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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chaya Faiga Hager, Vishnitzer Rebbe's Great Granddaughter dies after childbirth of her first child, was 18 years old, Video

Viznitzer Rebbe Monsey

An Chassidic  teenager died just a day after giving birth to her first child, according to hospital officials in New York.

The 18-year-old woman was identified as Chaya Faiga Hager, the great-granddaughter of the grand rabbi of Viznitz.

The woman died just a year after getting married. Hager married at age 17, as many ultra-Orthodox Jewish girls.

Hager died a day after giving birth to her first child.

Earlier this week, Hager gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

However, the woman developed an infection, and her condition quickly deteriorated until she died.

Thousands attended her funeral, and she was buried in Monsey, New York.


VID-20131119-WA0058.mp4 from bhol on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chareidim in Israel refuse to work, refuse to get a secular education but blame the Zionist Government for their poverty!

The Agudah of America put out this video, blaming the Israeli government for the poverty of Chareidie families...but no where do you hear that these families refuse to work, have 10 - 15 children, and have their wives go to work to support their lazy husbands.
 No "Godel" has ever stood up and screamed at these parasites to uphold their Ketubah that states that they will support their wives.

There is no poverty in Israel there are only lazy bastards who have no "Hakoras Hatoiv" to the Zionists government that gave them huge handouts up until the "Chilonim" woke up from their slumber and turned around to see that their hard earned money is going to these ungrateful parasites!!!! 

Gerer Rebbe prohibits Chassidim to drive cars and to ride bicycles

Just a week after Rav Yitzchok Amnon called to prohibit Jewish women from driving, the grand rabbi of Gur has banned men from driving, according to a letter publicized among Gur Hasidim in London, England.

Rabbi Abraham Benjamin Silberberg, a senior rabbi in Gur, has issued eleven new decrees for Gur followers last week, according to a report in the Haredi World.

Rule number 8 on the list prohibits men from getting a driver’s license. “It is self understood that women are also banned from driving,” the letter states.

Rule number 9 prohibits men from riding bicycles.

Rule number 10 also prohibits families from going to a hotel.

These strict new rules come just after Amnon Yitzhak ruled that women should not drive.

As we reported earlier, a popular Sephardic rabbi wants women to be prohibited from driving just like in Saudi Arabia.

“A woman who drives is not modest, and women should not get behind the wheel of a car,” Amnon Yitzhak ruled.

Yitzhak, famous for persuading thousands of secular Israelis to embrace religious observances by warning them of the terrible fate that awaits them in hell, explained that women must not operate a “horseless carriage,” because in the past only men drove horse-drawn vehicles.

Yitzhak made ​​the statement at a conference held last week. Yitzhak falsely claimed that all rabbis agree that the driver's seat was only for men.

“No real rabbi would allow a woman to drive," Yitzhak said. “Just like Saudi Arabia,” he added.

When asked by a female member of the audience, if women are allowed to drive for a good cause, Yitzhak said that driving for a good cause is prohibited, comparing the situation to a person who steals to give to charity.

"It is indecent for a woman to drive under any circumstances," he asserted.

Chassidim in Ashkelon block ambulances from transporting the sick on shabbos!

Emergency workers are angry after Chassidim blocked ambulances from transporting the sick to hospitals on Shabbat, according to Ichud Hatzalah Ashkelon.

A spokesperson for Ichud Hatzalah Ashkelon said that on Friday night, at 11:00 p.m., they received a call about a woman, who fell unconscious, on Akavya Ben Mehalel Street.

Rescue workers of Ichud Hatzalah and Magen David Adom responded to the scene.

Paramedics began to treat a woman, 90, who was feeling dizzy and lost consciousness.

A Mobile Intensive Care Unit of Magen David Adom began administering CPR on the scene. Paramedics tried to revive the woman for about an hour, and she was transported to a local hospital in critical condition.

However, rescue workers were extremely angry after a crowd of Chassidim gathered at the scene, who began obstruction the work of paramedics while screaming “shabes.”

“This is a desecration of Shabbat. There is no need to come with so many ambulances to the scene,” the group of Haredim yelled at the rescue workers.

Since the woman was in critical condition, she required a greater number of EMTs, so paramedics disregarded the Haredi crowd, and went on with their business while suffering from insults.

Rescue workers reported that this was not the first time that Haredim obstruct their work. They urged local rabbis to persuade their followers to stop the practice of protesting and blocking ambulances during emergencies.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Bloggers targeting Yeshiva of Staten Island to oust Avrohom Meir from their Kollel

Rabbi Weiss who supports his son "The Tyrant" 

 A social media and phone campaign to bar an estranged husband from the Yeshiva of Staten Island is the latest gambit in an increasingly aggressive and professionally-orchestrated effort to extract a "get" from the son of a prominent Island Jewish family.    
Rabbi Yosaif Asher Weiss of Prince's Bay, who has defended his son and family against accusations by his estranged daughter-in-law, Gital Dodelson, reportedly has taken a leave of absence from Artscroll publishing house, which was the target of a boycott promoted on Ms. Dodelson's web site.
Rabbi Weiss is the father of Avrohom Meir Weiss, formerly of Staten Island, who now lives in New Jersey, as does his estranged wife Ms. Dodelson.
The Weiss family is well-known in the Island Jewish community and various relatives have worked for both Artscroll and the Yeshiva of Staten Island in Pleasant Plains. 
Ms. Dodelson first asked Avrohom Meir Weiss for a "get," which is a Jewish bill of divorce, four years ago, and their civil divorce was finalized in August 2012. Ms. Dodelson claims on her Facebook page that Weiss refuses to give her a "get" unless she agrees to myriad conditions.
"We turn to the administration of the Yeshiva of Staten Island, where he studies, to protest against him and to remove him from the Kollel" says a notice posted on Ms. Dodelson's web site. "Tell them in no uncertain terms that withholding a get is NOT acceptable."

Supporters are urged to call the yeshiva and the phone number and address are listed on the web site. Calls to the yeshiva for comment weren't immediately returned.

Shira Dicker, who described herself in an email to the Advance as "part of Team Gital," acknowledged that "Gital is one of my clients" and became defensive when asked whether she was paid for her services. 

"What is problematic about a victim taking her story public? said Shira Dicker. "Other women in Gital's position hired hit men."
"I have seen some people jump on the fact that the Dodelsons hired a publicist as if this is some kind of crime or sinister strategy," Ms. Dicker said. "That really confuses me. What is problematic about a victim taking her story public? I hope that is NOT what your question implied. Other women in Gital's position hired hit men."

Ms. Dodelson's Facebook page includes a letter from Rabbi Weiss and his brother, Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, who worked at Artscroll, describing the "get" dispute. Rabbi Yosaif Weiss declined to comment other than to verify the authenticity of the letter.

"As we believe you are aware, all the accusations and pressures attendant to the campaign of slander that has been leveled against our families, including the heinous desecration of G-d's Name recently perpetrated by the Dodelson family, are based on untruths and lies," the rabbis said in the letter.
The letter goes on to say that, with regret, they "ARE LEAVING ARTSCROLL/MESORAH UNTIL THIS SITUATION IS RESOLVED."

A get is given by a husband and received by his wife in order to end a Jewish marriage. Without a get, neither party is permitted to remarry according to Jewish law. 

An agunah is a woman whose marriage has functionally ended but whose husband refuses to give her a get, said the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot, which has championed Ms. Dodelson's cause on Facebook.

Itche Wolf, Kloizenberger Chassid buys pink diamond for 83 million dollars

Isaac Wolf, a New York-based diamond cutter, was the buyer of the 59.60-carat pink diamond that sold for $83 million in Geneva last night, a record for any gemstone at auction.

Wolf renamed the oval-cut stone the “Pink Dream,” New York-based Sotheby’s said. 

He competed against three others for the gem in bidding that lasted about five minutes before the strike of the gavel, followed by cheers and applause.
Itche Wolf in center with beard

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Monsey Cheder prohibits 4 and 6 part Kipot???


In a note to parents, made to look like the child is writing to his mother, 
it reads:
(loosely translated)
Dear Mommy,
Please send me to school with a regular yarlmulka, please no stiff  6 "slice" (part) and certainly no 4 "slice" yarmulka.
Because I want a kipa like the other children,
It is more appropriate for my sweet head.
Your sweet Tzadikal

Rav Amnon Yitzchok says Women shouldn't drive, just like in Saudi Arabia

Female drivers are “immodest” and woman should therefore not get behind the the wheel of a car, according to one Israeli rabbi
Amnon Yitzhak, renowned for convincing hordes of secular Israelis to embrace religious observance – by warning them, among other methods, of the grisly fate that awaits them in hell should they persist in their errant ways — explained that women should not operate the horseless carriage because in the past only men drove horse-drawn vehicles, Walla reported (Hebrew) on Tuesday.
Yitzhak made the assertion during a lecture last week — the report didn’t say where it took place — citing various rabbis who had all ruled, he said, that a driver’s seat was for men only. The stance is an outlandish one as the vast majority of Orthodox rabbis agree that Jewish law permits women to drive.
But “none of the wisest rabbis allow women drivers,” Yitzhak said, in Saudi-Arabian fashion. “After all, what is a car? It is a replacement for the carriage. There were never any female carriage drivers.”
Yitzhak, who ran a doomed, and sometimes dirty, Knesset campaign against the now-deceased Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Shas party in January’s elections, said rabbis who permitted women drivers were “fourth- or fifth-rate” populists.
Asked by a female member of the audience if women were nevertheless permitted to drive for a good cause, Yitzhak responded in the negative, comparing the scenario to someone who steals in order to give to charity.
“It is immodest for a woman to drive,” he asserted.
MK Aliza Lavie (Yesh Atid), who chairs the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women, dismissed Yitzhak’s point of view as outdated.
“From the comparison that Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak made between cars and the carriages of the past we can see that if it were up to him, things would still be like they were in the Middle Ages,” she said. “If that’s Rabbi Yitzhak’s preference, then he can go right ahead and turn in his luxury car for a carriage.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pinchos Tzitrenzon falls on subway tracks and get killed in Boro Park

An elderly Haredi man was killed after slipping onto the train tracks as a train moved into the station, according to emergency workers in New York. 

 Pinchas Tzitrenzon, 75, who was waiting for a train at the train station platform located on New Utrecht Avenue and Fort Hamilton Parkway, fell on the tracks and was run over by a train that entered the station.
 Tzitrenzon was waiting for a Manhattan bound train when he suddenly slipped and fell onto the tracks before dozens of horrified passengers. Tzitrenzon tried to climb his way out, but the oncoming train quickly ran him over. Emergency workers arrived and he was declared dead at the scene. 
 Volunteers of the Chesed Shel Emes organization, arrived at the scene to prevent the medical examiner from taking the body.

Lipa Breuer robbed and shot to death

A popular charity worker was robbed and shot while handing out charity food boxes in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York, according to a report by Behadrei Haredim.

 Just a week after Lipa Breuer, 64, was found seriously wounded on a street he died at a local hospital. Breuer was a volunteer for a charity named “Shabbat Pekelach,” which distributed food for the needy on a weekly basis.
 Breuer was reported missing by his family, and he was later found unconscious and beaten on a street. He was transported to a Queens hospital in serious condition.
 Hospital officials said that Breuer was admitted into the hospital about an hour after leaving the charity organization's storage facility with his car.

 Police said that Breuer was robbed and shot while waiting for a traffic light to change.
The suspect put the victim in the back of the car and drove off to Queens. When they arrived in Queens, the suspect dumped Breuer on the street.
The suspect later abandoned the vehicle and fled with the food boxes.
 Police are looking for the suspect, and so far, no arrests have been made.

 Breuer was the manager of a large Satmar girls school named Bracha Sima, in Williamsburg for many years. He also managed the popular Bracha Sima wedding hall.
 Four years ago, he retired and began volunteer work for several charity organizations



To all who have communicated with ArtScroll regarding the Dodelson-Weiss matter:

For the least several months, we have invested enormous time and effort to facilitate a mutually acceptable outcome to the very sad matter of the Weiss-Dodelson differences. We have been motivated by one desire: to help bring about a get so that Gital and Avrohom Meir can build new futures for themselves and so that their child should be provided for in the most positive manner, for his benefit. Unfortunately, these efforts have not yet borne fruit.
In order to avoid further distraction from the harbotzas haTorah of ArtScroll/Mesorah, Rabbis Yosaif Asher and Yisroel Weiss have decided to give up their positions with our firm until this situation is resolved. Their letter to this effect is attached.
May our shared hope be fulfilled: that Hashem will provide all parties with the wisdom and good will to bring a peaceful conclusion to this tragic situation, and may Klal Yisrael everywhere come together and enjoy the blessings of peace.
Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz

Monday, November 11, 2013

Frum guy finds 98,000 in a desk that he bought in Craigslist and returns it," the money not the desk"

A New Haven rabbi found $98,000 in a desk he bought on Craigslist. He then returned the money to the original owner. 
News 8's Noelle Gardner has his amazing story.

Lakewood mothers are assaulting Rabbis with perfume and dress

Mothers of cheder (school-age) boys are urged by "a Lakewood Rebbi" "not [to] dress up excessively ... and definitely do not wear perfume" for parent-teacher conferences with the rebbi (a male teacher.) This "Lakewood Rebbi" then asks "why can't we trust the child's father to go alone and bring home a report? ...Perhaps the mothers could set up a phone meeting with the rebbi. He would be thrilled to do so instead of being assaulted by all types of sights and smells two evenings a year.", proclaiming in print his disgust for women and belief that women really don't need to have any part in their male children's education.

Gital answers the Lying Weiss's, point by point!

The Weiss Family has put out several statements.  This page is intended to refute their accusations and misinformation point by point.
Rabbi Dovid B. Feinstein put out a statement explaining the Weisses’ current position.  This is the gist of his statement:
1.      The two sides accepted Ronnie Greenwald as binding arbitrator
2.      The arbitrator rendered a decision
3.      The Weisses accepted the decision
4.      The Dodelsons rejected it
5.      Hence, the Get is on the table and the Dodelsons are unreasonably refusing to take it

First, before getting into the details, one note of importance:  This case was decided by the judge after three years in court and after hearing from both sides and both custody experts.  Weiss is not satisfied with that decision (despite the fact that he was the one who chose the venue of court), and he is withholding a Get until we go to arbitration for a new decision, totally discarding the judge’s decision.  That alone is extortion and totally unacceptable – withholding a Get in an attempt to obfuscate the court's ruling and a second chance to obtain better terms.
Our Response to the Statement:

Ronnie Greenwald was never accepted as binding arbitrator.  Ronnie himself sent out an email: “It is unfortunate that due to many legal conditions regarding binding arbitration the proposal that I become the binding arbitrator was not accepted” (see email below).  And, if there had been binding arbitration, it would be enforceable in court.  There would be no need to post on the internet asking anyone to “accept the decision.”  Hence, the many of the statements made by Dovid Feinstein alluding to "arbitration" and a "decision" are beyond meaningless.  There was no arbitration.  There was no decision.  

What did happen?  Ronnie Greenwald, who had spoken to Weiss constantly for the past five months, without Dodelson’s knowledge offered a suggestion to base negotiations on.  Not as an arbitrator making a binding decision, but as a biased negotiator making a suggestion.  Anybody can put out a suggestion, but it carries no weight on its own.  It is not a decision and not even a recommendation.  Nobody who takes himself seriously can make even a recommendation about the future of a child without at least talking to the mother to get her input.

And, even as a suggestion, it is so blatantly one-sided, that it is ludicrous.  It mirrors, almost to the T, the Weisses’ demands.  Rabbi Greenwald's suggestion calls for major modifications to the visitation schedule, and for Gital to pay a six-figure sum to Avrohom Meir.

We have never met anyone, outside of Rabbi Zlotowitz from Artscroll, and now Ronnie Greenwald, who thinks it is acceptable to use a Get to extort money and better visitation terms (Ronnie Greenwald, by the way, is great friends with Rabbi Zlotowitz, which is how he got involved in the first place).

And Avrohom Meir, great guy that he is, is now willing to accept the six-figure sum and the increased visitation!  What a Guy!
The bottom line is that there was no agreement to go to arbitration, nor did both sides agree to go to Ronnie Greenwald for negotiations.  

Gital has no intention of giving in to extortion.

Now, you know why we need your continued support.  The court rendered its decision and the case should be over.  Withholding a Get to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars and better terms – be it through new arbitration or new negotiations – is pure extortion.

The Weiss Family put out a statement with their "side" of the story.  This is our response:
It is important to note that the main gist of the statement is that the Siruv is invalid because Weiss was allowed to go to secular court. Okay, even if we accept everything they say as absolute truth, the undisputed fact remains (even according to their own statement) that it was the Weisses who chose to go to the secular court and the case was decided by the secular court. But, now they are not satisfied with the court’s decision so they withhold the Get to obtain better terms. That is called blackmail. And, yes, the whole world is outraged when a person withholds a Get as a means to extort a better deal. That is why we are all rallying to Gital’s cause.

And, even now, after the court rendered its decision, Avrohom Meir can simply go to a Bais Din. But, he refuses. He doesn’t like the court’s decision, refuses to go to a Bais Din, and demands that Gital give him better terms or else he won’t give a Get. Blackmail, plain and simple.

The "Hetter."
1.       This “hetter” was not shown to anyone until it appeared on the internet in June, 2012 – 7 months after the author died, two years after Avrohom Meir sued for custody and one year after the Siruv was issued. Nobody ever mentioned it – not the Dodelsons who were definitely not told about it, not Rabbi Reuven Feinstein who wrote a letter about the case explaining his grandson’s reason for going to court and did not even mention it, and not Rabbi Gestetner who actively supported the Avrohom Meir in a letter but did not even mention it. In fact, the Bais Din itself sent a copy of every response they received from Avrohom Meir to Gital and they neglected to send this “hetter,” presumably because they never received it.

Why was it not shown to anyone until 7 months after the author died? Why would it not be shown to the Bais Din and to the Dodelsons? Why was it not mentioned by the two people publicly supporting him? It is, after all, the main point of their entire position.

2.       A “hetter” needs to be issued by a Bais Din, not an individual, even if he is a scholar. (See Attachment 1, saying that an individual issuing a Hetter is in Niddui - Paragraph #3.)

3.       A “hetter” can only be issued after issuing a summons three times and the defendant refuses to come to Bais Din. (See attachment 1 - Paragraph #2.)  In this case, the individual did not even attempt to speak to the Dodelsons, much less send a summons.

4.       This “hetter” is based on the individual hearing only the Weiss’ side. He never spoke to the Dodelsons. Bais Din Mechon L’hoyroa spent 7 months on the case, hearing back and forth from both sides.   

5.       This “hetter” is based on the individual unilaterally and for no known reason accepting the Weiss’ claim that Gital was withholding the baby. One phone call to the Dodelsons would have led him to understand that, quite the contrary, the Dodelsons were seeking to go to a Rov to work things out. (See Attachment 2.)

6.        The “hetter” is based, in part, on his stating that Bais Din is not accepted by the courts. This is not true in NJ, where the courts accept arbitration by third parties. (See Attachment 3 - the court transcript where the judge advises the Weiss’ lawyer of this fact.)

7.       The “hetter” is based in part on Rabbi Stern, “the Debreciner Rov.” The note from Rabbi Stern was submitted to the Bais Din, and rejected. This is a note that was written 20 years ago about an unknown case, with lines whited out in the middle. The “hetter” claims that the Debreciner’s case and this case are similar. How can he know from the note what the Debreciner’s case was about, and how can he know without talking to the Dodelsons what this case was about?

8.       Rabbi Stern, the Debreciner Rov, signed on a letter stating clearly that a “hetter” cannot be issued by an individual, only a Bais Din. How can this rabbi issue a “hetter” based on Rabbi Stern, when Rabbi Stern himself invalidated such a Hetter and said anyone who does so should be in Niddui. (See Attachment 1.)

9.       The “hetter” was issued by an individual who was disqualified by The Chief Rabbinate of Israel from dealing with Gittin. (See Attachment 4.)

10.   Even if we ignore all of the above issues and assume the “Hetter” is valid, the Hetter only allows him to go to court for “ביקורי ילד” – visitation. Nowhere does it permit suing for custody, child support and legal fees. Avrohom Meir sued for all of these things (See Attachment 5).

The Rest of the Weiss Statement.

1.       The Statement claims that his child was withheld from him. This is false. In fact, there was a disagreement about visitation arrangements and the Dodelsons had begged that they go to an impartial Rov to resolve the dispute, which the Weisses refused to do.

2.       The Statement claims that the episode was recorded. This is true – Avrohom Meir secretly recorded the conversation and later tried to use it in court; but it got him nowhere. What is apparent from seeing the transcript of the recording is that the Dodelsons had one repeated request – that we go to an impartial rov to help work out the issues.

3.       The Statement claims that he sued for joint legal custody. This is false.  In fact he sued for sole residential custody (Attachment 5) which he later changed to joint residential custody, not just joint legal custody.

4.       The Statement claims that the only way to protect his rights in NJ is in court. This is false. In NJ, arbitration is perfectly acceptable. Bais Din is perfectly acceptable by the courts in NJ. (See Attachment 3.)

5.       The Statement claims  that the divorce suit “supplanted” all previous filings. This is false. In fact, the two suits were merged into one docket. (See Attachment 6.) The Complaint for Custody (brought by Weiss) and the Complaint for Divorce (brought by Dodelson) were now both in one docket; nothing was supplanted.

6.       The statement claims that only Dodelson could withdraw the Complaint for Custody. This is false. Even after it was merged into one docket with the Complaint for Divorce, nobody could force Weiss to continue with his Complaint for Custody. You can’t force somebody to sue you. He could have withdrawn. And Dodelson expressly told Weiss and Bais Din that she would sign any document if necessary to remove both the Complaint for Custody and the Complaint for Divorce.

7.       The Statement claims that Avrohom Meir provided the Bais Din with the “hetter” to go to court. This is false. He did not present the “hetter” which is posted here. He provided the Bais Din with the Debreciner’s note –which the Bais Din rejected as totally inadequate –  a 20 year old note about an unknown case with lines missing in the middle.

8.       The Statement claims that he explained to Bais Din that he could not withdraw from the case. This is false because he could withdraw his Complaint for Custody even though she sued for divorce. Bais Din is familiar with court procedures and understood the situation very well. And Dodelson told Weiss and Bais Din she would sign anything if necessary to have both custody and divorce withdrawn from court.

9.       The Statement claims that Weiss provided the name of a rabbi for Zabla. They provided the name of somebody who had a stroke and, at the time, could not physically carry on a dinner conversation, much less preside over a Din Torah. They gave the name of another rabbi who is rejected by every single Bais Din in the country.

Attachment 1.pdf
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Attachment 3.jpg
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Attachment 5.pdf
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Attachment 2.docx
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Attachment 4 .pdf
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Attachment 6.pdf
Download File


Boro Park Tzedaka "Fondler" Arrested! Only because he is a Sfardi, if he was a Satmarer, that would be "Mesira"

Just two days after a Borough Park woman was sexually assaulted in her own home by a tzedaka collector, police have arrested a suspect in the case, after being tipped off by Shomrim. 

 “One of our members spotted a person of interest who might fit the description of the man we were looking for,” Mutty Katz of Shomrim told VIN News. “We contacted the person who filed the police report and contacted 911.” 

 Both police and Shomrim canvassed the area for several hours on Friday afternoon, as previously reported on VIN News. “The police came down and the witness identified the man,” said Katz. “It was the way he was described that allowed us to identify him as a person of interest: the kind of hat he was wearing, his beard and the way he was walking. 

 The witness gave us the missing pieces of the puzzle and we got him.” Police sources confirmed, that a 59 year old Brooklyn man was arrested at 2:34 this afternoon on 59th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues and charged with forcible touching in the incident which took place on November 8th. 

 Assemblyman Dov Hikind told VIN News that the collector had reportedly asked the victim, who is in her 20’s, for permission to use the bathroom when he came to her door on Friday and once again issued a strong advisory to the public. “We are a community of givers and we don’t want anyone to change that but you have to be careful,” said Hikind. “Don’t ever let anyone into your house if you don’t know them.”

 Hikind had high words of praise for Shomrim. “Shomrim are indispensible, magnificent and they are one of the most effective means of law enforcement in the city of New York as they work with the police department,” observed Hikind. “They are superstars.”

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Frum guy caught cheating on EMT exam, putting lives in jeopardy!

Rabbi Ezra Max allegedly taking photos of the EMT-certification test.

The state has pulled the plug on the recent EMT-certification test scores of 25 people ­because of blatant cheating, The Post has learned.
Rabbi Ezra Max, who runs a Brooklyn volunteer ambulance corps and a “Kosher Coaching” counseling business, was accused of snapping photos of the exam with his cellphone.
He was photographed by a fellow test-taker who sent incriminating ­photos to the state Health Department, triggering an investigation.
“It is highly possible that a cellphone was utilized to take pictures or otherwise record the examination booklet,” Andrew Johnson, deputy director of the state’s Bureau of Emergency Services, said in a letter to city EMS officials.
The photos also show test-takers sitting elbow-to-elbow at tables at Universal Emergency Care Training in Brooklyn, the testing site.
“Students were allowed to sit too close to one another and were looking at other students’ answer sheets,” Johnson wrote.
The misconduct led the state to void the exam results, but no one was otherwise disciplined, officials said.
The state also changed the exam’s format and questions because it feared illicit copies could be used to help other test-takers cheat.
Besides requiring exams for new EMTs, the state mandates medics — whether employed by fire departments, hospitals, private firms or volunteer corps — to pass the tests every three years to ensure their competency.
Cellphones are not ­allowed in the exams.
Max denied wrongdoing.
“I didn’t take any pictures of the exam. I don’t know why anybody would make such an accusation,” he said.
Asked whether he had a cellphone at the exam, Max said, “No comment.”
Max also refused to say whether he is certified as an EMT.
He is currently not certified, a state spokesman said.
Max is listed on documents as one of four co-owners of NYC Community EMS, which took over a private firm in April 2012.
The listed president, Isaac Soskin, did not return calls.
A local EMS official faulted the state — which hires proctors to monitor the exams — for lax supervision.
“If anyone failed to do their job properly, it was the state proctor,” said Yedidyah Langsam, a Brooklyn College professor, paramedic, and chairman of the Regional Emergency Medical Services Council of NYC, an oversight body.
But a state spokesman said the June 20 proctor was not disciplined.