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Monday, August 9, 2021

NYT reporter faces backlash over her lying comments about Obama "covid spreader" party


A New York Times reporter received backlash on social media after making a comment on another network that critics believe dismissed concerns about former President Obama’s star-studded maskless birthday party over the weekend.

New York Times White House Correspondent Annie Karni discussed the controversy surrounding Obama’s much-criticized Martha’s Vineyard celebration where he was seen not wearing a mask and used the term “sophisticated” crowd, saying that the guests were “following all the safety precautions.”

The clip sparked outrage on social media including from journalist Glenn Greenwald who wondered aloud why more people weren’t concerned about the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus at Obama’s party.

“A NYT reporter on CNN justifying Obama’s huge maskless birthday bash because he only invited “a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd” is about as emblematic of liberal discourse as it gets,” Greenwald tweeted. “What happened to all the concerns about vaccinated people passing Delta to the unvaccinated?”

“Of course viruses don’t attack sophisticated people, Muffy!” attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon tweeted.

“Someone really should inform Annie Karni what certain parts of Hollywood thinks of vaccines,” The Spectator contributor Stephen L. Miller tweeted.

Karni attempted to clarify the clip saying the word “sophisticated” was a direct quote from one of the residents she spoke to and that she was simply conveying the beliefs that some people on the island had.

“Watch the full clip,” Karni tweeted. “The Q was, what do people on the island think of the party? The A was me summarizing views of ppl I spoke with: some are upset, + others think the concerns about it are overblown. ‘Sophisticated crowd’ was from a quote in the story.”

Obama had said that his party, which was originally going to entertain over 500 people, was “scaled back” due to the spread of the delta variant. However, the president was widely panned on social media after images from the party surfaced showing a massive tent and photos of maskless attendees. 

18 "Chutzpedika" Chareidi Brats Return To The US


As I predicted yesterday in a post, the girls returning would be turned into martyrs and made into celebrities. The facts are that they were "chutzpedik" and were thrown off not one but two different airlines.

Interestingly, they were not thrown off the last plane on their way back, and that was  because they quickly learned to behave, something they weren't taught by the "heimishe" moisdois Ha'Torah!

I don't believe they were "singled out" and I don't believe that this was anti-Semitism; they were 'pashut"  spoiled brats and caused anti-Semitism and a huge Chillul Hashem. This group of girls were not a group of 18, they were I believe over 40 in that group.  You won't hear from those not thrown off, because if they speak up and reveal what really happened, they won't be able to do shidduchim, but these 18 brats will be quickly grabbed up. If they choose to file a lawsuit, I believe it will backfire as the airlines will not allow their lawyers to settle this. 

Read how the "heimishe" press reported their return.,,,,,they leave out the fact that the brats were thrown off  TWO different flights.

After over three days of exhausting travel and after suffering indignities and humiliation at the hands of two airline companies, the 18 chareidi girls who were singled out and persecuted on their return from the Ukraine have finally landed at Newark airport courtesy of United Airlines.

When they arrived at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport on Thursday evening, the girls were detained and told to pay a huge fine of $3000 after it was claimed that they had eaten food on their plane outside meal times in violation of COVID-19 guidelines. The girls had been forced to eat their own food outside the designated meal time because the flight did not carry food that complied with their community’s kosher standards.

At the same time, the Delta-KLM airline which they were travelling with singled them out for abusive treatment, harassing them for not wearing masks even as other passengers were not berated for similar violations. When they switched seats they were insulted by the flight attendants, who were described by relatives of the girls as “rude and impatient.” The girls claim that they were singled out from 50 other passengers due to the airline staff’s animosity towards Jews.

The group was later denied its request to board a later flight that would have still gotten them to New York before the start of Shabbat, when observant Jews are not allowed to travel by airplane. Eventually they were forced to fly to Antwerp where they were hosted by the local Jewish community.

On Sunday morning the group finally arrived in Newark airport and made their way to their homes. but the good news that they are bh back home and can finally unite with their anxiously waiting families that are looking out to see their daughters again!

Ben & Jerry’s Recruits Self-hating Jew Pete Beinart, Who Called For Abolition Of Israel, To Defend Boycott


After Ben & Jerry’s franchisees sent a letter to the board requesting that it reconsider its boycott on Israel, the ice cream company brought in an extreme anti-Israel activist to defend its decision, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

As Ben & Jerry’s franchisees grapple with the fallout of the boycott, 30 store owners sent a letter to Ben & Jerry’s leadership saying that the decision to end sales in Judea and Samaria “not only distorts the situation on the ground—it has imposed, and will to continue to impose, substantial financial costs on all of us.”

In response, Ben & Jerry’s last week brought in anti-Israel author Peter Beinart, who has called for the abolition of Israel, to talk to store owners about Israel’s “illegal occupation.”

Speaking on a conference call, Beinart claimed that Israeli soldiers are sent into Palestinian villages to abduct minors and that Israel illegally occupies territory “it seized from Jordan in an offensive war in 1967.”

Beinart told the Free Beacon that he was invited to speak because he has publicly encouraged boycotts of Israel’s “occupied territories.”

“I wrote a NYT op-ed calling for settlement boycott in 2012. I’ve espoused this view for a long time,” said Beinart.

In July 2020, Beinart wrote another NYT editorial stating: “I no longer believe in a Jewish state.”

Beinart recently revealed in his newsletter that he has “spoken privately to [Ben & Jerry’s] executives and encouraged their efforts” on the boycott campaign, adding that “no one has produced any independent evidence that the company is hostile to Jews.”

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Watch as Kiryat Sefer Chareidie Tries to Shakedown Storekeeper but He Refuses so he is warned that Protests Will Continue


פרוטקשן חרדי בקרית ספר, בעל החנות לא מסכים לשלם וההפגנות ממשיכות


Eliezer Berland hospitalized with COVID-19 Intubated and in Serious Condition


Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the disgraced leader of the Shuvu Banim sect of the Breslov hassidic community, was hospitalized due to COVID-19 on Sunday in the Hadassah-University Medical Center, in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem. 
He is currently intubated and in serious condition.
Two months ago, Berland was convicted on charges of fraud, exploitation, attempted intimidation, tax offenses and money laundering. He is awaiting to serve an 18-month sentence, which is set to begin in October.
Berland was previously convicted of indecent assault against two women in 2016, and assault against the husband of one of the women he abused who he had beaten up for reporting the issue to the press.

Father dies by suicide on grave of son killed by Gaza rocket fire in 2014


Moshe Etzion speaks before an image of his son, Ze'ev Etzion, who died from Gaza rocket fire in 2014. (Eshkol Regional Council)

Moshe Etzion, 88, the bereaved father of Ze’ev Etzion who was killed by rocket fire from Gaza during the 2014 war, took his own life at the gravesite of his son on the Hebrew anniversary of his death on Sunday.

The Etzion family lived in the southern Kibbutz Nirim, near the border with the Strip.

Moshe Etzion left his home early Sunday morning, and after he did not return for a number of hours, authorities launched a search for him.

He was found dead next to the grave of his son in the kibbutz, the Eshkol Regional Council said. He is to be buried tomorrow in Nirim.

His son Ze’ev, also known as Zevik, was a local security officer for the kibbutz during the 2014 war, as well as an emergency medic and ambulance driver.

Ze’ev was killed on August 26, 2014, when a Hamas-launched mortar shell landed in the kibbutz and shrapnel hit him. The seventh anniversary of his death fell on Sunday, according to the Jewish calendar.

The Nirim attack came amid a fierce bombardment of the towns and communities of southern Israel in the hour before a ceasefire agreed upon by Israeli and Palestinian representatives took effect.

Hey New Yorkers... Meet Your New Governor ..Kathy Huchul


As New York’s lieutenant governor, Kathy Hochul has spent years on the road as the friendly face of the administration, visiting the far-flung coffee shops and factory floors of each of the state’s 62 counties for countless ribbon-cutting ceremonies and civic cheerleading events.

Now, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo facing possible impeachment over sexual harassment allegations, her next stop may be the state Capitol of Albany.

Hochul would become the state’s first woman governor if Cuomo were removed from office.

A centrist Democrat from western New York, she has worked deep in Cuomo’s shadow for her two terms in office, but this week joined the chorus of politicians denouncing the governor after an independent investigation concluded he had sexually harassed 11 women while in office.

“I believe these brave women,” Hochul wrote, calling Cuomo’s behavior “repulsive and unlawful” in a statement Tuesday.

She also acknowledged what has been simmering for months: The possibility she will become governor.

“Because lieutenant governors stand next in the line of succession, it would not be appropriate to comment further on the process at this moment,” she wrote.

To many New Yorkers, Hochul is an unknown quantity, serving since 2015 in a job that is mostly ceremonial. A typical afternoon in late July had her announcing job training funding in Utica, discussing manufacturing in Rome and touring downtown Cazenovia with the small town’s mayor.

Why Orthodox Jews Are Leaving Brooklyn for Florida


The following article appeared in the Wall Street Journal 

What would motivate a Hasidic rabbi and his followers to leave a Brooklyn enclave where they’ve lived for generations and establish a quickly growing community in Wimauma, Fla., a semi-rural area near Tampa Bay?

The same reasons that have led to an unprecedented wave of Orthodox Jewish families moving to South Florida: education choice, low taxes and good governance. Most Orthodox families send their children to private Jewish schools because public school is simply not an option—religious instruction is as important to them as academics. But the tuition burden can be immense.

That’s why many young families up north are enticed by Florida’s robust menu of state-supported private-school scholarships, worth on average about $7,500 a year, as well as expanded benefits for children with a wide range of disabilities. These programs make private-school tuition far more affordable in Florida than in New York and New Jersey. Legislation recently signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis has made even more families eligible for these options, further fueling the migration.

Jews started moving south even before the pandemic. Figures from Florida’s Education Department show enrollment in Jewish day schools statewide grew in 2020 to 12,482 students from 10,623 in 2018. The number of such schools grew to 64 from 50 during that time. The pandemic supercharged demand for Jewish day schools in South Florida.

Rabbi Moshe Bernstein, chief financial officer of Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes in North Miami Beach, one of the largest South Florida Jewish schools with a current enrollment of more than 1,000 students, projects nearly 300 new students next year. The school will need to accelerate a planned expansion of its campus to accommodate them. Toras Emes has received so many out-of-state inquiries about admission that its website added an option in its admission drop-down menu labeled “Considering a Move To Florida?”

The dramatic increase in enrollment is coming mainly from families from New York and Los Angeles. Rabbi Yoni Fein, head of school at Brauser Maimonides Academy, a Jewish day school in Broward County, has worked his way through twice the typical number of applications for the coming school year.

Two-Year Old Bnei Brak Baby Dies ..Police Suspect Abuse

 A two-Year- old baby from Bnei-Brak was rushed to the nearby " Me'einei Yeshuah" Hospital in critical condition, and was pronounced dead shortly later. 

Nurses and doctors that administrated to the child called police suspecting abuse. 

Police are investigating the parents.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

New York City divorce attorney, 65, who ‘was threatened by client and his brother’ is found beaten to death


A divorce lawyer was found beaten to death in his office in Queens, New York early this morning after allegedly being threatened by a client the night before.

Charles Zolot, 65, was found in a pool of blood with ‘trauma to his face’ and ‘puncture wounds to his chest,’ according to the New York Police Department.

A maintenance worker discovered the battered body at around 5:50am in the second-floor office at 37-06 82nd St. in Jackson Heights. 

He called 911, but Zolot was declared dead at the scene.

Police have said they retrieved surveillance footage from the office which may show a potential suspect, but the video has not been released and a suspect has not been named. 

Other lawyers in the building said a client had threatened the lawyer, and then returned last night.

How was is it possible for someone to get into a top security area in the State Dept to Carve a Swastika on a Elevator door without getting caught


Last Monday, some pathetic little bigot cut a big Nazi swastika into the wooden paneling of elevator 36 at the US Department of State.

Elevator 36 isn't a service elevator open to any passing tradesman, nor is it open to the public. It's not even in one of the corridors used for VIP tours. 

It's in a security area behind a screening gate, only credentialed employees can have access to it, so whoever is responsible works in a nearby office. There are cameras are all over!

So how did he manage to get away with it? 

I'm sure they know who the culprit is, but are keeping it under wraps, as this guy is probably very high up in the ranks in the State Department...

The State Department are known Arabists and are vicious anti-Semites who actually helped wanted Nazis escape and hired them to work for them.... 

John Loftos a former high level US government prosecutor and former intelligence officer has documented all this in a book.

So who is this guy?

A swastika was found carved into the wall of an elevator inside the State Department’s main headquarters in Washington, DC, on Monday, officials said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the hateful vandalism in a Tuesday message to department employees and said the swastika has been removed.

“As this painfully reminds us, antisemitism isn’t a relic of the past,” Blinken said in the message.

“It’s still a force in the world, including close to home. And it’s abhorrent. It has no place in the United States, at the State Department, or anywhere else. And we must be relentless in standing up and rejecting it,” said Blinken.

Blinken, the stepson of a Holocaust survivor, said the incident is under investigation.

18 teenage girls from Boro-Park Monsey Williamsburg are escorted off plane in Amsterdam TWICE!!


So is you son in shidduchim? How about doing a shiddich with one of these "Chutzpinaks?"
These girls will no doubt be thought of as martyrs by the heimishe community and will become celebrities, then they will go on to be the mothers of the next generation of our precious Jewish children ...

Eighteen Jewish teenage girls were met by security after arriving at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol on a flight from Kiev on Thursday.

The Orthodox girls were part of a group of 56 who had been on a tour of Jewish sites in Europe, reported Hamodia.

According to a spokesperson from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, the group had not complied with coronavirus measures during the flight, reported Netherlands News Live.

However, Herman Loonstein, the lawyer for the girls, said that their treatment was “disproportionate.”

KLM is claiming that the passengers took off their masks when they weren’t supposed to and also walked through isles on the plane without wearing masks. According to KLM’s spokesperson, the group did not listen to a flight attendant who asked them to comply with the rules.

They were then met by security at the gate when the plane landed in Amsterdam.

Loonstein said that because KLM does not serve kosher meals on European flights, the girls had brought their own food. This fact was confirmed by the KLM spokesperson.

When two members of the group became hungry, they decided to eat their own food.

KLM said that this was only allowed within specified times, and claimed that the group “mainly used it as an excuse not to have to wear a mask,” reported Netherlands News Live.

This is the second time the group has been accused by KLM of rowdiness.

On July 20, when taking a flight from New York to Amsterdam, KLM said in a statement that the same group of girls on multiple occasions refused to follow in-flight instructions.

“On arrival in Amsterdam, this group was again warned by the KLM security service and pointed out the possible consequences of misconduct. It was also made very clear that this was the last warning.”

The group was given an emergency visa on Friday, allowing them to leave the airport. They will reportedly fly back to the US on Sunday or Monday, according to their lawyer who said he doesn’t know if the flight will be with KLM and that the girls are “fearful” to again fly with the airline.

According to a report in Hamodia, the official cause of the girls’ troubles with KLM is being described by the airline as “unruly behavior” and “refus[ing] to comply with crew instructions” including accusations of cursing at the flight crew.

The allegations were denied by the group who said they complied with all the regulations and wore masks at all times except when eating.

A KLM official also reportedly threatened to ban them from the airline.

The brother of one of the girls alleged in an interview with Hamodia that the flight crew were “harassing the girls the entire time.”

He added that while there were no anti-Semitic comments or statements by the flight crew, he believed that “this is obviously anti-Semitism. They targeted 18 Jewish girls, in alphabetical order, and they didn’t even bother giving a reason.”

The airline, for its part, denied the allegations and said in a statement to Hamodia that the issue was one of safety.

“KLM Royal Dutch Airlines does not tolerate any form of unruly behavior towards passengers or crew. When passengers endanger flight safety and thus the safety of themselves, other passengers and the crew, we take this very seriously. This also applies to passengers not adhering to COVID-19 measures.”

However, the girl’s brother insisted that there was more to the story and that the girls were discriminated against.

“They were adhering to their rules and instructions the entire time. In fact, many of the girls had slept through most of the flight and had no interactions with the flight staff,” he maintained.

Most of the girls are from Monsey, Williamsburg and Borough Park, New York.

Parents of Malki Roth killed by Hamas bomb take on Jordan’s King Abdullah

 Malki Roth was a bubbly 15-year-old who loved her family and friends, playing the flute and visiting her grandparents in Queens. She also loved pizza, which is what brought her to a popular central Jerusalem Sbarro’s on Aug. 9, 2001, to have lunch with a friend.

That’s when Hamas terrorist Abu Muhammad al-Masri walked into the busy restaurant — packed with Israelis and tourists — carrying a guitar case full of explosives, nails, nuts and bolts. The suicide bomber detonated his weapons, killing 15 people and injuring 130.

Among the seven children murdered was Malki, an American living in Jerusalem with her parents and six siblings. The family buried their daughter the next day alongside her closest friend, Michal Raziel, also killed in the attack.

“We knew the first part of our lives had come to an end,” Malki’s father, Arnold Roth, 69, told The Post. It’s a struggle to hold myself back from imagining how her life might have worked out.”

“I sometimes imagine how different the grief would be had [Malki been old enough] to marry and have children [first],” said her mother, Frimet Roth, 67. “A piece of her would have remained with us. But we are left with nothing of her.”

Malki plays flute at annual concert in Ramot.
Malki plays the flute at an annual concert in Ramot.

The Roths are appalled that one of the architects of their daughter’s murder walks free, enjoying the life Malki wasn’t allowed to live.

Ahlam Tamimi, a Jordanian, was 20 when she helped scout the Sbarro location — chosen because it was popular with kids and American tourists — and drove bomber al-Masri on the day of the attack. It was a year into the deadly second intifada, the Palestinian rising against Israel that brought terror to buses, restaurants and other populous locales.

Tamimi confessed to all the charges — always with a smile on her face — and was sentenced in Israel to 16 life sentences. But she ended up unexpectedly freed to Jordan in 2011 as part of prisoner swap for an Israeli soldier held hostage by Hamas.

Since then, Tamimi, now 40, has bragged about killing children. “I wanted to hide my smile, but I just couldn’t,” she said in a 2012 interview of her journey from the restaurant. “On the way back [to Ramallah on a public bus], we passed a Palestinian police checkpoint, and the policemen were laughing. One of them stuck his head in and said: ‘Congratulations to us all.'”

Friday, August 6, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Re'eh


Lebanese Druze block Hezbollah rocket launcher convoy after it fired at Israel


Druze residents in a southern Lebanese village halted a Hezbollah convoy carrying rocket launchers that were apparently used to attack Israel on Friday, according to media reports.

The group stopped a truck-mounted multiple launch rocket system as it drove through the village of Chouya in southern Lebanon, video footage showed.

The angry group of villagers accused the terror group members of endangering civilian lives by launching projectiles from close to residential areas.

The Lebanese Army later arrived to confiscate the rocket launcher seen in the video and said it arrested four suspects involved in the rocket fire. It was unclear if any Hezbollah members were detained, but footage showed a man in one of the vehicles surrounded by the crowd.

Reports indicated that the rocket launchers mounted to the vehicle stopped by residents in Chouya were used in the earlier attack, as some of the barrels appeared to be empty.

Hezbollah acknowledged the truck was stopped after the group conducted the attack, but claimed the rockets were fired far from residential areas to ensure civilian safety.

Hezbollah fires almost 20 rockets at Israel; IDF responds with artillery fire


Nearly 20 rockets were fired at northern Israel from Lebanon on Friday morning, sending residents in a number of towns in the Golan Heights and Galilee Panhandle scrambling to shelters.

The Israel Defense Forces said 10 projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and six landed in open around Mount Dov. Another three rockets failed to clear the border and landed in Lebanese territory, according to the military.

The alarms sounded shortly before 11 a.m. in Ein Quiniyye, Neveh Ativ and Snir, near Israel’s northern border with Lebanon and Syria.

A president who has himself trivialized the Nazi regime to make a partisan political smear appoints as his anti-Semitism envoy the person who defended him a the time


 President Joe Biden’s choice of Emory Professor Deborah Lipstadt as America’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism has not been greeted with the unqualified approval that might have been expected for such an appointment.

Lipstadt has a stellar academic record as a justly admired scholar of the Holocaust and antisemitism. In 2000, she won a celebrated victory against the Holocaust denier David Irving, who had sued her for libel in a British court.

Yet last September, she defended someone for comparing former President Donald Trump to the Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Her reasoning was specious. She tweeted that if Trump had been compared to “what Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich or Eichmann did, she/he would have been wrong. But a comparison to the master of the big lie, Josef Goebbels? That’s historically apt. It’s all about historical nuance.”

But it wasn’t apt at all. The comparison was indefensible. Not only was it an egregiously unjustified smear against Trump; more importantly, it downplayed the evil of Goebbels and grossly disrespected the memory of those who were slaughtered in the Holocaust.

For it wasn’t simply that Goebbels was a lying propagandist. It was that he was a Nazi committed to the extermination of the Jews. To compare Trump to such an individual was ridiculous and shameful, and should have been robustly condemned.

And just who was the individual that Lipstadt defended for making this comparison? Why, none other than one Joe Biden, who was then running for the U.S. presidency.

So a president who has himself downgraded and trivialized the Nazi regime in order to make a partisan political smear appoints as his anti-Semitism envoy the person who defended him in making this repugnant comment.

Moreover, Lipstadt has made other dubious observations. In 2019, she linked Trump to Britain’s hard-left Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn—who presided over an explosion of Jew-hatred in his party—when she told an Australian audience that both Trump and Corbyn “have shown themselves to be absolute anti-Semitic enablers.” This was true of Corbyn but untrue about Trump.

Such jarring double standards and partisan judgments have provoked concern that despite her acknowledgment that “some people on the progressive left” indulge “the anti-Semitism of others,” Lipstadt is afflicted by the myopia through which anti-Semitism is viewed as overwhelmingly associated with Nazi supporters and white supremacists.

Anti-Vaxxer Solicitor Dies Of COVID-19 9 Days After Posting That It Is “Nothing To Be Afraid Of”


 A British anti-vax solicitor with no underlying health conditions died of coronavirus just days after insisting it is “nothing to be afraid of” and hoping that he had contracted the virus in order to gain natural antibodies to COVID-19.

Leslie Lawrenson, 58, a solicitor from Bournemouth in Southern England, died at his home on 2 July. Lawrenson was a vociferous opponent of the vaccines who spoke out on social media against “taking the jab.”

His partner Amanda Mitchell, 56, became seriously ill while Mr Lawrenson was infected and spent a week in hospital. She said afterwards that his belief that Covid-19 vaccines were too “experimental” put his family at risk.

Mitchell added that Lawrenson had made a “terrible mistake” and warned others to vaccinate immediately, writing on her Facebook page that “I’m trying to stop any other family suffering a loss and the total devastation that we are going through.”

Speaking to the Stephen Nolan program on BBC Radio 5 live, she said: “I feel incredibly foolish. Les died unnecessarily.” Mitchell said that her partner, a graduate of Cambridge University, had read materials on social media warning of the dangers of vaccination.

She added that “It was a daily thing that he said to us: ‘You don’t need to have it [the vaccine], you’ll be fine, just be careful.’

“He said to me: ‘It’s a gene thing, an experimental thing. You’re putting something in your body that hasn’t been thoroughly tested’.

“Les was highly educated… so if he told me something, I tended to believe it.”

The “Squad” targets Yerushalayim


Move over, Ben & Jerry’s. Now the congresswomen known as “The Squad” have launched a new attack on Israel—and, just like the ice cream maker, one of their prime targets is Jerusalem.

The dirty little secret of the Ben & Jerry’s assault is that it is aimed not just at “settlements” but at Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. The ice cream company’s use of the vague term “Occupied Palestinian Territory” is a deliberate attempt to hide the unpopular fact that their boycott extends to the Western Wall.

Now “The Squad” is taking aim at the Wall, too—only they are being much more open about it.

In a letter to Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen this week, four self-described “Squad” members, together with three other Democrats, called for revoking the tax-exempt status of American charities that send funds to projects in “Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

Disturbing video shows woman casually shoot victim dead on crowded NYC street


Shocking video obtained by The Post shows the moment a woman with a gun walked up to another woman and shot her dead on a crowded Prospect Heights street Tuesday – before casually strolling away.

The video shows a shooter wearing a purse walk up to 42-year-old Delia Johnson and shoot the unsuspecting victim in the head while she was having a conversation with some people sitting on the stoop of a building on Franklin Avenue near Prospect Place.

The shooting happened at about 9:40 p.m., police sources said.

After the victim drops to the ground, the shooter fires off several more shots, the video shows. As nearby crowds duck for cover and run, the shooter nonchalantly walks away and gets into a white SUV that’s double parked on the street with its hazard lights flashing.

Johnson was found unconscious and unresponsive afterwards, and she was pronounced dead after being taken to Interfaith Hospital, cops said.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Satmar Rebbe Monroe Calls Viznitzer Chassidim "Mechallei Shabbos"


R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Monroe Satmar Rebbe, calls himself the "Moreh D'asrah" of Kiryat Yoel, and expects all residents to abide by his "fatwas" 

But this is a dream and far from reality, and not practical, since many residents follow R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, his brother that lives in Williamsburg, and there are the Bnei Yoel who do not follow either of them.

The town of Kiryat Yoel has expanded, and Viznitz from Williamsburg, bought property in Kiryas Yoel and recently opened a Shul and a Yeshiva on the outskirts.

 So what's the problem?

Satmar Chassidim abide by the later "zman" of the Rabbeinu Tam, and Viznitz holds the regular "Zman" they are not "makpid" to wait Moitzei Shabbos for the later "Rabbeinu Tam" zman!

When R' Aron got wind of that, he publicly questioned whether Viznitz are being "mechalil Shabbos" 

 Just so you know, the Rabbeinu Tam lived over 1,000 years ago and since then there hasn't been a rabbi in the world that ruled that if someone doesn't do the later zman of the Rabbeinu Tam he is being a "mechalel shabbos"

But I guess, this has little to do with halacha and much to do with power; they are openly defying him. The Rebbe did send a delegation to the Viznitz yeshiva to inform them whose boss, telling  them that they are being "poiretz geder".  They listened politely but continue to end Shabbos early.

Now I must say that he may have a point, because  Kiryas Yoel was founded by his uncle R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l who I'm sure established the town so that the residents would follow Satmar minhagim.. as the saying goes "When you are in Rome, do what the Romans do"

Biden Calls Cuomo a "Chazir" in Yiddish



Lady Cops Pose In Front of Belzer Aron Hakoidesh

  If you are a frum lady, and you want to stand in front of the Belzer Aron Kodesh they will scream and yell at you "Shiksa Arois"

But if you are not frum and wear pants in a Police Uniform, then you can mix and stand with men with your bottom facing the Aron Hakoidesh ...

Can you imagine what the Chareidim would do if they saw a photo like this but in a Conservative Shul?

30 Ben & Jerry American franchises send letter to their executives denouncing company's decision to boycott Judea and Samaria.


The American Jewish Committee (AJC) praised a group of Ben & Jerry’s franchisees in the United States who are urging the company to reconsider its decision to boycott Judea and Samaria.

In a letter signed by multiple franchises sent to Ben & Jerry’s executives, the franchisees wrote, “Those who feel so strongly about Israel that they want to boycott it or some part of the territory it administers are free to do so. They cannot, however, do that at our expense.”

They went on to explain the decision’s harm to them personally and to their businesses.

“There is a danger in the pursuit of social justice will descend into political correctness or result in the adoption of overly simplistic solutions by people who share a single view of the world that misconstrue complex problems in which multiple claims of justice are implicated,” they said.

The franchisees behind the letter own 30 Ben & Jerry’s locations with a total revenue of $23.3 million.

They wrote that they were “proud to be part of a company that highlights values as a part of its mission” but the “imposition of such narrow prescriptions does not advance social justice, or the pursuit of a values led business in any meaningful way.”

“The decision that has been made to terminate the contract with Ben & Jerry’s licensee in Israel not only distorts the situation on the ground – it has imposed and will to continue to impose, substantial financial costs on all of us,” they said. “More importantly, the controversy your recent actions have brought upon our local businesses has had an adverse effect on the value of our independently owned franchises and investments.”

They added that their families and communities “have shamed us personally for doing business not just with a company that draws controversy, but with one that continues to consider the calculated negative affect on its franchisees as acceptable collateral damage.”

The American Jewish Committee applauded the letter, noting that the franchisees had approached them for help with drafting the letter which was addressed to Ben & Jerry’s CEO, Director of Social Mission, Director of Global Retail Operations, and Head of U.S. Retail and Global Strategy.

AJC Chief Legal Officer Marc D. Stern lauded the franchisees for their courage in directly taking the company to task.

“Tagging one side with all responsibility for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may make self-described social justice advocates proud, but it advances neither peace nor justice,” Stern wrote in a letter to the editor published in the New York Times on Thursday in response to the Ben & Jerry’s co-founders' Times opinion piece defending their company’s decision.

Stern noted that while the co-founders claimed the company’s intent is only to stop serving Judea and Samaria, and not all of Israel, “The chair of the company’s board of directors has publicly said it wanted to boycott Israel but was overruled (wrongly she believed) by its parent company, Unilever, and now may do so only under unspecified arrangements. The failure of Ben and Jerry to address that reality fatally undercuts their argument.”

Jake Novak, the Broadcast Media Director for the Consulate General of Israel in New York, said on Twitter that the franchisees letter was “very, very important.”

“Franchisees often take their franchise owners to court over stuff like this,” he tweeted. “There are lawyers who specialize in these kinds of cases and win. This is a red flag for [Ben & Jerry’s] parent company.”

First a "Talking Fish" in Skver and now a Fish with human-looking teeth


“Jaws” ain’t got nothin’ on these chompers.

A sheepshead fish with human-looking teeth is freaking people out after it was caught off the Outer Banks.

According to Jennette’s Pier in North Carolina, Nathan Martin caught a grinning 9-pound fish whose teeth resemble dentures. A photo captioned “#bigteethbigtimes” shows the sheepshead flashing a top and bottom set of pearly-ish whites.

Many Facebook users were as creeped out as they were intrigued by the fish that was found in Nags Head. According to Scientific American, the sheepshead’s teeth are similar to those of humans since they, too, are omnivores. The fish usually weigh between 5 and 15 pounds — in part thanks to their hardy incisors — and are generally found year-round in North Carolina’s coastal waters.

The viral post, now with more than 1,200 Facebook reactions and hundreds of shares, had beachgoers shocked — and laughing hysterically.

“Is this where dentures come from?” one commenter said.

“I know people who would love to have that many teeth,” added another.

A third joked, “Sad when someone catches a fish and it has more teeth than they do.”

Coinci-dental-ly, this isn’t the first time a toothy sheepshead made a splash on social media. A triggerfish with human-esque teeth and lips was spotted in Malaysia, and was almost identical to an Instagram star’s filler-injected pout.

Gwen Berry, hammer thrower who turned away from US flag, and was planning to diss the USA Again .. fails to medal at Olympics


Gwen Berry failed to medal during the women’s hammer throw finals on Tuesday. Berry finished in eleventh place out of twelve competitors, registering a distance of 71.35 meters. 

The 32-year-old caused a stir during the medal ceremony at the Olympic trials in June. After winning a bronze medal during the event, Berry faced the stands rather than the American flag, holding up a shirt that read “Activist Athlete.” 

Afterward, Berry said she was “pissed” that “The Star-Spangled Banner” played during the celebration. 

“If you know your history, you know the full song of the national anthem,” Berry said on Black News Channel. “The third paragraph speaks to slaves in America — our blood being slain … all over the floor.” 

In July, before the Olympics commenced, Berry pledged to “represent the oppressed people” should she win a medal in Tokyo, adding, “that’s been my message for the last three years.”