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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Bennett to Arab MK: You're a liar, anti-Semitic and contemptible

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Friday blasted MK Aida Touma Sliman from the Joint List, after she blamed the IDF for allegedly spraying "unidentified material" on Palestinian Arabs at the Qalqilya checkpoint.

“You're a liar, anti-Semitic and contemptible. These are not IDF forces. It is the Palestinian Authority that decided to disinfect the checkpoint and is carrying it out. 

It is unbelievable that Bogie [Yaalon], Evet [Liberman], [Benny] Gantz, Gabi [Ashkenazi] and [Yair] Lapid are ready to form a government with the help of your vote,” Bennett said.

Earlier, Touma Sliman posted a video to her Twitter account which she claims showed IDF soldiers spraying Palestinian Arabs at Qalqilya checkpoint in an attempt to eradicate the coronavirus.

"Another horror of the occupation under the cover of the coronavirus - the IDF sprays Palestinians at the Qalqilya checkpoint with unknown material. It is widely known that the method of spraying is ineffective in the fight against the virus. The horrors perpetrated under the cover of the crisis should not be ignored," she wrote.

After realizing her mistake,
 Touma Sliman wrote on Twitter,
 "The video I uploaded a few minutes ago was from the Palestinian side of the Eyal Checkpoint. I was misled. All of this does not detract from the fact that it is not a proper sight, and that spraying is not helpful when it comes to the disease. But this time the responsibility is not on the occupation."

Touma Sliman, like some of the other Arab MKs, has made controversial statements.

Last summer, she sent official letters of solidarity to Democratic US Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib in the wake of President Donald Trump’s Twitter attacks on them.
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Dead Sea Scrolls fragments at DC museum are fake

The 16 Dead Seas Scroll fragments housed at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., are forgeries, museum officials said Friday.

“We’re victims — we’re victims of misrepresentation, we’re victims of fraud,” 
CEO Harry Hargrove said at an academic conference hosted by the museum, National Geographic reported.

A team of researchers led by an art fraud investigator issued a 200-page report saying that while the fragments may be made of ancient leather, the ink was from modern times and altered to look like the real Dead Sea Scrolls.

Most of the 100,000 real Dead Sea Scroll fragments lie in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, and the report does not question their authenticity. 

Bedouins found clay jars in the West Bank’s Qumran caves in 1947 holding thousands of the parchment scrolls dating back more than 1,800 years, including some of the oldest surviving copies of the Hebrew Bible.
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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Artscroll Encouraging Its Readers To Look At Pictures of Women

 Gedoilim of this generation encourage frum magazines and newspapers to block out photos of women.... 
So how come Artscroll wants you to buy a book that has "hundreds of photos of women?"
Isn't that"Lifnei Iver" at worst and "mesaayeh lidavr aveirah" at best?
Asking for a friend!

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Gantz forges ahead in negotiations with Arab List despite them promising to dismantle the Jewish State

Despite opposition from within his own party, Blue and White’s chairman continues to deal with the Arab faction. 
Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz continues to give his blessing to negotiations with the Arab faction, the Joint List, despite disagreement within his own party and his larger coalition.
On Wednesday, Blue and White MKs Avi Nissenkorn and Ofer Shelah, two of the more left-wing members of the party, met with representatives of the Joint List, Israel Hayom reports.

State Department stops referring to Arabs in Jerusalem as ‘Palestinians’

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NO SHUL, YESHIVAS, SHABBOS GUESTS, LEVAYOS, SHIVA: Vaad Harabanim of Bergen County Releases Letter

Dear Friends,
We are writing with an important update regarding COVID-19 and the ongoing health situation in our community.
Last night, the rabbis of the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County (RCBC), the presidents of our shuls, and the heads of our local schools gathered to meet with representatives of local government, including the Teaneck Department of Health and expert physicians from our three local hospitals: Englewood Health, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Holy Name Medical Center.
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Jews Worldwide may Miss Last Chance to Return to Israel as Prophesied in Deuteronomy

Amidst news that, due to the coronavirus,  all passengers landing in Israel must enter a 14-day quarantine period, hundreds of flights to Israel have been canceled and El Al, Israel’s flag-carrying airline placed 80% of its workforce on unpaid leave, open access to Israel can no longer be taken for granted.
For tourists, especially those who had trips to Israel planned for the upcoming Passover and Easter seasons, these restrictions are an inconvenience, perhaps even a costly one. The ultimate economic impact on Israel’s tourism industry is just beginning to be felt.

Arguably, the group that stands to lose the most are Jews who do not yet live in Israel.
Breaking Israel News spoke to several well-known advocates of aliyah (immigration to Israel), each of whom spends countless hours encouraging Jews to return to their ancestral homeland.

Josh Wander, founder of the Bring Them Home project calls himself a Redemption Expediter. He Breaking Israel News, “Perhaps for the first time in recent history, we have a situation in which Jews that are here in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) are not going to leave for Pesach (Passover) and the Jews that are in chutz l’aretz (outside the Land of Israel) are going to say L’shana Haba B’Yerushalyim (Next Year in Jerusalem! – a phrase recited at the end of every Passover seder) and actually mean it.

“Thousands of Jews that would have come to Israel during the Pesach holiday are being restricted from doing so.

“This could be a sign for those Jews for times to come that there will be a time when the doors will not be open to Israel and this is their chance to make aliyah while they can.
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Trump Takes on Coronavirus With Bravery and Dignity

Big and bold, optimistic and compassionate. President Trump’s Oval Office address was exactly what America needed to hear
This is what it looks like when a president rises up to meet a crisis head-on.
With fear and panic spreading across the land and threatening to take down the economy, Trump is facing the greatest test of his presidency. Although battle-hardened by brutal fights with Democrats, the biased media and foreign adversaries, he is presented with problems of a different magnitude with the coronavirus.
It is a global menace that has declared war on America. Truth be told, sometimes in recent weeks, the president has appeared to be a reluctant commander in chief.
Thankfully, as of Wednesday night, that reluctance is history, replaced by a president who left no doubt that he is all in on the battle against this deadly scourge. Now effectively a wartime president, Trump’s repeated assurances of victory were music to the ears of a rattled nation.
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Easy Personal Pizzas While You're Home Being Quarantined

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Assemblyman Eichenstein: Eliminate Driver’s License Suspension Due To Unpaid Fines

Is your driver’s license valid? It may not be. In the last 28 months, New York issued nearly 1.7 million driver’s license suspensions for not paying traffic tickets. That is nearly two thirds of all license suspensions in New York.
New York State lawmakers are saying enough is enough. A new bill sponsored by Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter and co-sponsored by Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein seeks to amend the vehicle and traffic law so that drivers who owe unpaid fines will not face arbitrary license suspension.
“License suspension has significant adverse consequences,” said Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein. “Without a driver’s license a person cannot drive to work or to school or even to court to pay their fine. It’s an unfair and unjust practice that’s been going on for too long and I’m proud to be co-sponsoring Assemblywoman Hunter’s legislation.”
Currently, those who continue to drive with a suspended licenses, even unknowingly, risk criminal charges and more unaffordable fines and fees. Assemblyman Eichenstein pointed out that this is totally unnecessary and unproductive. Instead, this legislation would end traffic debt suspensions and make affordable payment plans available to help pay fees that are owed. That would considerably reduce prosecution and arrests, allowing law enforcement and the courts to focus on more serious crimes and on drivers who pose an actual danger on the roads.
This proposed legislation is gaining momentum in the State Assembly, as legislators are eager to see license suspensions curtailed.
“Let’s keep our safe and responsible drivers on the roads instead of being embroiled in needless and wasteful court appearances,” said Assemblyman Eichenstein. “This new legislation would represent a victory for all New York drivers.”
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Trump Cancels All US Travel From Europe Except U.K.

President Donald Trump said Wednesday he is suspending all travel between the U.S. and Europe for 30 days beginning Friday as he seeks to combat a viral pandemic.
Trump made the announcement in an Oval Office address to the nation, blaming the European Union for not acting quickly enough to address the “foreign virus” and saying U.S. clusters were “seeded” by European travelers.
“We made a lifesaving move with early action on China,” Trump said. “Now we must take the same action with Europe.”
Trump said the restrictions won’t apply to the United Kingdom and the U.S. would monitor the situation to determine if travel could be reopened earlier.
Trump said he was also directing agencies to provide unspecified financial relief for “for workers who are ill, quarantined or caring for others due to coronavirus,” and asked Congress to take action to extend it.
Trump said the U.S. will will defer tax payments for some individual and business filers for three months to lessen the impacts of the virus outbreak. He said the Small Business Administration will also make low-interest loans available to businesses to help them weather the storm.
“This is not a financial crisis,” he said. “This just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world.”
Trump also reiterated his call on Congress to pass a cut to the federal payroll tax in order to stimulate the economy.
Trump said “we are marshaling the full power” of the government and private sector to protect the American people.
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In Israel: No Chasunahs, Shuls, Batei Mdrashim or Any Gathering With More Than 100 People Allowed

Israel is limiting public events in closed areas to 100 people as part of increasingly strict measures to curb the spread of the new coronavirus in the country, PM Netanyahu announced Wednesday evening.
The ban includes Shuls, Batei Midrashim, and weddings, the Health Ministry director-general Moshe Bar Siman-Tov elaborated.
On Tuesday, Israel limited the gatherings to a maximum of 2,000 people, a substantial decrease from the previously allowed number of 5,000 people.
The new instructions means that studies in universities might be postponed
Netanyahu also said that younger people are not in danger from the virus, but older people are, and thus its spread must be prevented.
“If you get sick and you’re in your 20s or 30s,” he said, “you’ll get better. But if we can’t prevent the spread, we’ll infect the older people — and they’re in much greater danger… I’m talking about their lives…We have to look after dad and grandpa and grandma.
“With God’s help and everybody’s cooperation, we’ll beat this,” he said.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Bnei Brak Yeshivah Teaches Arabs How to Shoot Missiles ....

This is against the law in Israel, and against the  local law of Bnei-Brak
But Yeshivah students that learn Torah don't give a damn
One boy blew his fingers off .... but even after the word went out that there was a major injury 
..they continued

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Two-week isolation ordered for all who enter Israel

All people entering Israel from abroad will be required to spend 14 days in home isolation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday. The measure became effective at 8 p.m. Monday night.
“After a day of complex discussions, we have made a decision: 
Whoever arrives in Israel from abroad will enter quarantine for 14 days,” Netanyahu said in a video statement Monday as 50 Israelis were diagnosed with coronavirus. “This is a difficult decision but it is essential to maintaining public health, which takes precedence over everything.
The message came less than an hour after Israel’s Health Ministry announced that three more people were diagnosed with coronavirus: patients No. 40, 41 and 42. It also came two hours before patients No. 43 through 50 were announced.
“This decision will be in effect for two weeks,” he continued. “At the same time, we will make decisions to safeguard the Israeli economy.”
Specifically, the isolation requirement applies to both Israelis and foreign travelers alike. No non-citizens will be able to enter Israel without proving they have a place to stay out their quarantine.
Tourists who are already in Israel will be given a few days to organize their flights back home.
The Health Ministry is asking that these tourists follow five guidelines: 

1) Call Magen David Adom if they experience any symptoms; 
2) pay careful attention to their personal hygiene; 
3) stay away from public gatherings; 
4) understand that they cannot leave and then return to the country and; 5) report on their whereabouts while in Israel.
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Delta Airlines temporarily suspends flights to Israel

Delta Airlines officially announced Tuesday that it is suspending its operations for the New York - Tel Aviv line from March 14 to March 24.

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Two Authors Predicted The Coronavirus Outbreak Years Before It Arrived

Two novelists may have predicted the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak long before it took place. In 1981, author Dean Koontz wrote a thriller called The Eyes Of Darkness. 
In the book, he describes a killer virus named ‘Wuhan-400’ after the Chinese city it originated in — the same city where COVID-19 was first reported. 
While there are numerous differences between the virus that Koontz describes and the one current creating a global epidemic, the similarities that exist are uncanny. 
One of the big differences between the two is the virus that Koontz described was developed as a weapon and has a death rate of 100%. The Coronavirus only has a death rate of about 2 percent.
Another author, Sylvia Browne, who died seven years ago, wrote in 2008 a book that visualized almost exactly the current Coronavirus. 
The book was titled “The End Of Days Predictions and Prophecies About The End Of The World” and it described a virus that very much resembled pneumonia and would have an outbreak in the year 2020. The virus spread quickly across the globe and would affect people’s lungs and their ability to breathe. The virus would be impervious to all treatments known to modern medicine. It would baffle doctors. Browne envisioned that the disease would disappear as quickly as it arrived and would only resurface a decade later before disappearing forever.
Browne claimed to be a medium with psychic abilities.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Monday, March 9, 2020

Benny Ganz's Partner In a Coalition Wants To Abolish "Law of Return"

Joint Arab List Aida Touma-Suleiman stated on Sunday that one of the conditions her party will present to support any coalition would be the repeal of the Law of Return.
The Joint Arab List, an alliance comprising the Arab or mostly Arab parties: Balad, Ra'am-Ta'al, and Hadash, won 15 parliament seats in the March 2 general elections. Although coalition talks have yet to begin, it is widely believed that the Arab lawmakers would most likely support Likud challenger Blue and White leader Benny Gantz for prime minister.
The Law of Return, passed in 1950, gives every Jew the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship.
In an interview with Israel Radio, Touma-Suleiman reiterated the demand, originally presented by the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, saying, "I don't think the Law of Return is needed anymore. Anyone who wanted to return to Israel has already done so. Those who chose to live in the US or France have already made their choice.
"The law is unnecessary. At the time, it greatly wronged my people, but now it's time to rethink it – and many other things."
She further stressed that the Joint Arab List "will not support anyone who supports the [Trump administration's] 'deal of the century.'"
Asked whether she recognizes Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, Touma-Suleiman replied, "We have been excluded from the civil collective of the State of Israel. We were marginalized and ignored. If that's what you call a Jewish state then yes, I want to change it. I suggest that you decide among yourselves what is a 'Jewish state' first. "
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Shul in Yerushalyim Goes to the Dogs

Southern Jerusalem is famous for its variety of progressive synagogue options, but one congregation has can claim its bark is worse than its bite.
"Kehilat Kelev" bills itself as Israel’s first dog-friendly congregation. “Pet-ition God with your pet by your side,” the shul’s website proudly proclaims.

Chairs at the egalitarian shul are arranged with extra space between them so that prayer-goers have room for extra paws among the pews. A separate section with more tightly packed seating is designated for members with lap dogs.

"Kehilat Kelev" ups the ante over notoriously dog-affable Tel Aviv, where it’s common to find man’s best friend welcome in the trendiest of restaurants.

Midway through services, dogs are invited to leave the building for “Tefilat Klavim” – aka the dog service. There, the dogregants are pampered for 45 minutes with a trip to the nearby park where tummy rubs are dispensed along with rebbe-themed games of fetch. (“Rashi says, ‘go long.’”)
The portion of the week is explained in dog-appropriate language. Snacks are brought in a doggie bag and a dog kiddush concludes the service before the dogs return excitedly to their owners and “the prayer for the welfare of dogs” is recited.
The highlight of "Kehilat Kelev’s" programming for pets is when a bark mitzvah takes place. Dogs that are turning 13 are invited up to the bima, where they are pelted with dog treats and chew toys while congregants sing out “That’s a good boy” or “That’s a good girl” while dancing around the room. Dogs that are especially vocal are offered a platform to bark out a short divrei barka and to thank any special trees, curbs or plastic bags they have befriended over their decade plus of life.
The bark mitzvah concludes with the assembled congregation crying out in unison, “Muzzle tov!”

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