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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Avrohom Nochum Landi 20, from Passaic Killed in Car Accident in Yerusalyim

A horrific crash took the life of a young American Yeshivas Bochur in Jerusalem on Wednesday evening.
Avrohom Nochum Landi Z”L, 20, from Passaic, was identified as the victim. The Niftar was learning in the Mir Yerushalayim.
The Levaya will be held in front of the Mir Yerushalayim at 6:45PM on Thursday. The Kevura will be in Har Hazeisim.
Police say the crash between a private vehicle and a tractor trailer occurred at around 6:23PM on Wednesday on the Begin Highway near Ramot.
United Hatzalah Volunteers arrived on the scene and found two victims with critical injuries. They were rushed to the hospital – one of them in traumatic arrest.
Shaarei Tzedek Hospital released a statement shortly after that Avrohom Nochum Landi Z”L was Niftar.
The other occupant is reportedly also from the United States.
Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes…

The Ugly Faces of Hate!!

 A senior law enforcement official says the attack is now being investigated as a possible hate crime. 

 Who Are Jersey City Shootout Suspects? 

Three sources say Anderson was a one-time follower of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a group whose members believe they are descendants of the ancient Israelites and may adhere to both Christian and Judaic beliefs. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled the Hebrew Israelites a black supremacist group. Some sects within the movement are known for their fierce condemnations of white and Jewish people. 

 There was a note with religious writings in the U-Haul he and Graham allegedly drove to the scene, which is believed to have been written by Anderson. In summary, the note is believed to have said along the lines of "I do this because my creator makes me do this, and I hate who He hates." 

 However, officials say a motive — including any alleged nexus to hate or terror — remains under active investigation. 

Top law enforcement leaders from varying levels of New Jersey government said Wednesday afternoon that a "pipe bomb," along with multiple other weapons, were recovered at the scene.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Surveillance Footage Shows The Moment The Jersey City Shooting Attack Began

The gunmen in a furious firefight that left six people dead in Jersey City clearly targeted a Jewish market, the mayor said Wednesday, amid growing suspicions the bloodshed was an anti-Semitic attack.

Mayor Steven Fulop refused to call it an anti-Semitic attack but said surveillance video showed the gunmen driving slowly through the city’s streets and then stopping outside a kosher grocery store, where they calmly got out of their van and immediately opened fire.
A police officer, three bystanders and the killers all died in the violence Tuesday afternoon in the city of 270,000 people across the Hudson River from New York City.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said on MSNBC that the attack was “clearly a hate crime,” while New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pronounced it a “deliberate attack on the Jewish community.” They announced tighter police protection of synagogues and other Jewish establishments in New York as a precaution.
The kosher grocery is a central fixture in a growing community of Orthodox Jews who have been moving to Jersey City in recent years and settling in what was a mostly black section of Jersey City.

Local Black Residents of Jersey City Blame Jews For the Attack That Blacks Themselves Perpetrated on the Jews

Message to Satmar ..... ......
You are in Galus ...... Come Home ...
Forget the crazy Shitah that prohibits Jews from moving to Israel...

Come on home ....where you belong ....
Your neighbors hate you .....
you can't blame this on the Zionists .....
The Goyim lump us all together ...

Come on home....

Here in the State of Israel you can make a difference ...
all you have to do is vote .....
You can stop the chillul Shabbos if you all emigrate to Israel

This carnage won't stop ...
Come on home.....

Hours after reports of a Jewish-owned grocery store in Jersey City was involved in a shootout with heavily armed criminals, a representative of Americans Against Antisemitism took his camera and went to the scene. What he recorded and encountered when he got there shocked all of us. While it was becoming clear that a terror attack had unfolded, and that Jews had been murdered, local residents gathered outside to blame Jews for all sorts of problems including their own deaths, while others cheered them on.
Not only was there a terror attack to absorb at the scene, which would be enough for anyone to deal with, our representative had to deal with vile antisemitic vitriol from local residents who wished the Jews were dead and gone. Let that sink in.
What this clearly shows is that antisemitism is a MUCH BIGGER problem than anyone has hitherto imagined! It’s time for people of all persuasions to wake up, now! We’ve been warning for a while that antisemitic terrorism was coming, and here it is. And it’s worse than the attacks alone, now they add insult to injury, throwing salt on the freshly opened wounds, and surround those sites with antisemitic hate.
“While the Jewish blood of terror victims was still warm, local residents gathered outside not to show support, not to offer help, but to condemn Jews, blame Jews for their own deaths, and cheer it on,” said Dov Hikind on the shocking footage. “The big story here is that not only was there a horrible terror attack motivated by antisemitism that occurred, but it happened in a context in which wishing death on Jews seems totally normal.”

Jersey City Police Captain Reassures Satmar Children That They "Are Safe" And That They're Parents Are Coming To Pick Them up

These are all children born in the USA yet they 
need some guy to translate simple English

Why is that

Chassidim Scrambling to Update Their IPhones As Millions of users of WhatsApp Are Going to lose service!

WhatsApp, a popular smartphone messaging app that billions of users worldwide use to connect, is shutting down service to millions of users who are using outdated devices. 

And "Heimishe WhatsApp" groups are going into panic mode....

Rumor has it that "askanim: are busy  setting up  gemachs to fund the much needed updated phones ... Chassidishe Rabbanim doubt that those contributing can count that as maaser.......

The Facebook-owned company called it a “tough decision” to stop supporting operations on older versions of Android, Apple and Windows phones by requiring them to use more updated OS software.

WhatsApp will stop working on millions of phones in the next couple of months as the company withdraws support for some older mobile platforms, Facebook said.

The latest update on iOS will lock out anyone using an iPhone 5 or earlier. Anyone using an Android phone will need at least version 4.0, known as “Ice Cream Sandwich,” of that software to keep messaging.
However, users on Windows Phones will be locked out forever after Dec. 31, the company said.

The sum total of users lost by these changes will be in the millions, according to reports.
Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19 billion in 2014 and said it plans to more closely integrate the messaging platform into its other messaging apps, namely Facebook Messenger and Instagram

All-Female Siyum HaShas To Take Place On January 5

Michelle Farber has spent decades teaching Talmud to Jewish women. But when her first child was born, she was relieved it was a boy

“When my son was born, I said, ‘Good, we had a boy first, it’ll give the world a little time to catch up for women,’” Farber said. 
“Well, my daughter was born a year and a half later. I really thought that by the time my kids got to my age things would be totally different, and I feel like there’s still not a large number of women who dedicate time to study Talmud.”
Farber, 47, is one of the people trying to change that.
For the past 7 1/2 years, she has taught a page of Talmud a day to a small group of women at her home in the Tel Aviv suburb of Raanana. Some 250 more listen to the class online.

Moshe Hersh Deutch, Chava Gold and Leah Mindel Ferentz Murdered In Jersey City Shootout!

Mindy Ferentz a"h & Moshe Hersh Deutch z"l

Moshe Hersh Deutch HY”D, 24-years-old. He is the son of R’ Sholom from Williamsburg.,
Mrs Leah Mindel Ferentz HY”D, 33-years-old. She is the wife of R’ Moshe Dovid, and the daughter of Binyomin Hersh Greenfeld.

Mrs. Ference  was also the daughter-in-law of Reb Aron Ference of KJ, her sister is making a wedding next Monday in KJ.....

Leah and her husband yb”lct were co-owners of the store.

Four people, including a police officer and three civilians, were killed in a lengthy gun battle in Jersey City Tuesday, CBS New York reported.

The two suspects in shooting were also killed, the report said. Their bodies were found in a kosher grocery store at Martin Luther King Boulevard after an intense shootout with police.

The incident began at the Bay View cemetery. Sources told CBS the suspects were spotted at the cemetery in a rental van. Officers recognized them as being wanted for questioning in a previous homicide, sources said. The two suspects then opened fire and drove about a mile to the grocery store, where a massive gun battle took place in the middle of a residential neighborhood.

One officer was rushed to the hospital but did not survive. Three other police officers were wounded, including one who was shot in the shoulder, said Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop.
The other two were treated for shrapnel injuries. A civilian was also injured.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Representative Gaetz Torches Daniel Goldman

Family Forcibly Remove Chareidie Kallah MINUTES Before Her Chuppah Takes Place

A Chareidi Kallah who was supposed to get married on Monday at her Chuppah in a high-class event hall in Ashkelon, was whisked away from the hall after she had arrived for the wedding photoshoot. It is suspected that she was whisked away from the wedding by family members who did not approve of the marriage.
Family members told BeChadrei Charedim that the Chosson “deceived the Kallah”, which caused her father and other family members to staunchly oppose the marriage. The family members added that the Kallah was forcibly removed from the wedding hall by her family, even though she wanted to marry the Chosson.
According to sources the father of the Kallah had demanded at the wedding that he enroll in a Kollel following the wedding, and not begin his planned work as a bus driver. This led to an argument, and the family of the kallah taking her home.
One of the guests told BeChadrei Charedim: “This is simply outrageous. Here we are at the event hall together with all of the other invited guests, the band is here, the tables are set, and no one knows if the wedding was actually going to take place.”
According to a report on channel 12 news, the Chosson’s family refuted viral claims on social media that the Chosson was involved in any misconduct. 
Instead, member’s of the Chosson’s family claim that the father of the Kallah wanted the Chosson to stay in Yeshiva. When he refused, the Kallah’s family ended the wedding by forcibly removing the Kallah.

Shtreimel wearing Rafi Perlstein resigns As Spokesperson to MK Omar Yankelevich

Remember when Mrs Omar Yankelevich, a Chareidie lawyer in Bet Shemesh, won a seat in the Knesset with the Blue & White party?

Well.... she hired a  "spokesperson," the newly married Rafi Perlstein, a former journalist for Yediot Jerusalem.

He resigned last night!

 Rafi Perlstein confirmed the news with the following tweet!
"At the end of the month, I will finish my duties as Knesset Spokesman for Omar Yankelevich. I am very grateful to her for trusting me, around the clock.
"I learned from her determination, modesty, and dedication"

Rumor has it that Mrs. Perlstein took one look at Mrs. Yankelevich, and told him ...... 
"it's me or the highway" 

"Mitzvah" Tantz At the Primishlaner Wedding!

Watch Fat Nadler Being AGAINST Impeachment

IG report proves FBI Was Curropt in Investigating Trump

It’s now official: Russia, Russia, Russia really was fake news from the start. There was no factual basis for the FBI to spy on Donald Trump’s campaign.
That means there was no need for the appointment of a special counsel and that Robert Mueller should have stayed in retirement. It means the two years of rumors and accusations and the giant cloud of suspicions over the White House produced by Mueller’s headhunters were unfair and unjustified.
It also means J. Edgar Hoover can finally rest in peace. James Comey is now revealed to be the dirtiest cop ever to run the FBI.

HaRav Mutzafi’s Advice : Don’t Visit Countries that Hate Us

HaRav Bentzion Mutzafi Shlita, a prominent sephardi posek in Eretz Yisrael, addressed the accident which claimed the life of Rabbi Dovid Levy Z”L, who was hit by a bus during a visit to Morocco. “It teaches us a lesson not to visit countries that hate us” Rav Mutzafi exclaimed.
Rav Mutzafi was asked by one of his talmidim about the accident, citing the driver of the bus was a non-Jew, who explained he mistakenly stepped on the gas pedal instead of the brake. The talmid asked if he thinks he was killed because he is a Jew?
The rav’s response was harsh, citing the loss is most unfortunate, but it teaches us a lesson, not to visit a hostile nation, “a nation that hates us”.
Over the weekend, a brother-in-law of the niftar, Rav David Netanel, stated the family is certain the so-called accident was an intentional attack and this was determined after interviewing persons who were there. The driver was quick to tell the media that he accidentally hit the gas, not the brake.
Netanel made a public appeal to the King of Morocco and the president of the Jewish community to probe the death, which the family is certain was a terrorist attack and not an accident.

Bnei Brak Guy on Bike Obsessed With Women

Monday, December 9, 2019

Doctors accused of giving drugs to yeshiva students to curb their sexual desires

The Health Ministry will reportedly investigate four psychiatrists after a television report said they had prescribed drugs to ultra-Orthodox students, including minors, to inhibit their sexual desires.
In an expose aired over the weekend, Channel 12 sent two formerly ultra-Orthodox men undercover to seek care from the prominent mental health professionals — Prof. Omer Boneh, the head of the psychiatry department at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital; Prof. Abraham Weizman of Tel Aviv University; Dr. Michael Bontzel of the Maayanei Hayeshua hospital in Bnei Brak; and Dr. Tali Vishne — after receiving claims from former yeshiva students of the phenomenon, which was ostensibly sought for religious reasons.
Formerly ultra-Orthodox men — primarily from Hasidic sects — said they were given heavy anti-psychotic or antidepressant drugs after admitting to having sexual thoughts, including about other men. They said they were given the medications strictly for their side effects, namely to lower their libido.

I got divorced at the Rabbanut

Having libertarian values and being proud to live in Israel is tough. Balancing a value system that may seem self-contradicting at times invites a unique brand of cognitive dissonance.
 It’s a dissonance that extends to how one sees security issues, social problems and welfare in a social democracy, the explanation and defense of these stances in difficult milieus of educated people and academic circles, and yes — how one feels about marriage and divorce in the State of Israel.
I have always been defensive and angry at the centralization and mandate of religious “services” in Israel. I’ve seethed over the religious monopoly at the hands of a ruling minority, the alienation and delegitimization of other Jewish factions worldwide, and the fact that one cannot — CANNOT — convert, marry or divorce in Israel outside of the mandates laid down by the Rabbanut and within its purview.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Blacks Beat & Rob Two Israeli Girls In Flatbush Subway Station ...... Black Subway Rider Just Walks By

An Israeli tourist and her New Yorker pal were attacked by two teens at knifepoint at a Brooklyn subway station early Friday, police said.
The two women were at the elevated Avenue I station near McDonald Avenue in Midwood, when a female attacker, her head swathed in a white cloth, grabbed one of them, Shelly Zwebner, 20, as the two pals left the platform.
The assailant shoved Zwebner down the stairs, video released by the NYPD shows.
A man then joined the attack, snatching Zwebner’s purse and punching her repeatedly as the female attacker yanked her hair.
The panicked victim shed her coat and pleaded with her assailant as the thief held out a hand and demanded her valuables, the video shows.

Peleg Protestors Taking to the Streets in Jerusalem & Bnei Brak on Sunday

Peleg Yerushalmi "rabbonim" have instructed talmidim and avreichim to take to the streets and resume protests in both Jerusalem and Bnei Brak on Sunday afternoon.
Protestors in Jerusalem are instructed to meet at the junction of Bar Ilan and Shmuel HaNavi Streets at 3:30PM. The moderate faction of Peleg will not be participating.  
Rav Tzvi Friedman, a self appointed Rav ...is reportedly expected to address the protest.
The protests follow the arrest and jailing of Peleg-affiliated talmid Yehuda Tumback (טומבק) in Ben-Gurion Airport last week as he tried leaving Israel on a trip to kivrei tzaddikim in Europe, when he was supposed to be learning in Yeshiva..........
Tumback (tooooooo) had refused to register for the draft ....
And now because of his shenanigans .... his crazed colleagues will tie up traffic and cause untold havoc, loss of Jewish hard earned money ..........and bittul Torah!