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Monday, May 15, 2023

Church in Hartford Says There Was A Huge "mofeis" They Only Had a "few wafers, and suddenly G-d sent them many"

Growing up I thought that only "rebbelich" performed "moifsim" miracles, now I see that even "galachim" priests can perform them.

I need to find out from this "galich" how he does it, because in our home in Beit Shemesh, we always run out of wafers. I wonder if he could do this with pretzels as well. 

Rebbelich should pay attention to this story. This "moifis" will multiply "shrayim" so that all can have some, even those who are not hungry!

 The Vatican is reviewing claims of a “miracle” at a Catholic church in Connecticut after parishioners reported that Communion hosts mysteriously multiplied at a March Mass.

The Archdiocese of Hartford investigated the claims at St. Thomas Catholic Church in Thomaston and is now sending the results to the Holy See in Rome, the Harford Courant reported last week.

The reported miracle occurred at a March 5 Mass, when a parishioner assisting with Communion reported that there was a shortage of hosts — wafers used during the ritual to symbolize the body of Jesus Christ — only to then find there were plenty.

“God has duplicated himself in the ciborium,” said the Rev. Joseph Crowley, who oversees the congregation, referring to the type of container used to hold the hosts. “It’s really, really cool when God does these things, and it’s really, really cool when we realize what he’s done.”

After the incident, Hartford Archbishop Leonard Blair told reporters he appointed a priest well-versed in church law to look into the reported miracle.

The bishop said he would decide whether to involve the Vatican.

David Elliott, a spokesman for the Archdiocese, told the Courant that “reports such as the alleged miracle in Thomaston require referral to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome.”

The Dicastery, the oldest department of the Roman Curia, was founded to defend the Catholic Church from heresy, according to the Vatican.

“The Archdiocese has proceeded accordingly, and will await a response in due time,” Elliott said.

But Michael O’Neill, an author and radio host known as “The Miracle Hunter,” said the Connecticut church might have a hard time qualifying the multiplying wafers as a genuine miracle.

“I’d be highly surprised that they were able to have enough evidence to declare it a true eucharistic miracle,” he told the Courant.

“I’m guessing they have the testimony of numerous people who would have been able to say that they saw something and understood that this had to have been miraculous,” he said.

“So I’m guessing they’re caught in the middle a little bit not having the hard evidence but having good testimony,” O’Neill added. “So they’re looking for some guidance from the Vatican.”

Haaretz's Sick Headline: “Killing Children Brings Israelis Together”


Most people have ceased to be surprised by the content published by the self-hating Jews at the leftist Haaretz newspaper but one of its articles in its English-speaking edition during Operation Shield and Arrow was particularly shocking.

An opinion article by Yossi Klein published on Thursday was entitled: Killing Children Brings Israelis Together. In the article, Klein claims that the killing of Gazan children in Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip is a deliberate act by the Israeli government and the IDF. Why? He claims that the purpose is to frighten the Palestinians, bring happiness to Israelis and provide a sense of unity to the country in the wake of the divisive judicial reform protests.

The article was slammed in a Ynet opinion article by Alon Goldstein, the VP of content at Yediot Achronot, who wrote that apart from the vileness of the article’s lies, the English Haaretz website fails to publish a single word of criticism against Gazan terror groups for launching rockets at innocent Israel civilians, including children.

King Charles To Visit Israel

 Preparations are underway for newly-crowned King Charles of England to become the first British sovereign to visit the Holy Land, British media reported on Sunday.

“The preparation has been done by his team to pave the way for this visit,” said Conservative peer Lord Polak according to the Daily Mail. “There is no doubt that Charles will be the one to break this pattern,” he said.

Lord Polak served as director of Conservative Friends of Israel for more than 25 years.

Charles is also likely to visit the Palestinian territories in an effort to avoid causing controversy, the British tabloid reported.

He traveled to Israel in a private capacity three times before he took the throne.

Prince William made an official trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories in 2018.

Charles’s mother, Elizabeth II, never came to Israel during her 70-year reign due to concern it would upset the Arab world.

Israel’s President Isaac Herzog has been personally involved in lobbying the king to visit, but the threat of Palestinian rocket attacks from Gaza was a “stumbling block” to setting a date, the paper reported.

Charles is already set to visit Kenya later this year, the country where his mother was notified she became queen after the death of her father, Charles VI, in 1952.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

While Beit Shemesh and the Rest of Israel are being Bombed, Chareidim Spitting Poison on Israel


The entire Israel is in jeopardy, Jewish children are running for cover into shelters, and yet at that very moment when bombs are falling all around us, Chareidim are commenting on Chareidie news sites like VIN and Yeshivah World (and DIN, I delete them) spewing hate, poison and outright enmity and malice towards the only Jewish State in the entire world.

את חטאי אני מזכיר היום I have to admit that I follow social media, which includes platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I am also on many Chareidie WhatsApp groups. 

I have to say that the comments coming from people of the Chassidishe and Yeshivisha communities match the most vile, vicious and hateful remarks that come from Arab and Nazi sympathizers. You don't have to go to these antisemitic sites to be revolted and disgusted, all you have to do is read the comments on Chareidie WhatsApp groups or the comments on sites like VIN and Yeshivah World to see mamash hate against our brothers and sisters living in Eretz Yisrael. Be thankful that you are not on their WhatsApp groups.

Where is this hate coming from? How can a frum Jew from "Zera Avraham" not have some empathy, some sympathy for the millions of Jews living in the State of Israel?

How is it that a frum Jew from a Yeshiva background can sit back on his leather chair in his comfortable home, in Boro-Park, Williamsburg, Monsey, Monroe, Flatbush, Lakewood etc, and take the time to write the most repulsive, morally debased, depraved, comments while his relatives are being bombed? 

I have a clue, and you may disagree with me on this, but I believe that this hate was instilled into our children by books like Vayoel Moshe, Al Hagilah, The Empty Wagon, and websites like Torah True Jews. 

I'll give you an example. 
Way back in 1948 when the IDF was able overcome 5 Arab armies, the anti-Zionist rabbanim were shouting that the IDF was taking all the credit for themselves and were arrogantly stating כוחי ועצם ידי "it is our might that was able to overcome them." The anti-Zionist rabbanim pointed to that and said "you see they don't believe that Hashem had anything to do with that" they are apikorsim! 

In 1967 when the IDF destroyed the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, in six days, Chareidim like all Jews were excited of these open miracles! It brought a "baal teshuva" movement like no other in the entire history of the Jewish people. 
The Satmar Rebbe was in a panic and got extremely worried that his entire premise was collapsing and falling apart, so he quickly had Yoel Ashkanazi push out a booklet called "Al Hageulah, where he stated unequivocally that the six-day war was in fact not a miracle but that the IDF was naturally a great army and that it was their strength that won the war, his argument now was the exact same argument that they claimed the IDF made, that they won the war in 6 days because of   כוחי ועצם ידי ???????
And he added something very bizarre, he writes that the Satan, the "Sitra Achra" helped the IDF in winning the war! "It was no miracle, it was the "sitra achra" combined with כוחי ועצם ידי!
So as I said many times, to extend this logic one has to ask why is it that when it comes killing 6 million Jews, it is the Ribbono Shel Oilom, but when it comes to saving Jews like in the six-day war, then it was the Satan? 
It makes absolutely no sense, but the damage was done, and this anti-Zionism was embedded into the very souls of innocent young children, and this is now the result, we should not be at all surprised, as  "the chickens have come home to roost." This absurd radical theory was adopted by the Litvishe world as well. 

I copied and pasted just a sample of this vile and vicious hatred of the Jewish State! Keep in mind that this was written when bombs were being launched against Jewish people living in Israel!

 1 day ago
 Reply to  Chanan

The Zionists are the ultimate galus Jew that they so deride. The Zionist “State” exists at the will and good-will of the gentile nations. The Zionists can do no more than their gentile masters permit them.

What a pathetic idol.

triumphinwhitehouse 1 day ago
 Reply to  Chanan

the Zionists dont understand why they exist, they dont feel anything special to the land, to the Torah or anything, they have the capability to make Gaza Bakhmut 2.0 but unlike Putin they dont WANT to. Putin knows he is fighting Nazi Cossacks and the decadenet West of NATO/EU with its toeiva and sick “values” the Zionists dont know.

 1 day ago
 Reply to  Sol

Well, since you brought it up, the Zionists live there not because of a “connection” to the land but because they are worshiping the Nationalist/Zionist idol.

Some, unfortunately, outside of Israel do so, too, as the Zionist idol’s propaganda power is immense. But, we Jews all over the world including in Zionist “Israel”, do not worship idols.

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

What about-ism is not an answer. Regardless, none of those are idols. At worst, they are distractions.

 22 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

the Zionists bring toeiva to the holy land, bring Cossacks, bring bantu. and want to close down yeshivas and put soldiers into their shmad army. WE SAY NEVER.

However, Zionism, according to all gedolim, and as is plain to see, is most definitely an idol.

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

You believe in idolatry. We deny it. The Zionists, lihavdil like the spies, insist that Jews can’t live without an army. Hashem would have taken them all in to E”Y without needing a single weapon, like He did in Yericho.

Zionism is heresy and a grave insult against the Creator of the world.

Lalka 23 hours ago

Can you Israel haters stop spitting your poison at this time, don’t You have regard for your Jewish brothers and sisters and children ? Do you have Yiddidhe hearts at all?

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Lalka

Calling out the Zionist idol is a reflection of, not a contradiction to, the “regard for your Jewish brothers and sisters and children”.