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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Sigheter Goyim Deface Eli Weisel's Childhood Home

The childhood home of late Nobel Prize-winning author and Holocaust survivor Elie Weisel was vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti overnight Friday, police in the Romanian town of Sighet told local media.
A police spokesperson on Saturday said an investigation into the vandalism had been opened immediately, and police were combing security camera footage from a nearby building in an effort to identify the perpetrators.
Some of the graffiti included slurs against Wiesel, calling him a “Jewish Nazi” who was “in hell with Hitler,” and an “anti-Semitic pedophile.” There was also a reference to Germany’s Angela Merkel, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and US President Donald Trump.
Wiesel’s pre-World War II home was converted into a Holocaust education center in 2014 in memory of the 13,000 local Jews who were deported to Auschwitz, where most were killed.
In 2014, when it was inaugurated the “Holocaust Cellar,” Weisel said he was “deeply honored” his home would be a place where the local Romanian population could learn about the Holocaust.
“The opening of the Holocaust Cellar supports my life’s efforts to ensure that humanity never forgets the evil that took place there and throughout Europe,” he wrote.
In a press statement cited by the Romanian news site Realitatea.net, the Israeli embassy expressed its “dismay” over the incident, condemning “this unprecedented anti-Semitic act” and expressing its hope that the perpetrators would quickly be brought o justice.
The news site also said the embassy thanked the police and local authorities for promptly removing the graffiti.
A group of Romanian high school students waiting outside Elie Wiesel’s childhood home to take a tour of the now Holocaust museum, Monday, September 11, 2017. (Yaakov Schwartz/Times of Israel)
In 1944, When Wiesel was 15, he and his family, along with the rest of the Jews in the Sighet area, were rounded up and forced into ghettos. Several months later, 131,639 of them were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and most were exterminated.
In total, between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian and Ukrainian Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in territories under Romanian control during World War II.
Wiesel, who was considered “the world’s leading spokesman on the Holocaust,” is remembered for his life’s work in keeping alive the memory of the genocide that killed six million Jews during World War II.

Your almond milk might be tainted with actual milk

Health nuts, back away from your smoothies.
The Food and Drug Administration recently announced a recall of dairy-free Blue Diamond Almond Breeze almond milk over reports of contamination with . . . actual milk.
The popular dairy-free brand, produced by HP Hood LLC — a New England-based dairy — will pull more than 145,000 half-gallon cartons of their refrigerated vanilla variety from stores and wholesalers in 28 states, including New Jersey, NJ.com reports. The recall applies to Vanilla Almond Breeze with a use-by date of September 2, 2018.
In a press release, a representative from the FDA says, “People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.”
According to the FDA, there has been one reported instance of an allergic reaction, though medical attention was not necessary.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Yona Weinberg .... Where Are You???????????????

Parshat Ekev ...

by Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler

In analyzing the Book of Devarim, it is the generally accepted
practice to divide the book into three sections, one for each of Moses’ major speeches. In his first speech, which ends at the beginning of Parshat Va’etchanan, Moses recounts the history of the Israelites’ wanderings in the desert.

In the second speech – which is included in this week’s Parasha, Ekev – Moses discusses the commandments, which he continuously exhorts us to uphold.

He does not suffice with a passing mention of the commandments, but instead emphasizes why it is so important for the nation to preserve this system. He talks about how the nation was given manna to eat during the years they spent in the desert, and describes how difficult
it was for the nation, which had no guarantee that food would be provided.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Satmar leadership enraged after girls visit IDF museum

Leaders of the anti-Zionist Satmar Chassidic sect were enraged after an Israeli Satmar girls summer camp were spotted visiting an IDF museum, Behadrei Haredim reports.

The Armored Corps Museum in Latrun, near Modiin, is built on the site of a famous battle during the War for Independence in 1948 and memorializes Israel's tank corps. 

Early this week, photos surfaced of hundreds of Chassidic girls enjoying a field trip at the site, which caused widespread condemnation throughout the anti-Israel community.

Satmar, known as one of the most dogmatically anti-Zionist Chassidic sects, refuses to recognize the State of Israel and calls on members living in Israel not to vote in national elections, even for Charedi parties and not to accept any funding from the state, including National Insurance payments (Even though each of their children get monthly stipends from the "accursed"  Zionists that deposit monthly NIS into each child's personal bank account, and they themselves enjoy benefits  that amount to thousands of NIS per year.)

Following an outcry from followers in both Israel and the United States, the Satmar leadership in Israel released a statement apologizing for the visit and came up with some lame explanation that the girls had entered the tank museum because it was the only way to get to the nearby Latrun Park.

"When the students with the buses arrived there, they were not allowed to enter through there, but were brought down through the entrance of the impure army museum near the park," read the response.

"As soon as the teachers noticed that the place was not suitable for the students of our institutions, the teachers tried to take the students out of the park's entrance through the entrance of the park, which would not pass through the museum of the impure army."

The letter stressed that "the next day, camp administrators published a special announcement to all the students who were at the army museum telling them it was a mistake and done unknowingly"

The Pope Changes His "torah"

Pope Francis on Thursday changed the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching to declare that the death penalty can never be sanctioned because it “attacks” the inherent dignity of all humans.
The Vatican said the pontiff changed the Catechism of the Catholic Church — the compilation of official Catholic teaching.
Previously, the catechism said the church didn’t exclude the use of capital punishment “if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.”
The new teaching says that policy is outdated and that there are other ways to protect society — “consequently the church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person, and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.”
The new provision is expected to face stiff opposition from Catholics in countries such as the US, where many support the death penalty.
The 1.2 billion-member Catholic Church allowed capital punishment in extreme cases for centuries, but the position began to change under Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005
DIN: The Vatican also had no problem with having Jews killed throughout the centuries!

Eat This Naftali Moster "Companies Hiring People Without Degrees or Education or even Skills!

So this "Moster" guy is on a crusade to sue Yeshivois because they are failing to teach their students the English curriculum mandated by New York State.... 

I am all for education, especially the basics, English Language and grammar, Math and History, but Naftali Moster is an uneducated ignorant fool himself, and will never get anywhere because his goal is not "lishmah" but has his own agenda...

According to the article below printed in yesterday's Wall Street Journal, Chassidim educated in Yeshivois will have no problem finding lucrative positions in the corporate world even without any degree or skills. 
By the way, The new York Public Schools graduates are less educated than Yeshivah graduates...

Americans looking to land a first job or break into a dream career face their best odds of success in years.
Employers say they are abandoning preferences for college degrees and specific skill sets to speed up hiring and broaden the pool of job candidates. Many companies added requirements to job postings after the recession, when millions were out of work and human-resources departments were stacked with résumés.

Yael Basis Mother of Four Killed In Car Accident In France

An Israeli woman, Yael Basis, was killed on Wednesday in a car accident in Val Thorens, France.
Yael suffered critical injuries in the accident and later died of her injuries. Seven other Israeli civilians, including two of her children, were lightly injured. The injured were evacuated for medical treatment at the hospital near the site of the incident.
The Israeli Consul in Paris, Uri David, and the Department for Israelis Abroad in Ministry of Foreign Affairs assisted in transferring the deceased to Israel for burial and monitor the conditions of the wounded. The ZAKA International Unit is working in conjunction with the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s situation room in order to obtain a waiver for an autopsy and bring the body for burial in Israel as soon as possible.
Yehuda Shapira, a ZAKA volunteer who was at the scene of the accident, said, “This is a very dangerous road. I was travelling on the road and I saw the accident while driving. I immediately stopped to provide first aid. One passenger was unconscious and other passengers were evacuated to the hospital in various conditions.”
Mrs. Basis is survived by four children.

Mike Huckabee Says He May Buy Home in Israeli Settlement

Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has symbolically taken part in the building of an Israeli settlement in Yehudah.
The former governor of Arkansas, an evangelical Christian, laid bricks and spread cement Wednesday in a new neighborhood in Efrat. He says he may one day “purchase a holiday home” there.
Huckabee, whose daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the White House press secretary, says he’s sure President Donald Trump would have been pleased to join him, “because he is a builder and he loves to see construction sites.”

Belzer Rebbitzen Dances Mitzvah Tantz

The "Mitzvah Tantz" is usually the last dance at Chassidic Weddings, and the minhag is that close family like the father of the bride, her brothers, grandfather, and the Holy Rebbe 
dance with the Kallah with a gartel

This dance has never ever allowed other
 women to dance the Mitzvah Dance since its in front of other men and is not in the realm of tzneeis
See the above video where the Badchan calls her to dance the Mitzvah Tantz in front of the entire world
Just  a note .... I think that the Belzer Rebbettzin is a role model and an "isha tzeidkis"

Zionist Bus Company Returns Lost NIS 43,000 to Beit Shemesh Resident

A resident of Beit Shemesh lost an envelope containing NIS 43,000 on his bus ride, which he intended to deposit in his parents’ bank account. With the assistance of the Egged company, the envelope was located and passed back to him.
Meir traveled from home to Jerusalem on the Egged 418 line with the envelope with the money he planned to lend to his parents to help them renovate their home. But on the way to the bank branch he discovered that the envelope was gone.

Update From Yosef Shidler About Lakewood Yeshivas Not Accepting Children

DIN: This article was submitted by the author on Tuesday afternoon, and since that time, a Lakewood school has reached out to him to offer to accept his child into their school.
Having been overwhelmed by the public show of support that my wife and I received after sharing the story of our failed attempts to get our daughter into school, I feel compelled to express our gratitude to the many people who contacted us to let us know that they are there for us as we face this challenge, with far too many sharing that they were in the same boat. I wish I could tell you that our daughter has been accepted by a Lakewood school in the past week, but sadly that isn’t the case. One school offered to accept my child, if I was willing to retract my letter and apologize.

14-Year-Old Chareidi Boy R”L Killed After Jumping Off Bridge Into Jordan River

A 14-year-old Charedi boy, who was vacationing with his family near the kibbutz of Degania Aleph, some 10 kilometers south of Tevaria, jumped off of a bridge and into the Jordan river and hit his head. The boy suffered severe head trauma and lost consciousness immediately.
Bystanders who were in the area, together with the boy’s family members, pulled the boy from the water and onto the beach and alerted emergency response teams. United Hatzalah volunteers and Magen David Adom personnel arrived and began performing CPR on the boy in an attempt to stabilize him. He was originally in critical condition as the EMS responders treated him. Following an elongated CPR attempt at the beach, it was decided to transport the boy to Ziv Medical Center while still undergoing CPR. An MDA medical helicopter was called and airlifted the boy to the Medical Center where doctors in the trauma center were able to revive the boy to the point where his pulse returned. Treatment continued while he was still classified as being in critical condition.
United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yair Nachum was one of the first responders at the scene and said following the incident: “When I arrived at the scene I saw bystanders performing CPR on the boy while they were receiving instructions over the phone from United Hatzalah’s dispatcher. With the assistance of a paramedic from United Hatzalah and other first responders, we performed CPR on the boy for a lengthy period of time, following which he was transported to the hospital in critical condition.”
Later on in the evening, a Spokesperson for the Ziv Medical Center announced that all efforts had failed and that the boy passed away in spite of every effort by the medical staff to save his life. The boy’s parents and siblings were with him when he died and the social worker of the hospital was assisting them.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Driver killed On Gowanus after bouncing tire crashes through windshield

A civilian member of the NYPD died in a freak accident when his car was struck by a tire flung from a private sanitation truck Wednesday morning, police and sources said

The 64-year-old man was driving a Chevy in the eastbound lane of the Gowanus Expressway in Brooklyn around 6:30 a.m. while the sanitation truck was traveling in the opposite direction.
Suddenly the truck’s tire came loose and flew from the westbound lane into the windshield of the man’s SUV, prompting him to crash into a roadway barrier near Third Avenue, police said.
At the time, the victim was traveling to police headquarters in lower Manhattan, where he worked as a steamfitter for the NYPD, police sources told the Post.
He was rushed to Lutheran Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Details about the sanitation company and the truck driver were not immediately available.

Hilarious: ICE Official Has To Explain To Democrat Senator That Illegal Aliens Break The Law

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official had to explain to a Democrat senator during a hearing on Tuesday that illegal aliens are illegal aliens because they have broken federal immigration laws.
After continuing to struggle grasping the basic concept that illegal aliens have broken U.S. immigration laws, Hirono said she was "confused."

Two Yeshivah Students Rescued After Drifting 5 km In Lake Kinneret And Unable To Return!

"So where are your Tzzizit?"

A near disaster occurred today (Wednesday) in the heart of the Sea of ​​Galilee when two yeshiva students, residents of Jerusalem, were swept away in a rubber boat more than five kilometers from the coast without being able to return and  without a means of rescue.
The initial report to the police was received at 8:00 am on a beach in the Sea of ​​Galilee in Kinneret, which caught sight of the two young men as they drifted on the boat, far from the shoreline and unable to return.
Police officers from the Sea of ​​Galilee were dispatched to the site and began searching for the two youths using technological means. Shortly afterwards, the two were located about 5.5 kilometers from the shoreline, when they had no means of rescue and tried unsuccessfully to venture ashore
The two yeshiva students, in their 20s, were rescued by the police and the police indicate that they were in mortal danger. The naval police officers transferred the two to safety.
According to the police, the two went into the rubber boat from Cholon beach, which is a unregulated. Winds then swept them to the heart of the lake, they were  unable to row back and had to be rescued!

Serious Car Accident In Northern Israel Leaves Chareidi Family With Critical Injuries

A head on collision in the northern Golan Heights took place in Israel on Tuesday between a van that a Chareidi family was traveling in and a U.N. Jeep. Six members of the Charedi family were injured and two women in the U.N. jeep were injured as well. Among the family, two children were seriously injured, the parents and two other children were moderately injured. The women in the jeep were lightly injured.
The accident took place on Highway 978 near Moshav Sha’al. United Hatzalah volunteers together with Magen David Adom paramedics and medical staff from the IDF treated the eight injured people at the scene.
An MDA helicopter evacuated the seriously injured 14-year-old boy and the moderately injued 5-year-old boy who both suffered severe head trauma to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa. The 14-year-old was sedated and hooked up to a breathing machine. He was set to undergo a CT scan shortly after the accident occurred.
The rest of the family was transported by ambulance to the Ziv Medical Center in Tzefat. The other children ranged in age from 1-year-old to 15-years old. A representative from the medical center said that all of the patients will undergo full examinations to determine whether or not they need CT scans.
The women who were injured in the U.N. jeep, both foreigners, were also transported to Ziv Medical Center where they are being treated for their injuries.
Please say Tehillim for Chana Devora bas Miriam; Yehuda ben Miriam; Henya bas Miriam; Rivka bas Miriam.

Lakewood Follies (In Yiddish)

House Speaker Paul Ryan shocked and proud to learn he's part Jewish

Oy vey!
House Speaker Paul Ryan nearly plotzed recently when he found out that he has Jewish roots, but said he’s kvelling over the news.

The conservative Wisconsin Republican made the discovery through the PBS show “Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates Jr.”
Gates’ show traced Ryan’s heritage back to his 10th great-grandfather who was born in Germany in 1531. Tests show Ryan is 3 percent Ashkenazi Jewish, according to the college professor.

"You could have knocked him over with a feather and then he was very proud of it," Gates said. "We don't know who that Jewish person was, but we know it was on his mother's German line, which makes sense. 
So somebody who was a Christian German slept with a Jewish German person and that's where that came from."

Malky Wigder Wants Pesach Krohn to Stop Ari Scharf From Molesting Jewish Girls

Vaccine-refusing Orthodox community drove outbreak that cost $395K, sickened babies

A 2013 measles outbreak rooted in a vaccine-refusing community in Brooklyn, New York cost the city’s health department an estimated $394,448 [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2688781], requiring 87 employees to collectively spend more than 10,000 hours on outbreak response and control, according to an analysis published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.

Dascalowitz commits sex offense one day after being released

On July 19th, Meir Dascalowitz completed a four month prison sentence for violating the terms of his parole in March. 

The day after his release, Dascalowitz again violated the terms of his parole by entering a men’s mikva in Monsey where he began performing a sexual act in front of a young man. 

Dascalowitz has been re-arrested and a hearing is being scheduled in the coming weeks.

If you or someone you know was hurt by this man, please contact your local police. If you are in need of support or assistance with reporting, please contact JCW.
See Dascalowitz’s Wall of Shame listing here:  https://www.jewishcommunitywatch.org/wall-of-shame/meir-dascolowitz/

Children of the Holocaust Meet In New Jersey

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


The High Court of Justice ruled Tuesday that Agudat Yisrael, one of the Ashkenazi haredi (ultra-Orthodox) parties that make up United Torah Judaism, must let women run for Knesset and for city councils.

In a ruling of five judges, the court ruled that Agudat Yisrael must remove a clause in its party charter preventing women from being members of the party. The judges told the party's representatives to go back to its Council of Torah Sages and change the rule by September 2, three weeks ahead of the deadline for mayoral and city council candidates to announce their candidacy in the October 30 municipal races.

"This is an important step on the historic path on the way to integrating women in politics and preventing all parties from submitting lists that do not include women," said Michal Chernovitski, an activist for haredi women who heads an organization called Ear Ve'em (City and Mother).

A representative of the state told the court that the party's rules were discriminatory but nevertheless advised the court to follow a legal opinion of Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit and refrain from getting involved in UTJ's internal decision.

Agudat Yisrael's lawyers said preventing women from running was not a matter of Jewish law but of haredi culture and values and showing respect for women. 

Meanwhile, in a blow to the prospective candidacy of Agudat Yisrael's Yossi Daitch for mayor of Jerusalem, Jerusalem city councilman Yitzhak Pindrus of Degel Hatorah, the other party that makes up United Torah Judaism, said it was unlikely Degel would endorse Daitch. 

"We cannot back a candidate who has no chance of winning," Pindrus told the haredi weekly newspaper Shaharit. "It is hard for me to believe that there is a haredi candidate who can win."


Israel released Ahed Tamimi full of health and without a scratch,” wrote Syrian activist and photographer Yasser Wardh, contrasting her leaving prison “while thousands of Palestinians are killed in prisons of the Assad regime.”

Nedal al-Amari, a journalist from Deraa, also contrasted the brutality of the Syrian regime with Tamimi’s treatment. “The difference between Israel and Bashar al-Assad. Ahed Tamimi lucky girl because it was in Israel’s prisons, not Assad’s prisons.”

Dozens of similar tweets in Arabic mentioned her alleged “9 kilos” weight gain. “She was not tortured. She was not raped. Her weight increased by nearly 9 kilos. Her hair and face are more beautiful,” wrote Mahdi Majeed.

Iman Kais, who has 100,000 followers on Twitter, also contrasted Tamimi’s experience with Arab prisons. “She says she learned to love life, whereas those imprisoned in our Arab countries can reach a stage where they wish their mother didn’t give birth to them.”

Many tweeted photos of Tamimi next to a dead Syrian woman, trying to draw attention to the difference. “If people in Deraa and the south were detained by the Zionist occupation and they come out 9 kilos more, instead of arrested by the Assad occupation every day a list of the souls of the martyrs, more than 3,000 now,” one wrote. This was a reference to the thousands of names of those murdered in Assad’s prisons. The regime has recently released lists of those who have disappeared or been killed in the last seven years, many of whom died in prison.

Dr. Edy Cohen of Bar-Ilan University, an expert in inter-Arab relations, also wrote on Facebook on July 29 that Tamimi’s weight had increased 9 kilos in prison. “I wish Arab countries to release their detainees and see their situation reach the health of Tamimi,” he noted in Arabic. He shared an Arabic post that originated on a Facebook page with 51,000 followers that is related to Kurdish-Israel relations. The page fueled a debate about why the region’s media was focused on Tamimi rather than suffering in other countries.

Only Fake Jews Are Afraid of a Jewish State

{Originally posted to the Sultan Knish website}

The Palestinian Authority’s basic law and draft constitution states that “Palestine” is an “Arab” entity, that “Islam is the official religion”, that “Islamic Sharia” is the basis for its law and Arabic is its official language. Unlike Israel’s nation-state bill which defines the Jewish State as Jewish, there’s been no criticism of this PLO document. And the media has not labeled it as divisive or controversial.

The constitution of neighboring Jordan states, “Islam is the religion of the State and Arabic is its official language.” “The people of Syria are part of the Arab nation,” Syria’s constitution declares. “The religion of the President of the Republic is Islam; Islamic jurisprudence shall be a major source of legislation”. That means Syria may only be ruled by a Muslim. “The official language of the state is Arabic.”
Egypt’s constitution declares it to be an “Arab Republic” and “part of the Muslim world”. You will not be surprised to learn that, “Islam is the religion of the state and Arabic is its official language. The principles of Islamic Sharia are the principle source of legislation.” These same statements, with minor variations, hold true for most of the Muslim countries in the region, and excluding Arabic, throughout the world.
All of Israel’s Arab Muslim neighbors very clearly define their countries as Arab and Muslim. Their religion is Islam, their identity Arabic, variations of the same document declare, their language is Arabic.
These assertions of Arab and Muslim national identity are not criticized by the same gaggle of organizations, governments and reporters tearing their hair out over Israel’s nation-state bill.

"Alteh Kotchkeh" 85-year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants five more years – at least

Supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg called herself a “flaming feminist” on Sunday, and said she plans to spend “at least another five years” on the bench.
Ginsburg, 85, was speaking a little more than a month after the announcement of the retirement of another conservative justice, Anthony Kennedy. Trump has nominated Brett Kavanaugh to replace him, aiming to push the court right for decades.

Rabbanit Hadas “Dasi” Fruchter Will Open Her Own Shul in Phili

Rabbanit Hadas “Dasi” Fruchter
Taking on positions as clergy in a tradition where women have never been clergy before, they have adopted a variety of titles. Some call themselves rosh kehilah, meaning “head of the community.” Some go by maharatRabbanitRabba. And even rabbi.
That’s right. There are female rabbis now in Orthodox Judaism.
On Saturday, Rabbanit Hadas “Dasi” Fruchter, who has been an assistant clergy member on the staff of Beth Sholom Congregation in Potomac, announced she would move to Philadelphia to found her own Orthodox synagogue there. She is opening the new congregation with a grant from a new nonprofit established to seed female-friendly Orthodox synagogues, a sign of the rapidly growing institutional support for women in Orthodox leadership.
“I am blessed and so excited to be able to do what I was made to do. It used to be not an option for me,” Fruchter said this week. Once she dreamed as a teenager of marrying a rabbi, because she didn’t think she could ever be one. Now, in her office, she has two certificates of rabbinic ordination, hanging across from each other: her own, and her grandfather’s, from when he became an Orthodox rabbi in 1940. “I think about this amazing thing, that I am able to do what he did.”

Zionist State of Israel Will fund ultra-Orthodox tech entrepreneurs

Israel’s Innovation Authority, in charge of setting out the nation’s technology policies and funding startups in their earliest stages, said it was expanding its support for ultra-Orthodox tech entrepreneurs, to make it easier for them to access funding and integrate into Israel’s booming tech scene.
A statement from the Ministry of Economy and Industry said that under the revised terms of a program that has been in force since 2014, technology enterprises at least 33 percent-owned by ultra-Orthodox entrepreneurs will be eligible for funding for two years: 75% of their R&D expenses for the first year and 70% for the second. The original program only provided funding for one year.
These startups will also be eligible for grants of NIS 2.5 million ($682,000) in the first year and of up to NIS 4.5 million in the second year. The program originally granted NIS 2.3 million in the first year alone.
In addition, the startups will be taught how to “maximize resources and company success,” the statement said. This includes increasing their exposure to Israel’s tech environment and getting entrepreneurial training, and the possibility of using some of their grant money for business or marketing consulting.
Since the program to help integrate ultra-Orthodox populations into the tech sectors started, the authority has paid out some NIS 25 million in grants to entrepreneurs, the statement said.

Feiglin's soldier son, booted from combat position for calling to refuse orders that endanger soldiers during riots

Zehut party chairman and former MK Moshe Feiglin gave full backing to his son Avi, a soldier in the Kfir Brigade who uploaded a Facebook post calling to refuse orders that place soldiers’ lives in danger so as to minimize harm to Arab rioters. Following the post, Avi was tried and dismissed from his combat position.

"My son Avi received 10 days conditional imprisonment and was removed from combat duties, but I want to tell you that he is doing the greatest fighting that is required today," Feiglin said in a response. "What he did in the last 24 or 48 hours, is the real fighting for the lives of our soldiers, for the lives of our next recruits."

"Most of those killed in the IDF in recent years were killed on the altar of a baseless ideology of sacrificing the lives of our soldiers for the benefit of a hostile population," Feiglin said. "This must stop. Avi understood this, Avi called it out. The amount of support he is receiving from all sides is simply amazing. I am convinced that many will follow after him, and together they will establish a clear, moral red line. They will return the IDF to us, to the people and its values, and we will not find ourselves repeatedly sacrificing our sons, our soldiers, for the welfare of a hostile population. "

Yesterday, it was reported that Avi Feiglin was dismissed from his duties as a combat soldier in the Kfir brigade following his Facebook post over the weekend.

In the post, Avi related how, several months ago during a brigade educational evening, a ‘Charuv’ battalion commander from the brigade had spoken about an operational “success” over which he had commanded during the period of Operation Protective Edge, near the community of Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion.