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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Pres Magill of UPenn "Wipe off that Evil Grin off your Ugly Face"


Listen to this eloquent NYU Student tell us what is like to be a Student in NYU


Chabad in Gaza and Looking for a "tzenter" for Mincha


American held in Gaza had his hand blown off ..Video


Hamas terrorists raped Israeli men during invasion


Israeli authorities have collected significant evidence to back up claims that men were also subjected to sexual assault by Gaza terrorists during the October 7th invasion, a rape survivors’ advocacy group claims.

Yael Sherer, a member of the Survivors of Sexual Violence organization, spoke with BBC Radio Four on Monday to discuss the terrorists’ use of rape and other forms of sexual violence during the October 7th invasion of southwestern Israel.

During the interview, Sherer said that the ongoing Israeli police investigation into sex crimes by Gaza terrorists in Israel has revealed significant evidence that Israeli men were also raped during the invasion of October 7th.

“There was sexual violence and rape in these communities in the south of Israel. We have a few living survivors – not a lot – of both genders. It didn’t only happen to women, it happened to men as well.”

“Aside from finding bodies of people who were murdered, a lot of the bodies were mutilated. Terrorists made sure to disgrace these people and dishonor them.”

On Monday, Shelly Harush, the police commander leading the investigation into sexual violence on October 7th, told a Knesset committee hearing that over 1,500 testimonials of rape or evidence of rape have been collected thus far.

Along with physical signs of sexual violence, Harush said that the evidence points to the systematic rape of Israelis during the invasion, including gang rape, noting that in some cases young women’s “pelvises were broken they had been raped so much.”

In many cases, Hamas terrorists mutilated the genitalia of their victims, often shooting both male and female victims repeatedly in the crotch.

In some instances, terrorists cut off the breasts of their female victims.

After nearly two months, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently announced an investigation into the sex crimes of invading Gaza terrorists.

Watch the little Hostage with the dog tell her story


Where are the righteous Palestinians?


Speaking at Dubai’s COP28 Summit, US Vice President Kamala Harris said “we cannot conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people.” “We” Israelis, Americans, Westerners, don’t have to – the Palestinians and their thuggish enablers keep doing it by deifying Hamas.

Harris’s comments sounded foolish to most Arabs’ ears – they know the truth. For decades, the world has absolved Palestinians of responsibility for the violence they keep encouraging.

This morally idiotic free pass continues, even as Palestinians worldwide cheer Hamas, even as we hear reports of doctors and UNWRA teachers holding innocent Israelis hostage, even as polls show that 75% of Palestinians support Hamas – especially the October 7 massacre, which Gazans facilitated. Just last week, Gazans threatened to lynch the hostages being freed – bizarrely, the Hamas war criminals protected the Israeli women and children from the mob.

Israel takes out half of Hamas’ battalion commanders — including one caught on eerie video in tunnel

 Israel’s army has killed half of Hamas’ battalion commanders since the war in Gaza began — including one caught on eerie video roaming the terror group’s tunnel network before his death, Israel said Tuesday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamim Netanyahu reaffirmed his nation’s goal to eradicate Hamas when speaking to reporters — and claimed that the terrorist group has already lost about a dozen leaders of its estimated 24 battalions fighting in Gaza, the Times of Israel reported.

“We are settling accounts with all those who kidnapped, participated, murdered, slaughtered, raped and burned the daughters of our people,” Netanyahu said. “We will not forget, and we will not forgive.”

The prime minister’s comments came as the Israel Defense Forces and Israel’s Shin Bet security agency revealed that at least five Hamas leaders were killed in a recent airstrike in northern Gaza.

Joan Rivers's Rant 12 Years ago "mammash" Relevant Today

Gazans Will Now Have plenty of Water after the IDF Gets Done with Flooding the Tunnels


Reports Coming in that IDF Starting to Flood the Tunnels With Salt Water


Listen to this IDF"S Dvar Torah


Emilia is back where she belongs. Surrounded by loving friends

 First Day back To Kindergarten

Israeli satirical show mocks UN response to Hamas rapes


 Israeli satirical television show “Eretz Nehederet” aired a sketch on Tuesday mocking the UN’s response to the sexual crimes committed by Hamas during its October 7 attack against Israel.

The sketch shows two members of UN Women interviewing someone about rapes committed by Hamas, and it ends up being a Hamas terrorist who admits to everything and even offers to show video proof of the acts.

The two UN investigators end up claiming that it was not rape but rather “Rapesistance”, which they explained is “a legitimate act of resistance which implies only against Jewish people”.

Previous “Eretz Nehederet” clips from the war, including ones mocking the BBC and tackling campus antisemitism in the wake of the war have gone viral.

Shai Graucher Asked Shoshana, Shot In Stomach By Terrorists in Yerushalayim What She Wanted ....Watch her response


 Shoshana Bracha Shafer, a young Jerusalem teenager, was standing at the bus stop in Givat Shaul last Thursday when terrorists jumped out of a car and opened fire at the crowd of travellers from close range. Shoshana was shot in the stomach and is now recovering in hospital, where she was visited by Shai Graucher, the son of famous chasidic singer Dedi Graucher who died in September at age 62.

Graucher has been working almost non-stop in the wake of the October 7th attacks, raising money and distributing it to the survivors, to their families, to displaced people, to soldiers, police officers and to the families of reservists. He has created a registered nonprofit in Israel — Chessed v’Rachamim, meaning Grace and Mercy — and an affiliated 501(c)3 in the United States (TK). Though these are the names of the organizations, the initiative itself is known in Hebrew as Beyachad Nenatze’ach, meaning “together we will win,” and in English as “Standing Together.”

“We’re helping people who lost their loved ones with financial support. We’re helping families whose houses were broken to fix them. We’re helping soldiers with equipment… We’re doing barbecues with the army,” Graucher said. “We are helping the families who are in [evacuee] hotels. We’re sending [presents to the wives of reservists] who are home for three, four weeks without their husband. We’re helping [displaced people] with winter clothes. We’re helping women who gave birth and their husband is in the army. We have kitchens that are open 24-7, sending food, Shabbat meals, special things.”

Despite all this feverish activity, Shai Graucher found time to ask Shoshana what she wanted. Her answer amazed him.

Shoshana responded that she wants to help her father’s Kollel so he shouldn’t have to fly to America and fundraise this month. Graucher immediately offered him $26,000 to help the father, as well as bringing singer Mordechai Shapiro to raise the spirits of a deeply moved Shoshana.

SHOCKING!!! Listen to Presidents of Harvard, UPenn and MIT Refuse to say that "Calling for Genocide of Jews" is Antisemitic!!


Republican and Democratic members of Congress shredded three university presidents Tuesday at a hearing about rampant campus antisemitism.

The presidents of Harvard, UPenn and MIT all weakly attempted to defend their policies, yet sounded pitifully weak and equivocated their positions, rather than bluntly condemning hate speech.

All three school leaders used speaking time to highlight efforts they have made to protect Jewish students, yet their answers failed to satisfy lawmakers.

Rep. Donald Norcross (D-N.J.) went after Magill for a festival that was held at UPenn by students where antisemitic speakers were invited.

While Magill said she personally condemns those speakers’ views, she added the school will not “censor based on the content.”

Norcross then asked if Magill would allow speakers with racist views at her campus, to which she only responded that the school would “follow our policies.”

Harvard President Claudine Gay took some of the biggest hits. Gay said it is a hard task balancing free speech with safety in these times, admitting in her opening statement she had “not always gotten it right.”

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Comprehensive report on what’s been going on in Gaza the last two days


Fat Nadler Officially A Satmar Chusid and Quotes the SHIT'eh The only question now is will Nadler's Wife Shave Her Head?


So the obese fatso Nadler, who voted for the Iran Deal that vowed to wipe Israel off the map, has made it official that being "anti-Zionist is not being an antisemite, and to support this ludicrous assertion he says that the proof is Satmar! 

Well, first of all there isn't a goy out there who loves Jews and hates Zionists.  Every single goy who is an anti-Zionist is a bona-fide antisemite! No one would argue with that .,

Second of all who says that Samar anti-Zionists love Jews??

 Yes! they wait till some Jew is dying in the hospital to bring him some heimishe chicken soup, but that's where it starts and that's where it ends! They love Jews that are sick, but healthy Jews that support Israel, they hate, and in fact, curse them three times a day in the Shemona Esra when they say "veLamanshim" 

Satmar supports this fat vile "nevilah" even though he is in favor of every single legislation that goes against Torah Values, because Nadler brings in the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

See this from Satmar 

Representatives Jerry Nadler, Daniel Goldman, and Jamie Raskin on Monday introduced a resolution in response to the alarming rise of antisemitism in the United States – but Nadler made some stunning remarks while speaking on the House floor about the resolution.

The resolution calls for bipartisan collaboration and a comprehensive, all-of-government response to combat antisemitism in the United States, including, for example, increasing funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Additionally, it calls on Congress to provide robust funding for the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to help enforce Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and help protect Jewish students from antisemitism.

But Nadler, pants firmly around his shoulders, also went on a rambling rant on the House floor about how not all anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, pointing to the Satmar chassidus to prove his point. Ironically, Nadler’s comments came on Kuf Alef Kislev, the day Satmar chasidim celebrate the Rebbe having been spared from the Nazis… via the Zionists.

Watch the jaw-dropping video below.

Hamas are accused of making more than $900 MILLION by shorting shares in Israel's biggest bank WEEKS BEFORE October 7

Hamas-linked financiers made hundreds of millions of dollars of profits by shorting Israeli stocks before the October 7 massacre, two analysts say. 

One unidentified trader 'shorted' 4.43 million shares in Israel's largest bank, Leumi, between September 15 and October 5 - meaning they gambled that the price of Leumi's shares would fall.

After the October 7 attack, Leumi's share price did indeed plummet as its operations were paralyzed, earning a $900 million profit for the trader, who is believed to have links to Hamas.

The trade and others were unearthed by Robert J. Jackson, Jr, from New York University School of Law, and Joshua Mitts of Columbia Law School.

On Monday they published a report into their findings titled: 'Trading on Terror?'

Hamas shot female Israeli soldiers 'in the crotch, intimate parts and breasts' as part of 'a systemic genital mutilation': IDF reveals many victims' corpses still had agonised looks on their faces


Hamas terrorists shot female Israeli soldiers 'in the crotch, intimate parts and breasts' as part of a 'systematic genital mutilation, the IDF has claimed.

Some of the female victims of the gunmen who stormed across the Israeli border from Gaza on October 7 were left with agonised looks on their faces after they died, according to an Israeli unit that helped bless bodies of those killed in the massacre.

Army reservist Shari Mendes said many bodies of female victims, both civilian and military, arrived 'in bloody shredded rags or just in underwear.'

Mendes was speaking at a UN event in New York on Monday titled 'Hear Our Voices: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the October 7 Hamas terror attack'.

She said:  'Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch, intimate parts, vagina, or shot in the breast,' said army reservist Shari Mendes, whose unit helped bless the bodies of people killed during Hamas' October 7 incursion.

'This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims,' added the soldier, whose unit at the Shura Army Base prepares bodies for burial. 

'These women arrived with their eyes opened, their mouths in grimaces, their fists clenched,' she added. 

'The soldiers that we dealt with had expressions of agony on their faces still. 

'I remember one young woman whose arm was broken in so many places it was difficult for us to lay her arm in the burial shroud, her leg too. 

'In her case the entire left side of her body was shredded, torn apart, most likely by a grenade.'

Mendes said that she and her unit are forced to make a decision to not show the families of dead soldiers their bodies, as Hamas' mutilation of the bodies 'was an objective in their murders.' 

'Some were shot in the heads were bashed in so badly that their brains were spilling out. 

'Some were shot in the heads so many times at close range that their heads were almost blown off.'

Mendes said the scene that lay before her as she arrived at Shura Army Base a day after Hamas killed 1,200 people during its incursion was 'unimaginable in scale.' 

'Body bags were piled to the ceiling, lining the corridors in every room. Refrigerator trucks were waiting outside, also full.

“Body bags just kept coming in all shapes and sizes. Many were oozing liquids and the floors were wet. 

'The smell of death was already unbearable. It is impossible to overemphasize the number of bodies we were dealing with, the sense of shock and despair.'

Hamas have also been accused of treating living hostages badly as well, with the US claiming that the terror group refused to release ten female hostages because they do not want them to reveal what they have been subjected to while being held captive. 

State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said that this was the reason the week-long ceasefire, which came after Hamas agreed to release over 100 hostages over several days, ended.

The official said on Monday: 'It seems that one of the reasons Hamas doesn't want to turn women over that they've been holding hostage, and the reason this pause fell apart, is they don't want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody.'

One brave woman... against seven cowards: Astonishing moment hostage Amit Soussana fought Hamas gunmen as they abducted her on October 7


This is the moment a fearless Israeli woman fought to free herself from seven Hamas gunmen as they dragged her back to Gaza during their ruthless October 7 attacks.

Amit Soussana, 40, found herself alone and surrounded by armed attackers with no way of defending herself as they marched her towards the border, having torn her from Kfar Aza kibbutz.

But any sense of bending to the will of her captors in the hope of receiving less brutal treatment was overridden by her staunch refusal to go quietly.

The astonishing footage, captured by a security camera according to Times of Israel, showed how one terrorist lifted the Israeli lawyer onto his back, only to tumble to the ground as she kicked and wriggled against him. 

Holding her down, the attackers can be seen slapping Amit as they attempted to wrap her in a shawl or blanket, but still she fought back, twisting and kicking. 

Eventually the captors were forced to bundle her into a car to get her back to Gaza as they were unable to drag her on foot - a testament to the sheer bravery and determination of Amit.

Amit lived alone in Kfar Aza and was an easy target for Hamas attackers, who discovered her hiding in a safe room in her property.

The lawyer, who works for the law firm Luzzatto & Luzzatto, was ill at the time of her capture and was recovering at home with a fever when Hamas stormed her kibbutz. 

More than 1,200 Israelis were slaughtered on October 7 irrespective of whether they tried to flee or resist against their attackers, but Amit was one of several hostages who were dragged into Gaza and spent almost eight weeks days living in captivity.

But she was released by Hamas along with 21-year-old Mia Schem, who was kidnapped from the Nova music festival, last week just one day before the week-long truce between Israel and Hamas expired and hostilities resumed.

Footage of their release showed how they were bundled out of a car and handed over to Red Cross workers close to the Israel-Gaza border as a huge group of Palestinians surrounded them, jeering and chanting.   

Speaking on the morning of her return to Israel, relative Michael Cohen said: 'I was always hopeful she would come back but there was terrible tension. This has been a difficult, crazy time. I can't wait to give her a hug.'

A climate summit??? Kamala and Kerry flew on SEPARATE jets... the host is a Sultan oil boss... and it's all held in Dubai - where they air condition the desert. What a charade!


The United Nations' 28th climate change conference is melting down faster than an iceberg in the Arctic.

It's a collection of the world's rich and influential who've set out to save all of humanity by getting rid of fossil fuels. But apparently, the engines of this international powwow don't run well on bull manure.

John Kerry, the failed presidential candidate now moonlighting as President Biden's 'special presidential envoy for climate', is leading the American delegation for the COP28 summit.

True to form, Kerry, our Bay State plutocrat, reportedly jetted in on a carbon-belching private plane.

And Kamala Harris, our flailing vice president, deemed the meeting urgent enough to justify the greenhouse gases necessary to fuel Air Force Two and fly her to the lavish affair as well.

Would it be too much to ask them to ride share?

And the location of COP28: Dubai.

Yes, you read that right: Dubai.

Soros Propping Up Hamas thru Well-Funded NGOs


What A real little "chutzpa'nik"


John Kerry "PASSES Stinky GAS" While Discussing Climate Change!


John Kerry might need to cut back on his own emissions.

The Biden Administration’s climate envoy was discussing US policy on coal power plants at the Climate Change Conference in Dubai on Sunday when Kerry unleashed a burst of wind energy.

The former secretary of state was speaking next to Becky Anderson, Managing Editor of CNN Abu Dhabi, and Fatih Birol, Executive director of the International Energy Agency, when a Bronx cheer suddenly erupted midsentence.

“There shouldn’t be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world,” Kerry began before launching into an anti-coal diatribe.

“I find myself getting more and more militant because I do not understand how adults who are in a position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis…”

Before Kerry can complete his thought, the crude sound of passing gas can be heard over the microphone. The crowd breaks into applause, apparently oblivious to the crude theatrics.

CNN’s Anderson — sitting to Kerry’s right and within striking distance of a potential bodily function — quickly jerks her head aside and inconspicuously places her hand to her mouth, possibly in the event of any stench permeating the climate panel.

Birol, the energy executive, simply nods his head and shuffles his eyes in rapt contemplation.

“And the reality is that the climate crisis and the health crisis are one and the same,” Kerry continued, unabated.

Larry O’Connor of Townhall Media said Kerry’s alleged flatulence was an embarrassment to the US.

“The biggest problem is, during this entire exchange, representing us, The United States of America, he ripped a fart out,” O’Connor said. “He let loose with flatulence on an international stage.”

The pundit said the evidence was overwhelming and Kerry must answer for his actions.

“He should lose his job immediately,” he said. “John Kerry farted.”