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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gilad Shalit Deal Reached with Hamas, Israel will release 1,000 terrorists

Israeli and Hamas have reached a deal to free a captured Israeli soldier held in the Gaza Strip in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, officials from both sides said Tuesday, capping five years of painful negotiations that have repeatedly collapsed in fingerpointing and violence.
The deal would bring home Sgt. Gilad Schalit, who was captured in a cross-border raid in June 2006 by Palestinian militants who burrowed into Israel and dragged him into Gaza. Little has been known about his fate since then.
Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, convened an urgent meeting Tuesday night with his Cabinet to approve the deal, said an Israeli official, who spoke on condition pending a formal announcement. Hamas officials and media outlets also confirmed the deal.
The agreement would exchange Schalit, 25, for around 1,000 Palestinian prisoners. Israel had previously balked at Hamas' demands because some of the prisoners are serving lengthy sentences for deadly attacks on Israelis.

Its only days after Yom Kippur and Seminary refuse to admit Sephardic girls

These are the schools that are supposed to educate our precious daughters in Torah and Middos. What kind of example do these schools give when they violate on a daily basis the mitzvah M"deorisah of V'ahavta Lerachu Kumoicha (Love your friend like yourself)?
Stop sending your daughters to these institutions and stop funding them, nothing good will ever come out of these schools.
Here read and weep ...
The discrimination between Sephardic and Ashkenazi students in the ultra-Orthodox public has been going on for years, reaching its peak with the Emmanuel affair, in which fathers were arrested for refusing to send their daughters to seminaries without segregation.

Throughout the years, the haredim have claimed that the segregation has to do with religious devoutness, but reality proves otherwise.
Kol Hai Radio on Sunday aired a recording of a principal of a haredi high school for girls in Beitar Illit, complaining about the number of Sephardic students he must deal with.

"Not every year (…) absolutely not. Are you aware of the amount of Sephardic girls? I can't, I just can't," the principal is heard saying.

The radio station received the recording from an Ashkenazi haredi businessman, who tried to convince the seminary principal to admit students who have yet to find a suitable school. According to the man, the girls come from devout religious homes, and their only sin is being Sephardic.

Read more ynetnews.com

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Arab Countries that overthrow their dictators make sure to throw out Jews too

It is just another sign that the Arab Spring is turning into an autumn of Muslim religious persecution. While the world media is currently focused on the latest Christian murders at a demonstration in Cairo, a much smaller, but equally telling, incident of religious intolerance played itself out in Libya today.

David Gerbi, a Libyan Jew who fled his country for Italy in 1967 to escape the recently deposed Muammar Gaddafi​’s persecution, was forced to leave Libya again Tuesday after unsuccessfully attempting to reopen the Dar Bishi Synagogue in Tripoli. Dar Bishi, closed 41 years ago, was to be Libya’s first functioning synagogue in decades. In an indication of the devastation visited on Libya’s Jewish community, in 1941 there were 44 synagogues in Tripoli alone and Jews formed 25 percent of the city’s population.

Gerbi’s desire to re-establish the more than 2,000-year-old Jewish presence in his native land ended in failure when several hundred angry protesters showed up last Thursday to oppose his initial efforts to clean out the abandoned building for prayer. Granted official permission, he broke down the synagogue’s bricked-up entrance.

But a peaceful protest wasn’t sufficient for the citizens of the “new” Libya. Holding signs that read, “There is no place for Jews in Libya” and “We don’t have a place for Zionism,” the demonstrators also demanded Gerbi’s expulsion from the country and tried to storm his Tripoli hotel. After speaking with Libyan and Italian authorities, Gerbi agreed to leave the country “to ease the tensions.”

“This incident has served to expose the dangerous reality simmering beneath the surface,” Gerbi noted. “I want to contribute to, not obstruct, the building of a new, democratic and pluralistic Libya. It is sad and absurd that my mere presence in Libya should set off so much hostility and I regret this.”

The fact some of the protesters’ signs were in Hebrew, and a demonstration against the synagogue re-opening also took place in Benghazi indicates the hostility Gerbi “set off” was not necessarily spontaneous or entirely local. Most likely the product of Islamist forces with international connections, the anti-Semitic protesters may also have wanted Gerbi expelled from the country because he is seeking the position as the rebel National Transition Council’s (NTC) representative for Libyan Jewry.

There had been a thriving Jewish presence in Libya for 2,300 years. When Libya became an Italian colony in 1911, Jews lived mostly in Tripoli and Benghazi. Italian occupation was a fairly positive experience for Libya’s Jews until Italy’s fascist regime grew more anti-Semitic in the 1930s. And as the anti-Semitism intensified, “anti-Jewish incidents increased in Libya” and Rome “privileged Libya’s Arabs over its Jews.” Worse, however, was yet to come.

“As the Axis solidified in the late 1930s, Rome imposed anti-Semitic race laws on both Italy and Libya,” writes Michael Rubin in a review of Maurice Roumani’s book, The Jews of Libya. “Libyan Jews were interned in local labor camps, deported, and, in some cases, transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.”

During the war, German troops also plundered the Jewish quarter in Benghazi and deported more than 2,000 Jews, including women and children, across the desert to an Italian work camp in western Libya that Gerbi visited. Gerbi “sat shiva” for the 600 prisoners who died there during a typhoid epidemic and visited the cemetery where they are now buried.

After the war, the plight of Libya’s Jews only got worse. One pogrom alone in 1945 cost 100 Jews their lives in Tripoli and other towns. Five synagogues were also destroyed. And as Israel’s independence neared in 1948, members of Libya’s 36,000-strong Jewish community began to leave the land where they had lived for more than two millennia. Between 1948 and 1951, 30,792 of their number emigrated to Israel. The son of one these immigrants, Moshe Kahlon, later rose to become Israel’s Minister of Communication.

The remaining 6,000-7,000 Libyan Jews were forced out of the country after the 1967 Six Day War​, Gerbi being one of them. The war saw more anti-Jewish pogroms, in which 18 Jews were murdered. The Italian Navy evacuated all but 100 Libyan Jews, of whom 4,000 went to Israel or the United States. Two thousand stayed in Italy.

But even being reduced to such a tiny, insignificant and powerless number provided no protection for the remaining 100, when Muammar Gaddafi​ came to power in 1969. The Libyan dictator had their property confiscated, causing more Libyan Jews to leave until their number had dwindled to a mere 20. The last Libyan Jew, an 80-year old woman, left the country in 2003, making Libya a “Judenrein” state that would have made Hitler proud.

It was this rich, centuries-old heritage, decimated in such a short time span, that Gerbi wanted to revive with his mission to Libya. A psychoanalyst and member of the World Organization of Libyan Jews, he had visited Libya several times in the past decade before he returned last spring to help the rebels against Gaddafi. He worked at a hospital in Benghazi before travelling to the former internment camp in western Libya where he met anti-Gaddafi Berber rebels. The Berbers, whose members sit on the NTC, were also oppressed under Gaddafi’s dictatorship and want to see a Jewish presence in Libya again.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Egyptian Muslim fanatics burn churches, kill Christians ...Jimmy Carter must be happy with these developments..Obama calls for restraint from the Christians (Video)

Jimmy Carter the worst President of the US advocated the toppling of Mubarak, so he must be gloating as he and the whole wide world watches as the Muslems burn the churches down and  kill the Christians.. and notice how the mainstream media reports this atrocity....reading the article you would never know that the Christians were the ones being killed..Meanwhile our brilliant President, the Harvard Grad, asks restraint from the Christians..

Flames lit up downtown Cairo, where massive clashes raged Sunday, drawing Christians angry over a recent church attack, Muslims and Egyptian security forces. At least 24 people were killed and more than 200 injured in the worst sectarian violence since the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in February.
The rioting lasted late into the night, bringing out a deployment of more than 1,000 security forces and armored vehicles to defend thestate television building along the Nile, where the trouble began. The military clamped a curfew on the area until 7 a.m.
The clashes spread to nearby Tahrir Square, drawing thousands of people to the vast plaza that served as the epicenter of the protests that ousted Mubarak. On Sunday night, they battled each other with rocks and firebombs, some tearing up pavement for ammunition and others collecting stones in boxes.
At one point, an armored security van sped into the crowd, striking a half-dozen protesters and throwing some into the air. Protesters retaliated by setting fire to military vehicles, a bus and private cars, sending flames rising into the night sky.
After midnight, mobs roamed downtown streets, attacking cars they suspected had Christian passengers. In many areas, there was no visible police or army presence to confront or stop them.
Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Egypt's 80 million people, blame the country's ruling military council for being too lenient on those behind a spate of anti-Christian attacks since Mubarak's ouster. As Egypt undergoes a chaotic power transition and security vacuum in the wake of the uprising, the Coptic Christian minority is particularly worried about the show of force by ultraconservative Islamists.
Prime Minister Essam Sharaf, addressing the nation in a televised speech, said the violence threatened to throw Egypt's post-Mubarak transition off course.
"These events have taken us back several steps," he said. "Instead of moving forward to build a modern state on democratic principles we are back to seeking stability and searching for hidden hands — domestic and foreign — that meddle with the country's security and safety."
"I call on Egyptian people, Muslims and Christians, women and children, young men and elders to hold their unity," Sharaf said.
The Christian protesters said their demonstration began as a peaceful attempt to sit in at the television building. But then, they said, they came under attack by thugs in plainclothes who rained stones down on them and fired pellets.
"The protest was peaceful. We wanted to hold a sit-in, as usual," said Essam Khalili, a protester wearing a white shirt with a cross on it. "Thugs attacked us and a military vehicle jumped over a sidewalk and ran over at least 10 people. I saw them."
Wael Roufail, another protester, corroborated the account. "I saw the vehicle running over the protesters. Then they opened fired at us," he said.
Khalili said protesters set fire to army vehicles when they saw them hitting the protesters.
Ahmed Yahia, a Muslim resident who lives near the TV building, said he saw the military vehicle plow into protesters. "I saw a man's head split into two halves and a second body flattened when the armored vehicle ran over it. When some Muslims saw the blood they joined the Christians against the army," he said.
Television footage showed the military vehicle slamming into the crowd. Coptic protesters were shown attacking a soldier, while a priest tried to protect him. One soldier collapsed in tears as ambulances rushed to the scene to take away the injured.
At least 24 people were killed in the clashes, Health Ministry official Hisham Sheiha said on state TV.
State media reported that Egypt's interim Cabinet was holding an emergency session to discuss the situation.
The protest began in the Shubra district of northern Cairo, then headed to the state television building along the Nile where men in plainclothes attacked about a thousand Christian protesters as they chanted denunciations of the military rulers.
"The people want to topple the field marshal!" the protesters yelled, referring to the head of the ruling military council, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi. Some Muslim protesters later joined in the chant.
Later in the evening, a crowd of Muslims turned up to challenge the Christian crowds, shouting, "Speak up! An Islamic state until death!"
Armed with sticks, the Muslim assailants chased the Christian protesters from the TV building, banging metal street signs to scare them off. It was not immediately clear who the attackers were.
Gunshots rang out at the scene, where lines of riot police with shields tried to hold back hundreds of Christian protesters chanting, "This is our country!"
Security forces eventually fired tear gas to disperse the protesters. The clashes then moved to nearby Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the uprising against Mubarak. The army closed off streets around the area.
The clashes left streets littered with shattered glass, stones, ash and soot from burned vehicles. Hundreds of curious onlookers gathered at one of the bridges over the Nile to watch the unrest.
After hours of intense clashes, chants of "Muslims, Christians one hand, one hand!" rang out in a call for a truce. The stone-throwing died down briefly, but then began to rage again.
In the past weeks, riots have broken out at two churches in southern Egypt, prompted by Muslim crowds angry over church construction. One riot broke out near the city of Aswan, even after church officials agreed to a demand by ultraconservative Muslims known as Salafis that a cross and bells be removed from the building.
Aswan's governor, Gen. Mustafa Kamel al-Sayyed, further raised tensions by suggesting to the media that the church construction was illegal.
Protesters said the Copts are demanding the ouster of the governor, reconstruction of the church, compensation for people whose houses were set on fire and prosecution of those behind the riots and attacks on the church.
Last week, the military used force to disperse a similar protest in front of the state television building. Christians were angered by the treatment of the protesters and vowed to renew their demonstrations until their demands are met.

If you are a Levi and eat Chodosh you cannot get an Aliyah on Succos

באנו כאן להזכיר אתכם דבריו בשו"ת או"ח סימן ט"ו לענין שני י"ט ראשונים של סוכות וז"ל ראה זה ראיתי מנהגי מורי הגאון מ' נתן אדלער זצ"ל שביו"ט של סוכות לא קרא ללוי למי שאוכל חדש כי באותו זמן כבר נקצרו השעורים שהם חדש קודם העומר והלוי קורין לפניו בבי"ט של סוכות ולחם וקלי וכרמל לא תאכלו עד עצם היום הזה עד הביאכם וזה יברך על התורה ויקרא לפניו מקרא זה ושוב ישתה שכר ויי"ש ויאכל פתו המחומץ בשמרי שכר שלרוב פוסקים גם בזה הזמן הוא דאורייתא עכ"ל לפיכך צריך כל גבאי לדרוש ולחקור קודם שיכבד או ימכר את העליה אם הנהגות המכובד או הלוקח בענין חדש הוא כפי רצון רבינו

Iran actress sentenced to 90 lashes and year in jail

Marzieh Vafamehr 

Actress Marzieh Vafamehr has been sentenced to a year in jail and 90 lashes for her role in a film about the limits imposed on artists in the Islamic republic, an Iranian opposition website reported Sunday.
"A verdict has been issued for Marzieh Vafamehr, sentencing her to a year in jail and 90 lashes," Kalameh.com reported.
"Her lawyer has appealed the sentence, which was handed down yesterday (Saturday)," the report added, without giving further details.
Vafamehr was arrested in July after appearing in "My Tehran for Sale," which came under harsh criticism in conservative circles.
The film, produced in collaboration with Australia, tells the story of a young actress in Tehran whose theatre work is banned by the authorities. She is then forced to lead a secret life in order to express herself artistically.
The Fars news agency said the movie had not been approved for screening in Iran and was being distributed in the country illegally.
Vafamehr was released in late July after posting unspecified bail.

Chabad Mesheechistim become violent ...time to throw them out of Judaisim

CrownHeightsinfo.com  is reporting that the crazy lunatic fringe of Lubavitich, the Meshicheestim from Tzfat, the group that believes that the late Lubavitcher Rebbi Z"L is still alive and well, is now becoming more and more aggressive and violent .... read below
A Bochur walking home late at night was attacked from behind, a towel wrapped around his head so that he could not see his attackers, kicked and punched to the moment he felt that he was surely going to die. A group of four walks into a dorm where guests are staying and steal mattresses, quilts and pillows. A Maggid Shiur gets interrupted in 770 then shoved around and bullied. This was but a handful of incidents perpetrated by a band of Tzfatis last week.


During an event welcoming the Bochurim who are guests in Crown Heights for the High Holidays and the month of Tishrei, a group of these extremists walked into a dorm on Union Street, which is housing over fifty Bochurim, and were captured on surveillance cameras as they removed many mattresses, beds, quilts and pillows.

A number of the thieves were identified as being involved in attacks later on in the week.


A Shiur in 770, being given by a Maggid Shiur who is not a Mishechist, was interrupted by a group of Tzfatis. At first the group only interrupted and threatened to kill him should he continue giving Shiurim in 770, but the confrontation quickly got physical when the noise and threats alone didn’t satisfy the hooligans.

The Rabbi was lifted from his chair and was kicked, punched and shoved, all before the freighted eyes of his students.


The most frightening incident took place on Tuesday night: a Bochur was walking home late at night when he was attacked from behind, a towel was wrapped over his head and he was beaten within an inch of his life.

In the victim's own words he described feeling completely powerless and sure he was going to die with his head firmly planted into the mud patch near a tree on Carroll Street, as three assailants kicked him repeatedly.

How the attack ended the victim was not able to recall, but his attackers left a number of items behind.

One Bochur called the CrownHeights.info offices and implored us to bring attention to this ongoing onslaught. He related to this reporter that out of desperation, and he himself being one of the victims, he approached R. Braun in 770 and asked him how he should deal with the attacks and the threats.

He received a response stating that if he was threatened and he is in fear then he must go to the police immediately and file a report. He further clarified that not reporting it is within the boundaries of “shofech domim mamash” [spilling blood himself].

When push came to shove and R. Braun realized that the attackers were Tzfatis working with the Eshel organization headed by Mendel Hendel, Braun refused to back up his statements in writing.


The final serious incident took place on Wednesday afternoon as a Bochur was giving out booklets which were dealing with preparing for Yom Kippur, when he was surrounded by a group of these extremists who began to beat him, then stole his stash of booklets - “all because they don’t agree with them,”

said the victim.

CrownHeights.info spoke with a number of the victims, who said that the attacks are not coming alone and that on a daily basis they are being targeted with threats: “we will make sure you remain single for the rest of your life,” “if you dare continue to cross us we will make sure to have you arrested and open a criminal file against you by the police.” The most frightening threats were more pointed: “we will catch you on a dark street and beat you to 
death, we will kill you,” a threat which these hooligans already made good on.

Most, if not all, of the assailants are known to be working for Hendel's Eshel Hacnosas Orchim, and have been for a number of years. These confrontations have occurred over the past years, but never have they escalated into such systematic violence.

A number of Rabbonim have been contacted on the matter, including Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba and Rabbi Yitzchok Yehuda Yeroslavsky – all of whom have issued letters supporting the victims to go to the authorities in order to put an end to this madness.

Saudi Arabia beheads 8 immigrants

Eight Bangladeshi migrants were beheaded in public in the Saudi Arabian capital after they were convicted of killing an Egyptian security guard four years ago, a media report said. They were charged with robbing a warehouse and killing a security guard, Egyptian national Hussein Saeed Mohammed Abdulkhaleq, in April 2007, bdnews24.com reported on Saturday.
Mamun Abdul Mannan, Faruq Jamal, Sumon Miah, Mohammed Sumon, Shafiq al-Islam, Masud Shamsul Haque, Abu al-Hussain Ahmed and Mutir al-Rahman were executed Friday in Riyadh. Three other accused were given jail terms.
Human rights group Amnesty International has condemned the execution.
"Court proceedings in Saudi Arabia fall far short of international standards for fair trial and news of these recent multiple executions is deeply disturbing," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, the group's Middle East director.
"The Saudi authorities appear to have increased the number of executions in recent months, a move that puts the country at odds with the worldwide trend against the death penalty," he said in a statement.
The organisation pointed out that majority of those executed recently in Saudi Arabia were workers from poor countries.
They also have no access to influential figures or money, both of which might have secured them pardons. Saudi Arabia applies the death penalty for a wide range of offences, the web news portal said quoting the statement.
Most of the defendants have no defence lawyer, have insufficient hold of the Arabic language to follow proceedings and in many cases they are not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them, it said.
The beheadings bring the number of executions in Saudi Arabia this year to 58, more than double than the 2010 figures. Twenty of those executed this year were foreign nationals.

Vatican wants friendly relationship with Ahmadinejad

The Vatican is building a strong friendship with Iranian authorities and clergy.
The Holy See’s course with Iran’s Ahmadinejad began in 2009 at the United Nations, when at the first day of the “Durban II” Conference, the Iranian president, the only head of state to attend, made a speech blasting Israel as “totally racist” and referred to the Holocaust as an “ambiguous and dubious question”.
When Ahmadinejad began his rant against the Jews, all the European delegates left the conference room. The Catholic delegation didn’t say a word.
Recently, Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, head of the Lebanon’s Catholic Church, sent his envoy, Father Abdo Abou Kassem, to Teheran for the weekend, to attend a conference in support of the Palestinian Intifada and of a “Zionist-free middle east”.
The conference was attended also by Hizbullah ideologue, Mohammad Raad, and by the Hamas’ leader Khaled Meshaal.
A few days before that, a delegation of clergy members of Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly visited the Vatican in Rome. They met with top Catholic officials.
Read More in Arutz Sheva

British Doc botches 95 surgeries, keeps working in socialized system

The hospital trust where Manjit Bhamra worked has already paid out £1 million to 10 patients whose surgery went badly wrong.
Now it is facing a further 85 complaints – in what could become one of Britain's biggest clinical negligence claims against a single surgeon.
Mr Bhamra has twice been referred to the General Medical Council but is now working at a different hospital which said it had "no concerns" about him.
The orthopaedic surgeon, 55, is accused of leaving hip patients in such pain that they were housebound and unable to work, with one man forced to sleep in a chair at night because he was unable to lie down.
Payments of between £1,750 to £500,000 have already been made in ten cases treated by Mr Bhamra at Rotherham Hospital, South Yorkshire – though liability was not accepted in all cases.
A patient in her 50s was left with one leg longer than the other, and in such pain that the entire hip joint had to be removed for almost three months before it was corrected, while one 23 year-old given the wrong hip implant was left disabled for life.
Negligence lawyers now considering the new complaints, most of them about his last two years at the hospital, which he left in 2007, said they were astonished at the number of patients who had contacted them.
The surgeon, 55, is now working at Pinderfields General Hospital, in Wakefield, and also works for the private Care UK group in Southampton and London.
Last week a series of patients told how procedures had gone wrong.
Wayne Pickering, 59, from Doncaster had his pelvis fractured during hip surgery in February 2006.
The hospital has admitted negligence and paid compensation for the botched operation, which left the former semi-professional footballer in so much pain he was forced to give up his job.
Mr Pickering, a father of three, had already undergone several hip operations, following years spent playing football for Sheffield Wednesday and Bolton Wanderers and in South Africa.
The revision surgery was to replace a "cup" which would hold the joint.
Mr Pickering said that when he came round from the procedure, Mr Bhamra told him: "'I've nicked your artery, damaged the nerve and broken your pelvis' – not the words you want to hear."
Despite the need for further surgery, he was discharged after two weeks. It was not until last year that the corrective surgery took place.
Permanent damage to his sciatic nerve has left Mr Pickering, of Doncaster, in constant pain, and unable to walk or stand without crutches, while medication to cope with the pain brings short-term memory loss.
He was forced to give up his job as an engineering sales representative, because he cannot drive more than a few miles, and needs help from his wife Penny, to wash and dress.
Mr Pickering said: " I used to be very fit, I used to run and play golf and now I can't even get out of my chair without someone helping me. You have to be strong to cope with the pain but it does wear you down. There are days when I get quite angry."
Winifred Mitchell, 91, from Rotherham, said her life had been 'ruined' after she was left housebound and needed a calliper after a hip replacement operation four years ago.
David Swailes, 67, was left without a hip for three years and still has to sleep in a chair at night because he is unable to lay down due to extreme pain.
Mr Swailes, from Clifton, Rotherham, underwent surgery in 2006 but the replacement hip became loose and became septic so it was taken out. It took three years to be replaced by another consultant, leaving the pensioner with significant scarring and damage.
He said: 'We heard he was a new kid on the block but when he had finished with me I needed a built-up shoe because one leg was three inches shorter.
'When I went back to the hospital another consultant said that it had not been done right. I had to have special injections and I haven't slept in a bed for five years. I have to sleep in a chair because I can't stand the pain if I am lying down.'
Around the same period as the botched and allegedly botched surgery in 2006, the hospital's operating theatres were filmed as part of a BBC documentary series in which businessman Gerry Robinson spent six months investigating the working of the NHS, and found serious tensions between doctors and managers.
Mr Bhamra, who was educated at Sheffield University, was scathing about the credentials of those attempting to manage the service, saying: "They've probably got three O-levels and they are managing people who have five or six degrees."
Tim Annett, from lawyers Irwin Mitchell said: "We expected a few inquiries after the previous settlements but we were surprised to say the least so many people came forward with concerns about surgery carried out by Mr Bhamra. We are in the process of looking at the details those people have provided us to see whether or not they will be pursued and investigated."
Mr Annett said the firm had contacted the GMC about its concerns but had not received a response. The GMC refused to disclose if he was the subject of any disciplinary action after it was twice asked to investigate the surgeon.
A spokesman for Rotherham Hospital said the trust had "a robust procedure in place in which to fully investigate any complaints that are received".
"If any patient has a concern following treatment we would advise them to contact their GP in the first instance for clinical advice as they are best placed to make sure they have access to the appropriate treatment and care," the spokesman said.
Tim Hendra, Medical Director at Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs Pinderfield hospital said that delivering safe high quality care was the hospital's top priority, and that all medical staff were subject to a robust recruitment process and routine monitoring.
He said: "As with any health care professional working at our Trust, we would take appropriate action if any concerns were raised."
The Medical Defence Union, which represents Mr Bhamra, said it was unable to comment due to patient confidentiality.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tens of Thousands Gather at Kosel for Final Slichos 5772

Husband beats up his wife because she didn't press the "like" button on facebook!

 Texas man is facing battery charges after police say he hit his estranged New Mexico wife and pulled her hair over her lack of a response to his Facebook status update.
The Carlsbad Current-Argus reports ( http://bit.ly/qrlsyW ) that 36-year-old Benito Apolinar of PecosTexas, was arrested Monday following a fight at the Carlsbad, N.M., home of Dolores Apolinar.
According to the criminal complaint, Benito Apolinar posted a comment on his Facebook page about the anniversary of his mother's death, but Dolores Apolinar didn't click the "like" status button.
The complaint says Benito Apolinar told his wife that he was unhappy that she didn't respond as others did. Police say that's when a fight began.
Benito Apolinar pleaded not guilty to one charge of battery.
It was unclear if he had hired an attorney.

Kaporis .... Which one is the chicken?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kol Nidrei from the Deepest of the Deep

1,000 Year Old Chumashim Rescued From Syria

Holy books dating back 1,000 years, meticulously guarded by Jewish community, travel from Damascus to Israel in continent-wide, James Bond-style operation.

It was a James Bond-style, continent-wide operation with many participants. It began in Syria, continued in the United States and ended in Israel. And yet, not a single word has been published about it – until now.

Yedioth Ahronoth has revealed the amazing rescue of some of the world's most ancient Bibles from Damascus.
The 11 holy books, some dating back 1,000 years, were written by copyist of the Scriptures around the world and arrived in the Syrian capital in different periods. The Jewish community took pride in them and guarded them meticulously, helping them survive the political upheavals that took place in the city over the years.

The Damascus books are considered the world's most ancient Bibles after the Aleppo Codex, which compared to them is torn and shabby.

The Rabin government decided to bring the books to Israel in 1995. The defense establishment, governmental organizations and immigrants from Syria took part in the secret operation.

"It was one of the most important operations we participated in," says Eliyahu Hasson, chairman of the community of Damascus Jews in Israel, who served as director-general of the Transportation Ministry at the time.

Judy Feld Carr, a Canadian pensioner who turned helping Syria's Jewry into her life's work, lauds the operation as well. "Out of all the things I have done in my life, this operation was the most brilliant," she declares.

Mystery remains

On their way from Israel to Syria, the ancient Bibles made a stop in New York. They arrived at a safe haven thee, inside a grey container, without anyone guessing its priceless content.

The mystery surrounding the books' journey from Damascus has not been fully cleared, and some parts of the story cannot be published.

"I'm sorry, I can’t tell you exactly how I got it out of there," says Feld Carr about the book she personally helped bring to Israel. "When I had a famous rabbi look at it, a Tunisian Jew, he burst into tears and said, 'Get this book out of my house. I feel like I have just seen God.'"

The people involved in the operation say that its execution was very costly. "It cost a lot of money, a lot," says Hasson. "Whoever did it acted wisely and knocked on the right doors. One weak link would have been enough to break the entire chain."
Hasson explains that in light of the sensitivity of the operation, it was supervised by high-ranking officials. "I have no doubt that Yitzhak Rabin was in on the secret," he says. "Unfortunately, the prime minister was murdered before they arrived in Israel and did not get to see the mission accomplished."

Since being brought to Israel, the books are being kept at the National Library in the Givat Ram campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. They will be presented to the wide public on Wednesday evening in a festive event attended by guests from Israel and abroad.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Is the fact that Obama ordered a US citizen murdered good for America?

It appeared to be the first time in the United States-led war on terrorism since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks that an American citizen had been deliberately targeted and killed by American forces. It was also the second high-profile killing of an Al Qaeda leader in the past five months under the Obama administration, which ordered the American commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan last May. 

What's most striking about this is not that the U.S. Government has seized and exercised exactly the power the Fifth Amendment was designed to bar ("No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law"), and did so in a way that almost certainly violates core First Amendment protections (questions that will now never be decided in a court of law). What's most amazing is that its citizens will not merely refrain from objecting, but will stand and cheer the U.S. Government's new power to assassinate their fellow citizens, far from any battlefield, literally without a shred of due process from the U.S. Government. 

Many will celebrate the strong, decisive, Tough President's ability to eradicate the life of Anwar al-Awlaki -- including many who just so righteously condemned those Republican audience members as so terribly barbaric and crass for cheering Governor Perry's execution of scores of serial murderers and rapists -- criminals who were at least given a trial and appeals and the other trappings of due process before being killed.

I am not among them. I think this sets forth a dangerous precedent, and I think it's wrong . Jews especially should condemn this action, even though this time it was a bono-fide terrorist, but who knows what Obama could do if he dislikes a citizen that opposes him, and decides he wants him eliminated! I know it sounds crazy, but so are people in the present Administration. Please note that this was done without any authorization from any US Court of Law.Obama claims that he had authorization from the Justice Department, but so far there isn't any shred of evidence that he actually had.

Rosanne Barr Solution for Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth :"Behead Them!"

Actress, comedienne and now author Roseanne Barr shares her solution for dealing with the rich and how the banks could repay the money the U.S. government bailed them out with in 2008.

"Part of my platform is, of course, the guilty must be punished and that we no longer let our children see their guilty leaders getting away with murder. Because it teaches children, you know, that they don't have to have any morals as long as they have guns and are bullies and I don't think that's a good message," Barr told Russia Today (RT).

"I do say that I am in favor of the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty.

"I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay, you know, the ability to pay back anything over $100 million [of] personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn't help, then being beheaded," Barr said with a straight face.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Jewish Hiker Dies A Hero on Rosh Hashana

A young Westchester man who headed his college outdoors club plummeted to his death trying to help a fellow student cross a slippery gorge on a hike in the Adirondacks.
At first, “six out of the eight [students], including Matt, had made it across OK,” said Cynthia Potel, the mother of Binghamton University student Matthew Potel, 22, of Croton-on-Hudson, who died Friday.
“Then two [female] students were left and had trouble. So Matt, practicing his [planned] profession of being an outdoor educator, to lead and protect, went back to help.
“He was able to get one across,” she told The Post.

“But as he was reaching for the last person, he turned, lost his footing, slipped and went head-first 25 feet down a ravine.
“He really died a hero,” said Cynthia, 57.
None of the other students was injured.
The students had been on a school-sponsored day trip that began Friday morning on Mount Colden near Lake Placid, authorities said.
Matt had hoped to be home celebrating Rosh Hashanah, his mom said, “but they needed him to lead this trip.
“He planned the whole thing. He had all the maps. He did everything right,” Cynthia Potel said.
“But there was an unusual amount of wetness, rivulets, because of Hurricane Irene ... He didn’t anticipate that.
“The trail actually had been closed up to a week before the hike. Then they opened it again, unfortunately -- because it was much more treacherous than usual.”
Cynthia Potel said that after her son fell, two students had to hike to the top of the mountain to get phone service to call for help.
Responding state troopers “could not use a helicopter to get him. It was too difficult, so they rappelled down the cliff,” she said.
They wound up having to “put his body in a boat and floated him through the Marcy Dam and were finally able to get him out, thank God,” the mom said.
She said her son, co-president of the Binghamton University Outdoors Club, had been set to graduate in December with a degree in environmental studies.
“He was just a minimalist, a nature lover ... who had a car but refused to use it,” instead biking around town and wearing only used clothing in an effort to conserve, Cynthia Potel said.
“We said to ourselves, ‘They never should have opened the trail,’ ” she recalled. “But I know Matt would have said, ‘You don’t interfere with nature. You just leave nature the way it is and deal with it.’ ”

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/hiker_dies_hero_Zh2g3YSkvRBhI7umA2gwuO#ixzz1Zl0Pp92F

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Israeli Police identify body of Israeli who drowned in Uman

 The Israeli man who drowned in Uman on Rosh Hashana is Eli Eliah, a 19-year-old yeshiva student from Netanya, authorities announced on Sunday.

Eliah drowned last Thursday while taking part in a tashlich ceremony in the river that runs through the town where Rabbi Nachman of Breslov is buried.
"He was in the water with his brother when he disappeared," said Moti Bokjin, a spokesperson for the emergency group Zaka. "Our volunteers ran there and searched for him for 45 minutes. Finally, an ex Israeli navy seal found him at a depth of ten meters but it was too late. Resuscitation efforts failed and we had to declare his death."
The body was held in a refrigerating van over Shabat until it could be taken to Kiev en route to Israel.

About 32,000 worshipers arrived in the Ukrainian town to spend the Jewish new year by the grave site of the famous sage, an all-time record.

Bokjin said no violent incidents took place unlike the previous year when several riots broke occurred and one Israeli was stabbed to death.

Four Lakewood Boys Thrown Out of Yeshivah because they attended Yehuda Green Selichos

Reports are still very sketchy but DIN has learned that four Yeshivah Boys were expelled from a Lakewood Yeshiva, not for G-D forbid going to Movies or even worse, talking to girls, but for wanting to have an inspirational Selichos. The Lakewood style Selichos is not for everybody, not everyone wants to participate in a "Kalteh Litvak Selichos," some actually want to hear tefilois that warm the heart. Four boys wanting to get closer spiritually to their Creator, opted out and went to NYC to hear Yehuda Green's Selichos..  they were rewarded with being unceremoniously thrown out the door.
Listen and see below Yehuda Green Selichos.