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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

What Was Behind The Satmar Protest Against The Eirav In Williamsburg?? Who Took The Photos on Shabbos?

Satmar last Shabbos turned out in mass to protest the Williamsburg Eirav!

Question: Who were they protesting against???
Aren't all the protestors, Satmar? Don't they all listen to their rebbe not to use the Eirav?

Who are they trying to bully?? The Yuppies living on the borders of Williamsburg?

Why come out in mass?
Why not just issue a psak from the Satmar Bais Din against the Eirav... period!

The Chareidie population in Williamsburg is not only Satmar...

There is Veen, Kloizenburg, Ger, Belz, Spinkeh, Breslav, Pupa, Viznitz,Munkatch, Skver,Bobov, etc etc...
Some of those rabbis are of the opinion that the Eirav is absolutely halachically permitted! 

The Satmars came out in force to bully those who are of the opinion that the Eirav is kosher!
Mind you, this is in Chutz Le'aaretz, ... and  last I checked this is a free country!

Are they so worried that their chassidim who are prohibited from using the Eirav will watch other Chassidim whose rebbe told them that its permitted, and switch allegiance?

But the Hungarians gypsies think that Williamsburg is theirs, and that's even though Shvartzas are slowly reminding them where they are and whose boss!

In another Chassidous, if the rebbe issues a psak, they adhere to it and let others do what they want ... they believe in "Live and let Live!"
I remember growing up in Crown Heights, the Lubavitcher Rebbe was against making an Eirav ... and to make an Eirav in Crown Heights is one huge problem because of Eastern Parkway, but he never stopped anyone else from making one...never!

Another Question:
Who took the photos and videos?
Who told photographers to come??? 

These were professional photos from professional photographers ...who were hired to take photos and videos of the event to intimidate those who hold from the Eirav, so they can see how many people showed up and not to dare oppose them...

Who ordered those photographers? 

If you believe that halachically there cannot be an Eirav ... so isn't this "amirah le'akum" ..aren't the photographers carrying in "reshus harabam?" And I'm sure some of those photographers were Jewish...
Is that allowed having "mechallelie shabbos" carry and do a melacha for you?

In Israel these same Satmars scream bloody murder "Shabbos" "Shabbos" when there is Chillul Shabbos...
Why is this not Chillul Shabbos???

And where is the "heter" of bullying those rebbes and talmedei chachamim who hold that an eirav is permitted?????

Is it any wonder that they are loosing thousands of their boys and girls to the secular world ... when they witness this hypocrisy????

Zionists Offer Life Insurance for Married Yeshiva Students For the Price of Pizza

So let's see now .... will they take $$$$ from the medina now, or will they allow widows and orphans to be destitute and scramble in the garbage bins for leftovers.... ????

So what will the "Peleg" animals do?
What about Satmar Yungalite? Will they not take it?

Kupat Haear...the Tzadakah that distributes Money to Widows is totally against this and there are posters in Bnei-Brak that no one should dare join this plan ....

you ask why??? 
Ha ha LOL ... ha ha
Beause if this works out and all married guys go on the plan ...Kupat Haear will be out of business ....
So they would rather bury this plan that costs a month less than a slice of Pizza, since its being subsidized by the biggest Baalei Tzedaka since Matan Torah ,... The Zionists!!

Just prior to leaving office, former Education Minister Naftali Bennett (New Right) signed an ordinance approving a life insurance plan for married yeshiva students.

The ordinance, pushed forward by Shas MK Yitzhak Cohen, was fiercely opposed by UTJ MK Moshe Gafni, who also heads the Knesset's Finance Committee.

Under the new initiative, a sum of 500,000 NIS ($138,390) will be paid to the widow and orphans of married yeshiva students, over a period of fifteen years.

"Every married yeshiva student will pay a minimal sum of 20-30 NIS ($5.54-8.30) each month, and if it becomes necessary, his widow and children will receive a monthly stipend of 5,000 NIS ($1,384) each month for a period of 15 years," Cohen explained when first pushing the plan forward. He noted that he had the backing of Charedi rabbis.

Israel’s First Lady, Nechama Rivlin is Niftar

Nechama Rivlin, the wife of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, was Niftar on Tuesday morning at the age of 73, on the eve of her 74th birthday.
In a statement, the President’s Residence said the First Lady passed away of lung failure at Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah, three months after she received a transplant.
She been suffering from pulmonary fibrosis for years, but still regularly appeared in public alongside her husband, President Reuven Rivlin, accompanied by a mobile oxygen device.
“Three months after a lung transplant, Nechama Rivlin died this morning,” Beilinson Hospital said in a statement. “To our regret, the medical efforts to stabilize her over time during the complicated rehabilitation period after the transplant did not succeed.”

Yerushalayim Children Sing "Super Trump"

Monday, June 3, 2019

Chabad Releases 25,000 Photos Never Published

One of the initiatives of Project 25 is to post 25,000 new photos on The Living Archive, some newly discovered and scanned. The first batch of 1,800 photos was just uploaded.
The beautiful black and white photos of Tishrei 5737 (1977) come from the Levi Freidincollection. They are being featured in connection with Levi Freidin’s 26th yahrzeit, Sunday, 28 Iyar.
Some highlights of the collection include:
Learn more about Project 25 here.

R' Sholom Ber Poppack Owner of Stationery Shop on Kingston Avenue Passes On!

from Collive
Rabbi Sholom Ber Popack, one of the first students of Tomchei Temimim 770 who owned a stationery shop on Kingston Avenue for many years, passed away.
Rabbi Sholom Dovber Halevi Popack, a longtime Crown Heights resident, passed away on Shabbos, 27 Iyar, 5779.
He was 91.
Rabbi Popack was born on 21 Adar, 5688 in Barre, Vermont, known as the world’s largest granite quarry, where his father Rabbi Avrohom PopackOBM served as a Rabbi, shochet and mohel, at the instruction of the Frierdiker Rebbe.
Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber was one of the first students of Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim 770. He was so diligent in his learning and meticulous with keeping the Seder in Yeshiva, that the Frierdiker Rebbe once commented about him, “for such a Tomim it was worth all the hard work.”

Satmar Guy Told Off by Yiddish Speaking Guy At Israeli Day Parade

Satmars Protest Against The Eirav in Williamsburg!

Calling Those Who Work For A Living "Grubbe Balabatim" Won't Work Anymore Since 85% Those Leaving Yeshivos Become "Balabatim"!

A well known and respected voice in the world of at risk behavior is calling for a drastic change to the religious education system, observing that the one-size-fits-all approach taken by many yeshivos is failing a substantial number of students.
In an 18 minute video, Avi Fishoff of TWiSTED PARENTiNG noted that in the post-war years, the educational system focused on producing students who could reinvigorate the Torah world by building yeshivos and other communal institutions. 
Having successfully created that infrastructure, Fishoff said that the time has come to prioritize maximizing the potential of each child instead of encouraging every student to become a long term learner, a goal that leaves many feeling like failures.
“Otherwise we will have a majority of our children leaving the yeshiva world feeling like they are not a success, the hatzlacha that they were meant to be, which is false, and the result of that can be disastrous,” said Fishoff.
Drawing on his own educational career in a highly regarded yeshiva, Fishoff recalled that he was well aware as a child that he was not a top student and that the school staff looked down on him because of his performance.  The idea of every student being able to learn for 10 to 12 hours every day is as unrealistic as expecting graduate to become a lawyer, said Fishoff.
“People who go to work to support themselves should not feel bad that that’s ‘nebuch’ the life that they have,” said Fishoff.  “Like in the yeshiva where I grew up they said ‘grubbe balabatim,’ grubbe balabatim they called us.  85 percent of those who graduated, maybe more, ended up being balabatim and we all felt that we are not ehrliche yidden.”\

Stuttering NK Idiot Doesn't Think Hamas Is A Terrorist Organization!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Moshe Ilovitz, 37, of Mevo Modi’im, MISSING!!

Moshe Ilovitz, 37, of Mevo Modi’im, is still missing. He was last seen at the ttziyun of the Rashbi on Friday night before Lag B’Omer. Officials now fear for his life.
His family is appealing to the public to aid in the search for Moshe, who disappeared two weeks ago. The Israel Dog Unit has been running a search with specially trained SAR dogs together with police, family and friends.
Moshe’s wife and five children have suffered an additional blow, after their home and all of their belongings were destroyed in the recent fire that destroyed dozens of homes in the Moshav. 
The IDU will be conducting a day of searching on Sunday June 2 beginning at 6:00 AM, a last push to try and find Moshe.
The family is urging anyone who might have seen him to call the command center at 054-487-6709, and to please forward the flyer with his picture anywhere possible.
Anyone wishing to join the search can do so by calling 
The command center Sunday will be located in the field adjacent to the Meron Supermarket.
The family calls on the tzibur to continue being mispallel for Moshe Eliezer ben Pearl Malkah Henny. A special fundraising effort is underway to assist the family.

Apple Is Shutting Down iTunes

Apple is phasing out its content download and streaming service, Bloomberg reports. CEO Tim Cook will unveil a spread of new features geared to move the company’s focus away from the iPhone starting Monday at the tech giant’s Worldwide Developers Conference.
One of these changes is getting rid of iTunes, which has served since 2001 as the home for users’ music, television and podcast libraries. Going forward, three new desktop apps will be unveiled — Music, TV and Podcasts — to house and manage the data. This will match the format already used on iPhones and iPads.

'2,000 Jordanian soldiers against 3 IDF soldiers' in 1967

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the Founder of the Temple Institute arrived Sunday morning at the Temple Mount and told the pilgrims about his experiences during the liberation of Jerusalem and the liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in the Six Day War.

Rabbi Ariel, who was a reserve soldier in the Paratroopers Brigade and fought for the liberation of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War, said that he saw the battle on the Temple Mount: 

"Here were cannons, mortars and piles of shells."

He told of the soldiers who arrived at the Temple Mount for the first time 52 years ago, "followed by Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook and the Nazir on a jeep of the Jordanian army that was here."
"We saw the Israeli flag hoisted at the top of the Dome of the Rock," testified Rabbi Ariel, "and then I saw about two thousand soldiers of the Jordanian Legion raising their hands against three or four IDF soldiers."

Hundreds of Jews ascended the Temple Mount this morning to mark the anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem Sunday. 

The headquarters of the various Temple Mount organizations said that the police had fulfilled their obligation to allow Jews to ascend the Temple Mount and to remove the Arab rioters in order to allow Jews to ascend as per routine.

Police said that during the morning hours, "riots broke out on the Temple Mount, including stone throwing, throwing of chairs and various objects, following which the commander of the Jerusalem district, Major General Doron Yedid, ordered the police to enter the Temple Mount and deal with the rioters!

00:54 | 00:

Yom Yerushalyim Samaich!!!

What Gedoiei Hador Thought Of ........"Yom Yerushalayim"

There are Gedoilim whose opinions are constantly quoted by Yeshivishe Litvaks who embrace the anti-Zionist SHIT'ah since it suits them better not to join the army and defend their families; ... some of those Gedoilim quoted by them are of the bizarre and outrageous opinion that the open miracles we all witnessed during the 6 day war ....were performed by Satan!

But thankfully, there are Gedoilim who constitute the silent majority and who are of the opinion that "Yom Yerushalyim" is a Yom Tov that should be embraced and celebrated and some even are of the opinion that one should recite Hallel with a bracha!

I compiled  a sampling of those Gedoilim!

* Note:
According to Harav Avadia Yosef, Harav Yitzchok Kaduri and Harav Ben-Zion Abba Shaul, one shouldn't say Tachanun on Yom Yershalyim
see: הרב יהודה ברכה, שו"ת ברכת יהודה, ח"ד סימן טו'

Note that all the Gedoilim mention the great "miracles" on that day ....

From the Tzitz Eliezer, Harav Eliezer Waldenberg:

Notice: That the Tzitz Eliezer uses the term 
"על הגואלה ועל התמורה"  the Title of the Satmar Rebbe's Sefer that claims that all the miracles were from Satan .... but the Tzitz Eliezer uses those very words to thank Hashem for the miracles!

From Reb Aryeh Levin:

From Reb Chaim Shmulevitz , RY Mir

From Harav Yechezkel Abramski

From R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach 

From Harav Yechezkel Levenstein RY Ponovitz 

From Harav Yaakov Bezalel Zolti Rav of Yerushalayim 

From Harav Yechezkel Sarna RY Chevron

From Harav Shlomo Yoisef Kahanaman RY Ponivitz 

From Harav Ovadia Yosef

From The Rebbe of Lubavitch 

From Reb Moshe Feinstein who notes there there is no longer a need to "tear kriah" when seeing Yerusalayim, "since it is now in Jewish hands!

Satmar Rebbe's Nazi ID Card .... The "Beirach Moshe"

This is what the Nazis YM"S did ..... they took away the dignity of Rabbanim and regular people!

Mayor of Londonistan Calls Trump "Fascist"

The mayor of London, the Muslim Sadiq Khan, has compared the language used by Donald Trump to rally his supporters to that of “the fascists of the 20th century” in an explosive intervention before the US president’s state visit to London that begins on Monday.
Writing in the Observer, the radical Muslim,Khan, condemned the red-carpet treatment being afforded to Trump who, with his wife Melania, will be a guest of the Queen during his three-day stay, which is expected to provoke massive protests in the capital on Tuesday.
Khan said: “President Donald Trump is just one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat. The far right is on the rise around the world, threatening our hard-won rights and freedoms and the values that have defined our liberal, democratic societies for more than 70 years.

Chassidim March on Al-Quds Day On Shabbos .....in Germany!!

Letter Found From the "Tzaddik of Yerushalyim" R" Aryeh Levin Praising the Early Zionists!

This was a letter written by the known "Tzaddik of Yeruslayim" to Mrs Esther Reziel Naor, a member of the Knesset. The letter was written in May 1961.

In the letter, R' Aryeh Levin laments the fact that Chareidim distanced themselves from Zionists pioneers! R' Aryeh asks that she accept his apology!

The letter reads:
ב"ה . ירושלים 
יום ראשון בשבת פסח שני ,ללמוד תורה לפ"ק

שלום וברכה ונחת מלאה בכל המובנים להאישה הדגולה מרת אסתר נאור רזיאל

יקרת מכתבה קיבלתי, בקוראי אותו הרגשתי והשתתפי בצערה ואבקש סליחתה.
אמנם אין כוונתי היתה חלילה לדבר סרה על מי שהוא, בפרט על אחינו היקרים שיחיו, היושבים על אדמת הקודש ובונים בית ישראל במסירות,
ואים היהדות רפה שם, אולי שלא באשמתם, כי לכל העם בשגגה.

ואלי אני וכדומה לי אשמים בזה, מבלי להיפגש איתם בזמנים קרובים,
ואני בעזרת ה' בלי נדר, מוכן לבקר במשקים בקיבוצים של אחינו ש"י
אמנם אין לי האמצעים לזה, פשוט חסר לי התחבורה, אולי גם הזמנה מאיזה מקומות

ומה שכיניתי במכתב לה' כיונתי לאיזה תועלת אם יזכני השי''ת בזכות גדול בזה שיהיו דברי נשמעים
כי אהבתי אליהם בכל לב ונפש

המצפה לרחמי שמים מי ייתן מציון ישועת ישראל 
אריה לוין 
I will loosely translate the relevant parts that I bolded, and typed in red...

" The truth is that my intention was never to bad mouth anyone, especially my dear brothers that sit on Holy Land and are building Jewish homes with dedication, if the Jews (living in kibbutzim) are weak in their Jewishness, perhaps, it is not their fault ....because the entire nation are ones that err"
and "myself and others like me are at fault" 
(I guess for not reaching out to them!)

" I love them with my entire heart and soul"

Friday, May 31, 2019

8 Oz Baby Girl Meets the Shiur of the Chazon Ish

San Diego hospital announces the birth of a baby girl that is just over 8 ounces.... 
This is believed to be world's tiniest surviving baby!

Indian Holy Cow Dies Suddenly on the Streets of New Delhi

A dead cow lay respectfully covered while a guy recites "Kaddish" near the body!
This scene reflects the belief by Hindus that cows have spiritual powers. 

Rav Shmuel Eliyahu accuses spiritual leader Rav Shmuel Tal of having affairs with female followers

Rav Shmuel Eliyau
In an open letter Wednesday that blew the lid off of a hushed misconduct accusation involving a prominent spiritual leader in the national religious camp, the chief rabbi of Safed called on the public to stay away from a respected counterpart, accusing him of carrying out several inappropriate relationships with female followers, among them an adherent whom he convinced to divorce her husband.
Three weeks after the national religious Srugim news site broke a story about an unnamed yeshiva head who had been asked to resign due to “personal entanglements,” Safed’s Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu publicly identified the embroiled individual as Rabbi Shmuel Tal, the head of of the Torat HaChaim yeshiva as well as several other religious institutions in the central town of Yad Binyamin.
In his open letter referring to Tal, Eliyahu wrote: “I do not recommend that anyone learn any halacha (Jewish law) from him, nor seek any guidance from him. I do not recommend studying at his yeshiva or at his seminary for women or at his counseling academy.”
Rav Shmuel Tal

North Korea executed special envoy to US

North Korea executed its special envoy to the United States following the collapse of the second summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump, a South Korean newspaper reported Friday.
The Chosun Ilbo said Kim Hyok Chol, who laid the groundwork for the Hanoi meeting and accompanied Kim on his private train, was executed by firing squad for “betraying the supreme leader” after he was “won over to the US” during pre-summit negotiations.
“Kim Hyok Chol was executed in March at Mirim Airport along with four senior foreign ministry officials following an investigation,” the newspaper quoted an unidentified source as saying.
The other officials were not named.

Peleg Fanatics Put Cartoon In Newspaper "How Lieberman Kicked Yankie Kanievsky To The Curb"

Yisrael Meir Nachumberg 16 year old Yeshivah Boy Stabbed On His Way Back From Shachris In Old City

Dead Terrorist's Body Being Removed

One of the victims in Friday morning’s terror attack in the Old City of Jerusalem has been identified as a 16-year-old boy, who was attacked as he made his way from morning prayers at a local synagogue back to his yeshiva.

“On his way back from the Churva synagogue to the yeshiva, someone jumped him from one of the courtyards,” the victim’s father told Reshet Bet.

“The ridiculous thing is that at the beginning, the police told him to ‘Get out of here’, they didn’t understand that he was wounded. He walked to the synagogue to call for help.”

The victim had been learning overnight at his yeshiva, then went to the Churva synagogue for Shachris .
“At first he didn’t realize that he had been stabbed by a knife,” his father continued, “he thought he had been punched in the back. His brother was with him, and they started to run towards the Churva synagogue, and there they called for help.”

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Robert Mueller’s ‘final statement’ was a disgraceful mess

Special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s statement upon the shuttering of his two-year investigation into the Trump campaign was weird even by the standards of the weirdness of the past couple of years.
“Charging the president with a crime was not something we could consider,” he reported. Indeed, even pursuing that question, he added, would have been unconstitutional under long-standing Justice Department guidelines.
But then he said that if his office could have exonerated the president, it would have: “If we had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”
Granted, he said pretty much the same thing in the report he produced: “If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.”
His statement was only 8 minutes long. The report is 400 pages long. It matters what he chose to repeat from it and what he did not. He wanted the American people to hear him speak those words. He wanted to emphasize this point.