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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Chareidi animals use Concentration Camp Uniforms to protest "Other JEWS"

The Nazis are known as the most vile and loathsome evil of living memory. It is thus particularly appalling when, to make a point, Jews apply this imagery to other people, let alone to other Jews.

Protesting the IDF draft toward Yeshiva students is one thing, but using Nazi imagery to make the point is not only a violation of sensibilities, but, in all probability, a violation of halacha as well. 

The fact that this was done a second time recently, and in front of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe yet a second time, makes it necessary to voice how appalling it is.
There are no less than three issues as to how very wrong this is.

When a holocaust survivor sees these horrible pictures of children in concentration camp uniforms, it is a very serious violation of Onaah. It causes the survivor pain and anguish. This is a violation of the verse in Vayikra, “velo sonu Ish es amiso – (VaYikra 25:17).”
The Mitzvah is generally called “Onaas Dvarim” or just plain “Onaah.”The Sfas Emes explains that the main reason behind this Mitzvah is so that we will all have a sense of complete oneness as a people. Causing another pain was prohibited because it causes division within us as a people. This is Onaah to the thousands of survivors.

The second issue is the fact that it truly debases the memories of the Kedoshim killed al kidush Hashem in the concentration camps of the Nazis yimach sh’mam. It cheapens the deaths of those that have passed on in the holocaust – the shochenei afar.
Those who perished in the holocaust are considered kedoshim martyrs. They died al Kiddush Hashem – because they were part of Hashem’s nation. Debasing their memory is a horrific aveirah.
The third issue is the fact that the use of such imagery essentially places the label of “Nazi” on fellow Jews. The Gemorah in Kiddushin (28a) discusses the vile nature of three things:
• Calling someone an “eved.”
• Labelling another with the term “Mamzer.”
• Someone who labels another with the term “Rasha.”

Here, with the labelling of fellow Jews as the most evil of Rashaim that there are – a new boundary has been crossed far beyond the discussion in the Gemorah.
Some explain this that for such a person it is permitted to a] hate him b] enter into competition with his business and c] reduce his income by 1/3rd (see Rashi).
Furthermore, one who applies to another a negative appellation is counted among those who go down to Gehenam and do not arise (See Bava Metziah 58b).
Everyone is entitled to their own views. But we must exercise extreme caution to make sure that when making a point, Torah violations should not be stepped upon. The use of this imagery is in horrible taste and underscores a terrible insensitivity both to halacha and to others.
Those who are responsible for this should apologize for these three violations and look to protest in some other way.
The author can be reached at yairhoffman2@gmail.com

Eyewitness Shimon Vaknin Describes the Tel Aviv Stabbing Attack Which Left Two Murdered

Eyewitness Shimon Vaknin was among the 15-20 people taking part in the mincha minyan in the Panorama Building in Tel Aviv when the stabbing attack occurred, shortly before 14:00 today.

He explains “I arrived in the building for a meeting. The person I was meeting with told me ‘we made it in time for mincha’ and I too davened. 

“There were between 15-20 people. During Shmona Esrei a Jewish man stumbled, full of blood, falling on some of us”.

He was the first victim and then the others B”H realized quickly what was taking place and they tried to get the attacker, albeit without success.

Vaknin adds “I have a weapon and ran out after the terrorist who fled”. It appears he then ran to a lower floor and stabbed others. 

Vaknin adds the mispallalim were working on stopping the bleeding from the victim, who was bleeding profusely and a tourniquet was applied in an effort to stop his bleeding.

Ichilov Hospital has since reported R”L a second victim has died of his injuries. A third victim of the attack is in Ichilov, listed in moderate condition.

The area of the first attack was a foyer to a small shul used for daily mincha minyan. One can see in the photo, the blood on the ground outside a small shul as crime scene technicians work the scene in an effort to piece together the order of events and gather evidence.

There is no explanation given at this time for what appears to be a black body bag since police reported the terrorist is alive, not killed. Zaka uses black bags for terrorists and white body bags with a Zaka logo for victims.

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Stabbed as they prayed: Two killed in Tel Aviv terror attack

First Publish: 11/19/2015, 2:15 PM / Last Update: 11/19/2015, 1:07 PM

Scene of Tel Aviv stabbing
Scene of Tel Aviv stabbing
Yoni Kempinski
Two people have been killed and one other person was injured in a stabbing attack at a synagogue in south Tel Aviv.
 Aharon Yisayev HY"D,(right) 32 from Holon and Reuven Viram HY"D, 51(left),

The injured victim, a man in his 50s, is in moderate condition. He was treated at the scene by Magen David Adom paramedics before being evacuated to Ichilov hospital.

The Arab terrorist who carried out the attack was tackled and held by a civilian until police arrived to arrest him. The terrorist sustained light injuries in the course of being captured.

The attack took place at a synagogue in the Panorama building along Ben Tzvi Street in southern Tel Aviv, as afternoon prayers were being conducted.

Security forces scrambled to the scene initially responded to reports of a possible second terrorist by conducting a sweep of the area, but have confirmed that at this point those claims appear to have been mistaken.

MDA paramedics Moshe Danenberg and Younis Niniv recounted the disturbing scene they encountered.
"The sight was difficult. At the entrance to one of the businesses in the building a 32-year-old man was lying (on the ground) unconscious, without a pulse and not breathing, after suffering from stab wounds to his upper body.

"Close to him lay a 30-year-old man with stab wounds to his upper body, and a floor below we located an additional casualty, a man of about 50, fully conscious.

"We quickly provided them with first aid at the scene and immediately evacuated them to Ichilov hospital."

Pictures credit: Yoni Kempinski
Deputy Defense Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan responded to the attack shortly afterwards, noting that it took place just a day after the first anniversary of the bloody terrorist attack at a Jerusalem synagogue which killed five people.

"Just yesterday we marked one year since the despicable massacre at a synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem, a year in which terror has hit us without mercy - and now another despicable attack has occurred, this time at a synagogue in Tel Aviv," Ben-Dahan said.

"Terror is terror, and it doesn't matter where it occurs," he continued, hinting at the recent terrorist attacks in Europe. In Israel's case "its roots are the incitement from the Palestinian leadership which encourages (violence).

Only by continuing to act with a firm hand against terrorists and their supporters could Israel hope to combat the ongoing wave of terrorism, he added.
"Only destroying the homes of the terrorists swiftly after an attack and expelling their families will deter the next perpetrator."

The Tel Aviv attack follows two other thwarted stabbings earlier Monday.

In Hevron, an Arab teen was arrested by soldiers close to the Cave of the Patriarchs, after he approached them with a concealed knife.

Earlier in Gush Etzion, just north of Hevron, three Arab women were detained after attempting to infiltrate an army base armed with knives.
No Israelis were injured in either of those incidents.


Obama Mocks Republicans for Fearing 3-Year-Old Orphans, While ISIS Trains Children to Become Jihadi Killers

Hey guys, Hussein Obama is making "choizik" from the Republicans!


"Apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming in to the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion.  
At first they were worried about the press being too tough on 'em during debates.  
Now they're worried about three-year-old orphans.  That doesn't sound very tough to me.  
They've been playing on fear in order to try to score political points or to advance their campaigns.  And it's irresponsible.  And it's contrary to who we are.  And it needs to stop, because the world is watching.

This fool must be a crazed nut 

Here read an article dated today!!!

Looking into the camera, a baby-faced boy, no older than three years old, holds a teddy bear in left hand and a knife in his right.
The child, who is not even old enough to start school, then appears to smile as he use the deadly weapon to hack the head off of his cuddly toy.
In new footage which has emerged - believed to have been released by ISIS but its provenance unconfirmed - the boy then lifts his knife triumphantly into the air and a man behind the camera shouts 'takfir!' - a derogatory word used to describe non-believers. 
Infant beheads teddy bear with a knife in front of ISIS flag
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Innocence lost: ISIS is believed to have released a disturbing new propaganda video which appears to show a young child beheading a teddy bear
Innocence lost: ISIS is believed to have released a disturbing new propaganda video which appears to show a young child beheading a teddy bear
Young militant: The video shows the boy stood in front of two black and white ISIS flags hanging on the bedroom wall as he plunges his blade into the red and white teddy bear
Young militant: The video shows the boy stood in front of two black and white ISIS flags hanging on the bedroom wall as he plunges his blade into the red and white teddy bear

The latest disturbing footage - thought to have been released by the terror group but unconfirmed - shows the child blurred out as he walks into a bedroom dressed in black with a beige hat on.
He comes into focus when he appears to grab the white and red teddy bear's head and thrusts the knife into its neck.
He uses the blade to hack away at the teddy during the 30-second clip, uploaded onto YouTube.
Then, smiling as if he was playing with the toy, the child raises the weapon into the air - seemingly copying the gesture carried out by Islamic State executioner, Jihadi John.
The boy's clothes also resemble those of Mohammed Emwazi, who has been responsible for the murders of at least five western hostages since he beheaded American journalist James Foley in August 2014.
When an unidentified man behind the camera shouts the word 'takfir', the boy once again appears to attack his cuddly toy.
The amateur video is not as professionally produced as previous ISIS footage. It has been released on social media reporting to have been made by ISIS, although MailOnline has not been able to confirm its provenance or veracity.
The disturbing video has sparked outrage online. A Syrian man on Twitter described it as 'a perfect symbolisation of a destroyed childhood'.

Victory salute: The small boy (left) raises the weapon to the sky, just as a man behind the camera shouts 'takfir!' - a term used to describe an 'unbeliever'
Victory salute: The small boy (left) raises the weapon to the sky, just as a man behind the camera shouts 'takfir!' - a term used to describe an 'unbeliever'
Brainwashed: The boy smiles as he saws his teddy bear's head off in a video that parents will find shocking
Brainwashed: The boy smiles as he saws his teddy bear's head off in a video that parents will find shocking
Julie Lenarz of the Human Security Centre think-tank called it 'child abuse of the most wicked sort' -while several suggested he was being 'brainwashed' into carrying out beheadings when he grows up.
Counter-terrorism experts have told MailOnline that ISIS mould young children into killers by hijacking their education - and minds - from a very early age.
It has released videos of young boys learning how to use deadly automatic rifles and being taught Islamic State's twisted ideology in schools run by the terror group.
ISIS has reprogrammed their young and impressionable minds into those of killers by, according to the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
Steve Emerson told MailOnline: 'Indoctrinating kids with ISIS fanaticism is not only the easiest population to indoctrinate but also produces new generations of ISIS believers and... at some point fighters.'
'Their goal is to rebuild the Islamic societies they have conquered into a global comprehensive Islamist system that... takes over all aspects of society from garbage collection to teaching at the Madrassats [religious schools].' 
In July, a small child was filmed beheading a human victim in the first ISIS  video of its kind.  
Brainwashed: ISIS uses training camps (pictured) and special schools to teach young children its twisted ideology
Brainwashed: ISIS uses training camps (pictured) and special schools to teach young children its twisted ideology
Ruined childhood: ISIS moulds young children into killers by hijacking their education and minds from an early age, counter-terrorism experts have told MailOnline
Ruined childhood: ISIS moulds young children into killers by hijacking their education and minds from an early age, counter-terrorism experts have told MailOnline
Sickening: In July, ISIS forced a young child (pictured) to behead a Syrian soldier in the first execution of its kind
Sickening: In July, ISIS forced a young child (pictured) to behead a Syrian soldier in the first execution of its kind
ISIS 'Cub Cub' filmed supposedly killing two hostages in Jan
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It is thought he killed the unnamed Syrian soldier in Homs province of Syria after the man was captured at nearby army checkpoint 
The victim was thought to be stationed in the ancient city of Palmyra, where ISIS have destroyed another priceless monument today. 
That video was also shared by ISIS soldiers who praised the young boy, thought to be no older than 10, for executing an enemy fighter.  
The regime soldier was forced onto his stomach as the young boy approached him from behind, pulled his head back and used the knife to decapitate him.

Yaakov Segedin Obsessed with Ladies Stockings

This Segedin guy, besides being an obvious raving lunatic, is also obsessed with ladies legs!

Now guys, I've been around the block in my lifetime and never knew what "Nude 60 denier" is, but this pervert is as an expert in ladies stockings.
He took hard earned Jewish money and sponsored a full page ad telling our holy ladies that they cannot wear "Nude 60 denier, Honey and Natural 40 denier stockings"

What is he doing? 
Watching his wife model the stockings for him, so that he can judge whether his neighbor's wife is wearing stockings thick enough ?

The world is falling apart, ISIS is on the rise, the President of the US is going berserk and this Meshiginar who calls himself Yaakov Segedin is busy with Ladies legs!

Question: How is it that Chassidim are in control of the ladies underwear business?
I remember when I was a kid growing up, all the stores on the lower east side that sold bras and panties were owned by Chassidim? 
When I was a kid, my mother took me to one of those stores and told me to go outside and buy myself a knish, while she hondled with this middle aged Chassidisher  guy behind the register. I asked her why can't I go in ..."there is a big fat guy with a beard down to his belt behind the counter?"
While I was wolfing down my hot potato knish, I was  wondering what this guy was thinking when the ladies with the Shpitzels were placing the bras on the counter? 

Also notice that some Rabbis that signed the ad like Rav Eliyashiv have long since met their Maker and now know the truth!

Spain That Expelled All Jews in 1492, Now want to IMPORT the Jew Netanyahu to Arrest Him

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and seven other former and current government officials may be at risk of arrest if they step foot on Spanish soil over the 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla affair after a judge drew up warrants at the end of last week.

Other officials who might face arrest include former foreign minister Avigdor Liberman; current and former defense minister Moshe Ya'alon and Ehud Barak, respectively; former interior minister Eli Yishai; former minister of intelligence Dan Meridor; minster without portfolio Benny Begin;

Together with Netanyahu, the officials make up the so called 'Forum of Seven," an ad-hoc committee of ministers that made key decisions on security issues at the time.

Former head of the Navy Eliezer Marom, the top IDF commander running the operation at the time, could also face arrest.

In response to the judge's order, Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon said Saturday night, "We consider it to be a provocation. We are working with the Spanish authorities to get it canceled. We hope it will be over soon."

The Prime Minister’s Office and the Justice Ministry had not responded by press time.

In the 2010 incident, a group of human rights activists and a smaller group of IHH activists (which the quasi-government Turkel Commission Report identified as affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood) boarded several ships to try to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Israel commandeered and stopped most of the ships without incident, yet when Israel Navy commandos boarded the Mavi Marmara, IHH activists attacked them, leading to some commandos being wounded and, eventually, 10 deaths on the IHH side.

Turkey and many others in the international community accused Israel of war crimes and Spain is only the most recent of countries to go after Israeli officials.

Local proceedings in Turkey went to full trial, though they stalled after Netanyahu made a partial apology.

There were several efforts to arrest Israeli officials in England, though those efforts also stalled after the government amended the law to make it more difficult for individual judges to issue arrest warrants without state approval.

At the International Criminal Court, the Mavi Marmara incident has provoked intense controversy with ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda performing an initial investigation then deciding to close the case.

The Comoros Islands, who filed the complaint, appealed to the Pretrial Chamber which voted on a 2-1 split for Bensouda to reconsider her position, a decision upheld on a 3-2 split vote by the ICC Appeals Chamber.

Still many expect Bensouda to just close the case again on different grounds.

Further, Israel was cleared by the quasi Israeli-government-sponsored Turkel Commission and the UN-sponsored Palmer Report, which validated some of Israel’s narrative of fighting in self-defense or said there was not sufficient evidence to pursue Israel for war crimes, even as the Palmer Report said some of the IDF’s force was excessive.

This is also not Spain’s first run at bringing war crimes allegations against Israeli officials.

After the IDF’s 2002 bombing of Hamas mastermind Salah Shehadeh, the full range of Spanish courts got involved in reviewing the deaths of 15 civilians and the injuring of 150 that came along with the attack.

But in 2009 the top judicial court in Spain, in one of the flagship lawfare cases against Israel, essentially approved Israel's High Court and related investigative decisions that the killing and injuring of the civilians and the destruction or damaging of 38 houses all in order to kill Shehadeh had not been disproportionate under the circumstances.

While many critics have slammed Israel's legal and judicial apparatus as unwilling to criminalize IDF conduct, the Spanish court said that the apparatus satisfied "the requirements issuing from the application of the right to effective due process by an independent and impartial judicial system."

It was unclear from reports on the issue whether the latest Spanish arrest warrant would be respected by Spanish law enforcement and INTERPOL, or would be stalled as similar arrest warrants from countries which are friendly or neutral toward Israel have been.

Further, it was unclear whether the case had a serious path forward and chance of success or whether it was an individual judge acting on his own with little backing.