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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Chabad in Pomona Burns Down


Blame Barack Obama for Iran’s attacks on Israel and their bloody global price


If a belligerent state launched 186 explosive drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles from three fronts against civilian targets within the United States, would Joe Biden call it a “win”?

Would the president tell us the best thing we can do now is show “restraint”?

What if that same terror state’s proxy armies had recently helped murder, rape and kidnap more than 1,000 American men, women and children?

What if this terror state were trying to obtain nuclear weapons so it could continue to agitate without any consequences?

This is what Joe Biden and the Barack Obama acolytes, Iranian dupes and Israel antagonists he’s surrounded himself with demand of the Jewish state.

And by “Iranian dupes,” I don’t only mean the Jake Sullivans and Antony Blinkens of the world, who worked to elevate the mullahs over Sunni allies and the Israelis, or even a Hamas-bestie like Rob Malley or Israel-hater like Maher Bitar.

I mean assets of the Islamic Republic who promised the Iranian government to help out in any way possible.

Their worldview is a cancer that’s metastasized within the Democratic Party.

To these people, Israel will always be the villain.

Brazilian woman wheels a dead guy into bank to co-sign a loan for her: ‘Uncle, are you listening?

In a mind-boggling scene straight out of “Weekend at Bernie’s,” a Brazilian woman reportedly wheeled the corpse of an elderly man into a Rio de Janeiro bank Tuesday to try to get him to co-sign on a loan.

The bank customer, identified as Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes, was captured on video standing next to the deceased seated in a chair and seemingly holding up his drooping head.

The wild footage, which was first aired by TV Globo, Brazil’s largest broadcaster, captured Nunes talking to the dead man, whom she addressed as her “uncle,” and asking him to sign financial documents that would allow her to take out a $3,400 loan.

“Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign [the loan contract]. If you don’t sign, there’s no way, because I can’t sign for you,” Nunes says in the video, while thrusting a pen between his limp fingers and instructing him to hold it “hard.”

“Sign so you don’t give me any more headaches, I can’t take it anymore,” she adds.

When a bank worker tries to point out that the man’s color looks off and he appears “not well,” Nunes dismisses his concerns.

“He is like that. He doesn’t say anything,” Nunes says. “Uncle, do you want to go to the [hospital] again?”

Unnerved bank staffers quickly called the police, who arrived and arrested Nunes.

It was later determined that the decedent, identified as 68-year-old Paulo Roberto Braga, had been dead for several hours prior to his trip to the bank.

“She tried to pretend to get him to sign the loan. He already entered the bank dead,” Police Chief Fábio Luiz told TV Globo. “The main thing is to continue the investigation to identify other family members, and find out more about this loan.

Cops said they will look into the circumstances of Braga’s death and will try to determine whether Nunes is actually his niece, and whether other relatives were involved in the alleged attempt to commit bank fraud.

Nunes could face charges of theft through fraud, or embezzlement, and abuse of corpse.

These are the Vicious Antisemite Professors of Columbia University


Left to right: Massad, Dabashi, Franke, Abdou,Ahmed

As Columbia University’s president insisted Wednesday that the Ivy League school was doing all it could to crackdown on rising antisemitism, the campus remains filled with a slew of professors who have a history of spewing controversial remarks.

Ranging from a politics professor who declared that the Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel was “awesome” to another who boasted “Yes, I’m with Hamas,” Columbia President Minouche Shafik was forced to address some of her faculty’s remarks as she was grilled by lawmakers in Washington DC.

At least three faculty members — Joseph Massad, Mohamed Abdou and Katherine Franke — were mentioned specifically by name during the congressional hearing. Others, though, have also been ripped over their history of remarks.

Here’s are Columbia’s most controversial professors and their incendiary remarks:

Joseph Massad:

48 countries condemn Iranian attack on Israel


The Permanent Representatives of 48 countries at the United Nations on Wednesday issued a joint statement condemning Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel.

“We unequivocally condemn the April 13 attacks by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its militant partners on the State of Israel, which involved launching several hundred ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and attack drones against multiple targets, and note this large-scale attack could have caused significant damage and loss of life,” the statement said.

“We further condemn the fact that the weapons launched at Israel violated the airspace of several regional states, putting at risk the lives of innocent people in those countries, and appeared to traverse airspace near holy sites in Jerusalem,” it added.

“We welcome the efforts to avert a further immediate escalation of violence in the region, following the successful coordinated efforts to defend against Iran’s attack.”

“We condemn Iran’s unlawful seizure of a Portuguese flagged commercial ship near the Strait of Hormuz on April 13 and call on Iran to release the ship and its international crew immediately.”

“We note that Iran’s escalatory attack is the latest in a pattern of dangerous and destabilizing actions by Iran and its militant partners that pose a grave threat to international peace and security,” the envoys said.

They called “on all regional parties to take steps to avert further escalation of the situation and demand that all Council resolutions be fully implemented. We will strengthen our diplomatic cooperation to work toward resolving all tensions in the region.”

The statement was signed by the envoys of the United States, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

FBI Director Chris Wray predicts Iranian terrorism on US soil


The State Department has adhered to the diplomatic option toward Iran, rewarding the Ayatollahs with a financial and diplomatic bonanza, waiving and softening economic sanctions. However, FBI Director Chris Wray has concluded that Iran and its Islamic terrorist proxies are set to hit the US mainland. Iran is leveraging its cooperation with US criminal organizations and with Latin American drug cartels in the areas of terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking and money laundering.

Addressing cadets at the West Point US Military Academy, Wray stated: “The ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans inside the US to a whole another level…. Although we cannot discount the possibility of another coordinated 9/11-style attack by a foreign terrorist organization, our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here at home….”

In his testimony at the House Committee on Homeland Security, Director Wray stated: “As the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, the Iranians [who collaborate with all Latin American drug cartels] have directly, or by hiring criminals, mounted assassination attempts against dissidents and high ranking current and former US officials, including right here on American soil…. Hezbollah, Iran’s primary strategic partner, has tried to seed operatives, establish infrastructure and engage in spying here domestically… planning future operations in the US….

Biden Warns Israel Not To Attack Haifa????????


Wow! Who Knew that Israel wants to attack Haifa? 

I know that a lot of Haifans want to attack the rest of Israel as the residents of Haifa are more or less leftists, and now they have Biden's support! 

President Biden on Tuesday confused the Israeli port city of Haifa with the last refuge for civilians in the Gaza Strip — Rafah — in a stunning blunder

The 81-year-old president made the gaffe when asked in a one-on-one interview with Nexstar Media’s Reshad Hudson about his plan to win back pro-Palestinian voters in the wake of Israel’s war against Hamas. 

“I’ve been meeting with them, number one,” Biden said. “Number two, I made it clear that we have to vastly increase the amount of food, water, healthcare going into Gaza.”

“And I made it clear to Israelis – don’t move on Haifa,” he added, apparently meaning to say Rafah.

Biden then trailed off, seemingly losing his train of thought or any interest in elaborating on the point. 

“It’s just not, I mean, anyway,” the commander in chief said. 

In recent weeks, Rafah has become the focal point of Israel’s efforts to free Hamas-held hostages and rid the Gaza Strip of members of the terror group.  

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that “no force in the world” will stop the Israeli Defense Forces from advancing into Rafah, which has become the Gaza Strip’s most populous town, harboring more than 1 million Palestinian refugees.

Rafah is believed to be the operating site of four of the remaining six Hamas battalions.

Haifa, Israel’s third-largest city and a popular tourist destination, is more than 100 miles north of Rafah. 

Numerous social media users mocked Biden over the gaffe. 

“I think Israel should accommodate Biden’s demand not to attack Haifa,” former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman wrote on X.

“Think there’s strong likelihood Israel refrains from hitting Haifa,” former New York state Assemblyman Dov Hikind similarly tweeted, calling the error, “seriously embarrassing.”

Several users saw the mistake as a sign that the president – well-known for his frequent gaffes – is in cognitive decline. 

An ABC News/Ipsos poll released in February found that 86% of US adults believe Biden – the oldest president in US history – is too old for another term in office.

The White House has insisted that Biden, who would be 86-years-old at the end of a second term, if re-elected,  is not in cognitive decline and “doesn’t need” a test to prove it.

Israel could get away with whatever it wants if it has the capability to go it alone. America now is weak. Israel is strong


The following was gleaned from Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer's article in the Times of Israel 
12 Take-Aways! 

1. Iran forced America to outright participate, for the first time ever, in defending Israel.

2. Iran took the wind out of Biden criticizing Israel for the unfortunate fog-of-war bombing of the seven humanitarian food people.

3. Iran forced Biden to stop pressing for a Gaza ceasefire and instead to beg for a retaliation ceasefire.

4. Iran forced Jordan to outright participate, for the first time ever, in defending Israel, albeit by defending their own Jordanian air space.

5. Iran took the wind out of England’s miserable David Cameron criticizing Israel for the unfortunate fog-of-war bombing of the seven humanitarian food people.

6. Iran forced Cameron to stop pressing for a Gaza ceasefire and instead to beg for a retaliation ceasefire.

7. Iran put Israel’s Iron Dome, Arrow II, and David’s Sling systems to their first-ever true battle tests when the chips are on the table.

8 Iran demonstrated to Israel, America, Arabs, and the world that those systems are pretty, pretty, pretty good.

9. Iran provided Israel with an advertising and marketing opportunity more valuable than buying a minute on the Super Bowl, to line up customers throughout the world to buy Israeli-made air-defense systems because they now are proven, beyond bluster and hype, to actually work during warfare.

10. Iran showed the Sunni Muslim Arab world what awaits them if the Shiite Muslim Iranians ever succeed against Israel, forcing those Sunnis to consider joining the Abraham Accords to protect their own necks because they each know that, if Iran shot 300 things at them, their oil fields would be gone, and so would they, except for a surviving keffiyeh or two.

11. Iran killed an Arab Muslim Nomad girl.

12. American Democrats (other than the insane Squad of Marxist Jew-haters) now are forced to recognize that Israel is not a basket case standing in line for charity but is a critical partner in protecting American interests in the Middle East. That is why, although Israel almost-always takes heat from the American State Department, she is a favorite of the Defense Department. Secretaries of State (except Alexander Haig, George Shultz, and Mike Pompeo) hate Israel. But Defense Secretaries (except for Jewish apostate Caspar Weinberger) love or, at least, like Israel.

I don’t know whether Israel’s defense establishment believes it has the tools and skills to take out Iranian nuclear reactors, but if it does, this is the time to strike. Or take out some missile factories. Or take out Iran’s electric grid. Or their water purification system. Let the Iranians rebuild those things with the great technological minds of the Houthis.

The point is that, under normal circumstances, such attacks by Israel would inflame Israel’s “allies,” who would condemn and withhold arms shipments, and pass hateful resolutions in the Security Council. They would blame Israel for starting World War III. But right now, at this moment, Israel could get away with it if she has the capability to go it alone. The American Congress would support it. There are plenty more than 51 votes in Senate if Schumer gets out of the way, maybe even if he does not. Americans, no less than Israelis, want that Iranian nuclear program wiped out. The thing is, America now is weak. Israel is strong. Crazy, huh?

Americans have no taste for Muslim madmen in turbans running the world through murderous proxies. If Trump gets elected, the Biden spigot to Iran gets turned off for at least four years and maybe eight or twelve.

To any fool contemplating voting for Biden in November, I have one word:


Israel unlikely to strike Iran until after Passover


Israel prepared for and then aborted retaliatory strikes against Iran on at least two nights this past week, three Israeli sources told ABC News on Wednesday.

According to the report, a range of responses to the drone and missile attack have been presented to the Israeli War Cabinet. The potential responses include options ranging from attacking Iranian proxies in the region but not on Iranian soil to a potential cyber attack, the sources said.

Israel is unlikely to carry out a strike on Iran until after Passover, which begins at sundown on Monday, a senior US official told ABC News, although that could always change.

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and other leadership are still on a high state of alert, with some in safe houses and underground facilities, the official added.

Earlier on Wednesday, Axios reported that Israel considered conducting a counterstrike against Iran on Monday night but eventually decided to postpone it.

The report stated, citing two Israeli officials, that on Monday, the Israeli War Cabinet considered giving the IDF the green light for a strike against Iran. However, later that night, a decision was made not to go through with it "for operational reasons."

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reported that Iran is bracing for an Israeli counterattack on its territory or proxies.

According to the report, Iran is readying its air force for strikes and its navy would begin escorting commercial Iranian ships in the Red Sea.

Thousands of "Innocent' Gazans at the beach while tens of thousands of Israelis are still evacuated from their homes or hostages are still held captive in Gaza.


Footage of thousands of Gazans enjoying the beach at Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip caused great anger in Israel.

"While Israeli citizens are preparing bomb shelters and buying generators, and at least 100,000 civilians are evacuated from their homes in the north and south of the country, and most importantly 133 hostages are still in Gaza, residents of Deir al-Balah demonstrate what 'a step from absolute victory' looks like," one social media user commented.

Journalist Barak Ravid wrote: "It must be said that there is no longer a war in Gaza. Maybe there is partial and limited fighting. Maybe Israeli TV channels will also report on this eventually."

"Netanyahu, don't say you didn't know," one user tweeted. "In our country, there are places that can't be reached. And until residents return, they suffer attacks as residents return to their bombed homes. And in Gaza they relax on the beach... Beautiful. A step from victory."

The Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, responded to the footage: "In Gaza - pictures of thousands bathing at the beach. In the north - Hezbollah saw that the Misconception Cabinet did not respond to an attack of hundreds of missiles from Iran to Israel, so they raised their heads and increased their aggression against us, which cost us in wounded soldiers today."

Ben-Gvir added: "The time has come to dismantle that Cabinet, to stop the policy of containment and proportionality, and to show our enemies that we have had enough. As long as the current policy of that Cabinet continues, unfortunately, the absolute victory is getting further away."

A user named Liron Samuels commented: "If this is what the beach at Deir Al-Balah looks like, there probably is no war." Another user wrote: "Now it's clear why they provoked Iran. To divert public attention from the lack of fighting in Gaza to continue fighting against Iran."

The Torat Lehima organization commented: "The terrible lynching video of our abducted brother Jordan Bibas by 'residents of Gaza' on the same day that a video comes out of 'residents of Gaza' bathing in the sea while he is in captivity, demonstrates the atrocity of the Misconception Cabinet towards our abducted brothers and sisters, supplying trucks of aid to these savages. These 'residents of Gaza' are murderous terrorists. There is not one of them that is innocent. Aid to Gaza is aid to the enemy."

US agrees to Israel's plan for Rafah operation on Condition that Israel NOT Retaliate Against Iran


Egyptian sources told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the US agreed to accept Israel's plan for an operation in Rafah - so long as Israel does not carry out a widescale strike on Iranian soil.

The source said that his country's military is on high alert along the Gaza-Egypt border, in preparation for a potential ground incursion by the IDF into Rafah.

According to the source, Egypt raised its alert level following a lengthy conversation with Israel and the understanding that the IDF is carrying out intensive preparations for a widescale operation in the area.

On WednesdayABC News quoted three Israeli sources as saying that Israel prepared for and then aborted retaliatory strikes against Iran on at least two nights this past week.

According to the report, a range of responses to the drone and missile attack have been presented to the Israeli War Cabinet. The potential responses include options ranging from attacking Iranian proxies in the region but not on Iranian soil to a potential cyber attack, the sources said.

In addition, a senior US official told ABC News that Israel is unlikely to carry out a strike on Iran until after Passover, which begins at sundown on Monday, although that could always change.

Terror Victims Sue Biden, Accuse Him Of Funneling $1.5 Billion To Hamas


A lawsuit filed by Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas and victims of terror attacks in Israel alleges that the Biden administration has unlawfully provided $1.5 billion in aid to organizations in Gaza and the West Bank that support Hamas and other terrorist groups.

The lawsuit claims that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have known for years that the aid is providing material support for Hamas’ tunnels, rockets, and other terror infrastructure.

The lawsuit alleges that the funding violates the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits U.S. aid from going to the Palestinian Authority if it is used to fund terrorism. The complaint claims that the funding has allowed the Palestinian Authority to use its own assets to fund terrorism.

The lawsuit includes new emails obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that allegedly reveal the administration’s attempts to undermine Israel.

A federal judge denied a motion by the Biden administration to dismiss the case in October, two days after Hamas terrorists killed an estimated 1,200 people, including 33 Americans.

Biden's Grandpapa was "shot down by cannibals" They almost made him into "Yaptcha"


Did Mossad Kidnap and Murder a Money Changer Linked to Hezbollal in Lebanon? Lebanon Says "Yes"

Municipal police officers patrol outside a villa where the Lebanese money changer Mohammad Srour, 57, was found tortured and killed in Monte Verdi neighborhood of Beit Meri, Lebanon, Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Lebanon’s interior minister alleged Wednesday that the mysterious abduction and killing of a Hezbollah-linked Lebanese financier in a villa on the edge of a quiet mountain resort town earlier this month was likely the work of Israeli operatives.

 Lebanon’s interior minister alleged Wednesday that the mysterious abduction and killing of a Hezbollah-linked Lebanese currency exchanger in a villa on the edge of a quiet mountain resort town earlier this month was likely the work of Israeli operatives.

The killing of Mohammad Srour, 57, who was sanctioned by the U.S., was like something out of an international spy thriller. Pistols equipped with silencers and gloves were found in a bucket of water and chemicals at the scene, apparently intended to remove fingerprints and other evidence, Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi said in an interview with The Associated Press. Thousands of dollars in cash were left scattered around Srour’s body, as if to dispel any speculation that robbery was the motive.

“Lebanese security agencies have suspicion or accusations that Mossad was behind this operation,” Mawlawi said, referring to the Israeli spy agency. “The way the crime was carried out led to this suspicion.”

He provided no specific evidence for his allegations. Mawlawi said the investigation is still ongoing and once it’s over the results will be made public and referred to judicial authorities.

The Israeli prime minister’s office, which oversees Mossad, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Appalling how Columbia Univ President Said that a Vicious Antisemite Professor Still Teaching "Was Spoken to"


 Columbia University’s president, its two board co-chairs and a co-chair of its antisemitism taskforce testified before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on Wednesday about Jew-hatred on campus since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack.

Student groups and professors celebrated Hamas’s attack and have since held antisemitic and anti-Israel demonstrations at Columbia, which the U.S. Department of Education is investigating for potential civil-rights violations and which is the subject of a lawsuit alleging “virulently hostile” Jew-hatred.

Members of the House committed asked Minouche Shafik, Columbia’s president, about Joseph Massad, a tenured professor of modern Arab politics and intellectual history, who wrote an article on Oct. 8 describing the Hamas massacre as a “stunning victory” that was “awesome.”

“I am appalled by what he said,“ Shafik said. “He has been spoken to.”

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) was incredulous that Massad continues to teach and that a “talking to” was the extent of his punishment.

“Spoken to?” Walberg said. “He’s been spoken to?”

Asked by the committee whether they would approve tenure for Massad if he was being considered today, Claire Shipman and David Greenwald, co-chairs of Columbia’s board of trustees, said they would not.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Isaac Karczag Arrested For Killing 10 year-year old Yitta Wertzberger As She Crossed Street having "right of way" in Williamsburg


 The driver responsible for the tragic incident has been arrested after fatally striking a 10-year-old girl in a Brooklyn crosswalk. 

The incident occurred at an intersection in Williamsburg around 2:40 p.m. on Tuesday. According to reports, the driver, Isaac Karczag, was operating a silver Buick and allegedly veered into an oncoming lane while turning against the light. The young victim, Yitty Wertzberger, was in the crosswalk with the walk light when she was knocked to the ground and run over by the vehicle. Despite efforts to save her, Yitty succumbed to her injuries.

 Witnesses at the scene described the immediate response, with one person using their jacket to stem the bleeding. Yitty was only about three blocks away from home when the tragic accident occurred. The driver now faces charges including failure to yield to a pedestriandisobeying a traffic device, and failure to exercise due careYitty’s community mourns the loss of a young life, as her father is a teacher in their school

Netanyahu says 9 chilling words as Iran's president vows to completely destroy Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left no doubt in a statement on Wednesday, regarding what his Jewish country might do should current tensions with Iran escalate further.

"Israel will do whatever it needs to defend itself," Netanyahu said in a statement.

The comment came after separate meetings with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Israel on Wednesday, where the ministers discussed actions Israel could pursue to retaliate for Iran’s unprecedented, direct attack on Israel over the weekend.

"They have all sorts of suggestions and advice. I appreciate that. But I want to be clear: Our decisions we will make ourselves," the prime minister added.

During the meeting, Baerbock said escalation "would serve no one, not Israel's security, not the many dozens of hostages still in the hands of Hamas, not the suffering population of Gaza, not the many people in Iran who are themselves suffering under the regime, and not the third countries in the region who simply want to live in peace," Reuters reported.

Netanyahu's comment also comes just hours after Iran’s president has vowed to completely destroy Israel, should it proceed with even the "tiniest invasion" of its country.

President Ebrahim Raisi vowed a "massive and harsh" response to potential Israeli retaliation, during a speech Wednesday at an annual army parade.

Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel on Saturday in response to an apparent strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Syria on April 1 that killed 12 people, including two Iranian generals. Iran blames Israel for the attack, although Israel has not claimed any involvement.

Raisi said Saturday’s attack was a limited one but that "nothing would remain from the Zionist regime," should it escalate the current situation, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Israel has said it will respond, although it has not provided additional details on how or when.

Its allies have urged any retaliation to be strikes in areas that would not result in human casualties and thus, likely avoid further escalation.

Don't use this olive oil or canola oil

 Israel's Health Ministry on Tuesday warned the public not to use "crushed olive oil" or "refined canola oil" produced by "Shemen Hama'ale."

The matter was first reported by Israel Hayom. The oils in question may have any expiry date; the labels claim that they were produced in Ma'ale Iron.

Following a complaint received regarding the oils' taste, the Health Ministry conducted laboratory tests on a number of the products, and found that the constitution of the products' fatty acids are not compatible with the types of oils the products are labeled as.

In addition, even though the labels claim that the oils were manufactured/packaged in Ma'ale Iron, there is no oil factory in Ma'ale Iron which is known to the Health Ministry.

The public is therefore asked not to use the aforementioned products, regardless of expiration date.

"The Health Ministry's Food Service will continue to examine and identify cases of food fraud, such as the fake oils," a statement read. "If a breach of the legislative or standard requirements in Israel is found, steps will be taken against the one dealing in the food, using all means available to the [Health] Ministry."