I don't even know where to begin!An outraged parent of a talmid learning in Grodno wrote me an email to go pick up the latest Yated! He said "look at the first page, it is the second leading story!"
In my immediate neighborhood of Beit Shemesh they are smart enough not to distribute this trash, so I had to travel to Ramat Gimmel to pick one up!
I have to be very careful what I am going to say, and so before posting I bounced off my reaction to a huge Talmid Chachim in my neighborhood, and he said "Kol Hakovod, post!
The Rosh Yeshiva of Grodna is Harav Drabkin Shlitah, and he explained the following to hundreds of his naive students!
I have to take back the word "naive" as most students according to this parent who emailed me said that the talmidim mocked and ridiculed him causing according to this parent a huge "Chillul Hashem!" and in addition, a lot of his talmidim lost respect for their Rosh Yeshiva ....
The Rosh Yeshiva explained that
"Yes, there are soldiers with tanks and planes fighting the enemy but the victory comes only from the strength of those who learn in Beit Hamedrish with a "bren" a spark of fire!" The proof is that in Syria the soldiers did not use tanks and planes and yet Syria collapsed!"
First off, I need to point out that HKB"H is mentioned only twice in the entire article of over 500 words ! Reading the article you would not know that Hashem played any role!
It is exclusively the talmidim!
In the first instance where Hashem is even mentioned in the article is in respect to a "mashal" about Yaakov!, and the second time about the war between the Chashmonoim and the Greeks!
I'l address the second time the Rosh Yeshiva mentions HKB"H, the first one is completely off the charts!
The Rosh Yeshiva stated:
"HKB"H gave the זדים ביד עוסקי תורתך .... the arrogant (the Greeks) into the hands of those who were engaged in the study of Torah"
HKB"H delivered the Greeks into the hands of Maatisyahu who didn't fight in the war but sat and learned in Beit Medrish and learned Torah that is fire, it was in his hands that the Greeks were defeated and it was in his merit that the Chashmonoim won the war"
This idea that Hashem gave the Greeks into the hands only to Mattisyahu because he was learning Torah is not mentioned anywhere in the entire Shas and not even in Al Hanissim!!!
In fact if you read the Al Hanissim you see that this fact that the Greeks were delivered into the hands of those learning Torah, is mentioned last in the pasuk, and from the Al Hanissim it is "mashmeh" that they were all fighters , and nowhere is it mentioned that it was in fact Mattisyahu that was learning Torah! Not before, not during or even after the war!
The good Rosh Yeshiva also left out an entire verse, deliberately!
בימי מתתיהו בן יוחנן כהן גדול חשמונאי ובניו, כשעמדה מלכות יון הרשעה על עמך ישראל להשכיחם תורתך ולהעבירם מחקי רצונך ואתה ברחמיך הרבים עמדת להם בעת צרתם
רבת את ריבם, דנת את דינם, נקמת את נקמתם,
מסרת גבורים ביד חלשים, ורבים ביד מעטים, וטמאים ביד טהורים, ורשעים ביד צדיקים,ןזדים ביד עוסקי תורתך
"You delivered the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and the arrogant into the hands of those who engaged in the study of Torah"
If you read the first Book of the Maccabees you will see that Mattisyahu fought together with his sons! It is only from the Book of Maccabees that we know anything about the war, the gemarrah only speaks about the miracle of the oil!
The Rosh Yeshiva made this up without any support whatsoever!
I am not a talmid chachimm and I certainly don't come to the Rosh Yeshiva's toenails but having said that, I will venture to say that the עוסקי תורה were in fact fighting and not in Bais Hamedrish! And my pshat is embedded in the words of the Al Hanissim,
that in the "days of Mattisyahu Kohein Gadol, HKB"H gave the Greeks into the hands of the "weak" the "few" the "pure" the righteous, and those "learning Torah!"
All those mentioned were the fighters physically fighting the Greeks, not one of those mentioned were in Bais Medrish !
Now let's ask the Rosh Yeshiva a question!
Why didn't Gaza collapse on October 8?
There were no tanks, no planes and not even soldiers in Gaza! The IDF invaded Gaza on October 28, that's almost 3 weeks after Ocober 7?
The talmidim of Grodno Yeshiva were learning with a "bren" and I might add with "geshmak" yet Gaza didn't fall?
The Grodno boys had three full weeks to get Gaza to fall! Not only didn't it fall, the Gazans launched thousands of rockets!
Not only didn't Gaza fall, but Hezbollah didn't fall either! We are old enough to remember that Hezbollah were firing rockets and the IDF didn't really respond till sometime in late November! Entire communities in the North had to evacuate!
So if it is the "bren" then why didn't Lebanon fall?
His statements that Syria fell without a shot is delusional!
Even Blinken admitted that it was the killing of Sinwar, the killing of Nasralla, and the total destruction of the South of Lebanon that gave the rebels the courage to advance! Don't forget that in September of this year the IDF not Grodna went into the heart of Syria and eliminated the entire air defense of Syria giving the IDF free reign!
Now of course, everything has been orchestrated from above, and HKB"H mentioned only twice in the Holy Yated article is the Sole Savior of the Jewish people! But we all understand especially those familiar with the Chovas Halvovos, Shaar Habitachon, that HKB"H used the IDF not Grodno to destroy Syria!
And the most important point to remember is ...
We don't even know how this will turn out! This could G-d forbid be the worst calamity!
I really believe that the Rosh Yeshiva doesn't even believe what he said and as it turns out his talmidim don't believe it either!
But the stupid Hebrew Yated puts this utter nonsense on the front page!