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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Obama admin funded anti-Netanyahu campaign...All records purged

Image result for Netanyahu and Obama
The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.
Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.
In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.
He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records.
Mr. Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Department never put any conditions on the money. Investigators also said OneVoice didn’t turn explicitly political until days after the grant period ended.
He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records.
Mr. Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Departmentnever put any conditions on the money. Investigators also said OneVoice didn’t turn explicitly political until days after the grant period ended.
“The State Department ignored warnings signs and funded a politically active group in a politically sensitive environment with inadequate safeguards,” said Sen. Rob Portman, chairman of the investigative subcommittee. “It is completely unacceptable that U.S. taxpayer dollars were used to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed — immediately after the grant ended — against the leader of our closest ally in the Middle East. American resources should be used to help our allies in the region, not undermine them.”

Yona Weinberg a convicted Sexual predator Sues R' Yaakov Horowitz because Horowitz warned parents that Weinberg relocated to Har Nof

Image result for yona weinberg
Yona Weinberg the convicted Sexual Pervert

Guys, this is one of the craziest stories ever! 

Yona Weinberg, a convicted registered level-3 sex offender (highest level), 
is suing .....get this? ..............................sitting down? .... 
If you are standing with a hot cup of coffee or tea, place it down before reading any further..... if you are in middle of eating ...stop or you'll choke! 
he is suing R' Yaakov Horowitz shlitah because Reb Yaakov had the nerve to warn parents in Har Nof that this dangerous sexual predator relocated to Har Nof, after fleeing Flatbush!
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You cannot possibly make this stuff up!
read the e-mail from Rabbi Horowitz:
Image result for yona weinberg
Rabbi Horowitz on left and the sex fiend dressed as a human on your right!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chassidim & Yeshivish people are furious that Women are taking over leadership in the entire free world!

The Chassidishe Rebbes and Roshei Yeshiva are running around like poisoned mice, because they are terrified that their followers will demand women as their leaders!

There is a Yiddish saying, "that what happens in the Christian world slowly seeps into the Jewish world"

If this trend continues, Satmar and Bobov may split into a third faction headed by a Rebbeitzin! 

Image result for ugly lady arabs

Muslims dressed as Satmar Chassidim protest the Jewish State!

Notice the Imams

Chassidishe Beeber Hat now great place to hide IPhone!

R' Chaim Brisker, R" Yosef Sonnenfeld & R' Elizer Finkel, all sent out invitations with wives' name spelled out!

A new Chumra! 
We are all frumer than the Gedoilim of the previous generations. We are even frumer than our Holy Torah.... because now, almost all invitations just write the Mechutan's name and they write "V'reusoh" and "his wife"! 

But in the Torah, the wives of our avois and our leaders are clearly spelled out!
Did you know that R' Chaim Brisker's wife's name was,  Lipsha?
Did you know R' Chaim Yosef Sonnenfeld's wife name?

" Yosef

Former Israeli Ambassador: Europe’s ‘Obsession’ With Jews Should Serve as Warning to America

Europe’s “obsession” with Jews should serve as a warning to America as it grapples with how to support Israel, a former Israeli ambassador to the US wrote on Thursday.
In an op-ed published by Newsweek, Michael Oren — a member of Knesset for the centrist Kulanu Party and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee – expressed shock at the way in which European lawmakers hound Israel.
Relating a recent conversation he had with the head of the Dutch Foreign Affairs Committee — in which the chairman said, “The fiercest arguments we have in parliament are over Israel” — Oren said he was “startled” that Israel topped the list of the country’s problems.
“Let me get this straight,” Oren told the chairman. “Your country is in economic crisis, tens of thousands of refugees are massing on your borders, and the EU may be unraveling, and yet the issue that most occupies you is…Israel?”

Are pomegranates a fountain of youth? Fruit contains 'miracle' ingredient that strengthens ageing muscles and extends life

Pomegranate can produce a age-busting molecule called 'urolithin A' when it reacts with microbes in the gut

The humble pomegranate may old the secret to a long and healthy life.

Scientists say the Middle Eastern fruit contains a ‘miracle’ ingredient that strengthens ageing muscles and extends life.

With experiments in worms and mice producing results that ‘are nothing sort of amazing’, they are now testing the fountain of youth supplement on people.

Even something as simple as keeping muscles young could reduce the number of falls among the elderly and increase independence, allowing people to live in their own homes for longer.

The Swiss scientists said: ‘We believe this research is a milestone in anti-ageing efforts.’

Their excitement centers on the pomegranate’s ability to keep mitochondria, the tiny 'battery packs' that power our cells, charged up.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Black Lives Matter & Obama

Obama Race Divider

Obama Anti-Cop Rhetoric

Shimon Weiss, 4-year-old drowns in Swan lake pool UPDATE!

Catskills Hatzolah was called at around 6:45PM to the KMS Bungalow Colony on Mount Hope Road.

Paramedics were also called, and after extensive resuscitation efforts on the child for more than 30 minutes, Paramedics stated that they had a pulse back on the child, and were requesting that the child be airlifted to Westchester Medical center.

The child was flown to the hospital and everything was done to continue to stabilize him.

Tehillim was recited around the clock, but tragically, at around 6:30 Monday morning, Shimon Weiss was Niftar, with his family around the bed.

Bikur Cholim of Rockland is a working with the Westchester Medican Examiner to expedite the release of the Niftar.

Levaya details will be published when they become available.
The family are residents of Boro Park (Father is R’ Aviezer)

The funeral will take place at 2:30 this afternoon at the Chernobyl Beis Medrash at 12th Avenue and 41st Street in Borough Park, with burial to take place at the Satmar Cemetery on Schunnemunk Road in Kiryas Joel.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Clinton Contamination: New York Times OP-ED

Hillary Defense Excuse

by Maureen Dowd

 IT says a lot about our relationship with Hillary Clinton that she seems well on her way to becoming Madam President because she’s not getting indicted.
If she were still at the State Department, she could be getting fired for being, as the F.B.I. director told Congress, “extremely careless” with top-secret information. Instead, she’s on a glide path to a big promotion.
And that’s the corkscrew way things go with the Clintons, who are staying true to their reputation as the Tom and Daisy Buchanan of American politics. Their vast carelessness drags down everyone around them, but they persevere, and even thrive.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cult Leader Helbran's daughter escapes cult, marries!

MRS MOSHE STROHLI begging Airmont Board to stop her husband from harassing her & get her a "get"

Neturei Karta Mamzeirim Takes Part In 'Al-Quds Day' Rally In NYC

Yemach Sh"mom Ve'Zichrom
May their names be obliterated!

Adina Kleinman gets $125,000.00 from GAP because the sneakers were defective and she tripped and fell

A major clothing retailer has agreed to pay a six figure lump sum settlement after being sued because of a defective pair of sneakers that caused a three year old Orthodox Jewish girl to trip and fall, resulting in a serious laceration that required plastic surgery.
According to papers filed on Tuesday in Brooklyn State Supreme Court, Adina Kleinman was wearing a pair of almost new sneakers that her mother, Chaya, had ordered online from The Gap, on November of Last year, when she tripped a month later in December and fell, hitting her head against the corner of a kitchen cabinet.  Mrs. Kleinman said that she had noticed prior to the incident that the rubber outsole of the metallic logo trainers, which had been worn approximately five times, had separated from the toe cap of the right shoe and was “angered and frustrated” by the defective footwear.
“As soon as I helped her up I noticed a deep gash on the left side of her forehead,” Mrs. Kleinman alleged in the court papers. “I quickly ran over and placed clean paper towels on the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding.”
The Kleinmans called 911 and Adina and her parents were taken to Coney Island Hospital where the two centimeter diagonal laceration was cleaned and bandaged.  With no plastic surgeon on duty at the hospital, the Kleinmans got a referral from their pediatrician to a plastic surgeon who stitched up the cut whose depth was determined to be “extending to [the] frontal bone.”  The wound, classified in court papers as “severe” and “permanent,” later became infected and was drained by the same plastic surgeon six days later.
While The Gap no longer sells the metallic logo trainers, court documents show that seven of the 20 reviews for this particular sneaker were the lowest possible rating, with five customers saying they had experienced the same separation in just a few wearings.
The Kleinmans will be receiving a single payout of $125,000 of which $5,000 will be set aside for future plastic surgery if needed and $40,000 will go to pay associated legal fees. The remaining $80,000 will go into an interest bearing savings account held jointly by Chaya and Adina Kleinman with no withdrawals permitted before Adina’s 18th birthday without a court order, other than for Adina’s income taxes or medical expenses not covered by insurance.
According to court papers, Mrs. Kleinman said that she and her husband felt that the award “represents an excellent recovery for Adina” and that “Adina’s interests are best served by the settlement.”

NYC To Keep Women-only Hours At Public Pools......He/Shes' will swim with the women

Assemblyman Dov Hikind Praises NYC officials for Continuing Separate Gender Swimming Accommodations outside the Metropolitan Pool in the Williamsburg neighborhood in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Wednesday, July 6, 2016.
Assemblyman Dov Hikind Praises NYC officials for Continuing Separate Gender Swimming Accommodations outside the Metropolitan Pool in the Williamsburg neighborhood in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Wednesday, July 6, 2016. 

A New York City commission has decided women-only swimming hours at two city pools to accommodate mostly Orthodox Jewish women doesn’t violate the constitutional separation of church and state.
Wednesday’s decision by the Human Rights Commission came after a months-long investigation prompted by an anonymous complaint.
Commission officials say the women-only swims fall within the city’s human rights law and would have a minimal impact on other people’s access to the pools.

The women-only sessions at the two pools in Brooklyn are open to women of all religions but cater mostly to Orthodox Jewish women, whose beliefs bar them from bathing with men.
Civil libertarians had argued restricting men’s access to public pools is wrong.

The special swim sessions will be open to anyone who identifies as a woman or a girl, including transgender people.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Yated Israel" Editor Denounces Yeshivah that Teaches a Trade

The Litvacks are slowly going insane! There I said it! 

They expect the Zhlubs to work their tails off to hand them money so that they can hang out in Bais Medrish all day! They do not want them to contribute to society!

This is the work of the Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva who feel threatened that they will lose the "kavod Ha'Torah" if 50,000 talmidim don't stand up for them when they walk in to give a shiur!

This learning full time business till you drop dead, is basically a new phenomenon in Jewish History....
In Europe there were a couple of people in town that learned full time and were supported by the town... but now the holy litvacks started a new minhag of everyone not working,ever!
This is causing Mosdos Ha'Torah to steal, because there is no way to support this crazy amount of guys, learning!

So the editor of the Israeli Yated, a hebrew rag written in hebrew, goes on a maniacal rant about a Yeshiva, that G-D Forbid, teaches a trade with limud Ha'Torah! Though the Mishna requires this, that won't convince the litvacks that know better then the Tanaim of the Mishna!

Yeshivat Chachmei Lev, located in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Yerushalayim, is a school for chareidi young men who combine limud Torah and secular studies towards earning a matriculation high school diploma. The school’s existence continues its uphill battle, as it comes under fire by the chareidi community.

The latest attack comes in the Tuesday 29 Sivan edition of Yated Neeman as editor Rav Yisrael Friedman attacks the school. Friedman writes that the Jerusalem Municipality has approved an allocation for the school and therefore, the little battle is over, albeit with a loss, and the large battle remains.
Friedman speaks of the battle of those who wish to pull Am Yisrael away from limud Torah, to permit them to integrate into the secular world. He speaks of enticing programs to attract bnei torah by “speaking of the window of opportunity” and “acting for the good of the chareidi tzibur”.

In short, Friedman uses Yated to dedicate a lengthy scathingly worked editorial, without offering a positive note as to the merit of the school and the need for such schools amid an awareness there are chareidi youths who do not see their future in a beis medrash fulltime yet they remain committed to their chareidi way of life. 

Trump & Hillary

Never Trump Cartoon

17 years after being diagnosed with MS, this doctor is symptom-free

    1. George Jelinek was just 45 when he discovered he had multiple sclerosis
    2. His mother, Eva, had taken her own life after 16-year battle with the disease
    3. The father-of-three's seven-step formula is being hailed by leading experts


    EAT well. Give up meat, dairy and other foods high in saturated fats in favor of a plant-based wholefood diet with seafood, supplemented by 20-30 millilitres a day of omega-3 fatty acids, ideally from flaxseed oil.

    EXERCISE regularly. Aim for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

    GET enough sun and vitamin D. Top up with vitamin D supplements and, if possible, up to 15 minutes of sunlight five times a week.

    MEDITATE. Helps to control stress, a trigger for MS relapses.

    PROTECT your family. Relatives are at high risk of contracting MS and following the programme can prevent that.

    MEDICATION. Continue taking drugs prescribed by your doctor.
    CHANGE your life. Make looking after yourself a priority and embrace the programme as ‘a great, new way to live well’.