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Monday, December 30, 2019

The "BS" Spin Has Begun as Black Stabber's Leftist Jewish Lawyer Says He Has History of Mental Problems

So now the Black "cholyereh" got himself a Jewish Lawyer and the "Bull Crap Spin" will now start in full throttle! 
They are trying to tell us that the Black Perp drove for hours looking to stab only Jews ... has "mental issues" 
Why do people with "mental issues" stab Jews? Hmmm?
Why don't they hug and kiss them?Why are they only into violence?????
Who is this Michael Sussman anyway ???
A Radical Leftist who ran for Attorney General of NY on the Green party 

Now a report from the FBI:

He kept an anti-Semitic journal and googled “Why did Hitler hate the Jews” the same month as the attack, prosecutors said Monday in a hate crimes complaint.
The journal, found at Thomas’s home in Greenwood Lake, included questions like “why ppl mourned for anti-Semitism when there is Semitic genocide” and references to “Adolf Hitler” and “Nazi culture” on the same page as drawings of a Star of David and swastika, prosecutors said.
Thomas searched “German Jewish temples near me,” “Zionist temples in Elizabeth NJ” and “Prominent companies founded by Jews in America” in the weeks leading up to the Saturday attack, according to the criminal complaint.

Jews have to stand up and say they that we will not accept this BS ...

The family of Greenwood Lake resident Grafton Thomas, the man accused of injuring five Hasidic Jews in a machete attack at a Hanukkah party in Monsey Saturday evening issued a statement at 10:10 p.m. Sunday on his behalf through their newly selected lawyer 
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Incredible Video of New York Anti-Semitism Attacks 2019 ......

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Dov Hikind on Fox News Blames Left for Anti-Semites

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Nechumi Yaffe Pioneering Chasidic Woman "Terrified" to Return To Israel As Tenure-Track Professor

In early 2020, when Nechumi Yaffe becomes a tenure-track professor at Tel Aviv University, she will be perhaps the first chasidic woman to achieve such a position — and not just at Tel Aviv, but at any university.
After spending two years in the United States, as a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University’s Kahneman-Treisman Center for Behavioral Economics, the Haifa native will move back to Israel. Not only will she be reaching the next stage in a relatively late, fast-moving career, she will also be risking scrutiny and rejection from members of her own community.
“I am scared of going back,” she said quietly during an interview earlier this year at a local ice cream shop in Borough Park, Brooklyn. “I am terrified.” She worries about the old neighborhood where she grew up and worries her family there may be made too uncomfortable to stay. Her three children have grown up knowing their mother is different — to the degree that they know to avoid sharing the details of their mother’s job. But they only partially understand the gravity of the challenges their family likely will face.
Nechumi with her father

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Le'Kovoid Chanukah .... How Candy Cane is made!

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Black "Klavta" accused of assaulting 3 Jewish women arrested again DAY after release

A Brooklyn miscreant accused of slapping three Orthodox Jewish women last week struck again on Sunday and was busted for assaulting another woman.
A day after she was released without bail on charges stemming from the Friday attack, Tiffany Harris was charged with assault for slugging a 35-year-old in the face on Eastern Parkway near Underhill Avenue in Prospect Heights at about 9:15 a.m., according to police.
It’s unclear if Sunday’s victim is Jewish — and police weren’t treating the incident as a hate crime. The victim suffered swelling and bruising to her right eye from the pummeling, police said.
On Friday, Harris allegedly assaulted three Orthodox women on Eastern Parkway near Kingston Avenue — one of at least eight anti-Semitic incidents in the city last week.
“Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews,” Harris admitted to cops after that attack, according to a criminal complaint.
The two assaults occurred about a mile away from each other.
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Reform Rabbis Pass A Resolution Supporting Reparations to Blacks As Jews Are Being Stabbed by Them

Leftist self-hating Jews passed an idiotic resolution supporting reparations to American Blacks...

All blacks alive today living in the US never served as slaves to anyone. 
Not one white person alive today owns or owned a black slave .......
Yet, these Jew haters who are themselves "Jews" are prepared to give Jewish money to these barbarians.....
While the Jewish blood of their brothers and sisters are being spilled on the streets .... they pass this resolution.....


Despicable: Black attacks on Jews are rooted in Democrats' coddling of anti-Semites

Once-tolerant New York City is becoming a haven for anti-Semitic, Jew-hating attacks, getting to be like Paris, eventually driving Jewish flight based on the surge of unpunished violence in the leftist-run city.

It's shocking, not only because the number of unprovoked attacks on Jewish people just minding their own business and going about their daily lives are very numerous -- nine at last count within about a week -- but because within the violence itself is a tissue of lies, explicit and implicit, from silky enablers to conceal and euphemize what's really happening.  

In every case, the victim was Jewish and the attacker was black. That's a politically incorrect to the press and its leftist allies, but it's true. 

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The "Goimel Bentchers" In Rabbi Rottenberg's Shul

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Yosef Glick The Hero Who Fought Off Stabbing Suspect Gives Eyewitness Account

A true Hero according to the people who were present at the stabbing

This just shows that you only need one man with courage ... 
Glick, without any arms and who probably never had a physical fight with anyone in his entire life managed to save countless lives ...

 People who run in a  cowardly manner  will likely cause many fatalities 
 no matter how many experienced fighter’s or armed are present ....

I am not blaming anyone ... people are in shock but we had better prepare for this ..... 

Yosef Eli Glick, who saved many lives during the stabbing attack by fighting off the attacker, gives his eyewitness account of the incident.

Glick said he grabbed a small coffee table that was sitting near the door, and through it at the man.
Glick kept screaming to everyone else, “run away, run away, he’s coming!”
Glick says the man looked at him and said, “Hey you, I’ll get you!”

Exclusive Video & Photo of the Monsey Black Monster

The suspect in the Monsey has been named as Thomas E. Grafton, 37, of Greenwood Lake, NY.
He was apprehended with “blood all over him.”
The Ramapo Police Chief announced that he will be charged with 5 counts of attempted murder and burglary.
He’s being held in Ramapo and will be arraigned today.
Law-enforcement sources say Grafton has several previous arrests on his record, including one for punching a police horse.

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The "Asken" Ezra Friedlander and his Stooge Fat Nadler No Where To Be Found As Blacks Kill Jews "One at a Time"

The big fake Asken, Ezra "Lisker" Friedlander, who is about to give Anwar Sadat ym"s, the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish soldiers a Congressional Medal of Honor and who wrote an op-ed telling Holocaust survivors that the "Iran Deal" that Hussain Obama formulated, was "great" .... is nowhere to be found!

His client, "Fat Nadler" is busy impeaching the best friend that the Jewish people ever had in the white house.....

Where is "Crying" Schumer who wept when Trump wouldn't let in Syrian refugees .. ?????

Litzman the "Sexual Abuser Enabler" Appointed Health Minister ... Australia Jews Furious!

Fury in Australian community over Litzman ministerial appointment

In the Jewish community in Australia, Yaakov Litzman is seen as the single individual most responsible for the endless procrastination in Malka Leifer's extradition proceedings, condemning his appointment as Health Minister.

The Jewish community in Australia is furious over the Israeli government's decision to appoint MK Yakov Litzman (UTJ) Health Minister in place of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

The Zionist Federation of Australia condemned the appointment, calling it a "slap in the face."

Police believe that Litzman, who served as Deputy Health Minister prior to his appointment as Health Minister, illegally involved himself in the legal processes concerning Malka Leifer, a 52-tear-old Australian educator accused of sexually abusing her students.

Leifer is currently in Israel, despite the fact that Australia's government has repeatedly asked for her extradition. 

Litzman is suspected of using his influence in the Health Ministry to secure a psychiatric assessment of Leifer which would find her unfit for extradition, thereby preventing it.

In August, Israel Police recommended indicting Litzman on charges of offering bribes, fraud, and breach of trust in two separate cases.
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The Klausenberger Rebbe At the 8th Siyum Hashas .... "Daf Yoimie Idea is Truth"

It's in Yiddish 

In this video the Kausenberger Rebbe z"l discusses the Rabbanim that were against the Daf Yoimie, and says that at the end of the day 
"Only truth prevails,  falsehoods dissolve, and the fact that Jews accepted the Daf Yoimie premise and its still accepted even after the destruction of European Jewry, is proof positive that the premise of learning the daf yoimie is the absolute truth" 

He advises those who learn the daf that they should also include "Tosfois"

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Video of Arrest of Black Suspect of Monsey Stabbing

The NYPD used yellow tape to surround the car while officers questioned the driver

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Shiri Maimon Popular Israeli singer cancels show due to swine flu

A popular Israeli singer has canceled a show due to contracting swine flu.

In an Instagram announcement, Shiri Maimon wrote: "I've been sick for over a week already, and yesterday I was diagnosed with swine flu, that's what it's called."

"That's the most common strain of flu this winter, and in my case it developed a nice complication."

She added that her children are also suffering from swine flu:
 "I don't wish this nightmare on anyone, and my children caught it also, which is the biggest nightmare, honestly."

She also wrote that she has to cancel the upcoming show, which had sold out a while ago.
"I really apologize to my beloved audience, and I promise I'll come soon and compensate you."

Since mid-October, 11 Israelis have died of flu, nine of them from swine flu. Another 98 Israelis have been hospitalized.

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Motti Klein 37 Prominent Belzer Chassid Dies Suddenly

A prominent Belzer hassid, philanthropist Motti Klein who owned the restaurant chain "Motis," died suddenly on Saturday at age 37.

Klein, a resident of Bnei Brak, was in the Kiryat Belz neighborhood of Jerusalem for "Shabbat Hanukkah" (the Sabbath that falls out on Hanukkah, which is often spent with relatives - ed). Shortly after Shabbat began, he collapsed and was evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

He underwent tests at the hospital and was released after Shabbat. He returned to his family and then collapsed again on Saturday night and passed away.

Friends described him as a tremendous philanthropist who donated his money to needy families.

"He was welcoming to anyone who came in contact with him, assisted with any request for help, even when he was going through difficult times," one of his friends said.

He is survived by three small children.

The funeral procession took place Saturday night, and left from his home in Bnei Brak.
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Artist Peter Max allegedly siphoned over $4M from elderly "Cousin Lou"

Famed pop artist Peter Max and his wife Mary — who committed suicide in June — allegedly siphoned $4.6 million in cash from their dementia-riddled relative, “Cousin Lou,” according to court papers. 

They used much of the cash to splurge on bling, including a Cartier bracelet, earrings and a ring collectively worth $1.485 million; $1.3 million in jewelry from Bhagat; a Verdura ring costing $58,500; and $47,000 Van Cleef & Arpels earrings, among dozens of other pricey purchases, according to Lou’s daughter, who is seeking to recoup the cash.
Ricki Reisner said her dad, Louis Gottlieb, was so ill in the years before his January 2015 death at age 90 he didn’t realize the Maxes were taking advantage of him — sometimes writing more than one hefty check to them a day, she says in a Manhattan Supreme Court claim. 
Gottlieb ran a successful construction business before moving into money management, carefully investing the bulk of his cash in bonds for years.
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Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods

Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods they terrorized thanks to “bail reform” legislation — which doesn’t even take effect until Jan. 1.
The most recent case of revolving-door justice came Saturday morning, with the release, with no bail, of a woman charged with punching and cursing at three Orthodox women, ages 22, 26 and 31, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn at dawn the day before.
The accused assailant, Tiffany Harris, was hauled in handcuffs before a Brooklyn judge on 21 menacing, harassment and attempted assault charges.
“F-U, Jews!” Harris, 30, of Flatbush, allegedly shouted during the attack.
“Yes, I was there,” Harris later admitted to cops, according to the criminal complaint against her.
“Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews.”
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Black Guy Stabs 5 In Monsey Shul At Chaukah Party .... Suspect Arrested

Multiple people were stabbed Saturday night in a synagogue. According to reports, a black male entered Rabbi Rottenburg's Shul, located in the Forshay neighborhood 

According to reports, a black male entered Rabbi Rottenburg’s Shul, located in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, and pulled out a machete. He pulled off the cover and stabbed at least 5 people. One of the victims was stabbed in the chest.

Two of Rabbi Rottenburg's sons were stabbed 
The perpetrator then ran out and escaped in a vehicle. His plates were spotted before he left, and  police have arrested him ....

Two victims are in critical condition, according to Reuters. At least one of those injured was reportedly stabbed in the chest. 

A local resident tweeted,
 "Please say tehillim for Yosef ben Perel and Shlomo ben Vittel." 

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