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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Britain, Finland, Canada Australia Join USA in Suspending Funds to UNRWA

Several countries have joined the US in pausing funding for UNRWA, the United Nations relief organization which in Gaza is controlled by Hamas.

On Saturday, Britain, Finland, Canada, and Australia announced their decision to follow the US' lead.

In a statement, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) said, "The UK is appalled by allegations that UNRWA staff were involved in the 7 October attack against Israel, a heinous act of terrorism that the UK government has repeatedly condemned."

"The UK is temporarily pausing any future funding of UNRWA whilst we review these concerning allegations. We remain committed to getting humanitarian aid to the people in Gaza who desperately need it."

"The Italian government has suspended financing of the UNRWA after the atrocious attack on Israel on October 7," Italy's Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on X, formerly Twitter.

Canada's Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen posted on X, "Canada unequivocally condemns the October 7th attack on Israel. I am deeply troubled by the allegations relating to some UNRWA employees. I have instructed Global Affairs Canada to pause all additional funding to UNRWA pending the outcome of the investigation."

Finland's Ministry for Foreign Affairs said in a statement, "The allegations of the involvement of 12 employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the 7 October Hamas terrorist attack on Israel are serious. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is calling for an independent and thorough investigation of the matter."

"Finland has a four-year agreement (2023–2026) with UNRWA to provide humanitarian assistance, amounting to EUR 5 million a year. Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio has decided that Finland's payments to UNRWA will be suspended due to the allegations."

Minister Tavio stressed, "We must make sure that not a single euro of Finland's money goes to Hamas or other terrorists. The suspicion that employees of an organization receiving humanitarian assistance are involved in a terrorist attack is the reason for suspending the payments. The case must be investigated thoroughly."

Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister Senator Penny Wong wrote on X, "Allegations UNRWA staff were involved in the abhorrent October 7 terror attacks are deeply concerning."

"Australia welcomes UNRWA’s swift response and will engage closely on investigations.

"We are speaking with partners and will temporarily pause disbursement of recent funding."

On Friday, a senior Israeli official said that the Shin Bet and IDF provided information which proves the participation of UNRWA employees in the October 7 massacre, as well as the use of UNRWA buildings and vehicles for the attack.

"This is evidence-based, cross-checked information, due to which the US has decided to suspend its aid to UNRWA," the sources said.


Top UN Court Declines To Order Cease-Fire In Gaza, Demands Israel Limit Civilian Deaths

 The United Nations’ top court stopped short Friday of ordering a cease-fire in Gaza in a genocide case but demanded that Israel try to contain death and damage in its military offensive in the tiny coastal enclave.

South Africa brought the case, which goes to the core of one of the world’s most intractable conflicts, and had asked the court to order Israel to halt its operation.

In the highly anticipated decision made by a panel of 17 judges, the International Court of Justice decided not to throw out the case — and ordered six so-called provisional measures to protect Palestinians in Gaza.

“The court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that is unfolding in the region and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering,” Joan E. Donoghue, the court’s president, said.

Friday’s decision is only an interim one; it could take years for the full case brought by South Africa to be considered. Israel rejects the genocide accusation and had asked the court to throw the charges out.

While the case winds its way through the court, South Africa has asked the judges “as a matter of extreme urgency” to impose provisional measures.

Top of the South African list was a request for the court to order Israel to “immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.” But the court declined to do that.

South Africa also asked for Israel to take “reasonable measures” to prevent genocide and allow access for desperately needed aid.

The court ruled that Israel must try to limit death and damage.

US Pauses Funding to UN Agency for Palestinians After Claims Staffers Were Involved in Hamas Attack


The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees fired a number of its staffers in Gaza suspected of taking part in the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas and other militants on southern Israel, its director said Friday, prompting the United States — the agency’s biggest donor — to temporary halt its funding.

The agency, known by its acronym UNRWA, has been the main agency providing aid for Gaza’s population amid the humanitarian disaster caused by Israel’s offensive against Hamas in Gaza triggered by the Oct. 7 attack. UNRWA officials did comment on the impact that the U.S. halt in funding would have on its operations.

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said it terminated contracts with “several” employees and ordered an investigation after Israel provided information alleging they played a role in the attack. The U.S. State Department said there were allegations against 12 employees. UNRWA has 13,000 staffers in Gaza, almost all of them Palestinians, ranging from teachers in schools that the agency runs to doctors, medical staff and aid workers.

In a statement, Lazzarini called the allegations “shocking” and said any employee “involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.”

He did not elaborate on what the staffers’ alleged role was in the attacks. In the unprecedented surprise attack, Hamas fighters broke through the security fence surrounding Gaza and stormed nearby Israeli communities, killing around 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapping some 250. Other militants joined the rampage.

“UNRWA reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the abhorrent attacks of 7 October” and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all Israeli hostages, Lazzarini said.

50% of Biden voters say Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians


  • Half of Biden's 2020 voters say Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians, per a new poll.
  • 20% of Biden voters say that's not the case, while 30% say they aren't sure.
  • It comes amid deepening Democratic divisions over Israel.

As the US continues to support Israel's war in Gaza, new polling shows that half of President Joe Biden's coalition views that war as constituting a genocide.

50% of voters who voted for Biden in 2020 think that Israel is "committing genocide against Palestinian civilians, according to polling from YouGov and The Economist conducted from January 21-23 that surveyed 1,664 US adult citizens.

Another 20% of Biden voters said that's not the case, while another 30% said they were not sure.

Among all registered voters, 32% said that Israel is committing genocide, while 42% said no and another 26% said they were not sure. 67% of Republicans said Israel is not committing genocide.

The new polling comes as Democratic divisions deepen over US support for Israel, and as the death toll in Gaza has surpassed 25,000 people. Israel launched an offensive after the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks killed 1,200 people.

At recent public appearances, Biden has often been confronted by protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, and progressives have increasingly pushed the Biden administration to help bring an end to the war.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Be'Shallach


Hamas Terrified That Israel is Importing the Para Adumah


 When Abu Obeida, a military spokesman for Hamas, began his televised speech marking 100 days since the October 7 attack last week, most of what he said followed the familiar mantra of praising Hamas’ military resistance and calling for all Muslims to rise against Israel. But as he began listing the motives for the October 7 massacre, he said that the aggression against “our path and Al-Aqsa” reached its peak with the “bringing of red cows.”

To much of the world, such a statement sounds strange, as they are not aware of traditional Jewish beliefs regarding the “Parah Adumah”, the red heifers used for purification.  The “bringing of red cows” which Obeida was referring to was the 2022 arrival of five red heifers to the Temple Institute, a Jewish organization focused on establishing the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The heifers are quietly being groomed by the Institute for their ultimate goal.

The rare animal is the main component in a ritual purification ceremony for cleansing ritual impurity from proximity or contact with a dead body. Since the destruction of the Second Temple, all Jews today are considered ritually impure, thereby preventing the return of the Temple service and even entering the holy places on Temple Mount.

Securing a potential unblemished red heifer is key to the first steps of restarting the Temple service, which implies the removal of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Omar building, rebuilding the Temple, and, ultimately, the return of the Temple Mount to Jewish control. The mere fact that all Jews would be able to ascend to Temple Mount would create pressure to resume services there and rebuild the Temple. Some Jewish traditions maintain that the Third Temple will come down from heaven, but others say that the temple will like its predecessors be constructed by the Jewish nation.

The current effort to rebuild the Temple is not supported by Israel’s government or universally supported within Judaism, but the step toward performing the arcane red heifer ceremony doesn’t just imply a return to the Holy Temple service; it points to the nearness of Moshiach and the ultimate redemption of Israel. According to Rambam, nine red heifers were brought in previous times, the tenth red heifer will be presented by Moshiach himself.

Abu Obeida may not be versed in all Jewish traditions, but he does realize the ultimate threat to Hamas claims of Muslim superiority: The reconstruction of the Temple and the resumption of the holy services there.

NYU professor tells students Hamas baby killings ‘not true,’ labels New York a ‘Zionist’ city


Creep was “suspended. But don’t kvetch about this pro-hamas terrorist teaching at NYU & The New School. Call NYU NOW AND DEMAND HIS DISMISSAL!
The # is in this statement from NYU.

 An NYU professor says that Hamas did not commit atrocities such as beheading babies and torturing women on October 7, telling a group of students: “We know it’s not true.”

“We live in a Zionist city,” Amin Husain said at an event in December organized by Students for Justice in Palestine at The New School. “No, let’s be real about this, let’s be ——— real.”

In the video of the sickening comments, Husain sits wearing a keffiyeh while speaking to a classroom as he comments on the “Palestinian liberation struggle.”

The adjunct professor also joked about his reputation for being antisemitic, referencing a petition launched by an NYU alumnus calling for his dismissal: “I have a petition going around, right, because I’m antisemitic. I won the honors of antisemitic multiple times.”

Husain mentioned his profile on the site Canary Mission, which says he organized multiple violent disruptions and incited hatred of the US, police, and pro-Israel supporters. The profile also states that he claimed to have participated in the first intifada, visited a leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and has expressed support for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

“Everything they cite. . . is true,” Husain said about the profile.

Congressman Ritchie Torres, a staunch Israel supporter, commented on the professor’s remarks: “October 7th denial, a close cousin of Holocaust denial, is the latest mutation in the DNA of antisemitism. The latest embarrassment is Amin Husain, a professor who not only downplays but also outright denies the atrocities of Hamas, telling his students that October 7th is ‘not true’”..

“The higher education industrial complex has been exposed as a cesspool of antisemitism.”

In an email to The Free Press, NYU spokesperson John Beckman said the university does not “discuss the details of an employee’s work records. All members of our community must adhere to the University’s discrimination and anti-harassment policies. We investigate all complaints we receive and take appropriate action, which may include taking interim measures such as suspension.” When pressed on whether or not Husain is still employed by NYU, Beckman wrote, “He’s not currently in the classroom.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Lipa Schmeltzer Makes a "She'hechayanu" After smashing up his car

Chassidim watch an older guy and a Younger guy beat the crap out of each other in the lobby of Bais Medrish, and no one stops it!

Setting him straight


Questions that parents will ask their daughter about the one she is dating


The Lying NBC Attempts to Discredit Chaya Raichik Libs of TikTok Creator Fabricating that she was "Implicated in 'Bomb Threats'


On Tuesday, Chaya Raichik -- the woman behind the Libs of TikTok social media account, which has done significant work exposing sexually explicit materials and LGBT indoctrination in public schools -- was named to a position on the Oklahoma Education Department’s Library Media Advisory Committee.

Oklahoma is conservative. Raichik has been instrumental in the parental rights movement, so the association was a natural fit. It's the kind of thing that, back in the golden days of the local newspaper, would get maybe 10 column inches on page D16, at best.

“Chaya is on the front lines showing the world exactly what the radical left is all about -- lowering standards, porn in schools, and pushing woke indoctrination on our kids,” state Superintendent Ryan Walters said in a statement, according to NBC News.

“Because of her work, families across the country know just what is going on in schools around the country.”

In those halcyon days of column-inches, of course, the most controversial aspect of Raichik's appointment is that she's not a resident of Oklahoma or has official training in education -- although her impeccable credentials in chronicling the current moral Babylon of state-sponsored education makes up for those. Not at NBC News, though. No, to the fine folks at the Peacock Network, the real story was that a "far-right influencer" who was inspiring "bomb threats" got the job.

A far-right influencer who was accused of instigating bomb threats last year against a school library in Tulsa has been named an adviser to a state library committee, the head of the Oklahoma State Department of Education says. https://t.co/joS0KS5Xfi

— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 24, 2024

How Stupid are Americans?


‘October 7’ restaurant opens in Jordan, celebrating Hamas massacre

 A new restaurant in Jordan is named “October 7,”  celebrating Palestinian terror group Hamas’s massacre of 1,200 people in a brutal rampage through southern Israel on that day.

The shawarma joint has been opened in the Southern Mazar district, south of the city of Kerak near the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea, according to a video posted on social media.

The clip was published approvingly Wednesday evening on X by Dima Tahboub, a former member of parliament, writer, political analyst, and a member of Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood, a violent Islamist organization.

Tahboub has previously courted controversy for praising a Jordanian soldier who carried out the 1997 Island of Peace massacre in which seven Israeli schoolgirls were murdered and six others injured.

In the two-minute video, an unidentified man films the customer-packed restaurant from outside, as well as its surroundings, and then goes into the eatery, where customers and employees with “October 7” robes greet him.

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid reacted angrily, demanding condemnation from Jordanian leaders.

“The disgraceful glorification of October 7th has to stop. The incitement and hatred against Israel breeds the terrorism and extremism which led to the brutal massacre of October 7th,” Lapid tweeted in English. “We expect the Jordanian government to condemn this publicly and unequivocally.”

There were no immediate reactions from coalition officials Thursday morning.

Christian group donates $500,000 to Oct. 7 survivors’ post-trauma therapy

 Pro-Israel Christians from the United States, in Israel on a solidarity visit, donated $500,000 to help two communities cope with the trauma of the murder of many of their members by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

The delegation of some 20 donors and alumni of Passages, a pro-Israel organization that subsidizes group visits to Israel for young American Christians, split the donation equally between Kibbutz Kfar Aza and Netiv Ha’asara, two communities where gunmen from Gaza butchered dozens of people and set on fire many buildings.

Hamas bigwig rejects 2-state solution, says Oct. 7 ‘revived dream to free Palestine’

Senior Hamas official Khaled Mashaal has dismissed the possibility of a two-state solution and said that his terror group’s devastating October 7 assault on Israel proved that liberating Palestine “from the river to the sea” is a realistic idea.

In an interview with Kuwaiti podcaster Ammar Taki last week, Mashaal, a former top leader of the terror group, said that there is “nearly a consensus” among Palestinians that they will not give up their rights to the land stretching “from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea” — that is, the West Bank, Gaza and all of Israel.

Mashaal noted that the slogan is also regularly chanted at rallies by “American students and in European capitals,” and said that the October 7 onslaught has “revived that dream.”

The Hamas bigwig categorically rejected the option of a political settlement with Israel and a two-state solution to the conflict, on the grounds that it would imply recognizing the legitimacy of the State of Israel, an “unacceptable” red line for the terror movement.

Gazans Fed Up with Hamas ... Protest & Demand "Release of Israeli Hostages"

Avichay Adraee, the IDF's Arabic-language spokesman, on Wednesday published rare footage of a spontaneous anti-Hamas protest which broke out in Deir al Balah, Gaza.

In their protest, the Gazans called for the release of the Israeli hostages, so as to bring about an end to the Hamas-Israel war.

"Hamas-ISIS leaders, led by [Yahya] Sinwar, listen to the cries of your people - your children, your women - who are expressing their outrage over the situation you have caused Gaza," Adraee wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

"They demand that you return the Israeli hostages home, so that the war will end and they can return home.

"Do these cries and demands reach the hiding places of the Hamas leaders?" he queried.


Israelis Protest Aid Trucks Entering Gaza: “Don’t Aid The Enemy!”


Dozens of Israelis, including relatives of hostages, IDF reservists who were released from duty in Gaza, and those who have been evacuated from their homes due to the war, held a protest on Wednesday and tried to stop the entry of trucks carrying humanitarian aid into Gaza.

“No aiding the enemy!” the protesters said as they gathered at the Kerem Shalom border crossing. “No aid should be transferred until all the hostages are returned.”

Tzufit Liebman, the sister-in-law of Elyakim Liebman who worked as a security guard at the Nova music festival and was abducted by Hamas, expressed her feelings to Ynet about Israel allowing aid into Gaza while Israeli hostages are suffering from harsh conditions in captivity. “I came here to protest the terrible injustice that the hostages receive half a piece of bread a day at best. We don’t even know if our Elyakim is alive,” she said.

“We believe and hope that he is alive, but we have not received any signs of life from him and, on the other hand, the Hamas terrorists and the civilians who cover up the crime and don’t provide any information about the hostages receive convoys of trucks with food, equipment, and medicine. We will continue to come here until our hostages return home.”

Popular WABC Host Sid Rosenberg Discusses Upcoming Israel Trip

 Sid Rosenberg’s life was forever impacted by the October 7 terror attack. Although he had never visited Israel before, Sid felt like his own family was targeted.

At that moment, Sid, a proud Jew, recognized that his massive platform and huge audience on WABC gave him a unique opportunity to become a spokesman for the Jewish community.

Sid has always been a radio legend. Now he has become an influential advocate for Israel. He defends Israel and the Jews, blasts pro-Hamas supporters, and slammed the Biden administration for being complicit with Hamas terror.

In this emotional, riveting, and insightful interview with Josh M, Sid describes his personal, life-changing experiences on October 7, and how it triggered him to connect with his Jewish identity like never before.

He describes his excitement (and trepidation) about his family’s upcoming trip to Israel next week, when he will tour the areas ravaged by Hamas.

He discusses his lifelong connection with the Jewish community. He shares powerful details about his upbringing, his late father’s observance of Judaism, and how for years, he felt more connected to Italian mobsters than Jews.

He also shares details about his yeshiva background, the recent Kiddush in a Five-town shul in his honor, whether he is afraid to bring his family to Israel and much more.

Since that horrific day, Sid has been on a mission to tell the world the truth, be a fearless supporter of Jewish causes, and fight antisemitism.

This powerful and emotional interview above is a must-listen.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Tu Beshavat


"Jewish Soldiers Killed in Gaza are like soldiers getting killed in a discotheque" Amnon Yitzchok

 I knew that this Amnon Yitzchok character was insane, but I never knew how evil he is! 

To make a vile statement like this while Jewish blood is still spilling like water in Gaza is so sick and perverted that one can only stand back and wonder whether he is from Zera Avraham.
In the video below he dedicates 27 minutes destroying Rabbo Mordechai Gur. Cursing him like a drunken sailor with the worst possible "klallois" and calling him an "ish tamei, and a "rasha me'rusha" 

 If Amnon would have gone to Yeshivah he would have learned in Kiddushin (70 a)
  כל הפוסל במומו פוסל  
"one who disqualifies (a fellow Jew) is disqualifying him with his own inadequacies." 

Amnon claims that Rabbi Gur talked Loshon Hara about him which is hilarious since Amnon's entire rant is one 27-minute piece of Loshon Hara dripping with hate and curses.

I don't know who this Rabbi Mordchai Gur is, whom  the arrogant Amnon calls "Murdach" but his crime was that he took on and challenged this Amnon for his vile bizarre and cruel statements about the slain IDF soldiers HY"D. How dare Rav Gur contradict the "great Amnon?" 

This is not the place and time to go into Amnon's rant about what "Harugei Malches" means, which he uses as an argument against this Rabbi Gur, but suffice it to say that Amnon himself never learned in a Yeshiva and became a Baal Teshuva when he was 24 years old. He keeps on asking the crowd he is addressing if anyone can give him sources to support Rabbi Gur, but his audiences are by in large a bunch of amai ratzim, people who know very little and are new to the Torah, so who in his audience can even follow what he is blabbering about?  In the video, he states emphatically that the soldiers killed in Gaza protecting his derriere will not have Olam Haba! He asks his audience "Who said that they will get olam haba?"  No one of course answers him, they are just sitting there with their mouths open disbelieving the vitriol they just heard. 
I have a simple answer: the very first Mishna in Avos where it states:
כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא 
certainly, someone who put his very life on the line to protect am yisrael! 

Amnon brings a childish example: 
"If an Arab and a Jewish Soldier are having a brawl in a discotheque, and the Arab stabs the Jew to death, are we going to say that the Jew gets Olam habah?"
Wow! What an example? Is this Amnon guy playing with a full deck? Because it's full of jokers! He is comparing a soldier in Gaza who got killed, to a guy who gets killed in a brawl in a discotheque? 
He then mocks a soldier fighting in Gaza that is concerned about his Olam Haba! How cruel is this guy?
 Is he even living on our planet, it's scary to think that he is breathing the same air we are! 

His arguments against Rabbi Gur are so off the charts that his "polemic" reminds me of "Mad Magazine" which I used to read when I was 11 years old. 

Years ago,  in a video titled "Herzl and Zionism," Amnon compared Binyamin Zev Herzl z"l to Hitler YM"S, stating that "Hitler wanted to destroy the body of the Jewish nation while Herzl wanted to destroy the soul, which is far more important than the body." 
He doesn't mention that Herzl's nation is the home of the majority of the Jewish people, and the State of Israel has more Yeshivas than anywhere in the entire world with more Torah being learned in Israel than in the entire history of the Jewish people, going back to Mattan Torah! Israel also has an assimilation rate of less than 2% whereas in Chutz Le'aaretz it is over 85%! 
Whether Herzl was a "Tzaddik" can be debated but what is abundantly clear is that we thank G-d, that Herzl's dream came to fruition making it possible for a lunatic like Amnon Yitzchok to be able to bark and spread his hate against those defending Am Yisrael!

Below is a video of this Rabbi Mordechai Gur's  podcast 

Mazal Tov ..Shalom Zachor Chickpeas is a meat substitute and fights against cancer and boosts heart health


American scientists from the Cleveland Clinic highlighted that chickpeas can be considered a complete protein because they contain all the amino acids that our bodies require. When cooking, it's good to remember that chickpeas make for a healthier meat substitute. Chickpeas stands out for not having any saturated fats, an excessive amount of which in our diet, can raise the levels of 'bad' LDL cholesterol in our blood, thereby increasing the risk of developing conditions such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.

This legume notably contains a generous amount of fiber, which accelerates intestinal movement and helps remove harmful food residues. Furthermore, frequently including chickpeas in your diet encourages the production of sodium butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids, which can safeguard against colon cancer.

Chickpeas also have a low glycemic index, which assists in controlling blood glucose levels. Therefore, they can be safely integrated into the diets of diabetes patients. Moreover, they contain lycopene, saponins, and biochanin A, which display anti-cancer properties.

Being low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, chickpeas are an excellent choice for individuals coping with obesity or looking to lose extra weight. It offers a satiating meal without high-fat content.

Crazy American Logic: 17 Year-old Arab/American TERRORIST throwing rocks at Innocent Cars Gets Killed by Israeli. Biden Now Wants Israel to Prosecute Israli?


U.S. National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby on Monday extended Washington’s “deepest condolences” to the family of a PA Arab-American who was reportedly killed after stoning Israeli vehicles.

“Certainly a tragic killing by all accounts that we’ve been able to glean so far,” Kirby said of the Jan. 19 death of Tawfic Abdel Jabbar, a resident of Al-Mazra’a Ash-Sharqiya near Ramallah.

“Our deepest condolences go to the family. He was 17 years old, just a teenager, so our thoughts and prayers are certainly with the family,” Kirby continued, demanding a “full, thorough, transparent investigation.

The Biden administration has “every expectation that those responsible for it will be held properly accountable,” Kirby added.

On Saturday, the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs, whose offices are located at the American Embassy to Israel in Jerusalem but which is a separate institution, said it was “devastated” to hear about Jabbar’s death. Its head, George Noll, visited the family to offer his condolences.

“We call for an urgent investigation to determine the circumstances of his death,” tweeted the U.S. Palestinian Affairs office on Jan. 20.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Israel Police acknowledged reports of the “discharge of a firearm believed to involve a law enforcement officer, a soldier and an off-duty civilian.”