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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO Tells Tech Conference he Has ‘become more religious’

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told a live audience at a tech conference that he has “become more religious” in recent years.

Zuckerberg was interviewed Friday evening at the Silicon Slopes Tech Summit.

“The last few years have been really humbling for me,” Zuckerberg said. “I’ve become more religious.”

He attributed his religious evolution to the issues his company has faced over the last few years and the birth of his two daughters, now ages four and two, Deseret News reported.
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R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe Monroe Sings "Toivim Meoirois" After Kiddush Levanah!

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Rush Limbaugh Diagnosed With Advanced Lung Cancer

Iconic Conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh announced on his Monday radio program that he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. He says he will not be on the air for some days due to treatment.
“This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory, for me, because I’ve known this moment was coming,” Limbaugh said. “I’m sure that you all know by now that I really don’t like talking about myself and I don’t like making things about me… one thing that I know, that has happened over the 31-plus years of this program is that there has been an incredible bond that had developed between all of you and me.”
“So, I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn’t have to tell you. It’s a struggle for me, because I had to inform my staff earlier today,” he said. “I can’t help but feel that I’m letting everybody down with. The upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.”

“(I plan to) do this show as normally and as competently and as expertly as I do each and every day because that is the source of my greatest satisfaction professionally,” Limbaugh said. “(and) personally.”
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Monday, February 3, 2020

Cantorial Kumzitz in Williamsburg .........

וכולם מקבלים

ה' מלך

Cantor Dovid Reich

Cantor Yisroel Meir Schwed

שומר ישראל


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Anti-Semitism Has Infected All of Britain.

Tuvia Tenenbom  invites us to join him as he tours the British Isles, talks to almost anyone who will talk to him,  he has just published the aptly titled The Taming of the Jew, in Czech, in Hebrew, and now in German (Suhrkamp).

 It is set in the United Kingdom. He was there and on the road for three months in 2018 and for four months in 2019.

He is our guide to a surreal section of Hell—our Virgil, our own Pagliacci. 

Tenenbom has toured the New World, the Holy Land, and, so far, two European countries, talking to Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, Lords, Ladies, Laborites, etc. 

Palestinian flags fly all over Ireland. No one really knows why but they feel strongly that it is “right.”

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Shlomo Pinchas Ritterman Dies Suddenly at 58

R’ Shlomie Pinchas Ritterman Z”L of North Miami Beach, Florida (previously of Flatbush) was 58.
R’ Shloime was on a flight with his wife at Forth Lauderdale Airport, when he suffered a massive heart attack. He was rushed to the the closest hospital (Broward Hospital) where he was R”L Niftar.
The R' Shlomo Grew up in Flatbush on East 3rd Street near Avenue M, and lived on East 10 between Avenue’s N-O before moving to North Miami Beach.
He was one of the original members of Flatbush Shomrim, and was a member of the Chevra Kaddisha in Flatbush.
He leaves behind his wife Mrs. Leah Dini and children Chesky, Moshe, Eli, Tzvi and Gitti.
Chesed Shel Emes was instrumental in ensuring proper Kavod Hames and a timely Levaya.
The Levaya was held on Sunday night at 9:15PM at Congregation Torah V’Emunah, 1000 NE 175th Street, Miami, Florida 33162
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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Prophesies Coming To Fruition .......... by DIN

by Rabbi DIN .....
The Talmud in Tractate Shabbos 31, quotes the prophet Isaiah (33 6) ...
והיה אמונת עתיך חסן ישועת חכמת ודעת יראת ה' היא אוצרו
"The faith of your times will be the strength of your salvations, wisdom and knowledge;
 fear of Hashem ..... that is [man's] treasure"

The Talmud explains that the Navie Isaiah is warning us about the questions that will be asked of us ....at the time of death when they escort us to our final judgement after we reach 120 years.

"Did you conduct your business transactions faithfully?" " Did you set aside fixed times for Torah study?" " Did you engage in procreation?" 
"Did you wait in hope for the Messianic salvation?

The Ran (medieval commentary on Talmud) says that this question:
"Did you wait in hope for the Messianic salvation?" 
means ..
"ציפית להתקיימות דברי הנביאים בימיך "
"Were you hoping that the words of the prophets would come to fruition in your days?"

This past week we actually saw the words of the prophets coming true.... 
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Will Hillary Run for President a Third Time?

Many people have said she will. Hillary just came out and said she ‘feels the urge’ to run again. Of course she does. She’s a narcissistic sociopath who has craved the power of the presidency since she was a young woman. Running for president is an addiction she can’t kick.
She went on a tour to promote her book about ‘gutsy women.’ A boring documentary was made about her. She’s constantly in the public eye. So why hasn’t she announced already?
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WhatsApp no longer supported on millions of phones

WhatsApp will no longer be supported on millions of older iPhones and Android devices starting Saturday, the Facebook-owned messaging app said in a blog post.
WhatsApp will be supported — or receive updates — on Android devices running operating system 4.0.3 or newer systems, iPhones running iOS 9 or newer and select phones running KaiOS 2.5.1 or newer, including JioPhone and JioPhone 2, the app said in its FAQ post.
"Because we no longer actively develop for these operating systems, some features might stop functioning at any time," the post states.
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The Bible Predicted Today's Worldwide Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus outbreak currently spreading all over the world originated in China and many are looking for answers to how this virus originated and spread so rapidly, already killing dozens of people.

According to one controversial biblical scholar,  Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, the global pandemic may have been foretold thousands of years ago in the Bible.

Glazerson made a video earlier this month in which he lays out his thesis that the coronavirus can be found in the Torah if one uses Bible codes, a concept that first became popularized in 1997 after a reporter published a book called "The Bible Code." Its controversial thesis was that secret codes hidden in the Torah can predict major events that have and will take place thousands of years after the Torah was written. 

Pointing out numerous news stories that point to the coronavirus outbreak originating from China's markets – which were reported to have included everything from rats, snakes, bats, fish and still living wolf pups – Glazerson explained an excerpt from the Book of Leviticus that spoke about the importance of not eating impure food.
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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Donald Trump takes out another terrorist leader

The United States carried out an airstrike in January that killed a leader of Al Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen after months of tracking him, according to current and former government officials. 
Qassim al-Rimi, 41, was killed in the January strike but officials had been waiting to confirm the information before making public statement, the New York Times reports. 
The Yemen branch, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has been keen to attack the U.S. and Europe. Confirmation of al-Rimi's death would mean a significant blow for the group.   
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Friday, January 31, 2020

Now You Can Stare At the SUN

This time, it’s OK to stare into the sun.
The violent surface of the star that gives us life on Earth has finally been revealed in stunning detail by the new Inouye Solar Telescope in Hawaii. These images show the sun’s “boiling” plasma landscape from 93 million miles away.
“These are the highest resolution images of the solar surface ever taken,” says Thomas Rimmele, director of the Inouye Solar Telescope project, in a news conference Friday. “What we previously thought looked like a bright point — one structure — is now breaking down into many smaller structures.”
These columnlike structures, called “cells,” are made of churning solar plasma heated to over 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which rises up from below to create a brief bright center before cooling off and sinking back down into the cracks. Each of these cells is approximately the size of Texas.
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Zera Shimshon Parshas BO

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

The letter my mum left for us - moments before she was killed at Auschwitz

Vilma Grunwald with her sons John (left) and Frank (then known as Misa). 

Moments before she was gassed to death by the Nazis in July 1944, Vilma Grunwald gave a guard a letter for her husband and family who were also in the largest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz.

The guard passed it on to her husband Kurt, but for decades the couple's youngest son, Frank, was unable to to read the handwritten note.

Here, 75 years after the death camp was liberated, he tells Sky News how it felt to read the letter which is now on display to visitors at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

My father, mother and older brother and I were sent to Auschwitz in December 1943.
A transport of around 5,000 inmates had arrived at the camp in September before us and we were part of the second batch of 5,000.

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R' Eliezer Ozer Sari That Davened Vasiikin At the Kotel Every Single Day Drowns in Yerushlayim Mikvah

R' Eliezer Ozer Sari a resident of Mevasseret Tzion, left his home everyday at 3:00 AM to travel to Yerushalyim, went to the mikvah and then went everyday to the Kotel to davin Shachris vassikin ..

Two days ago he suddenly collapsed in the mikvah and drowned.
He was originally from Yemen....

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Satmar Says that "Putting Gel in the Peyois is Against Chazal"

This again proves that Satmar has a different Torah than the rest of the Jewish people...

This letter to the parents of Satmar children notifies them that their children will not be allowed in school if their peyois has Gel in the them ... the gel keeps the peyois curly and orderly...

They state that this is against the teachings of the Chazal and even quote a Medrish Rabba ..... that supposedly states that when the Yetzer Hara sees that one keeps himself "tidy and neat" then he says ... "that guy is mine."

Don't worry if you cannot find anything against gel or the Medrish Rabba .....
Satmar has a different Torah ....

Just Yesterday Satmar brought down another quote:
"Better to bow down 100 times to the Christian Cross than to speak Hebrew"

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Reut Schvartz, Mother of 3 killed in Jordan Valley accident

Reut Schvartz (27) of Ma'ale Ephraim, who was killed in a car accident near Moshav Argaman on Highway 90, was laid to rest last night in the Shadmot Mehola cemetery, where her parents live.

Reut is the daughter of a lieutenant-colonel in the army, Rabbi Gabi Elmasheli, formerly the head of the IDF missing persons branch. Reut left behind a husband and three small children.

The local committee in Mehola, where she grew up and where her parents live, reported yesterday "with great sadness and grief we announce the untimely passing of the late Reut Schvartz, daughter of our friends, Ora and Rabbi Gabi Almeshshi who was killed this morning in a car accident in the Valley."
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Apple MacBooks priced down up to 40% off at B&H

There’s a new round of Apple savings to be found at B&H as it continues its deals-packed MacBook sale
The sale, which ends on Jan. 30,  is offering the popular computers for up to 40% off.
You can indulge in the Apple 13.3″ MacBook Air or enjoy the larger screen size of an Apple 16″ MacBook Pro. 
Every computer has high-end processors, beautiful retina displays and massive storage capabilities
So you’ll have the tools you need to work on creative projects, enjoy some gaming or simply surf the web.
You can check out our highlights of some of the biggest savings to be found during the sale.
And be sure to browse through B&H’s sale page for a full look at all the Apple computer deals.
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Gallup: Race Relations better under Donald Trump than Barack Obama

Oh boy, this is going to upset the liberal snowflakes. 

Per a new Gallup poll, satisfaction with race relations and the “position” of minorities under Trump are far higher than they were under President Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president. 

Let me put it a different way, race relations are perceived to be better under Trump than Obama.  Please stop crying, liberals.
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Watch Live: Naama Issachar boards PM's plane

Watch at 19.33

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife met at the Moscow airport today Naama Issachar, who was released this morning from the prison in Moscow to her mother.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said to Naama, "We're excited to see you. Now you're coming home."

Netanyahu returned Naama Issachar to Israel on his plane about 10 months after she was arrested. Netanyahu's departure to Israel was scheduled for around 1 p.m.
Israeli Consul Yafa Olivitzky said:

 "Five minutes ago, I met the border control people who transferred to me Naama, happy, smiling, and very excited. Naama is now with her mother in a side room."
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