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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Cancelled: Ehud Barak will not present lecture to senior IDF officers His Views are Similar to Charedim!

Barak the Jew traitor is echoing the Chareidie Fatwa, that Israelis "should Refuse to Go to The Army" 

I find it interesting that if you really read the Chareidie View of the State of Israel, you will find it eerily similar to the Leftist view. Both are against the government, both are prepared to give back land to Arab control and finally, both are against serving in the army!

 Defense Minister Yoav Gallant canceled a lecture by former Prime Minister and Chief of Staff Ehud Barak, which was expected to take place soon at the National Security College.

Sources close to Gallant stated, "Anyone who calls for refusal of any kind will not be part of the IDF in any way."

Barak had been invited to speak before senior IDF officers. The planned appearance drew significant controversy in Israel's political circles and on social media.

Minister Amichai Chikli responded: "In the midst of a grueling war, the IDF invited the leader of the inciters to political refusal, Mr. Ehud Barak, to lecture before senior officers. This is an unprecedented disgrace."

Political correspondent Tal Shalev responded to the cancellation: "Ehud Barak is a former Prime Minister, a former Chief of Staff, among the most decorated soldiers in the IDF, and also the man who appointed Gallant as Chief of Staff, but Gallant is afraid of Channel 14 and this is the result."

Channel 14 reporter Yishai Friedman responded to her: "Afraid of Channel 14? Or maybe he understands that there are officers in the IDF who are fed up with people who were a central part of Jewish civil wars?"

Miami Mayor and a federal judge help clean up antisemitic graffiti


 A Jewish-owned bagel shop in Miami was defaced over the weekend with anti-Israel graffiti.

According to NBC6South Florida, Holy Bagels on Northwest 1st Street was spray painted with the words "Free Palestine" and "Stop Genocide." In addition, the suspect, who was caught on surveillance camera tore down a "Stand with Israel" banner that was displayed in front of the store.

Josh Nodel, the owner of the shop, told the local station that he was devastated by the attack. "We've been targeted because of hate because they know we are Jewish, we are supporters of Israel," he added.

In the face of the hateful act, the Nodel received some strong support from none other than Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and Federal Judge Roy Altman, who came to help clean up the vandalism.

"My grandparents went through the 1940s in Europe, and this is how it started, spray painting Jewish businesses, we will not allow antisemites to silence us here, to convince us that the West is broken or bad," Judge Altman told NBC6.

"I think this is meant to scare people, to try to give the impression that we don’t control our city, that our city can be overrun by acts of illegality and hate and that’s not acceptable to us," Mayor Suarez added.

The IDF Run by Leftist Generals knew Hamas Plans and the planned hostage taking ...weeks before October 7


  • The IDF knew about Hamas' plans to attack just weeks before October 7, Israeli broadcaster Kan reported.
  • The IDF's Gaza Division had intel on Hamas' training and hostage-taking strategies, Kan reported.
  • According to Kan, IDF intelligence officials even predicted Hamas would take 200-250 hostages.

The Israeli military knew about Hamas' plans to attack southern Israel weeks before October 7 — even how many hostages the militant group planned to capture, according to a report from Israeli public broadcaster Kan.

The Israel Defense Force's Gaza Division reportedly distributed an internal intelligence document on September 19, 2023, outlining the details of Hamas' planned raid, according to Kan.

The document, which Kan reportedly saw, states that the IDF had observed Hamas conducting a series of trainings where militant fighters practiced attacking both Israeli military stations and civilian kibbutzim communities.

The IDF also knew, according to the document viewed by Kan, that Hamas trained its units on how to capture hostages and how to guard them once they were taken back to the Gaza Strip.

The IDF's Southern Command and Gaza Division also wrote in the document, according to Kan, that they expected Hamas to take between 200 and 250 hostages. The officials even had intel on how Hamas intended to treat the hostages in certain extreme circumstances and what rules Hamas set for executing hostages, Kan reported.

Israel mistakenly believed, the Times of Israel reported, that Hamas would never be able to get past its high-tech border security — an "Iron Wall" composed of concrete, tunnels, and razor wire, complete with remote-controlled machine guns, that was installed two years before the attack.

That oversight prevented top Israeli intelligence leaders from doing anything about the internal report detailing Hamas' plans, Kan News reported.

And it wasn't just a few weeks before October 7 that Israel reportedly knew about Hamas' plans.

More than a year before the attack, Israel had a 40-page document detailing, play-by-play, exactly how Hamas would attack the southern border, The New York Times reported last year. But, Israel never took Hamas' plans seriously, assuming the militant group would never get past Israel's defenses, the Times reported.

Hamas militants attacked southern Israel on October 7, killing 1,200 people and taking hundreds hostage, many of whom are still being held in captivity.

The exact number of hostages Hamas took is unclear, but Israel has estimated it was around 240, with about 116 still in Gaza, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Israel's subsequent airstrikes and war against Hamas in Gaza have killed more than 37,000 Palestinians, many of whom are women and children, according to Palestinian health authorities.

" A Rebbele?" ...... Pro-Hamas 'Squad' member Cori Bush claimed a woman's tumors disappeared when she touched them

 In her 2022 autobiography, “The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America,” far-left Squad member Rep. Cori Bush makes astonishing claims of performing miraculous faith healings as a religious faith healer.

According to the book, Bush writes about developing her abilities through “applying God’s Word to her life” and understanding the power within her. She recounts two remarkable – and ridiculous – stories of healing: one of a three-year-old girl who took her first steps after Bush prayed over her, and another of a woman whose tumors disappeared after Bush laid hands on her and prayed.

Bush’s has long been affiliated with a “faith-healing church” in Missouri that has been mocked, particularly after the church’s lead pastor claimed to have cured Bush of coronavirus through faith healing over the phone in 2021.

As a member of the embattled “Squad,” Bush is currently facing a tough primary challenge from Wesley Bell, the prosecuting attorney of St. Louis, with polls indicating she trails by a double-digit margin.

While Bush’s book received a significant media push upon its release, it appears few have read it, and her claims of miraculous healings have sparked more mockery than acclaim.

LOL.......Maldives Discovers its Ban on Jews Mistakenly Includes Arabs


The antisemitic country of Maldives has been forced to “rethink” its ban on Israelis. The country’s ban on Israeli tourists is unlikely to be a “blanket ban” on all Israeli citizens, according to Attorney General Ahmed Usham.

In an embarrassing move, the government has decided to amend the initial ban, due to concerns over Arab Muslim or Palestinian citizens of Israel, who were included in the initial ban. “There are a lot of Palestinian citizens who hold the Israeli passport, counting in the millions. So what would happen if we do a blanket ban like that, these are matters we should think about a little,” the Attorney General said.

Usham walked back the ban in a press conference last week, due to the millions of Palestinians with Israeli passports.

Pressed by journalists, Usham denied that the government has reversed its stance. But the Maldives could face legal “complications” if the bill is passed in its current form to prohibit entry to Israelis with dual citizenship or diplomatic passports, he said.

The proposed ban appears to reflect the will of the Maldivian people, an ostensibly 100 percent Sunni Muslim population that has long sympathized with the plight of Palestinian refugees. The government’s decision came after months of fundraising efforts and demonstrations calling for a ban on Israeli tourists.

It is heavily ironic that it is due to Israel’s overwhelming Democratic inclusivity, and its generous treatment of Arabs and even its enemies, which has resulted in millions of Arabs holding Israeli passports.

Yair Netanyahu claims ‘treason’ in leadup to October 7 attack "Cover-up for the Left?"

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair tore into the military on Monday, citing the High Court of Justice’s interim order instructing the state comptroller to suspend any aspects of his probe into the failings relating to October 7 that deal with the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet.

“What are they trying to hide? If there was no treason, why are they so afraid for external and independent parties to check what happened?” the premier’s son wrote on X.

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman’s investigation has been controversial ever since he announced it in December 2023. Good governance watchdog groups petitioned the court against the comptroller’s initiative, arguing that it was not in his purview and would harm the IDF’s operational capabilities.

Groups also expressed concern that the investigation would ignore political responsibility for the devastating invasion and massacres. The IDF and the State Attorney’s Office also opposed the investigation.

In his post, the younger Netanyahu said: “To this day, no answer has been given for why they didn’t update the prime minister about the discussion held the night before 10/7.”

Monday, June 17, 2024

Chasssidishe Lakewood Guy Tears Israeli Flag "I am a Jew I don't want My Children Seeing that" "I don't want to look outside my window and see that"

 The above video took place two months ago in Lakewood. The Flag was on a car, it wasn't being displayed on a house, chas ve'sholom, the car was parked across the street. 

The majority of the Jewish people now live in the Zionist State of Israel! 

The Israeli Flag not only represents the only Jewish State in the entire world but, like it or not, represents Judaism... that is an undeniable fact!  

As I said many times there isn't a Non-Jew in the entire world that would able to identify a flag from a country he doesn't live in or is familiar with, but show him the Israeli Flag and he will immediately tell you that this is the Jewish flag. You can talk yourself blue in the face trying to convince the Goy that the flag doesn't represent you, and the Goy will look at you and think you are a baldfaced liar! You can lecture him and explain that there are Jews who are not Zionists and oppose the State; you might as well try to explain to him on a sunny day, that it is night; you will have a better chance to convince him of that.

Did I mention that we are at war now? Did I mention that the majority of the Jewish people living in Israel have no other home? That they only have one passport, the Israeli one? I am not talking about hundreds, or even thousands, I am talking about millions of Israelis, whose only home is the Zionist State of Israel! 

Jewish husbands and children are dying to defend the State right now, leaving widows and orphans. Thousands have severe injuries that will impair them for the rest of their lives! 

Comes this Lakewood chassidishe well-fed "mamzer ben niddah" and rips off the Jewish Flag on a street where only Jews live and is offended by it! G-d forbid he should look out the window and see a flag that represents him and his family. He is afraid that his children will see the flag! Mind you, it's not in front of his home, or on an another home,  it's on a car that will be moved. 

But even if it was on a home across the street, he is in galuth, and he doesn't own the street! 

Readers, Am I missing something? Are we living in an alternate universe? Is this the chinuch that Yeshivois are embedding in their students? Look at his utter contempt and hate for a symbol, whether he likes it or not, represents the Jewish people! I have seen this very hate on pro-Hamas supporters while ripping down the Israeli flag! 

We are all alone עם לבדד יכון .... is it much to expect a frum Jew dressed visibly as a frum Jew to have some compassion for his brothers and sisters who reside in the crossfire of Iran who swore to wipe Israel off the map? 

Just like the flag represents the Jews, this vile creature represents chassidim! All chassidim!!

I have been sitting on this story for four weeks just to see if there would be any outrage! I waited to see if the Lakewood community would say one word against this piece of "tinuf!" It was first posted in the last week of April and garnished over 35,000 views! 

Not one word!! I am sure this mamzer, is well respected in his neighborhood and shul. I am also sure that many Fakewooders saw this video as it circulated in the chassidishe and frum social media, and probably laughed it off. 

And herein lies the problem. I am screaming and yelling on this blog, that frum people are totally disconnected from what is going on in Israel and in the world, and I'm including Torah leaders! 

Read any book about the Holocaust, pick any book, and you will see that Jews had this same disconnect in Europe as Jews were being shot to death and gassed!

When I say, pick "any book" I am not talking about Artscroll Holocaust Books, they are totally divorced from what actually happened. Those Artscroll talk about individuals not about the general situation that was happening all around them. 

This week is actually the 80th anniversary of the death of Hungarian Jews, who were deported on the first day of Shevuois to Tammuz. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered. Many of their leaders were in total denial as Hitler ym"s was moving close to Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia, many of these leaders, who themselves escaped, told them not to flee as Hitler ym"s would never get to Hungary! Of course, we cannot blame them as who would possibly know the enormous tragedy in advance. 

But we know now; we are on social media, and those who aren't, know from their local Torah Newspapers. 

We are in big trouble. Guys like the guy in the video is NOT bringing us closer to the Geulah!

Below is a Video where Hashem Burns the Guy that Burned the Israeli Flag!

Clues of the bloody battle between Sancherev's 185K invading soldiers and the Malach Hashem uncovered in Yerushalayim


A newly discovered archaeological site may provide evidence of Biblical truth.

Researchers in Jerusalem have uncovered an ancient military base that may provide clues of a battleground for G-d’s army against Assyrian soldiers who came to conquer the Holy Land around 2,700 years ago, per a Sunday report in the Daily Mail.

As the Bible story goes, an angel of the L-rd is said to have descended on the invading troops and killed 185,000 soldiers in a night.

The Assyrian Empire reigned from 1,365 to 609 BC, led by King Sennacherib’s campaign to control all routes across the Syrian Desert that led to the Mediterranean Sea.

A previously known carving on the stone walls of Sennacherib’s palace depicts the conquest of Lachish, a city 42 miles south of Jerusalem, including an illustration of a military base floor plan.

This stone carved relief depicts an attack on Lachish during Sennacherib’s campaign of 701 BC.

With this ancient engraving, archaeologist Stephen Compton was able to cross-reference aerial photos of the alleged area — part of a historic site in Israel called Ammunition Hill — in 1910 to discover the maps matched up.

“This appears to be the site of Sennacherib’s camp from the siege of Jerusalem, which was featured in the three books of the Bible,” Comtpon wrote in a June 4 press release.

The drawings pointed to ruins of a perimeter wall and buried pottery shards revealed to be at least roughly 2,600 years old, according to Copton’s analysis. The site is now believed to have been abandoned after Sennacherib’s invasion.

Researchers hope to use similar methods to uncover similar military bases and other ancient cities destroyed by the Assyrian Empire.

“In some cases, it has also been possible to use the newly discovered camps to locate the sites of ancient cities that were known to have been besieged by the Assyrians but whose locations were unknown or uncertain,” Compton said.

And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the Lord went out and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred fourscore and five thousand; and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses

2 Kings, 19:35

Three Bliblical scriptures tell the story of G-d’s victory over the Assyrians in Jerusalem: Isaiah, 37:36-38; 2 Kings, 19:35; and 2 Chronicles, 32:21.

Widow of the Pnei Menachem of Gur Passes Away at 98

Notice: The Rebbetzin is wearing a wig!!!! Chas Ve'Sholom a wig! OMG!!

The funeral on Yirmiyahu St., in Jerusalem

  Rebbetzin Tziporah Alter, the wife of the Pnei Menachem and mother of Rav Shaul and Rav Daniel Alter Shlita, passed away Sunday at the Maayanei Hayeshua hospital at the age of 98. The Rebbetzin had been weak recently and had suffered a short illness before her passing.

The Levaya will leave from Bnei Brak to Jerusalem’s Sanhedria cemetery, where she will be laid to rest.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Alter was born to Rabbi Avrohom Mordechai Alter, a nephew of the Imrei Emes, a granddaughter of his brother Rabbi Moshe Betzalel HyD, who was a famous member of the Gur dynasty before he perished in the Holocaust.

A great-granddaughter of the Sfas Emes, she married her father’s cousin, Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Alter in 1946. The wedding, immediately after the Holocaust with its tragic consequences for the Gur chasidim, was a very joyous affair.

Rebbetzin Tziporah moved in with her father-in-law and his wife, Rebbetzin Feige Mintche, and took care of her for 18 years, as she almost didn’t leave Jerusalem during this period. The Beis Yisrael, her husband’s brother, was so impressed by her devotion that he promised his brother to see his children growing up as Gedolim.

From 1957, when her husband was appointed the Rosh Yeshiva of Sfas Emes, she was a mother figure for many students from abroad and those who had no home of their own and took care of all their needs, even washing and sewing for them.

She supported her husband throughout his public career and numerous roles and raised her children to be prominent rabbis and teachers.

Her Torah knowledge was legendary. In the book Beis Mikdash Shlishi, the author thanks her for her advice and wisdom regarding the measurements of the Beis Mikdash and the sacrifices. For many years she taught widely and drew crowds of women to her shiurim.

The rebbetzin suffered a lot in her lifetime, losing her son Moshe Betzalel to disease at a young age and her son Yehuda Aryeh Leib, already a prominent Talmid Chacham, in a car accident in 1988.

During the period when the Pnei Menachem was the Gerer Rebbe, she directed the womens institutions and established many more initiatives, including the Gur Women’s organization, the Ezer Yoldot and others.

In 1996, just hours after the Purim tish had concluded, she found the Pnei Menachem lifeless. He was buried next to his father the Imrei Emes and the Rebbetzin continued daily to go the tomb, praying for all of those who were in need.

The rebbetzin is survived by her famous sons Rabbi Yaakov Meir, the Rosh Yeshiva rabbi Shaul, Rabbi Yitzchak David the head of the Gur Kollel in Bnei Brak, Rabbi Daniel the head of the Pnei Menachem yeshiva and her son-in-law Rabbi Avraham Dov Liffel.

May her memory be blessed.

Schumer deletes Father’s Day photo tweet of his CHEESEBURGER that he had at his Daughter and HER Wife!

Cryi'n Schumer has posted a picture of himself transgressing a basic Torah law–the prohibition of milk and meat. After Schumer was slammed on Twitter, he apparently deleted the Tweet.

This is the latest of many displays by Schumer that make it clear that he has no connection nor concern about his Jewish heritage, and is not embarrassed to publicize his indifference to his religion (until he’s called out by critics).

In an apparent celebration of Father’s Day, Schumer posted a picture of himself grilling meat and cheese.

He posted: “Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill! Father’s Day Heaven!”

Apparently realizing his “mistake”, Schumer then proceeded to delete the tweet.

In addition to the photo of cooking the cheeseburger, Schumer also posted about his daughter and “her wife”.

In recent months, Schumer, the highest ranking Democrat in Congress, who comes from Brooklyn and claims to have strong ties to his heritage, has been mostly shunned by the Jewish community, after he abandoned Israel for his own political purposes. Virtually the entire Democrat party has turned a cold shoulder to Israel and the Jews since October 7, other than a handful of holdouts, such as Senator John Fetterman and Congressman Ritchie Torres, who have resisted enormous pressure from within their party.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Unbelievable! United Methodist Church Clergy Conference

 Ever notice the left can't start anything on their own? 

They infiltrate and take over an existing institution, gut it and then wear its carcass around.

Arabs Have Their Children Stamp on the Pride Flag ..


Palestinian Explains on Canada TV that Islam Will Take Over Canada and the entire world  !

Jordanian pilgrim in Mecca spent his entire time shouting “death to Israel” and “long live Hamas” Then Drops Dead!


Crazed Joey brags about using ‘extreme pressure,’ threats against Israel


President Joe Biden told a left-wing journalist that he is wielding “extreme pressure” against Israel and that he has threatened consequences should Jerusalem not follow his agenda, in a bizarre interaction that was posted to the social media platform TikTok.

At a White House event for influencers, left-wing journalist Jonathan Katz approached Biden and asked him about his characterization of anti-Israel campus protests as antisemitic.

Katz also asked Biden why he sent some $26 billion in military aid to Israel when far-left voices in his Democratic party are accusing Israel of genocide.

Despite an aide attempting to intervene to prevent him from speaking to Katz, Biden decided to answer the questions.

“Israel’s security in the region is essential. And that’s fundamentally different than how Israel acts in Gaza,” Biden said.

“As you probably know, I’ve been putting extreme pressure on the Israelis to open up more humanitarian access in Gaza. And I think we’re getting close.

“I’m pushing hard. [Israel is] not going to volunteer to” provide additional humanitarian aid to Gaza, Biden added.

Other attendees at the event then approached Biden and spoke to him.

While Katz did not interrupt their conversations, he remained in the president’s vicinity, waiting for him to elaborate further.

However, when Biden noticed that Katz had not walked away, he suddenly began speaking aggressively to the journalist.

“I see you’re a typical press guy. I can trust you as far as I can throw your phone,” Biden said. “And I have a good arm, I can throw it a long way.”

The president then abruptly changed tact, saying “My point is this…I have made very clear to the Israelis what they have to do in the near term, and if they don’t, what’s going to happen.”

When Katz questioned if that meant the U.S. would cut off funding to Israel should Jerusalem not adhere to American demands, aides swooped in and hustled the journalist away from Biden.

The president reportedly has a testy relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with American media reports claiming that Biden referred to him as an “a-hole” and “bad f-ing guy” in private conversations.

Last Jew in Yemen Who Refused to Leave Dies and is Buried by Local Arabs


I'm wondering if Satmar Chassidim will make his grave a shrine since he refused to go to Israel! 

Last Thursday, Yehia Ben Yosef, one of the last remaining Jews in Yemen who refused to leave, passed away. 

Local non-Jewish residents buried him.

Iranians at the Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, chant "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".


Iran’s Supreme Leader Exploits Hajj to Spread Anti-Israel Propaganda

During the Hajj pilgrimage, Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei urged a global revolt against Israel and the US, echoing past anti-Israel sentiments and criticizing Saudi-Israeli reconciliation efforts.

 His remarks aim to disrupt Saudi Arabia's potential ties with Israel amid ongoing regional tensions.