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Monday, February 26, 2024

Mesiras Nefesh of Ori Megidish who was Kidnapped by Hamas and Rescued Will Return to the Army



 Cpl. Ori Megidish, who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 and later rescued by special forces from captivity in the Gaza Strip, will return to her army service today.

Megidish, who was an observation soldier at the Nahal Oz post, will  now serve in the IDF's Military Intelligence Directorate.

The decision to return Megidish to service " stemmed from her personal desire and sense of mission to serve the country."

Civilians in northern Gaza want Hamas to continue the war and not give up.


_”Despite the fact that we are now eating animal and livestock food, we have a clear message to Hamas… 

Don’t give up! 
All Palestinian prisoners must be released. If there is no  animal food, we will eat sand. Don’t give up on anything.!_

And we have a message to the Jews… 
We have already committed  October 7th and there will be October 8th and October 9th and October 10th and so on…”_

Thousands of Jewish teens gather at Ohel amid spike in antisemitic incidents

 Thousands of Jewish teens from across the globe gathered at a pro-Israel rally in Times Square and at the grave of a beloved rabbi as part of the annual CTeen International Summit.

A massive crowd prayed at the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson in Queens Sunday, a day after the Times Square rally, spreading handwritten, shredded prayers over his final resting place.

The Rebbe’s resting place is known for its spiritual significance, attracting over 400,000 visitors annually.

CTeen volunteer Mendel Zaklikovsky said the gathering at the grave site was significant because Schneerson was passionate about young people.

“The Rebbe was very into education. He would always talk about the potential that young adults have,” Zaklikovsky told The Post. “They are the future leaders of the Jewish world. So it’s very important that we instill in them a strong sense of Jewish pride.

“Just coming together is a very massive thing for these teenagers,” Zaklikovsky said. “There’s a lot of antisemitism, and when there are 3,000 teens coming together, it’s a big deal.”

The CTeen International Summit, hosted by CTeen, brings together teens from around the world for a weekend of prayer and workshops on topics such as antisemitism, mental health, and leadership.

This year’s theme is “Count on Me”.

Half Million March For Israel in Brazil Demanding LULU be impeached!


An estimated 500,000 people, including opposition leader and former President Bolsonaro marched in São Paulo, Brazil today demanding the impeachment of President Lula for his recent comments comparing Israeli Operations in Gaza to the Nazis in the Holocaust and for his judicial persecution and censorship.

Adi Zohar a pregnant Lady Shot in Mallei Adummim Describes her Miracle

Adi Zohar, who was severely injured in last week’s terror attack near Maaleh Adumim, spoke with the media Sunday about the amazing miracle she experienced.

“Thank Hashem, I am slowly recovering,” Mrs. Zohar, who is pregnant, said from her hospital bed. “I had a great miracle, and I want to focus on that. I got my life back.”

Mrs. Zohar described her harrowing experience during last week’s terror attack on Route 1, in vivid detail.

“I travel there every morning. I was waiting in the traffic jam.”

She described how she “was talking on the phone, and I noticed that the car in front of me suddenly rammed into the car ahead. I thought it was a strange accident, but within seconds the terrorist got out of the car as if he was possessed.”

“I saw his gun immediately, I started screaming to my aunt on the phone that they were going to shoot me because I had no way to avoid it. “He looked at me, I tried to slide down in my seat and I thought about my fetus and I said, ‘Shema Yisrael,’ and he fired at me, I saw blood on my shirt.”

“I didn’t feel the bullet hit me. I got out and tried to run away, and I later saw in the videos that the terrorist was close to me,” she added.

She recounted the horrific moments after she was shot. “I crawled on the ground and tried to reach other cars so they would know something happened to me, that I was hurt.”

“Because I was on all fours, most drivers didn’t open the door for me, they were scared. A nice woman let me into her car and, in the midst of the chaos, I managed to gather myself and told her, ‘I’m pregnant, they shot me, call an ambulance,'” she said.

“I experienced a miracle,” she said. “First of all, I’m still here. We’re now four days after the incident. The bullet hit in a very dangerous place, but both I and my unborn child are alive, and that’s what matters.”

Mrs. Zohar emphasized, “I had a miracle here. The shrapnel was in a dangerous place, and I and my fetus are alive. Everyone speaks about the moments before death, and that’s how I felt, and I thought about my two-year-old son who will have to grow up without me. Hashem was with me. The fact that I did not lose consciousness protected my fetus.”


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Must Watch: Why I Left Christianity And Became a Jew


Ayelet Elnecave grew up as a devout Christian in Iowa and graduated with honors from Vanderbilt University majoring in Jewish Studies.

She taught English in Mexico for three years before making Aliyah in 2010. Ayelet converted to Judaism 3 times. She lives in Jerusalem and teaches at Neve Yerushalayim. This is her story.

Unbelievable! Sneaky Demonrats slap surprise ‘Hamas amendment’ on Holocaust education bill


All this in the great State of Washington

A bipartisan bill on Holocaust and genocide education in Washington state has had a “Hamas amendment” slapped on it by State House Democrats that would guarantee that antisemitic and pro-Hamas talking points are taught to public school children.

House Bill 2037 mandates that public schools teach the Holocaust and other genocides and augment current material on the Holocaust with a curriculum augmented by the Holocaust Center for Humanity and other agencies. Additionally, in April, International Genocide Prevention and Awareness Month, Washington public schools must also promote age-appropriate educational activities regarding the Holocaust and other genocides.

The bill was a companion to a Senate bill, introduced by Republican State Senator John Braun, following the Hamas massacre of Oct 7, to address GOP concerns that one in five Americans aged 18 to 29 don't think the Holocaust occurred.

However, once the bills were introduced, local antisemites and Hamas supporters spammed legislators demanding that the Holocaust education be watered down and focus more on other genocides.

Blink'crap under fire for reversing policy on 'settlements': "A shameful decision"


US Secretary of State Antony Blinkcrapinberg came under fire following his announcement on Friday that Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria is “inconsistent with international law”, reversing the policy of the Trump administration on the issue.

Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman wrote on X, “Blinken is 100% wrong. I researched this for over a year with many State Department lawyers. There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their biblical homeland. Indeed, Undersecretary of State Eugene Rostow, also the Dean of the Yale Law School (who negotiated UNSCR 242), stated that Israel has the best legal claim to Judea and Samaria.”

“For Blinken to announce this in the middle of a war and when the Jewish Sabbath already has begun in Israel is unconscionable,” added Friedman.

House Speaker Mike Johnson shared Friedman’s post and wrote, “Ambassador David Friedman is absolutely correct. This is a shameful decision.”

“The Jewish people have a historic and legal right to live in the land of Israel including in Judea and Samaria - the biblical heartland. It is an absolute disgrace the Biden administration would issue this decision, especially as Israel fights terrorists on multiple fronts that seek Israel’s destruction and as more than 130 hostages remain in Gaza,” added Johnson.

“The Biden Administration must stop undermining Israel and facilitating efforts to delegitimize Israel. It is misguided and unconscionable,” he concluded.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote, “The Pompeo doctrine simply recognized reality: Judea and Samaria are the homeland of the Jewish people.”

“It’s shameful that the Biden Administration reversed this and rewarded terrorists—all to help Biden’s poll numbers in Michigan,” he added.

Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) also shared Ambassador Friedman’s post and wrote, “Ambassador Friedman is correct. The Biden Admin’s disgraceful reversal undermines a close friend while rewarding the genocidal terrorists they are fighting. It is not a legal assessment. It is a political calculation meant to appease the pro-Hamas radical left. Shameful.”

Blinken, speaking at a news conference during a trip to Buenos Aires, said the United States was disappointed by Israel's announcement on Thursday of plans to approve new housing units in Judea and Samaria in response to the shooting attack near Maaleh Adumim.

Blinken said the new construction is counterproductive to reaching an enduring peace and then added, "They're also inconsistent with international law. Our administration maintains a firm opposition to settlement expansion, and in our judgment this only weakens, doesn't strengthen Israel's security.”

Blinken thus effectively revoked the so-called “Pompeo Doctrine”, which deemed Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria “not per se inconsistent with international law.”

In 2019, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo implemented the policy, overturning a 1978 memo by State Department legal adviser Herbert Hansell, which characterized “settlements” as “illegal”

New York Times Melts Down After Israel Points Out Photographer’s Ties With Hamas


The New York Times lashed out in fury at Israel after one of its photographers was accused of being embedded with Hamas and having foreknowledge of the October 7 attack.

The photographer, Yousef Masoud, was recently given a Polk award for his work, following which the Israeli Consulate in New York sent a letter to the Polk Committee accusing the photojournalist of having deep ties with Hamas, along with another Times photographer, Samar Abu Elouf.

The letter said that Masoud had “public connections to Hamas and well-documented foreknowledge of the terror group’s plans for invasion, mortally compromising the integrity of his reporting.”

Stung by the accusation, the Times went on the attack, calling Masoud’s ties to Hamas a “fabrication” and “provably false.”

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Look Carefully at These Photos and Tell me What you See?


Did you look? 

So what did you see?

Naaaa! It's not what you think. 

You won't believe this!

These are "shiva" houses!

They are sitting "shiva"!!!!!

Now look again! Can you tell???

These photos are of the Viznitzer Rebbes sitting Shiva! 
Not together, chas ve'sholom, though they are brothers. 

Notice the chairs the rebbes are sitting on?

Am I the only one thinking that this is insane?

The Skverer Rebbe of Monsey is also sitting Shiva, the same way, with "farenches" the benches that are set up like in a stadium, with hundreds of chassidim ogling .
Is this normal? 

I don't get it, is there no decency and humility left among our leaders?? 

Shas Reviving "Dead Rabbis' for endorsements!


Watch them Dragging Rav Landau to Beit Shemesh and Pushing a Speech for Him to Read!


Watch Degel Ha'Torah Campaign in Bnei-Brak, this is the Party of the Litvishe "gedoilim"


British Chareidim Demand in Galut that the Goyim Not interfere in Jewish Education

In the Goyishe Year 1290, England, the "malchus shel chessed" expelled all its Jews from its borders. 
Approximately 300 hundred years later William Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice and in it he describes a Venetian Jewish moneylender named Shylock with the most vicious characterizations, describing his greediness and vengefulness. Mind you, Shakespeare had never even met a Jew! 
Under the British Mandate in 1929, the British animals in then Palestine stood by as Jews were raped, pillaged, and massacred in Chevron, by the bloodthirsty Arabs. 
In 1940's The British were in many ways worse than the Nazis as they turned back boats to Germany that were loaded with Jews who had escaped Concentration camps, and sent to be gassed.  Those that they did allow to pass thru they shipped to Cypris and placed them in Concentration Camps under horrible conditions, much ink has been spilled writing and recording the atrocities by the British savages. 1948 did not come soon enough. 
These rabbis protesting the Brits are the same ones that pull out the "Three Oaths" cards when it suits them. One of those "oaths" is "not to antagonize the goyim, especially in Galut" 
But listening to those speeches demanding that Goyim leave them alone, is hypocritical. If you live in the Galut, then follow the teachings that you preach and throw at the Zionists. Keep quiet and wait for the Mashiach to pick you up by the Eagles and bring you back home!

Mark Levin & Dershowitz say that Biden has turned on Israel and now backs Hamas!


The Jew Blinken Says Israeli Settlements in Eretz Yisrael Are Illegal


 Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Israeli settlements are “inconsistent with international law,” putting new pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and reversing a Trump-era argument that construction in Palestinian territory could go ahead.

Blinken’s remarks Friday at a press conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, marked a return to a 1978 finding by the State Department’s legal adviser that also found the settlements violate the Geneva Conventions. In 2019, former President Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Michael Pompeo, announced the US was abandoning the 1978 decision, saying it “hasn’t advanced the cause of peace.”

“Our administration maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion,” Blinken said Friday. “In our judgment, this only weakens, it doesn’t strengthen, Israel’s security.” 

He added that new settlements are “inconsistent with international law,” language that’s drawn directly from the 1978 memo.

The conclusion marks a fresh break from Netanyahu for President Joe Biden’s administration, which has grown increasingly concerned about the high civilian death toll of Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip in the months since Hamas militants launched an attack on Oct 7. Biden has also sought to restrain settler violence in the West Bank. 

“We are simply reaffirming the fundamental conclusion that these settlements are inconsistent with international law,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters Friday. “This is a position that has been consistent over a range of Republican and Democratic administrations. If there’s an administration that is being inconsistent, it was the previous one.”

Biden has called on Netanyahu to hold off the next stage of military action in Gaza, aimed at the city of Rafah in south, until he can provide a clear plan to help civilians. Earlier this month, Biden signed an executive order allowing the US to impose sanctions on settlers and officials involved in violence against Palestinians.

Thousands of New Settlement Homes in Response to Ma’ale Adumim Terror Attack


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced on Thursday evening that a decision was made to build thousands of new homes in response to the murderous terror attack this morning outside of Ma’ale Adumim.

Smotrich called it “an appropriate Zionist response.”

In the discussion that took place tonight, with the participation of Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Finance and the Minister in the Ministry of Defense and the Minister for Strategic Affairs, it was decided to convene the Supreme Planning Council to approve thousands of housing units in the following communities in Judea and Samaria:

Maale Adumim about 2,350 units.
Kedar about 300 units.
Efrat 694 units.

Minister of Finance and Minister in the Ministry of Defense Bezalel Smotrich declared [translated], “Let every terrorist plotting to harm us know that any raising of a hand against the citizens of Israel will be met with a blow of death and destruction and the deepening of our eternal grip on the entire Land of Israel.”

Gush Etzion Regional Council Mayor, and Yesha Council Chairman, Shlomo Ne’eman said this about tonight’s government decision to fast-track the approval of thousands of new housing units in Judea and Samaria:

“We praise the decision to convene the Higher Planning Council in order to approve thousands of housing units in Ma’ale Adumim, Kedar, Gush Etzion, and Efrat, and thank the Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Finance Minister, and Minister of Strategic Affairs, on a Zionist response to this morning’s terrible terrorist attack. The development of Judea and Samaria is the appropriate response to anyone who tries to harm us or undermine our rights to the land. We hope that the rest of the housing units awaiting approval will be greenlighted as soon as possible. There is no need to wait for another deadly attack. Our enemies should know that we do not cower from acts of terrorism. We must continue to develop and establish our hold on all parts of the Land of Israel.”

Bibi to Biden "Ich kock dich uhn! ......"A pox on you"


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday night submitted to the political and security cabinet his proposal for the day after Hamas in Gaza. The document contains principles that reflect a broad public consensus of the goals of the war, including establishing a civilian alternative to the rule of the terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip.

The plan contradicts several key points in President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s ambitious plans for the same day after. Israel will carve out a wide swath of land along the Gaza border to establish a security zone, presumably to shoot any local Arab who dares to come near the fence. The Americans have insisted on several occasions that Israel is not to acquire any territory inside Gaza. Also: Israel will determine who does what in Gaza for the foreseeable future. Egypt, the US, the Arab states, and anyone else out there are welcome to lend a hand, but no one tells Israel what to do.


UNWRA will be expelled from Gaza, no ifs and buts. Israel will seek better agencies to care for the civilian population, the kind that doesn’t encourage terrorism, there must be some of those left.

Finally: no unilateral declarations of a Palestinian State, and no forced two-state solutions.

So, here’s how it works:

Friday, February 23, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Veatah Tezaveh

‘House of horrors’ as Harav Ahron Ramati Shlitah takes cushy deal after pleading guilty to enslaving 30 women

 A Jerusalem rabbi accused of enslaving 30 women in a cult-like home dubbed the “house of horrors” has pleaded guilty to lesser charges in return for a lax sentence of community service and cash compensation to his victims, according to reports.

Aharon Ramati had been charged with enslavement, minor assault and obstruction of justice among other charges, but reached a plea agreement for “holding people in conditions akin to slavery,” according to YNetNews.

The deal came with a cushy sentence of just nine months of community service and $34,000 in damages owed to his victims — and was reached after 11 of the women declined to testify against Ramati because they were too traumatized to face him.

The case grabbed headlines in Israel after Ramati’s 2020 arrest, with police labeling the rabbi a “cult leader” who used violence, intimidation and tales of eternal damnation to indoctrinate and control his victims.

“They had to ask him for permission for everything and consult him over every simple action,” police told the Times of Israel after his arrest.

Ramati began gathering women around him in 2008 by presenting himself as an enlightened religious leader who knew the “true path” to salvation, YNet reported.

He invited the women to live in his home, which he’d renamed the “Be’er Miriam Seminary,” where they lived on moldering mattresses spread throughout three bedrooms, had no hot water and faced constant leaks and decrepit conditions.

Ramati moved to a neighboring home as the ranks of his followers grew. At some points, more than 30 women were living within the cramped confines of the house, with some reports saying as many as 50 women along with children lived there, according to prosecutors.

The rabbi charged the women about $220 per month for a bed in the house, or about $170 per month to share a mattress with another resident, according to YNet.

While at the house, the women attended daily lessons where Ramati plied them with his teachings — which included renouncing all personal desires to focus their energies toward spirituality.

Ramati filled the void of personal responsibility for them, prosecutors argued, making all decisions for them and in turn taking large portions of their pay from jobs they worked outside of classes.

To control the women, prosecutors said Ramati frightened them by telling them they would face horrific harm at the hands of other-worldly forces if they disobeyed him, isolated them from their families and turned the women against one another to police each other.

One common punishment in the house was forcing the women to burn their fingers in fire to “simulate hell,” the Times of Israel reported, or making them eat hot peppers.

Rumors about Ramati’s conduct have surrounded him for years.

He was first arrested in 2015 but was released after several members of his group testified on his behalf.

American Oct. 7 Survivors Sue Associated Press For Aiding & Abetting Hamas

Several survivors of the October 7th Hamas massacre are suing the Associated Press of aiding and abetting Hamas by using freelance journalists embedded in the murderous terror organization, the New York Post reported on Wednesday.

The plaintiffs are Americans and Israeli-Americans who survived the massacre at the Nova music festival near Be’eri as well as family members of the victims. They are suing AP for damages under the Antiterrorism Act in a federal complaint, filed in the Southern District of Florida Wednesday evening by lawyers from the nonprofit National Jewish Advocacy Center.

The lawyers accuse AP of “materially supporting terrorism” by paying photojournalists affiliated with Hamas for photos taken during and after the October 7th assault.

“There is no doubt that AP’s photographers participated in the October 7th massacre, and that AP knew, or at the very least should have known, through simple due diligence, that the people they were paying were longstanding Hamas affiliates and full participants in the terrorist attack that they were also documenting,” the complaint states.

It also lists the names of four photographers whose images were purchased by AP, stating that they are “known Hamas associates who were gleefully embedded with the Hamas terrorists during the October 7th attacks.”

But the complaint mainly focuses on one photojournalist, Hassan Eslaiah, who was accused of being affiliated with Hamas even before October 7th. Eslaiah, who photographed some of the earliest photos of the attack, is accused in the complaint of closely accompanying the Hamas monsters as they tortured and murdered Israelis.

Eslaiah, who in 2020 was photographed with Yahya Sinwar as the Hamas leader was kissing his cheek, denies he had any advance knowledge of the attack or is tied to Hamas, according to the New York Times, which was also criticized for using his photos. Eslaiah did admit that he got a ride back to Gaza after the assault with Hamas terrorists.

According to the company, AP was well aware of Eslaiah’s ties to Hamas but chose to continue to pay for his photos.

“AP willfully chose to turn a blind eye to these facts, and instead profited from its terrorist photographer’s participation in the massacre through its publication of the ‘exclusive’ images, for which it certainly paid a premium, effectively funding a terrorist organization,” the suit alleges.

The Honest Reporting media watchdog first raised questions about the photos taken in the early hours of the Hamas invitation in November, speculating that six Gazan photographers had advance knowledge of the attack because they began “work” so early that day – coincidently on the Israeli-Gazan border.

AP denied the allegation, issuing a statement denying it had any knowledge of the Oct. 7 attack.

“The first pictures AP received from any freelancer show they were taken more than an hour after the attacks began,” AP’s vice president of corporate communications Lauren Easton said in the Nov. 9 statement. “No AP staff were at the border at the time of the attacks, nor did any AP staffer cross the border at any time.”

“We are no longer working with Hassan Eslaiah, who had been an occasional freelancer for AP and other international news organizations in Gaza.”

National Jewish Advocacy Center director Mark Goldfeder slammed AP: “Media organizations do not have any special right to act with impunity and pretend that they don’t know whom they are paying.”

“And as other cases have made clear, it does not matter that the people AP was paying, with whom they had longstanding relationships, were freelancers and not employees; the issue is that AP was furnishing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, not in what capacity the terrorists were cashing the checks.”


Prince William Whose Ancestors Expelled the Jews From England and Hung Jews in Palestine Wants Israel To Give in to Hamas

 In the wake of Prince William of Britain’s call to “End the war and free the hostages”, he has been sharply criticized for making a ‘political statement’ unbecoming to a future monarch.

Royal biographer Tom Bower didn’t mince words when discussing the prince’s conduct, calling it a “distaster” and declaring “What on earth was he thinking when he got involved in such a delicate matter?” Bower said that the prince had neglected to mention either the growing antisemitism in Britain after the Hamas attacks or the Hamas threats to continue their war until the destruction of Israel, which make his call to end the war due to the “terrible human cost of the conflict” superfluous.

Bower even questioned the prince’s ability to maintain his father and grandmother’s diplomacy, stating that: ‘This is a departure from what we expected. We thought he was a serious person trying to learn the trade!’

Bower said that the prince had been ill-advised and added “I see the hand of Lord Cameron [British foreign secretary] in all this, who somehow shifted into telling Israel to end the war and seek peace. Cameron doesn’t understand that you can’t have peace with Hamas which is dedicated to the destruction of Israel.”

Other pro-Israel groups and individuals also criticized the prince’s statement that “too many people have been killed”, as if the number of people who have died can by itself defeat an implacable foe that seeks nothing less than the eradication of Israel. One of them told the prince that “You could end this horrendous war by tea-time.Tell your Qatar & Jordan royal family chums to release the hostages and STOP FUNDING TERRORISM AGAINST JEWS & ISRAEL.”

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ezra "kapo" Friedlander's Favorite Senator Kaine, Barks "Don’t Send Israel Weapons ‘Likely to Be Used in Offensive Military Action"


Tim Kaine with Ezra Friedlander

Question: Is Ezra Friedlander a self-hating Jew? 

It sure seems that way! He promotes Qatar, the country that spreads more antisemitism throughout the world than Syria, Lebanon, and even Hamas!  He promoted the Obama Iran Deal (See side bar) he is on the payroll and chummy with Fat Nadler the sick perverted self hating Jew.And put the antisemite Kaine on his panel on " International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024"

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), a former failed U.S. vice presidential candidate and former Virginia governor, is urging the White House to provide Israel only with “defensive” weapons and not those that could be used on what he called an “offensive” attack on Rafah.

“I understand from public reports that your administration plans to submit to Congress a notice for another major transfer of U.S. weapons to Israel for use in the war in Gaza,” the senator wrote to U.S. President Joe Biden. “I appreciate the administration’s intent to follow traditional Congressional notification procedures for this transfer; these provisions should be applied equally to all nations.”

Civil War in Viznitz as Viznitz rebbe from Bnei Brak Endorses Abutbul as Mayor of Beit Shemesh and His Own Son-in-Law defies Him endorses Grinberg !


If I hear the word "Daas Torah" one more time, I am going to scream! 

I grew up in Brooklyn amongst Holocaust survivors and went to both Chassidishe Yeshivas and to Yeshivas leaning to the Litvishe derech and never ever heard the term "Daas Torah" . This "Daas Torah" was invented by the Yeshivishe morons to elevate their obscure Roshei Yeshivas. The Chassidim would never accept the psaks or the "daas Torah" of the Yeshivishe "gedoilim" and the more modern learned YU would certainly laugh at their childish psaks, so to make themselves feel important they drag out their "senior she'be' seniors" make them into "world leaders" and now everyone must follow "Daas Torah" and if you don't then you are being mevaza Talmeidei Chachmim... 

Aye they are causing this themselves by putting 90 year-olds who have no clue what's going on around them in the political arenas which subjects them to mocking and ridicule, it's their very own fault and they are "asid leitein din ve'Cheshbon" 

I'll give an example from the last elections. I was traveling with my wife in Yerushalyim, suddenly I was caught in a traffic jam that lasted for over an hour and so I parked my car and went to see what was going on. I saw an avreich running, hat askew, peyos flying, and so I stopped him asked what was going on, and he said out of breath and panting that R' Chaim Kanievsky just arrived and he was going to address the crowds in a couple of minutes to encourage them to vote for Degel HaTorah. Keep in mind that this avreich was a grown man and I'm sure has a sizable family yet was so excited to drop his gemarra in some shul to hear someone say what he knew in advance was going to be said! 

I slowly approached the huge crowds and I noticed a dais high above the crowds and R' Chaim z'l sitting looking into a sefer. Someone placed a mike in front of him and it seems that the guy forgot to check if the mike was live, .....it was! 

Suddenly I hear Rav Chaim asking his grandson "vus tu ich do?" "what am I doing here?" 

This was in front of thousands of people, the majority of whom do not understand Yiddish. His grandson, Yanky, quickly shut the mike off and I walked away having seen and understood everything. 

R' Chaim z"l was dragged from Bnei Brak to Yerushalayim to be a "useful stooge" in Degel politics. He didn't want to be there and he wasn't sure where he was. 

So who is mocking and ridiculing Zekeinim, Talmedei Chachamim? The bloggers who report this atrocity or the ass'kanim that drag them there? 

In Beit Shemesh we are facing an election of a Mayor and a City Council, they don't have R' Chaim z"l to kick around anymore and so they dragged out the old feeble Rabbi Landau and he endorsed this Greenberg character (whom he doesn't know from a hole in the wall) in a Sports Stadium in Beit Shemesh that for years the Rabbis of Beit Shemesh said wasn't a place for any Yeshivah Bochur to walk into. But what won't we do for "tayre?"

Bring out the popcorn, now!

This election not only brought out the worst of those learning "tayre." It seems that the "tayre" had absolutely no effect on them, as they beat the hell out of IDF soldiers trying to vote, as I reported yesterday! 

Moshe Rabbeinu when he noticed a Jew raise his hand on another, called him a "rasha" mind you, the guy didn't even hit him, he just raised his hand to strike. 

But by the Chassidim things turned really nasty as the Viznitzer Rebbe of Bnei-Brak teamed up with Shas to endorse the failed Mayor Moshe Abutbul for Mayor. Keep in mind that the Viznitzer Rebbe lives in the rat-infested Bnei-Brak and now wants this for a city he doesn't live in. 

His son-in law, the Viznitzer Rav of Beit Shemesh wants none of that Bnei-Brak filth in the city that he does live in and so he endorsed Greenberg! Keep in mind All of the above pulled the made-up axiom "Daas Torah!" as their motto! 

So now that you have a smidgen of what is going on , tell me again which "Daas Torah" should I follow?

*דרמה נוספת בבית שמש: למרות עמדת חמיו מויזניץ - חתנו האדמו״ר הבכיר בבית שמש מכריז על תמיכה בשמואל גרינברג* 📢

*חדשות העיר:* עיתון ׳המבשר׳ שפורסם בדקות האחרונות חושף את תמיכת האדמו״ר מויזניץ בית שמש במועמד לראשות העיר שמואל גרינברג, וזאת, בניגוד לעמדתו של חמיו האדמו״ר מהר״י מויזניץ, שכפי שדיווחנו בעבר בחר להפר סיכומים מול גרינברג.

מדובר בדרמה של ממש שכן חמיו האדמו״ר מויזניץ ביקש מכולם לפעול למען אבוטבול, ובכל זאת חתנו מכריז באופן חד משמעי כי יש לפעול למען ניצחונו של שמואל גרינברג. ההכרזה מגיעה אחרי הרבה שמועות ודיווחים על עמדת ויזניץ בית שמש, שמנהיגה הוא האדמו״ר הבכיר ביותר בעיר. התמיכה צפויה להעביר כ-1,000 קולות לגרינברג.

Rep. Andy Ogles Shuts Down Pro-Hamas Activists: “You Know What? I Think We Should Kill Them All”


Rep. Andy Ogles has sparked a firestorm of hate against him from pro-Hamas miscreants after he was recorded advocating for the killing of every member of Hamas.

The video shows a woman questioning Ogles about his awareness of the “genocide happening right now in Palestine” and inquired whether he had advocated for a ceasefire. The conversation soon delved into a debate over the perpetration of “war crimes” by both sides involved in the conflict.

In a that has since made national headlines, Ogles responded to the woman’s probing with a powerful statement: “You know what? I think we should kill them all, if that makes you feel better. Everybody in Hamas.”

As the discussion progressed, further questions were posed to Ogles, touching on his empathy and familial connections, to which he retorted by highlighting the long-standing hostilities initiated by Hamas and Palestinians against Israel, asserting that it was time to “Pay the Piper.”

The dialogue took a more contentious turn as Ogles’ interlocutors criticized Israel’s role, labeling it an “occupier” and disputing historical claims to the land. Before concluding the interaction, Ogles starkly declared, “Death to Hamas.”

The identity of the individuals involved in the exchange, including their potential affiliations with any specific organizations, isn’t clear.

R’ Eli Stefansky Illustrates ‘Shomer Chinam’ by Using Animated Member of ‘Shomrim’

  During a lighthearted moment delivering a Daf Yomi shiur on Bava Kamma, renowned Maggid Shiur R’ Eli Stefansky used Brooklyn’s ‘Shomrim’ group to illustrate the concept of ‘Shomer Chinam’