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Monday, June 24, 2024

Newly Released Video Shows "Innocent" Gazans Celebrating the Kidnapping and Murder/Rape of Jews on October 7


Doctors at biggest children’s hospital in US are manipulating parents into giving kids life-changing trans treatments, whistleblower nurse claims


Vanessa Sivadge

 A nurse at the nation’s largest children’s hospital says doctors pressured parents to give their kids hormone therapy and other transgender medicine interventions — warning that their children might kill themselves if they held off on treatments.

Vanessa Sivadge has worked at a Texas Children’s Hospital clinic where kids are given gender-affirming care since 2021. She said that doctors there are more driven by “ideology” than what was best for the youths, many of whom had additional underlying problems.

“Parents were manipulated by doctors with an ideological agenda to go down this path of medical transition for their child,” Sivadge told The Post in an exclusive interview.

“And I do think that doctors would use manipulative language to suggest that if they didn’t do this their child would commit suicide or they would harm themselves.”

Sivadge, 31, also alleged that doctors would miscategorize the treatments to justify gender-affirming care. She believes that the doctors are using the strategy to get around a ban by Texas Medicaid on covering hormone treatments for transgender medicine.

However, Sivadge said she does not directly know whether the treatments are being charged to the publicly-funded health insurance scheme.

AOC Unhinged at Antisemite Bowman's Rally


 Desperate Dem Rep. Jamaal Bowman enlisted heavy artillery from his party’s progressive wing for a weekend rally in The Bronx to try to shore up his flailing re-election bid — but viral clips of the event’s cringey on-stage antics show the last-ditch effort badly back-fired.

Footage from Saturday’s campaign rally at St. Mary’s Park in Mott Haven showed the severely struggling incumbent and fellow “Squad’ member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez acting like buffoons from the stage, gifting the Internet with heaps of unintentional humor.

AOC kicked things off by stomping around on stage to a blaring Cardi B song, appearing to try to summon the pomp of a superstar rapper about to perform her biggest hit to an adoring crowd.

'Plan for 72 hours without power; 4,000 missiles in a day'


Roy Levi, the Mayor of Nesher, a town near Haifa, and the deputy chairman of the Federation of Local Authorities spoke to Lior Rosenfeld on his program on Radio Tzafon 104.5 FM about the possibility of long power outages if a major war broke out with Lebanon.

"I think the problem stems from the fact that everyone throws different information in the air and no one talks with the citizens and tells them what's happening. I remind you of the story of the blackout scenario that was hidden from the local authorities as well until I broke it to the media. From the moment they began to speak about it, each one pulled it in a different direction according to their interests," Levy stated.

He explained that "in all of the scenarios that simulate, the talk is of a minimum of 72 hours without power. And I tell people to prepare for more than that since if there are 72 without power or even just 24 hours, it's better to be ready when there are no medicines or a way to warm up food for babies and you have no way to use the basic necessary facilities. If the cell tower's power is restored, it doesn't help if the phone's battery is dead."

Levy added: "We hear that they are preparing for a bad scenario of at least 4,000 missiles on our area in a day. Therefore, all these stories that the power grid won't be hit or that it will be repaired immediately; I don't see people going to repair anything with 4,000 missiles a day. We need to prepare for at least 72 difficult hours, maybe even more, I say plan for even a week. I'm sure that by the end of that week, there won't be a remanent of Lebanon left and they will beg for a ceasefire. But we need to be tough and be part of the war since the strong backing that we will give to the IDF will allow the IDF to win and take out the threat from the north."

Crazed Joey Sends His Top General to Warn Israel that US won't be able to help Israel in case of war with Hezbollah

 US Air Force General Charles Brown, who serves as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has warned that the US will have a hard time aiding Israel in the event of a war against Hezbollah.

According to Brown, Iran will provide significantly more support to Hezbollah than it provided to Hamas, "particularly if they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened."

He also warned that due to the type of weapons Hezbollah uses, the US will not be able to provide the same level of assistance to Israel during the war.

According to the Associated Press, Brown said that the US has warned Israeli officials "to think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon."

He also urged them to consider how such a war "might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well."

On Sunday, Brown acknowledged Israel's right to defend itself, but told Reuters that, "Hezbollah is more capable than Hamas as far as overall capability, number rockets and the like."

How 'cornered rat' Yahya Sinwar survived 8 months of war

Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip and mastermind of the October 7 massacre, has survived more than eight months of war by hiding like a "cornered rat" in tunnels underneath Gaza, according to a counter-terror expert.

The New York Post quoted Colin Clarke, a member of the New York-based Soufan Group and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, as saying that Sinwar is "likely still in Gaza, deep within the tunnel network and surrounded by hostages to secure his safety."

“Sinwar is someone who is out for his own survival," Clarke added. “It’s his ultimate goal, like a cornered rat.”

Canada Plans to Evacuate 45K Citizens From Lebanon, Kuwait Already Began


As fears of a breakout of a full-scale war between Israel and Lebanon grows, Canada is preparing to evacuate about 45,000 of its citizens living in Lebanon, in what will be the largest evacuation in Canadian history.

The Gulf country of Kuwait already began sending airplanes to Lebanon on Shabbos to evacuate its citizens.

Channel 12 News reported on Friday that Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly informed Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz that Canadian military forces have already been sent to the area to prepare for the evacuation.

According to the report, the conversation between the two was “tense.” Katz pressured Joly to urge the Canadian government to pressure Iran to reign in its proxy group Hezbollah and prevent an escalation of the conflict.

Following the conversation, Katz wrote on X. “Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah terror organization to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon we will make the necessary decisions. The free world must unconditionally stand with Israel in its war against the axis of evil led by Iran and extremist Islam. Our war is also your war, and Nasrallah’s threat to Cyprus is just the beginning. Evil must be defeated, as history has proven in the past.”

Hezbollah continued to escalate its attacks on Israel on Sunday, launching numerous suicide drones at northern Israel, including an attack near a major Rafael defense factory. An IDF soldier was severely injured in an attack on an IDF base and several fires were ignited by drone hits.

Netanyahu Was 1000% Correct :US OFFICIALS ADMIT: Arms Shipments To Israel Decreased By 50% In Recent Months


US officials and Israeli security officials on Sunday confirmed to Channel 12 News that there has been a slowdown in the transfer of arms shipments from the US in recent months.

In the first months of the war, about 240 arms shipments were delivered to Israel. In recent months, about 120 shipments were delivered, a decrease of about 50%.

The Biden administration has also specifically delayed a shipment of precision bombs and has yet to move forward with the sale of 50 F-15 fighter jets to Israel even after two top Democrats finally agreed to the sale last month.

Earlier on Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu explained why he publicly criticized the Biden administration last week for restricting arms shipments to Israel, saying that “about four months ago, there was a dramatic drop in the supply of arms from the US to Israel.”

“For many long weeks, we appealed to our American friends to speed up the shipments. We did this time and time again – at the highest levels, and at all levels, and I want to emphasize – we did this behind closed doors. We received all types of explanations but we didn’t get one thing – the basic situation didn’t change.”

Violent Hamas Thugs Terrorize Los Angeles Jewish Community Who Fight Back


Violent clashes erupted in the Pico-Robertson area as pro-Hamas terrorists confronted Jews.

The violence started near the Adas Torah synagogue on Pico Boulevard on Sunday morning.

At 10:52 a.m., pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered in front of the Adas Torah synagogue at 9040 W. Pico Blvd., west of Robertson Boulevard, and blocked the doors. They were met by counter-demonstrators, some carrying Israeli flags, according to Los Angeles Police Department Officer Tony Im.

Police in riot gear arrived to restore order.

What began as heated verbal exchanges escalated into physical altercations. Videos posted on social media showed punches being thrown, people being wrestled to the ground, and kicked. The violence began when pro-Palestinian protesters tried to stop people from entering the synagogue.

“Do your message, spread your message, it’s the First Amendment. But when you’re pepper-spraying little girls, it’s messed up,” said Mishah Klein, a local resident.

Several people were detained at the scene, but according to the LAPD, no one was officially arrested. One person was cited for refusing to disperse.

Eight Talmidim of Hesder Yeshivas Tragically Fell in Past Week

 Tragically, a number of Hesder Yeshivos suffered casualties over the past week. In total, eight Hesder students or alumni were killed R”L, plunging their respective yeshivas into deep mourning.

Sergeant First Class (Reserve) Malkia Gross, a student at Or Etzion, fell in battle over Shabbos. He was in his seventh year in the Or Etzion.

In addition, three students of the Shalavim Yeshiva fell: Sergeant Shalom Menachem, Sergeant Yakir Ya’akov Levi, and Sergeant Elyahu Moshe Zimbalist. Two alumni of the Ma’alot Yeshiva: Senior Staff Sergeant Major Elon Waiss and First Sergeant Tzur Abraham. An alumnus of the Otniel Yeshiva, Captain Eitan Koplovich. And a student at the Yeshiva of Yaffo, Sergeant First Class (Reserve) Saadia Yaakov Dery fell.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Massive Exodus from Lebanon .. Anticipating War


Ha Ha Watch this Neturei Farta Guy say he lives in Palestine... but has an Israeli Passport!


Hysterical!! Parts of $320 Million US-Built Gaza Pier Wash Up on Tel Aviv Beach


The US-built temporary floating dock off the coast of Gaza is becoming more temporary than ever, it seems.

A part of the pier broke off and floated its way on Saturday to Frishman Beach in Tel Aviv, arriving at around lunchtime.

The $320 million pier has faced myriad challenges since its first installation last month, having broken apart and floated to Israel a few weeks ago, arriving that time in Ashdod.

Despite rumors the project would be terminated, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) posted a statement on the X social media platform this weekend, saying the pier had been rebuilt and would continue serving as a conduit for humanitarian aid to Gaza delivered via a maritime corridor via Cyprus.

“At approximately 8:52 am (Gaza time) June 19, United States Central Command (US CENTCOM) personnel supporting the mission to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians, re-anchored the temporary pier to the beach in Gaza,” CENTCOM wrote.

“The temporary pier had been relocated to avoid forecasted high seas and to ensure the structural integrity of the pier and safety of our service members. At no time during this event did US troops enter Gaza,” CENTCOM emphasized. Entry of US personnel to Gaza is strictly prohibited by Hamas terrorists who still maintain some control over the enclave.

“Trucks carrying humanitarian assistance across the temporary pier began delivery again today, June 20, and approximately 656 metric tons (1.4 million pounds) of aid were delivered to the beach in Gaza. This is the largest single day delivery of aid to date,” CENTCOM wrote.

“To date, over 4,160 metric tons (9.1 million pounds) of humanitarian aid have been delivered from the pier to the marshaling area where they can be collected by humanitarian organizations for onward delivery.”

It’s not clear how the pier could have been used to deliver aid when parts of the structure washed up Saturday in Tel Aviv …

How J Street Ruined Jamaal Bowman's Career by Convincing Him to Go Against Israel


In good old days Bowman met with Naftali Benett 

A week ago, we reported that Hillary Clinton endorsed Democratic challenger George Latimer who is running against the incumbent, Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), in New York’s 16th congressional district. Clinton’s endorsement followed The Hill/Emerson poll that gave Latimer 48 points over Bowman’s 31.

Bowman, who in 2020 unseated 16-term incumbent and devoted friend of Israel Eliot Engel, started his career in the House with a pro-Israel position, making him enemies inside the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and raising question marks among fellow Squad House members. In September 2021, for instance, Bowman voted yes on providing Israel with an additional $1 billion in aid to fund its Iron Dome missile defense system.

The change in Bowman’s stance on Israel was clearest on July 18, 2023, when he and eight other progressive Democrats voted against a congressional non-binding resolution that “the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state,” that Congress rejects “all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia,” and that “the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel.”

This was followed naturally on October 25, 2023, when Bowman and the same eight progressive Democrats, together with Thomas Massie (R-ken), voted against resolution 771 supporting Israel after the October 7 Hamas attack. The resolution stated that the House “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists,” and “reaffirms the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security.” it passed with 412 yes votes, 10 no votes, and 6 abstentions.

Then, on November 17, 2023, Bowman called reports of Israeli women being raped by Hamas a “propaganda,” and a “lie.”

What happened to Jamaal Bowman? 

Muslim tears down cross in London church. If you hate Christians, why do you immigrate to their country?


Crazed Joey is a one-trick-pony with a single act: Blame Donald Trump


by Michael Goodwin NYP

‘Burn our boats,” came the order from 16th-century Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.

Having landed in the New World, legend has it that he wanted to drive his troops to victory by eliminating their only chance of escape. 

Joe Biden is nobody’s idea of a swashbuckling adventurer or military leader, but he is adopting a political version of Cortés’ gamble.

Signs indicate the president is giving up on selling his White House term as a success and betting his re-election campaign on a single message: Donald Trump is bad for America. 

Make that really, really, really bad.

He’ll kill democracy and lock up his opponents. 

Remember Jan. 6 and, oh, he’s a convicted felon, too. 

From here to November, that’s the sum and substance of what the president and his surrogates will say.

It will be the heart of their advertising and get-out-the-vote campaigns, with virtually every dollar going toward defining Trump as the absolute worst person in the world. 

Gone from the campaign plan, or so diminished it might as well be gone, are any claims of Biden’s own accomplishments. 

Remember his brief effort to sell “Bidenomics” as a raging success? 

Shelved as a failure and object of ridicule. 

How about the claim that Biden tamed inflation, which was 9% when he took office? 

Debunked as a lie.

He inherited 1.4% inflation, which rose to 9% on his watch. 

Watch: Two terrorists eliminated in the heart of Qalqilya


Officers from Unit 33 (the Gidonim) of the Israel Police, in cooperation with IDF troops and directed by the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), on Friday attempted to arrest two terrorists from the Islamic Jihad organization in the Qalqilya area.

During the arrest, fire was opened at the forces, who returned fire and eliminated the terrorists. Guns were found on the bodies of the two terrorists. One of the terrorists who was eliminated had planned to carry out an attack in the area.

Palestinian Arabs reported that the two terrorists were members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, and their names are Ihab Abu-Hamad and Ahmed A-Salami.

IDF Eliminates Senior Hamas Commanders In Gaza And Lebanon



An Israeli aerial strike in Gaza has  eliminated senior Hamas commander Raad Saad, Israeli media reported Saturday, citing reports in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli media sources reported that Saad is a member of Hamas’s military wing and serves as the head of the terrorist group’s operations department, effectively the no. 4 Hamas leader in Gaza.

Earlier, the IDF stated that fighter jets had struck two Hamas military infrastructures in the Gaza City area. The military noted that more details were to follow.

Later, Ismail Al-Thawabtathe, the director of the Hamas-run government media office in Gaza, told Reuters that Israeli attacks in districts of Gaza City had killed 42 people.

Al-Thawabtathe did not specify to Reuters how many of that number were terrorists and how many may have been civilians.

According to the media office director, 24 of those were killed in a strike on houses in the Shati refugee camp outside of Gaza City.

The other 18 were reportedly killed in a strike on houses in the Tuffah neighborhood of the city.

In Lebanon, an Israeli drone struck deep in the Bekaa valley. The IDF said it had eliminated a top Hamas terrorist in Lebanon after it struck a vehicle near the town of Khiara in Lebanon’s West Beqaa District, some 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of the two countries’ border, Lebanese media reported.

The IDF later published footage from the attack, saying it had targeted Ayman Ghatma. Ghatma was killed in the attack, the army said. It said he was responsible for supplying weapons to Hamas in Lebanon as well as to the al-Jama’a al-Islamiyya terror group.

The army said the drone strike was carried out over Ghatma’s involvement in promoting attacks against Israel.



In an extremely dramatic clip, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) exposed Karla Campbell, U.S. President Joe Biden’s nominee for the U.S. Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit, on Thursday about her role of an advisory board at Workers’ Dignity, as well as her multiple lies to the Senate Judiciary committee.

“Workers’ Dignity has condemned Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine. They have said that Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing,” the senator said. “Do you agree with that?”

“No senator,” Campbell said.

“How can I believe you?” Hawley said. “You just lied under oath a
moment ago.”

“You’ve lied to us up and down on this committee,” he added. “This is a serious problem Ms. Campbell. I have to say, I’ve never seen a witness—never in five years in this committee—sit here and lie to us and change the story person to person.”

It is quite rare for any witnesses, let alone a judicial nominee, to be caught committing perjury during their OWN hearing. Campbell was clearly and visibly flustered as she was caught in her web of lies.

In addition, Senator John Kennedy busted Campbell for lying as well:

Campbell is of counsel at Stranch Jennings & Garvey in Nashville, Tenn., a role she has held since 2022, according to a May 23 White House release. She previously clerked for Judge Jane Stranch on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and was a lawyer at Watson & Renner in Washington, D.C. She holds a law degree from Georgetown University and a college degree from the University of Virginia.

The Nashville, Tenn.-based Workers’ Dignity/Dignidad Obrera, which was founded in 2010, states “that transforming society requires working-class people of all races, ages and walks of life to build resilient and democratic organizations capable of disrupting strategic institutions and industries,” per its website.

“Only then will we be able to seize power and shape our own conditions,” it adds.

Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Passes Away at 99

Rav Moshe Wolfson as a bachur, the Rabbi in the center is Rav Simcha Wasserman z"l 

  Rav Moshe Wolfson Zatzal, Rav of Emunas Yisroel in Boro Park and Mashgiach of Torah Va’Daas, passd away at age 99.

Rav Wolfson, was one of the most revered rabbinic figures of our time. His lectures, in both English and Yiddish, his sefarim, Emunas Etecha, and his book, Wellsprings of Faith, have inspired thousands to strengthen their emunah (faith), their attachment to Torah and prayer, and to strive ever higher in their service of Hashem.

Rav Moshe was a closed talmid of Harav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, zt”l, the first Menahel of Torah Vodaas. In 1943, he joined Aish Dos, a groundbreaking program initiated by Rav Shraga Feivel to train rabbinic leaders for positions in yeshivos and day schools across America. This marked the beginning of Rav Wolfson’s illustrious career in Chinuch.

He taught at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas for many years and was eventually he was appointed Mashgiach by Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l in the 1960’s. He also served as the marah d’asra of Camp Torah Vodaas for numerous summers, fostering a devoted following of talmidim who later established Emunas Yisrael, with Rav Wolfson as their Rav.

The levaya is scheduled to take place at 10 AM at Emunas Yisroel. Kevurah will take place in Teveria, in The State of Israel .

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Soros Funding NYC teacher's group behind anti-Israel walkouts


A group of New York City public school teachers behind controversial pro-Palestine student walkouts has received thousands of dollars from George Soros’ Tides Foundation, The Post has learned.

Teachers Unite, a registered not-for-profit based in Manhattan’s Financial District, received $11,000 in 2023 from the billionaire left-wing investor’s social justice philanthropy.

Teachers Unite boasts a mission of “developing the leadership skills of progressive educators” and fighting the “school-to-prison pipeline,” according to tax filings and its website.

But in recent months, the teachers group has pushed the controversial anti-Israel walkouts in NYC public schools and held organizing meetings in schools across the city, according to posts on Instagram.

The group shared an eight-page toolkit for walkout participants that demanded, “Free Palestine from the river to the sea” and “Protect teachers facing retaliation from administration and parents for teaching about Palestine.”

The group is headed by co-executive directors Charlotte Pope and Bella Week, who didn’t appear in city payroll records.

At least one of its recent board members is a member of the powerful United Federation of Teachers union.

The group reported nearly $400,000 in revenue in 2022, according to IRS filings, with Week receiving a salary of $66,000 and Pope $12,000.

The group first got Soros funds in 2023, according to its annual report, and also received support from Radfund, a group focused on “frontline communities” and “structural inequality,” and the Communities Transforming Policing Fund.

The Communities Transforming Policing Fund advocates for programs and services as alternatives to police, jails and prisons.

Teachers Unite gets 80% of its funding from the three groups and several others, according to an annual report.

The Tides Foundation also gives to WESPAC, according to a 2022 filing, a nonprofit that reportedly funds Within Our Lifetime and National Students for Justice in Palestine, two of the groups behind many of the campus demonstrations since the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel.

Encampments that sprung up across universities this spring were found to be organized by the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine.

Masked anti-Israel protestor who accosted Jewish man on NYC subway revealed...Lives With Mommy & Daddy

 The craven, masked pro-Palestine protester who made the front page of The Post after he allegedly accosted a Jewish man on the subway is a privileged, bicoastal agitator who still lives with mommy and daddy in their $1.8 million California home

Christopher Khamis Victor Husary is an America-hating, former business major with arrests tied to protests in California and NYC — where he even scored a $17,000 payday last month after he claimed he was beaten by cops during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in Brooklyn, records show.

His identity was first uncovered by the activist organization Jew Hate Database based on Husary’s own social media posts — where he all but admitted he was the person on The Post’s June 15 cover.

“Goes to ny for a day,” Husary, 36, wrote alongside an Instagram post sharing the Post front page. “I can smell a baby killer from a mile away …. call Homeland Security… i went through jfk with this shirt & had all the patriots panicked af.

Yaakov Dery wearing Talit & Tefillin hours before he was killed in a mortar attack.

 Sergeant First Class (Res.) Saadia Yaakov Dery was photographed during morning prayers in Gaza hours before he was killed in a mortar attack. The photograph is the last image of Saadia alive.

The photograph shows Saadia wearing a talit prayer shawl and tefillin.

Saadia, 27, lived in Tel Aviv. He was a student at the Yaffo Yeshiva, married, and the father of two children ages two and one.

Laly, Saadia's mother, said, "My Saadia was a child who prioritized everyone's wishes before his own. He did much more than expected of him in every field. He was a wise student, studied for rabbinic exams, and started his bachelor's degree in teaching. He studied every free minute and had a great sense of humor. He was an amazing father to Haleli and Yinon. He was a hero in soul and body and never complained. On October 7th, he was with us when he was called for duty. Saadia loved this people, loved the Torah and the land, and fought for it," the mother eulogized.

She addressed Israel's leaders directly: "Since the beginning of the war, I was silent; now I have an obligation not to be silent. I will not allow the enormous sacrifice we made and my fallen son to be in vain. In Saadia's name, we demand victory and absolute resolve. My son did not fall for the sake of a diplomatic arrangement but for a complete victory over the enemy."

Hamas Terrorist Was Shot Dead On Oct. 7 While Trying To Steal Sefer Torah

New Mantel on the Stolen Sefer Torah 

An incredible new photo has emerged from an incident that occurred during the Hamas massacre in southern Israel on October 7. During the attack, a Sefer Torah was nearly seized by terrorists as they invaded the IDF’s Pega outpost in Otaf, but was saved at the last minute by the bravery of IDF fighters.

According to reports, the terrorists had planned to transport the Sefer Torah to Gaza after overrunning the outpost. However, just as they were about to capture the Torah, IDF forces arrived on the scene, fighting with their last ounce of strength to eliminate the terrorists and protect the it.

Thanks to the bravery of the IDF fighters, the Sefer Torah was saved from falling into the wrong hands.

The Sefer Torah has since undergone professional restoration and received a new mantle describing its experience, and has been put back to use in an IDF base.