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Saturday, October 9, 2021

New Videos Clearly Shows Chareidim Putting up the Fence in Meron ..Not the Police


The video on top was obtained from the blog Kikar Hashabas, this is minutes before the disaster, showing the Chareidie appointed "sadranim" (those who organize) putting up the fence ... not one cop anywhere!

The Chareidim were against the Government Investigation because they didn't want the truth to come out..the fact that they themselves put up that fence. Hopefully the government inquiry will reveal who made that tragic decision and why?

We always claimed that the reports that the police were at blame was fabricated ... 
I am not saying that the police did everything they could, what I am saying was that this tragic disaster was caused by the Chareidim themselves and they are now looking to cover it up..
If it turns out that the police caused this  tragic event then they should held accountable.
But the families of the victims publicly called for this  government inquiry and claimed all along that it wasn't the police that put up that fence..

I was at Meron myself two years prior and I can tell you first hand that the stadium cannot hold more than 5-6,000 people at once...fence or no fence..
The Charedie rabbanim and askanim knew that as well, they should be held responsible..
That Chareidie extremist, the joker with the lulav ring on his finger,   should be arrested and tried for manslaughter... 

I hope that I am wrong... but as the videos keep coming out it looks like the Chareidim should not be in charge of any event that has more than 20 people under one roof ...
They are amateurs and liars, but this time they may have the direct cause of innocent people dying ..
They must be held accountable..

בתיעוד החדש שעוד לא פורסם - שמתעד את מה שקרה כשעה לפני תחילת האסון, נראים מאבטחים פרטיים נמצאים באזור האסון.

המאבטחים נראים מעט אבודים, ומזיזים מדי פעם את המחסומים - מסיבה שאיננה ברורה וכמובן שבתיעוד, 

את התיעוד חושף איש התקשורת מני גירא שוורץ, בשיחה עם 'כיכר השבת', הוא מתאר את מה שרואים בתיעוד: "ביום חמישי, פרסמתי סרטון, בו רואים את המחסומים שהציבו סדרנים. שם ניתן לראות בבירור שהיכן שמוצב מחסום, נמצאים מאבטחים בלבד ולא אנשי משטרה.
"בסרטון החדש", מסביר שוורץ, רואים איך נוצרת במקום מהומה, פקק אנושי וצוואר בקבוק - שמצד אחד בנס לא קורה כלום, מצד שני זה תמרור אזהרה מספיק ברור מפני הבאות. רואים בחלק מהסרטון, שיש עדיין מחסום חוסם את הדרך, ואברכים ובחורים מדלגים מעליו".

"יש שם עוד קטע, ממה שנראה לי זה עוד כמה מאבטחים עם כובעים שחורים מגיעים מלמטה. ואחר כך, הם ממשיכים ללמעלה. בנוסף רואים שם את המאבטחים סוחבים את אחד המחסומים בתוך הקהל.
 איפה הציבו אותו?".

"איפה הציבו את המחסומים האחרים?", שואל שוורץ ומפרשן: "האם חלקם המשיכו לעמוד שם גם אם רק בצידי הדרך, ולא בחסימה מלאה, והביאו בין היתר למכשול לחלק מהנדחסים. כי הרי רבים מהעדויות של הניצולים זה שהיה מחסום, גם אם נופל, או מוזז. משהו היה שם עם המחסום. והתיעוד הזה מעלה את השאלות".

ממידע שהגיע לידי 'כיכר השבת', מדובר במאבטחים פרטיים, שככל הנראה נשכרו בידי אחת מהחסידיות שביצעו הדלקה במקום. עד עתה לא ברור, מדוע אנשי האבטחה הזיזו את המחסומים והאם היה מי שנתן להם את ההוראה הזו. מה שברור מכל התיעודים שפורסמו, זה שלמשטרה לא הייתה נוכחות במקום, כבר כשעה קודם שהחל מרחץ הדמים.

בכירים במשטרה הגיבו על הסרטון הראשון ואמרו: "מנסים להטיח אשמה במשטרה, לפיה המשטרה אחראית על הכשלים שהיו בהר מירון - בעת שמתקיימת ועדת חקירה ממלכתית".

Global Warming ? Last Six Months for Antarctica Coldest on Record


Antarctica has reached record low temperatures in the past six months, data shows.

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) noted, CNN reported, "for the polar darkness period, from April through September, the average temperature was -60.9 degrees Celsius (-77.6 degrees Fahrenheit), a record for those months."

The time distinction from April through September refers to the period of polar darkness. In the case of the South Pole, this polar night occurs when the sun sets and darkness envelops the land, lasting from the spring equinox to the autumn equinox until the sun rises again.

In the winter of 2021, the continent of Antarctica experienced its second coldest winter and recorded temperatures in the months of "June, July, and August, [at] 3.4 degrees Celsius (6.1 degrees Fahrenheit) lower than the 1981 to 2010 average at -62.9 degrees Celsius (-81.2 degrees Fahrenheit)," according to the new NSIDC report.

"This is the second-coldest winter (June-July-August months) on record, behind only 2004 in the 60-year weather record at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station," according to the NSIDC.

'Newsweek' lists Israeli cancer, heart treatment among world's best


Hadassah Ein Karem Medical Center in Jerusalem

The US magazine Newsweek published its annual World's Best Specialized Hospitals list this week, listing what it deems to be the world's best providers of specialty care in a number of vital fields. The list features three Israeli medical centers.

The magazine ranks the top 250 hospitals for cardiology and oncology, the top 150 for cardiac surgery and pediatrics and the top 125 for endocrinology, gastroenterology, orthopedics, neurology, neurosurgery and pulmonology.

According to this year's rankings, Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer is No. 42 in the world when it comes to cardiology care. The Heart Institute at Hadassah Ein Karem Medical Center was ranked No. 173 for cardiology, and Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center's cardiology care was ranked No. 204.

Hadassah's oncology care also came in for praise, with the hospital's Sharett Institute of Oncology, located on Mount Scopus, ranking 211 in the oncology section.

Sheba's neurosurgery and gastroenterology departments also performed well, coming at No. 40 and 44 in each category.

Sourasky's Orthopedics Department was ranked No. 123 in that category.

Should Israel Dump the USA as its Superpower Sponsor


 by Abba Yitzchak 

Throughout history, empires have exercised their long-range power through client or vassal states. A vassal state is a state that is economically, politically, and/or militarily subordinate to another more powerful state in international relations.

Israel is currently a vassal state under the protective diplomatic umbrella of the United States. Both sides have benefited greatly from the relationship and Israel feels like it has a powerful patron to protect it from various existential and non-existential threats.

Modern Israel has been a vassal state to the United States since its reestablishment in 1948. Israel has always fought its wars with its own soldiers but has relied on America for diplomatic protection and for the supply of military hardware when needed. In return, Israel has done what America tells it to do even if it goes against Israel's interests. For example, Israel removed Jews from their lawful homes in Gaza and gave those homes and farms to Muslim terrorists who now use that territory to launch missiles at Israel's cities.

Marriott in Germany apologizes to Jewish singer told to remove Star of David ...the Video of his incident got over one million views.


German Jewish singer-songwriter Gil Ofarim said a hotel in Leipzig denied him entry for wearing a Star of David necklace, Deutsche Welle reported.

According to the musician, who is the son of the late Israeli musician Abi Ofarim, the hotel said that if he did not put away the Star of David necklace he was wearing, he would not be allowed to check in.

In a video posted to social media, Ofarim recounted that when he attempted to check in to the Hotel Westin in Leipzig on Monday, a long line formed due to problems with the hotel computers.

Eventually, Ofarim noticed that the rest of the line was being ushered forward but he wasn’t.

Ofarim said that he asked the desk clerk, “What's going on? Why is everyone else being called up ahead of me?"

He was told by the employee that they were trying to fix the issue but he did not let Ofarim move ahead in line.

The singer then stated that “someone called out from the corner: 'Put your star away.”

Ofarim said that the hotel worker again asked Ofarim to take off or hide his Star of David.

He said he was told, “Once you put it away, then you can check in."

At the end of the video, Ofarim, who holds back tears, ends by saying the words, “Germany, 2021.”

Shoplifters Making NYC a "Third World’ Country


Thanks to a citywide shoplifting tsunami, bare necessities are now rare luxuries on drug-store shelves across New York City.

“It looks like the Third World,” bemoaned one Manhattan resident, after eyeing the aisles of a CVS on Sixth Avenue in Soho desperately low of toothpaste, face wash and hand sanitizer, among a long list of other items.

“They’ve all been stolen,” a CVS employee told The Post.

State bail reform laws make shoplifting a promising career option for some New York City crooks. One man, Isaac Rodriguez, 22, of Queens, was arrested for shoplifting 46 times this year alone, The Post exclusively reported last week.

The blame goes straight to the halls of power in Albany, said New York City top cop Dermot Shea.

“Insanity,” the police commissioner tweeted last week in response to The Post report. “No other way to describe the resulting crime that has flowed from disastrous bail reform law.” 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Noach


Noach "Was a big tzaddik"


Nikolsburger Rebbe singing "Noach was a big tzaddik"

Hilarious Moment When Joe Manchin Covers his Face Because He can no longer hear "Lyin' Shumer's Speech


Sen. Joe Manchin couldn’t bear to watch Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s GOP-trashing floor speech Thursday night — covering his face and ultimately walking away during the comments.

The animated reaction came as Schumer was speaking before the Senate officially extended the government’s borrowing authority — and it was all captured by a CSPAN camera.

“Republicans played a dangerous and risky partisan game, and I am glad that their brinksmanship did not work,” Schumer began his remarks, with Manchin sitting behind him in view of the camera.

As Schumer cast blame on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and GOP Senators, Manchin first appeared to shake his head then pressed his palms to his face in dismay.

“[Senate Minority] Leader [Mitch] McConnell and Senate Republicans insisted they wanted a solution to the debt ceiling — but said Democrats must raise it alone by going through a drawn out, convoluted, and risky reconciliation process,” Schumer said.

Less than a minute later, as Schumer continued targeting McConnell, Manchin was seen walking away.

Afterward, outside the chamber, Manchin condemned the speech.

“I didn’t think it was appropriate at this time,” Manchin told reporters.

“We have to de-weaponize. You can’t be playing politics. None of us can — on both sides,” Manchin said. “Civility is gone.”

“I didn’t think it was appropriate at this time,” Manchin told reporters.

“We have to de-weaponize. You can’t be playing politics. None of us can — on both sides,” Manchin said. “Civility is gone.”

No Republicans voted to approve the actual legislation raising the debt ceiling, but the party-line, 50-48 vote was a foregone conclusion after 11 GOPers voted to end debate on the measure minutes earlier.

Man plunges nine stories from NJ high-rise, lands on BMW — and survives


A man plunged nine stories from a high-rise in Jersey City, New Jersey, landed on a BMW — and miraculously survived, according to officials and a witness.

The 31-year-old  crashed through the roof of the black Beemer 330i parked below 26 Journal Square at 10:20 a.m. Wednesday, then stood up with his right arm  dangling at his side  and asked, “What happened?” onlooker Christina Smith, 21, told The Post.

“I heard a big boom and I didn’t think it was a person at first,” said Smith. “The back window of the car just busted out — exploded. Then the guy jumped up and started screaming. His arm was all twisted.”

“I was like, ‘Oh my God!’ I was shocked. It was like being in a movie,” said Smith, who works in sales and had been strolling to a nearby McDonald’s.

“He was like, ‘What happened?’ And was like, You fell,” she said.

“I was thinking, thank God, it probably helped that he had a fluffy jacket on,” she said, adding she thought  the coat may have shielded him from deeper wounds.

She quickly called 911, then took jaw-dropping photos and videos of the aftermath, including graphic footage of the man screaming in pain with upper body injuries. The video also shows a face mask strap still dangling from the guy’s ear, despite falling roughly 100 feet.

The man, who jumped from an open window on the ninth floor, was rushed to a hospital by ambulance and was in critical condition Thursday, said Jersey City spokeswoman Kimberly Wallace-Scalcione.

The man didn’t work inside building and it was unclear why he was there, workers and witnesses said. He has refused to give cops his name and was not being cooperative as of Thursday afternoon, according to a source familiar with the case.

“He fell into the car through the sunroof, then climbed out of the car and fell on the ground. He was trying to get up but people were trying to get him to stay down —‘You don’t know how hurt you are,’” said Mark Bordeaux, 50, who works in the building and saw the aftermath of the jump.

“So he stayed there until the police and ambulances came. He kept saying, ‘Leave me alone, I want to die.’ You saw one of his arms was clearly broken, but he was conscious, he was moving,” he said.

“He wanted to die. That was his agenda. But God had something else in mind.”

Police were investigating Thursday but said the incident does not involve suspicious circumstances, according to Wallace-Scalcione.

People who have plunged from much lower heights have died or killed others in recent months, including a man who jumped from a parking garage in San Diego, Calif., in September and landed on a woman below — killing them both.

The Names of the Murderers of Babi Yar revealed for the first time


At the ceremony

From the testimony of Nazi soldier Viktor Trill: “It is possible that on this day I shot between around 150 and 250 Jews. The whole shooting went off without incident. The Jews were resigned to their fate like lambs. After we got out, first we were issued with alcohol. It was grog or rum. I then saw a gigantic ditch [ravine] that looked like a dried out river bed. In it were lying several layers of corpses. The execution began first by a few members of our Kommando going down into the ravine. At the same time about 20 Jews were brought along from a connecting path. The Jews had to lay down on the corpses and were then shot in the back of the neck. More Jews were continually brought to be shot."


Between 29-30 September, 1941, the Nazis murdered 33,771 Jewish Ukrainians in the Babyn Yar Ravine on the outskirts of Kyiv.

Perpetrators have never been convicted – despite extensive testimonies gathered after the War, now revealed by the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center.

Having already uncovered new information about the victims and the Massacre, the Babyn Yar Memorial Center has begun compiling evidence and testimonies shedding light on the perpetrators of the crimes, being released to mark the 80th anniversary of Babyn Yar.

- The first 159 names of Nazi Soldiers who murdered Jews in Babyn Yar released by BYHMC.

Why the US really wants a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem


US Embassy in Yerushalyim

The Biden administration is trying to partially undo one of Israel’s greatest diplomatic achievements of recent decades—the recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over all of Jerusalem by the United States, followed by numerous other countries. The good news is unlike many diplomatic attacks, the Israeli government has the power to stop this one.

The United States is pushing to open up a new diplomatic office in Jerusalem—one that would be directed to the Palestinian Authority. The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem already provides consular services to the Palestinian Arabs. It is unheard of for a country to have an independent consulate in the same city where it already has an embassy. The point of creating a separate consulate is to undermine former U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem. But under international law, the United States would need Israel’s permission for this move.

MERON TRAGEDY: Dramatic Testimony Of Toldos Aharon Representative ... Denies All Responsibilty


Look at his finger...that's a ring from a lulav which he wore while testifying as a segula that his lying testimony should go thru ...

Read his testimony, sounds like a tzaddik, admitting that he is from an extremist cult, but always listens to what the police order him to do....that's a lie, as the Police have warned many times that this is a recipe for a disaster and they never did anything to make it safer. He now blames the police asking with a straight face..“What was I supposed to know? What do I understand? I’m an engineer? An architect?”...

Well, his segulah was highly “successful” since he was able to evade responsibility for just about everything that happened with his disingenuous “I knew nothing” response to the questions posed by the prosecutor while simultaneously blaming the police, the public works ministry etc. etc. Every witness so far has blamed someone else and it seems no one was responsible for anything.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Miriam Naor, the head of the commission, asked Heller about their contacts with the police.  Heller responded that four years ago they received instructions from the police to raise the stage where the Rebbe sat and to remove the children. “We removed them in accordance with their instructions and we also moved the women to the top level. Everything was done in accordance with police instructions.”

Heller said that he entered his position as the liaison with the police for the Hamekomos Hakedoshim 15 years ago. “The police issues instructions, we need to fulfill them, and only then do we proceed,” he said. “This year we had six meetings with them. They issue instructions and we carry them out. They tell us what we need to do, how many levels for the bleachers, how many barriers, what to fix – and we proceed only in accordance with their instructions.”

Naor then asked about the number of people allowed to enter the Toldos Aharon area for the hadlka. “The engineer testified and told us how many are allowed to enter. Did you know anything about that?

“I didn’t know about it until after the disaster,” Heller responded. “There weren’t any signs in the area saying how many could enter. We never ever heard that there’s a limit on the size of the crowd or the area. Anyway, who are we that we can tell people who can enter or who cannot? Does it belong to us? We’re not the police. Are we even permitted to put up barriers? There were areas we wanted to block off, by the steps of Rebbe Elazar where all the women are. We wanted to separate between the men and women but the police didn’t let us. They told us that we can’t because it’s an escape route. We accepted this despite the fact that in accordance with our way of life there should have been a mechitza there.”

“We didn’t put in a single nail without the police and the engineers. There’s no one who will say that Toldos Aharon did even little things without a permit. Two hours before Lag B’Omer I received an entire booklet. The engineer came, threw me a booklet, and said: ‘Here’s your signed permit.'”

“What was I supposed to know? What do I understand? I’m an engineer? An architect?”

When Naor mentioned the size of the crowd, Heller responded that he didn’t notice that the crowding was more intense than in previous years. “They should have told us – stop the hadlaka,” he said. “Why didn’t anyone do that? We simply obey what the police tell us. If the police would have said before the hadlaka that there won’t be a hadlaka, there’s too many people – then there wouldn’t have been a hadlaka. I promise you that we wouldn’t have carried out the hadlaka. If they would have told me – stop the event, they wouldn’t have had to repeat it twice – it would have happened immediately. The police were the ones who managed the event.”

In answer to Naor’s question about the difference between lighting at Meron or in Jerusalem – Heller answered that the Rebbe said that there’s no obligation to travel to Meron. “On the street, we’re known as an extremist sect but we’ve worked in close cooperation with the police throughout the years and you can check this out. We ensured public safety.”

Heller wore a “ring” from a Sukkos lulav on his finger while testifying, apparently a segulah for success.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Song of Beitzah

 Below, please find a link below to the new Song of Beitzah. Daf Yomi will be celebrating the Siyum of Beitzah this Sunday. 

The Eggs That Went Viral In Israel


Hundreds of thousands of Daf Yofi lomdim will soon complete Maseches Beitza and begin the next Masechta.

In honor of the occasion, the Kedumim farm in the Shomron did something unique, they printed the words: “Hadran Alach Maseches Beitza – Chizku V’Imtzu” – From the chicken coops of Kedumim.

In an interview with Kol-Barama Radio, the farm’s manager Tal Gilboa said: “We truly rejoice with Am Yisrael and want to be mechazeik Am Yisrael and lomdei Torah. Our goal wasn’t to promote our business but to bring happiness to lomdei HaDaf Hayomi.”

Gilboa added that someone even called him from New York and asked for eggs.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Camala's Stepdaughter

Caption this! 

Kamala's stepdaughter modeling on the left.. 

I don't know what the one in the right is?

Can Men get Pregnant?


Moshichistin saying "lechayim" to the Rebbe

 At 0.39 a little girl is actually trying to get some wine from the Rebbe, but he refuses so she tries getting it from the guy with the full wine flask, but he ignores her just like the rebbe did. 

Question: What's up with the guy with the full flask with wine, anyway?

Are the Schnoor Ads Like “Yocheved has kidney disease” & “Yossi needs heart surgery” Fake? And How much $$$ goes to the Needy?? About Zero to 4%



Michael Jackson is Alive and Well ...


Iran using Camel'a Harris as a mouthpiece Against the Jewish People

Yellen defends IRS rule requiring banks to report all transactions over $600


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is defending a Biden administration proposal that would require banks to report data to the Internal Revenue Service on transactions over $600, calling the collection of information “routine,” after taking heat for the idea that is widely seen as an unprecedented invasion of privacy.

During an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Tuesday, Yellen was pressed on whether the IRS has the “wherewithal” to collect more information about taxpayers and bank accounts including cash flows, something many Republicans have called invasive.

“Well, of course they do,” Yellen said. “Right now, on every bank account that earns more than $10 a year in interest, the banks report the interest earned to the IRS. That’s part of the information base that includes W2’s and reports on dividends in other income that taxpayers earned. So collection of information is routine.”

Yellen cited the “enormous tax gap” in the US as the reason behind the proposed tax hikes and information collecting, blaming the gap on places where information on income “can be hidden.” 

“It’s just a few pieces of information about individual bank accounts, nothing at the transaction level that would violate privacy,” the secretary said. 

Brian Laundrie used Gabby Petito’s bank card three days after she vanished


Brian Laundrie used Gabby Petito’s bank card in Wyoming just three days after the slain 22-year-old Long Island native was last seen alive, her family’s lawyer said Tuesday.

Petito was last spotted at a Wyoming restaurant on Aug 27, while Laundrie, 23, returned home alone in her van on Sept. 1 — and the boyfriend has since gone on the run from the feds.

“You can look at his state of mind by his actions,” Petito family attorney Richard Stafford said on the Dr. Phil show on CBS-TV.

“He ran, he stole her credit card, he used her credit card to get home, and then ran from the police,” Stafford said. “That’s going to show a lot what he was thinking back then.”

Federal authorities in Wyoming issued an arrest warrant for Laundrie on Sept. 23 for allegedly using a stolen card “on or about August 30, 2021, through and including on or about September 1, 2021” and “obtained things of value aggregating to $1,000 or more.”

The Blue Point native’s body was found at a campground at the Teton-Bridges National Forest in Wyoming, with her death classified as a homicide.

Laundrie lawyered up and refused to talk to authorities after he turned home without her on Sept. 1 and later disappeared from his parents’ Florida home.

The fugitive’s parents told police he went on a hike on Sept. 14 at the nearby Carlton Reserve and never returned.

On Tuesday, Laundrie family attorney Steven Bertolino said in a statement that “upon further communication with the FBI” they “now believe” that Laundrie left the house a day earlier, on Sept. 13.

Laundrie is the only person of interest in Petito’s disappearance and death and is now the subject of a massive FBI-led manhunt.

Petito was last seen alive with Laundrie on Aug. 27 at the Merry Piglets restaurant in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where witnesses said Laundrie flipped out at the staff.

FBI Declares "War on Parents" Who Protest School "Woke Policies"

 Parents and politicians are slamming the Department of Justice’s decision to bring in the FBI to investigate a spike in “threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,” saying the Biden administration is likening their protests of “woke” policies such as Critical Race Theory — as well as mandatory mask wearing — to “domestic terrorism.”

“Dear @TheJusticeDept Merrick Garland and @FBI Director Christopher Wray,” Asra Nomani, vice president of investigations and strategy at Parents Defending Education, posted on Twitter. “This is what a domestic terrorist looks like? You are criminalizing parenting, and you owe the people of America a swift apology.”

She sarcastically signed the missive, “‘Domestic Terrorist,’ Asra Nomani.”

Nomani’s group has been researching how school boards across the US implement “woke” ideas into curricula, such as critical race theory. 

In recent months, dozens of parents have taken a stand in school board meetings against the teaching of Critical Race Theory in classrooms and to protest mask mandates, causing some to wonder what the FBI and DOJ are actually investigating. 

The DOJ move was spurred by the National School Boards Association asking the Biden administration for assistance, suggesting that there have been threats and acts of violence and equating those to domestic terrorism. 

In a separate tweet, Nomani claimed Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a “declaration of war” on parents when he announced the initiative on Monday. 

Another parent, Nicole Solas from Rhode Island, accused the FBI of being “the politics police,” while claiming any “legitimate” violence is already “sufficiently addressed by your local police.” 

“Arrest me,” she said in another tweet. 

B'Tzelem Activist Implicated in Attempt to Claim Settlers Were Behind Fire Set by Arabs.


B'Tzelem activist Basel al-Aderah was involved in an attempt to accuse right-wing activists of setting fire to a building which was in fact set ablaze by Palestinian Arabs, Channel 12 News reported.

According to testimony from the forces on the ground, during a riot by right-wing activists, Arabs tried to set fire to an structure and began shouting at a photographer accompanying them that Jews and soldiers had burned their homes.

But an officer who was at the scene and saw with his own eyes the arson attempt made it clear that the side responsible for the arson was the Arabs.

The head of the Mount Hebron Regional Council, Yochai Damari, responded to the publication. "The video clarifies who came to incite, who came to destroy and who for a long time has come to change the narrative and influence the High Court judges who are supposed to decide on the petition to remove them from the live-fire area which they invaded."

"Once an Arab was caught knocking himself down and sending pictures to the whole world as if he had been hit. And another time another Palestinian was caught setting fire to his own equipment warehouse and shouting that the Jews had caused it. If there were no cameras, then these provocations would be believed everywhere. I demand an immediate stop to all the quarrelsome instigators and the perpetrators of the provocations, such as the one photographed in the article who is known to the security forces," Damari said.

The Ad Kan organization stated that "we are not surprised by the exposure in which B'Tzelem activist set fire to a Palestinian structure while shouting that Jews did so, in accordance with the organization's policy of discrediting soldiers and settlers. This is another B'Tzelem blood libel against settlers and IDF soldiers. We call on the law enforcement authorities to prosecute the arsonist from B'Tzelem. As we have previously revealed, a key B'Tzelem employee in the same area was involved in the exposure of a Palestinian land seller to the security of the Palestinian precinct."

"It is important that the public and law enforcement agencies understand that this is an organization that produces violent provocations and should be treated accordingly," the organization added.

'Palestinian state will not be established'


Rebbetzin Shaked in UAE

The current Israeli government will not back Palestinian statehood, Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) said Wednesday morning during a visit to the United Arab Emirates.

Speaking with the UAE-based news outlet The National, Shaked ruled out talks on Palestinian statehood, both during Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s term, as well as after Yair Lapid rotates in as premier.

“The Israeli government won’t deliberate on the establishment of a Palestinian state under the present government of Bennett or Lapid when he comes into office under the rotational agreement,” said Shaked.

“There is a consensus among the parties [in the government] not to get involved in the issue, which could cause an internal rift.”

“We believe in economic peace as a means of improving Palestinians lives and to create cooperative industrial zones. But not a state with an army, absolutely not.”

Shaked pushed back on the description of Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria as being “illegal settlements,” calling the area “disputed territory”.

The Interior Minister also slammed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as “hypocritical”.

“They’re anti-Semitic by opposing Israel’s right to exist. BDS is the new form of anti-Semitism.”

Closure at last? Grave of missing Yemenite child to be exhumed following landmark case


The Supreme Court ordered the Attorney General to allow the exhume a grave belonging to Yemenite newborn Uziel Khoury in the Petah Tikva cemetery.

Reshet Bet reported that researchers will examine whether the baby was actually buried at the cemetery approximately 70 years ago.

The ruling follows decades of speculation about a government plot to abduct Yemenite children, allowing parents of Ashkenazi descent who had lost family members in the Holocaust to raise these children as their own.

n February, 2018, a new law allowing families of Yemenite children who disappeared between the years 1948 and 1970 to obtain a court-ordered exhumation of their graves for genetic testing.

Since the 1950s, more than 1,000 Israeli families have alleged their children were systematically kidnapped from Israeli hospitals and given to Ashkenazi families for adoption in Israel and abroad. The claims of the families, mostly immigrants from Yemen, were generally dismissed by authorities as "baseless conspiracy theories."

The law was to remain in effect for the coming two years. Once an exhumation was approved, the state would cover the costs of the project. At the time, funds were allocated to open at least 300 graves and it was reported that "in many cases, the family does not know where their child’s grave is located, or the grave that has been identified has several bodies buried in it."

The law was proposed by Likud Party lawmaker Nurit Koren, the daughter of Yemenite immigrants whose cousin was among the children who disappeared.

Three government-appointed committees have looked into the Yemenite children affair, and each concluded that the majority of the children died in the hospital and were buried without the families being informed. Scholars have reached similar conclusions.

The law comes more than a year after Israel posted an online database featuring some 200,000 pages of declassified documents about the controversial Yemenite children affair.

In a Partial Victory Jerusalem Court Approves Jewish Prayers on Har Habayit


A Jerusalem judge has backed the right of Jews to engage in silent prayers on the Temple Mount, marking the first time a court has endorsed Jewish prayer on the holy site since authorities quietly began rescinding their de facto ban on all non-Muslim prayers.

On Tuesday, Justice Bilhha Yahalom of the Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that silent prayers on the Temple Mount cannot be construed as a criminal act, and ordered police to drop a restraining order imposed on Rabbi Aryeh Lippo, who had been barred from the Mount over his silent prayers.

“His daily visits to the Temple Mount indicate how important this is for him,” Justice Yahalom wrote in her decision.

Attorney Moshe Polski, a lawyer for the Honenu organization who represented Rabbi Lippo in the case, lauded the court for its ruling.

“We welcome the court’s decision, which effectively endorses what has already been happening on the Temple Mount over the past year, and is a de facto permit to Jews who already visit the Temple Mount and want to pray.”

“It is unthinkable that Jews of all people should be banned from whispering prayers even silently on the Temple Mount, while Muslims on the Temple Mount can do whatever they want – pray, give religious lectures, play soccer, and even to riot, while the police do nothing to prevent any of this, but Jews are made to feel like outsiders in this holy place.”

“We hope that from now on, the police won’t bar worshippers who are already on the Mount, a move which impinges on their basic civil liberties.”

While Israeli authorities have for years barred even silent prayer by non-Muslims on the Temple Mount – removing worshippers suspected of whispering prayers – this year, police have frequently turned a blind eye to discreet Jewish prayers on the holy site.

Over 1,600 Jewish visitors to the Mount were permitted to pray during the Tisha B’Av fast this July, sparking criticism from the United Arab List, a coalition member which condemned the prayers and warned they could spark a “religious war”.

46 get refusers in Israel - both men & women


The Constitution, Law, & Justice Committee of the Knesset, headed by MK Gilad Kariv (Labor), will hold a discussion on Wednesday regarding the implementation of a law applying sanctions to get refusers.

In advance of the discussion, the committee published data on the number of get refusers in Israel, obtained from the various rabbinical courts. The data do not distinguish between male and female get refusers.

Among the findings: There are currently 46 get refusers in Israel, 25 of which are new cases from the current year (2021). 9 cases date from 2020, 3 from 2019, 0 from 2018, and 9 from earlier years.

The data also reveals that the duration of divorce proceedings in the rabbinical courts in Israel (from when a case is opened until it is settled) is significantly shorter than divorce proceedings conducted via the secular courts.

When the two sides jointly submit a request for a get, divorce proceedings are usually concluded within 50 days of the submission. When the two sides come to an agreement during the process, the case is usually closed within 104 days on average. However, when a case is opened by only one spouse without the cooperation of the partner, the average duration of proceedings is far longer – 399 days.