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Friday, January 24, 2014

High School Girls wearing Tefillin, Is it Kosher?

A prominent Modern Orthodox high school announced this week that girls who want to wear tefillin during davening at school would be permitted to do so.  Not to be outdone, a second school quickly proclaimed that they, too, would allow it.  News spread like wildfire and the headlines quickly went from, “Modern Orthodox Girls Fight for the Right to Don Tefillin,” to an editorial entitled, ”Why Women Can and Must Lay Tefillin.”
Predictably, the reaction has been mixed with traditionalists rejecting the change and the more progressive segment of orthodoxy celebrating the welcome change.  Noticeably absent from the conversation, at least from my perspective, is an argument about the halachic merits or challenges of the decision.  Instead, the reaction has been largely driven by emotion, ideology and agenda, in both directions.
Many responded by wondering what’s the big deal, after all didn’t Rashi’s daughters wear tefillin.  In an excellent article in Jewish Action, Rabbi Ari Zivotofsky compellingly dispels this historical “fact” as a misconception and myth, though he does point out that Michal, the daughter of King Shaul, did in fact wear tefillin.  Regardless, it is clearly not the prevalent custom for Orthodox women to wear tefillin and so these policy announcements represent a significant shift and change.
The Shulchan Aruch (o.c. 38:3) is clear that as a time-bound mitzvah, women are exempt from tefillin.   Unlike other time-bound mitzvos such as sukkah, lulav and shofar, the Rama, Rav Moshe Isserless, the authority of Ashkenazic Jewry, discourages women from volunteering when it comes to tefillin and in fact says that if they choose to wear tefillin, mochin b’yadam, we should object.  The Gra, also known as the Vilna Gaon, goes even further and says women are outright forbidden from wearing tefillin.
Their positions stem from an unusual requirement when wearing tefillin.  As sacred objects similar to a mezuzah or Sefer Torah, tefillin require a high level of concentration and a pristine physical state.  Maintaining those levels has been determined to be exceedingly difficult today and, therefore, though in previous generations men wore tefillin most of the day, now we wear them for a minimal amount of time.  The authorities that discourage and disapprove of women wearing tefillin do so on the grounds that they are exempt and therefore, should not put themselves in a position to potentially dishonor the tefillin by losing concentration or the proper physical state.
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan advances a more mystical argument for women’s exemption from tefillin.  He explains that the tefillin box is called bayis, home.  Kabbalah describes the tefillin as symbolic of the womb and the retzuos, the straps, as representing the umbilical cord.   The tefillin bind us to God by reminding us of our obligation to create and to nurture with compassion.  Men need external symbols to remind them, but women, he argues, create and nurture with their bodies and therefore don’t need them.
To be honest, my personal discomfort with the policy decision announced this week has less to do with strict halachic objection for which there are counterarguments, and more to do with an often neglected halachic value called mechzei k’yuhara.
Forget women and tefillin for a moment.  If a man wanted to wear tefillin the whole day as they did in the past, would we encourage him or frown upon the practice?  The Shulchan Aruch Ha’Rav written by the R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, says that since today the custom is not to wear tefillin other than during davening, to do so publicly is mechzei k’yuhara, smacks of arrogance and hubris.
There was once a student at YU who would walk through Washington Heights wearing his tallis and tefillin while going to daven.  A concerned individual asked Rav Schachter to intercede and encourage the young man to stop this practice that was drawing negative attention.  Rav Schachter related to us that he didn’t want to embarrass the young man so he told him a story with the hope he would understand.  A man once asked a prominent posek if a particular practice was mechzei k’yuhara, appeared arrogant.  “No,” said the posek, “it is yuhara mamesh, it is actually arrogant.”  Unfortunately, the young man did not get the message.
Mechzei k’yuhara, refraining from unusual and radical practices even though they are otherwise virtuous, is a meta-halachic consideration in many areas.  A simple search for mechzei k’yuhara in the Bar-Ilan responsa project yields dozens and dozens of results in which halachic authorities throughout the ages have rejectedhalachickly acceptable behavior on the grounds that it is a departure from accepted practice and therefore,mechzei k’yuhara, divisive and promoting superiority.
The mechzei k’yuhara consideration doesn’t judge or question motivation.  Even if the man or woman is purely motivated, if the behavior is an outlier to what is customary, even when it is stricter, it is inappropriate because it smacks of religious superiority.  What everyone else does is not good enough for the individual taking on a practice outside of the norms.  I believe the philosophy of mechzei k’yuhara is that we should embrace and excel at what we are obligated in and what is customary, rather than spiritually one-up those around us.  Mechzei k’yuhara teaches us that the truly pious person doesn’t try to stand out in his religious fervor, creativity or scrupulousness.
Quite the opposite; the truly righteous person blends in and is loyal to the local customs and norms.  Mechzei k’yehura means we don’t seek to be creative, distinctive or unique in the way we observe halacha.  We seek to fit in and conform to the traditions and customs of the community without needing to make a personal statement through our superior practice.  Of course we should strive to grow in our religious experience, level of observance and commitment to Jewish values, but all within the communal religious norms and customs and not outside or above them.
I was talking to a teenage girl and mentioned the new policy at these schools.  Her response was, “Cool, I didn’t know girls can wear tefillin.  I wonder what that is like, I would try that.”  Shouldn’t we encourage our young women to embrace and excel at the laws and customs that are incumbent on them before inviting them to experiment with new spiritual experiences?  Shouldn’t we help them find meaning and inspiration in the traditional observant lifestyle, rather than reinforce the notion that spirituality is found in that which is radical, revolutionary or innovative?  Shouldn’t we be confident that our young men and women are committed to vigilantly observe halacha before granting them license to take on behaviors that their parents and grandparents didn’t feel worthy to perform?
Rather than discuss women wearing tefillin, we should be discussing ways to inspire our young men to maintain a commitment to never miss a day of putting on tefillin, even if they struggle to find it meaningful or uplifting.  Rather than encouraging our young women to wear tefillin, we should be encouraging them to find expression and inspiration in the Torah’s prescription for femininity and womanhood.
Our young people don’t need radical change leaving them as outliers from communal norms; they need to be taught radical commitment to halacha and tradition with fervor, enthusiasm and meaning.

Satmar Hooligans pressure R' Schneibalg to prohibit Eruv in Manchester!

The "UK's largest eruv" has become operational for the Jewish community in Greater Manchester.

The Manchester Community Eruv has a perimeter of more than 13 miles and covers parts of Prestwich, Crumpsall and Higher Broughton.
Planning of the eruv, which has taken 10 years, has cost the community £350,000.

Organizers said the Manchester eruv is "the largest in the country" and will enhance the observance of Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest.
"It is going to make a major difference to the life of very many people including people wheeling children," said Rabbi Yahuda Brodie, chief executive of the Manchester Beth Din.
"Mothers with young children for example find it very difficult to get out of the home on Sabbath days and attend synagogue."
The Jewish population of Greater Manchester is about 24,000 - the largest in the UK outside London.
All nice? ...... Right? You would think?
Well,in the past Hgrm"m Schneibalg, Machzikei Hadas Rav, supported the eruv and even refuted the distribution of the fake letter in his name - that he  objects to the eruv, 

but then the Satan, "The SITRA ACHREH" the Yetev Lev Satmar Hooligans, posted messages in Rav Schneibalg's name on the bulletin board at the Beit Midrash that one cannot carry on Shabbos and one must not rely on the new eruv at all. 
Zalman Leib (center)   in the Gorilla Costume
Yetev Lev is led by the Satmar Thug from Williamsburg R" Zalman Leib Teitelbaum. (This is the same guy that is in secular court with his brother, R' Aaron Teitelbaum fighting over billions of dollars in Real Estate! Zalman Leib is a rabid hater of Israel!) 

The thugs decided to pressure the respected old man Rav Schneibalg, who is 94 years old, and who lives alone, to publicly denounce the Eiruv! 
Satmar wants all the power, and are upset since the Eiruv has all the support of the local Rabbis  and their endorsements. Satmar cannot stand Achdus! 

These Satmar Romanian thugs can't live with the fact that Frum Jews want to institute an Eiruv to make it easier for young mothers to enjoy the Shabbos!

The Satmar guys that refuse to learn the Daf Yoimie, because it was instituted by Aguda would love to eliminate the whole Mesactas Eiruvin and throw it out!

Is the USA turning into a fascist regime? Conservative filmmaker behind anti-Obama documentary indicted for violating election law

This publicity image released by Rocky Mountain Pictures, shows an undated film clip of director, Dinesh D'Souza, interviewing George Obama in "2016: Obama's America."AP

The conservative filmmaker behind a hit anti-Obama documentary was indicted Thursday night on charges he violated federal campaign laws, in what a close colleague is calling a “selective prosecution.”
Dinesh D'Souza, whose “2016: Obama’s America” is the second-highest grossing political documentary of all time, will appear in U.S. District Court in New York Friday.
The indictment states the 52-year-old best-selling author and activist will be charged with one count of illegally donating to a Senate campaign and one count of causing false statements to be made to authorities in connection with the contributions. 
FoxNews.com has confirmed that the donation in question was made to Republican Wendy Long, who lost a 2012 Senate bid against New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.
D’Souza is accused of directing various donors to give contributions to Long’s campaign totaling $20,000, and then reimbursing them. Individuals are only allowed to donate a maximum of $5,000 to a candidate per election cycle.
“Trying to influence elections through bogus campaign contributions is a serious crime,” George Venizelos, the assistant director in charge of the New York FBI office said in a statement.  “Today, Mr. D’Souza finds himself on the wrong side of the law.”
D’Souza’s co-producer in “2016” Gerald Molen told FoxNews.com he believes D’Souza is being singled out by federal authorities.
The 2012 film examined President Obama’s past and early influences that may have shaped his political ideology and was a surprise hit, making over $33 million at the box office.
The duo is teaming up again for a new film “America,” which Molen said will be released on schedule in July 2014 regardless of what happens in the case.
“Neither the filmmakers nor the American public can allow this prosecution to deter us from the film's release, and I am calling upon the American people to show their elected officials that this kind of selective prosecution will not stand, by joining us at the box office,” Molen said. “I look forward to my good friend Dinesh being vindicated for what appears to be nothing more than a misunderstanding."
Molen, who won an Oscar as a co-producer for “Schindler’s List” said the charges against D’Souza deeply disappoint him, as D’Souza is a “great American.”
The indictment states the alleged illegal contributions came to light during the FBI’s routine examination of campaign contributions  filed with the FEC during the 2012 election year.
D’Souza faces a maximum of two years in prison for the illegal contributions charge and a maximum of five years in prison for the false statements charge.
The indictment was announced by Venizelos and U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who was appointed by President Obama in 2009.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Man locked up for 44 years because he stole a $20.00 necklace, here in the USA

Franklin H. Frye was charged with stealing a $20 necklace in 1970, and he has spent the better part of his life locked up ever since after being found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Mr. Frye was sent to St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington in 1971, part of which houses the criminally insane — including would-be presidential assassin John Hinckley Jr.

In a chain of events that suggests a serious judicial breakdown, federal court records in Washington reviewed by The Washington Times show a public defender filed a motion for Mr. Frye’s unconditional release nearly six years ago, citing his recovery.
But Mr. Frye never got his day in court.

The judge handling the case had died in 2007 when Mr. Frye’s motion for release was filed. His case was not transferred to a living judge until recent weeks.

David Rudovsky, a civil rights lawyer and senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, said the case suggests a “breakdown in justice in the court system.”
Although it’s unclear who is to blame, the larger question — raised anew in a motion by the D.C. Public Defender Service — is why Mr. Frye’s case has languished.

Mr. Frye has been waiting over five years to have this motion heard by the court,” Silvana Naguib, a lawyer now representing him, wrote in a Jan. 8 legal filing.
Court officials did not respond to a request for comment, and the U.S. attorney’s office, which did not file a response to the 2008 motion for Mr. Frye’s release, declined to comment.
Mr. Frye was accused of stealing a necklace that was valued at approximately twenty dollars,” Ms. Naguib wrote in the motion. “He has been at St. Elizabeths Hospital almost continuously since.”

Referring to the 2008 motion for his release, which was filed by a different attorney, she added, “Over five years later, no response has been filed by any party and no action has been taken by the court.”
Mr. Frye has spent some time out of the hospital. He attended an outpatient program at Washington Hospital Center until December, which ended because of funding problems, according to the motion.

Over four decades, he has sought release a number of times. Two years after he was committed, the hospital director recommended that Mr. Frye be “unconditionally released,” but instead he received a conditional release to look for a job, court records show.
“In the early years of Mr. Frye’s hospitalization, Mr. Frye would sometimes get in fights with other patients, often over money, food, clothing and the other hotly desired commodities of institutional life,” Ms. Naguib wrote.
“However, in the last decade, as Mr. Frye has aged, these conflicts have all but vanished. Now, nearly 70, Mr. Frye displays no dangerous behavior of any kind.”

The latest motion reads much like the one filed on his behalf years ago: “Mr. Frye has recovered his sanity and no longer suffers from a mental illness as defined by law,” said the motion filed in 2008.

Under the law, patients can request release through the court, but officials from the city-run hospital also can initiate the process.
Phyllis Jones, chief of staff for the D.C. Department of Mental Health, which oversees the hospital, declined to comment on any specific questions about Mr. Frye’s case, citing patient privacy.
“When a court hearing is set on this motion, St. Elizabeths will respond to the court,” Ms. Jones said.

In general, however, she said the hospital reviews each individual found guilty by reason of insanity at least once a year “with the goal of assessing readiness for reintegration into the community.”

“If the Hospital believes an individual can be granted a conditional or unconditional release, we will initiate a request with the court,” she said. “The Forensic Review Board must assess whether an individual poses a danger to himself or others if released.”
Even if hospital officials haven’t moved for Mr. Frye’s release, judicial officials haven’t moved until now to act on his motion to leave — with little explanation.

It was only one day after Ms. Naguib filed for Mr. Frye’s release that officials transferred the case to Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts, who took over the top judge’s spot last year.
“Judge John Garrett Penn is deceased,” a docket entry noted, “and no longer assigned to the case.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jan/22/man-spends-four-decades-mental-hospital-for-steali/?page=2#ixzz2rE9OIQIe
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Now the Litvishe Gedolim & Aguda Join the Ban against Phone News Hotline!

They don't want you to hear the news about Rabbonim getting arrested, I guess,

The chareidi newspapers in Israel all carry a kol korei from Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, rabbonim and admorim from the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of both Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael.
The rabbonim prohibit listening, operating and being interviewed by the ‘nais (News) phone lines’, the growing number of telephone numbers advertised in the chareidi community providing an array of news and current events.
The tone of the kol korei is harsh and not open to interpretation other than a united voice banning the news phone services.

15 year old Shaya Kaufman found dead in bathroom!

A young Satmar yeshiva student suddenly died, according to rescue workers in Israel.

Ichud Hatzalah Jerusalem said that Satmar Chassidic boy, 15 was found unresponsive inside the bathroom of his home late in Wednesday night. The boy was identified as Shaya Kaufman the son of Aryeh Yehudah Kaufman.

The incident occurred when the boy’s family were returning home from a wedding. The boy told his parents that he was not feeling well and went into the bathroom. Within minutes, he collapsed and lost consciousness.

Ichud Hatzalah paramedics arrived at the boy’s home, which is located on Salant Street, and began performing CPR. He was transported to a local hospital where he was declared dead.

The funeral was held on Thursday, in front of the Satmar synagogue, which is located on Yonah Street. The boy was buried on the Mount of Olives cemetery.

Obama threatened Fox News Reporter's Career, if she didn't stop reporting on Benghazi

Jennifer Griffin

Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren charges that the Obama administration tried to press her to shut down a colleague’s reporting on the jihadist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that cost the lives of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
Van Susteren
Van Susteren asserted recently on her blog that the administration made an extensive effort to conceal what happened in Benghazi. She cited U.S. officials’ refusal to include the Fox News Channel in several Benghazi briefings along with a warning that her colleague’s career would be ruined if she persisted in her reporting on the attack.
The Fox News host recalled a “disturbing phone call from a good friend in the Obama administration” shortly after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, which the administration initially blamed on a protest of an anti-Islam video.
“In this call, my friend told me that my colleague Jennifer Griffin, who was aggressively reporting on Benghazi, was wrong and that, as a favor to me, my friend in the administration was telling me so that I could tell Jennifer so that she did not ruin her career,” Van Susteren wrote.
Van Susteren said that in her 20-plus years in the business, she had never received a call to try to shut down a colleague.
“Here is what I know: Jennifer is a class act … experienced … and a very responsible journalist. One of the absolute best in the business – no ax to grind, she just wants the facts.”
Van Susteren said she challenged her friend in the Obama administration to provide facts to back up her charge against Griffin.
“I told my friend before I go to Jennifer telling her she is wrong, I need proof she is wrong, strong proof and you need to be specific – what are you saying she is getting wrong?”
But she found quickly there were no facts to offer.
“We went around and around – including the statement again that this was just a call as a favor to Jennifer and me to save Jennifer’s career from reporting incorrect information. I got no proof. Zero. I smelled a rat. Favor to me? Hardly. My friend was trying to use me.”
Van Susteren said she felt badly that a friend “tried to use me for a dirty reason.”
“I knew then – and it is now confirmed by bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee – Jennifer was getting her facts right. I think it is really low for the administration to stoop this low,” Van Susteren wrote.
Blogger Ben Bullard wrote at Personal Liberty Digest that Van Susteren “isn’t a media figure who makes her living by testing the bounds of plausibility along the outermost fringes of conspiracy theory.”
“That’s why it’s hard not to sit up and take notice when she writes that someone inside the Obama administration threatened to end the career of a fellow reporter who was digging too deep into the Benghazi story,” he wrote.
As WND reported, evidence arose shortly after the attack that the Obama administration’s insistence that the deadly incident was a protest turned violent was false.
This week, WND reported an eyewitness to the attack confirmed the conclusion of the report released last Wednesday by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that the Obama administration misled the American public.
Speaking from Libya, Ahmed Salem, a young political activist opposed to radical Islamic terrorism, told WND that al-Qaida and other radical Islamic militia groups, including some from Egypt, launched a pre-planned, well-organized, heavily armed attack on the U.S. compound.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/fox-anchor-team-obama-threatened-benghazi-reporter/#S1h6ACW2P1FdKdZc.99

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

De Blasio Disaster, Streets not plowed, "worst snow removal in 30 years" blames it on GPS? Punishes 1%?

Since when do you need a GPS to remove snow???
New York City Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said a map that showed streets going unplowed on the Upper East Side was due to a faulty GPS system on a salt spreader, and traffic problems.
The city’s own map showed no record of plowing on many streets on the Upper East Side – particularly east-west streets from 59th Street to 67th Street east of Lexington Avenue.
The map also showed many primary snow removal routes — including 79th Street between Second and Lexington avenues, 87th Street between Park and Fifth avenues, and several blocks of Madison Avenue between 86th and 93rd streets — had not been plowed in three to six hours.
Earlier, the map appeared to show that streets between 59th and 79th streets and between Second and Fifth avenues had gone unplowed.
“One of the problems was that the salt spreader in that area, the GPS system was not working,” Doherty said at a news conference with Mayor Bill de Blasio Tuesday evening.
Because of that, the snow tracker did not show that the streets had been plowed, he said.
He added that traffic congestion also made plowing streets in the area difficult.
“Traffic also created a big problem for us in that area. I think any of the reporters, or anybody who was in that area this afternoon were reporting, nothing is moving in the area,” Doherty said.
Doherty conceded the traffic problems may have been inevitable due to slippery conditions, but whatever the case, traffic jams affect snow plows too.
“The longer it takes those cars to move, the longer it takes for us to get in there and salt those streets, and that’s what part of the problem was,” he said.
He said many of the streets on the Upper East Side did eventually get plowed.
“We had the salt spreaders, and everything, out there doing everything as quickly as we could,” he said.
De Blasio emphasized at the news conference that plows were out everywhere.
“I want to emphasize that the combination of the intensifying snow and the fact that it is hitting, of course, as most people’s vehicles have been on the streets, is a tough combination,” de Blasio said. “Sanitation is responding with everything they’ve got.”
But one resident told CBSNewYork.com the lack of plowing was not just a mistake on the map. Jennifer Ratner, who lives near 86th Street and York Avenue, said she had not seen a snow plow on her block all day.
“It looked like when I went to the window was finally coming on my block, and when I went to the window, it was my doorman or somebody from the block with some kind of a portable plow,” she said.
Ratner said the sound of plows can usually be heard every couple of hours during a snowstorm.
“I happen to have been home for a couple hours, and I didn’t hear it at all,” she said.
Complaints about unplowed streets mounted in many areas of the city Tuesday night, CBS 2’s Jessica Schneider reported.
“Mayor If you’re listening, please plow these streets,” said Sonny Budharaja of Harlem.

Budharaja said he drove for three hours around Manhattan Tuesday, stuck in gridlock and navigating through snow filled streets.

CBS 2 found an inch or more of untouched snow on avenues, and snowpack coating several side streets.

“None of the streets have been plowed, like, no matter which way you go, it’s like this everywhere,” he said. “I guess the mayor is focusing more on other boroughs like last time.”
He said he had never seen worse conditions.
“I’ve never seen anything like this. This is the first time,” he said. “I’ve been living in New York City for 30 years. This is horrendous.”
And a New York Post report Tuesday evening quoted some residents of the affluent Upper East Side, who accused de Blasio of ignoring them in an effort to “get us back.”
Another resident speaking to the newspaper accused de Blasio of “trying to hurt the more wealthy people by ignoring us,” while another called the mayor “crazy” and said “we need Mayor Bloomberg back.
Ratner did not share the position that the lack of plowing had anything to do with the mayor.
“I wouldn’t guess that de Blasio would be doing something personal,” she said, noting that she had made a point of going to meet the mayor at a pre-inaugural party at the Gracie Mansion. “I think he would be above anything like that.”

Bunch of Moslems singing "Habein Yakir"

Frum Jews posting signs on the door warning Schnorrers to stay away, because the house has "Internet"