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Saturday, May 13, 2023

While Beit Shemesh and the Rest of Israel are being Bombed, Chareidim Spitting Poison on Israel


The entire Israel is in jeopardy, Jewish children are running for cover into shelters, and yet at that very moment when bombs are falling all around us, Chareidim are commenting on Chareidie news sites like VIN and Yeshivah World (and DIN, I delete them) spewing hate, poison and outright enmity and malice towards the only Jewish State in the entire world.

את חטאי אני מזכיר היום I have to admit that I follow social media, which includes platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I am also on many Chareidie WhatsApp groups. 

I have to say that the comments coming from people of the Chassidishe and Yeshivisha communities match the most vile, vicious and hateful remarks that come from Arab and Nazi sympathizers. You don't have to go to these antisemitic sites to be revolted and disgusted, all you have to do is read the comments on Chareidie WhatsApp groups or the comments on sites like VIN and Yeshivah World to see mamash hate against our brothers and sisters living in Eretz Yisrael. Be thankful that you are not on their WhatsApp groups.

Where is this hate coming from? How can a frum Jew from "Zera Avraham" not have some empathy, some sympathy for the millions of Jews living in the State of Israel?

How is it that a frum Jew from a Yeshiva background can sit back on his leather chair in his comfortable home, in Boro-Park, Williamsburg, Monsey, Monroe, Flatbush, Lakewood etc, and take the time to write the most repulsive, morally debased, depraved, comments while his relatives are being bombed? 

I have a clue, and you may disagree with me on this, but I believe that this hate was instilled into our children by books like Vayoel Moshe, Al Hagilah, The Empty Wagon, and websites like Torah True Jews. 

I'll give you an example. 
Way back in 1948 when the IDF was able overcome 5 Arab armies, the anti-Zionist rabbanim were shouting that the IDF was taking all the credit for themselves and were arrogantly stating כוחי ועצם ידי "it is our might that was able to overcome them." The anti-Zionist rabbanim pointed to that and said "you see they don't believe that Hashem had anything to do with that" they are apikorsim! 

In 1967 when the IDF destroyed the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, in six days, Chareidim like all Jews were excited of these open miracles! It brought a "baal teshuva" movement like no other in the entire history of the Jewish people. 
The Satmar Rebbe was in a panic and got extremely worried that his entire premise was collapsing and falling apart, so he quickly had Yoel Ashkanazi push out a booklet called "Al Hageulah, where he stated unequivocally that the six-day war was in fact not a miracle but that the IDF was naturally a great army and that it was their strength that won the war, his argument now was the exact same argument that they claimed the IDF made, that they won the war in 6 days because of   כוחי ועצם ידי ???????
And he added something very bizarre, he writes that the Satan, the "Sitra Achra" helped the IDF in winning the war! "It was no miracle, it was the "sitra achra" combined with כוחי ועצם ידי!
So as I said many times, to extend this logic one has to ask why is it that when it comes killing 6 million Jews, it is the Ribbono Shel Oilom, but when it comes to saving Jews like in the six-day war, then it was the Satan? 
It makes absolutely no sense, but the damage was done, and this anti-Zionism was embedded into the very souls of innocent young children, and this is now the result, we should not be at all surprised, as  "the chickens have come home to roost." This absurd radical theory was adopted by the Litvishe world as well. 

I copied and pasted just a sample of this vile and vicious hatred of the Jewish State! Keep in mind that this was written when bombs were being launched against Jewish people living in Israel!

 1 day ago
 Reply to  Chanan

The Zionists are the ultimate galus Jew that they so deride. The Zionist “State” exists at the will and good-will of the gentile nations. The Zionists can do no more than their gentile masters permit them.

What a pathetic idol.

triumphinwhitehouse 1 day ago
 Reply to  Chanan

the Zionists dont understand why they exist, they dont feel anything special to the land, to the Torah or anything, they have the capability to make Gaza Bakhmut 2.0 but unlike Putin they dont WANT to. Putin knows he is fighting Nazi Cossacks and the decadenet West of NATO/EU with its toeiva and sick “values” the Zionists dont know.

 1 day ago
 Reply to  Sol

Well, since you brought it up, the Zionists live there not because of a “connection” to the land but because they are worshiping the Nationalist/Zionist idol.

Some, unfortunately, outside of Israel do so, too, as the Zionist idol’s propaganda power is immense. But, we Jews all over the world including in Zionist “Israel”, do not worship idols.

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

What about-ism is not an answer. Regardless, none of those are idols. At worst, they are distractions.

 22 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

the Zionists bring toeiva to the holy land, bring Cossacks, bring bantu. and want to close down yeshivas and put soldiers into their shmad army. WE SAY NEVER.

However, Zionism, according to all gedolim, and as is plain to see, is most definitely an idol.

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

You believe in idolatry. We deny it. The Zionists, lihavdil like the spies, insist that Jews can’t live without an army. Hashem would have taken them all in to E”Y without needing a single weapon, like He did in Yericho.

Zionism is heresy and a grave insult against the Creator of the world.

Lalka 23 hours ago

Can you Israel haters stop spitting your poison at this time, don’t You have regard for your Jewish brothers and sisters and children ? Do you have Yiddidhe hearts at all?

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Lalka

Calling out the Zionist idol is a reflection of, not a contradiction to, the “regard for your Jewish brothers and sisters and children”.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Beit Shemesh Under Attack


Zera Shimshom Parshas Behar-Bechikosai


DIN'S Take on Rav Zilberstein's Psak to Boycott Angel's Bakery

The question posed to Harav Zilberstein was by a mother whose child eats only products from Angel's Bakery and refuses to eat from other bakeries. Rav Zilberstein paskened that the mother should tell the child that "we do not bring Angel Bakery products in our home" and as Rav Zilberstein put it to the mother "let him fast."  "This will teach the child two lessons, one, Kavod Ha'Torah and the lesson to be prepared for life."

With all due respect to Harav Zilberstein whom I respect and admire, he has it all wrong here.

When you decide to appoint a Gadol Hador, in this case, Harav Edelstein, as the spiritual leader of a political party such as Degel, you cannot then turn around and say "he cannot be criticized because of "Kavod Ha'Torah."  You cannot have it both ways! This is not fair and not yashar to the other political parties. Degel is a political party just like the others, and therefore should be open to criticism. if you cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen. And this is a very dangerous path to go on, since this logic that you cannot criticise the leader of the party because he is a rabbi can be extended and applied if the leader of the Arab party is an Imam, how about if they put a reform rabbi as the head of Likkud?

Israel is now at war, all agree that we need Chayalim to man the Iron Dome and David's Slingshot stations. All agree that we need IDF pilots to bomb the living daylights out of the murderers in Gaza! 

Those of you learning the Daf , have come across the Mishna (Sota 44b) 
במלחמת חובה הכל יוצאין אפילו חתן מחדרו וכלה מחופתה
Did DIN just write:
אפילו כלה מחופתה
Even a Kallah goes to war? A female goes to war? 
Yes, but that is a discussion for another time. 

The bottom line is that Chilonim are very upset and angry that their children are going out to war while the children of Chareidim by-in-large are not shouldering their fair share of the burden. Chareidie  Gedoilim will not even allow them to do "sherut leumi" .

The argument that they are doing their fair share by learning Torah does not fly by most frum reasonable people and the Torah does not give an exemption from the army to those learning Torah. Learning Torah is not in the category of exemptions itemized in the Torah!

In addition, the Roshei Yeshiva themselves do not believe that Torah is "matzil" as they all packed up their Yeshivos in Ashdod etc and fled. The worst part of all this is not that Chareidim don't serve, but that they do not respect those in uniform. Frum soldiers are more afraid of their lives from Chareidim accosting them in shul then from the Arabs. How pathetic is this? 

So the CEO of Angel Bakery goes to Harav Edelstein's home to protest what he sees as an atrocity? 
If the Oilom Ha'Torah doesn't like this, then don't appoint a Gadol Hador as your leader of Degel, which is a political party!

Many years ago, this issue came up when Rav Shach left the Aguda political party and allied with Harav Ovadia Yosef to form the party called Shas. It didn't take long when  Rav Shach had a falling out with Rav Yosef and founded the Degel Party. 

So if you are following this, it goes like this:
1) Rav Shach criticises the Aguda Party forms his own party "Shas"
2) R' Shach then criticises Rav Ovadia Yosef  and forms "Degel" 
What happened with  "Kavod Ha'Torah?" 

When Harav Shach was still in Aguda, the leaders had a meeting and the Gerer Rebbe stormed out of the meeting when he didn't like what Rav Shach said, I believe it was when Rav Shach mocked the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 
What about "Kovod Ha'Torah?"
So when it comes to the rabbonim themselves, no one cares about "Kovod HaTorah," but when a Chilonie who has no idea what that term even means and is protesting about something close to his heart, then we jump and scream and boycott ...Kavod Ha'Torah!

I'll tell you what "Kavod Ha'Torah is: 
"Kavod Ha'Torah is not to put into position Gedoilim that will be mocked and ridiculed!

Another important note about this psak, having been in Special Education for many years, I have found that there are children, those on the spectrum, for example, who get fixated on specific foods and won't eat anything and will fast until that particular food is given to them. 
Children by-in-large, even those with particular tastes, will generally eat practically anything when they are starving. If a child such as the one in Rav Zilberstein's story will only eat Angel Bakery products, that is a sign that there is more to this story, and Harav Zilberstein should have added in his psak that this does not apply to special children. This child will not understand the concept of "Kavod Ha'Torah"!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Palestinians Used their Cars to block IDF From Entering To Arrest Terrorists, So IDF Neatly Stacked Their Cars on Top of Each Other


Gerer Shvantz


Satmar Bakery in Williamsburg Causing a "Living Hell" to their Goyishe Neighbors


On a residential Bushwick side street, residents complain a new seasonal neighbor has ruined their peace of mind.

The business — a coal-burning matzah bakery that they claim made air quality, traffic and the block’s trash situation nightmarish in the lead-up to Passover — has temporarily closed up shop, but Locust Street locals say they anticipate it starting up again this coming winter.

And if the situation is as bad as the one that just ended, they’re considering moving elsewhere.  

“I don’t want to move, but I’m definitely considering it if I have to smell that smoke for three to four months a year,” a 40-something Bushwick resident of 13 years, who declined to provide her name for fear of retribution from the business, told The Post.

“If this continues, I see no choice but to move to protect our health,” added 10-year block resident Kristie, who would only provide her first name and whose borderline-asthmatic 11-year-old child has missed “a lot of school” as a result of the smoke triggering and possibly worsening the condition. 

Kristie, too, experienced health issues as a result — including headaches, lowered productivity and a daily sore throat.

The Satmar Matzah Bakery did not return The Post’s request for comment, but an automated message confirmed that the facility is currently on “vacation.”