Kol Isha Alert!
“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
'Spiritual Death' a Bigger Threat Than COVID Rabbanim Say
An amazing video clip was making the rounds of the internet when Yom Kippur ended. It showed police offered arriving at the main synagogue of the Vizhnitz Hassidim in Bnei Brak and breaking up a mass indoor gathering. In the clip, the Vizhnitzer rebbe himself, Yisroel Hager, is seen coming out of the front door, dressed in white holiday robes, flanked by two of his Hassidim.
Vizhnitz is one of the three largest Hassidic sects in Israel, and their rebbe is one of the most important spiritual leaders in the Hassidic world.
In another clip, Vizhnitz Hassidim are seeing waiting for buses, packed closely together, without masks.
It sounded almost incredible that six months into the COVID pandemic such a senior spiritual leader would be violating the rules. So I looked into it. I spoke with Hassidim, Vizhnitz and others, as well as with close associates of a few other Hassidic leaders, and it turns out that we – the general public – are spitting nails and demanding that the Hassidim follow the same public health guidelines as the rest of us, while they have adopted a completely different policy. They want herd immunity – let everyone get sick, and be done with it.
The way they see it, this is not a disregard for the regulations, and they have no trouble understanding the explanations about simple instructions such as wearing masks, avoiding gatherings, and washing hands. So what is going on? It seems that a number of Hassidic leaders have decided on a policy according to which the elderly and members of other high-risk groups will be careful, but young people and the Hassidic sect as a whole will go on as usual.
The Haredi public in Israel is comprised of Lithuanian, Sephardi, and Hassidic Jews. Most of the first two groups are taking care to follow COVID rules, but when it comes to the Hassidim, things are more complicated.
Rabbi Zach Fredman "Rules Halachically" That it's OK to Pray for Tump's Death!
Rabbi Zach Fredman, formerly of The New Shul in New York City
This is what happens when a leftist progressive liberal Jew goes off the deep end. Fredman a vile sewer rat, a "reform rabbi" who has a band called "Epichorus ( a play on the Hebrew word apikoiras, meaning heretic) has the gall to quote a "midrash" .....
How about quoting the Torah that talks about keeping the Shabbat? ...
The naive, cruel and ungrateful Fredman doesn't realize that the leftists mobs that he so adors will turn on him soon enough and feed him to the ovens ... he has learned nothing from Jewish history ....he will learn very soon that the leftists that he brown-noses, hate him just like they hate Trump!
Fredman who always has an anti-Jewish agenda joined Jstreet and T'ruah, two vile self-hating Jewish organizations to sign a joint letter opposing federal and local legislative efforts to outlaw BDS.
This sickie when visiting Yerushalayim hung out with arabs and wrote a song called "song of the buffalo" which "honors a Native American woman that marries a buffalo"
Fredman a disturbed creature dressed in a talit, like a pig that displays its kosher hoofs, to showcase its fake piety, mentions Hitler, Haman and Trump in one paragraph!
Yes he compares Trump a man who just made peace between an Arab country and the State of Israel to Hitler that exterminated 3/4 of the Jewish people.
He cruelly compares Trump who moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem to Haman who wanted to exterminate the entire Jewish world!
He wishes the best friend that the Jews ever had in the White House, that has a Jewish child and Jewish grandchildren.. that "the disease works strongly on him, kills him even.."
How much hate does Fredman possess in his diseased heart that he wishes death and sickness to another human being ...someone created in the image of God and to the President of the USA no less..how low can one sink?
Hey Fredman ... you useful idiot to anarchists, take you cursed guitar, shove it up where the sun don't shine and go to hell ...
This piece was lightly adapted from Fredman’s email newsletter.
"With the news that Trump had tested positive for COVID, I couldn’t stop myself from wishing that the disease works strongly upon him, kills him even. … But is it OK to pray for the death of an evil person? Not just to think about it, but to actively enter a prayerful state and yearn for the disease to end his life in this body, that good may come to so many lives who have suffered on his account?
“Discussing that question with a friend, I was reminded of a midrash that appears in the commentaries on the Book of Esther, where Haman, the fascist villain, is the archetype of pure evil in the Judaic tradition.
“Two variants of the commentary appear. In one, all the trees of the world — the apple tree and the oak, the willow, the cedar, the olive and the palm — come before God and beg to be the vehicle for Haman’s death. They want to be the tree that Haman will hang from. In the other variant of the story, all the trees come before God, the same trees, and none wishes to be the tree upon which Haman will be hung. They don’t want to be proximate to evil, they don’t want to be contaminated by his vileness. In the end of both stories, the thorn bush is chosen to be the tree upon which Haman hangs.
“There are two instincts regarding evil — the desire to destroy it, and the inclination to flee its reign. Both live in us, and both yearnings have their place. If no one comes to fight Hitler, to protest Trump and the Proud Boys, evil thrives. If we come at him untethered to the wisdom that fighting evil carries the risk of being tainted by it, we are already undone. The line between these two yearnings is flimsy as a thorn. And living one without the other does not leave us whole.
“So yes, you can pray for his demise, but you will be changed by that prayer, and maybe not for the better.”
Shtreimlich Safe As Israel Moves to Ban Fur Trade
Israel has moved to ban the fur trade, making it one of the first countries in the world to do so; however, the new initiative is seen as largely symbolic as it continues to allow the use of fur for religious reasons.
“This morning we launched an important initiative to ban the fur trade,” said Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel on Sunday. “There is no need or justification for using fur in the fashion industry.”The move was praised by animal rights group PETA, which hailed Israel “for recognizing that the trade in coats, pom-poms, and other frivolous fashion items made from wild animals’ fur offends the values held by all decent citizens,” according to the BBC
However, the law, which could see offenders fined $22,000 or face a year in jail, has a major loophole that will continue to allow the importation of fur for “scientific research, education or for instruction and for religious purposes or tradition.”
That exempts ultra-Orthodox Jews, who often wear cake-shaped sable hats known as shtreimels on Shabbat and holidays, although importers will now need to apply for special permits.
Made from the tails of sables and foxes, the hats can cost as much as $5,000. They are pretty much the only widespread users of fur in Israel, with its warm Mediterranean climate.
US court orders Iran to pay $1.4B to family of ex-FBI agent Robert Levinson
A US judge has ordered Iran to pay $1.45 billion to the family of a former FBI agent believed to have been kidnapped by the Islamic Republic while on an unauthorized CIA mission to an Iranian island in 2007.
The judgment this month comes after Robert Levinson’s family and the US government now believe he died in the Iranian government’s custody, something long denied by Tehran, though officials over time have offered contradictory accounts about what happened to him on Kish Island.
Tensions remain high between the US and Iran amid US President Donald Trump’s maximalist pressure campaign over Tehran’s nuclear program. And though the US and Iran haven’t had diplomatic relations since the aftermath of the 1979 US Embassy hostage crisis in Tehran, America stills holds billions of dollars in frozen Iranian assets that could be used to pay Levinson’s family.
In a ruling dated Thursday, the US District Court in Washington found Iran owed Levinson’s family $1.35 billion in punitive damages and $107 million in compensatory damages for his kidnapping. The court cited the case of Otto Warmbier, an American college student who died in 2017 shortly after being freed from captivity in North Korea, in deciding to award the massive amount of punitive damages to Levinson’s family.
Why are President Trump and haredi Jews blamed for their coronavirus infections, while BLM and anti-government protesters are not?
This past weekend, a lot of us received a test in our commitment to our values about how to behave towards those who are ill and who might be our political opponents. Some of us did better than others.
I refer, of course, to the news that President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, tested positive for COVID-19 with the president being hospitalized. After three nights at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the president has returned to the White House, and it appears that the nation has been spared a possible crisis in which the commander-in-chief was incapacitated. Reactions to the announcement, however, have been something like a national ethics test where we were asked to put aside our political opinions and exhibit what in the Jewish world we commonly call menschlichkeit or a sense of humanity.
The good news is that most people in public life passed the test. That was true of former Vice President Joe Biden, who, along with his wife, issued a gracious statement saying that they were “praying for the health and safety of the president and his family.” Just as important, he reminded his followers that “this is not about politics.”
The Bidens weren’t alone in saying that. Many people in public life—left, right and in the middle—did the same, giving us a heartening lesson that disagreeing with someone, even vehement disagreement, shouldn’t cause us to lose our own humanity in wishing them ill, especially in the middle of a pandemic.
Not everyone, however, met that same high standard. While Trump was in the hospital, social media was a cesspool of vile invective and hateful rhetoric illustrating the anger of many of the president’s detractors in language that was inappropriate and gave the lie to their claim to the moral high ground.
Bobover Rebbe 45 Tests Positive for COVID-19
Just last week, a photo of a Hasidic rabbi from Borough Park wearing a mask outdoors went viral, even prompting one of New York City’s top health officials to cite him as a model of responsible community leadership during a press conference about the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in New York City’s Orthodox Jewish communities.
But now the rabbi, Rabbi Mordechai David Unger, head of a faction of the Bobov Hasidic sect, has tested positive himself.
According to an Instagram post by BoroPark24, a local news site in the Brooklyn neighborhood where the Hasidic group is based, Unger tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms.
The photograph of Unger wearing a mask was taken just before Yom Kippur started, days after New York City threatened Borough Park and several other heavily Orthodox neighborhoods with consequences if they did not bring down their infection rates. But during the holiday last Monday, two attendees at Unger’s synagogue said there were no masks in sight at the services.
Unger is not the first major rabbi to test positive for COVID-19 recently. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a major haredi leader in Israel who is also seen as a leader for communities in the United States, tested positive for COVID-19 last week. Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, head of a faction of the Satmar Hasidic group, recovered from COVID earlier this year. And Rabbi Mordechai Leifer, known as the Pittsburgher rebbe, died of the disease this week in Israel at age 65.
How the Kretchniver Rebbe in Kiryat Gat Spoke to the Cop That Was Sent to Break Up The "Tish" in the Sukkah
This video is in Hebrew but the bottom line is that the Rebbe spoke with the utmost respect and love towards the officer who came to break up the "Tish gathering" of hundreds of Chassidim in the Sukkah...
The Rebbe told him that he understands that he has a job to do and that the Rebbe is "envious of how the officer does his job with such loyalty" and that he should understand that the gathering was not an act of defiance but was a way to thank Hashem for giving us such a great Yom Tov that is all about Simcha...
At the end, they came to an understanding and the Rebbe ended the Tish quickly and violence was avoided...
Isn't this a better way or do we want to be like the protestors?
The "Na'nuim" of the London Sadigere Rebbe
Biden Claims We Are Able to Stay Out of Quarantine Because "Some Black Ladies Stack the Grocery Shelves"
CDC acknowledges COVID-19 is airborne, can travel beyond six feet
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledged Monday that coronavirus can spread through particles in the air and sometimes travel beyond distances of six feet — after walking back similar guidance last month.
The update on the agency’s site said that “COVID-19 can sometimes be spread by airborne transmission” due to small droplets that linger in the air for anywhere from minutes to hours.
“There is evidence that under certain conditions, people with COVID-19 seem to have infected others who were more than six feet away,” the agency said.
“These transmissions occurred within enclosed spaces that had inadequate ventilation. Sometimes the infected person was breathing heavily, for example while singing or exercising.”
The agency added that “under these circumstances, scientists believe that the amount of infectious smaller droplet and particles produced by the people with COVID-19 became concentrated enough to spread the virus to other people.”
“The people who were infected were in the same space during the same time or shortly after the person with COVID-19 had left,” the page said.
The admission comes after similar guidance was posted last month and then taken down.
“A draft version of proposed changes to these recommendations was posted in error to the agency’s official website,” a CDC spokesman told the Wall Street Journal at the time.
The CDC said Monday it “continues to believe, based on current science, that people are more likely to become infected the longer and closer they are to a person with COVID-19.”
“Today’s update acknowledges the existence of some published reports showing limited, uncommon circumstances where people with COVID-19 infected others who were more than 6 feet away or shortly after the COVID-19-positive person left an area,” the agency said in a statement.
Trump releases video after White House return, says ‘don’t be afraid’ of COVID-19
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2020
Monday, October 5, 2020
When the Lubavitcher Rebbe Met Public School Children in His Sukkah in 1976
Masses at funeral of Pittsburgh Rebbe in Ashdod
Why did Russian police fake a rabbi's death?
Authorities in Russia staged the death of a rabbi as part of a sting operation that ended with the arrest of two alleged terrorists who are said to have ordered to have him killed.
The operation has been ongoing since last year, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs revealed last week. The ministry neither named the suspects, who were identified only as being 60 and 70, nor indicated when they had been arrested.
The suspects are leaders of an extremist group known as Citizens of the USSR, which does not recognize the dissolution of the Soviet Union, according to the ministry.
Last year, members of that movement began targeting and threatening the Jewish community of Krasnodar, a city in southern Russia, the ministry said. Murder was among the threats.
An undercover counterterrorism agent approached the suspects and offered to kill Rabbi Aryeh Leib Tkatch, chairman of the Jewish Community of Krasnodar, if they accepted him into their ranks as a senior member. The suspects agreed and a police makeup artist worked with Tkatch on a photoshoot in which his death was staged.
The agent presented the photos to the suspects as proof he had done their bidding. They were arrested after giving the agent certificates accepting him into their ranks as a field commander, the ministry’s report said.
Under communism, open religious worship, especially by Jews, was largely prohibited. The collapse of communism led to a revival of Jewish life in Russia with support from the government of President Vladimir Putin.
Trump Gets a "Mi She'beirach" at the Kotel From the Kotel Rabbi and Chief Rabbis
A special 'Mi SheBeirach' prayer was recited at the Western Wall Monday morning, wishing for the speedy recovery of President Donald Trump.
The prayer was recited following the Birkat Kohanim ceremony, and was recited by the two Chief Rabbis of Israel, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon.
The prayer was recited as follows:
"From this holy place, in the presence of the Chief Rabbis of Israel, the American Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon, we shall recite the 'mi shebeirach' prayer on behalf of the American President, and pray for his recovery and success."
"May the One who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, Aaron, David, and Solomon, heal Donald John the son of Fred by virtue of our prayers."
"May The Holy One, Blessed is He overflow with compassion upon him, to restore him, to heal him, to strengthen him,
and to enliven him, and to send him speedily a complete healing from heaven for his entire body, among the sick of Israel. A healing of the soul and of the body, soon, speedily, without delay."
New York City’s mayor said Sunday that he has asked the state for permission to close schools and reinstate restrictions on nonessential businesses in several neighborhoods because of a resurgence of the coronavirus.
The action, if approved, would mark a disheartening retreat for a city that enjoyed a summer with less spread of the virus than most other parts of the country, and had only recently celebrated the return of students citywide to in-person learning in classrooms.
Shutdowns would happen starting Wednesday in nine ZIP codes in the city, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
DEBLASIO SAID: “This would begin this Wednesday morning coming – Wednesday, October 7th – require the closure of nonessential businesses in these nine ZIP codes, and I want to go through them now. It’s Edgemere, Far Rockaway 11691; Borough Park, 11219, Gravesend, Homecrest, 11223; Midwood, 11230; Bensonhurst and Mapleton, 11204; Flatlands, Midwood, 11210; Gerritsen Beach, Homecrest, Sheepshead Bay, 11229; Kew Gardens, 11415; and Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok, 112469 – those are the nine ZIP codes that have over three percent positivity for at least seven consecutive days.”
About 100 public schools and 200 private schools would have to close. Indoor dining, which just resumed a few days ago, would be suspended. Outdoor restaurant dining would shut down in the affected neighborhoods as well, and gyms would close.
Houses of worship would be allowed to remain open with existing restrictions in place, de Blasio said.
The mayor, a Democrat, said he was taking the action in an attempt to stop the virus from spreading deeper into the city and becoming a “second wave,” like the one that killed more than 24,000 New Yorkers in the spring.
“We’ve learned over and over from this disease that it is important to act aggressively, and when the data tells us it’s time for even the toughest and most rigorous actions we follow the data, we follow the science,” de Blasio said.
HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein: “We’re Obligated To Daven For President Trump”
Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, the Rav of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak, and the son-in-law of HaRav Elyashiv, z’tl, paskened that Jews are obligated daven for the refuah shleimah of President Trump due to the obligation of Hakaras HaTov (gratitude).
On the first day of Chol Hamoed in Israel, following the announcement that US President Donald Trump tested positive for the coronavirus [and was subsequently hospitalized], Kikar H’Shabbos asked HaRav Zilberstein: “Is the Jewish nation obligated to daven for the refuah of US President Donald Trump?”
HaRav Zilberstein initially responded that he’s not worthy of paskening on the issue, saying that this can only be decided with the approval and at the instruction of Gedolei Yisrael since it’s only appropriate for a great Jewish leader to call to daven for the most powerful leader of the nations of the world.
However, Rav Zilberstein then added that in his opinion we are obligated to daven: “It’s a great obligation to daven for the refuah of Trump and this is due to the din of Hakaras HaTov and this is how Hagaon HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv paskened.”
The Rav added that we should daven for Trump using his name and the name of his father, Donald John ben Fred Trump, noting that this is what the Maharshal writes.
Pittsburger Rebbe Dies From COVID-19
The Pittsburger Rebbe, HaRav Mordechai Mottel Yissachar Leifer, 64. was Niftar late Sunday night.
He had been on a respirator since he was hospitalized in mid-August for COVID-19.
The Levaya will be on Monday in Ashdod.
Shaking the Lulav
Rare Footage of Sadigura Rebbe Arriving in Israel 1939
Sunday, October 4, 2020
The left’s sickening lack of decency on ailing President Trump
by Michael Goodwin
Perhaps they are channeling a line from an Oscar Wilde play: “I can resist everything except temptation.” But leftists should have resisted the urge to be nasty. Decency demanded it.
The president of the United States tests positive for the coronavirus, is soon moved to a hospital and given a cocktail of drugs to fortify his body for the fight ahead. Whereupon truly awful people erupt in joy, revealing themselves to be self-hating Americans.
Some take to Twitter to exhibit their soullessness, enough so that the site, which too often blocks routine conservative viewpoints, vows it will suspend users who wish for the president’s death. It is shameful that such a statement is even necessary.
Others try to veil their pleasure, yet their satisfaction is unmistakable in their self-righteous scolds of “We told you so” and “He had it coming.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi displayed her heart of stone by saying the president had issued a “brazen invitation” to the deadly virus by meeting with people and holding rallies.
She impeached him over next to nothing, tried to have him removed from office and still calls him a Russian agent. Now she resents that he continued to do the routine things a president should and must do. If he had stayed hidden in the White House bunker for his own safety, then she would have had real reason to complain.
The depravity doesn’t end there. Consider this quiz: Which of the following two comments came from a Chinese government-affiliated newspaper and which came from The New York Times?
No. 1: “Now There’s No Spinning Away Pandemic’s Toll”
No. 2: “President Trump and the first lady have paid the price for his gamble to play down the COVID-19.”
The answer is that No. 1 is a Times headline and No. 2 is a tweet from the editor of the Global Times, but forgive yourself if you guessed wrong because, in fact, the sentiments are nearly identical.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Gucci unveils $2,198 tartan dress with satin bow waist for MEN
Only in a world gone completely mad ...
$2,198.00? and it's ugly ....
Italian luxury brand Gucci is selling a $2,198.00 'Tartan cotton long smock shirt' for men (pictured, left and right).
According to the fashion giant, the 'delicate colours' of orange and beige 'reflects the idea of fluidity explored for the Fall Winter 2020 fashion show, and aims to disrupt the toxic stereotypes that mold masculine gender identity.'
The orange and beige garment is inspired by grunge looks from the '90s.
MSNBC's Joy Reid suggests Trump is faking his COVID diagnosis
MSNBC host Joy Reid has suggested that President Donald Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis may be a lie to get out of future presidential debates.
Early Friday, just after midnight, President Trump announced he and First Lady Melania contracted the novel coronavirus after his top aide Hope Hicks tested positive.
On Friday the 74-year-old was transported to the Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland to stay for several days and work out of the presidential suite there.
Before Trump headed to the hospital, the 'ReidOut' host shared a theory on Twitter that Trump may be faking his diagnosis, citing previous dishonesty from the president and his administration.
'Here’s how wrecked Trump’s credibility is at this point: I’ve got a cellphone full of texts from people who aren’t sure whether to believe Trump actually has covid. "He lies so much," one friend just texted. "Is he just doing this to get out of the debates?" others are texting,' Reid tweeted Friday.