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Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Lesson About Jews From a Black Pastor

Ishay Ribo Israeli Singer Had 190 Million Views and has 180,000 Subscribers on UTUBE

Every Chanukah, Kikar Hashabat music critic Nesanel Leifer takes a close look at YouTube to compile a lift of the most successful frum singers in the world. A high number of views on YouTube translates into success in general since YouTube not only provides excellent exposure for singers but is a source of income in itself through advertising revenue.
Israeli singer Ishay Ribo won first place by a high margin for the second year in a row, with a much higher number of views than those immediately after him on the list. 

This past year, Ribo broke every possible record, in the amount and size of his performances, the amount of YouTube views on his songs and his loyal fan base. He also released his fourth album “אלול תשע”ט” with his hit song: “Halev Sheli.”
Ribo’s official YouTube channel has 190 million views and 180,000 subscribers. This is the second year in the row that Ribo doubled the number of views on his channel within a year. Furthermore, almost all of Ribo’s videos simply display the words of his songs but that doesn’t stop his fans from replaying them again and again at a rate far higher than any other frum singer.
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Monsey stabbing suspect Grafton Thomas was a ‘Shabbos goy’ growing up?

The man accused of using a machete to hack five Orthodox Jews at a Hanukkah party had Jewish friends while growing up — and even did Sabbath chores for them, his mom told The Post on Wednesday.
Grafton Thomas, 37, “was born in a Jewish neighborhood in Crown Heights,” Kim Thomas said in her first public statements since her son’s arrest in the Saturday night bloodbath in Monsey.
Kim, 55, said her son would help one Jewish family observe the Sabbath by performing tasks prohibited by their religious beliefs.
“Grafton grew up going there on a Friday afternoon to turn off the lights for them,” she said.
That practice is commonly known as serving as a “Shabbos goy” — a non-Jew who performs Sabbath tasks.
Before his arrest, Kim said, Grafton was always welcomed warmly whenever he returned to Brooklyn from their home in upstate Greenwood Lake.
“If he goes down there, anyone that sees him on the block, in the neighborhood, hugs him, welcomes him,” she said.
Several longtime Jewish residents of the block where Grafton formerly lived told The Post they didn’t remember him as a neighbor.

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Shelly Mermelstein Z”L, One Of Two Victims Struck By Vehicle In Teaneck

Sheldon Mermelstein 75  one of the two people hit by a car on Thursday December 19th in Front of Congregation Bnai Yeshuran In Teaneck New Jersey  was Nifter two Shabbosim ago.
Shelly was a active member of the Teaneck Community and specifically was involved in Congregation Beth Aaron. Shelly who was originally from Bensonhurst Brooklyn played a major role in the Teaneck Jewish Community. When the Mermelstein Family came to Teaneck in the 1970s, Beth Aaron was only a Shabbos Shul. Shelly decided it was time for a daily minyan.
First they started a daily shacharis Minyan then they started a Daily Maariv Minyan.
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FBI Impounds Car Possibly Used In November Stabbing – Belongs To MOTHER Of Black Suspect Grafton Thomas

The black maniac charged with storming into Rabbi Rottenberg’s home on Chanukah and stabbing five people is getting closer to being charged with the vicious and brutal assault and stabbing of 29-year-old Mordechai ben Bracha (Schlesinger) in November.
 The FBI has located the Honda Pilot that was seen leaving the stabbing scene in November. The vehicle allegedly belongs to the mother of Grafton Thomas.
Additionally, the FBI is reportedly in possession of the bloody knife allegedly used to stab Mordechai Schlesinger as he walked to Shul early one November morning.
Our sources tell us that the FBI is awaiting DNA testing to confirm that Grafton Thomas is the man behind the November stabbing as well.
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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

"Bail Reform" Will Allow A Criminal to Access Your Address!

Bail Reform in New York is more than just releasing anyone charged with certain crimes, regardless of their prior criminal history and even if the judge thinks the defendant is a threat to the public.

Under the new law, if you report a crime, the criminal defendant is entitled to find out your name, address and phone number.

So let's say you see a man beating someone up and call 911.
The person charged will receive your name, address and phone number.

The law went into effect today!

The "Heimishe Yidden"  that voted for  Governor Cuomo, should know that he signed this into law ...

Pope Francis is "Shomer Negiah"

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Satmar Prohibits Exercise Classes in Monroe Without Satmar Supervision

When I was growing up .. a fat lady or a fat guy indicated wealth ...
anyone obese was considered healthy, well fed and rich...

We have since learned that obesity actually kills and ..skinny is in!

Not so fast guys......
In Monroe the holy Rabbanim are warning women and men not to attend exercise classes..... 
they add that young girls if they do attend exercise classes.....need some fat smelly lady to supervise the classes....

They claim that these classes have brought "bad influence" into the community ....

"Chinush" or Skinny is out ... Fatsos are back in  ..

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Shmuel Yosef (Stuart) Hecht Killed by Car While Coming Out of Shul in Woodmere

Tragedy struck the Woodmere and Five Towns communities on Tuesday morning, when word spread of the tragic Petira of Shmuel Yosef (Stuart) Hecht Z”L. He was 73 years old.
According to the Nassau County Police Department, at around 7:00AM, Hecht was struck by a vehicle near Peninsula Boulevard and Edward Avenue.
Hatzolah Paramedics found him in traumatic arrest, and rushed him to South Nassau Hospital.
Unfortunately, he was Niftar upon arrival at the hospital
The Levaya is scheuled for Wednesday morning at 10:00AM at Schwartz’s Funeral Chapel in Queens.
Sources tell YWN that the Niftar was a regular Mispallel at the “Edward Avenue Shul”, and had just finished Davening Shacharis when he was struck by the vehicle.
The Niftar is the husband of former HANC parent and former Plainview Early Childhood Center Director, Sheryl Hecht, and father of HANC Middle School Principal and alumnus, Rabbi Elliot Hecht (’90), and of alumna, Laura Slomnicki (’95).
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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Satmar Ahroinie Civil War in Bnei Brak Continues .... with physical Fist fights ....on Chanukah ... Zionist Police Had to Break It Up !

R' Katz and R,Meisels in Better Times

So here is the story as I know it ....
For many years the Rav of the Ahroinie Shul in Bnei Brak was Rabbi Eliyahu Katz ..... He also served as the "Head"of the Yeshivah...
Notice I wrote "Head"
When he died it was natural to appoint his son R' Avraham Shlomo Katz as the Rav....

R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe threw a wrench into the mix and appointed his nephew R' Chaim Tzvi Meisels as Rosh Yeshivah of the Satmar Yeshivah of Bnei Brak .... in effect taking away one of jobs of R' Katz...

The problem.....
In Satmar circles there is no such thing as "Rosh Yeshivah"
"Rosh Yeshivah" is a term used primarily in the Litvishe circles, where practically everyone that wears a long frock with two buttons in the back is a Rosh Yeshivah....
You can find even 10 Roshei Yeshivah in any given Litvishe Yeshivah ... in fact in some Litvishe Yeshivois even a third grade Rebbe is called a Rosh Yeshiva.....

Finally the devoted talmidim of Rav Meisels had enough with this phony Litvishe "Rosh Yeshivah" business and took out a page from the Satmar "alter heim" pagebook and started to beat the crap out of the R' Katz followers and even physically threw out R' Katz from the Satmar Bais Medrish on one occasion ....(there are videos of this)...

The Satmar Rebbe from Monroe tried stopping the family feud, trying his best to avoid a civil war in his own camp .... and he actually managed to quiet things down for awhile....

Well last night on the holy night of "Zos Chanukah" while the fires of the menorah were flickering towards the heavens, down here on earth, the Meisel Camp in the spirit of Chanukah took up his fight like the Chashmonoim  and a fist fight erupted and of course they called the Zionists to break it up!...
The Katz Camp called this a"pogrom" ...see the poster below...

Meanwhile in the Yeshivah this morning, R' Meisels according to the Kikar Shabbos Blog, begged his "Maccabees" not to use physical force to fight on his behalf ...

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Rabbi Sholom Dovber Levy dies on flight from Israel after attending granddaughter's wedding

A French Jewish man died on a flight from Israel to France, as he was returning home after attending his granddaughter’s wedding.

Rabbi Sholom Dovber Levy, a member of the Chabad movement and a resident of Strasbourg, France, was flying back home to France Monday when he died suddenly onboard the flight.

The 66-year-old fell asleep on the flight, and shortly before the plane landed in Frankfurt, Levy’s wife tried to wake him up. Levy, who apparently died in his sleep, was declared dead shortly thereafter.

Levy was a survivor of a stabbing attack three years ago, when a Muslim man brandishing a knife screamed “Allahu Akhbar” and stabbed Levy in the stomach. 

The assailant targeted Levy because he was identifiable as a Jew.
Levy will be laid to rest in Beit Shemesh Tuesday. He is survived by his wife, Helene Levy, and the couple’s 12 children.

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Woman Wakes Up From 7 Month Coma After Family Told To ‘Pull The Plug’

Never give up hope..... as long as their is life ...there is hope!
An Ohio woman was in a coma for seven months due to a mysterious illness — but her and her mother’s fight for her survival led to a second chance at life.
Kertisha Brabson, 31, of Alliance fell into a coma in September 2018 after her mother noticed she was acting funny.
“Something has taken over and ruining my daughter,” Kertease Williams told CBS affiliate WBNS. “I just don’t know what.”

At the hospital, Kertisha was doing strange things like reaching out for things that were not there, talking out of her head and dancing as if she was at a concert. Then a seizure put Kertisha in a coma that would last seven months.
Kertisha was diagnosed with Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, a disease where the body fights its own brain cells.
The doctors “told me she was brain-dead and pull the plug and all those things,” said Kertease Williams, who said she was determined to save her daughter, who has two small children of her own.
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WhatsApp Will Stop Working On Millions Of Phones TOMORROW

WhatsApp users will no longer be able to use all Windows Phone operating systems after December 31, 2019, and WhatsApp might not be available in the Microsoft Store after July 1, 2019.
Facebook-owned WhatsApp says the reason is because the company no longer develops for Windows mobile platforms.
The app will also stop working on several Android smartphones and iPhones next year.
Starting on February 1, 2020, users with Android versions 2.3.7 or older and iPhones using iOS 8 or older will not be able to use existing accounts.
WhatsApp already stopped supporting earlier Windows Phones at the beginning of 2018, as well as BlackBerry OS and BlackBerry 10.
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Chassidim Send an Incoherent "Spokesman" To Address Anti-Semitism With State Officials in Monsey

This Gestetner character may have good intentions and may even have great ideas for the Chareidie Community but in this video, he is a total embarrassment as a "spokesman" to the Chassidishe community!

Who put him there to speak???
The guy cannot form two coherent sentences in a row.......

It starts out ok ...but .056 into the video everything goes south!

Watching him blabber, I cringed as if someone was trying to shlep a metal chair on a tile floor!

I tried in vain to decipher what he was "ploppling" about ...
very hard to understand his childish ranting ...

Tells State officials that pandering to the community is "pareve" ..... "not meat nor dairy" ...

Is this guy insane?

He did have a point ..... but if you never sat in a Chassidishe yeshivah you wouldn't have a clue to what the hell he was talking about .... a bunch of double talk and gibberish...

First he tells them not "to show up to Jewish events, but to sit home" and then he questions "why they don't post the photos to their social media." 

At one point he mocks them for showing up at Chabad Menorah lighting  suggesting, albeit discretely, that Chabad aren't really Chassidim... and they should know better that when they do show up at "Menorah Lightnings" that they, meaning Chabad,  are really not the Chassidishe community.

So Chabad is not part of the Chasidishe community? 
There are no Chabadnikers living in Monsey.... ?
So he is not representing them?
Even if he believes that to be true.... why tell it to a bunch of goyim...anti-Semites?

Can't we find one Chassidishe guy that can speak a decent English?
We finally have an opportunity to address this dangerous issue and they send out a 5 year-old child masquerading as an adult!

Crazy stuff!

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Monday, December 30, 2019

Question Why Did Rabbi Rottenberg Continue With the Melava Malka & What Did He say??

This was a tragedy beyond anyone's imagination.... 
And I certainly do not want to rain on anyone's parade.....
 I personally know the one in very critical condition ...

I know I will get a lot of flack for this....

But I want to know seriously .... from my readers that go to these "tishen" .....

Was this appropriate?

Was the dancing and singing while one of the participant's life was dangling on a thread, the correct thing to do?

Would it have been such a tragedy ... if the Rebbe, may he live and be well till 120 years, would have taken out a tehillim ????

Would it have been a tragedy for the rebbe to go immediately to the hospital and visit the guy who was so viciously stabbed??

His own children were rushed to the hospital ......
I'm asking ..... not criticizing .....
which father continues singing and clapping while his children are in the emergency room?

And his talk at the Melava Malka........ 
The good Rebbe  is bringing a "Shlah Ha'Kodash" to justify his singing and clapping while a guy is being operated on??? 

Do chassidim in general, dance and clap when their rebbe is deathly ill? Or do they congregate to say Tehillim together?
I am asking this with the utmost respect ....

Another question....
Why was he thanking the Governor ... why???
Didn't the governor just sign into law allowing felons "No bail?"
And opening the prison gates? ...
This would have been a great moment to tell the Governor that his leftist policies are bringing ruin to this once great city!

 People want answers to these simple questions....
If anyone out there has a reasonable explanation, I would love to hear it ....

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Not Everyone is Blind

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Saudi Blogger Lights Chanukah Candles

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Tweeting the Talmud

With some 20,000 bursts of Talmudic wisdom over the past seven years, @TweetTheDaf has become one of most popular Daf-focused Twitter accounts.

When he began his second round of learning Daf Yomi in the summer of 2012, Ben-Zion Radinsky decided he was going to do it differently this time. Besides keeping up with the learning itself, he was going to hold himself more accountable and review the material more often. And he would finally begin recording all of the fascinating nuggets from the Gemara he saw so many others whiz past.
But the Woodmere, New York, resident realized he would need a system with which to tackle these goals. Soon enough he came upon a modern-day solution: Twitter.
Through publicly telegraphing his daily learning and observations from the Daf on the relatively new and rapidly growing social media platform, Radinsky would be able to keep his learning on track while also sharing insights with other Daf enthusiasts. 
Thus began the @TweetTheDaf account.
Ben-Zion Radinsky

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IDF On the Light Rail

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