issues of medicine and medical ethics as they pertained to Jewish law.

His views on medical matters were influential in shaping the rulings of his father-in-law, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, on matters including the determination of death based on the termination of brain functions.

Ordained at Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) in 1949, Rabbi Tendler also studied microbiology, earning a PhD from Columbia University in 1957.

He later served as a dean of the RIETS seminary, and taught bioethics at Yeshiva College.

Rabbi Tendler was a member of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, and served as president from 1971-1972.

He was a big proponent of going up to the Har Habayit.

Camal'a Harris lauds student accusing Israel of ethnic genocide


Vice President Kamala Harris lauded a college student during an even in Virginia last week, after the student accused Israel of “ethnic genocide”.

The incident occurred last Tuesday at George Mason University, during an event marking National Voter Registration Day.

In a question and answer segment, one student expressed her dismay over US aid to Saudi Arabia, as well as to Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

"I see that over the summer there have been, like, protests and demonstrations in astronomical numbers standing with Palestine,” the student said. “But then, just a few days ago, there were funds allocated to continue backing Israel, which hurts my heart, because it is an ethnic genocide and the displacement of people, the same that happened in America, and I’m sure that you’re aware of this.”

“Americans are struggling because of lack of health care, public health care, and affordable housing, and all this money ends up going to inflaming Israel and backing Saudi Arabia and whatnot. I think that the people have spoken very often in what they do need, and I feel like there is a lack of listening.”

Nodding as the student spoke, Harris then said she was “glad” the student raised the issue, and praised her for voicing “her truth”.

“This is about the fact that your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth should not be suppressed and it must be heard, right? And one of the things we're fighting for in a democracy, right?"

"Unity should never be at the expense of telling anyone personally that, for the sake of unity, ‘Oh, you be quiet about that thing. You suppress that thing. Let’s not deal with that thing.' That's not unity. True unity is everyone in that room has a voice.”

"The point that you are making about policy that relates to Middle East policy, foreign policy, we still have healthy debates in our country about what is the right path, and nobody's voice should be suppressed on that.”

Monday, September 27, 2021

Man charged with murdering his mother because she converted to Christianity


A 27-year-old man from northern Israel was charged on Monday with murdering his mother and hiding her body last month, after she converted from Islam to Orthodox Christianity.

According to the charge sheet, Rasha Muklasha, 46, left her husband and severed ties with her five children — including the suspect, Muad Hib — in 2006. She then moved from the town of Zarzir to Nof HaGalil and converted to Christianity.

Recently, she resumed contact with her children following the death of her ex-husband. Prosecutors allege that her conversion, which greatly angered Hib, was the motive for the murder.

According to the indictment, the murder was premediated, with Hib setting up a meeting with his mother on August 5 near Nazareth with the intention of killing her and disposing of her remains.

After picking up Muklasha in his car, he “strangled the deceased with a rope or his hands, alone or with others, with the intention of causing her death,” the court documents said.

While searching for a place to hide the body, Hib noticed a police roadblock ahead and rammed into it, successfully fleeing the scene, the indictment said. He then traveled toward the Jordan River.

There, he dug a pit and buried the body, the indictment said. He covered the spot with rocks and dry leaves, “all to obscure the body’s location and make it harder to locate.”

Later that day, the suspect rammed a second roadblock that had been set up as part of the investigation, and he was arrested after a brief chase near Nahalal, police said. The suspect’s two brothers, aged 23 and 20, were arrested separately. It was not immediately clear if they would be charged.

The remains were found some 26 hours after the second roadblock ramming, near a section of the Jordan River in northern Israel, police said at the time. The body was found following an intensive search, which included the use of helicopters, canine, cavalry and tracker units, police said.

“The rapid work of investigators in locating the suspect, and the suspicion of a murder case, led to the launch of all Northern District forces for a rapid and extensive operation to locate the victim’s body,” Northern District chief Shimon Lavi said at the time.

Lavi said that the case proved the police’s “full commitment to solving crime in the Arab community, using all means at our disposal.”

Police have been accused of neglecting Israel’s Arab society, as violence and crime continue to surge.

Violent crime has risen to record levels in Arab communities in recent years, with 78 Arab Israeli citizens killed in apparent homicides since 2021 began, according to a tally by the Abraham Initiatives nonprofit. Another 15 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli territory.

Thirteen of those killed in violent incidents this year were women, the nonprofit said.

Last year, 96 Arab Israelis were killed in communal violence.

Authorities have vowed to devote more resources to battling crime in Arab locales, after a series of recent shootings triggered the online #Arab_Lives_Matter campaign to protest the alleged lack of police action.

In July, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that violence and crime in Arab Israeli communities was a “national calamity,” as he met with senior government and police officials to formulate a national plan to tackle the issue.

Girl from Toms River New Jersey's Chol Hamoed Trip


Jew Trying to set up a meeting with a goy


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Fox News turns Left and bans Giuliani



RUDY GIULIANI has been banned from Fox News for almost three months.

 As if the sting of that weren’t painful enough, the “9/11 mayor” learned of his banishment … on the eve of Sept. 11. Giuliani was slated to appear on “Fox & Friends” to mark the 20th anniversary of the attack. But the night before, host PETE HEGSETH called Giuliani to say he’d been cut from the show and apologize. 

The ban extends not just to GIULIANI, but also to his son ANDREW, who has not been on Fox News since he launched his campaign for governor of New York in May despite many requests to go on the network. His team has been frustrated that rival GOP gubernatorial candidate Rep. LEE ZELDIN is a frequent guest. 

But bookers have told both Giulianis the ban comes from the top, sources said. The former New York City mayor had been a fixture on the network.

 “Rudy is really hurt because he did a big favor for RUPERT [MURDOCH],” a source close to Giuliani said. “He was instrumental in getting Fox on Time Warner so it could be watched in New York City.” In 1996, Giuliani’s administration advocated for Time Warner to carry the newly launched Fox News Channel, intervening in a dispute between Murdoch and the cable provider.

Al Sharpton looks for ambulance to chase and gets heckled


 The Rev. Al Sharpton toured the makeshift Haitian migrant camp situated under the local international bridge Thursday. 

At the conclusion of his visit, Sharpton attempted an impromptu press conference. His remarks were cut short after protesters shouted him down until choosing to leave the site.

In the video, a visibly frustrated Sharpton can be seen trying to speak to media. Shouts from the crowd of mainly residents included the phrases “go home,” “get out of Texas,” and “our Border Patrol are heroes.” Attendees eventually crowded the reverend’s entourage as they exchanged words–prompting a quick departure. 

Rebbe who will not share his "shrayim"


Iraq Will Arrest all 300 participants that called for their country to make peace with Israel


Iraqi authorities announced on Sunday that they had issued warrants for the arrest of two Iraqis who addressed a conference calling for their country to make peace with Israel. The authorities said they would arrest all 300-plus participants once they have established who they are.

The over 300 Iraqis gathered on Friday in Erbil, in Iraq’s Kurdistan region, to issue statements backing normalization with Israel. The conference was organized by the Center for Peace Communications, a New York-based group that advocates closer ties between Israel and the Arab world.

“Israel today, as you know, is a strong country and an inseparable part of the world and the United Nations. Iraq cannot neglect this fact and live in isolation from the world,” Sahar al-Ta’i, a senior official in Iraq’s Culture Ministry, told the attendees.

“This is the manner in which the United Arab Emirates looked toward future generations and the greater good, and entered into the Abraham Accords,” al-Ta’i said, referring to the recent normalization deals between Israel and four Arab states, including the Emirates.

On Sunday, a Baghdad court issued a warrant for al-Ta’i’s arrest, as well as for the detention of tribal leader Wisam al-Hardan. The latter, who also participated in the peace conference, called for reconciliation with Israel in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published on Friday.

Iraqi judicial authorities said that the remaining 300-odd participants would be arrested “as soon as their identities were determined.”

Iraq has officially been at war with Israel since the Jewish state was founded in 1948. Iraqi soldiers have fought in three successive Arab wars against Israel.

In 1991, the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein fired dozens of Scud missiles at Tel Aviv and Haifa in an attempt to draw Israel into the Gulf War.

Iraqi law continues to issue strict penalties to citizens and residents who maintain contact with Israelis. For decades, association with “Zionist organizations” or promoting “Zionist values” was punishable by death. A 2010 amendment to the Iraqi criminal code limited the sentence to life in prison.

In his remarks on Friday, al-Hardan harshly criticized the laws against dealing with Israelis and Zionists, saying they violated the fundamental human rights of Iraqis.

“The so-called ‘anti-normalization laws’ in Iraq are morally repugnant, and have been repeatedly exposed by the international community as an assault on human rights and freedoms of expression and association,” said al-Hardan.

Friday’s conference ignited a media firestorm in Iraq. Iraqi President Barham Salih denounced the conference as “illegal” and accused the attendees of seeking to stir up unrest.

“The recent meeting held to promote [normalization] does not represent the people and residents of Iraq. It represents only those who participated in it,” Salih said.

“Erbil must prevent these Zionist terrorist meetings. If not, the government must arrest all the participants,” said prominent Iraqi Shi’ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Following the controversy, al-Hardan appeared to attempt to withdraw his remarks. In an interview with the Kurdish Rudaw media outlet, al-Hardan said he had meant to call for the return of Iraq’s Jews, not normalization with Israel.

The gathering was held in Iraqi Kurdistan, which enjoys a degree of autonomy under Iraq’s federal system. Kurdish officials have occasionally traveled to Israel, while Israelis have quietly visited Kurdish areas as well.

But Kurdistan’s government distanced itself from the event following the controversy, pleading for other Iraqi factions to deal with the matter “more calmly.”

“We were neither aware of the meeting nor of its contents. What was expressed there is not the opinion, policy or position of [Kurdistan],” Kurdish president Masoud Barazani said in a statement.

In Yerushalyim Unvaxxed Chareidi Pregnant Women are Critically Ill With COVID, Sedated & Ventilated & Dying


By in large, the heimishe chareidie community in Israel believes that the entire Covid plague is a myth, even though, all they have to do is look out their windows and watch their neighbors taken in ambulances on daily basis. 

They disregard all regulations, make weddings with hundreds attending, claiming that the chilonim gather as well and no one says boo. But the Chilonim are not the ones filling the beds in the hospitals with corona its the chareidim. Chilonim by in large are fully vaccinated, while the charedim are anti-vaxxers .. they even disregard warnings from their own leaders and askanim..

Two Chareidi pregnant women, both in their 20s, are hospitalized in critical condition, sedated and ventilated, in a Jerusalem hospital after contracting COVID.

The women, both from the same neighborhood in Jerusalem, were unvaccinated.

Chaya Leah Bergman, a’h, 31, of Modiin Illit passed away of the coronavirus on Tuesday evening, Motzei Yom Tov, in Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center in Rishon L’Tzion.

Mrs. Bergman, who was unvaccinated, was evacuated to the hospital on Tuesday evening after her condition took a turn for the worse and she was struggling to breathe. She stopped breathing during the evacuation and the paramedics carried out resuscitation techniques which were continued at the hospital but unfortunately, the doctors were ultimately forced to declare her death.

“We’re using this opportunity to call again to the public to vaccinate and to prevent this type of tragedy,” a statement from the hospital said.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

One Week in Lakewood


Sukkah collapses in Jerusalem's Mea She’arim neighborhood


They won't learn their lesson even if someone should get killed chas, ve'sholom. 

Last week police tried negotiating with the family of Rav Brandorfer's dangerous sukka, trying to convince them to take it apart warning them that someone will get hurt but the family refused to dismantle the sukka .
The police then came and dismantled the sukka to the shouts of "nazis" from the tzaddikim of Yerushalayim...

They should have led Rav Branddorfer and his rebbetzin out in handcuffs.

These are the same people that don't want a government investigation in the Meron tragedy.
Police warned the organizers in Meron for years that a tragedy was waiting to happen, but they refused to listen ..

A sukkah built at a height of two meters off the ground has collapsed in Mea She’arim, Jerusalem, an Israeli Police spokesperson confirmed Saturday night. 
Four people were injured - two women in their thirties, a two-year-old toddler and a five-year-old boy. 

Senator Schumer Releases Video that shows him cozying up with Vicious Anti-Semitic BDS Supporter


Democratic lawmaker Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) released a pro-union video on Tuesday that featured him together with Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani, who promotes the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS), Washington Free Beacon reported.

“I rode with @NYTWA cabbie Richard Chow and ally to taxi workers @ZohranKMamdani to highlight the horrific medallion debt crisis and the need for better solutions from @NYCtaxi,” Schumer wrote in a Twitter post, introducing the video in support of the 25,000-member New York Taxi Workers Alliance.

“Mamdani supports various left-wing causes, including BDS and the movement to defund police departments. He has called BDS “a righteous movement for liberation” and has spoken out against U.S. aid to Israel,” WFB reported.

At a rally earlier this year, Mamdani blasted elected officials for accepting taxpayer-funded trips to Israel as well as those who march in pro-Israel parades.

“We ought to let them know that there are three letters that we have as an answer to what’s happening in Palestine, and it’s ‘BDS,'” Mamdani said at a May 12 rally.

Schumer has marched in the very parades that Mamdani has criticized.

WFB notes that Schumer co-sponsored legislation in March 2017 with Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) to protect state and local governments that cut ties with companies that boycott Israel.

According to WFB, in recent months Schumer has been courting the left wing ahead of next year’s primaries.

On a recent segment of ABC’s talk show “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain took Schumer to task for not reaching out to Joseph Borgen, who was brutally beaten in broad daylight in New York City, and instead remaining silent.

Anti-Semitic Yente AOC Cries Because She Didn't Vote Against Iron Dome That stops Rockets from Killing Innocent Children


Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez apologized to her constituents Friday for her waffling “present” vote on the House bill that provides $1 billion in defense funding for Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile protection program.

She also claimed she became overcome with emotion during Thursday’s vote, saying, “Yes, I wept.”

“To those I have disappointed — I am deeply sorry. To those who believe this reasoning is insufficient or cowardice — I understand,” AOC said in an e-letter to “Our NY-14 Community” and posted on her Twitter account.

The House of Representatives passed a standalone bill to finance the Iron Dome 420-9 on Thursday, after a group of far-left lawmakers including AOC threatened to tank a short-term funding bill that included language to allocate funds toward Israel’s missile defense system, known as the Iron Dome.

Biden is eroding Trump’s Middle East peace pact — and endangering the US


Last week, Greece announced it would be sending US-made Patriot anti-missile batteries and soldiers to man them to Saudi Arabia, to replace US-manned Patriots the Biden administration withdrew in April. 

It was a momentous development in the rapidly changing geopolitical environment of the Middle East, and received zero coverage in the corporate media in the United States. When Greece steps up to fill the vacuum left by a US pullout, it gives you a measure of just how far the United States has retreated from the world stage over the past nine months. 

This is not the Greece of Alexander the Great, but today’s Greece. Nearly bankrupt just a few years ago, Greece has now replaced the United States as defender of the world’s largest oil producer. Ouch. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Agudath Israel & Reform Judaism Form Alliance & Partnership

Following is a rebuttal by Yisrael Medad of claims by Reform Rabbi Eric Yoffie that allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount will ignite a holy war with the Muslim world. 
Yisrael Medad is a veteran Temple Mount ascender and activist, being among the earliest to ascend the Temple Mount following its liberation in the 1967 Six Day War. 
While we would not have found it justified to post Eric Yoffie's article on its own (lack of (merit), Yisrael Medad's rebuttal is brilliant and worth reading. - Temple Institute

The Reform Rabbi Eric Yoffie and the haredi Rabbi Avi Shafran must confront their failings to history, human rights and the value of Judaism.

By Yisrael Medad

(September 17, 2021 / JNS) We have witnessed a remarkable development as a result of the publication of an article by Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik in Commentary titled “The Real Truth About the Temple Mount,” which suggested that “the government of Israel owes it to its citizens, and thousands of years of Jewish history, to state unequivocally that the Temple Mount, and not the Western Wall, is the locus of Jewish longing.” He also did express sympathy for those seeking to ascend to the Temple Mount, enclosed within the Muslim Haram A-Sharif compound, so that they could continue to pray in writing, “For those who care deeply about the Jewish connection to the Mount, and who desperately desire to pray there, it may well be that today it will be achieved first and foremost with finesse.”

For Soloveitchik, what is important is foremost “Jewish visits.”

The development? He caused the public-affairs director of Agudath Israel of America, Rabbi Avi Shafran, to unite in common cause against Rabbi Soloveitchik’s views with Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president emeritus of the Union for Reform Judaism. A true “only Jewish” accomplishment.

Continue reading on our Facebook page.
Photo: Yisrael Medad on the Temple Mount.

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