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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Toddler Seriously Injured After Being Bitten By Rats in FILTHY Bnei-Brak


 Just Yesterday, we posted a video where you see that even the cats wouldn't touch these filthy rats! 

This problem is only in Chareidie areas, and now happening in the Chareidie area in Beit Shemesh as well. 

A two-year-old Bnei Brak girl was bitten by rats and badly injured while she slept in her bed.  The girl was taken to the Maayanei Hayeshua hospital, where she received treatment for her bites.

The girl’s family heard her scream and then found her bleeding from rat bites all over her body, the girl’s father said. They then hurried to the clinic, where it was decided to hospitalize her immediately.

According to the father, they had warned and alerted the municipality multiple times to the proliferation of rodents, but they “simply didn’t do anything. We are afraid to return home, the situation has to change. One of the children might die because of this,” he warned.

The father recalled that “I saw a large amount of blood which didn’t stop flowing. I washed the girl and searched for the source of the bleeding and then understood that it was rat bites. We rushed to the emergency room and they gave her intravenous antibiotics to prevent infection. It will take some time until the wounds from the bites will heal.”

The city of Bnei Brak has recently suffered an infestation of rats, which has led to multiple incidents of people being bitten by the rodents.

Among recent incidents, a two-year-old was bitten in kindergarten and a four-year-old child was bitten in a playground. Both required emergency medical treatment.

“A quarter of a million residents of Bnei Brak suffer from a terrible plague of rats and mice that endanger human life and no one cares,” said Yaakov Wieder, a city council member and a relative of the injured child.

“I call on the Israeli government to declare Bnei Brak a dangerous area and to issue an order obliging the municipality’s officials to immediately address the eradication of the plague,” Wieder added.

“The municipality and Mayor Avraham Rubinstein are working very hard to eliminate the nuisance of the rats and remove this significant hazard in every way,” Ynet quoted the municipality’s response.

“Today’s incident only strengthens the urgency of approving the emergency plan that is on the table of the city council. The municipality of Bnei Brak is speeding up the overall activity as shown by, among other things, the increase of the municipal sanitation budget, which has almost doubled and currently stands at NIS 120 million per year, and the replacement of trash cans with underground bins, a huge project that is being carried out all over the city.

The municipality announced a “war” against the problem in March and allocated a considerable budget to the matter, Ynet reported. A project manager has been appointed to deal with the scourge.

In March, Wieder warned about the situation in a letter to the Health Minister: “In recent days, a number of children and toddlers have been bitten by rats, and an elderly man who was walking on the road even needed medical attention and was hospitalized as a result of being bitten. After consulting with an expert, it seems that the problem does not exist in cities adjacent to Bnei Brak, so there is no doubt that it is related to the sanitation conditions in the city. Bnei Brak is one of the dirtiest and most neglected cities in Israel. This is a clear danger to the public that really endangers human life.”

New York Times Declares "Falafel Tanami" in Midwood the Best Falafel in NYC


What happens when the country’s premier newspaper names a hole-in-the-wall kosher falafel joint as one of the 100 best restaurants in New York?

Hundreds of people show up every day, creating lines that occasionally snake out the door. News stations from across the globe ask for interviews, catering requests come in from all over the city and, of course, the falafel often sells out before closing time.

That’s what happened at Falafel Tanami, a tiny Israeli-owned falafel place just a few blocks off the Avenue M stop on the Q train in Midwood, Brooklyn. In April, the humble eatery at 1305 East 17th Street  —  featuring just three counter stools, a quiet soundtrack of Israeli religious pop and photos of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson adorning the walls — was included in the New York Times’ list of the 100 best restaurants in New York City, curated by the paper’s senior food critic, Pete Wells.

“It has been crazy, Baruch Hashem,” said Galit Tanami, using the Hebrew for “thank God.” She owns the store with her husband, Ronen. “Everybody is so excited for us.”

“Now everybody wants to try it,” Tanami said of her restaurant’s signature dish.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pious Jews Prefer Living Somewhere Else in the World Than Living in Israel .. Hitler Couldn't Change Their Minds!


The attitude of Jews towards the Land of Israel has always been a litmus type of test of Jewish commitment and even faith throughout the ages. As we see in this week’s parsha, from the beginning of our national existence there have always been Jews – leading Jews, well-intentioned Jews, even outwardly pious Jews – who have preferred living somewhere else in the world than living in the Land of Israel.

Even when Hitler came to power, European Jews, in many cases, refused to consider the option of immigration to the Land of Israel. It is not my place to judge others for their behavior in a very dreadful time, especially since I am blessed with the perfect hindsight that they tragically lacked, but it is a strange fact that throughout Jewish history the naysayers regarding the Land of Israel in Jewish society have always abounded. 
Jews in the generation of Moses claimed their preference for the land of Egypt over the Land of Israel. An entire generation of special and gifted Jews was destroyed in the desert of Sinai because of their unwillingness to consider living in the Land of Israel as a viable option for them and their descendants. The challenge of living in the Land of Israel was apparently too great a problem for them to overcome - physically, psychologically and spiritually.
To me this attitude remains one of the supreme mysteries of all of Jewish history. But mystery or not, it certainly is a fact that has governed Jewish life over the ages.
When Moses’ own relative refused the offer to go to the Land of Israel, Rashi explains that the two reasons for his behavior had to do with family and making a living. These are very strong reasons that exist today that prevent many Jews from considering immigrating to the Land of Israel. Again, I neither judge nor begrudge anyone in this or any other life changing matter.
However, I feel that the issue of the Land of Israel, independent of any other causes and motives, strikes at a very deep place within our personal and national soul. 

The fact that the most ultra-assimilated and the most outwardly ultra-pious within the Jewish people are included in our generation’s most vociferous of the anti- Land of Israel groups, shows that the problem is both deep and sensitive.

The extremes in Jewish society cannot deal with the Land of Israel as a reality and earnestly hope that the issue will somehow disappear completely. There are millions of Jews who prefer living in exile to living in the Land of Israel. The Jewish people has not absorbed the lessons of the exile, its alienation, assimilation, and its ultimate corruption of Torah values.
Today, many Jews who physically live in the Land of Israel still psychologically and spiritually live in the exile, in a fantasy of the long-destroyed shtetel of Eastern Europe. As foretold to us by our prophets, the ultimate fate of the Jewish people will be determined for us by our attitude to the Land of Israel. Living in the Land of Israel or at least visiting it regularly is currently the centerpiece of Jewish life, its faith and its future.
Shabat shalom
Rabbi Berel Wein

New olim will now need to wait a year before receiving Israeli passport


New olim will now need to wait a year before receiving an Israeli passport after the Knesset plenum approved an amendment to the Passport Law. This amendment is mainly a counteraction to a large number of Russian and Ukrainian citizens to Israel according to the Law of Return but didn’t actually live in the country. 

Under the bill, new olim would hold a temporary passport (or travel document) for their first year and then receive a permanent passport. A temporary passport complicates travel, as it does not permit the same freedom of travel as a permanent one. The bill reverts back to what existed in Israel prior to 2017, when olim received a temporary passport for one year, save for VIPs or other well-connected individuals who were given passports in less time. In 2017 the law was changed, such that olim receive permanent passports immediately upon becoming citizens.

The amendment was a government proposal that was merged with a private legislation proposal from MK Yossi Taib. 31 Knesset members supported the proposal and 25 opposed it.

American Jews Are Concealing Their Jewish Identity


In the past, when I thought of Jews concealing the fact that they are Jewish, black and white scenes from the Holocaust or the former Soviet Union came to mind. As a Jewish baby boomer who grew up in the United States, I always felt safe here and I wore my Judaica to show off my Jewish pride.

But over the past few years, the rise of antisemitism in the U.S. and abroad is making Jews question if they should openly wear religious symbols in public.

Just recently, a loudspeaker on a train traveling through Austria near Vienna began blaring Adolf Hitler's speeches and chanting "Sieg Heil" at the passengers. Someone aboard the train had hacked into the PA system, and it wasn't the first time this happened. One passenger, a concentration camp survivor, left the train crying. Police are investigating, and there is concern that this may be part of a disturbing trend.

Bnei-Brak so Filthy That even the Cats Won't Eat the Dirty Rats

 Why is it that only in Chareidie areas is their such filth? A "busha" !

Blind Hatred of AOC Tlaib and Omar for Israel Outweighs All Other Considerations Even Peace With Arabs


Former ‘Miss Iraq’ Sarah Idan to vie for Adam Schiff’s congressional seat


First, she represented Iraq in the “Miss Universe” competition. Then she fled her country after posing for a selfie in 2017 with “Miss Israel.” Now, Sarah Idan is running for California’s 30th congressional district—the seat that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is vacating as he vies to replace the retiring Dianne Feinstein in the Senate.

“I’m running because this is a critical time in U.S. history when our democracy is fundamentally at stake,” the Baghdad native, 33, told JNS. “I’ve always been passionate about human rights and making this world a better place.”

At age 18 and a strong English speaker, Idan served as a volunteer translator for the U.S. Army in Iraq. She said that she moved back and forth from Iraq to the United States from 2009 to 2017. She became a U.S. citizen in 2015.

Idan was “Miss Iraq USA” in 2016 (for the Iraqi community inside America). Then in 2017, she went to win the “Miss Iraq” competition (held in Baghdad). That led her to represent Iraq in the “Miss Universe” competition.

A secular Muslim, she reportedly received death threats both for posing in a bikini and being photographed with “Miss Israel,” Adar Gandelsman.

Her Iraqi citizenship revoked, Idan told JNS that she immigrated to the United States in 2017.

A UN Watch “ambassador for peace,” she promotes peace with Israel.

Idan filed on May 19 to run for the California seat as a Democrat, she told JNS.

“Like most Americans, I’ve been directly affected by bad policies voted on in our Congress,” she said. “I believe we need new faces of representatives—candidates who aren’t self-serving, candidates who didn’t hold power positions for years and contributed nothing except for pushing the agendas of the highest bidders in Washington, D.C.”

Idan plans to provide a unique perspective in Congress as a Muslim immigrant woman and a human-rights activist.

“I hope my voice as an ethical activist, as a minority, as a non-corrupt politician and as a working-class, first-generation immigrant will have the impact we long for,” she said. “My expertise on both domestic and foreign policies may help shed a new light on how to solve the problems we currently have.”

Idan’s campaign website, under “U.S.-Israel relationship,” states that she is “a proud, staunch Zionist” who believes in Israel’s right to exist and defend itself from terrorist attacks.

“I support U.S.-Israel military cooperation and will vote ‘yes’ on any measure to fund the Iron Dome,” per the site. “I oppose any efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel, whether on the international stage or on our own college campuses.”

Ben Savage, the actor who starred in “Boy Meets World,” is among several others vying for the seat. By March 30, he had raised a little more than $100,000, including a $77,000 loan, according to his FEC report.

Other candidates include former Los Angeles city attorney Mike Feuer (more than $657,000 raised by March 30), state senator Anthony Portantino (more than $610,000), Los Angeles Board of Education member Nick Melvoin (more than $560,000) and state assemblywoman Laura Friedman (more than $336,000).

Millions losing faith in our system over Trump-Biden divide


Watching the Tuesday circus in Miami and listening to media pooh-bah pronouncements about the gravity of the moment, I recalled a conversation with a friend about the indictment of Donald Trump.

He repeated a phrase he had heard recently: “We’re not voting our way out of this.”

“This” of course is a reference to the great divide tearing America apart, and Exhibit A is a Democratic president’s willingness to use the Department of Justice as a weapon against his leading Republican rival.

There are many good reasons why no former president has ever faced criminal charges, and it’s not because they behaved as angels for the rest of their lives starting the minute they left office.

It’s because previous generations understood there had to be limits to the use of government power, or the country would tear itself to pieces every time the presidency changed hands.

But the far-left wing that has taken over the Dem Party always knows best and believes it can cancel its opponents by shutting them up or, in this case, locking them up.

As always with them, this time is different because they are morally superior people.

Twitter Suspends @Chanalemusic for Saying " “Not every Muslim is a Jihadi terrorist but every Jihadi terrorist is a Muslim.”


Renowned Charedi podcaster Chanale Fellig (aka ChanaleMusic), host of the “Weekly Squeeze” Podcast, was suspended from Twitter for a week, for stating what appears to be factual.

Chanale tweeted: “Not every Muslim is a Jihadi terrorist but every Jihadi terrorist is a Muslim.”

The tweet was flagged for violating the social media platforms rules of “hateful conduct”.

Fellig was replying to Islamic journalist Muhammad Shehada on Jun 5. Although it is not clear which tweet she was responding to, on that day Shehada tweeted about the Egyptian soldier who brutally murdered three Israeli soldiers (HY’D).

In response to a J-Post headline which stated the obvious–that the terrorist was found with a Koran, “a sign of extremism”, Shehada tweeted: “Makes the blood boil how this garbage gets published so easily in #Israeli media where a Koran is called a sign of “extremism”!”

He continued, “Imagine someone making a similar statement about the Torah or the Bible? SHAME! No! Virtually every Egyptian Muslim soldier carries a Quran in his pocket. Egypt is very culturally religious, though not conservative. Anyone who’s ever seen a Friday prayer in Egypt would see long lines of worshipers stretching out of the mosque…”

Prior to Elon Musk’s takeover, it was common for Twitter’s censorship board to suspend conservative accounts and suppress free speech. However Musk has transformed it into a free speech platform, and one wonders if he will get involved in this instance.

Chanale calls herself the “queen of Jewish Twitter”. Her bio on her podcast site reads: When Chanale is not making music and busy being a supermom of her Israeli kids she is diving deep into Jewish culture. If it’s happening in the Jewish world you’re gonna hear about it here first. Heavy on humor, light on sarcasm, always interesting…

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chareidie Yeshivas Use the "Forbidden" Internet to Find Students Who have Driver Licenses and Throw them Out!


This story has me in stitches! 

The "heiliger" Chareide menhalim who organize asifas against the internet, snuck into the website of the Ministry of Transportation and found out which of their students had driver licenses and threw them the hell out!

What is their problem with a bochur having a driver's license? 

They are afraid that he will have easy access to transportation and be able to travel to the bars in Tel Aviv and have a good time, and then drive back nonchalantly to the Bais Medrish to resume shuckling over the gemarrah., no one the wiser.

 It seems that the "internet peaking" tzaddikim finally emerged from underneath their rocks, and discovered "Lo and Behold" that an epidemic of their "shtarker learners" are a bunch of fakes, frauds and phonies, not of any fault of their own as they are forced to sit in a place they don't want to be, but they couldn't tell which ones were "bar-hopping" and which were serious learners, since they all look alike and they all "shuckle." 

Instead of following the advice of Harav Shach z"l whose opinion was that those who are not serious learners, should not be exempt from the Army or following the advice of  Harav Hagoen R' Dovid Leibel shlitah that bochrim should get the choice of getting a secular education and get a job, they decided to just throw them out!

Why use this sneaky method?

Yeshivas are a business and they need bochrim, I mean bodies, so that they can get more government $$$$$$$$$$! They cannot embrace an idea that would give their students an option to legitimately not be part of this corrupt system, they would rather single out a couple of "bad apples" even if this means destroying the shidduch prospects of these bochrim, having baggage that they were" thrown out!" The Manhalim don't really care about the souls of these Bochrim; it's all about numbers! 

Just yesterday, I was at a wedding in Yerushalyim and arrived just as a "big" Rosh Yeshiva from Bnei Brak  arrived chauferred by guess who?? A bochur with a driver's license, how do I know? Because this bochur lives in my neighborhood. So, what's pshat? They will still keep a "sheigetz" or two to drive them around.

These same "internet" Roshei Yeshivas are now secretly fighting a law that was offered recently to lower the age of IDF recruits. Now, the law is that if someone hits 26, he can go to work if he received a "petur" from the army, and is no longer hounded by the Zionists. The new law if passed will lower the age from 21 - 23. 


 You would think, but the R"Y are against this. They told Gafni to shelve it this part of the law.

Goldknupf from the Aguda,on the other hand, doesn't care either way as the Chassidim wouldn't mind working sooner. 

You would think that the R"Y would celebrate this as the bochrim will not need a deferment once they reach 22 or 23, but they are fighting this! Why? You guessed it, they are frightened that this new "gezirah" will diminish their learner population! Turns out that this IDF recruitment business is good business for the R"Ys and who knew that secretly they love the "Geuis Gezirah", because as long as the Zionists recruit for the IDF the more bochrim will inevitably  fill the shtenders, albeit the few with driver licenses 

Zionists are now on the same page as the Roshei Yeshivas, you live and learn!

A security weakness in the Ministry of Transportation's identification system allowed access to the personal information of students from haredi yeshivas all over Israel through the ministry's telephone answering service and website.

Complaints received by the Authority for the Protection of Privacy testified that staff members at haredi yeshivas took advantage of the weakness of the identification system to find out which students had a driver's license. Students with a driver's license were expelled from yeshiva.

To find out whether a student holds a driver's license, one needs to contact the hotline of the Ministry of Transportation or use the website and select the option to get a copy of a license.

The applicant has to enter an ID number and date of birth, details that every student submits during registration, allowing anyone with those details to check if the individual in question has a license.

From the inspection procedure carried out by the Authority, it emerged that the Ministry of Transportation's computerized systems did not use sufficient identification safeguards to verify a person's identity.

In the violation letter that the Authority for the Protection of Privacy sent last month to the Ministry of Transportation, it states that information that a person holds a driver's license is information protected under the Privacy Protection Law, and constitutes at the very least "information about a person's private affairs."

In the violation letter, the Authority stated that the Ministry of Transportation violated its duty as a public body not to provide information about a person from a public database to someone who is not the subject of the information and without the consent of the subject of the information. The Authority also determined that the existing identification system in the Ministry of Transportation's computer systems does not comply with the provisions of the law and regulations. In doing so, the Ministry of Transportation violates its duty to adequately protect the public's information.

In the letter, the Authority emphasizes that "handing over this type of information to an anonymous individual, without the consent of the subject of the information, constitutes a distinct violation of privacy, all the more so where it manifests itself in a substantial harm during the life of the subject of the information, by way of removing him from the yeshiva where he studies, wth all that is implied by that".

Non-Kosher Meat Confiscated From ‘Kosher LeMehadrin’ Restaurant


Chas Ve'sholom to eat from "The Rabbanute." We eat only "Mehadrin"

You mean "Mehadrin" Chazir!

This is not the first time that "Mehadrin" restaurants were caught feeding the oilam chazir! 

More than 700 kilograms of unfit, apparently non-kosher meat were confiscated by Israeli police and members of the veterinarian unit of the Ramle municipality from a local restaurant which displayed a mehadrin kashrus.

According to a police report Monday, the meat had apparently been brought into Israel from the Palestinian authority and was being kept in improper conditions in a storeroom with a makeshift air conditioner and with no refrigeration.

A police statement said that “Police from the Ramle station as well as supervisors from local authorities and members of the veterinary service conducted targeted enforcement at a number of local businesses including checking business permits and sanitation. During the enforcement operation the authorities confiscated about 760 kg of mit which were unfit for consumption”

The meat was taken and destroyed and the restaurant was fined for unsanitary conduct.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Chareidi Rabbi: Avreichim Can Be Encouraged To Join Workforce ‘Lechatchila’ If They Want


 In an unusual statement for a chareidi leader, Rabbi Dovid Leibel, the president of the Achvas Torah communities, spoke at a meeting for hundreds of members of the communities in Beit Shemesh and stressed that chareidi married men should be encouraged to join the workforce and that this is Lechatchila (preferable behavior). The meeting was also attended by Rabbi Elimelech Kornfeld, who heads the Kehillas Hagra in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

Rabbi Leibel said that people should have the choice of sending their children to cheider, chareidi education with full secular core curriculum or a yeshiva which includes studies for a degree. He added that “We don’t keep Mitzvos only to maintain our identity, but also because we believe that those who fulfill them and understand their content, become more upstanding and balanced people, respect others and are honest.”

People that support immigration don't want them anywhere near them! LOL


Giyoiris Talks About Shevuois ...Very Inspiring


Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Meraglim .. Rav Avigdar Miller.. Vayoel Moshe

The parsha read in Israel is Parshas Shlach, the parsha of the meraglim. It is therefore no coincidence that the FJJ the Flatbush Jewish Journal, decided to print the following question and answer transcribed from one of the Rabbi Avigdar Tapes. 

*לא נוכל לעלות*

Question: Must one undergo a special spiritual preparation in order to go to Eretz Yisroel? 

Answer: And the answer is, absolutely! 

 Yermiyahu Hanavi said in the name of Hashem, “You came and you defiled My land” (Yermiyahu 2:7). And therefore, it is of the utmost importance that someone should be ready to behave if he wants to go to Eretz Yisroel. He should learn how to conduct himself perfectly al pi hatorah before he goes to Eretz Yisroel. 

And even if he is good here, he must make a resolve to be even better there. There are no two ways about that. It’s Eretz Hakodesh and it’s only for Jews who live b’kedusha. 

Now you’ll ask me, what about the Arabs? 

First of all, the Arabs don’t ask us any questions.  They’re not asking me for my opinion. And second is that an Arab, we consider him just like a bird.  There birds who fly into Eretz Yisroel don’t have to have any kedusha. But the Am Yisroel is a different story. They are pogem, they cause damage. When they do a sin they cause great harm in the world. And therefore it’s of the utmost importance that a Jew, before he goes to Eretz Yisroel, must make up his mind to be there b’kedusha. Even if it’s just for a visit. 

Nobody should go unless he’ll go b’kedusha.  The land of Eretz Yisroel has to have something made to its taste. It’s a land of And the land will vomit out its inhabitants (Achrei Mos 18:25). 

Eretz Yisroel is Finicky. It’s a delicate land and only those people who behave properly can please the land. 

TAPE # 200 (January 1977)

*עלה נעלה*

I feel that this answer from Harav Avigdar Miller must be challenged, as this view has proliferated in the minds of the Flatbush Beards  as "Toras Moshe."

The idea that only "tzaddikim" should make Aliyah, learned from this pasuk, is also the view of the Vayoel Moshe.

But this idea that only "tzaddikim" should make aliyah derived from this pasuk is very dangerous and can lead to heresy, G-d Forbid.

The pasuk in Parshas Achrei Mos 18:25 states:

ולא תקיא הארץ אתכם בטמאכם אתה

"You should not cause the land (Eretz Yisrael) to vomit you out when you defile it" 

The Torah prior to this verse lists a number of prohibitions and abominations and concludes with the above quoted verse.

If Rabbi Miller's and the Vayoel Moshe are correct, then how would they explain the following?

In the year 1012, Jews from Mainz were "vomited out", in 1276 all Jews from Upper Bavaria were "vomited out", In 1182 Philip Augustus "vomited out" Jews from Paris. In France, Jews were "vomited out" in 1254, 1306, 1322, 1359, and in 1394. In 1288 Jews were "vomited out" from Italy, in the year 1290 England "vomited out" all its Jews. In 1294 in Berne, Switzerland all Jews were "vomited out" .In 1360 Hungary "vomited out" its Jews. In 1420 Jews were "vomited out" of Austria, in 1442 Jews were again "vomited out" of Bavaria. In 1492 Jews were "vomited out" of Spain and Sicily. In 1496 Portugal "vomited out" its Jews and in 1499 Nuremberg "vomited out" its Jews. 

Biden'$ Crimes vs Trump Crimes


The indictment of Donald Trump is a detailed recounting of his decisions to keep classified documents and to involve others in his alleged refusal to come clean about everything he had.

Based on a grand jury search warrant, federal agents raided Mar-a-Lago and the evidence they gathered was bolstered with FBI interviews of Trump aides, employees and even his lawyers. 

Weaving in seized texts and emails from key moments, prosecutors have created a compelling picture of their case, with Trump’s personality and habits of deception coming through loud and clear in the 49-page charging document. 

However, I believe that if federal prosecutors had empaneled a grand jury and obtained a search warrant for Joe Biden’s properties and if FBI agents had put his aides, employees and lawyers under oath, scoured their phones and emails and confronted them with evidence to get them to talk, agents would have found that Biden knowingly kept classified documents for many years in his homes and offices, including in the four years between his being vice president and president. 

Honest agents unencumbered by any political bias of their own or their bosses’ might also have discovered that Hunter Biden and other family members and associates had access to the supposedly secret documents and possibly used them in drawing up their lucrative business schemes with foreign officials and businesses.

Instead, a special counsel assigned to the case appears to be about as vigorous as Joe. 

I also believe that had the Department of Justice empaneled a grand jury and executed a search warrant on Hillary Clinton’s home and offices in 2013 or 2014 and seized her private computer server, phones and electronic devices, along with the devices of her aides and interviewed her lawyers under oath, FBI agents would have found many thousands of unsecured critical documents that were still in her possession long after she left the Department of State. 

As it was, more than 2,000 documents deemed to be classified, top secret or confidential were recovered from her devices in 2015 and 2016, despite the fact that Clinton deleted some 33,000 emails she claimed were not work-related.

Although the FBI oddly accepted her claim, then-Director James Comey said Clinton was wrong to use a private server and there was evidence she and aides were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

New York Lady Commits Suicide after Family Court Cuts Her off From Daughters ages 9,12 and 13


Catherine Kassenoff faced off against hardened criminals and gang members as a federal prosecutor, and beat breast cancer twice, but said the broken New York family court system would be what killed her.

In a letter posted to Facebook on May 27, the Westchester, NY, mother of three announced she was scheduled to die by assisted suicide in Switzerland later that day.

“It is with a profound heartbreak … that I am writing my last post ever. Today, I will be ending my own life … In the last four years of my life I have woken up every day to a nightmare like no other,” she wrote in her public suicide note.

Trump indictment will disrupt the nation as Biden Walks Doing the Same thing and Taking a $5 million Bribe from the Chinese


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said on Friday that the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump will “disrupt the nation” and argued that it violates the principle of equal justice under the law.

Speaking to Fox News, McCarthy said that other public officials, like President Joe Biden, also possessed documents they should not, but the other officials are not facing charges like Trump is.

“This is going to disrupt this nation because it goes to the core of equal justice for all, which is not being seen today. And we’re not going to stand for it,” said McCarthy.

McCarthy also said he has spoken to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) on what they can do to ensure “equal justice.”

He added that Steven D’Antuono, a former assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington, D.C., field office who opposed the surprise search of Mar-a-Lago the FBI conducted in August, testified before the Judiciary Committee and revealed the investigation was conducted improperly.

“When you learn of some of the things that he had said of how this investigation was carried out, you’ll see then that this judgment is wrong by this DOJ, that they treated President Trump differently than they treat others, and it didn’t have to be this way,” McCarthy told Fox News.

McCarthy’s comments came after the indictment against former US President Donald Trump in the classified documents probe was unsealed.

Trump faces 37 counts in the case, including 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information, according to the indictment.

Walt Nauta, an aide to Trump, was also indicted in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the mishandling of classified documents.

Trump and Nauta both face a count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, according to the federal indictment. Trump is also accused of showing classified documents on two occasions to others, according to the indictment.

Speaking after the indictment was unsealed, Special Counsel Jack Smith urged Americans to read the indictment to understand the "gravity of the crimes", and also stated that US laws "apply to everyone".

Smith, who was appointed in November 2022 by Attorney General Merrick Garland to oversee the investigations against Trump, defended the FBI and Justice Department’s conduct.

“The prosecutors in my office are among the most talented and experienced in the Department of Justice. They have investigated this case hewing to the highest ethical standards, and they will continue to do so as this case proceeds,” he said.

Trump insists that he declassified the documents in question before leaving office. The former President and his lawyers have publicly insinuated on multiple occasions that the agents who carried out the raid planted evidence during the search.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Shlach


Half of American 'Jews' are not Jewish


Reform leader Rick Jacobs travels the USA proudly proclaiming that “interfaith families are now the majority of the movement.”

The recent Israel-bashing, Jew-hating graduation speech by a “Palestinian Arab” at CUNY Law School made national news. 

The Zionist Organization of America took the lead, as it almost always does among the Presidents’ Conference “major” Jewish organizations, in fighting back.

 ZOA demanded that the CUNY Law den of corruption be defunded by New York State, that the administrators who approved and facilitated the Nazi-like speech be fired, and that the Jew-hater graduate be denied a New York State Bar license to practice.

Amazingly, the school’s so-called “Jewish Law Student Association” praised the speaker’s vicious anti-Zionist venom and lies. Their pathetic self-hate appears here in its entirety. That self-flagellating screed is so warped that one initially would suppose it a forgery, impossible to be authored by Jews even in a world of self-hating Jewish apostates like George Soros, Bernie Sanders, and Ben & Jerry.

That document helpfully demonstrates that almost half the people in America who call themselves “Jews” are in fact not Jews.