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Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Breakdown of every scandal swirling around Hillary

Expected to announce her presidential run today , Hillary Clinton has been attempting to re-brand herself: She’s Hillary 2.0, campaigning out of Brooklyn, a more accessible, relatable candidate who learned the lessons of her bruising, failed 2008 bid: From now on, no equivocating, no entitlement, no dubious financial dealings.
How much has changed?

The Shady Foundation

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Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton at an event for the family foundation.Photo: Reuters
Founded in 2001 as The Clinton Foundation and renamed the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation in 2013, this ostensible philanthropic concern has become a liability.
As reported by the International Business Times last week, while serving as secretary of state, Clinton was lobbied by human-rights groups and union leaders to address the Colombian government’s abuse of striking oil workers, some of whom had been threatened at gunpoint by the military. Meanwhile, the oil company in question, Pacific Rubiales, was promising millions to the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary’s State Department wound up publicly hailing Colombia’s commitment to human-rights reform — and that statement allowed the United States to continue funding the Colombian military.
Today, the founder of Pacific Rubiales is a board member of the Clinton Foundation.
And as Politico reported last week, a major phosphate company owned by the Moroccan government has just pledged at least $1 million to the foundation. In 2011, Clinton’s State Department assailed Morocco as a corrupt state guilty of “arbitrary arrests and corruption in all branches of government.” Women in Morocco are still subjugated by Islamic rule, yet last September, Hillary Clinton’s public stance on the government had changed.
“A vital hub for economic and cultural exchange,” she called it, one that was “in the midst of dramatic changes.”
The foundation had stopped accepting money from foreign governments in 2009, when Hillary became secretary of state. When she resigned in 2013, the foundation changed this policy, and it has since taken money from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman.

The Spotty Resume

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Hillary sworn in as the new Democratic senator from New York in 2001 with Bill, Chelsea and former president Al Gore.Photo: Reuters
Hillary served as US senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, but her accomplishments are thin. No piece of legislation bears her name. Her tenure came to be defined in the 2008 presidential primaries by her vote for the war in Iraq — which Obama, who had opposed the war, used to chip away at her foreign-policy bona fides.
Her accomplishments as secretary of state are as unclear. She traveled to 112 countries, but again, she has nothing of consequence to her name: no peace treaty, no accord, no summit of consequence. Her defenders say that she helped restore America’s reputation in the wake of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; critics say she was too afraid to make a mistake that would affect her presidential run in 2016.
When asked in 2014 by Diane Sawyer to name her greatest achievement or “signature doctrine,” Hillary could not. “We haven’t had a doctrine since containment worked with the Soviet Union,” she said. “But we’ve had presidents who’ve made some tough calls and some hard choices, some of which have worked, and some of which have not.”

The Suspicious Finances

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Photo: Shutterstock
Without ever breaking any laws, the Clintons have long appeared to be reaping ill-gotten gains. Right before Bill was elected governor of Arkansas, family friend James Blair, who also worked as a lawyer for Tyson Foods, helped her turn $12,000 worth of stock — Hillary only had $1,000 in her account at the time — into a near-immediate $100,000 profit. She did not disclose this until her husband’s second year in office.
It was during Bill’s first run for president, in 1992, that the Whitewater scandal surfaced. In the 1970s and ’80s, the Clintons and their friends Jim and Susan McDougal had invested in the Whitewater Development Corp.; it was alleged that Clinton, as governor, had pressured a local S&L to loan Susan McDougal $300,000 for real-estate investments with the company, and that transactions between an Arkansas bank and Bill Clinton had been concealed.
Neither Clinton was charged, though both McDougals and Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, who served as governor after Clinton, were convicted of fraud.

The Spectacular Greed

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The Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York.Photo: AP
Clinton will likely position herself as the champion of the middle class. Yet in 2014, it was revealed that Clinton, who charges a minimum of $300,000 per speech, also had an extensive list of demands.
Most anyone who hires Hillary to speak must also provide a private jet — a $39 million Gulfstream G450 or better — and put her up in presidential suites. Her standard agreement requires her presence for only 90 minutes, and 50 photos with 100 attendees — no more.
Hillary has defended her enormous speaking fees by saying she and Bill were “not only dead broke, but in debt” when they left the White House.
In 1999, Bill and Hillary bought their house in Chappaqua for $1.7 million, and in 2000 purchased a seven-bedroom in Washington, DC, for $2.85 million. Hillary’s Senate financial disclosure form that year listed their assets at $1.8 million.
In Clintonian fashion, Hillary backed off the “dead broke” statement — sort of. “I regret it. It was inartful,” she said. “But it was accurate.”

The Other Women

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Monica Lewinsky and Bill circa 1998 in the White House.Photo: ZumaPress
One of the great lessons of 2008, say Hillary’s aides, is that she has learned to run toward history, not from it: Instead of downplaying her gender, she’ll amplify it, running not just as the potential first female president but as a proud feminist.
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Juanita BroaddrickPhoto: NBC
If so, she may create a new problem for herself: How to explain her decades-long defense of her womanizing husband — a philanderer at best, a predator at worst? In 2014, the papers of Hillary’s late friend Diane Blair were made public; in them, Blair wrote that Hillary dismissed Monica Lewinksy, then a 22-year-old White House intern, as a “narcissistic loony-toon” and insisted that Bill had not abused his power.
As for Bill’s other women — including Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey, who alleged sexual harassment, and Juanita Broad­drick, who accused him of rape — the Clintons often embarked on a “nuts and sluts” campaign, denigrating the accusers.
According to Carl Bernstein’s “A Woman in Charge,” Hillary called Bill’s longtime mistress Gennifer Flowers “trailer trash”; she also encouraged his team to get signed statements from all of Bill’s other women, swearing they’d never had sex with him.
Willey later said that Hillary spearheaded a “terror campaign” against her. “She is the war on women, as far as I’m concerned,” Willey said.

The Secret E-Mails

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Photo: AP
In March, we learned that during her four-year stint as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton conducted all business — political, public, and private — solely through her personal e-mail account, on a server in her house.
When asked why she didn’t use two e-mails, one for official business and one for personal use, Hillary said: “I thought it would be easier to just carry one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two.”
Then an e-mail surfaced that was sent from her iPad, undermining that excuse.
In a press conference to address the controversy, Clinton answered questions with all-too-familiar arrogance, contempt and incredulity that her word should be questioned.
“She came off as defensive and artificially put-off,” one Democratic strategist told New York magazine.
“I’m a huge Hillary Clinton fan,” said another. “But after that press conference, I do have major concerns about her ability as a campaigner and to get elected.”

Iran's Nuclear Facilities can be taken down in a "fraction of a night"

Israel’s dovish former prime minister Ehud Barak said on Wednesday that a military operation to eliminate Iran’s nuclear weapons program is more comparable to the pinpoint mission to kill Osama bin Laden that to a full scale war.
In an interview on CNBC, Barak said the operation would take only “a fraction of one night” and added that “the Iranians can do nothing about it, except for attacking Israel.”
“The administration uses the term ‘war,’” Barak said “and people are thinking that probably it is something like a war on Iraq or a war on Afghanistan, [but] that’s not the case. Technically speaking, the Pentagon and the armed forces of America under the backing and probably directive of the [US] president [could] create an extremely effective means to destroy the Iranian nuclear military program over a fraction of one night.”
Barak, who also served as Israel’s defense minister, said that on a “spectrum between the War on Iraq and the killing of Osama bin Laden it is much closer to killing Osama bin Laden.”
This “is something that should be understood” Barak added, “the Iranians can do nothing about it, except for attacking Israel.”
Barak’s assessment of what a military intervention against Iran’s nuclear program might look like followed his advice that Iran should be given a clear ultimatum to abandon its nuclear project “or else.” He sharply criticized the White House’s negotiation strategy saying that US concessions are far more entrenched than Iran’s because as a democracy the US can’t shift its positions on a whim.
He said, “All of us prefer a solution that might be reached through negotiations, but in order to negotiate, the other side should understand and believe… that if they will not come to terms with the real demands, to put all of the enriched material out of Iran, to close Fordo, to stop all working on weaponization, on making the preparations for weapons. If all this is not agreed right now, they face the alternatives.”
The former prime minister’s comments serve as an indication of how widespread the criticism of the recently announced framework agreement is in Israel, spanning across the political spectrum.
Barak also had words of praise for President Obama and said that he was confident that the president was well intentioned.
“The support of the administration to Israel in security, the cooperation and intelligence is unprecedented,” he said. “I don’t question for a moment the commitment of President Obama and everyone in that administration for the security of Israel.”

Enough of The Massive Chillul Hashem On Chol Hamoed Outings!

The following was an op-ed article in Yeshivaworld!

The following might be painful for some to read. Silence, however, is not an option

Some may label this op-ed “anti-Charedi” or “typical self-hating Jew drivel” – but it is not. This is not directed at any sect of Orthodox Jews in any way.
What this writer has personally witnessed in the past two days of Chol Hamoed is enough reason to take pen to paper.

We are blessed to be the Am Hanivchar, the Chosen People. The nations of the world watch our every move; how we speak, how we interact with each other, and how we interact with the world around us. 

On Chol Hamoed, when just about every single family goes on trips to relax and enjoy the Yom Tov, we are watched very closely. We visit amusement parks, museums, malls, parks, airports, tourist locations, concerts, plays, shows, and anything else we can think of. Not only are they watching us closer, but this week – there is even greater exposure of our behavior. How so? There is no public school on account of Easter vacation. Consequently, there are thousands of other ordinary Americans at the same attractions that we attend.
We are being VERY closely watched.
On the second day of Yom Tov, we read in the Torah about Chillul Hashem. Perhaps it was done so we can fully understand how to prepare ourselves and our families for Chol hamoed. So that when we go out in the public en mass, we can make a Kiddush Hashem, and not chas veshalom the opposite.
Most of us make a Kiddush Hashem. Our families are well behaved. We follow rules. We don’t litter. But the sheer numbers of Charedi folk who cause a Chillul Hashem is MUCH too much to bear.
Chillul Hashem is a sin that YOM KIPPUR does not forgive.
On the first day of Chol Hamoed, this writer witnessed a Charedi woman with her husband and family in a NYC subway station. A fare was paid for the mother to push her baby carriage through. Along with her carriage, however, went through FIVE others – all without meeting the fare requirement.
Later that day, this writer witnessed three Charedi children in South Street Seaport in Lower Manhattan tossing empty Kosher box drink containers into the East River. The parents sat on a nearby bench as this behavior continued for 15 minutes. With the river littered with chocolate bar wrappers, empty snack bag wrappers etc., not one – not two – but THREE non-Jewish passersby told the parents to have their children stop this behavior.
On the second day of Chol hamoed, this writer witnessed a Charedi father pull his child’s pants down on a major street and allow his child to relieve himself on a public sidewalk. Later that day, this writer witnessed a Charedi woman walk her child to the front of a line in a popular amusement park, and simply cut the entire line of more than 50 people patiently waiting for their turn.
After this writer confronted her and told her respectfully that approximately 45 of the 50 people on line were not Jewish and she caused a massive Chillul hashem, her Charedi husband reprimanded this writer and told him not to give other people “Musar”, and “mind his own business.”
On Tuesday evening, Ed Day, the Rockland County Executive posted on his Facebook page a photo of a Charedi family at the Haverstraw Bay Park. In the photo (attached here), one can see a Charedi family standing around while a child is sitting on top of the Ramapo 9/11 Memorial. The Supervisor said the point of the religious makeup of the family, or their ethnicity didn’t matter. What matters, Day said, is the “desecration of this site.”
“A photo of a family standing around and their child sitting on our 9/11 Memorial in Haverstraw Bay Park has been brought to my attention (the child in the striped shirt at the back of this photo).
The ethnic or religious makeup of the family in question is not what matters here. What matters, and what I would ask everyone to focus on, is the desecration of this sacred site. I have reached out to Sheriff Falco and our Environmental Resources/Parks Coordinator to discuss ways to prevent this sort of behavior in the future through signage and patrols, and urge all parents to discuss with their children the importance of respecting site such as this one.”
As expected, the comments on Facebook and social media were (sadly) not shocking, as residents slammed Orthodox Jews for their actions. Additionally, as expected, prominent Jewish community activists (sadly) responded on social media by attacking Ed Day for being an anti-Semite and a divider and for “exploiting the 9/11 memorial because a bunch of kids sat on it.”

Day posted the following follow-up this morning:
“When certain issues are discussed, some feel the need to turn the issue into a broader attack on a particular religion or ethnicity, and others feel that even raising the issue itself is a sign of prejudice. Specifically, photos depicting various instances of disrespect at memorial locations across this nation should be used as a teaching moment, not a diatribe. As one who responded to the first attack on the World Trade Center, I am personally troubled that these sites, designed for peaceful, quiet reflection are increasingly being used as Jungle Gyms.
My team will continue to do their best to moderate posts that include slurs, foul language, or unfairly attack any religious group or ethnicity. Likewise, I will continue to address issues such as overdevelopment, social services fraud, and others without fear or hesitation. If comments that one finds offensive make it through the filter or are left up in the interest of free speech, it does not mean that I endorse the opinions they contain – they belong to their author only, as does every comment on this page.

 My official comment policy can be found in the “About” section of this page.”

One Jewish community activist tweeted “It is ironic that @ElectEdDay is using 9/11 memorial to incite & divide. It seems Mr. Day is the one disrespecting 9/11 here. Tragic indeed.”
One needs to merely peruse social media to see the sheer number of negative posts about “Hasidic Jews” the past 2 days to realize how we are being watched. Not every post is anti-Jewish. But the vast number of postings are a reminder of how closely we are being watched.
Some of those posts are absolutely horrifying. Of course, our knee-jerk response to all this is, “Oh, they are a bunch of anti-Semites.”
It is high time for us to wake up and do some serious introspection.
When a prominent community figure calls the FDNY “Nazis” at last year’s Sereifas Chometz, this will not correct the problem. Was a proper apology ever made? Or do people now firmly believe that it’s okay to label heroes who risk their lives every day to protect us “Nazis.”
Perhaps it is time for our leaders to have a closer look at the social media to see how closely we are being watched. The time has come to pull our heads out of the sand and start educating our children as to how to act like a Jew.
We wear Yarmulkas on our head. That means “Yarei Malka.” It is time to live up to that designation and realize that the symbolism is more than just a piece of cloth. We wear Tzitsis to remind us of the 613 Mitzvos. It’s time to start fulfilling the greatest one of those 613 Mitzvos – making Kiddush Hashem, not a Chillul Hashem.
So before we venture out today and tomorrow, perhaps we should review some of the basics. Firstly, we should be extremely cognizant of what constitutes Chilul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem. Secondly, we should avoid selfish behaviors and attempt to be as altruistic as possible.
Gut Moed, and Chag Kosher Vesameach.
YWN Editor.

White House Tweets mock Netanyahu !

(LEFT) The graphic image sent out by the White House mocking Israeli PM. (RIGHT) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu points to a red line he has drawn on the graphic of a bomb as he addresses the 67th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, September 27, 2012. 
 The hatred for Jews and Israel expressed by the WH so publicly is scary. To go dig out a graphic used by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 and mock it, is really frightening. 

We are dealing with a WH that has deep, deep feelings of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel.

A graphic of a bomb used by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 speech to the UN General Assembly regarding Iran’s attainment of a nuclear bomb was used again by the White House Wednesday when it mocked the graphic by tweeting their version, showing how the nuclear deal with Iran will actually keep Iran from creating a nuclear weapon.

In a tweet on Wednesday, officials uploaded the image of the bomb, showing what would happen with and without the deal.
The graphic states that with the deal, there will be “no production or stockpile of highly enriched uranium,” “low-enriched uranium stockpile reduced by 98 percent and capped” with the deal, and that centrifuges will be “reduced by two-thirds.”
When listing what would happen without the deal, according to the White House, there will be “resumed production of highly-enriched uranium,” “no limits on stockpile of enriched uranium” and “unlimited increase and advancement of centrifuges.”
The tweet is one of the many ways officials have shown the strain in the relationship with Netanyahu and Obama in recent weeks, starting with Netanyahu’s trip to Washington at the invite of speaker John Boehner, followed by Obama’s conference call to world leaders while Netanyahu spoke in front of Congress

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Obama using Jews for his anti-Israel agenda

President Barack Obama uses Jewish Democrats to hawk his agenda on Iran, and that’s why his lapdog, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu on Sunday, says Rabbi Aryeh Spero.
“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Sen. Feinstein is a hit man for the administration,” Spero said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto.”
“I think that the administration is cleverly using Jewish officeholders like Sen. Feinstein, [Rep.] Jan Schakowsky in Chicago, [Rep.] Steve Cohen [of Tennessee] and [Rep. John] Yarmuth from Kentucky. He’s using them to give credence and legitimacy to say this is not anything that’s going to adversely affect Israel. But it will.”
Feinstein on Sunday told CNN’s “State of the Union” that she wishes Netanyahu “would contain himself” from speaking out against the Iran nuclear deal “because he has put out no real alternative.”
Spero disagreed with that, saying Feinstein should have paid closer attention when she attended Netanyahu’s joint speech to Congress in March.
“In the speech he talked about keeping the sanctions; the sanctions were working,” Spero said. “He also mentioned that Iran has to renounce terrorism in order to become part of the civilized … nations.”
Spero said that while some American Jews care about Israel, many liberal Jewish people have a stronger allegiance to the Democratic Party.
“There are many Jews, Israel is not important to them. It’s rather secondary,” he said. “Their loyalty is to the Democrat Party, to the president, who represents the party. They often seem embarrassed to try to defend Israel.”

James Foley is the author of the vicious anti-Jewish Facebook Page

A Rockland County government employee is coming under fire after it was revealed that he is behind the Facebook page “Block the Block Vote” as the county’s legislature Chairman Alden Wolfe (D-Suffern) questions whether the owner of the page conflicts with his job in the county’s Mental Health Department.
James Foley’s page is a proponent for fighting against what he says is political influence by the Orthodox and Hasidic communities in Rockland County on county politics. Foley has worked as a social worker for more than 17 years in the county, reports Lohud (http://lohud.us/1IEbZaR ).
Wolfe stated earlier on Monday that he’s concerned Foley’s Facebook page could affect his job, and also stated he wondered if Foley was using social media during work hours.
Foley says his Facebook page clearly shows that he’s not representing the county and that he only uses Facebook during persona, non-work hours. He also says he does not talk about the “Block the Block Vote” page at work.
As reported last week Foley’s Facebook page garnered criticism from the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council, who created a video called “The Jew in Rockland” comparing the page and anti-Semitic comments found on the Facebook page to Nazi Germany.
Foley has since updated the page after it went viral to stress its political focus on bloc voting.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Thousands Attend Levaya Of Yungerman Trampled to Death at Rav Wosner's Levaya

The levaya for 27-year-old R’ Mordechai Gerber z”l was held on Sunday, the first day of Chol Hamoed Pesach in his home community of Elad at 13:00.

Thousands were on hand for the levaya of the young avreich who was trampled to death at the motzei Shabbos levaya of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner ZT”L. He was heading down stairs of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Bnei Brak when he was trampled to death R”L.

The levaya of R’ Moti began at 15:00 from his home on HaMeir Street in Elad, proceeding to Beis Medrash Khal Chassidim where he davened. The kvura was in the Segulah Cemetery in Petach Tikvah.

Rabbi Chaim Meir Halevy Wosner Shlita, who was appointed to succeed his father, took part in the levaya.
R’ Moti is survived by his wife and their 3-year-old son. Moti became an orphan at a young age. He opted to study in Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin and was respected for his outstanding midos. Rav Wosner ZT”L was mesader keddushin at his chupah. He worked as a repairman in a Talmid Torah Khal Chassidim in Elad to earn a parnasa.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Chag Kosher V'samaich

Just Hour after agreement Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement

Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.
Zarif bragged in an earlier press conference with reporters that the United States had tentatively agreed to let it continue the enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, as well as key nuclear research.
Zarif additionally said Iran would have all nuclear-related sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.
Following a subsequent press conference by Secretary of State John Kerry—and release of a administration fact sheet on Iranian concessions—Zarif lashed out on Twitter over what he dubbed lies.
“The solutions are good for all, as they stand,” he tweeted. “There is no need to spin using ‘fact sheets’ so early on.”
Zarif went on to push back against claims by Kerry that the sanctions relief would be implemented in a phased fashion—and only after Iran verifies that it is not conducting any work on the nuclear weapons front.
Zarif, echoing previous comments, said the United States has promised an immediate termination of sanctions.
“Iran/5+1 Statement: ‘US will cease the application of ALL nuclear-related secondary economic and financial sanctions.’ Is this gradual?” he wrote on Twitter.
He then suggested a correction: “Iran/P5+1 Statement: ‘The EU will TERMINATE the implementation of ALL nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions’. How about this?”
The pushback from Iran’s chief diplomat follows a pattern of similar accusations by senior Iranian political figures after the announcement of previous agreements.
Following the signing of an interim agreement with Iran aimed at scaling back its nuclear work, Iran accused the United States of lying about details of the agreement.
On Thursday evening, Zarif told reporters the latest agreement allows Iran to keep operating its nuclear program.
“None of those measures” that will move to scale back Iran’s program “include closing any of our facilities,” Zarif said. “We will continue enriching; we will continue research and development.”
“Our heavy water reactor will be modernized and we will continue the Fordow facility,” Zarif said. “We will have centrifuges installed in Fordow, but not enriching.”
The move to allow Iran to keep centrifuges at Fordow, a controversial onetime military site, has elicited concern that Tehran could ramp up its nuclear work with ease.
Zarif said that once a final agreement is made, “all U.S. nuclear related secondary sanctions will be terminated,” he said. “This, I think, would be a major step forward.”
Zarif also revealed that Iran will be allowed to sell “enriched uranium” in the international market place and will be “hopefully making some money” from it.

Israeli Man missing found Safe and Alive

Nir Asraf who was feared kidnapped near Hebron was found early Friday morning in Kiryat Arba. 
A friend reported that he is healthy and in a safe place.

On Thursday, large numbers of security forces were sweeping the area, including the Palestinian village of Beit Anun where they were conducting house searches.

The incident first came to light at around 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, when Judea and Samaria police received an emergency 100 call from a youth who said that he and a friend had got stuck with a flat tire in the West Bank between Kiryat Arba and the Palestinian village of Beit Anun, and his friend who went to bring tools for the flat did not return to the vehicle. 

At the time, the individual who made the police call said he had been waiting for his friend for more than half-an-hour.   

On Thursday evening, Channel 2 cited a senior security source as saying a criminal background which "boiled over into a nationalistic incident" was suspected in the issue.

The area where an Israeli reportedly went missing in the West Bank on Thursday has a rampant drug trade and trafficking scene, according to Palestinian sources.

The sources said that in the past residents have attacked vehicles suspected of carrying drug dealers.

According to an earlier Channel 2 report, the man had allegedly entered the village of Beit Anun to bring back a wrench and he did not have his cell phone with him.  According to the report, the two Israeli men are 22-year-old residents of Beersheba who had traveled to the West Bank to visit the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and they were on their way home when their vehicle broke down.  

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eizenkot and Central Command chief Maj.-Gen. Roni Numa held an evaluation in the Hebron area Thursday evening.  

A senior security source told The Jerusalem Post that security forces were, "viewing this incident with the utmost severity. We are carrying out all checks and taking all of the necessary steps at this stage." 

According to Palestinian sources, security forces have set up barriers and are conducting car searches in the towns of Halhul, Beit Anun and al-Arroub.  

Muslims massacre 147 Christians Students.... Allow Muslim students to Live...

Terrorists from the Islamist terrorist group al Shabaab stormed a university in Kenya and killed at least 147 Christians on Thursday, in the worst attack on Kenyan soil since the U.S. embassy was bombed in 1998.

A Kenya Defence Forces tank moves towards the Garissa University college, in Garissa, Kenya, Thursday, April 2, 2015. Al-Shabab gunmen attacked Garissa University College in northeast Kenya early Thursday, targeting Christians and killing at least 15 people and wounding 60 others, witnesses said. (AP Photo)A Kenya Defence Forces tank moves towards the Garissa University college, in Garissa, Kenya, Thursday, April 2, 2015. Al-Shabab gunmen attacked Garissa University College in northeast Kenya early Thursday, targeting Christians and killing at least 15 people and wounding 60 others, witnesses said. (AP Photo)

The siege ended nearly 15 hours after the Somali group’s terrorist shot their way into the Garissa University College campus in a pre-dawn attack, sparing Muslim students and taking  Christians hostage.
Interior Minister Joseph Nkaissery said four terrorists strapped with explosives were behind the attack, the same number that killed 67 people during the 2013 bloodbath at a shopping mall in Nairobi.
“The operation has ended successfully. Four terrorists have been killed,” Nkaissery told Kenyan media.
Kenyan police chief Joseph Boinet said the attackers had “shot indiscriminately” when they entered the university compound.
Police and soldiers surrounded the campus and exchanged gunfire with the attackers throughout the day but were repeatedly repelled. At least 79 people were injured and many airlifted to Nairobi, Kenya’s national disaster body said.
Al Shabaab, who carried out the deadly attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi in 2013, claimed responsibility for the raid on the campus in Garissa, a town 200 km (120 miles) from the Somali border.
The group has links to al Qaeda and a record of raids on Kenyan soil in retaliation for Nairobi sending troops to fight it in its home state of Somalia.
Al Qaeda bombed the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on the same day in 1998, killing 224 people and wounding thousands of people.
The United States condemned the latest attack and offered Kenya help in fighting al Shabaab.
One image provided by a local journalist showed a dozen blood-soaked bodies strewn across a single university classroom in Garissa. But some students managed to escape unaided.
“We heard some gunshots and we were sleeping so it was around five and guys started jumping up and down running for their lives,” an unnamed student told Reuters TV.
Authorities offered a 20 million shilling ($215,000) reward for information leading to the arrest of a man called Mohamed Mohamud, described as “most wanted” and linked to the attack.
Police chief Boinet said Kenya had imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew on four regions near the Somalia border.
 A woman reacts as she is rescued out of the building where she had been held hostage as Kenyan soldiers entered the university  building after a fierce fights with attackers at  Garissa University in Garissa town, located near the border with Somalia, some 370km northeast of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 02 April 2015. A woman reacts as she is rescued out of the building where she had been held hostage as Kenyan soldiers entered the university building after a fierce fights with attackers at Garissa University in Garissa town, located near the border with Somalia, some 370km northeast of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 02 April 2015.
Al Shabaab, which seeks to impose its own harsh version of sharia law, has separated Muslims from Christians in some of its previous raids in Kenya, notably late last year in attacks on a bus and at a quarry.
Its repeated raids, together with attacks on churches by home-grown Islamist groups, have strained the cordial relations between Kenya’s Muslim and Christian communities.
Having killed more than 200 people in Kenya over the past two years, Al Shabaab has also brought the tourism industry to its knees.
Thursday’s attack undermined a renewed drive by President Uhuru Kenyatta to persuade foreigners the country is now safe to visit.
On Wednesday, he had urged Kenyans abroad to help attract tourists back despite the wave of militant violence, criticizing a warning from Australia of a possible attack in Nairobi and an advisory from Britain urging its citizens to avoid most coastal resorts.
Grace Kai, a student at the Garissa Teachers Training College near the university, said there had been warnings that an attack in the town could be imminent.
“Some strangers had been spotted in Garissa town and were suspected to be terrorists,” she told Reuters.
“Then on Monday our college principal told us ... that strangers had been spotted in our college… On Tuesday we were released to go home, and our college closed, but the campus remained in session, and now they have been attacked.”
Many Kenyans living in the crime-ridden frontier regions blame the government for not doing enough to protect its citizens from the terrorists.
 Kenyan soldiers take cover as shots are fired in front of Garissa University in Garissa town, located near the border with Somalia, some 370km northeast of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 02 April 2015.  EPAKenyan soldiers take cover as shots are fired in front of Garissa University in Garissa town, located near the border with Somalia, some 370km northeast of the capital Nairobi, Kenya, 02 April 2015.  EPA
Medics help an injured person at Kenyatta national  Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, Thursday, April , 2, 2015 , after being airlifted from Garissa after an attack by gunmen at Garissa University College in northeastern Kenya on Thursday morning.  APMedics help an injured person at Kenyatta national Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, Thursday, April , 2, 2015 , after being airlifted from Garissa after an attack by gunmen at Garissa University College in northeastern Kenya on Thursday morning.  AP