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Monday, March 18, 2024

Syrian Writer Wafa Sultan Throes a Truth Bomb on Al Jazeera ....Al Jazeera Shocked


Media Falsely Claims that Donald Trump Warned of a "bloodbath" if he loses the 2024 election, listen to what he actually said


Montage of Dems Calling for Violence


Watch and puke... these are the guys that Israel is being forced to release for Hostages


Still The Best Explanation of what is Actually Happening in Gaza.


Germany can’t sit by and watch Gaza starve, Scholz tells Netanyahu..This From a Country That Murdered Six-Million Jews Not Long Ago!


 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on Sunday that his country cannot sit by and watch Palestinian men and women starve amid the war in Gaza.


"We cannot stand by and risk Palestinian women and men starving. Much more humanitarian aid must reach Gaza, a way must be found to improve the means of distribution," Scholz said, as Western nations increase their criticism of ally Israel

China is finally reaping what it sowed

There have been plenty of hypocritical statements by foreign ministry spokesmen over the years. Russia’s protestations that it wants peace in Ukraine ring hollow, and Iran’s claims that it has nothing to do with unrest in the Middle East don’t sound convincing. 

And yet, even by the low standards of the genre, China’s official mouthpiece hit a fresh low last week with its complaints that the forced sale of the social media app Tik Tok violated free and fair competition between open markets. From the country that has banned Facebook, X, YouTube and many others, the hypocrisy was stunning. 

The US would be quite right to demand it be sold. If the bill passes the Senate, China will be forced to either open up its own markets, or else accept that its multinationals won’t be able to expand globally – and either would be an improvement on the blatantly rigged market we have right now.

If it happens, it is going to be a huge sale, and one that will reshape the social media industry. With 1.7 billion users globally, Byte Dance’s TikTok is by far the most successful new internet product of the last decade. Last week, the US House of Representatives decided on national security grounds that the company could no longer be allowed to operate in the country while it was controlled from China. 

Joe Lieberman slams Schumer ‘Can’t ever remember anything like it’

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman on Sunday blasted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for calling for an election to replace Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, denouncing the New York Democrat’s remarks as “outrageous.”

“I thought the statement he made this week … was a mistake. I can’t ever remember anything like it,” Lieberman told host John Catsimatidis on the “Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM.

Lieberman, 82, a former Democratic senator from Connecticut who later became an Independent before his 2013 retirement, was the first Jewish-American to appear on a presidential ticket when then-Vice President Al Gore tapped him as his running mate in 2000.

“For a US senator — let alone the majority leader; let alone the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in Washington — to tell Israel that it’s time to get rid of Netanyahu, that’s outrageous,” Lieberman said of Schumer.

Schumer's words drew swift and strong rebukes from Republicans and Israeli leaders alike, including Netanyahu himself, who on Sunday fired back at Schumer for his “totally inappropriate” speech.

“I think what he said is totally inappropriate. It’s inappropriate for him to go to a sister democracy and try to replace the elected leadership there,” Netanyahu said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

“That’s something that [the] Israeli public does on its own. We’re not a banana republic.”

Lieberman added, “Can you imagine Sen. Schumer or anybody else in the US government saying to the Brits, ‘We don’t like your prime minister. It’s really time for you to dump him.’ Oh my god, there’d be outrage all around.

“It’s a bad precedent for us to tell a friend and ally, a democratic ally, ‘Get rid of this government. we don’t like him,’ ” the former senator said.

President Biden on Friday praised Schumer, telling reporters he thought the Democrat made a “good speech” during an Oval Office meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar.

Biden is facing increased pressure at home over his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict as presidential election season gets into full swing.

A poll published by the Wall Street Journal last week found that 60% of voters disapprove of how Biden has dealt with the war.

Donald Trump, asked about Schumer’s speech by Fox News “MediaBuzz” host Howard Kurtz on Sunday, blasted the Democratic Party’s record on Israel.

“The Democrats are very bad for Israel,” said the former president, now the presumptive GOP nominee for the 2024 presidential contest. “Israel sticks with them. I guess Israel is loyal, maybe to a fault, because they stick with these guys. Biden is so bad for Israel.”

Migrant Caught At US Border Admits Being Hezbollah Agent Trying To Plant Bomb In New York


A shocking revelation has emerged from the US-Mexico border, as a Lebanese migrant caught sneaking into the country admitted to being a member of the terrorist organization Hezbollah and planning to make a bomb in New York. Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was apprehended by border patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas.

According to a Border Patrol document obtained by The New York Post, Ebbadi confessed to his intentions, stating, “I’m going to try to make a bomb.” In a subsequent sworn interview, he revealed that he had trained with Hezbollah for seven years and served as an active member guarding weapons locations for another four years. Ebbadi’s training focused on “jihad” and killing non-Muslims.

This alarming incident comes amid a surge in migrants on the terror watchlist entering the US illegally, with 59 apprehensions in the first four months of 2024 alone. The total number of terror watchlisted encounters has risen significantly since 2022, with 172 recorded in fiscal year 2023 and 98 in fiscal year 2022.

Ebbadi’s admission raises serious concerns about the vetting process for migrants entering the country. He claimed to be fleeing Lebanon to avoid killing people, yet his intentions were far from peaceful.

Border agents have recorded numerous encounters with terror watchlisted individuals, including a recent incident just days before former President Donald Trump’s visit to Eagle Pass, Texas.

Schumer’s Lady ‘Rabbi’ Is a Self-Hating Jewish Female Activist and Demands Israelis Dump Netanyahu or Face the Consequences

  The media decided to defend Sen. Schumer’s attack on Israel and call to spare Hamas and create a terrorist state by rushing out his “rabbi,” Rachel Timoner, to claim that “he said what most of us think” and “what the overwhelming majority of American Jews are saying to each other.”

The first part of that is probably true.

Rachel Timoner is an activist with such anti-Israel groups as J Street and T’ruah and co-founded the New York Jewish Agenda leftist organization alongside Sharon Kleinbaum, who faced an exodus from her “temple” after saying Kaddish for Hamas terrorists, with a mission of fighting the city’s Orthodox Jews.

The latter isn’t because these anti-Israel extremists don’t represent Jews. They represent only the Jew-hating far left.

Bringing out Timoner, the clergywoman of the leftist congregation Schumer attends, doesn’t help him. It reveals how bad he really is.

Let’s take a look at what Rachel Timoner has been up to.

Timoner took part in a recent anti-Israel “ceasefire” rally while whining that “continued war and Israeli occupation of Gaza will be an unmitigated disaster.”

She signed on to a letter by the T’ruah anti-Israel hate group which claimed that “there is no military solution” and demanded that Biden “ensure that Israel does not invade Rafah” and finish off Hamas.

In the past, Timoner had signed on to a T’ruah/J Street letter defending BDS.

Timoner, the author of op-eds such as “Fellow Dykes: We Must Be Both Pro-Israel And Pro-Palestine,” tries to have it both ways, but she picked her side.

The side of those who murder Jews.

We know what Timoner is. Now what does tell us about what Schumer is?

“Schumer has attended Timoner’s synagogue near his home in Park Slope, Brooklyn for at least a decade. Timoner officiated his daughter’s wedding, blessed his three grandchildren and buried his father.”

This is what Schumer embraced as his guiding spiritual light.

A mere few weeks after the Hamas atrocities, Timoner was already scolding Israel in a sermon, warning that “killing thousands of Palestinian civilians will not bring back the Israeli civilians.”

She repeated the same message in a New York Times op-ed.

T’ruah summed up Timoner’s remarks at one anti-Israel rally as, “American Jews must tell our govt. we oppose this war and want an end to the occupation and a real political solution for Palestinians and Israelis.”

That’s the message Sen. Schumer took to the Senate. It’s not the message of American Jews, but of their leftist and Islamist enemies.

‘Cruel’ Medicaid program targets dead peoples’ homes to recoup health care costs


 As Salvatore LoGrande fought cancer and all the pain that came with it, his daughters promised to keep him in the white, pitched roof house he worked so hard to buy all those decades ago.

So, Sandy LoGrande thought it was a mistake when, a year after her father’s death, Massachusetts billed her $177,000 for her father’s Medicaid expenses and threatened to sue for his home if she didn’t pay up quickly.

“The home was everything,” to her father said LoGrande, 57.

But the bill and accompanying threat weren’t a mistake.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Anger rising over South Africa Milking millions of US benefits while cozying up to Iran, Russia and Hamas


 South Africa is under fire for spending millions of dollars talking to terror group Hamas and sending delegations for cozy negotiations with U.S. adversaries Russia and Iran. Some critics say the money would be better spent tackling the "chaos" back home.

South Africa has the highest unemployment rate in the world, rampant crime and widespread corruption, which has led to large parts of Johannesburg having no water for 10 out of the past 11 days, and, nationally, power blackouts between four and 11 hours a day.

The U.S. helps South Africa gain billions of dollars a year in trade benefits through the African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA.  Orde Kittrie, law professor at Arizona State University and senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital it’s time for South Africa to be thrown out of the program. 

Purim in the Mosque



Amazing!!! Not One Arab Questioned can name any Important "Palestinian" From Even 100 Years Ago!!!!!


Rabbi (rebbettzin) Stein and other "rabbis" Pose With Vicious Antisemite!

Don't be surprised by the "Rabbi" on the right in the red jacket, this is a Satmar Chasidic named Stein who went from man to woman and a strong activist against Zionism because, according to Rabbi Yoel of Satmar, anyone who fights Zionism is exempt from all commandments, and therefore Stein dedicates his life and soul to fighting Zionism even though he commits an abomination according to the Torah every day

According to him, he is the righteous man of the generation - he serves as a rabbi

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Schumer’s Real Track Record on Israel and the Ramifications of His Colossal Betrayal


In a recent address on the Senate floor, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer delivered an address replete with complete betrayal of Israel and as such has stirred controversy and raised eyebrows across the political spectrum. Schumer’s remarks, while cloaked in diplomatic language, essentially amounted to a call for a change in leadership in Israel, urging its citizens to elect a new prime minister.

At the heart of Schumer’s message that dominated the global stage was the sheer rancor and frustration that is reverberating in the White House and the State Department concerning their inability to stop Israel from succeeding in its battle for its existential survival against the Hamas terrorists that brutally massacred 1200 Israelis and others on October 7th while taking 250 hostages.  He pointedly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of prioritizing his own political survival over the best interests of the nation. Schumer’s assertion that Netanyahu’s tolerance of civilian casualties in Gaza is eroding support for Israel worldwide is echoing what Biden has been saying in recent interviews.

However, while Israel stands united in the face of adversity, challenges emerge from within the United States, particularly within the Democratic Party. Despite overwhelming support for Israel among Americans as a whole, a concerning trend is evident within certain segments of the Democratic Party.

Rabbi Sings "Stand by Me" ...Impressive


Toronto Police Arrest Reporter Because He Asked Questions From Hamas Supporters


Doctors immigrating to Israel: 'War made us realize where we belong'


Several medical professionals hoping to immigrate to Israel spoke with Arutz Sheva - Israel National News from the MedEx event in New Jersey, where Nefesh B’Nefesh works to help medical professionals move to Israel.

“There is every possible thing that could be done in order to be able to go to Israel,” says physical therapist Dr. Steven Marrowitz. “We're going hopefully in the next year. After everything that took place on October 7th, my wife and I decided right away that this is what we wanted to do and this is where we needed to be. We need to be in Israel. Everyone else should be joining us.”

He thanked Nefesh B’Nefesh for their help: “This process has been made so much easier. I couldn't imagine years ago how difficult it might have been to immigrate, but everyone's been very helpful and supportive.”

His wife added: “There's no comfort in New York, in America. The comfort is in Israel, even with a war, even with everything going on. We want to be there, with our Jewish brothers and sisters. It's not easy being Jewish here. The only comfort is to be with our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel, supporting them, supporting IDF soldiers, supporting everybody in Israel. There's no comfort here anymore.”

Dr. Marrowitz said that the war has pushed them to move: “What happened on October 7th opened our eyes that the world is anti-Semitic, and we need to be in Israel, together, where we're supposed to be. That is our land and that's where we're going to be.”

Dr. Adam Bonder said that he too was inspired to move by the war. “After October 7th, I was inspired to move to Israel in order to help the people of Israel. I'm a trained emergency medicine physician and psychedelic physician, with the goal of helping cure the resultant PTSD that the Israeli people have experienced. I also want to bring my emergency medical expertise to the people of Israel to help improve their healthcare.”

Medical care is a family business for Dr. Bonder: “My wife is also a chief nursing officer, who also wants to bring her expertise to Israel to help improve their healthcare for all of Israel as well. She's also looking to hopefully help out with the Ministry of Defense.”

Dr. Bonder detailed why they were moving: “We were in Israel on Yom Ha’atzmaut last year and fell in love with Israel again. I think the opportunity to help our people is the reason why we're here, and the reason why we have the skill set that we do. It's our purpose in life. The opportunity to help the people of Israel is why we're here today.”

Dr. Marina Rubin, a pediatric emergency physician, had a similar revelation: “I came to the realization that I need to move now when I volunteered at Barzilai Hospital. I left my seven kids and my husband at home to be able to give to our people and our land as much as I could in my area of expertise, which is pediatric emergencies and ultrasound emergencies. That was an incredible experience that moved me to come and give everything now, as well as get my kids and my husband on board.”

"No Falafel For You" Undercover agents arrest suspect at falafel stand


Undercover forces arrested a wanted suspect at a falafel stand in the Dheisheh 'refugee camp' south of Bethlehem. The suspect was taken for questioning by the Shin Bet.

Liberman: This is why they didn't want me in the War Cabinet


Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman commented on the continuation of the fighting in Gaza and on the political situation in Israel at an event in Moshav Kfar Bilu on the weekend.

"At the beginning of the war we said there was no more coalition and opposition and we voted in favor of forming an emergency cabinet. I asked to enter the War Cabinet without a coalition agreement, without demanding budgets or standards, and to be at the center of decision-making. To join the government as Minister #38, even though it would be a great honor to replace Galit Distel, but I have no need to be a minister without a portfolio. I've been waiting ever since."

Liberman criticized Benny Gantz, saying, "Yesterday we heard that Minister Gideon Sa'ar wanted to join the War Cabinet and Gantz vetoed that. Is this unity? I think the only thing over which there is a consensus in the War Cabinet is not to put Liberman in the Cabinet because I come with a different view, with a different concept and with knowledge and reasons - that's why they didn't want me there."

88 Year-Old Rosh Yeshiva's Shalom Zachar, Vacht Nacht For his Son In Har Nof


Thousands of people streamed to Yeshivas Heichel HaTorah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday night to attend the Shalom Zachar for the son of Rosh Yeshivah HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Kushelevsky, 88.

During Kabbalas Shabbos in the yeshivah, the bochurim sang Lecha Dodi to the tune of Zera Chaya V’Kayama and began dancing with the Rosh Yeshivah.

HaRav Kushelevsky spoke before Maariv and talked about the great neis that he experienced in Chodesh Adar which is the month of V’nahafoch Hu – against the force of nature.

The Shalom Zachar began in the dining room but was quickly moved to the heichel yeshiva due to the thousands that walked from neighborhoods from all over the city, including yeshivah graduates that traveled from abroad to attend the simcha.

On Motzei Shabbos, the Vacht Nacht took place, ahead of the bris scheduled for Sunday morning.

Arab "rabbi" Shoots At Jewish Children In Chevron Zionists Send Him 72 Rebbetzins as "Shloach Manos"


 In a terrorist attack that occurred in Hevron on Saturday afternoon, a Muslim Imam opened fire from the Hevron cemetery towards a group of Jewish children who were playing in the street, one of the few streets that the Jewish population of Hevron can use. The terrorist succeeded in puncturing a soccer ball but did not hit any of the children. He was then eliminated by IDF soldiers.

Footage from a surveillance camera shows the terrorist-Imam, Mahmoud-Nawfal, the Imam of the Al-Kassam mosque in Hevron, firing at the children before he is hit by the soldiers.

Minister Orit Struk, who lives in Hevron, said that she would bring the soccer ball to Sunday’s cabinet meeting in order to demonstrate that even people who are above age can perpetrate terrorism and endanger lives.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Biden promoted top staffers involved in classified docs within 24 hours of special counsel’s damning report


Top aides to President Biden involved in his mishandling of classified documents were given plum promotions within 24 hours of the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s damning report, The Post has learned.

Annie Tomasini, a Biden staffer since his Senate days, was named a deputy White House chief of staff on Feb. 8 — and the next day Richard Ruffner moved into Tomasini’s old gig as director of Oval Office operations.

“I don’t think it should shock anyone that the Biden administration promotes people who help them cover up Joe’s abuse of classified information,” said Jim Hanson, president of Worldstrat, a strategic consulting company.

Tomasini, 44, began her career with Biden as his press secretary in 2008 when he was a U.S. senator from Delaware and worked as a deputy press secretary for him in 2009-2010 as vice president

On the 2020 campaign trail, she served as his traveling chief of staff and joined the administration as director of Oval Office operations when he moved to the White House. Biden’s niece Caroline reported to Tomasini during her uncle’s failed 2008 presidential campaign.

In November 2023, Tomasini was cited by the House Oversight Committee for having visited the Penn Biden Center “to take inventory of President Biden’s documents and materials” in March 2021. Classified documents were later found in the facility in November 2022.

Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff publicly raising money for relief group tied to Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel


The stepdaughter of Vice President Kamala Harris is publicly raising cash for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency — even as the United States has cut funding to the group over its members’ alleged participation in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel.

Ella Emhoff — whose father is second gentleman Doug Emhoff — is currently posting a link to UNRWA’s English-language fundraising page on her personal Instagram.

‘They want to shut us up’: NYC DOE moves Jewish teacher out of ‘Hitler High’


The Jewish teacher at a Brooklyn high school who complained of swastikas, death threats, Nazi salutes, and Hitler-loving comments by unruly students was booted from the building this week — as Chancellor David Banks voiced concern for a student caught posing as the German tyrant.

Superintendent Michael Prayor made the decision to move global history teacher Danielle Kaminsky from Origins HS, just two days after she returned to work following The Post’s front-page expose about hateful incidents in the Sheepshead Bay school, the educator said.

“The superintendent does not want me in the district,” Kaminsky said.

"Lover" Nathan Wade Resigns after judge rules Fani Willis can only remain on Trump election case if he resigns

 Fani Willis’ ‘lover’ prosecutor Nathan Wade has dramatically stepped down from his role as lead prosecutor in Donald Trump’s election interference case in Georgia after a judge’s ruling earlier today.

Willis, the Fulton County district attorney, escaped with a slap on the wrist as the judge decided she could stay on the case.

But the judge said she could only do so if Wade removed himself to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Wade’s resignation letter was addressed to Willis, his now former boss, who accepted it.

He wrote: ‘The furtherance of the rule of law and democracy has always been the North Star of our combined efforts in the prosecution of those who are alleged to have attempted to overthrow of the results of Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.’

Wade said he was stepping down ‘in the interest of democracy, in dedication to the American public and to move this case forward as quickly as possible.’

In accepting her former lover’s resignation Willis complimented Wade’s ‘professionalism and dignity’.

Agudath Israel Pandering the Evil Schumer While Chastising Him! Biden Uses The "JEW" Schumer To Push his Evil Agenda!


On Friday, President Biden reaffirmed the anti-Israel remarks made by Senator Chuck Schumer, who virtually equated Netanyahu and Hamas as “obstacles to peace”. Speaking with reporters in the White House, Biden called it a “good speech” that “expressed serious concern shared not only by him, but by many Americans.”

In perhaps the biggest bombshell, Biden confirmed that Schumer informed his “senior staff” about the speech, apparently in advance.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Pekudei


Why do clueless Hamas supporters keep getting away with disruptive protests? Arrest them!


If your print copy of The New York Post was slightly delayed yesterday morning you can blame the “peace” brigade.

The same people who have spent the last few months blocking bridges and stopping New Yorkers getting to work yesterday morning targeted one of this paper’s printing works in Queens.

The plant also prints The Wall Street Journal, Newsday, USA Today and the New York Times.

The protestors seemed especially angry about the last of these. Though I’m tempted to say that they deserve each other.

In the early hours of the morning these protestors lay across the road and put a barricade in the middle of it.

They also put up a sign saying “Consent for genocide is manufactured here.”

Wearing Palestinian bandanas and other terrorist-chic the protestors sought to disrupt the operations of the free press. All to demonstrate their opposition to something that isn’t happening.

Because of course there is no “genocide” in Gaza. There is a targeted military operation in a heavily built-up area where Hamas hide behind the civilians and also dress as civilians.

In any case, what military operation there is could stop at any moment if the terrorists of Hamas just handed back the more than 100 Israeli hostages who they are still holding.

But you never hear calls like that from these activists. Because human details don’t disturb them. Any more than facts or reality do.

Biden "Israel's Best Friend" holding secret talks with Iran


The Biden administration is holding secret, indirect talks with Iran in order to encourage Tehran to rein in Houthi attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea, according to a new Financial Times report.

Trained and funded by Iran, the Houthis have repeatedly targeted merchant ships passing near their territory, snarling global supply chains and creating chaos for manufacturers and retailers.

According to the FT report, senior White House officials – including Middle East adviser Brett McGurk and its Iran envoy Abram Paley – led an American delegation to Oman in January.

Iran also sent representatives to Oman at the same time. While the two sides did not sit in the same room for negotiations, Omanis acted as interlocutors transmitting messages between the countries

A Biden administration official would not confirm or deny that the talks took place.

“We have many channels for passing messages to Iran,” a U.S. State Department spokesperson told FT.

They refused to give specifics regarding those channels, “other than to say that, since October 7, all of them have been focused on raising the full range of threats emanating from Iran, and the need for Iran to cease its across-the-board escalation.”

Despite being widely seen as an Iranian proxy, a Tehran-based official denied that the Islamic Republic has control of the Houthis.

“Iran has repeatedly said it only has a form of spiritual influence [over the Houthis.] They can’t dictate to [them], but they can negotiate and talk,” an Iranian official told FT.

In February, Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, deputy commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM), said that Iranian military officials are “inside Yemen and serving side by side with the Houthis, advising them and providing them with target information.”

He told 60 Minutes that the Iranians are resupplying [the Houthis] as we sit here right now at sea. We know this is happening. They’re advising them, and they’re providing target information. This is crystal clear.”