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Monday, August 13, 2018

First Female Muslim Member of Congress Celebrates Win With Anti-Israel Rants on Twitter

Democrat Rashida Tlaib, winner of her party’s primary in Michigan’s 13th congressional district, celebrated her win last week with a series of anti-Israel tweets.

Tlaib, who is Palestinian-American, will become the country’s first female Muslim member of Congress next year. She is running unopposed in November.

On Thursday, as Hamas rockets rained down on Israeli civilians, Tlaib attacked Israel indirectly on Twitter:
Tlaib followed up the next day by retweeting a supporter who declared that her “first fight was for Palestine, always Palestine.”
Tlaib is aligned with “democratic socialist” Alexandrira Ocasio-Cortez and received the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America. She is also supported by Linda Sarsour, the anti-Israel “Women’s March” organizer who recently called for “jihad” against the Trump administration.
She has come under criticism for her previous anti-Israel statements. She criticized Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), for example, for meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom Tlaib accused of “racism.” And, according to the Algemeiner, she supported Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh in her bid to fight deportation for lying to U.S. immigration officials about her past.

Sheked Orders State to Release 300,000 unpublished files on missing Yemenite children

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Sunday instructed the Israel State Archives to release some 300,000 unpublished files relating to the children of Yemenite immigrants, whose disappearance after their arrival in Israel over half a century ago has been at the center of a lingering controversy.
The Knesset Committee for Archives, chaired by Shaked, heard that the hundreds of thousands of Israel Police files have not been previously published and that their existence was apparently largely unknown.

Dr Richard Warn ... Frum Doctor's Homicide Results in 2 Other Deaths

The police investigation into the slaying of a Beachwood doctor took an unusual turn late Friday and early Saturday with a SWAT standoff that ended with two others dead.
Cleveland.com has been following the story since Thursday when the body of Dr. Richard Warn was discovered at his Beachwood home. 
In the ensuing days, police served a search warrant at a South Euclid home connected to Wren that resulted in a tense standoff with a SWAT team.
Two are now dead, and the 10-hour standoff ended with many questions still unanswered. 
Here is what we know so far. 

Dr. Warn's wife, Jane, called 911 saying that she and her family just returned from vacation and did not have a key to the house. 
Her voice shakes as she explains to dispatch that her husband was not answering repeated knocks on the door, even though his car was in the driveway.
Beachwood police arrived a few minutes later to the Brentwood Road home and discovered Dr. Warn dead inside. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

There are "no leftists in a bomb shelter"

by Mark Werner
Most Americans have never had the experience of being wakened in the middle of the night by a Tzeva Adom (“Code Red”) siren, rushing to the closest bomb shelter, and hiding in the shelter while listening for the explosion of a Palestinian missile. I recently had this experience and am writing to share it with non-Israelis.
Together with nine other Sar-el volunteers, for three weeks this summer, I was stationed on an IDF base in fairly close proximity to the Gaza Strip. Immediately after flag raising on our second day on the base, the soldier (Danielle) in charge of our team of volunteers called us together: “Now there’s no reason to be nervous, but you should know that this morning Hamas fired 28 missiles from Gaza into Israel. Iron Dome shot down most of them but five landed in Israel. Three fell in unpopulated areas, but two did not. One of the latter fell in the playground of a kindergarten, and luckily no one was hurt. Since we are not too far from Gaza, you shouldn’t worry, but I will show you now the closest bomb shelter.”

Parshat Re'eh

by Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler

– “You shall smite, yes smite, all of the inhabitants of that city by the sword…and you shall burn entirely with fire the city and all of it spoils to the Lord your God, and it shall be an everlasting desolation ); it shall not be rebuilt again” (Devarim 13: 16,17).

The Torah ordains the destruction of an entire city which has been seduced and deceived into practicing idolatry. And, although many sages of the Talmud maintain that such a situation “never was and was never created” (Talmud Sanhedrin), the harsh words nevertheless sear our souls.

What is even more difficult to understand are the concluding words of the Torahin reference to the  idolatrous and hapless city: “…[And Hashem] shall give you compassion, and He shall be compassionate towards you, and He shall cause you to increase as he has sworn to your forbearers. … This is
because you have harkened to the voice of Hashem to observe all of His commandments… to do what is righteous (hayashar) in the eyes of Hashem G-d” (13:18,19).

4-year-old Shmuel Gelis Killed by Ice Cream Truck in Monticello

Shmuel Gelis

Tragedy struck in the Catskills on Thursday evening, with the horrific news that a young child was  struck and killed by an ice cream truck in Monticello.
4-year-old Shmuel Gelis, of Toms River NJ, died at Catskill Regional Medical Center, around an hour after he was struck while riding his bike in a bungalow colony.
Catskills Hatzolah was on the scene at Birchwood Estates in Monticello, located on “Rod and Gun Club Road” just after 7:30PM, and found the child in traumatic arrest.
The Monticello Fire Department and MobileMedics responded as well, and a chopper was initially placed on standby in case it was needed. Due to his critical condition, Hatzolah Paramedics rushed him to the local hospital where doctors tried everything to save his life.
Unfortunately, he was Niftar shortly after.
An investigation is underway by the Sullivan County Sheriff Department.
Shmuel’s parents are R’ Moshe and Batsheva. Prior to moving to Toms River, they resided in Coventry Square in Lakewood.
The Levaya will take place at 10:30AM Friday morning, at the 7th Street Chapel in Lakewood. Kevurah will be in Lakewood.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

New York Post Headline: “Israeli airstrikes in Gaza Strip kill pregnant woman, her 1-year-old daughter.”

The NY Post has not noticed that Hamas began the hostilities and Israel is responding to 140 rockets in one night on its civilians, and one critically wounded woman.

Never mind that Hamas started it and accelerated it with more than 100 rockets being fired into Israel as thousands of Israelis along the Gaza border are sent running to their bomb shelters.   

That gets no mention and even the rest of the story gives it a passive voice moral equivalency twist, as in – “A flare-up of violence.”

It is no surprise that the story was picked up from the AP, never a friend, but it is a surprise that the Post carried it, with that howler of a headline, as is.

Yeshivah Student Sexually Assaults Girl on the Light Rail in Yerusahalyim

I guess he was upset that the Israeli Police No longer use Pretty Police Girls to arrest the demonstrators,  so he thought he would get his thrills by sexually abusing a girl outright!

lOn Wednesday night, police were called to the light rail station in central Jerusalem by a young woman who reported that a young man with a Yeshivash appearance  was traveling by the light rail and attacked her.
A policeman who was not on duty noticed the distress of the young woman, and immediately detained the suspect and prevented him from  getting away. A short time later, additional police officers were summoned to arrest him.
Today the suspect will be brought before the court in the police's request to extend his detention. The investigation continues in an attempt to locate additional victims.
The Israel Police said: "The police give top priority tand a prompt response to any suspicion of offenses committed against any person, which may cause severe mental suffering to the victim

MBD Concert in Netivot Cancelled Due To Hamas Rockets

Chasidic music artist Mordechai Ben-David Werdyger was forced to cancel his performance this morning in the town of Netivot.
"Following the security situation, the Home Front Command issued directives that impose restrictions on the gathering of a large crowd in an open area in Netivot, so we are forced to cancel the performance of Mordechai ben David in Netivot, which was supposed to take place today Thursday, in order to protect the residents' security.
It should be noted that the show will be postponed to another date. The Municipality emphasizes that: "For those interested, the card will be valid for the next date, but all ticket holders have the right to receive a refund."
It should be noted that the blog  "Kikar Hashabat" reported that Rabbi Shmuel Montag, a city rabbi, issued a letter against the performance. 
According to him, this is an evening that was prohibited by the "great rabbis of Israel."

Only in the Hamptons could you do ‘Shabbat on a Yacht’


Noah’s Ark has nothing on this vessel — a private yacht that will combine prayer and party for some 30 members of the Hamptons Jewish scene.
And yes, says Rabbi Berel Lerman, who’ll captain Saturday’s event at the Sag Harbor Cove Yacht Club, Shabbat on a Yacht is totally kosher. Earlier this week, the Orthodox rabbi blessed the boat and affixed a mezuzah (a box containing Hebrew scripture that’s meant to protect the home) to the vessel’s door frame.
Not that the yacht is sailing anywhere, for that would violate the laws of the Sabbath. Nevertheless, those who didn’t miss the boat are kvelling.
“The kids can’t wait,” Upper West Sider Stephen Wald, 60, says of his children, ages 6 and 10. “They said, ‘OMG — we’re going on someone’s boat.’ I tell them, ‘It’s a big boat — you can call it a yacht.’ They’re really impressed.”
The Walds and other invited guests from Sag Harbor’s Center for Jewish Life — Chabad will celebrate the end of the Sabbath, known as Havdalah, and the start of the next week. Rituals include blessing the wine, lighting a candle and smelling sweet spices.
The congregation list is a virtual who’s who of movers and shakers, many with yachts of their own — and even Jill Zarin is impressed.
“Not too many places would they have services on a yacht,” says the former “Real Housewife,” who won’t be at this ceremony. “When people are on the water, they’re looking for peace and solace, so what better physical place to pray than on the water on a yacht?”
The yacht’s owner, Jessica, agrees. She and her husband (who withheld their last name and his first name for privacy) offered the congregation their boat last year, and that inaugural Shabbat on a Yacht was such a hit, they decided to host it again.
“People said it was amazing,” says Jessica, a non-Orthodox Jew who wasn’t familiar with the Havdalah (Hebrew for “separation”) service until the rabbi explained it to her. “The whole idea … is to be spiritually elevated.”
Other members are less enthusiastic about adding water to worship.
“I’ve never been on a boat for any religious service,” says 57-year-old congregant Andrew Quentzel. “[But] I don’t think you need to be in a synagogue to pray or be in touch with God.”

Rebbitzen Chavah Sarah Feinstein Succumbs to Her Injuries

The Rebbitzen and Rosh Yeshiva were involved in a serious car accident in Staten Island two weeks ago. Both were taken to the hospital, with the Rebbitzen listed in serious condition due to internal bleeding and undergoing several procedures. The Rosh Yeshiva was bruised and has since been released from the hospital.

The Rebbitzen’s condition had appeared to be improving, but suffered a serious setback due to infection on Tuesday morning. Her condition turned critical on Wednesday evening, and she was nifter at around 9:00PM.
Rav Reuven is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Staten Island, and the youngest son of Hagaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein ZATZAL. His older brother is Hagaon HaRav David Feinstein Shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva of Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim.
 Rav Reuven was supposed to fly to Miami Beach today to attend the bris of a grandchild tomorrow morning, but his 3PM flight was cancelled – 
The Levaya is scheduled for 11:30AM Thursday morning at Yeshiva Of Staten Island, 1870 Drumgoole Road, Staten Island, NY.
Kevura will on Har Hamenuchos in Yerushalayim.

Rivka Schlesinger 14 Missing in Yerushalyim

Nu — So Israel Is not the Jewish State?

by Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer
We really live in a topsy-turvey world, at least the Jewish part.  If it were not for the fact that so much craziness emanates from Jews, it would be impossible to interpret each new craziness.  

But we somehow have become accustomed to Jewish craziness that emanates from the Left.

So we have the worst imaginable anti-Semites of the day to be found among Jews.  On college campuses in America, it is Jews from non-Orthodox homes who lead the effort on campuses to boycott Israel. J Street, funded by the Jew, George Soros, is made up of many such Jews and other Israel-haters.  Jewish Voice for Palestine. Teruah.  Bend the Arc.

It gets to the point that Israel needs to deport or deny entry to jews who come for free, via Birthright, to attack Israel. 

And then Reform rabbi Rick Jacobs, the national president of Reform Judaism’s national body, condemns Israel for denying entry to BDS villains.  It really is crazy.  

It took Bernie Sanders — a socialist Jew who honeymooned in Russia — to give legitimacy for the Democrat Party to start inching away from the historic bipartisan support for Israel that always saw both major American parties stand with Israel. Democrats, spurred by Bernie Sanders and now extending tentacles throughout the party, are moving away from Israel.  The old-timers among Democrats still stand with Israel, but they are dying, just as their and my heroes — Hubert Humphrey, Henry Jackson, Daniel Inouye — have died. 

The new generation of Democrats takes no sides on Israel: they are not pro-Israel, and they are not pro-Arab. 

 I personally know a Democrat who for years was a passionate supporter of Israel, lived there, has families in communities in Jewish-liberated Samaria (the northern section of the so-called “West Bank”). Recently, that person expressed publicly a sense that America needs to pressure Israel to leave the Jordan Valley. I was quite surprised. Even the Israeli Left knows how vital the Jordan Valley is for Israel’s security. That is why the Left established communities there.

How did this Democrat life-long supporter of Israel come to endorse a position that America should pressure Israel to leave the Jordan Valley? 

She came to this position because she found that there no longer is room in upper-tier Democrat circles for people like her who are unabashedly pro-Israel. So she changed her views. She also advocates America pressuring Israel to allow more construction materials into Gaza (like the raw materials that can build houses or, as the Gaza Hamas government prefers, can build attack tunnels for attacking Israel). And she now stands against Israel holding East Jerusalem. That is what the Democrats now are doing to the former Zionists in their inner circles. Yet most American Jews line up with them.
Jewish Leftist Craziness saw approximately 80% of American Jews vote for Obama both in 2008 and in 2012.  When he and his Secretary of State and U.N. Ambassador allowed the Security Council to pass a resolution denying Israel’s unique bond and right to United Jerusalem, that did not faze them.  Those Jews would have voted for Obama again.  Only America’s Orthodox Jews have found that they no longer can vote Democrat.

Israel, it now seems, is not immune from craziness, too.  Suddenly, tens of thousands of Jewish leftists are in Rabin Square marching against a Jewish Nation-State Bill that essentially declares Israel a Jewish country.  They complain that the law offends their sensibilities, their devotion to principles rooted in anything but Jewish principles — or reality.

So let us talk reality.

Israel sends emissaries to America, telling American Jews that they have an obligation to send their children to live in Israel, to move from America to live in Israel themselves, to buy Israel bonds, to support Israeli forests.   Now, why in the world should Jews in America buy bonds and move to a country that is not specifically a Jewish country?  Italy does not ask that of American Jews. France, Spain, Guatemala, England do not.  No one else does. 

If Israel is not specifically a Jewish country, then leave the Jews outside Israel alone. Close down the Jewish Agency, and keep Sharansky and Herzog at home. Stop getting American Jews all agitated over quadrennial World Zionist Congress elections. Leave the Jews outside Israel alone if Israel is simply a Hebrew-speaking Portugal.

Indeed, if Israel is not a specifically Jewish country, why did the people of Israel go to the trouble of reviving the Hebrew language?  

The British mandate assured easy acquisition of the best-connected and most universal vernacular language of our day, English. What is wrong with English? It is a fun language.  It has great expressions, wonderful word play. Like the pirate who sold corn for a buccaneer. Or the dentist and manicurist who married and now fight tooth and nail.  Or the ailing guy who fell into a couch at the reupholstery store and is now fully recovered. What was wrong with English? Alternatively, why not use Arabic, a lovely guttural language that already is in use in dozens of countries, half the United Nations, and is the favorite language of choice for terrorists on six continents?
Why revive Hebrew if Israel is not a uniquely and specifically Jewish country?

And a flag with a Jewish star?  What is that all about?  Why not a big Christian cross like the flags of dozens of European countries? Or Islamic symbols — or just a big beautiful sword like the Saudis?  What other country uses a Star of David on its flag, along with a white background, with two blue stripes, the colors of traditional tzitzit fringes that specifically are worn by Jewish men when they pray every morning with their tallit prayer shawls?

And if Israel is not specifically a Jewish country, what’s with that national anthem about the “Jewish soul” yearning: “the hope of two thousand years to be a free nation in our own land, the land of Zion-Jerusalem”?  Whose hope?  Have the Druze been dreaming two thousand years for a national home in Zion for the “nefesh Yehudi” — the Jewish soul — to be satisfied? Have the Arab Muslims?

Reality check:  
The Arab Muslims’ yearning and hope for the last fourteen centuries — that’s as far back as they go — has been for the Jews to disappear from the world (and to take the Christians with us).  That’s their Hatikvah — The Hope: no more Jews . . . and certainly none in the Middle East.

So of course, for goodness sakes — News Flash! — Israel is a specifically Jewish country. And if Druze and Arab Muslims in Israel want civil rights protections, there is no better protection in the world than their now knowing unequivocally that they live in a Jewish country. Israel — by Jewish definition — is kind to all strangers who recognize the country’s legitimacy and sovereignty. Jews protect all people who simply keep their hands off us. 

Thus, Arab Muslims collect the same stipends for having babies that the Jews get.  The same health care.  The same retirement pensions. They have political parties that compete freely in elections, Knesset members, judges and Supreme Court justices.  Compare that to England’s history.  That of France. Of Italy. Of Spain. Of Portugal.  They are going to hold themselves out as models for treating minorities?

 The Draggonades saw France massacre nearly a milllion Huguenots.  The British Massacres at Wexford — just the Battle of Vinegar Hill.  The Spanish Inquisition.  The Italian ghettoes.  The Portuguese Inquisition.  Better yet, how about This, Arab Muslims collect the same stipends for having babies that the Jews get.  The same health care.  The same retirement pensions. They have political parties that compete freely in elections, Knesset members, judges and Supreme Court justices.  Compare that to England’s history.  That of France. Of Italy. Of Spain. Of Portugal.  They are going to hold themselves out as models for treating minorities? The Draggonades saw France massacre nearly a milllion Huguenots.  The British Massacres at Wexford — just the Battle of Vinegar Hill.  The Spanish Inquisition.  The Italian ghettoes.  The Portuguese Inquisition.  Better yet, 

Even America — what America did to the Native Americans (the “Indians”) is beyond shameful.  The treaties upon treaties that America broke and tore up.  The people whom America force-marched on the Trail of Tears from North Carolina to Oklahoma. The thousands of subjugated Indians whom America killed, and the reservations on which America condemned their future generations. Not to mention the forced incarceration of thousands of Japanese Americans within the past century.  Not pretty — and America’s story is the finest of the bunch.

So it takes a unique dimension of dementia — see how great English can be? — for tens of thousands of Jews to congregate in opposition to declaring Israel a specifically Jewish country, with Hebrew the official language, Hatikvah the official anthem, the Jewish calendar and its holidays the official calendar. 

If Israel decides that is not a Jewish country, then stop sending emissaries to American Jews, stop encouraging aliyah, stop promoting Jewish National Fund forests and Israel Bonds, stop inviting non-Israelis to vote in the World Zionist Congress, change the national anthem to something sweet about maple leaves or about milk and honey and hummus, and just recognize Israel as a Hebrew-speaking Portugal bereft of Judaism and rich in intersectionalist multi-culturalism.
And enjoy the support of J Street and George Soros, Bend the Arc and  Teruah, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama. And when the Day of Reckoning comes, see where they stand.

Getting Ready for Kaparois

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Who Vandalized Matzivah of R' Shmuel Weider, the Late Editor of Der Blatt In KJ Cemetery At Yurzeit of Satmar Rebbe ??

A Twitter account operated by operatives of the Satmar Kiryas Yoel Kehila, tweeted that the incident was a “Hate Crime” and that the NY State Police are investigating the incident. 
The Twitter account only tweeted photos of one damaged Matzieva – that of R’ Shmuel Weider Z”L, who was an editor at The Blatt Newspaper, controlled by the Satmar Kiryas Joel faction.
It was unknown who is buried at the second Matzeiva that was damaged.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Bochrim Protesters Disappointed That Police Arresting Them Are Not Pretty Girls

"Bittul Torah" Guy Kept asking "Where are the Girls?"

Vintage Photo From Funeral of the Minchas Eluzer (Minchatcher Rebbe)1937

Notice all the women near the aron!

Susan Singer 57 Killed by Metro-North train in Westchester

The woman hit and killed by a Metro-North train on the Harlem Line in Westchester on Sunday has been identified.
Susan Singer, 57, of Ossining, was hit around 7 a.m. between the Hawthorne and Valhalla stations, said MTA officials.
Initial delays of between 30-40 minutes were down to 10-15 minutes by 8:30 a.m. Sunday. Service was back to being on or close to schedule later in the morning.
The incident is being investigated as non-criminal nor accidental in nature, MTA officials said.
It was the second time in three days a person was struck by a Metro-North train. A man was struck and killed on the New Haven Line train near the downtown Stamford station early Friday evening

The Satmar hasidim who chose to love the State of Israel

Joel grew up in a large Hassidic family in Brooklyn. He went to a "cheider" whereby children learn Talmud in Yiddish until late afternoon, at which time some secular subjects are taught, such as English and math.

Though Joel's family was not strongly anti-Zionist, the messages he received from his school and his synagogue were.

Therefore, it was rather surprising when Joel became interested in Israel. Even before his bar mitzvah, Joel searched for articles in the Yiddish newspaper about Israel, praying, for example, that the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif would not take effect. 

In the daily prayers, he noticed that there was a longing for the Land of Israel, which Joel himself began to feel.

At the age of 18, Joel came to Israel for the first time, where he discovered Zoreach, a group of hasidim similar to himself who shared a love for Israel.

Another important activity of his is visiting communities in Judea and Samaria. He tells of the reactions of his hosts when they see his hasidic garb for the first time, and the close relationships that ensue.

Tune in (above) to meet a passionate young man who follows his heart, even when his path differs from that of his family.

President Trump Ignores Satmar and Ezra Friedlander Imposes Sanctions on Iran

Guys ... remember when Satmar officially endorsed the Iran Deal?

Remember when they chastised the Agudah because the Agudah was against the deal?

Remember when Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander wrote an article defending fat Nadler because he supported the treacherous Iran Deal?

Remember when Satmar set up that foolish stooge Labin to rally against the Iran deal...

Well it looks like Trump is not consulting with these experts!

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman praised the re-imposition of US sanctions on Iran, which will begin tonight.
The defense minister wrote on his Twitter account: "Tonight, the sanctions imposed by the American administration on Iran will enter into force. In a courageous decision that will be remembered for generations, US President Donald Trump has changed direction with regard to Iran. No more agreements and obsequiousness, but a determined struggle to stop the murderous ayatollahs regime, which spreads terror, violence and hatred throughout the Middle East."

Shaked warns of ‘earthquake’ if Israel’s top court quashes nation-state law

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Sunday warned of an “earthquake” if Israel’s High Court 
of Justice struck down the widely-contested Jewish nation-state law.
In an interview with Army Radio Shaked explained that she did not believe the court had the authority to constitutionally quash the legislation given it was passed as a Basic Law.
“High Court justices are very serious and professional people,” she said. “The Knesset is the 
constituent assembly, which defines and determines the basic laws. [The justices] have to 
interpret the laws in accordance with the basic laws, and I don’t believe a majority on the 
Supreme Court would take such a step.”

Sen. Cory Booker Takes Jews For Fools ... Says He Had No Idea Sign He Held Is Linked To Pro-Palestinian Movement

 Sen. Cory Booker, seen as a likely contender for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, appears in a photo  endorsing a slogan of the pro-Palestinian movement.
A Booker spokesman told JTA the senator had no idea the sign had anything to do with Israel.
Booker, a New Jersey Democrat who is known for his "closeness" to the Jewish community, is seen posing while holding a sign reading “From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go” and depicting a crumbling brick wall. The slogan was coined by the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, which posted the photo Friday on Twitter.

Bein Hazmanim Tragedies Resulting from Bitul Torah: HaRav Shlomo Amar:

Being Grabbed by Pretty Girls, another "Bein Hazmanim" activity

Jerusalem Sephardic Chief Rabbi HaRav Shlomo Moshe Amar responded to the growing number of tragedies impacting the chareidi tzibur during this bein hazmanim R”L.
The rav warns that the tragedies are occurring as a result of the bitul Torah that accompanies bein hazmanim.
“As a rule, during these days, ‘bein hazmanim’, unfortunately, there are many tragedies because there is a great deal of bitul Torah. This is not a simple matter. There is so much bitul Torah. This is most serious and as if the bitul Torah was not enough, it leads to many aveiros” Rav Amar stated.
The rav calls on bnei Torah, “So much care should be taken when one heads out, even if the intentions are good – in order for a person to rest and relax, and one must take great care all the time, all the more so during bein hazmanim”.
This morning, the shocking data revealed that five people were killed and 23 injured in a series of disasters, ranging from children to road accidents or the dangers of hiking.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Yeshivah Boys Now Protesting So They Can Have Girls Touch Them

שלשה אוחזים בטלת 
Yeshivah Boys have raging hormones just like the public school kids, so the gemmarah kups ..  found a great way to get their jollies off.... by protesting ....... knowing full well that the pretty police officers will run to grab them.

Anyone have a nice shidduch for this pervert???
This "bein hazmanim" business is a very bad idea ...
I thought that Torah was a full time profession.... I guess not!

Hat tip: Sam Kay

"Feigelach" Harass, Threaten, Rabbi Who Dared Criticize LGBT Parade

Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu

Following the publication of an article by Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, son of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and the chairman of Israel’s Association of Community Rabbis, against the LGBT community, he and his family have been the victims of a daily campaign of harassment and threats.
“Since I published the article on the Internet, my family has been the subject of intense attacks,” Rabbi Eliyahu said.
“It means ordering services to the house, people who call all the time, we have reached the point where my children simply disconnected the phone,” he added.
According to Rabbi Eliyahu, this is part of a retaliatory action by members of the LGBT community, who published his phone number online.
Apart from the phone harassment, Rabbi Eliyahu and his family are also exposed to threats on the Internet, including shocking wishes and slander.
“People write about my children all kinds of very unpleasant things,” he said. “It’s a very difficult feeling that you can’t say what you think without experiencing this kind of intense attack,” he explained.
Rabbi Eliyahu, who chose to speak publicly against the LGBT community’s struggle to extend the coverage of the Surrogacy Law to male homosexual couples, resented the brutal censorship he experienced. “It is inconceivable that in the State of Israel only one type of person is allowed to speak, and they are considered moral, while anyone who wants to protest their position cannot do so.”
Rabbi Eliyahu complained that “there are those who are permitted to trade in people, to trade in children, to trade in women, to create for themselves a child, and anyone who wants to express the Torah’s contrary position cannot.”
“It is reminiscent of the time of the Gaza disengagement, the time of Oslo, when the media align themselves with one position, and anyone who thinks otherwise it becomes a murderer, an inciter, and a danger to the democracy,” he said, adding, “It’s a shame that the media are aligned with this one position, and does not allow a large part of the nation to express their position.”
Rabbi Eliyahu urged “rabbis, intellectuals, people of Torah, to write, to express themselves, to show up.”
The Association of Community Rabbis in Israel has launched a new initiative for Rabbis, educators, and anyone who wishes that his Torah to be submitted properly, pass the screen and reach an audience.
The group issued an invitation to all of the above, saying: “We aspire to deliver Jewish information to human hearts all over the world, and we begin with you, on the 28th of Av (August 9), at a Spirituality and Media conference which will train people of Torah in the arts of writing, speaking and television.”

Does Trump's 'ultimate deal' reject PLO propaganda?

President Trump’s as-yet unannounced “ultimate deal” to resolve the Arab-Jewish conflict has received a setback following Saudi Arabia’s King Salman reassuring Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas that Saudi Arabia would oppose any Trump peace plan that did not accept the PLO stance on East Jerusalem becoming the capital of an independent Palestinian Arab state.

The PLO claim to East Jerusalem is based on its own propaganda and that of the United Nations which claims East Jerusalem to be “occupied territory”.