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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Anyone Have A Shidduch For These Yeshivah Boys????

Jews attacked in Monsey

A Jewish man was assaulted in an unprovoked attack in Spring Valley on Shabbos, in what Police are investigating as a hate crime.
An Hispanic man driving a taxi stopped his car on South Madison Avenue near Singer Street, got out and approached the Jewish man and his brother walking together.
He started screaming “this is not Jewland and you have no royalties here!”.
The Jewish men ignored the man and continued walking.
The man then exited the American Latina taxi, and walked towards the victim and his brother. He shaped his fingers like a gun and poked it into one of their faces. He then punched him in his stomach and fled after they began screaming.
The Spring Valley Police Department is looking for the suspect and being assisted by Rockland County Sheriff Department.
Chaveirim of Rockland ate adding additional patrols in the area.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

40,000 Jews flood Chevron For Shabbos Parshas Chaya Sarah

Over 40,000 Israelis, lawmakers, and public figures flooded Chevron for the annual weekend dedicated to highlighting the Jewish people's ties to the ancient city.

The event occurs annually on the week where the Torah portion of 'Chayei Sarah' is read, in which the Biblical patriarch Abraham buys the Cave of the Patriarchs in Chevron.

Revelers ate in large communal meals and stayed in large tents specially set up for the occasion, as well as at the homes of residents.

This year's event celebrated two recent developments: The official opening of the archeological site at Tel Heron as an official site of Nature and Parks Authority and the government's recent decision to approve a new apartment building to be built in Chevron.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Shocking video shows driver and passenger fight on a Chinese bus before it spins out of control and plunges off a bridge into the Yangtze River, killing at least 13

Police say a brawl between a passenger and a bus driver was the cause of the bus plunging off a bridge in south-west China. 

An eight-second surveillance video posted by Chongqing police on its social media account today shows a woman fighting with the driver before the bus veered into the wrong lane and fell into the Yangtze River on Sunday. 

The female passenger started quarreling with the driver after she missed her stop, according to Wanzhou district police.

Snake wriggles out of Kotel sparking claims Messiah prophecy is coming true

A snake seen crawling between the stones of Israel's Western Wall has sparked claims that a prophecy about the Messiah's coming is about to be fulfilled.
The claims were made after video of the snake scaring away a pigeon was posted on YouTube before being picked up by Hebrew bloggers.
The bloggers claim the symbol of a pigeon fleeing a snake shows we are living in 'dangerous times' directly pre-dating the coming of the Messiah.
'The evil inclination, personified by the snake in Eden, will make a resurgence in the days before Messiah,' the bloggers were quoted as saying by Breaking Israel News

Truth behind Netflix drama of Adolf Eichmann's capture and the fate of his four sons - as one is pictured living in Buenos Aries, just a few streets from where his Nazi father was snatched

The fates of Nazi monster Adolf Eichmann's four sons can be revealed for the first time today by MailOnline.
Eichmann was the mastermind behind the Holocaust and gatekeeper of the Third Reich who sent six million Jews to their deaths.
The incredible story of how he was found living in a modest house in Argentina and snatched off the street by Mossad before being executed in Israel has been turned into a gripping film 'Operation Finale' by Netflix
Eichmann had four sons - the three eldest Klaus, Horst and Dieter, who remained loyal to him even after his death and the youngest,  Ricardo, who rejected him.
Now MailOnline can reveal that Klaus and Horst are dead, while Ricardo, who was five when his father was taken, is living in Germany. 

Tefilln Response to Pittsburgh Massacre

First Death of Un-Vaccinated Child in Jerusalem ...Evil Non-Vaxxers Want More Casualties!

Frum Non-Vaxxers are not giving up their fight...... 
How many deaths of innocent children do they want to see? ....
Tragedy has struck the Chareidi community as an 18-month-old baby died in Jerusalem on Thursday evening. It is suspected that the infant died due to being exposed to Measles, and was unvaccinated.
A ZAKA spokesperson said they were dealing with the infant, who lived on Chayei Adam Street in the Meah Shearim neighborhood.
The child was taken by ambulance to Shaare Tzedek Hospital where she died.
This is Israel’s first death from measles since 2003. The country is grappling with one of its worst measles outbreaks in decades, with over 1,200 cases reported since the beginning of 2018.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Crazy Lubav "Anti-Vaxxer" Parents Sue Lubavitcher Yeshivah For Refusing To Admit Their Child....

Apparently the crazed Lunatics, The Laines, believe it's a mitzvah to infect other children with their diseases.....  The craziness of these nuts runs much deeper ... they believe that not vaccinating their children is "a religious belief." 
Though "not vaccinating" doesn't appear anywhere in the entire Torah ....
But Vaccinating, actually does appear in the Torah as a Mitzvas Asaia of Ushmartem!

A Crown Heights yeshiva is headed to court after being sued by a couple whose son was denied admission because he had not met state immunization requirements.
Sholom and Esther Laine filed an emergency injunction in Kings County State Supreme Court on October 17th, saying that while they understood that state law required their four year old son to be immunized in order to attend Yeshiva Oholei Torah, they believed that they were legally entitled to an exemption based on their religious beliefs. 

Election Over !! Peleg Sickies Back To Protesting .. Shutting Down Bnei Brak Instead of Being In Yeshivah or Kollel... Gedoilim Silent!

Little "Baldy" Just Got Haircut Lekoveid the Protest!

Ben & Jerry’s embraces Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour in launch of new “Resist” ice cream

Money goes to support pro-Farrakhan Women’s March and other anti-Trump groups.

Only days after a Trump hater massacred dozens of Jews, leftist company Ben & Jerry’s has decided to announce they teamed up with the Women’s March to promote a resistance themed ice cream flavor.

 The group led by notorious anti-Semitic Linda Sarsour and others continue to praise and adore anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan
Ben & Jerry’s told the Independent Journal Review they’re “comfortable” partnering with the Women’s March despite their ties to Louis Farrakhan.

Anti-Semitic Women’s March Leaders are Pro-Farrakhan

On Sunday, a man who hates President Donald Trump and the Jewish people, murdered 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.
So it totally makes sense to release a new ice cream flavor a few days later to show your resistance to Trump while partnering with a group that has leaders who have ties with Farrakhan

The Washington Free Beacon has other examples. Sarsour once tweeted that “nothing is creepier than Zionism.” 

She spoke at a Nation of Islam rally in 2015 and attacked Israel. She also downplayed anti-Semitism because while it is “something that impacts Jewish Americans, it’s different than anti-black racism or Islamophobia because it’s not systemic.”

But she’s TOTALLY down with eliminating anti-Semitism, y’all!

It’s not just Sarsour. Tamika Mallory doesn’t hide her love for Farrakhan. In February, she attended a Nation of Islam rally that included Farrakhan giving another speech that demeaned Jews. He praised Mallory during this speech and she applauded him. She once called the anti-Semitic preacher one of the greatest of all time.

Israel silent as Iran hit by computer virus more violent than Stuxnet

Iranian infrastructure and strategic networks have come under attack in the last few days by a computer virus similar to Stuxnet but “more violent, more advanced and more sophisticated,” and Israeli officials are refusing to discuss what role, if any, they may have had in the operation, an Israeli TV report said Wednesday.
The report came hours after Israel said its Mossad intelligence agency had thwarted an Iranian murder plot in Denmark, and two days after Iran acknowledged that President Hassan Rouhani’s mobile phone had been bugged. It also follows a string of Israeli intelligence coups against Iran, including the extraction from Tehran in January by the Mossad of the contents of a vast archive documenting Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and the detailing by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN in September of other alleged Iranian nuclear and missile assets inside Iran, in Syria and in Lebanon.
“Remember Stuxnet, the virus that penetrated the computers of the Iranian nuclear industry?” the report on Israel’s Hadashot news asked. Iran “has admitted in the past few days that it is again facing a similar attack, from a more violent, more advanced and more sophisticated virus than before, that has hit infrastructure and strategic networks.”
The Iranians, the TV report went on, are “not admitting, of course, how much damage has been caused.”

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


It seems there is a limit to rabbinical influence and perhaps even an erosion of their authority, if what has happened in the Beit Shemesh municipal election can be used as a barometer of such things.

The mayoral election in the city is, at press time, very delicately balanced between incumbent Charedi mayor Moshe Abutbul (Shas) and his religious-Zionist challenger Aliza Bloch.

It appears that there have been significant numbers of Charedi residents who voted for Bloch despite the instructions of the leading Charedi rabbis to vote for Abutbul.

And it appears that there are many more who, despite the instructions of the rabbis to go out and vote for Abutbul, either stayed at home or voted only for the municipal council and not for mayor.

This phenomenon is somewhat surprising and almost unprecedented given that the incumbent mayor was endorsed by the entire spectrum of Charedi rabbinic leaders – Sephardi, non-hassidic and Chassidic alike.

See the Love for Trump As He Visits Victims of Synagogue Shootings in Hospital ...

Chareidim Secretly Voted Against the Chareidie Candidates in Yerushalayim .....

The Chareidie candidate for Mayor of Yerushalyim Yossi Deutsch who was endorsed by the Chassidishe Gedoilim lost his shirt, and it wasn't because Chassidim didn't vote .... they did ....

This year for the first time, the Chareidi Gedolim fought amongst themselves and put up their own candidates ....
Chassidim put up Yossi Deutsch and Shas backed both Moshe Leon and Elkin.

 Statistics show that Chareidim  voted in mass against their own  Gedoilim endorsed candidates 

Most Arabs did not vote in this election holding the Satmar Shit'a not to vote in Zionist Elections. 

33 % of Yerusalmites voted for the Litvishe Backed Candidate Moshe Leon and 29% voted for the Secular Ofer Berkovitch 
Deutsch had only 17% of the vote ... 

There will be a run off election on November 13 since no candidate won 40% of the vote 

At the moment both the Agudah and Shas are talking to the secular Berkovitch ...... to make some sort of deal ...
Let's see what happens!

Bet Shemesh "Frum Soldiers" Put Dr. Aliza Bloch In As Mayor .....

The Bet Shemesh race for Mayor was a virtual tie until they counted the ballots of the Frum IDF soldiers.... 

This is a "potch" in the face to those who abuse frum soldiers in uniform in Bet Shemesh and in Yerushalyim ......

All the "gedoilim" ordered their sheep to vote for the "do nothing" Mayor Abutbul who had a Bracha from the Viznitzer Rebbe of Bet Shemesh ....

The "puppet" of the Chareidim will now have to work for a living..

His own supposed "backers" the chareidim from Bet Shemesh Gimmel ignored the brachois and kallalois of their respective "gedoilim" and voted for Aliza!
Even the entire Likkud slate of Bet Shemesh got voted in for City Council!

Abutbul may have gotten a bracha from the Viznitzer, but it seems that Hashem also gives brachas and  Dr. Aliza Bloch, a staunch supporter of the draft, got one from her CREATOR!

Yesterday,  things started looking bleak for the Chareidie Mayor Abutbul .... So Satmar activists (who "officially" ordered the sheep not to vote) from the Abutbul headquarters in Beit Shemesh contacted the Satmar Rebbe's residence in Kiryat Yoel-Monroe in the early hours of the morning and briefed him on the interim results and the  battle being conducted in the city. Rebbe blessed them that their activity will bear fruit ..... 

It did "bear fruit" .... but he didn't need "fruit," he needed votes ......  

Kol Hakovod to the Frum IDF Boys of Bet Shemesh and the Chareidim of Bet Shemesh Gimmel... you guys came thru ....

The "Shabbos Shabbos" screamers will have to find another city to pull off their disgusting shenanigans! 

Listen to Moshe Abutbul Former Mayor of Beit Shemesh getting a bracha from the Admor of Vizhnitz Bet Shemesh, last night ..........

It didn't work ......

Young Israel refutes post-Pittsburgh Trump criticism

Those who criticize President were doing so prior; it is unseemly that they would use this massacre to denounce President at this time.'

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI), representing 25,000 member families in 135 branch synagogues throughout the United States, Canada, and Israel, today addressed criticism directed at President Trump in the wake of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

“We were horrified to hear the news about the anti-Semitic murderous rampage against Jews praying at Congregation Etz Chaim in Pittsburgh," NCYI said. "Like our fellow Jewish organizations, we released a statement expressing unity with the victims, and we reached out to our Young Israel Synagogue several blocks away to offer assistance in the aftermath of this tragedy. Our hearts ache and our souls cry out for the shattered families in Pittsburgh.

CHILLING FOOTAGE: Phone Video Shows Passengers Boarding Fatal Flight

Like untold numbers of spontaneously shot smartphone videos, Paul Ferdinand Ayorbaba’s most recent was not a work of art, full of the backs of heads and the constant bobbing and disorientating pans and zooms that are a signature of mass digital culture.
But its mundane details have been transformed by tragedy into something deeply chilling — the last images of some of the 189 people who perished in terrifying circumstances little more than an hour after the video was shot.
Just minutes after takeoff, their Lion Air flight plunged into the Java Sea, tearing apart the plane and the people in it.
Ayorbaba traveled frequently within Indonesia on business and the boarding video was perhaps meant to comfort his wife, Inchy Ayorbaba, who felt a little anxious about the trip to an outlying island he’d never visited
“It was his last contact with me, his last message to me,” she said in an interview with Indonesian TV at a police hospital where she’d taken their three children for DNA tests to help with victim identification.

The End is Near For Diaspora Jewry

{Originally posted to the MIDA website}
We may be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Jewish diaspora.  While the anti-Semitic terrorist attack against a synagogue in Pittsburgh is a grave warning for American Jewry, the danger for Jews in Scandinavian countries, France and Britain has been evident for some time.

5 Who Obama freed from Gitmo in exchange for Bergdahl join Taliban

Somewhere Obama is reading this and smiling!!!

 Five members of the Afghan Taliban who were freed from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for captured American Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have joined the insurgent group’s political office in Qatar, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday.
They will now be among Taliban representatives negotiating for peace in Afghanistan, a sign some negotiators in Kabul say indicates the Taliban’s desire for a peace pact.
Others fear the five, all of whom were close to the insurgent group's founder and hard-line leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, bring with them the same ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam that characterized the group's five-year rule that ended in 2001 with the U.S.-led invasion.

"The Taliban are bringing back their old generation, which means the Taliban have not changed their thinking or their leadership," said Haroun Mir, political analyst in the Afghan capital. "What we are more worried about is if tomorrow the Taliban say 'we are ready to negotiate,' who will represent Kabul? That is the big challenge because the government is so divided, not just ideologically but on ethnic lines."
Efforts to find a peaceful end to Afghanistan's protracted war have accelerated since Washington appointed Afghan-American Zalmay Khalilzad as envoy to find a peaceful end to America's longest war, which has already cost the U.S. more than $900 billion.