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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Four Jewish Democrat Cowards warn Israel not to annex West Bank territory

The American YudenRAT consists of four Arab-Loving Jewish TuchisLekkers, Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Ted Deutch and Brad Schneider.

In the space of 48 hours last week, four Jewish "Capo" Democrats in Congress denounced Israel’s prime minister, two more Democrats wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post denouncing Israel’s prime minister, and 10 Jewish liberal groups issued a statement denouncing Israel’s prime minister. 

What a remarkable coincidence!

The allegedly spontaneous three-pronged media assault began with Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.), on the op-ed page of The Washington Post on April 10, absurdly accusing Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu of “sanctioning violence against Palestinians in the occupied territories.” The phrase “sanctioning violence” linked to an article in The New York Times that presumably proved that charge.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 124,125, 126,127,128,129, & 130

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 
יעקב דוד שילו בן שיינדל שרה דאבריש 

''דף קכ''ד ''טומאת אוהל 
Page 124  Mesectas Chullin  
''Tuma Contracted via Ohel"

From all the different halachos that we learned about tuma and tehara (laws of contamination & purity) only the laws of being contaminated by a corpse apply today, therefore only a kohein has to be aware of his surroundings to make sure that he avoids contracting tuma via a corpse, the rest of us are in the state of tuma all the time, being that we do not have a Bais Ha'mikdash and have no way to have a Para Adumah, which is the catalyst of purifying all of us. 

So even-though a kohein is as tuma as the rest of us, he still has to avoid either touching or being under the same roof as a corpse.

There are 3 different ways that a kohein can contract tuma via a tent..... "tumas ohel"

1. If a kohein should cover a corpse like a tent....
2. If the corpse is above the kohein.....covering him as a tent
3. if the kohein and the corpse are under one roof.

Press "read more" to continue to the rest of the dafim

Israeli "Meshulach" Infects 38 People With Measles in Detroit!

A man traveling the country to fund-raise for charity in Orthodox Jewish communities is responsible for 38 cases of measles in Michigan after driving from Brooklyn to Detroit for a business trip full of community meetings.
The Israeli traveler, dubbed 'Michigan's Patient Zero' by the Washington Post, arrived in New York in November, when the measles outbreak was starting to take hold in Brooklyn, and he stayed until March.
It took Michigan authorities a week to realize he might be the source - by which time, the Post reported, he had interacted with 'hundreds of people', visiting synagogue three times a day, kosher markets, and staying in people's homes. 
The man, who had gone to a doctor with a fever, cough and rash when he first arrived in Detroit but was given the all-clear, was 'devastated' when he realized he was the source of a fresh outbreak, Michigan health authorities said.  
On the night that he set off for his overnight drive from New York to Michigan, the man, who has not been identified, had a fever and a heavy cough - two classic symptoms of measles - so he went straight to a doctor when he arrived, the Post reported.
His concerns were dismissed. The doctor gave him antibiotics for bronchitis.

AOC the antisemite Latina Rep calls PM Netanyahu an evil Trump-like figure and suggests cutting US investment into Israel’s military

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday, calling him “a Trump-like figure.” 

In an interview to the Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast, she added that Netanyahu’s re-election is a part of “the ascent of authoritarianism across the world.”

Asked if she believes that Netanyahu’s talk about annexing parts of the West Bank should affect the US policy towards Israel, the congresswoman responded: “I think so,” and said that “conversations are happening in our caucus.”
She also gave a surprising answer to the question if she’d support a move to cut military or economic aid to Israel when answered: “I think it’s certainly on the table.”

How Chareidie "Gedoilim" Systematically Destroyed the Legacy of the Great Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook ז"ל

Harav Kook z"l with Rav Chaim Sonnenfeld z'l

Over the years, I have written about how Gedoilei Hador, who preached and practiced "machsom lefee" ... to refrain from talking "loshon harah" against anyone, .....looked away and actually killed "be'yadyim" the reputation and legacy of a "Malach Elokim" a "Tzaddik Yesoid Oilom" Harav Hatzaddik Hagoen Avraham Yitzchok Ha'Cohein Kook זצ"ל . 

In addition, early Chareidie publishers, and even the later ones like Artscroll totally erased and rewrote seforim and biographies that mentioned Rav Kook in any way because of their twisted political agenda!

How many know that Rav Kook z"l was the Mesader Kiddushin by both Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l and Rav Eliyashiv?
Artscroll has autobiographies of these gedoilim and reading the books you would never know that.

How many know that the Kohein for Rav Shmuel Auerbach's Pidyan Habein was none other than Harav Kook z"l?

Not only that, Gedoilei Hador from our generation have already convinced today's naive young generation the perpetual lie that  Harav Kook z"l, was rejected by Chareidei Rabbonim in his own lifetime.
One cannot mention Harav Kook z"l in any context in any Charedie Bais Medrish or shul!

Enter Eitam Henkin, may G-d avenge his soul, who before his brutal death "al kiddush Hashem" documented the lies, distortions, and outright despicable behaviors in a detailed sefer!  

(Hat tip: Frumfollies)

I will take the liberty to lift some excerpts and quotes for those too busy to read the entire Henkin PDF file!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Notre Dame Burns 777 YEARS After Burning Handwritten Shas'im

As per the article here, it is 777 years after the infamous and horrendous burning of the Babylonian Talmud, as well as other, precious Jewish Manuscripts in Paris.
(Hat Tip: Thethinkingyid.com)
What took place around the year 1240 was the infamous burning of 24 cartloads of priceless Hebrew manuscripts. Bear in mind that in the Middle Ages each book had to be hand-written! The Talmud alone is, in today’s format, about 2,300 pages. They wrote using quill pens and manufactured ink on parchment (or vellum paper that then began to be produced). The pure physical labor of sitting and writing that volume of words alone boggles the mind.
The 24 cartloads amounted to some 12,000 volumes. Louis had all the copies of the Talmud he could get his hand on collected and burned them. For his efforts, the Church canonized him as a saint in 1297.
As per a recent CNN article, a devastating fire tore through the cathedral on this Monday, toppling its spire, many feared the items — collected over the centuries — might be lost. It was unclear how many had been saved.
It’s ironic that so many worry for the items and ancient artifacts stored in the Notre Dame church when the tenants of that very church were responsible for the burning of what many people considered (and still do to this day) to be sacred, rare, and holy works.
The cause of the fires 777 years ago is well known.
The cause of the fire that has just taken place is yet to be determined.
It seems, however, that some laws of this world remain constant.


Monday, April 15, 2019

Private Investigator goes to trial for 'setting up sex tape sting to blackmail a woman and stop her testifying against his client Sam Israel who is accused of sexually abusing her when she was 12'

A former reality TV private investigator is set to go to trial for an alleged blackmail scheme in which he is accused of secretly recording a sex tape to try and stop a woman from testifying against one of his clients. 
Vincent Parco, 69, is scheduled to face a New York court on Monday after being charged with unlawful surveillance, promoting prostitution and tampering with a witness. 
Parco, who was the star of Parco, P.I. TV series that aired in 2005, is accused of trying to silence a woman into not cooperating in the prosecution of a man who sexually abused her as a child.  
The private investigator was allegedly paid $17,000 by his client Samuel Israel, to secretly film a hotel sex encounter between a prostitute and a relative of the sex abuse victim back in 2017. 
Prosecutors say Israel hired Parco as his private investigator after he was charged in 2016 for sexually abusing the woman when she was 12 years old. 
At the time of his arrest, Israel rejected a plea deal that would have seen him jailed for five years. He was banned from contacting the victim or her family after an order of protection was issued.  

International Court Gave Up Trying To Prosecute Israeli & American Soldiers For War Crimes After Trump Threatened Them

Fatou Bensouda

The International Criminal Court’s decision not to launch an inquiry into whether U.S. soldiers, CIA agents and Israel's IDF  committed war crimes in Afghanistan is an important victory, both on the merits and in principle.

Once again President Trump won a battle against an international body that had been taken hostage by forces hostile to America and its allies, especially Israel.
In September, U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said that the administration would employ “any means necessary” to protect its people from “unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court.”
He added that “for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us.”
The court’s decision is perhaps one of the final nails in the coffin for a body that has been rapidly losing its international prestige.
The judges ruled against the court’s prosecutors, saying that despite evidentiary material showing that Americans carried out war crimes in Afghanistan, their prosecution would not serve justice.
The judges also noted that there was no point in pursuing an inquiry because of the time that had passed since the period in question (2002-2004).
The decision was handed down afterTrump ordered the revocation of chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s visa and denied entry to other court officials.
The ICC’s attempt to create a multilateral global order was shown to be what it is – a theater of the absurd (also known as the United Nations) that doesn’t even come close to matching the power of the U.S., the world’s leading superpower.
Trump is redefining the rules, ensuring that tyrants will no longer be able to abuse such multilateral institutions to prop up their regime.
He has also reiterated his pledge not to let the ICC prosecute Israelis and troops from other U.S. allies.
The Palestinians and their allies should take note of what Trump said; they would be ill-advised to ignore his threat to punish the court if it took action against Israelis.
Trump is implementing the Iron Wall doctrine that was articulated by the late leader of Revisionist Zionism, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, not just vis-à-vis the Arabs but globally. Trump is waging a campaign against all those who have tried to co-opt the U.N. for their own destructive agenda.

Trump Deal Offers No Palestinian State

According to a Washington Post report Monday (“Trump peace package for Middle East likely to stop short of Palestinian statehood“), President Trump’s “deal of the century” to be offered early this summer focuses on large-scale improvements in the lives of Arabs outside the green line, and does not usher in a sovereign Palestinian state.
The administration has been leaking in recent months small bits of information about the direction of the latest US-brokered peace agreement, and the president’s envoys Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt have elicited the support of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states in helping to finance it, but this is the first time a comprehensive report about the substance and conditions of the deal has been leaked to the media.

Are Eli Cohen's Remains Finally Coming to Kever Yisrael????

According to multiple reports quoting Syrian opposition websites, a Russian delegation reportedly left Syria on Sunday and had with them the coffin containing the remains of Israeli spy Eli Cohen.
According to the Jerusalem Post, Israel has refused to comment on the reports.
According to the report from last summer, an agreement was reached to transfer the remains that were found for DNA testing and if it turns out that they are Cohen’s, Israel will be willing to relax its position regarding the deployment of the Syrian army on the northern border. The report also had said that Cohen’s family recently heard his last words before he was executed. The recording was accompanied by sad music, and Cohen was heard talking to his wife, Nadia. He asked her to look after herself and the children, to remarry and to take care of his children’s education. The spy wanted to make sure that she told the children about him, so they would be proud of him in the future and invited her to pray for his neshama.
The Mossad had returned Cohen’s wristwatch to Israel. Mossad Director Yossi Cohen presented the Cohen family with the wristwatch during the memorial ceremony for the Israeli spy. The Mossad said: “The precious item is now displayed at the Mossad headquarters as a signal and memory for the legendary fighter and on Rosh Hashana, the watch will be transferred to the family.”

Cohen infiltrated Syria’s leadership in the early 1960s and obtained top-secret intelligence before he was caught and executed in 1965.

Lakewood "Tzaddikim" Cancel Kosher Bain Hazmanim Event...... Arrests Made!

These "askanim" don't let bochrim go to levayas, and now don't let them go to concerts....
Who are these "tazaddikim" ... can anyone please post the names of these "farbisseneh" "amairatzim?"
They are destroying our youth....
What was supposed to be a pleasant evening of Kosher entertainment for hundreds of Yeshiva Bochrim in Lakewood has turned into night of absolute chaos Sunday night.
The event was going to give the Bochrim currently on Bain Hazmanim a night of entertainment, including live music and singing by Isaac Honig and Beri Weber, along with a Siyum and speeches by several local Mechanichim.
But instead, the event was canceled at the last minute after a small group of "tzaddikim animals" persuaded the Roshei Yeshiva that this event – for Bochrim only – must be stopped at all cost.
The organizer was threatened into canceling, and was shown a “Kol Koreh” that was to be published with his name, banning the event.
The organizers caved, and the event was canceled. Of course, they promise to repay him the nearly $30,000 he lost.
Hundreds of Bochrim were angry as they had already purchased tickets, and decided to make Kumzits/protest at the homes of those who had the event banned
Dozens upon dozens of police officers were mobilized for crowd control, and officers from nearby Jackson, Brick, Manchester and Toms River were requested. K9 unites were on scene.

As of this posting there has been a confirmed arrest. 3 boys were treated after being pepper sprayed.
What could of been a beautiful, calm event for those boys that needed it, turned into a colossal Chillul Hashem.
Sources say that the same "tzaddikim animals" had a Kol Koreh issued telling people to boycott and not advertise on recently constructed billboards in Lakewood — without ever calling the proprietor who invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on them — they are the same individuals behind this latest ban.
Time to throw those animals out!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cuomo First Passed A Bill That Permits Killing New-born Babies Now Favors Bill To Let Doctors Kill Their Adult Patients

This is the guy that "Daas Torah" endorsed for Governor! 

The passage of New Jersey’s right-to-die law Friday may have given new life to a similar bill in New York.
Gov. Cuomo said he supports proposals before the state Senate and Assembly to make doctor-assisted suicide legal for terminally ill patients.
“I say pass the bill,” Cuomo said during a radio interview last week. “It’s a controversial issue, it’s a difficult issue. The older we get and the better medicine gets, the more we’ve seen people suffer for too, too long.”
“I think it’s a situation that we have to address, definitely.”
The comments came as a surprise to Sen. Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) one of the primary sponsors of the bill in the Senate.
“That’s the first time he’s ever indicated that he would be supportive of this measure,” Savino said. “I wasn’t aware he was thinking that way.”
Savino downplayed the potential for New Yorkers going to New Jersey to avail themselves of the law. “You have to establish residency,” she said. “You can’t just fly in for the weekend and take advantage of it.”
Momentum for the legislation would give hope to New Yorkers who are looking for the option to end their lives after being diagnosed with terminal illnesses. But it sets up a contentious fight in Albany.
California legalized the practice in 2016. Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington State and the District of Columbia all have similar laws on the books.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Irwin Jacobs Kills His Wife of 57 Years Then Commits Suicide

Irwin Jacobs with wife & 3 daughters
A prominent Minnesota businessman and his ailing, wheelchair-bound wife have been found dead inside their sprawling mansion in what a friend of the couple described as a murder-suicide.
According to the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, officers responded to Irwin and Alexandra Jacobs’s Tanager Hill estate at 1700 Shoreline Drive in Orono shortly after 8.30am and discovered the bodies of a man and a woman in a bedroom.
Dennis Mathisen, a close friend of the family, confirmed to the Minneapolis Star Tribune that the deceased were the Jacobs.
According to Mathisen, Irwin fatally shot his wife before turning the gun on himself. He was 77 years old.
The couple were reportedly found lying in a bed a next to a handgun.
The friend said he learned of the deaths and Irwin Jacobs' role in the murder-suicide from the man’s grown son, Mark.
Police have not officially identified the deceased, but said there is no risk to the public and that no suspect is being sought in their deaths.
Mathisen revealed to the paper that Alexandra Jacobs had been confined to a wheelchair for the past year and was showing signs of dementia, and that her husband was distraught over the state of her health.
When Mathisen last spoke to his friend three days before the tragedy, he said Irwin Jacobs sounded upbeat.

Hillary Clinton DID trigger Vince Foster's suicide ...Ken Starr

Hillary and her victim Vince Foster in happier times
Ken Starr purposefully left out the finding that Hillary Clinton had 'triggered' the suicide of President Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel in his final FBI report to spare her feelings, DailyMail.com can reveal. 
FBI agents investigating the death of Vince Foster learned he was set off after Hillary attacked and humiliated him in front of other White House aides a week before he took his own life on July 20, 1993. 
But for what were then unexplained reasons, Starr elected to conceal the FBI's finding that Hillary's tirade triggered Foster's suicide when he wrote his final report on the matter.
At a reception for authors participating in the 2019 Annapolis Book Festival last weekend, I asked Starr why he omitted the damaging FBI finding.
At first, he beat around the bush, citing well-established facts indicating that Foster was already depressed before Hillary lashed into him at the White House meeting.
But when pressed, Starr admitted he 'did not want to inflict further pain' on Hillary by revealing that her humiliation of Foster a week before he took his own life pushed him over the edge.

El Al passenger Fed Up With 4 & 1/2 Delay opens emergency door, tries to jump out at JFK

An emotional challenged passenger on El Al flight LY001 traveling from Israel to JFK opened one of the plane’s emergency doors and attempted to jump off the plane on Wednesday. The plane had just landed in New York. 
The plane was delayed 4 1/2 hours in Israel and the emotional challenged passenger required medical attention and medication.
Crew members who noticed the man grabbed him and prevented him from leaping out of the Boeing 747, thereby saving his life.
Alert crew members on an El Al jumbo jet grabbed a passenger Wednesday who opened an emergency door and tried to jump out after the plane landed at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport.
Flight LY001 from Tel Aviv to New York arrived at the gate and the roughly 400 passengers were leaving the Boeing 747 when the unidentified passenger opened an emergency exit door and tried to jump out, the Ynet news site reported.
“A passenger with American citizenship opened one of the rear passenger doors that are not intended for passengers,” El Al said in a statement.

Jewish Stockbroker Who Strangled Wife In 2009 Gets 25 Years To Life

A man who strangled his estranged wife before she could cut him out of her multi-million dollar will was sentenced Wednesday.
Roderick Covlin, 46, was sentenced to 25 years-to-life after the victim’s loved ones delivered very emotional impact statements in court.
He murdered Shele Covlin and then tried to make it look like she drowned in the bathtub.
Their 9-year-old daughter found her body back in 2009.
Roderick Covlin was arrested and charged with murder, two months before he was set to inherit her multi-million dollar estate.
The two were embroiled in a bitter divorce and custody battle over their children. Police initially thought her death an accident. For religious reasons her Orthodox Jewish family objected to an autopsy. But as suspicions mounted her body was exhumed and the medical examiner determined she’d been strangled.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The first EVER image of a black hole's event

Scientists unveil groundbreaking observations from global virtual telescope that has now 'seen what we thought was unseeable'

Scientists have lifted the veil on the first images ever captured of a black hole’s event horizon. 
In a highly-anticipated string of press conferences held simultaneously around the world on Wednesday, the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope revealed the findings from their first run of observations.
Using a ‘virtual telescope’ built from eight radio observatories positioned at different points on the globe, the international team has spent the last few years probing Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, and another target called M87 in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.  
While black holes are invisible by nature, the ultra-hot material swirling in their midst forms a ring of light around the perimeter that reveals the mouth of the object itself based on its silhouette. This boundary is known as the event horizon.
'We have seen what we thought was unseeable,' said EHT Director Sheperd Doeleman as he introduced the glowing orange ring that is our first direct look at a black hole.  
The breakthrough adds major support for Einstein’s theory of General Relativity and could help to answer longstanding questions on black hole jets, in which the objects occasionally spew out material.

With almost all votes in, Netanyahu-led right set for decisive victory

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was poised to clinch a clear electoral victory Wednesday morning, with some 95 percent of votes showing his Likud party tied with Blue and White, but the right-wing bloc with a clear lead and Netanyahu possessing a clear path to forming a governing coalition.
With more than four million votes counted as of 8 a.m., Likud had snagged 26.27% of the vote, or 35 seats in the 120-seat legislature — the party’s best result since the 2003 election (when it won 38 seats under Ariel Sharon), and its best under Netanyahu.
Meanwhile Likud’s main rival in the election, the Blue and White party led by Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, won 25.94% of the vote, which would also give them 35 seats.
No other party appeared to break double digits in number of seats.
With five right-wing and ultra-Orthodox parties managing to get some 32 seats together, though, Netanyahu seemed set to be able to form a government similar to his current right-wing coalition, with a solid 65 seats.
On the other side of the fence, four left-wing and Arab parties combined for just 20 seats, seemingly putting them in the opposition with Blue and White, pending coalition jostling.
Coming in at a surprising third and fourth places were the ultra-Orthodox parties Shas and United Torah Judaism, with 6.10% (8 seats) and 5.90% (8 seats) respectively.