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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Trump Will Get Arrested Again Soon

 Former President Donald Trump says he received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith stating that he is the target of a January 6 grand jury investigation on Tuesday.

Trump says he initially received the letter on Sunday and said he expects to face both an arrest an indictment.

This is a developing story. Check back soon for updates.

Pushing Back: 75K Reservists Sign Anti-Refusal Petition Overnight


With little or no financial support and no ad agencies promoting their message, right-leaning and other sane rank & file Israelis are beginning to reverse the tide of the anarchist attack on Israel’s democratic institutions, most importantly the ideas of one-man one-vote, and if your side lost the election, you don’t get to push your ideas through violence.

And so, on Monday afternoon, Channel 14’s host of the popular political show “The Patriots,” Yinon Magal, launched an online petition calling on anyone who has served in the IDF to join the side of citizens who oppose the refusal to serve.

The Reservists’ Petition – We Oppose the Refusals!” states: “We, male and female soldiers in the past or the reserves in the IDF oppose the refusals and are loyal to the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. We will serve the State of Israel because it is our only state – and we will protect her at all costs!”

Drivers Fed Up with Anarchists Blocking Roads Take the law in their Own Hands

Satmar Chusid Badmouthing Israel to Reporter Gets a Lesson in Yiddish

Anarchist Walks Into Traffic Gets Seriously Hurt But Ambulance Cant Get to Her Because of the Protestors


A female protester about 40 years of age was seriously injured on Tuesday morning near Ra’anana when she walked into traffic on Highway 531, where a protest was taking place, and was hit by a passing car.

She was evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah sedated and ventilated.

Witnesses of the incident said that the woman was driving on the highway and apparently deciding to join the protest, she suddenly stopped her car and got out, and was hit by the car driving behind her. The driver, an Arab-Israeli, stopped his car and got out “in a state of shock.”

It took some time for an ambulance to reach the woman as the highway was blocked by protesters.

The driver was detained for questioning but the police said that it is clear that the incident was an accident and not intentional.

Demonrats Will Ban Words “Husband” And “Wife” from Federal Law


Demonrats in the House of Representatives are so bent on transforming reality that they have introduced new legislation, the “Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act,” put forth by California Democrat Julia Brownley, that would remove the terms “husband” and “wife” from federal law, replacing them with gender-neutral alternatives such as “spouse.”

The proposed bill aims to address existing laws that fail to recognize the constitutional right of same-gender couples to marry, despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

In a statement released last Friday, Brownley said Congress must reaffirm its commitment to equality, particularly in the face of recent rulings by the conservative Supreme Court and state legislatures. She emphasized the importance of aligning federal statutes with the principles of inclusivity and justice, arguing that the words embedded in laws carry significant meaning and should reflect the values of the nation.

The “Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act” targets several federal laws for amendment, including the “Ethics in Government Act of 1978,” the “Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993,” and the “Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” among others. By substituting the terms “husband” and “wife” with phrases like “a married couple,” “married person,” and “person who has been, but is no longer, married to,” the legislation aims to ensure that all marriages are recognized and respected under federal law.

The bill comes on the heels of a recent Supreme Court ruling in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, which saw a majority decision favoring First Amendment rights over LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections.

Beit Shemesh Mayor Aliza Bloch Attacked by Chareidim... Bottles Thrown Calling her "menaveles"

The mayor was attacked: a riot took place tonight in the neighborhood of Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet

(Ramat Bet Shemesh "Bet"  is where the uncivilized barbarians live) 

Mayor Aliza Bloch arrived tonight at 12:00 on Sderot Nahar Hayardein  Street in the Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet neighborhood, extremists who noticed her started screaming 
" Menaveles get out of here" 
attacking her with empty bottles.

The mayor quickly left the place by walking towards her car on Hayardein River Boulevard 
Some of  the residents tried to protect the mayor and clashed with the extremists who are all Chareidim as clearly seen in the video 

*ראש העיר הותקפה: מהומה התרחשה הלילה בשכונת רמת בית שמש ב'*

ראש העיר *עליזה בלוך* הגיעה הלילה בשעה 12:00 לרחוב שדרות נהר הירדן בשכונת רמת בית שמש ב', קיצונים שהבחינו בה פתחו בקריאות כנגדה.

ראש העיר עזבה במהירות את המקום בהליכה רגלית לעבר רכבה בשדרות נהר הירדן כאשר עשרות קיצונים תוקפים אותה בצעקות "מנוולת, תסתלקי מפה" ואף מספר בקבוקים הושלכו לעברה, תושבים במקום ניסו להגן על ראש העיר והתעמתו עם הקיצונים.

‘CHAZAL were against people being poor’ ... RAV ELIEZER STEINBERGER:


 A signed letter, the Rabbanim said, in part, “…we have now heard that people are planning to establish an institution called a yeshiva gedolah which mixes the holy and the profane, Heaven forfend, in the city of Beit Shemesh. It is our duty to warn against this and to raise a huge storm to alert the Yere’ei Hashem wherever they are that they should not send their children and disciples to this place or give them any support G-d forbid.”

Rav Eliezer Steinberger is Rosh Yeshiva of Nishmas HaTorah, a Charedi yeshiva that incorporates secular studies into its curriculum. In a fascinating, compelling and informative interview, he explains why there is a huge need for this type of yeshiva, while at the same time, explaining the perspective of the Gedolim as well.

In the episode of the VIN Podcast, the addressed the following questions:

  • Is learning secular studies ideal or only ‘b’dieved’?
  • Is it strictly for parnassah or for philospohical reasons as well?
  • Were the yeshivas in Europe unanimously opposed to secular studies? What was Rav Hirsch’s opinion?
  • The need for parnassah for the sake of a family’s mental health and ability to properly function
  • Why do American yeshivas teach secular studies?
  • Did Rav Shach z”l oppose yeshivas teaching secular studies in all cases?
  • His thoughts on the Gedolim’s ban of the yeshiva in Beit Shemesh
  • Much more

Egged Bus Blocked By Chareidi Protesters In Bnei Brak- Because The Driver Was Female


Charedim waiting for an Egged bus in Bnei Brak Sunday blocked the bus when it arrived in protest over the driver- who was a woman. “They refused to enter and prevented her from continuing the route,” passersby reported.

The bus, No. 146 travelling from Bnei Brak to Holon, was on the route in the early afternoon when it was stopped by passengers who demanded to ride on a bus which is not driven by a woman.

The Egged company responded to the incident, stating that “this was a serious and disgraceful incident and we sharply condemn harming workers of the Egged bus company who are faithfully performing their jobs. The 146 bus from Bnei Brak was blocked by an extremist group of hooligans who do not represent the residents of the city. We hope that law enforcement authorities will bring these hooligans to justice so that attacks of this type will not repeat themselves in Bnei Brak or in any place in Israel.”

Gender separation is a controversial issue which is frequently in the headlines. In 2011 the Supreme Court ruled that gender separation on buses is only permitted with the agreement of all the passengers. There are Mehadrin buses in may chareidi enclaves. Deputy transportation minister Uri Maklev favors the establishment of “separate-gender routes” and has called on women to accept such segregations, claiming that this “is not feminine exclusion but rather a feminine benefit.”

Monday, July 17, 2023

Rabbi Yair Hoffman Purposely Omits that the Rambam Ascended the Har Habayis in His Polemic Against Going Up

We clearly see that the Rambam ascended to the Har Habayit with his father, brother and the Chief Rabbi of Akko. In fact The Rambam made a Yom Tov every year on the anniversary of that ascent! He referred to this aliya in many other letters to the community. 

Rabbi Hoffman is being deceptive and disingenuous for not mentioning this historical fact.

R" Hoffman also brings the psak of Harav Avraham Yitzchok Hakohein Kook Z"L  that prohibits going up to the Har Habayit. What is interesting is that these "poiskim" tend to bring up Harav Kook z"l only when it suits their agenda. Otherwise, they have no problem with tearing out his haskomos and ignoring him. They have no respect for him at all in Yeshivishe and Chassidishe circles; to bring him up to back their "opinion" is being disingenuous. 

It is important to point out that Harav Kook z"l lived when the Ottoman Empire occupied Palestine and then through the British Occupation. It was under those circumstances that he gave that psak. The British even arrested Jews who blew a Shofar at the Kotel.... yes, you heard that right. If you blew a shofar at the Kotel, you were under arrest and thrown into a dungeon. In fact anti+Zionists bizarrely blame the 1929 Chevron Massacre because someone blew Shofar at the Kotel  and they say that, that was a provocation! Mamash Insane! 

The fact that Arabs massacred Jews all over the world for centuries without anyone blowing any shofors anywhere in the entire world is not part of their equation. And what is really bizarre and insane is that these same anti+Zionists blame Rav Kook z"l ..yes you heard that right, they blame him for encouraging the blowing of the shofar at the kotel. It turns out that we now know that it was the anti-Zionists that made that up and it is a work of fiction. 

But even if that was true, a blood thirsty Arab needs any provocation to murder Jews? Are you telling me that an Arab who chopped off the limbs alive of a Yeshiva Bochor in Chevron and raped Yiddishe girls before he murdered them, did it because some guy blew a shofar at the Kotel? How Insane? 

R' Hoffman also purposely omits a Meerie in Shevuois 16 that clearly states that there is "NO Kareis" going to the Har Habayit.

In addition and very important to know, that Jews for centuries had a presence on the Har Habayis and even built a shul on the Har Habayit,

Sebeos, a 7th-century Armenian bishop and historian, wrote about the existence of a Jewish prayer hall on the Temple Mount as follows:

After the Jews enjoyed the aid and protection of the Arabs for a long time, they conceived the idea of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon.
They identified the location of what they called the “The Holy of Holies” and there they built a prayer hall, using the foundations and the remnants of the original building. Once they had started to build, the Arabs became jealous and banished them from there. Instead, they gave the Jews another area on the Temple Mount for a synagogue.

Solomon ben Jeroham, a Karaite exegete who lived in Jerusalem between 940 and 960, wrote in his commentary on the Book of Psalms that the Muslims had permitted the Jews to pray on the Temple Mount
for many years.

When, with the mercy of the God of Israel, the Romans were thrown out [of Jerusalem] and the Islamic kingdom appeared, permission was given to Israel to enter [the city] and live there. Furthermore, the courtyards of the Temple were turned over to them and they prayed there [on the Temple Mount] for many years. Afterwards [slanderers] told the Muslim king that they did bad things there, that they drank intoxicating wine and desecrated the place. He therefore ordered them expelled to one of the many gates and there they prayed for many years. But they continued to do bad things and there came a new king and he expelled them from the Temple Mount completely.

Feel free to read the whole account:
Sebeos, Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos, trans. Robert Thomson, Liverpool University Press, 1999, ch. 31. 16 

Comment on Psalms 30, cited by Goren, Shlomo, Sefer Har Habayit [Book of the

Temple Mount]. Rev. ed., Jerusalem, 2004, 314 [Igrot HaRambam, p. 79: “On Yom Shlishi, 4th of Cheshvan in the year 4926 since creation, we left Acco to go up to Y’rushalayim, under danger. And I entered the great and awesome Bayit (literally: the House, the place where the Beit HaMikdash stood) and I prayed there, on Yom Chamishi (Thurs.), the 6th of Cheshvan.

Read further for Rabbi Hoffman's polemic. 

Bluebird Hunder Lodge in the Catskills Keeps Throwing Out Frum people ON Shabbos


A hotel in Hunter, NY, is coming under allegations of anti-Semitism after it tossed out nearly 40 members of a single Orthodox Jewish family on Shabbos over a noise complaint that may have never even occurred.

According to people familiar with the matter, the family – which consisted of several generations, including grandparents and young children – booked a weekend stay with Hunter Lodge, a Bluebird by Lark property. Prior to confirming the booking, the family outlined to hotel staff how many people they were, how many children there were, and what could be expected from them as guests.

Para Aduma Could Bring Million Visitors to Samaria


Hundreds of visitors flocked to Shiloh in Samaria’s Binyamin region on Thursday to welcome a biblically pure red heifer.

The 22-month-old cow, which was brought to Israel from the United States, found a new home at the Ancient Shiloh heritage site, where the biblical Tabernacle once stood.

In the coming month, two more heifers will be transported to the town, and a center will open there dedicated to researching the phenomenon. The heifers will be kept in a fenced-off area, and visitors will not be able to touch the animals.

The mysterious red heifer, or Parah Adumah, is first mentioned in the Book of Numbers, when God instructs Moses and Aaron to take “a perfectly red unblemished cow, upon which no yoke was laid.” The animal is subsequently slaughtered, and its ashes are used in a purification ritual.

The discovery of an entirely red such heifer is a rarity. Jewish sources state that only nine were slaughtered in the period from Moses to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E. According to the 12th-century sage Maimonides, the Messiah will offer the 10th red heifer.

In keeping with biblical law, the heifer put on display in Shiloh is completely red, and has never borne a yoke.

“This is an exciting and exceptional event for the entire Jewish people,” said Ancient Shiloh CEO Coby Mamo. “We are already in touch with researchers and promoters around the world who are waiting to come here with large groups. We have returned to the site of the Tabernacle in Shiloh and are bringing back the Jewish past for the future of our people.”

Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz called the cow’s arrival a “historic moment.”

“The Ancient Shiloh site is continuing to grow and develop, and the Red Heifer Center will attract more visitors, up to one million a year, from Israel and around the world,” he added, calling it “good news for the Jewish world, for scientists and researchers, and for everyone.”

The red heifer arrived as part of the council’s Binyamin Temple Conference, which started on Wednesday with a Temple-era dinner.

The conference continued on Thursday with lectures at Tel Shiloh, the center of Jewish life before the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. Among other topics, speakers discussed the offering of the Passover sacrifice in modern times, the traditional grape varieties of the region, and urban and logistic planning “in the vision of future Jerusalem.”

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Israel Kicks the little Twerp Zelensky to the Curb.


Ukrainian President Vlodomir Zelensky said Wednesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been invited to Ukraine but, unlike other world leaders, did not take up the offer.

Zelensky, speaking through an interpreter, was asked by Kan news about Ukraine’s relations with Israel as he gave a press conference during a NATO summit in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital.

“Mr. Netanyahu has been invited to Kyiv… I invited the other two prime ministers who used to be before Mr. Netanyahu to Ukraine,” Zelensky said, referring to former premier Naftali Bennett and now-opposition leader Yair Lapid. “So far, the prime ministers are different — the result is the same.”

JFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews

 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories this week during a press event at an Upper East Side restaurant, claiming the bug was a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

 Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street.

 “COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

 “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy hedged.

Report Contradicts Secret Service Claim No Fingerprints Were Found on White House Cocaine Baggie


Officials at the White House know who brought cocaine into the White House and have confirmed that finding via fingerprint analysis, according to a report which contradicts a statement released by the Secret Service.

A security source told Soldier of Fortune magazine, “We know who handled it… We’ve known since last week.”

According to the report — which Breitbart News has not independently verified — two sources disclosed the name of the person who is believed to have handled the cocaine, but the magazine is withholding the name pending official confirmation.

The report alleged that the second test by the FBI “brought back a hit on fingerprints.”

Biden nibbles on frightened young girl during trip to Finland


 Poiskim are arguing what bracha, Biden should have made before his took his snack.  One posek in particular from Ramaala says that since it is "te'eemah be'almah" (just tasting) no bracha is necessary, all hold however that he will have to make a "bracha achrona" 
Biden is facing criticism from social media users after he oddly bit at the shoulder of a startled little girl during his departure from Helsinki, Finland, on Thursday. 

 A video of the incident, which took place as the president greeted embassy staff members and their families before he boarded Air Force One at Helsinki-Vantaan International Airport, shows Biden leaning into a young girl and placing his mouth on her shoulder as he nibbled lightly. 

The little girl – who appeared frightened during the experience – later turned her head when Biden, who will turn 81 this November, tried to give her a peck on the head. Footage from the incident quickly made rounds on social media, where several users blasted the president for his peculiar conduct.

Yanky Daskal Admits To Transporting a Frum 15-Year-Old Girl to Engage in Sex

Friday, July 14, 2023

Defendant was 58 Years Old at the Time of the Sexual Abuse

Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, Jacob Daskal pleaded guilty to transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity.  Today’s proceeding was held before United States District Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis.  As part of his guilty plea, the defendant agreed to a sentence within the range of approximately 14 to 17 ½ years’ imprisonment. As part of the plea Daskal is required to register as a sex offender.

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York announced the guilty plea.  

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Wall Street Journal wants to know “Why Biden Treats Israel Worse Than Iran?”


An article by The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board on Thursday evening excoriated President Joe Biden for his treatment of the Israeli government and accused him of empowering Israel’s enemies as well as allowing China to gain power in the Middle East.

The article, entitled: What Does Biden Have Against Israel? – The President Treats The Governing Coalition In Jerusalem Worse Than He Does Iran begins by asking: “Why does President Biden go out of his way to snub, criticize and give marching orders to the government of Israel?” the article began. “At least rhetorically, the President and his Administration treat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his governing coalition worse than they do the ruling mullahs in Iran.”

“The effect of this piling on is for Israelis to see that the U.S. sides with their opposition parties. This is no way to treat a democratic ally and no way to pursue U.S. interests while Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud Party is in power, as it has been for most of the past 25 years.”

The article then moves on to slam Biden’s aid to anti-Israel entities. “The President’s Israel policy has been counterproductive. US aid to anti-Israel international bodies has resumed, and all of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is treated as ‘occupied territory.’ This is now a liberal article of faith, but how does it advance peace to indulge Palestinians in the belief that Jews are interlopers in Judea and at the Western Wall?”

“While Mr. Biden undermines the Netanyahu government, Hamas and other Iranian proxies are gaining power in the West Bank, activating another front against Israel. The new wave of terrorism against Jewish civilians will set back the Palestinian cause but advance Iran’s.”

WSJ also takes aim at Biden’s abandonment of the Abraham Accords, his treatment of Saudi Arabia, which led to the kingdom’s embrace of China, and his failure to address the Islamic Republic’s provocations, including its nuclear program.

“While Tehran escalates its proxy wars and whittles down US nuclear demands, Mr. Biden carries out diplomatic offensives against Saudi Arabia and Israel.”

"Yossi" Writes A Comment on Yeshivah World Blog that he would Want Arabs to " Burn Zionists not Sifrei Torah


This comment was in response to a heading that stated "Swedish Police Will Allow Sefer Torah to be Burned on Shabbos."

Now, I get comments like that all the time but I delete them. Those comments are from Chareidie Yeshiva graduates. The Yeshivas in the USA have instilled in their talmidim a hatred to the State of Israel that is totally incomprehensible.

We have for the first time in 2,000 years a sovereign country, established only three years after the ovens of Auschwitz, and is a refuge for millions of Jewish exiles from over 100 countries, and perhaps more than anything, Israel has revived the spirit of a broken people, replacing despair with hope and faith, tragedy with triumph and creating the belief in a bright future. 
Yet, here we have a guy named "Yossi" that took time to comment and express his sheer hate towards a fellow Jew!
Woe to his wife and children, Woe to his father and mother, Woe to his Roshei Yeshiva and Woe to the Chareidie community that produced this vile scum!

  1. עבירה גוררת עבירה.

    Thanks to the State of “Israel” antagonizing the entire Arab world, the Arabs the world over equate Zionism with Judaism and unfortunately but understandably vent their justified rage at holy items of Yiddishkeit.

    They should be burning Zionists, not sifrei Torah.

Architect Identified as Suspect in Long Island Serial Killings


Suspected Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex Heuermann was caught on video strolling down a Midtown sidewalk in the moments before plainclothes cops swooped in to arrest him, footage shows.

Heuermann, 59, appeared oblivious as he walked along, with a messenger bag slung over his shoulder.

Suddenly plainclothes officers can be seen stepping in front of, then surrounding the architect and taking him into custody, according to footage obtained by WABC

The takedown occurred close to Heuermann’s Fifth Avenue office Thursday night.

Heuermann appeared in court Friday afternoon and pleaded not guilty to three counts of first-degree murder and other charges related to the deaths of three women over 10 years ago. The life-long suburbanite, who was emotionless in court, was also named the prime suspect in a fourth killing.

He was taken into custody after DNA found on the hair of victim Megan Waterman matched that of his, taken by investigators from a discarded pizza crust in January.

Investigators swarmed Heuermann’s ramshackle Massapequa Park home Saturday, scouring evidence in the rundown backyard and removing seemingly random items — cat food and a cat scratch pole; a framed picture; and empty book case.

Drone footage showed authorities sifting through the tiny backyard of the house for additional clues, with law enforcement clad in powder blue caps, white jumpsuit and blue rubber gloves — dotted the property in the 58-second clip obtained by the Daily Mail.

young Long Island woman revealed Friday that she had a disturbing encounter with Heuermann earlier this month in a park — and that she was so shaken, she filed a police report.

US Sets a New Record for the Deadliest Six Months of Mass Killings


Slain at the hands of strangers or gunned down by loved ones. Massacred in small towns, in big cities, inside their own homes or outside in broad daylight. This year’s unrelenting bloodshed across the U.S. has led to the grimmest of milestones: The deadliest six months of mass killings recorded since at least 2006.

From Jan. 1 to June 30, the nation endured 28 mass killings, all but one of which involved guns. The death toll rose just about every week, a constant cycle of violence and grief.

Six months. 181 days. 28 mass killings. 140 victims. One country.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Holy Women Get Together To Make an "Hafrashas Challa" Event for Yanky Daskal the Alleged Rapist!


Un believable!! Fingerprints or DNA Found on Bag of Cocaine at White House, No Leads


No fingerprints or DNA turned up on the baggie of cocaine found in a lobby at the White House last week despite a sophisticated FBI crime lab analysis, and surveillance footage of the area didn’t identify a suspect, according to a summary of the Secret Service investigation obtained by The Associated Press. There are no leads on who brought the drugs into the building.

U.S. Secret Service agents found the white powder during a routine White House sweep on July 2, in a heavily trafficked West Wing lobby where staff go in and out and tour groups gather to drop their phones and other belongings.

“Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered,” Secret Service officials said in the summary.

The presence of cocaine at the White House prompted a flurry of criticism and questions from Republicans, who requested a briefing Thursday on the probe. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said President Joe Biden believed it was “incredibly important” for the Secret Service to get to the bottom of how the drugs ended up in the White House.

Biden wasn’t there at the time of the discovery. He was at Camp David with members of his family for the holiday weekend.

The complex was briefly evacuated as a precaution when the white powder was found. The fire department was called in to test the substance on the spot to determine whether it was hazardous, and the initial test came back negative for a biohazard but positive for cocaine.

The Secret Service is responsible for securing the White House and is leading the investigation. The bag was sent for a secondary, more sensitive lab analysis. Homeland Security’s National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center analyzed the item for any biothreats. Tests conducted at the facility came back negative and gave formal confirmation that the substance was not a biological threat.

The lobby is also open to staff-led tours of the West Wing, which are scheduled for nonworking hours on the weekends and evenings. Those tours are invitation-only and led by White House staff for friends, family and other guests. Most staffers who work in the complex can request an evening or weekend tour slot, but there is often a long wait list. There were tours on the day, a Sunday, the drugs were found, as well as on the two preceding days.

The cocaine and packaging underwent further forensics testing, including advanced fingerprint and DNA work at the FBI’s crime laboratory, according to the summary. The FBI also did chemical testing.

Meanwhile, Secret Service investigators put together a list of several hundred individuals who may have accessed the area where the drugs were found. Anyone who comes through the White House must give identifying information and pass through security before entering.

But the lab results didn’t turn up latent fingerprints or DNA, so agents can’t compare anything to the possible suspect pool. White House staff are fingerprinted; participants in tour groups are not.

Video of the West Executive street lobby entrance did not identify the person or provide any solid investigative leads, the Secret Service said.

Dana Ben Shoshan Hatzala Member Mother of 4 Killed in Car Accident


In a tragic road accident which occurred Thursday morning near Tzfat in northern Israel, Dana Ben-Shoshan, a 32-year-old mother of four, was killed.

Ben-Shoshan’s car slammed into a bus on road 89 near the entrance to Tzfat. MDA and United Hatzalah volunteers alerted to the accident attempted to resuscitate her at the scene but were forced to declare her dead. Six people on the bus were lightly injured and taken to the Sieff hospital in Tzfat. Two other passengers in the car who were lightly injured were taken to the hospital.

Ben-Shushan was employed at the Sieff hospital as a nurse and was returning from a shift. She also volunteered for United Hatzalah. A spokesman for the organization said that “We are brokenhearted, who can cure our pain…we annouce with great sorrow that a volunteer medic from the Galilee branch was killed this morning in a tragic accident near the southern entrance to Tzfat. The medic, Dana Ben-Shoshan, was critically injured while making her way home from the hospital, where she was a qualified nurse.’

“The management of the organization and its volunteers pay homage at this difficult hour and participate in the sorrow of the family. We offer condolences to her husband Chaim, who also volunteers for United Hatzalah. The psychotrauma unit of the organization is with the family and helping them as much as possible. May Hashem wipe tears off every face and eradicate death forever.”

Chesed Fund campaign has been setup to help the Ben-Shoshan family during this difficult time.