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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Senior Hezbollah terrorist killed in fiery Israeli airstrike caught on video: IDF

 A top Hezbollah terrorist was killed in an airstrike in southern Lebanon early Tuesday, according to the Israel Defense Forces as it shared stunning footage of the attack.

The video of the assault opens with an aerial view of a car driving through the city of Aadloun, with Hezbollah operative and “key terrorist” Hussein Azqul confirmed to be inside, the IDF said.

As soon as the Israeli aircraft locks onto Azqul’s car, a missile is fired, hitting the vehicle dead center, with flames erupting from the explosion.

The blast causes the car to lose control and careen off the road before coming to a stop as it continues to burn.

A second explosion is seen further up the road, suggesting a second missile was fired but missed after the car lost control.

The attack took place on an empty roadway in the Lebanese coastal city.

Azqul was identified as “a key terrorist” in Hezbollah’s air defense system who the IDF alleged took part in the planning and execution of the group’s terror activities.

The Israeli military said Azqul’s death served as a “significant blow” to Hezbollah’s air defense unit as the IDF and the terrorist group continue to exchange fire over the northern border.

Along with Azqul, the IDF said it also killed another Hezbollah member in a separate airstrike in southern Lebanon overnight.

Muhammad Attiya, a member of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit, was also identified as an operative involved with the attacks against Israel, the IDF said.

The two senior Hezbollah members are the latest in a series of precise airstrikes that have taken out high-ranking terrorists traveling on the road in Lebanon.

Last week, Hezbollah field commander Ismail Yusaf Baz was killed after an Israeli airstrike hit is car while traveling near Tyre, just miles from where Azqul was hit.

Hezbollah has confirmed both Attiya and Azqul’s deaths, bringing the terror group’s death toll up to 287 since the start of the war in Gaza, the Times of Israel reports.

"Alteh Katchkeh" Nancy Pelosi joins Schumer in slamming Netanyahu, calls for Israel PM to resign


Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called this week for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to step down over the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, blasting him as an “obstacle” to peace and further illustrating the growing rift between Democrats and the Jewish state’s head of government.

Pelosi (D-Calif.) panned Netanyahu in an interview with Irish outlet RTÉ Monday for the security failures that led to the surprise assault that killed an estimated 1,200 people — including 33 Americans.

“His intelligence person resigned, he should resign,” Pelosi told the broadcaster’s “Six One” news program during a visit to the Emerald Isle.

Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, Israel’s head of military intelligence, resigned Monday, saying his department “did not live up to the task we were entrusted with” and “I will carry the horrible pain of the war with me forever.”

Pelosi, 84, didn’t hesitate when asked if she believes Netanyahu has been an “obstacle” to peace in the Middle East.

“Oh, he has been for years. I don’t know whether he’s afraid of peace, incapable of peace, or just doesn’t want peace. But he has been an obstacle to the two-state solution,” the Californian said. “He’s been a problem.”

Pelosi’s jab at Netanyahu echoes a March 14 speech from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the highest-ranked elected Jewish official in the US, in which the Brooklyn Democrat said the Netanyahu government “no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7.”

At the time, Pelosi hailed Schumer’s incendiary remarks as “an act of courage, an act of love for Israel.”

230 protesters arrested at Columbia, NYU anti-Israel demonstrations let go, will not have a criminal record


Most of the nearly 230 people busted during anti-Israel protests at Columbia and New York universities in the past week were let go with slaps on the wrist – despite reports that their actions are making others feel unsafe on campus.

One-hundred sixteen people arrested at NYU Monday night were hit with summonses for trespassing, while the remaining four got desk appearance tickets for obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest – neither of which result in a criminal record.

Less than one week earlier, 108 individuals – including Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter Isra Hirsi – were arrested at the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia and let off with summonses for trespassing.

Die-hard activists on both campuses were undeterred by the police intervention.

“What if I want to set up a tent?” one NYU graduate student scoffed to The Post during a walkout in Washington Square Park.

“NYU called the cops on their own students. Just like Columbia and Yale,” she added.

Another protester was overheard bragging about being at the Monday night demonstration for hours – and brandished a freshly-dented purple Stanley cup as proof.

“Bro, look at my cup. I was banging that cup so hard on the barricade for Palestine,” they gushed.

One protester toted a bag of pastries from the upscale Lafayette bakery and insisted they would demand a refund if NYU followed Columbia’s lead and moved to hybrid classes.

“I saw children being treated very poorly by the police,” said Gabriella, an NYU student and refugee. 

“They were only chanting and singing,” she added. “I wish there was more I could do.”

But the demonstrations also left Jewish students feeling increasingly unsafe.

Jewish NYU student Natalie Manocherian, 21, told The Post that she is considering leaving NYU after enduring antisemitic harassment.

“I was called a dirty Jew yesterday,” Manocherian said. “I don’t feel comfortable as a Jew right now. I go to my class and I go straight home.”

“I know people in my family who died in the Intifada, you know, like, that’s not something that should be taken lightly. And these people really have no idea,” she added.

“I think I had a false sense of security as a Jew growing up in New York my whole life and I’ve actually realized that a lot,” the Upper West Side native added.

At Columbia, the tent encampment was still going strong after nearly a full week in the rain, wind, and cold. Access to thee campus remained restricted to university ID holders.

Jewish students at the Ivy League school reported increased feelings of unrest in the face of alleged taunts and threats of physical violence.

On Monday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) denounced the encampments as “nascent pogroms,” and called on President Joe Biden to send the National Guard to break up the groups

Stanley Cohen Ex-Frum Lawyer Gets 12 Columbia Hamas Students That Were Suspended Back Into School.. His Message to Jews "F__k Them!

 Twelve Columbia University students who were suspended over an anti-Israel event on campus last month had their punishments lifted shortly after, their lawyer claimed — as the school continues to weather backlash over its handling of protesters on and near the Morningside Heights campus.

About 16 students were initially suspended for failing to provide information about “a host of student activities,” including an “unauthorized” teach-in on the history of Palestinian resistance on March 24, Stanley Cohen told the Village Sun.

The university suspected that the March 24 teach-in titled “Resistance 101” spotlighted a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is a US-designated terrorist organization, the Spectator reported.

Cohen claimed he got 12 of the suspensions thrown out — though the Columbia Daily Spectator previously reported that only six students were suspended, two of whom were quickly reinstated.

“I spoke to 16 students who were suspended — the grand total was initially 16 — unless I was hallucinating about it and spent 40 hours talking to ghosts,” scoffed Cohen, who said he was working on the case pro bono.

Columbia did not immediately return The Post’s request for clarification about the incident.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Pesach miracle in Yerushlayim!


All those hit by the car in the video only had scratches! They have all been released from the hospital! 

Video shows the moment Israel police and security forces arrested the two Arab teenagers who carried out a terror attack in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Jerusalem this morning.

Thankfully, due to a makeshift gun jam the attack only lightly wounded three Israeli civilians, preventing a possibly fatal shooting. 

In the beginning of the video the crowd screams "Yemach Shemo" but they didn't realize that the guy was an undercover cop!

Pesach Samaich !

DemonRats using an 81-year-old Alter Kocker to defraud the electorate


There was a macabre familiarity to the sight last week of a dead man in Brazil being wheeled into a bank by a greedy relative to sign a loan document.

The woman is seen on social-media video talking to the corpse in the wheelchair while trying to hold up his floppy head with one hand.

In her other hand she clutches a pen lodged between the dead man’s fingers as she attempts to sign documents to secure a loan of $3,250.

“Uncle Paulo, are you listening?” the woman, named by CNN Brazil as Érika de Souza Vieira Nunes, tells the late Paulo Braga, 68. “Sign so you don’t give me any more headaches. I can’t take it anymore.”

Uncle Paolo does not respond. His eyes are closed. His mouth is agape.

“He doesn’t look well,” the bank teller says, in the understatement of the year. “He’s very pale.”

Rio De Janeiro police who arrested Nunes said Uncle Paulo, who was actually her cousin, had been dead for at least two hours. They charged her with fraud and abuse of a corpse.

Isn’t it a pity we can’t charge the Democratic Party with the same offenses? After all, the barbaric treatment of Uncle Paolo in Brazil is a metaphor for how Democrats are using an infirm 81-year-old Joe Biden to defraud the electorate.

Those of us not in on the scam are the bank teller saying: “He doesn’t look well. Are you sure he’s OK?”
It’s as if the whole country is strapped in with the corpse in that wheelchair as it hurtles toward a cliff edge.

Most Americans agree that the “Weekend at Bernie’s” presidency has not turned out well.

Outraged Papua New Guinea academics lash out at Biden’s ‘unacceptable’ suggestion that cannibals ate his WW2 pilot uncle'They wouldn't just eat any white men that fell from the sky'


Outraged Papua New Guinea academics have slammed President Joe Biden for his ‘unacceptable’ suggestion that his uncle was eaten by cannibals in the country after his plane was shot down during World War II.'They wouldn't just eat any white men that fell from the sky"

Biden implied on two occasions Wednesday that his maternal uncle 2nd Lieutenant Ambrose J. Finnegan had met a grisly end at the hands of cannibals after his plane was shot down by the enemy over New Guinea in 1944.

But the White House and official defense records confirmed that Finnegan died when the military plane he was in experienced engine failure and crashed into the Pacific Ocean, not over land.

14 War Widows Perform ‘Halachically Necessary But Unpleasant’ Chalitza Ceremony


14 widows who lost their husbands during the Swords of Steel war have recently undergone the Chalitza ceremony which enables them to remarry, according to figures released by the Beis Din.

In a special session last week during the vacation period, Rabbi David Lau together with Rabbi Michael Amos and Rabbi Eliezer Igra performed the ceremony for one of the widows, who are considered chained and unable to marry until they are released by the brother of their deceased husband.

M, one of the women, told the Yisrael Hayom newspaper that “in the end the procedure was fine. The Rabbis were very sensitive and Rabbi Lau led the ceremony as gently and as genially as possible in the circumstances.”

T, who also lost her husband in the war, said that “It was hard to hear the details, many of which were new to me, especially that I was an Agunah (chained) and after the ceremony will be considered like a divorced woman who cannot marry a Kohen.”

T said that she had gone to a rabbi who accompanies her family to sit with him and understand better the procedure. She said that it could be “uncomfortable and painful” and discussed the matter with her brother-in-law before undergoing the procedure.

T said that “This is not a pleasant procedure but one which is halachically necessary. Just as one marries via the rabbinate, this is also via the rabbinate. I still believe that there should be changes internally, with rabbinic approval, to streamline the procedure.”

T added that widows should go to a rabbi they know to understand both the technical and spiritual aspects of the process.

Another widow said that she had not known that such ceremonies still existed and thought that they were only in the period of the Temple.

“I married the man I loved so much. I lost him in battle and now have to deal with the complex, painful and embarrassing situation. On the other hand, his family are warm and friendly and I believe we’ll get through it despite the great stress which I have been under since.”


For Shame! Jewish-Run Non-Profit Funds Pro-Hamas Protests Run by Howard Horowitz!


Over 50 Pro-Palestinian groups are involved in the anti-Israel demonstrations on university campuses throughout the US. 

At a recent congressional hearing regarding Columbia University President Minouche Shafik, Polish news outlet Visegrad24, via V24 Investigations, provided the Congressmen at the hearing with material after having sent in undercover journalists revealing how professors and faculty are radicalizing students by spreading anti-American and anti-Western propaganda.

The protesters are part of a larger network of organizations, such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Within Our Lifetime (WOL) led by Nardeen Kiswani.

Kiswani leads the group which recently blocked airports and bridges in the New York area.

In the above video, Libs of Tiktok explains the mechanism that makes funding of these organizations. It turns out that there are plenty of rich individuals who are willing to finance these obstructive protests which make life difficult for millions of Americans, with the main funneling apparatus coming via a New York based Jewish-owned non-profit.

Egypt reclaims 3,400-year-old stolen statue of Paro in Time For Pesach!


Egypt welcomed home a 3,400-year-old statue depicting the head of King Ramses II after it was stolen and smuggled out of the country more than three decades ago, the country's antiquities ministry said on Sunday.

The statue is now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo but not on display. The artefact will be restored, the ministry said in a statement.

The statue was stolen from the Ramses II temple in the ancient city of Abydos in Southern Egypt more than three decades ago. The exact date is not known, but Shaaban Abdel Gawad, who heads Egypt's antiquities repatriation department, said the piece is estimated to have been stolen in the late 1980s or early 1990s.

Egyptian authorities spotted the artefact when it was offered for sale in an exhibition in London in 2013. It moved to several other countries before reaching Switzerland, according to the antiquities ministry.

"This head is part of a group of statues depicting King Ramses II seated alongside a number of Egyptian deities," Abdel Gawad said.

Ramses II is one of ancient Egypt's most powerful pharaohs. Also known as Ramses the Great, he was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt and ruled from 1279 to 1213 B.C.

Egypt collaborated with Swiss authorities to establish its rightful ownership. Switzerland handed over the statue to the Egyptian embassy in Bern last year, but it was only recently that Egypt brought the artefact home.

Chareidim Stealing Mishpacha Magazines in Broad Daylight

I really have to laugh, Mishpacha magazine keeps pandering to Chareidim, writing that "No Yeshiva Student should be drafted to the Army," putting Roshei Yeshiva who are basically saying "that those murdered in the IDF died for nothing," on their covers. I personally consider those Roshei Yeshiva "achzorim" and cruel beyond imagination. 
So what does the Magazine get in return? A big kick in the proverbial ass!  No "good" deed goes unpunished!

The chareidim who refuse to go to the army to protect their own families have no problem violating a Biblical  מצות לא תעשה of לא תגנוב, in public!

And this is all permitted by their rabbis and leaders! 
In Ramat Beit Shemesh, for example,  there is an English-speaking Rabbi, who presides over many small shuls, that banned Mishpacha, when asked by DIN, "Why," ....he came up with some cockamamie excuse. He cannot even verbalize in an intelligent discussion on what is wrong with that magazine, though I personally can come up with many. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Jews Can No Longer Walk the Streets In London When There Are Prto-Hamas Protests


 The Metropolitan Police in London face accusations that they capitulated to radical pro-Hamas activists last weekend by threatening to arrest a British Jew because his presence was deemed provocative to a mob of anti-Israel protesters.

A shocking video published by the British Campaign Against Antisemitism from the pro-Hamas and anti-Israel march shows a Metropolitan Police officer ordering Gideon Falter, the CEO of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, not to cross a street because of his "openly Jewish" appearance. Falter was returning from a Saturday synagogue service and was wearing a kippah, or skullcap.

The London cop even threatened Falter with arrest. He accused Falter of "a breach of peace with all these other people." Falter was with five other people, some of whom were also wearing skullcaps.

Falter told Fox News Digital, "What happened to me was a disgrace. Imagine what it felt like to be told by police officers that being ‘quite openly Jewish’ would ‘antagonize’ people, and so I must leave the area on pain of arrest." 

Critics have argued that the Metropolitan Police commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley, is incapable of imposing order on the streets of London and there are now growing calls for his dismissal. 

"The time has come for Sir Mark Rowley to go. He must resign or be removed by the mayor of London and the Home secretary," Falter said.

Falter continued, "Nearly a week after the incident, Sir Mark’s assistant commissioner issued a statement calling my presence ‘provocative’ and saying that by making public what had happened, I had put a ‘dent in the confidence of many Jewish Londoners.'"

Jews Must Leave Colombia Campus Now ..AS NYPD Can not Guarantee Safety! Stefanik Calls For Shafik's Resignation!

 In a WhatsApp message sent to hundreds before the start of Passover, Rabbi Elie Buechler, director of OU-LJIC at Columbia/Barnard, told students to leave "as soon as possible" until the situation improves, noting that "what we are witnessing in and around campus is terrible and tragic."

"The events of the last few days, especially last night, have made it clear that Columbia University’s Public Safety and the NYPD cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy," Buechler wrote. "It deeply pains me to say that I would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home until the reality in and around campus has dramatically improved." 

The rabbi added: "It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus. No one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school." 

House GOP Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., on Sunday demanded Columbia University President Dr. Nemat "Minouche" Shafik to "immediately resign" given how Columbia’s leadership "has clearly lost control of its campus" within the last 24 hours, "putting Jewish students’ safety at risk." 

Stefanik asserted that Columbia leadership’s hours of preparation for their testimony before the House Education and the Workforce Committee hearing last week "clearly was an attempt to cover up for their abject failure to enforce their own campus rules and protect Jewish students on campus." 

Be Careful in what Home you dump your elderly parents :Caregiver, 26, smacks 93-year-old dementia patient with her 3lb soiled diaper repeatedly before trying to choke her ou


A caregiver has been caught viciously beating a 93-year-old dementia patient with a soiled diaper before trying to choke her out in horrific footage released by police. 

Dontia Shawnra Arrington, 26, has been charged for allegedly assaulting the vulnerable patient at Landings of Genesee Valley in Flint, Michigan on April 4. 

The attack was caught on nanny cam, which was placed in the victim's room after her daughter noticed 'handprint bruises' on her mother as far back as December. 

'I'm watching and all I kept saying was, 'My mom,' you know? 'Why are you doing this to my mom?' She's 93, 5-foot tall, a little 130-pound lady,' she told a press conference where the video was shown. 'Horrified. Just horrified.' 

Footage shows Arrington repeatedly smashing a full diaper over the victim's head while she sits helplessly in her wheelchair and raises her arms in defense. 

She then attempts to choke the woman in the bathroom. The footage later cuts to the bedroom, where Arrington slaps the lady in the mouth while still wearing her hygiene gloves. 

Arrington raises her fists and appears to threaten the patient as she towers above her wheelchair. The elderly woman is clearly distressed. 

The victim's daughter grew emotional as the video was shown at a press conference also attended by Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson and Prosecutor David Leyton.

She said that her family planted the nanny cam to get to the bottom of why her mother had been suffering bruises, and it took a few attempts to catch the abuse. 

The cameras also caught staff stealing from her mother, who has been a patient at the facility for around five years. 

She added that her mother has since been moved to a different assisted living facility and is getting better but still feels traumatized by the incident. 

Sheriff Swanson told the press conference the patient had been diagnosed with 'severe dementia'.  

'[The victim] has no idea what's going on,' he said. 'She can't process what we process on a regular basis.' 

'You see the vulnerability of the victim and the fact that she's getting hit with a two-to-three-pound soiled diaper,' he added as the horrific footage was shown. 

'But if that isn't enough, when she brought her hand across her throat in a chokehold, that can kill people, especially a 93-year-old.' 

Prosecutor Leyton said he was 'appalled, disgusted and very angry' after seeing what had unfolded in the care home where elders should have been protected.  

'I said to Chief Assistant Phillips, 'We're going to have to charge this woman as harshly as we can,' he told the press conference. 

Leyton said Arrington has been charged with torture with intent to cause cruel or extreme physical or mental pain and suffering, which carries a sentence of serving up to life in prison. 

She is also accused of vulnerable adult abuse, which is punishable by up to 15 years in prison, and assault with intent to cause great bodily harm less than murder or by strangulation, with carries a maximum penalty of 10 years. 

Swanson said Arrington does not have a violent history and her only previous brush with the law was for alleged minor shoplifting offences.  

Widow of Israeli bus driver speaks after husband killed himself following bloody Oct. 7 attack: ‘Hamas took his soul’

Haim Ben Arye was a father of eight children.

When Jews around the world gather for Passover Monday night, Irit Ben Arye will have an empty seat at the head of her family’s table.

Her school-bus driver husband, Haim, 56, shot himself in the head in his own bus about two weeks after the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7, when he rushed to evacuate shell-shocked victims from the devastated Kibbutz Be’eri.

He returned to his wife of 30 years a changed man after that bloody day, she told The Post.

“He kept everybody safe but himself. He kept it silent. . . . Hamas took his soul, his happiness.

“If not for what he saw, none of this would have happened,” Irit, 50, said.

“He’d be alive now and expecting our first grandchild together, making plans, planning weddings for children.”

The family’s favorite holiday comes Monday, just days after a survivor of the Nova music festival told the Israeli Knesset that nearly 50 attendees have killed themselves since.

The country’s Ministry of Health has denied the claim.

The father of eight kids aged 14 to 29 answered his boss’s call in the waning hours of Oct. 7, hopping into his bus to rescue those stranded at the battered kibbutz 25 miles away, where about 100 people were killed.

“I don’t think anyone imagined what he would see or meet,” Irit said.

Haim loaded the bus with babies, children, and wheelchair-bound elderly and drove two hours to safety in the Dead Sea region.

” ‘I just couldn’t help them,’ ” he said through tears upon returning home at 5 a.m. the next day.

“’The smell of blood and death came from them,’ ” he later told Irit.

“‘I saw from the kids’ eyes that they saw their parents getting killed – they were in a state of shock.’ “

The “always smiling” dad was especially devastated by the children.

“‘They were alive but they were dead,’” he told his wife.

No one spoke during the drive, he said, calling it, “deafening silence. Even the babies didn’t cry.”

While the number of suicides related to the massacre is in dispute, advocates have pushed for more mental health resources for survivors.

Daniel and Neria Sharabi, two 20–something Nova survivor brothers who visited New York in February to help fundraise for victims, claimed a number of young people have taken their lives in the aftermath.

“It’s trauma on trauma on trauma. No one takes responsibility for these people,” said Neria.

“No one even talks about it – the families don’t want to publish it. The situation is very terrible and sensitive.”

Nova co-founder Ofir Amir, 41, who is in New York for Sunday’s opening of the new Nova Music Festival Exhibition downtown, said he knew of three suicides, adding, “nothing’s really verified.”

With school canceled and no work, Haim became fixated on every news development.

“He was in front of the TV all the time to see what’s happening,” said Irit.

Three days before he killed himself, school resumed and Haim was called back to work, using the same bus that transported the living dead.

“I think that was some sort of trigger for him – it wasn’t his happy bus anymore, but sort of a haunted bus,” she said.

The morning of Oct. 25 was typical, with Haim giving his wife a kiss before going to synagogue and work. Later that morning, the veteran bus driver, who used to triumphantly mount his beloved 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzles in the living room, got into a minor accident.

“He parked his bus outside, and he shot himself in the head,” said Irit.

“I felt as if somebody punched me in the stomach.”

The pair met when Irit was just 19, and had knocked on the side of the bus Haim was driving as it pulled away.

He stopped and they chatted as he let her sit on the steps while he drove.

They married six months later.

She wants Haim to be recognized by the state as a terror victim.

“He saw those children and babies . . . and his heart bled slowly,” she said.

“It’s not just the people who immediately got murdered by Hamas – there was a second wave of death.”

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or are experiencing a mental health crisis and live in New York City, you can call 1-888-NYC-WELL for free and confidential crisis counseling. If you live outside the five boroughs, you can dial the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention hotline at 988 or go to SuicidePreventionLifeline.org.


Israeli High-Tech Missile Damaged Iran’s Radar Systems and the Drones Were Fired INSIDE Iran!


Israel’s attack on Iran was carried out with at least one missile fired from a fighter jet in addition to drones and was more advanced than initially reported, The New York Times reported over the weekend.

The missile, equipped with technology that enabled it to evade Iran’s radar defense systems, damaged a Russian-made S-300 air defense system near the Natanz nuclear site in Isfahan.

According to two anonymous Western sources, the missile attack was intended to show Tehran that Israel can evade and paralyze Iran’s defense systems.

The report added that the missile was fired “far from Israeli or Iranian airspace” and did not enter Jordanian airspace.

The attack also involved drones fired from within Iran.