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Friday, August 27, 2021

Black Cop that Killed an unarmed White Ashli Babbitt on Jan 6 Protests Says "I was Doing My Job"


Michael Byrd the Murderer

Ashli Babbitt the victim

The veteran US Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 riot defended his actions Thursday, telling NBC News that “I was doing my job” and insisting that Babbitt was a threat to lawmakers and congressional staff on that fateful day.

Lt. Michael Byrd came forward days after he was exonerated from any wrongdoing in Babbitt’s death by an internal use-of-force probe.

The 28-year veteran shot Babbitt, an Air Force veteran and devotee of the QAnon conspiracy theory, as she attempted to enter the Speaker’s Lobby via a broken door. The officer told NBC News’ Lester Holt that seconds before he fired his weapon, he had been screaming at Babbitt and her fellow rioters to “please stop” and “get back.”

“You’re ultimately hoping that your commands will be complied with,” Byrd said, “and unfortunately, they were not.”

When Holt asked Byrd what he thought Babbitt was doing when he shot her, the officer responded bluntly: “She was posing a threat to the House of Representatives.”

Byrd also shed more light on the chaos of the day.

At one point, he recalled, an incorrect report that gunshots had been fired into the House chamber came over his radio.

“I was very afraid,” Byrd said. “I’m hearing about the breaches of different barricaded areas, officers being overrun, officers being down.”

Despite the hours-long rampage — which included running battles between police and rioters — Babbitt was the only person who was killed on Jan. 6.

Three other Trump supporters died after suffering medical emergencies. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died the day after the riot following a pair of strokes and at least four other law enforcement officers who responded to the Capitol that day have taken their own lives in the months since.

“I’m sure it was a terrifying situation,” Byrd told Holt when asked why no other officers shot at the rioters that day. “I can only control my reaction, my training, my level of expertise. That would be upon them to speak for themselves.”

Trump earlier this month said that Babbitt was “murdered at the hands of someone who should never have pulled the trigger of his gun” and called for “justice.”

On Thursday, Byrd called that statement “disheartening,” but added that if he had been responsible for the former president’s protection, “I was prepared to do the same thing for him and his family … because it’s my job.”

Babbitt’s widower, Aaron, told Fox News Thursday evening that he was “pissed off” by Byrd’s statements in the interview. 

“I don’t even want to hear him talk about how he’s getting death threats and he’s scared,” Babbitt told “Tucker Carlson Tonight”. “I’ve been getting death threats since January 7th. Two, three, five, ten a day, you know? And all I did on January 6th was become a widower, so you’re gonna have to suck it up, bud, and take it.”

Attorney Terry Roberts, who represents the Babbitt family, recently called her death an “ambush” and says the family is preparing to file a $10 million lawsuit against both Byrd and the Capitol Police.

Insane! Biden admits That He Gave Taliban ‘kill list’ of Afghans who aided US


A potentially deadly blunder by President Joe Biden’s administration effectively handed the Taliban a “kill list” to target Afghans who aided the US, according to a report Thursday — and admitted it may have happened when asked later at a White House briefing.

Following the Taliban takeover of Kabul, US officials there gave the Islamic extremist group the names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies so they could be allowed to enter the Taliban-controlled perimeter around the Hamid Karzai International Airport, according to Politico.

The decision was reportedly made despite the Taliban’s notorious reputation for brutally executing Afghans who helped the US military and other Western forces during the war and occupation that followed the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” a US defense official told Politico. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.”

During a news conference about Thursday’s deadly terror attack at the Kabul airport, Biden acknowledged unspecified “occasions” on which the US military had contacted the Taliban to say, “for example, this bus is coming through with ‘X’ number of people on it, made up of the following people.”

“And to the best of my knowledge, in those cases, the bulk of that has occurred. They’ve been let through,” he said.

“But I can’t tell you with any certitude that there’s actually been a list of names. There may have been, but I know of no circumstance.”

Biden added: “That doesn’t mean it’s not — it didn’t exist. That, ‘Here’s the names of 12 people. They’re coming. Let them through.’ It could very well have happened.”

The shocking revelation came just days after it was revealed that Taliban death squads have been going “door-to-door” to hunt down suspected Afghan “collaborators,” with tens of thousands of American allies potentially at risk.

The White House’s major miscalculation surfaced during a classified, Capitol Hill briefing earlier this week, Politico said.

The closed-door meeting reportedly grew heated when top administration officials tried to defend coordinating with the Taliban, claiming it was the best way to prevent a shooting war between US troops and Taliban fighters from breaking out at the airport.

The Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban to provide security outside the airport, and Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of US Central Command, and Rear Adm. Peter Vasely, head of US forces on the ground in Afghanistan, have referred to the Taliban in both written and verbal communications as “our Afghan partners,” two defense officials told Politico.

Following the fall of Kabul on Aug. 15, the joint US military and diplomatic team at the airport began giving the Taliban lists of people the US was seeking to evacuate, Politico said.

“They had to do that because of the security situation the White House created by allowing the Taliban to control everything outside the airport,” one US official said.

But after thousands of visa applicants started arriving at the airport, the State Department reportedly told those people to stay away until they were cleared for entry and the lists given to the Taliban no longer included the names of any Afghans.

As of Wednesday, only people with US passports and green cards were being admitted to the airport and processed for evacuation, the defense official told Politico.

A spokesperson for US Central Command declined to comment, Politico said.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Girls Now "Talking in Learning" With Their Dates ... and He doesn't Like it One Bit

Published in FJJ (Ask the Shadchan)


Our son just went out with his first girl. Naturally, we did our homework and everything checked out to our satisfaction. We would be delighted if this would be his “bashert.” So, what’s the issue? Here goes… He went out on a second date after a very promising first date. The girl spent most of the date questioning him about his learning. What he is learning, where, (what sugya), why he is learning that particular inyan etc. It was obvious from the questions she asked that she did not have any understanding, not even elementary knowledge about “learning”. My son felt that there was no point in him being grilled by someone who doesn’t really “chap the inyan” It’s almost insulting! Even if she would have “chapped the inyan”, isn’t she overstepping her boundaries? It was only a second date, our son didn’t grill her about her schooling (not to say that he would have even begun to know what to ask her about her OT, PT, special ed choices). We have heard from other parents of boys in shidduchim that they have encountered similar scenarios. Are they being taught to ask these questions in Seminary? Do you think this makes any sense? 

Confused Mother of an Up and Coming Star Learner just Looking for a Wife

DIN: The mother comments that her son would not even "have begun to know what to ask her about her OT, PT, special ed choices"

Really? Are Yeshiva boys so ignorant that don't have a clue what OT, PT and Special Ed, are all about?  Is this guy living in a cave? And let's say, he didn't know, he can't ask her some questions about her vocation? Isn't she going to bring the "parnassah" home? This "Up and coming Star Learner" has no interest in anything she does which would effect him in every way? 

He is upset that she is "talking in learning" and questioning him?

She is going to support this guy and have children with him and she wants to know, if he is a serious learner. But he thinks there is no "point in him being grilled by someone (the one that he might marry) who doesn't really "chap" the inyan"... but it's ok for her son "not to chap the inyan" when it comes to OT, PT etc.!

Message to the girl: Run ..Run ..far away from this arrogant guy who suddenly becomes defensive when someone questions him on something he is supposedly dedicated his entire life to. Run from his mother...do you need a mother-in-law who finds your questioning "insulting"? Who thinks you "overstepped your boundaries?" You are better off marrying a guy who is working and learns at night and who won't mind "talking in learning" with you! This guy is an immature brat spoiled by a clueless mother who wants to know if those "questions are being taught in seminary" .. she wants to marry off her "star learner" to someone who she thinks cannot think for herself but was coached by her seminary teachers. Run..he will make a very bad husband! Too many red flags!

Message to the boy: You will be lucky to have her!


Whoa! What an experience your son must have had! Usually, the zooming- in question is about “Hashkafos”. Usually discussed at about date three to four, usually initiated by the boy. This is a new one on me. I really think you’ve picked out a one and a million girl. Clearly, dating is about gradually getting to know a person’s qualities, strengths, direction in life etc. It should be a pleasant experience, not an interview and certainly not an interrogation. When people are put on the spot they tend to shut down and feel overwhelmed and negative feelings surface. Our seminaries teach respect for learning, love of learning, kovod habrios. They are not preparing our girls to be “chavrusas”. Most boys are looking for a wife, not a chavrusa and certainly not a “mashgiach”. This doesn’t make any sense to me, but given that the first date seemed to be great, there is potential here. I would love to be a fly on the wall and be able to see what REALLY transpired on the date. Certainly, do not drop the girl based on that scenario, (unless he didn’t pass her interrogation, and she needs something else, and therefore she’ll say no). Keep me posted, would love to hear how this plays itself out. At the end of the day, Bashert will prevail!

 Chana Rose

Pope Francis Says That "The Torah is Obsolete"

Actually there are a lot of Jews who believe that too. 
But let's talk about "Francis Botchie" 
He holds on to a cross that symbolizes a god that he worships," that was tortured and killed for "mankind's sins". "
This god was human born to a virgin mother who had no father. And to top it all off, he was a Jew.
I cannot imagine a Jew, even one who urinates on the "egalitarian" section of the Kotel, worshipping an Italian.
And preaches that the "Torah is Obsolete," then this "chuchim fun de ma'nishtana" adds with a straight face:
Those who seek life need to look to the promise and to its fulfillment in Christ."
He is talking to those Jews who are observant....he wants them to drop the "Living Torah" and look to the promise of a dead Jewish bastard (this fact, is be'feirish in the New Testament in Matthew, which relates that when Joseph who was betrothed to Mary found out she was with child, and he knew he wasn't the father, "he accused her of adultery.")

Israel's top Jewish religious authorities have told the Vatican they are concerned about comments that Pope Francis made about their books of sacred law and have asked for a clarification.
In a letter seen by Reuters, Rabbi Rasson Arousi, chair of the Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel for Dialogue with the Holy See, said the comments appeared to suggest Jewish law was obsolete.
Vatican authorities said they were studying the letter and were considering a response.
Rabbi Arousi wrote a day after the pope spoke about the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, during a general audience on Aug. 11.
The Torah contains hundreds of commandments, or mitzvot, for Jews to follow in their everyday lives. The measure of adherence to the wide array of guidelines differs between Orthodox Jews and Reform Jews.
At the audience, the pope, who was reflecting on what St. Paul said about the Torah in the New Testament, said: "The law (Torah) however does not give life.
"It does not offer the fulfillment of the promise because it is not capable of being able to fulfill it ... Those who seek life need to look to the promise and to its fulfillment in Christ."
Rabbi Arousi sent the letter on behalf of the Chief Rabbinate - the supreme rabbinic authority for Judaism in Israel - to Cardinal Kurt Koch, whose Vatican department includes a commission for religious relations with Jews.

"In his homily, the pope presents the Christian faith as not just superseding the Torah; but asserts that the latter no longer gives life, implying that Jewish religious practice in the present era is rendered obsolete," Arousi said in the letter.
"This is in effect part and parcel of the 'teaching of contempt' towards Jews and Judaism that we had thought had been fully repudiated by the Church," he said.

Relations between Catholics and Jews were revolutionized in 1965, when the Second Vatican Council repudiated the concept of collective Jewish guilt for the death of Jesus and began decades of inter-religious dialogue. Francis and his two predecessors visited synagogues.

Two leading Catholic scholars of religious relations with Jews agreed that the pope's remarks could be seen as a troublesome setback and needed clarification.

"To say that this fundamental tenet of Judaism does not give life is to denigrate the basic religious outlook of Jews and Judaism. It could have been written before the Council," said Father John Pawlikowski, former director of the Catholic-Jewish Studies Program at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.

"I think it's a problem for Jewish ears, especially because the pope's remarks were addressed to a Catholic audience," said Professor Philip Cunningham, director of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia.

"It could be understood as devaluing Jewish observance of the Torah today," Cunningham said.

Arousi and Pawlikowski said it was possible that a least part of the pope's teaching homily, known as a catechesis, was written by aides and that the phrase was not properly vetted.

Koch's office said on Wednesday he had received the letter, was "considering it seriously and reflecting on a response."

Francis has had a very good relationship with Jews. While still archbishop in native Buenos Aires, he co-wrote a book with one of the city's rabbis, Abraham Skorka, and has maintained a lasting friendship with him.

In his letter to Cardinal Koch, Arousi asked him to "convey our distress to Pope Francis" and asked for a clarification from the pope to "ensure that any derogatory conclusions drawn from this homily are clearly repudiated."

Footage shows people urinating regularly at the Kotel's egalitarian section


The "egalitarian" section is the place where  the Reform and Conservatives daven.
Who knew that they were "pishers?" All this time we thought they were only "kockers"? 

Security video footage from the egalitarian section of the Western Wall at the southern end of the holy site has shown two people urinating inside the site, ostensibly due to a lack of facilities in the area.
Both incidents, involving a man and a woman, happened over the last two months at the same area of the site, at the bottom of a flight of steps from the main entrance to the egalitarian section but out of sight of the actual prayer platform.
It is unclear if those seen in the video footage urinating at the site were worshipers or had simply been passing and looked for a discreet spot to relieve themselves.
According to a spokesman for the Masorti (Conservative) Movement in Israel, which frequently uses the site for prayer services and religious celebrations, these are not isolated incidents but a relatively regular phenomenon.
There are no public toilets at the current egalitarian section and it has not been possible to obtain permits to install any type of facilities there.
The spokesman said that the lack of facilities at the egalitarian section or in the vicinity means that people are often hard-pressed to find a toilet when needed.
The nearest toilets are inside the central Western Wall complex and visitors must go through a security check before being able to reach them.

Director of the Masorti Movement in Israel Rakefet Ginsburg said the problem should be redressed by the construction of appropriate facilities within the framework of the Western Wall agreement to turn the current egalitarian section into a government-recognized holy site, which was indefinitely suspended by the previous government in 2017.

“The growing number of worshipers and visitors who are coming to the site needs proper basic conditions, and the State of Israel must pay attention to this and provide these facilities within the framework of the suspended Western Wall agreement,” said Director of the Masorti Movement in Israel Rakefet Ginsberg.

“There is not even a milligram of doubt that such a degrading phenomenon would not occur in any other religious site in the country without treatment and solution.

“We call on the Israeli government to act quickly to prevent a recurrence of such incidents, which harm one of the sacred symbols of Judaism and the State of Israel, to install toilet cubicles near the “Ezrat Yisrael” [egalitarian section] and to preserve the site’s respect as a family prayer plaza.”

Ancient gold coins looted from archaeological sites found in Bnei Brak home


So what does the gemmarrah say in Avoda Zara 7a? 
" רוב גנבי ישראל נינהו"

Hundreds of ancient coins looted from archaeological sites were found in a house in Bnei Brak, the Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Monday.
The artifacts were uncovered during an operation by the IAA’s Robbery Prevention Unit.
Among the coins found were some gold coins from the Byzantine and the Islamic periods, dozens of Hasmonean coins and hundreds of Roman coins.
The suspect worked as an illegal antique dealer trading in artifacts acquired in the legal and illegal markets, as well as smuggled in from abroad.
“Illegal trade in coins and antiquities creates an income opportunity for antiquities looters, and it encourages antiquities robbery and fatal and irreversible damage to sites around the country,” said IAA Trading National Inspector Ilan Hadad.
“The looters, who dig at archaeological sites and destroy them for the sake of greed, cut off the antiquities from their archaeological context and erase entire chapters from the history of the Land of Israel – stories that will never be told again,” he added.
In the past few years, the IAA has been conducting a rescue operation to examine all caves near the shores of the Dead Sea, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The caves have been targeted by looters for decades.
Among others, the archaeologists uncovered some new biblical fragments and a 10,000-year-old woven basket. They found evidence that antiquities looters had probably arrived some 10 cm. from the artifact, but stopped excavating just before reaching it.

Some Surfside victims likely survived for hours after initial building collapse in Florida, report shows


Some of the 98 people killed after the Champlain Towers South crumbled to ground in southern Florida appear to have survived for hours after the initial collapse, but were not rescued by crews in time.

As many as nine victims, or about 10% of the death toll, remained alive and buried under the mountains of debris after parts of the 12-story residential building in Surfside, a quiet neighborhood just outside of Miami Beach, caved in on June 24 around 1:25 a.m. According to fire logs obtained by USA Today, one woman survived for as many as 10 hours after the worst building collapse in modern U.S. history.

The collapse triggered a weeks-long search for survivors, which relied on sonar and the use of canines, who signaled potential live victims on two separate occasions around 6:42 a.m. and 7:44 a.m.

Bennett Arives in New York and Puts on Talis & Tefillin

Audio feed cuts out as Biden Barks at reporter’s Afghanistan question

President Biden delivered a sarcastic answer Wednesday to a reporter’s question about the ongoing evacuation of Americans from Afghanistan — but viewers couldn’t hear it because the audio feed from the White House cut out.

As the president wrapped up the public portion of a cybersecurity event, NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander asked: “Mr. President, if Americans are still in Afghanistan after the [Aug. 31 withdrawal] deadline, what will you do?”

Biden initially ignored the question, leading Alexander to ask again: “Sir, what will you do if Americans are still there after the deadline?”

That’s when the audio dropped out.

However, Alexander later tweeted that Biden barked: “You’ll be the first person I call.”

An official White House transcript confirmed the statement.

Some critics accused White House staff of trying to shield Biden, while others blasted the commander incchief for giving a flip response to a reporter during an international crisis.

“Biden’s behavior in this is becoming obscene,” tweeted John Daniel Davidson, the political editor of The Federalist.

“If he is serious, that’s an issue,” Sean Spicer, who served as White House press secretary under former President Donald Trump, reacted. “If he’s trying to be funny about something this serious and screwed up, that’s also an issue.”

Spicer later questioned why the audio of Biden’s exchange with Alexander was cut and asked whether the “feckless” White House Correspondents’ Association would “say anything” about the matter.

“Americans were already worried that Joe Biden has no plan,” tweeted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). “This won’t help.”

“When Joe Biden does take questions, his handlers screen reporters and provide him a list of preapproved reporters to call on,” Cruz adviser Steve Guest chimed in. “Now, The White House is cutting the audio feed when a reporter tries to ask him a question. Operation Protect Joe Biden is in full swing.”

“Oh my gosh they cut the President’s microphone so nobody could hear him answer,” added GOP communications specialist Matt Whitlock. “That’s how worried this White House is about Biden answering questions on Afghanistan.”

The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

Biden made the joke shortly before Secretary of State Antony Blinken estimated that up to 1,500 American citizens remain in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan with less than a week to go before the withdrawal deadline set by both the White House and the Islamic fundamentalist group.

The "almost" President

 Yup, that's Hillary Clinton. 

Remember the debate whether frum publications would publish her photo ? 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

London suspect is filmed in FOURTH 'hate-attack' in just hours as he smashes Orthodox Jewish man in the face with bottle


This is the shocking moment an Orthodox Jewish man is struck in the face with a bottle in the fourth alleged hate-attack by the same assailant just hours apart in north London. 

Footage shows the 30-year-old victim being hit on the head by a man wearing Islamic clothing on a street in Stamford Hill at around 6.40pm last Wednesday.

A separate video taken shortly afterwards shows a 14-year-old boy on a bicycle being 'assaulted without warning' in the same area at 7.10pm.

And at 8.30pm, a 64-year-old grandfather was left unconscious after being punched in the face while walking to a synagogue, suffering facial injures and a broken foot.

All three of the victims are Jewish, said police, who are linking the incidents and treating them as hate crimes. 

Officers have also been informed of a fourth victim who has yet to contact police, added the force, with enquiries to identify them ongoing. It is understood that this attack took place on the same evening.

The Met has now released an image of the suspect, who can be seen wearing a white kufi cap, glasses and a green-brown coat in each clip.

No arrests have been made but an investigation is underway.  

Neighbourhood watch group Shomrim posted on its Stamford Hill account yesterday: 'Yet another racially motivated assault.

'Wed 6:40pm Orthodox Jew struck in the face with a bottle.

'MPSHackney are urgently trying to identify the assailant who went on a racist rampage assaulting multiple Jews over a three-hour period.'

One of the victims - the 64-year-old - has spoken out since the spate of attacks.

He told ITV News London: 'I went into deep shock, terrible pain for the first two nights after I heard it was an attack.

'Although I didn't see the footage - I was advised not to - I replayed in my mind what I was told happened, as if I saw it. It was nightmarish.'

The grandfather, whose head slammed into a nearby wall due to the force of the punch, also said that he now suffers from memory loss.

In a statement, the Met said: 'Anyone who recognises the man, or who witnessed the assault and is yet to speak with officers, is asked to come forward.

The photo that led Mossad to Adolf Eichmann

This is the photo of Adolf Eichmann (circled) with Gerhard Klammer stood to his right, which ultimately led to his capture  

The photo that helped bring Nazi mass-murderer Adolf Eichmann to justice has been revealed for the first time, alongside the identity of the man who turned him in.

That snap - taken in the early 1950s - shows Eichmann, who is circled in red, standing next to Gerhard Klammer, a German geologist who worked alongside the infamous Nazi at an Argentinian construction firm. 

Klammer's involvement in bringing Eichmann to justice was only revealed last week, 32 years after his death, with his family's blessing.

He emigrated to Argentina in the early 1950s to seek work, and began working for the Capri construction company in Tucuman Province, which sits in the north of the country.

Shortly afterwards Eichmann joined the same firm, calling himself Ricardo Klement. Klammer knew of his colleague's true identity, and tried to inform German authorities.

Klammer knew who Eichmann was because their company, which planned hydroelectric power plants, employed many Nazis, according to German magazine Der Spiegel

But they ignored his message, and he never received a response to the astonishing tip. 

Klammer shared the identity of his former colleague again in 1959 after returning to his home country.

He confided in a close friend - a priest who had served in the German army, and shared the photo of himself with Eichmann, as well as the mass-murderer's home address in Argentina. 

That information was then passed to a bishop, who in turn passed it to Fritz Bauer. Bauer was a German Jewish prosecutor who had made it his mission to hunt Eichmann down. 

US troops captured Eichmann after World War II, but he escaped from a prison camp in 1946. He landed in Argentina after living in Germany under a false identity for years, according to Encyclopedia Britannica.

Bauer fled his homeland during World War Two, but returned after fighting stopped.

Prosecutor Fritz Bauer (right) followed up on Klammer's claims and handed the information to Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency

He was the most powerful Jewish prosecutor in the country at the time. Eichmann was widely-known to have escaped to Argentina, but Bauer was the only German lawyer intent on bringing him to justice

Bauer had previously received intel on Eichmann from a half-Jewish man called Lothar Hermann who'd moved from Germany to Argentina.

His daughter had gone on a date with Eichmann's son, who'd boasted of his father's true identity.

That information sparked a 1957 attempt by Israeli intelligence agency Mossad to try and track Eichmann down.

But they couldn't find him, and returned empty handed.

Bauer traveled to Israel to meet with head of Mossad Isser Harel to pass on Klammer's information.

Harel and Israel's then Attorney General Haim Cohn were sufficiently convinced  

It was Klammer's tip-off which ultimately helped Mossad track Eichmann down in Argentina in May 1960.  

Eichmann had since moved from the address Klammer had given him, but Mossad agents were still able to track him down from it.  

They were able to kidnap him and bring him back to Israel to face justice, in one of the most daring and famous missions ever carried out by government agents. 

An eight man team of Mossad agents arrived in Buenos Aries a month before Eichmann's capture on fake passports, and planned to seize him off a bus he regularly took to work. 

Their plan was almost abandoned when he failed to take that bus, but the Mossad crew got lucky when they spotted Eichmann getting off another bus 30 minutes later, and seized him. 

He was transferred between local Mossad safe houses for nine days. The Nazi killer was then sedated by an Israeli doctor, and dressed in a flight attendant's uniform before being loaded onto an El-Al plane, and flown to Israel. 

Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion shared news of his capture with the world the following day.   

He spent nine months in jail, and was put on trial for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity in April 1961

Eichmann was convicted on all counts, and was hanged in June 1962. Klammer made Bauer promise never to reveal where the tip that led to Eichmann's capture had come from.

Bauer kept his promise, with Klammer's name finally revealed in a German newspaper story published Friday finally explaining his role in the historic capture.  

Klammer's name was first reported by German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which said Klammer has earned 'a place of honor in Israeli history.' 

Eichmann was sent to Vienna with the mission of ridding the city of Jews after the city's annexation in 1938, according to History.com

'He set up an efficient Jewish deportation center and in 1939 was sent to Prague on a similar mission. That year, Eichmann was appointed to the Jewish section of the SS central security office in Berlin,' the website says.

In January 1942, Eichmann met with top Nazi officials at the Wannsee Conference near Berlin, where he was appointed to organize the identification, assembly, and transportation of millions of Jews from occupied Europe to Nazi death camps where Jews were gassed or worked to death.

Eichmann's trial began in April 1961 following his capture.

He was convicted in December of 15 counts of crimes against the Jewish people, crimes against humanity, war crimes and membership in a criminal organization, according to the International Crimes Database of The Hague.

He was hanged in May 1962 in prison in Ramla, Israel.    

Frum Guy slapped at Aventura hotel pool in Front of his wife and 5 Children


A physical assault at the pool of a South Florida resort hotel was caught on camera, and the suspect may face hate charges.

It happened on Sunday at the J.W. Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort and Spa in Aventura.

The suspect, Marcos Rodriguez, can be seen in the video slapping the victim, Alain Altit, in the face as they stood by the children’s pool area of the hotel’s resort water park, Tidal Cove.

According to Aventura police, Rodriguez’s wife called a woman at the water park a “dirty Jew.”

Israeli protesters block cargo transfers to Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip ...."When there is Terror, then There are no Supplies"

אנו משכימים להגן העם היהודי והם משכימים לדברים בטלים        

Yesterday there were two protests, one which I posted previously, was about a bunch of bored chareidim that were violently protesting the building of the Light Rain in Yerushlayim. No one knows as to what is wrong with building the Light Rail, and they had to drag a 95 year-old tzaddik that didn't have a clue of why he was there, to support their nothing cause while another one of their leaders is so obese that he couldn't even get out of his car. 

In this video, protestors are blocking supplies to a bunch of murderers ....

So who are the tzaddikim?

Activists from the Zionist organization Im Tirtzu together with residents of the south blocked the Kerem Shalom crossing to Gaza on Wednesday morning, calling on the government to enact harsher measures to combat terrorism stemming from the Hamas-ruled Strip.

The activists blocked dozens of trucks bringing supplies to Gaza and chanted slogans including "If there's terrorism, there are no supplies," "The blood of our soldiers isn't cheap," and "Justice for Barel."

On Saturday, border policeman St.-Sgt. Barel Shmueli was critically injured after a terrorist shot him as hundreds of Gazans rioted at the border. Terrorists also continued to launch incendiary balloons into Israel, sparking more than ten fires in Israel.

Despite the violence, Israel has kept the Kerem Shalom crossing open and is permitting the transfer of supplies to Gaza.

On Monday, Egypt announced that it was closing the Rafah crossing into Gaza until further notice. According to Egyptian security officials, the closure is due to security concerns following the violence stemming from Gaza.

The activists also decried allowing supplies into Gaza as Hamas continues to hold captive two Israeli civilians, Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed, as well as the bodies of two IDF soldiers, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul.

Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg called on the government to halt the transfer of supplies to Gaza.

"We are witness to a dangerous neglect of Israel's security in which terrorists are storming the border, soldiers are ordered not to shoot, and terrorists are launching incendiary balloons with impunity," said Peleg.

"The Prime Minister and Defense Minister should immediately halt the transfer of supplies, or we will soon see a dangerous security deterioration and additional attempts to harm the residents of the south and our soldiers."

Naif Rahal, head of the Bedouin Forum for the Security of Israel, also joined the protest and said: "There are many Bedouin soldiers who are involved in the fighting around the Gaza Strip. It is important for us to express our loyalty and support in combatting terrorism in Gaza."