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Monday, January 15, 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson calls to fire any federal workers who take part in planned ‘walkout’ over Gaza policy


Federal employees “deserve” to be fired if they participate in a planned walkout to protest President Biden’s handling of Israel’s war against Hamas, House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday.

The Louisiana Republican made the statement on X, commenting on an AL-Monitor news article that reported workers in at least 22 agencies plan to protest Biden’s policy involving Gaza by joining the work stoppage Tuesday.  

“Any government worker who walks off the job to protest U.S. support for our ally Israel is ignoring their responsibility and abusing the trust of taxpayers,” Johnson posted. “They deserve to be fired.”

Johnson vowed to work with fellow Republican, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, to “ensure that each federal agency initiates appropriate disciplinary proceedings against any person who walks out on their job.”

Prayer for the IDF- Netanel Hershtik & The Maccabeats featuring Lt. Gen Benny Gantz


Ben Gvir: Our Questions Make Gantz and Gallant Uncomfortable

Following a Saturday night report that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had stormed out of a war cabinet meeting when his aides were asked to leave, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir attacked Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz in an interview on the popular right-wing news panel, “The Patriots.”

Ben Gvir’s main point was that Gantz and Gallant don’t like it when fellow ministers ask them tough questions during cabinet meetings.

“I’ll put it this way,” Ben Gvir told the right-wing Channel 14 panel, “There are those who try to silence us. It’s no secret that we ask questions, myself, Miri Regev, Smotrich, too. And unfortunately, there is someone out there who wants to discourage us from asking questions.”

“Yes, I have questions,” Ben Gvir added. “I ask the Chief of Staff. I’m not slamming or arguing or confronting, but it is my duty as an elected official to ask questions.”

Ben Gvir was also referencing a recent confrontation between Minister Orit Strook and the Head of the IDF Strategy Division, Major General Eliezer Toledano, Strook inquired regarding news reports that some Air Force pilots refuse to attack targets in Gaza on consciousness grounds. Toledano rebuked the minister, telling her it was a “horrible question.” (The Left Hates Orit Strook, the Woman Who’s Been Attacking the Conceptzia Since the Expulsion)

South African Christians Singing in Support of Israel


Chinese Kids Sing and Play Hebrew Tune ..Enjoy


Israel readies for possibility of pregnancies in female hostages raped by Hamas


The Israeli medical community, usually reluctant to consider such scenarios, has recently actively been preparing for the appalling possibility of several female hostages who were raped in captivity and subsequently become pregnant.

According to sources who spoke with Maariv, there have been comprehensive discussions in hospitals across the country about preparing for the return of Israeli hostages who have been sexually assaulted by Hamas terrorists and are currently at different stages of pregnancy.

Israeli law permits abortions, granting women the autonomy to decide their course of action. However, the state is now faced with the daunting task of addressing the enduring trauma that will affect the victims and their families for a lifetime.

Texans Don't Take "crap" from a Pro-Hamas Protestor That Disrupted Gov Abbots Press Confer ...They Take Him and throw him the hell out!


9,000 Dead Terrorists: IDF Gives Detailed Stats On 100th Day Since Oct. 7


The IDF on Sunday provided a detailed account of statistics related to the ongoing conflict.

Among the key figures disclosed, the IDF reported that approximately 9,000 Hamas militants have been killed during the invasion of Gaza – including two out of Hamas’s five brigade-level commanders.

The IDF’s operations have also killed 19 battalion-level commanders, though this number includes commander replacements from the same battalion. In the northern region, around 170 Hezbollah and Hamas-affiliated terrorists have been killed.

The IDF has arrested 2,300 individuals who have undergone interrogation by the IDF Unit 504.

In terms of military actions, there have been a total of 30,000 IDF attacks on Gaza and approximately 750 on Hezbollah or other terrorist groups in the northern areas. Tragically, 522 IDF soldiers have lost their lives since October 7, with 188 of those killed since the start of the invasion.

2,536 total soldiers have been wounded, with 1,476 categorized as lightly wounded, 672 as moderately wounded, and 388 as seriously wounded.

The IDF also said around 9,000 rockets have crosed into Israeli airspace from Gaza, while approximately 2,000 rockets fired by Hamas did not reach Israel. Additionally, around 2,000 rockets or anti-tank missiles have crossed into Israel from Hezbollah, with around 30 originating from Syria.

The IDF’s efforts to protect civilians include conducting 79,000 direct evacuation phone calls to Palestinians who had not evacuated, as well as dropping 7.2 million leaflets, sending 13.7 million evacuation warning text messages, and delivering 15 million recorded evacuation messages.

In terms of humanitarian aid, the IDF has facilitated the transfer of 7,653 trucks carrying a total of 137,920 tons of cargo. This includes food trucks with 82,330 tons of food, shelter supplies with 16,630 tons, medical supplies with 11,510 tons, water with 17,320 tons, and miscellaneous trucks carrying 10,130 tons of supplies.

The IDF Home Front website has been visited 188 million times, and its apparatus has received 552,000 telephone calls.

Additionally, the IDF said that 1,700 rocket sirens have sounded in Israel amid the current conflict.

Jewish Doctor Targeted by Biden After Blowing Whistle on Kids’ Transgender Clinic

  Last year, a whistleblower report exposed a secret gender-change program on minors at Texas Children’s Hospital. The hospital had promised to stop the procedures but continued to perform transgender medical interventions on children as young as 11.

It turns out the whistleblower was former Texas Children’s Hospital general surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim

Following the story’s publication, Texas legislators banned all child gender-change procedures statewide, angering left-wing activists and hospital officials, who opposed any restriction on transgender medicine.

Then Dr. Haim was hit with revenge and retribution by the government. Federal agents tracked him down and identified him as the whistleblower, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Tina Ansari threatened him with prosecution.

On June 23,there was a loud knock from two federal agents from the Department of Health and Human Services saying he was the target of a criminal investigation.

Although he redacted all personal information and did not commit any crimes or violations, the Biden administration has placed a bull’s eye on the back of anyone who interferes with gender procedures.

Mordechai Ovadia Give Your Wife a Get

 The person pictured above, Mordechai Ovadia, has left his wife without a Get for eleven years.  He has been missing for the past nine years.  His wife has no way of contacting him.  There is a Seruv out on him, and he appears in the weekly column of the Jewish Press of those under a Seruv. 

No one should believe the most outrageous lie ever told:  “But I gave a get, it is waiting at Rabbi Gestetner.  All she has to do is go and get it.”  

Does anyone truly believe that a woman would refuse to receive a get.  The greatest of Gedolim have said that this is sheer manipulation.  

Fourteen Chashuva Rabbonim signed a Kol Koreh – including Rabbis Yaakov Ben-Haim, Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rabbi Raymon Beyda, Rabbi Shmuel Choueka, Rabbi Raymond Harari, Rabbi Eliezer Harary, Rabbi Rachamim Harary, Rabbi David Ozeri, Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rabbi Shlomo Shalam, Rabbi David J. Sutton, Rabbi Shlomo Wadiche and Rabbi Eliezer Zeytouneh.

HIGH COURT: Women can fill “rabbi” slots on committee to select Chief Rabbi

DIN: I find it ironic that those who wouldn't even drink a glass of water with a Rabbanute Hashgacha, are all worked up over this. Just that you guys know, most of the food products recalled in Israel because of questionable kashrus are products under the Eida Hachreidis supervision, but you don't hear about it, it is kept "shaaa shtil" when the Rabbanute recalls a product they put advertisements in all the local newspapers, not to be "machshil" the oilom, but when you find out about an Eida product, you have to kasher your entire kitchen. How do I know? I shop in a very Chareidie Store that carries  Eida Hachreidis products exclusively. Just last week I wanted to buy a certain product that my wife loves, I don't see it, I ask the Chareidie cashier "are we getting this product anytime soon?" He laughs and says "Yes, when the company makes it kosher"... there were no notices, no ads, they just pulled the product off the shelves. This has happened countless times! They are worried about women in the Rabbanute while feeding their families "chazir" 

The High Court has ruled that women may serve on the committee that selects Chief Rabbis and the Chief Rabbinate Council.

According to the Times of Israel, the court ruled that the term “rabbi” applies not only to those ordained by the Orthodox Chief Rabbinate but to all individuals (including women), with knowledge of halacha comparable to the men. However the ruling does not allow women to be considered as rabbis themselves.

Under the ruling, passed by a panel of three justices with one dissenting opinion, women–whom the Rabbinate does not recognize as rabbis–may nonetheless be appointed to occupy the position of “rabbi” on the Chief Rabbi Election Assembly.

The ruling also allows women to serve on the Chief Rabbinate Council, a governing body of 10 rabbis who act as an arbitration body in all halacha and Rabbinate-related matters.

In the case of the electoral assembly, the court found, the purpose of rabbis is not to decide a matter of halacha, but to represent the religious community, as part of the decision-making process for the election of Chief Rabbi.

In his dissenting opinion, Justice David Mintz wrote that “the point of departure is that this court does not wear the hat of the Chief Rabbinate, which has the ultimate halachic authority.”

Shimon Shmueli, a lawyer and treasurer of the Bat Yam Religious Council – the office of the Chief Rabbinate in Bat Yam, slammed the decision on Twitter. He wrote: “Another aggressive intervention and distorted interpretation by the High Court of Justice. The letter of the law explicitly says, in clause 7(8), that the appointees are ‘rabbis.’ But they [the court justices] twist the lawbook whichever way they feel like.”

According to TOI:

“As per a 1980 law, the assembly is made up of two categories of representatives: “rabbis,” who are all men because the term has been treated as pertaining to the Orthodox definition that precludes women, and “public representatives,” who account for all females in the Assembly. In its petition, Bar-Ilan University’s Rackman Center argued that women should be allowed to serve in the Assembly not only in the “public representative” category — which accounts for 70 out of the 150 Assembly delegates — but also as “rabbis.”

The court concurred, saying that the roles should be open to women. It stopped short of decreeing that women be appointed as rabbis to the Assembly or the Council.”

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Who did "Rashi" call a "Rasha" in Parshas Bo?


Rashi the quintessential "Rabban shel Yisrael" lived in Troyes, County of Champagne, in France. He lived from the years 1040-1105. 
He lived during very turbulent times for the Jewish people, namely the First Crusade that took place from the years 1096-1099.
Many of the Crusaders were from Champagne, France, where Rashi resided, that's like having Hamas living in Boro-Park. 
According to Wikipedia, the first Crusade was initiated, supported, and at times directed by the Latin Church! The objective was the recovery of the Holy Land from Islamic rule.
This call was met with an enthusiastic popular response across all social classes in Western Europe. Mobs of predominantly poor Christians numbering in the thousands and led by Peter the Hermit, a French priest, were the first to respond. 

What do Christians do in a holy war? They kill Jews! 

So on the way to Yerushalayim they passed through Germany and massacred innocent Jews in the Rhineland, which was infamously called the "Rhineland massacres!" They decimated the Jewish Communities of Speyer, Worms, and Mainz. There had not been so broad a movement against Jews by Catholics since the 7th century's mass expulsions and forced conversions! 
Jews were first attacked in France where Rashi lived, and the Jews of France were of course terrified, and there are letters from Jews who lived in France to the Jews living in the Rhineland warning them of the upcoming disasters, some of which they had experienced themselves.

So what does this have to do with Parshas Bo? 

Rashi lived during those turbulent times and of course, knew about the massacres, but when you read Rashi's commentators on the Torah or even throughout Shas . you would never ever know what he was going through, his commentaries are so gentle and kind and inciteful, and never gives away the fact that Jews were being murdered all around him. 

He doesn't look for answers from the Ribbono Shel Oilim, he doesn't write whether those murdered and raped were frum or chilonim. He doesn't record the miracles (which I'm certain there were many) that happened only to the frum people. Reading Rashi you would think he is sitting in his bungalow in Swan Lake surrounded by his grandchildren. 
And yet, in Parshas Bo, Rashi goes out of his gentle character and calls other Jews "rashaim" evil!!! 

What happened? 

The Torah records for posterity the last plaque before the slaying of the "First Born," namely the plaque of Choshech.... Darkness!
Rashi wonders why Hashem brought this plague of Darkness specifically. 

?ולמה הביא עליהם חשך
שהיו בישראל באותו הדור רשעים ולא היו רוצים לצאת ומתו בשלשת ימי אפלה
כדי שלא יראו מצריים במפלתם 
ויאמרו אף הם לוקים כמונו

Why did He bring the plague of darkness against them? 
(Because) there were amongst the Jewish people of that generation wicked individuals, who did not wish to leave Egypt, and so they perished during the three days of gloom so that the Egyptians would not witness their downfall, and say "They, too, are being smitten as we are."

Wow! A lot to digest... 
Let's take this apart. 

See Hague Prosecutors Digging Tunnels


Anna Hossnieh the Vicious Antisemite is a producer at @iHeartRadio and works on several high visibility podcasts.


A message from a Psychedelic Integration Therapist .... in Yiddish


Jewish "yemach' she'monicks" participate in a pro-Hamas rally — March4Gaza — in Washington DC. On Shabbos


JUST IN:.... Germany intends to intervene in ICJ hearing in support of Israel.


"In view of German history and the crimes against humanity of the Holocaust, the Government is particularly committed to the Convention against Genocide.

This convention is a central instrument of international law to implement the principle of "never again". We resolutely oppose its political instrumentalization.

We know that different countries rate Israel's operation in the Gaza Strip differently. However, Germany firmly and expressly rejects the accusation of genocide now made before the International Court of Justice against Israel. This accusation lacks any basis [and] ... Government intends to intervene as a third party."

Anti-Israel protestors break White House fence


 A group of anti-Israel protestors attempted to breach and caused serious damage to a reinforced fence outside the White House overnight (Saturday), causing personnel to be evacuated.

Video from the scene shows part of the fence being lifted off the ground as one protestor shouted "break it down!" Some protestors attempted to climb over the fence

The Secret Service confirmed that non-essential personnel were evacuated as a precaution as the protest grew violent.

Protestors threw water bottles and sticks at the Secret Servicemen who kept them from breaking into the White House grounds.

Demonstrators repeatedly shouted "f- Joe Biden," in protest against the American President's support for Israel in the aftermath of the Hamas massacre of October 7, when over 1,200 people were murdered and over 240 were taken hostage.

Drunk Arab Terrorizes Brisk On Friday Night...Zionist Police Come to the Rescue!


It was a frightening moment in the famed Brisk yeshiva building in Yerushalayim, when a violent drunk Arab entered the premises on Friday night and began destroying property.

According to reports, a few Bochrim were learning after 1:00AM in the yeshiva, when suddenly they heard screaming and violent noises. They then saw the man, who began breaking anything he was able to grab, throwing down tables, chairs and Seforim, as the horrified Bochrim froze in place.

The man then seemed to disappear, but it was believed that he was still inside the building. Borchim from nearby Diras awaked and joined in the search for the man. he was eventually located in the dining room of the yeshiva. Upon being found, he began breaking things and turned violent once again.

Eventually, Zionist police arrived, and the man was taken to the hospital in handcuffs.

Upon hearing the horror that unfolded, the Rosh yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Avraham Yehoshua Soloveitchik said, Bichasdei hashem, no one was hurt and this was “בבחינת השליך חמתו על עצים ואבנים”.

3 Palestinian Terrorists Infiltrate Israeli Yishuv, Get Shot Dead After Injuring Soldier on Friday Night


A 34-year-old Israeli soldier was moderately wounded in a shooting attack by three terrorists who attempted to infiltrate the Adora yishuv in the southern West Bank on Friday night.

The IDF reported that after a brief manhunt, the three Palestinian terrorists were killed by security forces and later identified as teenagers from one family who had no prior security offenses and who resided in Idna, a nearby town. The Shin Bet said they were from the nearby town of Idna: Udai Abu Jahisha, 16, Muhammad Arafat Abu Jahisha, 16, and Ismail Abu Jahisha, 19.

The incident unfolded when a reservist tasked with guarding Adora received an alert of an infiltration into the settlement’s industrial zone and was hit by the terrorists’ gunfire when he arrived to check the alert.

Surveillance footage showed the terrorists breaching the outer perimeter of the industrial area, carrying weapons such as an M16, knives, a pickaxe, and Molotov cocktails. The IDF Home Front Command initially ordered residents of Adora to remain indoors and lock their doors and windows as a precaution.

How the Church Kidnapped a Jewish Child and Never Returned Him


By Rabbi Yair Hoffman


Recently, the Jewish world was shocked when Pope Francis labelled Israel’s attempt to remove Hamas from power as “terrorism.”  Attempts to have him walk it back have so far not been fruitful.  Let our minds take a tour of a true incident.

Imagine a seven-year-old Jewish boy taken away from his parents and never given back.  No.  This isn’t October 7th, 2023, but Bologna Italy, in 1858.

One of the pertinent lessons that we learned from Yehudah’s approaching Yoseph, the Egyptian viceroy in parshas Vayigash. was that it is important to stand up, respectfully, and call out immorality for what it is. 

A caveat, of course, is not to make things worse and engender more immorality – saichel must be used.

The purpose of standing up for a moral truth is to ensure that history does not repeat itself, and  that moral calamities that have happened in the past never happen again.

One case in point is the kidnapping of a young boy from Bologna, Italy, authorized by Pope Pius IX.  The story was made famous by the remarkable researcher, historian, and captivating author David Kertzer in his 1997 historical account of the horrid incident, entitled, “The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara.”

It was a Shabbos evening, June 23, 1858, when the police of the Papal States, of which Bologna was then part, arrived at the home of Momolo and Marianna Mortara. 

Their purpose? 

It was to seize one of their eight children, six-year-old Edgardo, and transport him to Rome to be raised by the Catholic church.

Essentially, a Catholic servant of a Jewish family had claimed, in her confession to a priest, to have poured water on a sick young Jewish boy for the purpose of baptizing him. She did not want the poor boy to burn in hell for not having been Christian.  The church took the child away – forever.  The pope stated that a “Catholic” child cannot be raised by Jews. 

Edgardo was taken to a house for Catholic converts in Rome, built with funds from taxes levied upon Jews. His parents were not allowed to see him for several weeks, and then never again alone. Pius IX took a personal interest in the case, and all appeals to the Church were rebuffed. The church so brainwashed the poor child that he eventually became a priest.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

INSANE!!!! Montreal Police Warn that Posting Videos of Thieves is a "Violation of Privacy"


In a surprising development in the ongoing issue of porch piracy in Montreal West, local police have advised against sharing videos of thieves online, citing concerns over defamation. This guidance from Quebec’s provincial police force, The Sûreté du Québec (SQ), emphasizes the protection of the alleged perpetrator’s privacy, sparking disbelief and ridicule among local residents and online commentators.

SQ communications officer Lt. Benoit Richard, in a statement to CTV News Montreal, explained, “You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life.” This notion of defamation, legally defined as damaging someone’s reputation through slander or libel, has led many to view the police’s caution as overly protective of criminals at the expense of victims’ rights.

This stance by the police has triggered a host of reactions online, with one user mockingly commenting, “You ALL know every court in Canada would LOVE to rule that thieves have a reasonable right to privacy while stealing.”

Montreal West councillor Lauren Small-Pennefather acknowledged the regularity of porch thefts, noting, “It’s something we deal with on a daily basis.” The irony is palpable as residents grapple with the legal implications of using security cameras, intended for deterring theft, in a way that could potentially result in legal issues.

Online discussions have extended beyond the SQ’s statement, with one user pointing out the broader legal landscape in Canada, referencing a B.C. Supreme Court ruling on drug use in playgrounds. “Congratulations LiberalNDP, we have reached that point where criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens,” the user remarked.

The frustration is evident among those who view the police’s warning as an impediment to effectively addressing crime. The sentiment that criminals’ rights are being prioritized over victims’ is a common theme in the online discourse, with over 700 replies to a related post by Canada Proud.

One user highlighted the misconception about defamation, stating, “Defamation involves making false statements that harms someone’s reputation. Posting a video of someone stealing a package is not defamation (laughing emoji).” This conversation comes at a time when porch thefts are increasing, with a FedEx survey showing that 28% of Canadians have experienced package theft, and 70% of online shoppers are concerned about it.

FedEx suggests tracking shipments and monitoring delivery notifications as preventive measures, with 61% of shoppers reportedly doing so. However, Small-Pennefather pointed out that thieves are becoming more sophisticated, often following delivery vehicles to target parcels.

She recommends requiring signatures for parcel delivery or picking up packages from carriers as additional precautions. Lt. Benoit Richard urges citizens to report thefts to the police, assuring that they will investigate and pursue justice. “If you get some proof that somebody might have stolen something, call the police, give that proof to the police. We’ll do the investigation, bring that person to justice and file some charges,” he stated.

For the First Time A new Multidimensional Unit takes out terrorist


For the first time since its establishment, the Multidimensional Unit was activated in a ground operation.

The unit, established four years ago, integrates innovative technologies with special capabilities alongside teams of soldiers operating in parallel.

The unit's soldiers were the first to eliminate terrorists using advanced drones and a combination of technological capabilities for target identification and direction of fire.

The soldiers destroyed dozens of anti-tank missile launch positions, observation posts, and weapons storage facilities in the northern Gaza Strip, and eliminated dozens of Hamas terrorists posing a threat to our forces.

In one operation, the unit located numerous weapons in a school and a mosque.

Should We All Make Aliyah?


Anti-Israel mob blocks traffic during the morning commute in Los Angeles, on Dec. 13, 2023,

October 7 was the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Since that horrible day, Hamas has fired thousands upon thousands of rockets at Israel. Now, the IDF is facing a dangerous battle on the ground in Gaza that will likely last for several months.

Despite all this devastating news coming out of Israel, so many of us are asking, “Should we all make aliyah?”

I think this every morning when I wake up and see another case of antisemitism on a college campus, or pro-Hamas protestors shutting down highways and bridges or another foiled terrorist plot to blow up a shul. I am terrified to be a Jew here right now.

494 Physicians and 83 Nurses Made Aliyah in 2023


According to figures presented on Wednesday to the Knesset Committee for Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs, chaired by MK Oded Forer (Yisrael Beitenu) by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, 494 physicians made Aliyah in 2023, as did 83 nurses, 42% of whom came from Russia.

The average age of physicians who immigrate to Israel is 41.4, and the median age is 37.

The Health Ministry reported that over the past five years, 1,753 new olim doctors have been absorbed into Israel’s healthcare system.

The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration helped 928 new immigrant physicians find employment in the healthcare system.

The committee debated ways to remove obstacles to hiring immigrant physicians. The committee heard a report by the Finance Ministry, through the Medical Directorate in the Health Ministry, that 70 positions are allocated annually, on a waitlist basis, for the specialization of immigrant doctors. Over the past five years, 149 new immigrant doctors have filled these positions. On average, 1-3 of these positions become available every month, and doctors from the waitlist are first to be considered.