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Monday, June 6, 2016

Yom Yerushalyim a day of Hakoras Hatoiv to the Ribbono Shel Olom!

Chief Rabbi Yosef's message to Chareidim:
Yom Yeruslayim shouldn't be just for frum Zionists...
Anyone that isn't thankful to Hashem on the miracles done (during the 6 day war) is an ingrate, for even a donkey is grateful!

תפילת השל"ה

Lipa Schmeltzer and Corrine Allal sing 'Ein Li Eretz Acheret'

Lipa, meet Corrine: Two leading Jewish musicians from very different communities were brought together in the US as part of an initiative to bring Israeli and Diaspora Jewry closer.

Hassidic star Lipa Schmeltzer and Israeli music legend Corrine Allal took part in the Gesher Leadership Institute and Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs new 'Community' initiative, which aims in bridging the gaps between Jews in Israel and the Diaspora

When a rabbi wore jeans and a wig to save a Jew

Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman
by Hillel Fendel

Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman, legendary head of the Migdal Ohr Institutions in Migdal HaEmek in the Jezreel Valley – known as the "Disco Rabbi" because of his practice of entering noisy nightclubs to find potential returnees to Torah – related the following extraordinary incident in his most recently column in the weekly BaKehillah.

Vishnitz Monsey Rebbe Will Not Sign Petition Against IDF Draft!

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Harav Flohr and the Rebbe of Purisov of Yerusalayim, both who are involved in Israeli Chareidie politics, and are close to the the Gabad of the Eidah Charedis Harav Tuvia Weiss, went into the Vishnitzer Rebbe of Monsey.

The Rabanim asked the Rebbe to sign a letter instructing Yeshiva Bachurim not to report to the recruitment office. 

The Rebbe asked, "Has my nephew, the Admor of Vishnitz Bnei Brak signed?" 
Harav Flohr answered," The Rebbe from Bnei Brak is part of Agudas Yisrael and is unable to sign." 

The Rebbe of Vishnitz Monsey answered,

 "If so why am I supposed to sign… I am not involved the Israeli politics. 
Everything related to politics must be asked to the Admor in Bnei Brak.
 If he will not sign neither will I." 

Harav Flohr and the Rebbe of Purisov were very disappointed that the Viznitzer Rebbe wouldn't go along with their fanatical ideas!

Chassididhe Mitzvah Tanz turns racy!

By "normal" people, this innocent loving gesture by the Kallah isn't anything to talk about ...but by Chassidim this is a very daring move .....
Kol Hakovod!
BUT and this is a big But ... I have another video of this kalleh dancing in a circle with only men holding hands with another man ...it could be her brothers!
But as soon as I manage to download you will see it!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

72 Virgins waiting for Moshe Beck leader of Neturei Karta that was rushed to Hospital

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Moshe Beck with Iranian Murderer Ahmedinajad
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Moshe Beck Yemach Shemo, leader of the Jewish Nazi party called Neturei karta, had a stroke and was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. 

According to the blog B'oilom Shel Chareidim, Neturei Karta guys are running to Yassir Araft's grave to be mispallel for his recovery. Meanwhile Mohammad is preparing 72 virgins for him!
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Cuomo Signs Executive Order Against BDS Movement

In solidarity with Israel, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced an executive order against the BDS Movement.
Appearing Sunday in New York City just before the Celebrate Israel Parade, Governor Cuomo said New York will remain a “true friend” to Israel, and that the Jewish state and Empire State share a “common enemy” with the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
“And it’s very simple. If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you. If you divert revenues from Israel, New York will divert revenues from you. If you sanction Israel, New York will sanction you. Period,” said Cuomo.
The BDS campaign says it calls for full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens in Israel, seeks an end to end Israeli settlements in Palestinian lands, and the return of Palestinian refugees.

The photo of the Satmar Rebbitzen You Will Never See

The Rebbettizin pushed herself up on the stage with the men  and no one dared throw her off!

The rules that Satmar has, that women should't be among men, are only for the naive Chassidim ...it doesn't apply to the Rebbes!

Subsequent photos have the Rebbitzzin Photoshopped out!

Don't get me wrong...I think it's a beautiful thing for a rebbitzzen to be so concerned for her husband that she wanted to be near him...and keep her eye on him ....he doesn't look well in this photo.
But why then are they stopping other wives from sitting next to their husbands??? hmmmm1

Yom Yerushalayim & 6 Days of Miracles Celebrated by the Kotel

ברוך שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה
חג שחרור ירושלים שמח לכל בית ישראל.
כשם שזכינו לאתחלתא דגאולה כן נזכה לגאולה שלמה בביאת גואל צדק ובניין
!בית המקדש במהרה בימינו אמן
This morning at the Kotel

Six Days of Miracles

New Sefer Published totally debunks Satmar Propaganda Books "VaYoel Moshe" and "Al Hagilah"

This Sefer was actually published as a pamphlet in 2013, but is now in its 3rd printing in hard cover!

The Sefer is written by the great Talmid Chachem, Rav Shlomo Aviner Shlita and is titled "Uhloi Naaleh" meaning, "we will go up" to Israel. 
This title was chosen since the Satmar Rav had paskened that Jews are not allowed to make Aliyah, parroting the words of Dasan Ve'aviram that said "Lo Na'aleh".....
If you remember, in Parshas Korach, Moshe Rabbeinu had sent messengers to Dasan Ve'Aviram , two agitators that were backing Korach in the machlokas, to ask them to come to him to talk peace, they answered "Lo Naaleh" ...Rashi writes that those words uttered, was an unwitting prophecy and they never did go up!

The book takes apart the entire Satmar Ideology line by line in a very respectful manner. It totally crushes every single point of the book written by R' Yoel  Teitelbaum's in 1967 called "Al Hagilah Ve'al Hatmurah." 
And destroys every single point in the entire series of books called Va"Yoel Moshe!

The Satmar Rav panicked in 1967, when the
IDF totally destroyed their Arab enemies with the help of Hashem! He believed that his flock would see with their own eyes the miracles that Hashem performed for the Zionists, and would want answers immediately, and so he  quickly published his book called "Al Hagula", attempting to contain the damage to his SHIT'ah!
The Satmar "shvanztes" who are by in large a bunch of amai ratzim .... then accepted the moronic idea that the Satan helped the IDF!
Crazy and bizarre ....but true!

Read the following and see how Israel was surrounded by Arab wolves and totally destroyed them all!
On the eve of the war, Egypt massed approximately 100,000 of its 160,000 troops in the Sinai, including all of its seven divisions (four infantry, two armoured and one mechanized), four independent infantry brigades and four independent armoured brigades. No fewer than a third of them were veterans of Egypt's continuing intervention into the North Yemen Civil War and another third were reservists. These forces had 950 tanks, 1,100 APCs, and more than 1,000 artillery pieces.[47]
Syria's army had a total strength of 75,000 and was deployed along the Syrian border.[48]
The Jordanian Armed Forces included 11 brigades, totalling 55,000 troops[49] and equipped with some 300 modern Western tanks, 250 of which were U.S. M48 Pattons. Nine brigades (45,000 troops, 270 tanks, 200 artillery pieces) were deployed in the West Bank, including the elite armoured 40th, and two in the Jordan Valley
100 Iraqi tanks and an infantry division were readied near the Jordanian border. Two squadrons of fighter-aircraft, Hawker Hunters and MiG 21s, were rebased adjacent to the Jordanian border.[50]

The Arab air forces were aided by volunteer pilots from the Pakistan Air Force acting in independent capacity, and by some aircraft from Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia to make up for the massive losses suffered on the first day of the war. PAF pilots shot down several Israeli planes.[3]

The Rebbe in that book claimed that the 1967 victory was not a miracle at all, but the hand of what he called the "Sitra Achra" the Satan...
The Bais Yisroel, the Holy Gerer Rebbe laughed at that time and said "how can someone say that  "G-D murdered 6 million Jews," yet when it came to save Jews, that same person says it is the " Sitra Achra?"  Makes absolutely no sense!"

This Holy Sefer is in Hebrew and I will over the course of time, quote and translate pertinent excerpts from this Sefer!
The Sefer is distributed by Sefriyat Chava in Beit-EL and can be bought in Seforim Stores that carry pro-Zionist Sefarim!

For those who cannot understand Hebrew there is an English Sefer that also answers all the anti-Zionist propaganda....called "A Question of Redemption" by R' Ta'akov Moshe Bergman and is distributed by Moshe Lichtman of Kol Mevaser,in Beit Shemesh 

Toldos Aron Rebbe laughs at Satmar Fanatics and Speaks Ivrit at Lag Baomer Bonfire

At the hadlaka ceremony on Lag Baomer, the Toldos Aron Rebbe spoke in Ivrit, the "tumah language" of the Zionists.

Nope, he didn't speak in Loshon Hakodesh ... he spoke in the language that  the cursed Zionists speak!

He explained that he was speaking in Ivrit so that the Sfardim that were also gathered there, would understand! No one could explain how the holy Rebbe could speak Ivrit fluently!

According to Satmar fanatics, one who speaks Ivrit, cannot be counted in a minyan, and if he is a shoichet, it is prohibied from eating anything that he slaughtered! In addition, anyone who speaks Ivrit cannot be a witness to anything!

The Admor of Toldos Aron mocked and totally ignored the stupid idiotic Satmar "halachos"!

בהדלקה של ל"ג בעומר האדמו"ר מתולדות אהרן דיבר בעברית בשפה הטמאה רח"ל, לא חלילה בלשון הקודש שזו שפת הקודש אלא ב'עברית' שפתם של הציונים. הוא התנצל ואמר כי הוא מדבר בעברית מפני שנמצאים שם הרבה מאחינו בני עדות הספרדים והם אינם מבינים שפה אחרת

אבל השאלה הנשאלת היא, מי התיר לו זאת, על פי פסקי הקנאים עברית היא שפה חיצונית טמאה ואסורה, ומי שמדבר בלשון זו אסור לצרפו למנין ושחיטתו אסורה ועדותו פסולה, והאדמו"ר מתולדות אהרן כלל לא חשש לכל אלה

מתברר כי אצל הקנאים יש פרוטקציה, כשזה כדאי להם מותר לדבר בלשון הטמאה וכשרוצים לשחק קנאות אז זועקים כי עברית היא שפה טמאה ואסור

Arabic is the fastest-growing language in American household

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Arabic is the fastest-growing language in American households — and that’s leading the US Census Bureau to explore the tricky task of adjusting its questionnaires to ­accommodate the language’s right-to-left script.
The bureau is using focus groups to explore possible changes to the 2020 census questionnaires for Arabic speakers who are not English-proficient, the Pew Research Center reported Friday.
Arabic is now the seventh-most commonly spoken non-English language in US households. An estimated 1.1 million people ages 5 and older speak Arabic at home, an increase of 29 percent between 2010 and 2014.

Friday, June 3, 2016

64-year-old Alter Kocker Marries 34 Year-old in Uman

Will this end the Shidduch "Crises"?  No more excuses, ladies!

Yom Yerushalyim ... 49 years of Israeli Sovereignty on Sunday

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As we mark with joy and thanksgiving the 49th birthday of united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty this Sunday, let us put aside our concerns for Jerusalem’s future for a moment and simply celebrate.
It was during these very days in 1967 that the IDF, with great heroism and Divine providence, liberated the Jewish people’s holy capital – and brought about its official unification under Jewish sovereignty for the first time in nearly 19 centuries.

Yonen Horowitz Serial Child Molester in Police Custody

ינון הורוויץ (צילום: דוברות המשטרה)
Police in Bnei Brak are turning to parents  whose children were molested by Yonen Horowitz, to come forward!

Yonen Horowitz 19, fixes bikes and was able to get close to children thru his profession. He was a vicious child rapist and was caught by civilians and they were able to force a confession out of him ..see video 

Chareidi Rebbe : 5-year-old girls 'shouldn't ride bicycles'

Rabbi of Jerusalem neighborhood of Nahlaot leaves many Charedim unimpressed with extreme ruling, claims young girls can 'provoke' men.
Girl on bicycle (illustrative)
This Rebbele has to be a pervert .... no question ....
A guy who gets turned on by a 5-year-old-girl is a bono-fide pedifile! 
What's with these Rabbonim? 

A step too far? Recent years have seen some haredi rabbis competing over who can levy the most stringencies on their followers.
But the rabbi of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Nahlaot has raised eyebrows among much of the haredi public after issuing a ban on girls aged 5 and up riding bicycles - because it's "immodest."
The rabbi stated, according to Ynet, that young girls riding bikes "cause serious damage to their modesty."
In his ruling, which was distributed in synagogues throughout the neighborhood, he claimed that bicycle seats caused young girls to sit in a way which could be "provocative" to men.
"We inform parents that they are obligated to forbid their daughters from age five and up from acting in this illegitimate way," it read.
Talkbackers on the Kikar Shabbat haredi news site were less than impressed with the "ruling," with one retorting that men should "guard their own eyes" instead of issuing bizarre edicts, and others accusing those behind the ruling of being perverse. "People see what they want to see," one remarked.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Shimon Yisroel Meisels 5-year-old motherless child dies after falling from balcony on 5th floor

200 Wallabout Street in Williamsburg - Balcony to the left of the bright white window lights (. Roy Renna/VINnews.com)

 Hatzolah Emergency crews in Williamsburg were called to a multi-family home early this afternoon, after a small child fell from a fifth-floor porch.
5 year-old Shimon Yisroel Meisels fell from the porch at 200 Wallabout Street and Lee Avenue, shortly before 08:00 P.M.
The child was in critical condition when taken by ambulance to Brooklyn hospital, but later succumbed to the injuries and passed away.
Shimon Yisroel is the grandson of Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Meisels, Shopron Rav of Williamsburg.
Ironically Shimon Yisroel lost his mother two years ago from a terminal illness.

Five "Alteh Kockers" get 3.3 million Dollars after fighting Nursing Home Closure

Alice Singer, center, an artist who is a resident of the assisted living apartments Prospect Park Residence, is visited by her daughter Joyce Singer, left, and her next-door neighbor Annemarie Mogil, Thursday, April 7, 2016, in Brooklyn, N.Y.  The Prospect Park Residence, anchored on a lucrative plot of Brooklyn land, has become the focus of a two-year-old fight springing from its owner's decision to sell the building to be converted to condos. Singer, Mogil and three other remaining residents have refused to leave, shedding light on the rights of elders and the difficulty of transition in life's twilight. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)
Alice Singer, center, an artist who is a resident of the assisted living apartments Prospect Park Residence, is visited by her daughter Joyce Singer, left, and her next-door neighbor Annemarie Mogil, Thursday, April 7, 2016, in Brooklyn, N.Y.  The Prospect Park Residence, anchored on a lucrative plot of Brooklyn land, has become the focus of a two-year-old fight springing from its owner's decision to sell the building to be converted to condos. Singer, Mogil and three other remaining residents have refused to leave, shedding light on the rights of elders and the difficulty of transition in life's twilight. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)
B"H we live in a capitalist country, and so far Berney "the seltzer salesman" Sanders, has not yet turned the USA into a communist country. 
That means that so far citizens of the US are still allowed according to the constitution  to make money, even if they are "greedy" developers!

There is a developer by the name of Haysha Deitsch, who bought the assisted-living home, and was closing the facility to convert it into condos!
 Wow! What a crime! Let's execute him!

So five Yentas, ages 91-101 year olds,, who are waiting to meet their Maker momentarily,, saw $$$$$,, and had their "non-greedy" daughters file a multi-million dollar lawsuit to stop the closure so they could continue living in their dark far-kockteh roach infested rooms ....

The "non-greedy" daughters now saw a capitalist opportunity to make money and make the "greedy" developer into some kind of criminal. ....They sued.....and won!
Only in America!

But watch out...because soon Berney will take their "non-greedy" money and give it to the non-employed Syrian refuges, in line with Karl Marxs' idea of distributing the wealth....
Which means taking money from hard working people and giving it to the lowlifes living on the stoops of The Bronx or giving it to 5 dying yentas!
I really got to get out of here!

Five elderly women who refused to leave their assisted-living home after its closure was announced will finally vacate as part of a $3.35 million settlement, attorneys said Wednesday.
The holdout residents, ages 91 to 101, will be required to leave Prospect Park Residence by Aug. 31, and will each receive $533,333 under the deal reached Tuesday in Brooklyn state Supreme Court. Eleven former residents or their estates will also receive payouts.
“It’s definitely a win for our clients. We got them a significant amount of money and time to make plans to find appropriate placements nearby that they can move to,” said Fred Millett, one of the attorneys for the holdouts. “This allows them more options to look at places that they can maintain their standard of living.”
The agreement comes more than two years after the facility announced it would be closing and sold for conversion to condominiums in the upscale Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. Most of the roughly 125 residents vacated in short order, but a handful fought the move , sparking a web of litigation. Separate lawsuits alleging wrongful deaths remain unresolved, as well as litigation over the status of the $76.5 million building sale.
Frank Carone, an attorney representing building owner Haysha Deitsch, said he was pleased with the settlement and that it allowed a focus on the remaining lawsuits. Deitsch, in an email, suggested the holdouts’ families were simply motivated by greed.
“I believe it was always about money for the families of the residents,” he said. “They are getting plenty of it, and now we can all move on.”
Ten former residents or their estates will receive payments of $25,000 under the agreement. One other former resident will receive a payment of $433,333 under a deal that Millett said had been separately negotiated.
“In the perfect scenario, PPR would have never closed,” Millett said. “We did all we could the last two years keeping it open.”
Joyce Singer, whose mother Alice has remained at the facility, expressed fear Deitsch would follow through with the agreement and said while the money would help in the transition, it still would be difficult.
“It’s going to be unbelievably distressing for her,” she said. “She loves that room. There isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t say to me how much she loves looking out those windows.”

Trump Turns Obama into a Stuttering Mess