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Thursday, October 19, 2023

'There are no innocents in Gaza, that doesn't exist'




'The Gazan workers who we allowed into Israel are the ones who prepared the maps and gave the information,' security committee chair says.

MK Tzvika Foghel (Otzma Yehudit), who serves as the head of the National Security Committee, on Thursday morning said that from his perspective, "there is no such thing as innocents in the Gaza Strip."

"The tune that we are hearing on the ground is one of attacks and targets, but when I hear words like, 'victory,' and 'eliminations,' I get the feeling that we have not yet internalized what we are dealing with. This is a worse enemy than the Nazis in how it treats Jews, and worse than ISIS in how it treats civilians. The goal must be complete destruction of the enemy," Foghel told Kol Hai Radio.

"From my perspective, there are no innocents. There are those who openly carry weapons, and there are those who right now are not fighting me openly. The workers who we allowed in here are the ones who prepared the maps and gave the information, and they are those who plundered us after Hamas came in. I hope that we finally start to understand this.

"If we do not ensure the continued existence of a Jewish state in this country, we will lose it," he warned.

Regarding whether the IDF will send ground forces into Gaza, Foghel said, "The air strikes serve the entry by ground forces. I prefer to wait a bit more and save the lives of the soldiers who will enter for a ground operation."

"There must not be Hamas or Hezbollah - just like they destroyed the Nazis," he stressed.

When asked about Israel's current emergency government, he explained, "There is no unity here. There is one important thing: That every soldier who goes out to fight and is willing to be killed will know that the entire leadership is sitting around the same table."

Responsibility for Hamas' attack on Israel, he said, rests among others on the shoulders of Ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot, who are former IDF Chiefs of Staff.

"History will yet judge the responsibility that Gantz and Eizenkot bear for this event, but if they want to be beside the table instead of my representative, I am willing to swallow that frog right now," he concluded.

Starbucks and Starbucks Workers United union SUE each other

Starbucks and the union organizing its workers sued each other Wednesday in a standoff sparked by a social media post over the Israel-Hamas war.

Starbucks sued Workers United in federal court in Iowa Wednesday, saying a pro-Palestinian social media post from a union account early in the Israel-Hamas war angered hundreds of customers and damaged its reputation.

Starbucks is suing for trademark infringement, demanding that Workers United stop using the name “Starbucks Workers United” for the group that is organizing the coffee company’s workers.

Starbucks also wants the group to stop using a circular green logo that resembles Starbucks’ logo.

Workers United responded with its own filing, asking a federal court in Pennsylvania to rule that it can continue to use Starbucks’ name and a similar logo.

Workers United also said Starbucks defamed the union by implying that it supports terrorism and violence.

Black Lady States: "I was a DEI director — DEI drives campus antisemitism"


The blatant antisemitism on college campuses has shocked millions of Americans over the past week and a half.

But not me.

I saw antisemitism on a weekly basis in my two years as a faculty “diversity, equity and inclusion” director.

In fact, I can safely say that toxic DEI ideology deliberately stokes hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people.

I was hired to head the DEI department at Silicon Valley’s De Anza College in 2021.

As a black woman, I was the perfect person for the job — on paper.

Yet I made the mistake of trying to create an authentically inclusive learning environment for everyone, including Jewish students.

Turns out, a toxic form of DEI (which is more accurately called “critical social justice”) demanded I do the opposite.

Finally!! Lets Get Rid of them all.....State Department official resigns over Biden’s support of Israel’s war against Hamas

A longtime State Department official resigned Wednesday over President Biden’s decision to provide lethal arms to Israel as it wages war on Hamas terrorists. 

Josh Paul, a now former senior official in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, publicly announced his resignation in a letter posted on his LinkedIn page, arguing that supplying Israel with lethal weaponry and ammunition is “impulsive” and “immensely disappointing.” 

“I made myself a promise that I would stay for as long as I felt the harm I might do could be outweighed by the good I could do,” Paul, who worked in the State Department division ​​overseeing arms sales, wrote in his note. “In my 11 years I have made more moral compromises than I can recall, each heavily, but each with my promise to myself in mind, and intact.”

“I am leaving today because I believe that in our current course with regards to the continued – indeed, expanded and expedited – provision of lethal arms to Israel – I have reached the end of that bargain,” he wrote. 

Man slugs woman in the face on NYC subway, tells her it’s because ‘you are Jewish’


A hate-filled brute punched a woman in the face in a Manhattan subway station over the weekend and told her he socked her because “you are Jewish,” according to police.

The stranger walked up and clobbered the 29-year-old woman inside the 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue subway station 7-train passageway at around 11:30 p.m. Saturday, cops said.

The shocked victim asked her attacker why he randomly slugged her when she did nothing to provoke him and he reportedly said his reason was “you are Jewish” and ran off, police said.

The woman suffered minor injuries.

Likud minister: The war hasn't started yet


Minister May Golan tells TalkTV about the horrors perpetrated by Hamas, blasts feminists for silence when Jewish women are raped and murdered. 'The Jewish people are now facing something that no person in his right mind can even realize.'

Ancient Shul and Kever In Tunisia Burned Over False Gaza Hospital Bombing Reports


On Tuesday evening, the el-Hamma Synagogue in the Gabès Governorate of Tunisia was reportedly set on fire. Footage of the incident shows no immediate response from police or emergency services.

The entrance of the site once held a plaque that read, in Hebrew, “In honor of the holy Kabbalist Rabbi Yassaf El-Ma’arabi, a student of the 16th-century Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Luria.”

Though the synagogue in el-Hamma currently stands unused due to the absence of a Jewish community in the area, its significance remains. Follow-up videos from the subsequent morning depicted extensive fire damage to the shul complex and Arabic graffiti adorning the walls of the few rooms that remained untouched.

This incident occurred shortly after false media reports alleged that the Israel Defense Forces had bombed the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. However, US and Israeli officials, as well as independent intelligence analysts, have unanimously identified the cause of the explosion as a misguided rocket launched by the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization.

Neither Tunisian nor international media outlets have covered the el-Hamma synagogue attack, completely blocking out its occurrence.

This event follows closely on the heels of a tragic terror assault in May at the historical El Ghriba Synagogue on the island of Djerba. According to the Tunisian Interior Ministry, a naval officer stationed on the island was the assailant, initially killing a colleague at his base. Afterward, he procured more ammunition and traveled to the synagogue, opening fire on the entrance guards. The attack resulted in four deaths, including two security personnel and two cousins: Benjamin Haddad, a 42-year-old French national, and Aviel Haddad, a 30-year-old dual citizen of France and Israel residing in Israel.

Additionally, ten individuals, comprising four worshipers and six security officers, sustained injuries and received medical attention at local hospitals.

“Should I Leave Israel? Should Yeshivah Bochurim Come Back? HaRav Zilberstein Responds

 HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein has received thousands of shailos regarding the situation in Israel since the war began.

One of the shailos was from a woman living in Israel who is very fearful and asked whether she should travel to Chutz L’Eretz for a few weeks. [It is unclear whether the woman is a native Israeli or is originally from Chutz L’Eretz.]

HaRav Zilberstein responded: “Chav V’shalom to leave Eretz Yisrael – for it is the most kodesh place and at every moment you can fulfill the mitzvah of yishuv Eretz Yisrael.” The Rav also quoted the passuk in Ovadia: “ובהר ציון תהיה פליטה והיה קודש.”

HaRav Zilberstein was also asked by many yeshivah bochurim who live abroad whether they should return to Eretz Yisrael for the winter z’man.

HaRav Zilberstein responded that “there’s nothing to fear in Bnei Brak due to the promise of the Chazon Ish and there’s also a special shemirah in Yerushalayim, about which it’s said that it’s: “משוש כל הארץ.”

And in any event, HaRav Zilberstein continued, the bochurim are returning to learn Torah ‘ותורה מגנא ומצלא’ – so they have nothing to fear.

HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau also told yeshivah bochurim from Chutz L’Eretz who asked him to return to Eretz Yisrael to learn, saying: “Bochurim from Chutz L’Eretz who are not afraid and whose parents are not afraid should return to learn here and ‘ותורה מגנא ומצלא.'”

However, HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman last week expressed a different opinion, saying that bochurim who are still in Chutz L’Eretz should wait several weeks and shouldn’t come to Eretz Yisrael until matters become clear. “But they are obligated to be makpid to establish for themselves regular learning sedarim, tefillah, and mussar, wherever they live,” the Rosh Yeshivah wrote.

Regarding bochurim who are already in Eretz Yisrael, HaRav Bergman wrote: “The bochurim who are already in Eretz Yisrael should remain in their places of learning in the yeshivos hakedoshos. And they should greatly increase their chizzuk in diligence in Torah and in greater hakpadah on their sidrei limmud, tefilla and mussar.”

“And it’s unnecessary to say that they shouldn’t wander around outside at night, chalilah, and the zechus of the Torah HaKedoshah will protect them and us, as Torah protects and saves.”

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ha Ha ...Black Guy Trolls Neturei Karta Dope With Israeli Flag


U.S. is ramping up firepower in the Middle East to deter Iran from starting WWIII - with an armada of 13 warships, over 100 fighter jets, cruise missiles, spy planes and 2,000 amphibious special forces massing in the region


The United States is amassing a war machine in the Middle East in a clear message to Iran to stay on the sidelines as Israel prepares to launch a ground invasion into Gaza to destroy the terror group Hamas.

Within hours of the horrific onslaught on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7 the U.S. began moving warships, jets and special forces to the region.

Two aircraft carriers including the world's largest - the USS Gerald R. Ford - have been sent to the eastern Mediterranean, along with scores of planes that could carry out air strikes.

Many more aircraft, including F-15 and F-16 fighter jet squadrons, have been dispatched to US military bases in the region, doubling the number available in the Persian Gulf.

Flight units that were due to come home soon have been told to stay.

Around 2,000 U.S. Marines trained in special operations and amphibious landings have also been redirected from an exercise in Kuwait, and are now on board two warships somewhere off the coast of Bahrain. 

The Pentagon is also preparing an additional 2,000 Army and Air Force personnel as a potential rapid response force. 

It reflects concern in Washington that Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terrorist group, or Iran itself, could escalate the crisis into an even more devastating regional conflict.

The main aim of the U.S. military ramp up is to deter Iran and its proxies from making any aggressive move.

Ayelet Shaked Tells Foreign Reporter that "Hamas Tortured Children then Burned them Alive"


No aid to Gaza as long as hostages are not returned

 The Prime Minister's Office summed up the joint cabinet meeting with US President Joe Biden and said that three decisions were made in light of the overwhelming US support and the vitality of the war effort and in light of Biden's demand for basic humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

The central decision is that "Israel will not allow any humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip as long as the hostages are not returned."

In addition, the message stated that: "Israel demands that the Red Cross visit the hostages and is working to enlist international support for this demand."

The Prime Minister's Office added: "In light of Biden's demands, Israel will not stop the provision of humanitarian aid from Egypt as long as it is only food, water, and medications for the civilian population that are in the southern Gaza Strip or are evacuating there, and as long as those supplies don't reach Hamas. Any supplies that reach Hamas will be stopped."

MK says that contrary to US President's statements, approximately 2 million people support Hamas.


Amid US President Joe Biden's solidarity visit to Israel, MK Amit Halevi took to social media to refute the president's statement that "Hamas does not represent all the Palestinian people, and has brought them only suffering."

"No, President Joe Biden, no!" MK Halevi wrote, "Today you declared that 'we need to remember that Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.' Well, no. This is a fundamental mistake that endangers Israel's security and future."

Halevi explains: "Nearly 2 million reside in the Gaza Strip. 80% of them were educated by Hamas and its objective to destroy Israel since Hamas brutally took control of Gaza in 2007. The adults among them were the ones who elected Hamas in a free election in 2006, in which it won.

Thus, contrary to your statement, today in the Gaza Strip, approximately 2 million people support Hamas, whose hearts are filled with a deranged religious hatred towards Jews and Israel.
This, Mr. President, is why masses of citizens participated in the horrific massacre and openly expressed sadistic pleasure from acts of rape, beheading, and the burning of infants.
This is also the reason why their supporters in the Palestinian Authority and around the world justify these actions by Hamas."

Halevi concludes: "And why is your mistake so critical? Because if you came here to rescue some hostages, to demonstrate our friendship, but still ensure that by the end of the war, Israel doesn't control the Gaza Strip, and the life there returns to normal, then – Don’t!"

Hamas Videos Themselves Doing the Worst Possible Atrocities and the Media says It's not verified? Unbelievable!


Love this guy ... Guy Running for PM in Canada Knocks down a leftist reporter while munching an apple LOL

Israeli Official Thanks Chareidie Community For All Their Help during the war " Chareidim are not parasites" "Thank you for every Daf in Gemarrah that you learn"


Wow! What a speech! This is the most incredible articulate speech I have heard in a very long time. 

Sorry guys, do not have the time to translate the speech in English, but you get the gist. 

If any reader wants to translate be my guest and I will post it here! 

Ehud Barak is completely to blame for Hamas invasion, says former ally


A former ally of ex-prime minister and defense minister Ehud Barak blamed him Tuesday for the Hamas invasion October 7 in which its terrorists murdered some 1,400 men, women and children and took more than 200 people as hostages into the Gaza Strip.

Haim Rimon, once a senior member of the Labor party and an ally of Barak, excoriated the former premier in a post to Twitter/X, accusing him of being the “father” of Israel’s policy of containment for Hamas, which Rimon said ultimately led to last week’s massacre.

“When Ehud Barak was interviewed today and explained that it is impossible to completely wipe out Hamas in the Gaza Strip and that it is only necessary to eliminate its operational capabilities, we must remember that he is the father of the concept of ‘coexistence’ with the Hamas regime,” Ramon posted to X.

This concept “that Barak conceived and promoted is the basis of the failure that allowed the terrible massacre,” he wrote. “Barak is responsible for the concept that failed, and despite this he calls for it to be added and maintained and still opposes the elimination of Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip.”

Ramon was justice minister when Barak was defense minister in Ehud Olmert’s government in 2007 and came up with the idea when Hamas wrested power over the coastal enclave from the Palestinian Authority in a violent coup, Ramon wrote.

He claimed that he had “strongly opposed” Barak’s concept, demanding “the overthrow of Hamas’ rule,” but that the defense minister had favored containment of the terror instead to the villages in the south.

Ramon also took issue with Barak’s charge, posted to X, that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he has worked for years to topple, was the only one responsible for strengthening Hamas. While Netanyahu is “foremost” at fault for preserving the operational concept, Barak is “right behind him on the list,” he wrote.

Presumably Netanyahu should get the lion’s share of the blame because of his 16 years at the country’s helm, when the phrase “mow the grass” became a euphemism describing the military operations Israel has executed against the terror regime every few years to deter it after periodic rounds of mass rocket launches and other terror attacks against the Jewish state’s civilian population.

According to Ramon, Barak had even “tried to prevent Operation Cast Lead,” the first of these missions, under Olmert, and after the government overrode his opposition, “he worked ceaselessly to stop it. Towards the end of Cast Lead, when we could have liquidated the entire leadership of Hamas, which was hiding under the Shifa Hospital, Barak threw all his weight into preventing their elimination

“Unfortunately,” he concluded, “all those who rightly demand that Netanyahu acknowledge his responsibility, for some reason exempt Barak from his responsibility and even avoid mentioning who it was who came up with the concept and led it for years.”

Israel declared war on Hamas the day after its mass attack, and is now poised at the border for a land invasion involving masses of ground troops and armored columns. Netanyahu has vowed to utterly destroy the terror organization.

IDF Hits Gaza Home of Hamas Leader in Exile, Kills 14 of His Relatives


An Israel Defense Forces airstrike in Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood killed 14 relatives of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, health authorities in the Gaza Strip claimed on Tuesday. The terror leader’s brother and nephew were killed in the alleged strike, reports said. Haniyeh himself resides in Qatar, where he has an office under the protection of the Gulf Arab country’s government.

Shortly after the reported airstrike, terrorists in Gaza fired heavy barrages of rockets at southern and central Israel, with alarms sounding in major cities, including Rishon Letzion, Petach Tikvah, Bnei Brak, Ramat Gan and Bat Yam.

Earlier on Tuesday, Hamas said that Ayman Nofal, a member of the General Military Council of its Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, died in an IDF airstrike.

“We just eliminated Ayman Nofal, a senior Hamas operative,” the IDF confirmed in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

According to the Israeli military, “Nofal directed many attacks against Israeli civilians and besides being one of the most dominant figures in the terrorist organization, he was involved in the planning of the abduction of Gilad Shalit.”

“We won’t stop until we eliminate Hamas,” concluded the post.

The military’s ‘top priority’

Biden Hugs Bibi in BG, Accepts Israel’s Version of Jihad’s Rocket Hitting Hospital


President Joe Biden landed Wednesday morning at Ben Gurion Airport for a snap visit of several hours to discuss with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the war cabinet the campaign against Hamas. Biden was greeted and hugged by Netanyahu and President Herzog, who told him: “Welcome President, God bless you for your defense of Israel.”

Well, that remains to be seen. Many on Israel’s right have been wondering if the burgeoning American presence on Israel’s shores, including a contingency of some 2,000 marines, is aimed at halting a potential second front with Iran’s proxy Hezbollah, or at making sure that the Israeli victory for which many IDF soldiers will, God forbid, shed their blood, would conclude in Pax Americana installing Mahmoud Abbas as President of the State of Palestine on either side of Israel.

Meanwhile, according to Ynet, citing American and Israeli sources, the US has been convinced by evidence that was provided by the IDF that it was a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket that landed on the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, killing 500.

Listen to the recording of a conversation between Hamas terrorists regarding the failed rocket launch on the Gaza hospital.


Transcript of the conversation:

Hamas operative #1: I'm telling you this is the first time that we see a missile like this falling.

Hamas operative #2: And so that's why we are saying it belongs to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Hamas operative #1: What?

Hamas operative #2: They are are saying it belongs to PIJ.

Hamas operative #1: It's from us?

Hamas operative #2: It looks like it!

Hamas operative #1: Who says this?

Hamas operative #2: They are saying that the shrapnel from the missile is local shrapnel and not like Israeli shrapnel.

Hamas operative #1: What are you saying (Name)?

Hamas operative #2: But God Bless, it couldn't have found another place to explode?

Hamas operative #1: Nevermind, yes, (Name), they shot it from the cemetery behind the hospital.

Hamas operative #2: What?!

Hamas operative #1: They shot it coming from the cemetery behind the Al-Ma'amadani Hospital, and it misfired and fell on them.

Hamas operative #2: There's a cemetery behind it?

Hamas operative #1: Yes, Al-Ma'amadani is exactly in the compound.

Hamas operative #2: Where is it when you enter the compound?

Hamas operative #1: You first enter the compound and don't go towards the city and it's on the right side of the Al-Ma'amadani Hospital.

Hamas operative #2: Yes, I know it.

Eida Hachreidis Guys Throw out Frum Soldier from "Shtiblach" in Zichron Moshe Yerushalyim


זיכרון משה בירושלים סיקריק עדה'ניק צעק על חייל צא החוצה

It took a little while until the normal people threw the Eidia Hachreidis  Guys out and brought the soldier back 

Eida Hachreidis Guys Steal Tzizis Made for Chayalim


The  was in the Rachmistrivka Shul in Yerushlayim 

NYU student a product of the leftist ADL admits to ripping down Israeli hostage posters

 One of the NYU students who brazenly ripped down posters of Israeli hostages is an activist “extremely passionate about fighting racial profiling” who blamed her behavior on misplaced anger.

Yazmeen Deyhimi — a junior at the top university who once worked for the Anti-Defamation League — admitted to tearing apart banners that were plastered outside NYU’s Tisch Hall, in a shameless act that was caught on video.

Deyhimi came clean on her Instagram account after the action ignited social media outcry and calls for the school to hold the perpetrators accountable.

“I have found it increasingly difficult to know my place as a biracial brown woman, especially during these highly volatile times,” she wrote.

“I have felt more and more frustrated about the time we currently find ourselves in, and that misplaced anger into actions that are not an accurate representation of who I am as a person.”

“In this age of social media and digital footprint, these moments of anger are selfish and self-absorbed, and not reflective of who I am as a person or who my family had raised me to be.”

The post has since been taken down.

Jordan in a Slap to Biden Calls off 4-Way Summit


Jordan has called off a four-way summit scheduled for Wednesday with U.S. President Joe Biden and other leaders, the country’s foreign minister told state-run television.

Ayman Safadi told al-Mamlaka TV that the war between Israel and Hammas was “pushing the region to the brink” and the summit would be postponed.

After visiting Israel Wednesday, Biden had planned to travel to Amman for the meeting.

The White House said Biden had hoped to use the summit to discuss the bloody Oct. 7 Hamas militant attack on Israel with the United States’ Arab allies and the Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited autonomy in parts of the occupied West Bank.

Hamas Call for "A Day of Rage" After they mistakenly Bomb Their Own Hospital


The Hezbollah terrorist organization announced on Tuesday that Wednesday would be a "day of rage" to condemn a strike on a Gaza Strip hospital which was blamed on Israel.

"Let tomorrow, Wednesday, be a day of rage against the enemy," Hezbollah said in a statement quoted by AFP.

The terrorist organization described the strike as a "massacre" and a "brutal crime".

Israel had been blamed for the explosion at the Gaza hospital, which Hamas claimed killed hundreds of Gazans, but the IDF on Tuesday night officially confirmed that the IDF did not attack the hospital and that the explosion was caused by an Islamic Jihad rocket.

"Following an additional review and cross-examination of the operational and intelligence systems, it is clear that the IDF did not strike the hospital in Gaza," the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said in a statement.

"The hospital was hit as a result of a failed rocket launched by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization."

"The terrorist organizations within the Gaza Strip fire indiscriminately toward Israel. Since the beginning of the war, approximately 450 rockets launched toward Israel have fallen within Gaza, endangering and harming the lives of Gazan residents," the statement said.

It remains unclear how Hezbollah’s “day of rage” will be expressed, but any activity would take place during US President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel, which is scheduled for Wednesday.

Biden's plane, Air Force One, took off on Tuesday evening from Andrews Air Force Base to Israel. On Monday night, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken officially confirmed Biden would be making a solidarity visit to Israel amid the war with Hamas.

Hezbollah has in recent days fired from Lebanon towards northern Israel. The IDF has responded by firing back and by striking Hezbollah military infrastructure in Lebanon.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ring doorbell camera captures stranger's antisemitic tirade on Jewish family


A man was caught on an Ohio family's doorbell camera making antisemitic slurs about a week after they put an Israeli flag on their lawn to show support for the ongoing war.

This Video destroys the myth that Arabs Lived Good With the Jews Until the Zionists Came

 The proof is from Arab books themselves, that recorded it for posterity.

All facts! No exaggeration.

Danielle Waldman daughter of Eyal Who did everything to help Gazans, Murdered by Hamas

 Eyal Waldman, Israeli high-tech tycoon, founder and CEO of Mellanox Technologies, stunned the tech industry and the whole Arab world by creating R&D centers five years ago, first in Judea & Samaria and then two years ago in the Gaza sector, hiring hundreds of Arab developers.

He said then: "Today we have 25 employees in Gaza. There are talented and smart people out there, economically it pays off. We have good staff, within one hour zone, with high motivation, availability and opportunities. And I think it's very important for the two nations to come together. People used to be afraid of each other and didn't talk. But the positive thing is created when people begin to work together and see how tensions decrease and cooperation work. This is good for all sides."

And on October 7, 2023, Hamas killed his daughter Danielle. It happened near Kibbutz Reim, less than a mile from where her father opened the most innovative factory in Gaza.



How many innocent civilians did Americans Kill to Defeat ISIS ???????



Bnei Brak Gets Rockets


I guess Hamas didn't hear about the promise of the Chazon Ish z"l that there would not be any bombings in Bnei Brak.

This isn't the first time Hamas launched missiles against Bnei Brak; thank G-d no one got hurt. 

Gentile Converts to Judaism and Joins Neturei Karta but Remains a Vicious Antisemite

 A Christian decided he wanted to be a Jew so he converted, grew a beard and peyois and joined the Neturei Karta, because deep down he still hates Jews!